
Offene Bürgersprechstunde des Petitionsausschusses in Norderstedt


Anette Röttger: Den Reformationstag als Mutmacher-Tag feiern


Schleswig-Holsteinischer Landtag stärkt die nordische Zusammenarbeit - Jahrestreffen des Nordischen Rates auf Island


SPD-Fraktion: Serpil Midyatli mit großer Mehrheit als Oppositionsführerin wiedergewählt


Heiner Garg: Grenzkontrollen müssen evaluiert werden und dürfen keine pauschale Verlängerung finden


Niclas Dürbrook: Die unbefristeten Bus-Streiks sind in der Verantwortung der Landesregierung


Sozialsprechstunde: Bürgerbeauftragte berät in Heide


Rixa Kleinschmit: Fokus auf Küstenschutz und Häfen beim Landeswassergesetz


Silke Backsen zur Novelle des Landeswassergesetzes


Annabell Krämer: Die schwarz-grüne Finanzlogik der Schuldenmacherei ist gescheitert


Landesbeauftragter für politische Bildung, Aktion Kinder- und Jugendschutz SH und Offene Kirche Sankt Nikolai holen Anne-Frank-Ausstellung 2025 nach Kiel und erinnern mahnend an Novemberpogrome


Cornelia Schmachtenberg: Kindesmissbrauch durch entschiedenes Handeln bekämpfen!


Sophia Schiebe: Das Kita-Sparpaket der Günther-Regierung haben unsere Kinder nicht verdient


Kitagesetz: Unzufriedenheit zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch den Reformprozess


Heiner Garg: Schallende Ohrfeige für die Kita-Reformpläne von Schwarz-Grün


Landesbeauftragter für politische Bildung: Alle Stolpersteine in Schleswig-Holstein jetzt in der App "Stolpersteine Digital" verfügbar


Schleswig-Holsteinischer Bürgerpreis 2024: Neun Projekte in den Kategorien "Alltagshelden" und "U27" nominiert!


Serpil Midyatli: SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende lehnen Gerichtsstrukturreform ab


Birte Glißmann: Großer Dank an die Ermittlungsbehörden!


Christopher Vogt: Landesregierung muss dringend wirtschaftspolitische Impulse setzen


Serpil Midyatli und Kianusch Stender: Schwarz-Grün muss ihre Hausaufgaben erledigen


Menschenrechte sind unteilbar. Requiem zum Gedenken der Toten an den Grenzen Europas am 20. November, 18 Uhr in Lübeck


Niclas Dürbrook: Der Islamismus bleibt eine der größten Bedrohungen für unsere Sicherheit


Einladung an die Medien: Zentrale Gedenkstunde des Landes Schleswig-Holstein zum Volkstrauertag 2024 im Landtag


Landtagspräsidentin Kristina Herbst liest am diesjährigen Bundesweiten Vorlesetag in der Grundschule Dänischenhagen vor


Bernd Buchholz: Landesregierung ist auf Bedrohungslagen gegen die Cybersicherheit kritischer Infrastrukturen nicht vorbereitet


Serpil Midyatli: Die Günther-Regierung trägt bei der A20 eine besondere Verantwortung


Kianusch Stender: Zu wenig Personal für Cybersicherheit


Sybilla Nitsch: Bei der Cybersicherheit aufrüsten, bevor es zu spät ist


Reihenfolge der Beratung der 27. Tagung


Christopher Vogt: Für den A20-Weiterbau braucht es mehr als schwarz-grüne Formelkompromisse


North side of Crystal Pier is my latest habit. I’ve gotten applause for a ride once. Been hooked on my flippers by a fisherman twice. Been told I was thought to be a seal once. That’s so far this year. Different years, different adventures.

from Instagram via IFTTT


New Caroline Says: Faded and Golden

Video: Caroline Says – “Faded and Golden”

From The Lucky One, out October 11 on Western Vinyl.

Caroline Says is Caroline Sallee and she’s moved around a lot. She was raised in Alabama. She moved to Austin. Then back to Alabama. And now she’s based in Brooklyn. That much moving, more than anything, reveals that you can’t go home again.

The house where you don’t live no more
When I drive by I still call it yours.

Nothing’s ever the same as how you left it.

When I said goodbye and said I’d see you soon
And how I keep you in my head just dies when I see you.

Sallee says, “Relationships are, first and foremost, ideas. That’s what allows relationships to persist even when we’re apart. We may yearn for an old friend or lover, especially one from our teenage years and our hometown. But there is a bittersweetness to any reunion. They may shatter the memory we’ve made of them.”

Shatter? Come on. What kind of fragile-ass memories do you have? People change.

Read more at Glorious Noise...


Codex decides to adopt ractopamine standard against consumer objections

Ractopamine is a drug given to pigs and cows in the last months of their lives to "make the meat more lean". Taiwan has been blocking imports of meat from the US over concerns that the drug's residues that stay in the meat are less than healthy. At a recent Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting, the meat producing and exporting countries, and those heavily lobbied and pressured by US diplomats prevailed in a close vote to make the agency adopt a standard for residues of ractopamine in meat. That means that the countries that resist meat from doped animals will have a harder time to justify why they don't want to subject their citizens to yet another experiment for the sake of the economy of large-scale animal-to-meat operations. Scott Tips of the National Health Federation has represented the consumer side at Codex and he reports on the meeting: After taking a vote by secret ballot this late morning, the Chairman of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Mr. Sanjay Dave, announced the results of the voting on whether or not Ractopamine (a steroid-like vet drug, the residues of which remain in the slaughtered animal to then be consumed by meat-eaters) standards were adopted. Out of 143 ballots cast, the vote was 69 for Ractopamine, 67 against Ractopamine, with 7 abstaining. If only one vote had shifted from the “for” camp to the “against” camp, then the result would have been completely different and the Ractopamine standard would not have been adopted. This voting was forced upon the Commission by the insistence of the United States, Costa Rica, and Brazil that the long stalemate over the adoption of a standard for Ractopamine MRLs (Maximum Residue Levels) could not be resolved through the Codex-preferred process of “consensus” but would, after all, have to be voted upon......


Retroviral particles in human immune defenses - is AIDS orthodoxy dead wrong?

We have previously published articles by the Australian AIDS-and-biology researcher Cal Crilly, and here is yet another installment. Cal is someone who digs into scientific studies. He does biological detective work and finds gems that hide in plain view, things we don't normally understand and that even the experts do not see as they are not trained to put discordant facts together and question basic assumptions. What this new article tells us is that retroviruses - the same kind that are thought to cause immune deficiency or AIDS - are useful and necessary for our immune system to function correctly. That of course tends to leave the hypothesis of a viral causation of AIDS in grave trouble. I say 'hypothesis' because no one has proven, or even come close to a coherent explanation for, the mechanism of AIDS causation by HIV. How does a retrovirus that is by nature a benign particle, cause devastation of the immune system? Here we have several scientific studies published in the world's finest journals, which attest to the fact that retroviruses are part and parcel of the human organism, that they are needed to provide certain defensive capabilities against invaders, and that they are not pathogenic. So we might ask ourselves why HIV tests (thought to indicate the presence of a retrovirus) are still performed, and why doctors are still recommending the use of toxic anti-retroviral drugs to kill what, rather than a foreign invader, appears to be part of normal human metabolic processes. Cal Crilly lays it out for you, citing and linking the sources......


European Food Safety Authority cherry picks evidence - finds Aspartame completely safe

After conducting "one of the most comprehensive risk assessments of aspartame ever undertaken", the European Food Safety Authority has released its verdict on 10 December 2013. The agency came to the conclusion that aspartame and its breakdown products are "safe for human consumption at current levels of exposure". The EFSA press release says that this was an important step forward in "strengthening consumer confidence in the scientific underpinning of the EU food safety system and the regulation of food additives". So the message seems to be that we should all just move on to other things. Leave aspartame alone and better yet - drink some of that "diet" Coke. But should we really? Could perhaps the power of money and influence behind big food have had a determining effect on that decision? We cannot be certain what exactly caused the EU regulator to give aspartame a clean bill of health rather than to acknowledge the sweetener's widely known dangers. Fact is - they disregarded every single study that showed aspartame to have adverse effects. Prof. Erik Millstone of the University of Sussex Science and Technology Policy Research Unit believes that EFSA has arrived at its conclusion by opportunistic interpretation of the studies that were reviewed. Most of the industry funded studies were given straight A's, while independent studies were - without exception - given an 'F' rating. Millstone says that "The EFSA Panel opportunistically accepted at face value almost all of the studies suggesting that aspartame is harmless, while entirely discounting every single study indicating that aspartame may be harmful, even though the quality, power and sensitivity of many of the studies that were discounted were markedly superior to those of the contrary studies deemed reliable."...


Einstein and Gödel, at the Königsberg café

About a month ago I wrote this entry which was, I think, somewhat misunderstood, at least by the one confirmed reader of it. In it I tried to argue that there are some fundamental problems involved in conceptualizing time which, in my mind, appear intractable, and hence its existence as a concept contradictory, impossible. To which it was replied that of course time has an existence, as a social convention, a mental framework. Of that I have no doubt-it would be impossible for me to refute even if I wanted to. My point was about metaphysics, not sociology, and in that regard I don’t think it was that much different from that expressed by St. Augustine regarding time: “if no one asks me what it is I know what it is, but if someone asks me I don’t know.” Or, even more notably, Kant, who regarded time, in addition to space, not as an entity, process, or property of the physical world, but as a filter of percpetion, the mental framework which orders our experience of the world.

Which brings me back to science. I just finished reading The Evolution of Physics, by Einstein and Leopold Infeld. Of course Einstein is justly famed for, among many other things, pioneering the idea of space-time. However, I was quite intrigued to discover, while perusing the science section at the National Library in Paris, that Gödel claimed that his late work on relativity and physics, upon which I touched in my earlier post, was inspired by an intense study of Kant. Now, assuming such a dour man as Gödel was not simply being facetious, the implications of this are immediate. In the (apparent) somewhat paradoxical act of tearing down the structure of Einstein’s work while bringing some of its deepest tendencies to fruition, he was working under the influence of a theory which denies the type of external, property-based existence which Einstein implicitly ascribes to time (and space)! As I understand special relativity (always a dubious premise, I grant you), it holds that space and time, as properties of the universe, are perceived differently at every point of view, or coordinate system, as he calls them. But for me it seems a question of the simplest explanation: if everyone is in a relative frame of reference with respect to space and time, is it simpler and more likely that time and space are real properties which are different at every point in the universe, or simply that they are perceived differently by each observer? It seems to me that if one takes Kant’s idea of space and time as elements perception and not of external reality, none of these problems come up, although there may of course be others. Again, it’s hard for me to say what Gödel’s interpretation of all of this is, since no one seems to have engaged and propogated his work on this subject much, but if he was following in the line of Kant’s thinking as well as the tradition of relativity, it would be interesting to see the resuscitation, by “a commodius vicus of recirculation,” of a very powerful and cogent point of view which has nonetheless been largely dismissed by scientists as non-pertinently metaphysical. Perhaps interesting also to note that, in dealing with Kant last year, I protested against his classification of space as a perceptual framework, and even managed to convince my philosophy professor that it is rather the fundamental visual property, before reversing myself and concluding that light is actually the fundamental visible property. Light is also in some ways the fundamental property in Einstein’s system, or at least the one constant in all of the warping of space-time, which somehow doesn’t seem so surprising now…

p.s. For all of those intersted in Spanish literature (which at this point probably composes nearly 100% of our readership), I also came across this article with the following sub-headline: “It is the 400th anniversary of Don Quixote, a more important work than all of Einstein’s theories.” To the extent that the article follows up on this point, I think the claim about the inevitability of scientific discovery is at the very least highly disputable (and even if Cervantes’ work is more inimitable, that does not in itself mean that it is more “important”), but nonetheless a provocative idea, and gratifying to my humanities-leaning heart.


Comments dead

I just got an email from my hosting company…apparently the old Movable Type comment script is causing some sort of server malfunction, so they’ve disabled all comments on this site.

Since I refuse to pay for the new version of MT, I may end up doing what I’ve been thinking about for a while: namely, switching to WordPress or some other alternative. Which seems to be the thing to do these days, anyway. Fortunately, spring break is coming up next week, so I may actually have some free time to wrestle with it.

In the meantime, feel free to email any comments you may have.


Der alltägliche Terror an unseren Flughäfen

Wo Vorschriften als ebenso belastend wie sinnlos empfunden werden, neigen manche Normadressaten zu wenig kooperativem Verhalten, wie heute im


Beamten-Dreikampf für Fortgeschrittene: Beschließen, Ausfertigen, Verkünden

Lochen, Heften und Ablegen sind selbst für einen kleinen Beamten keine ernsthafte Herausforderung. Einen wahren Extremsport scheint hingegen das korrekte Inkraftsetzen eines Bebauungsplans darzustellen, zumindest in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Jedenfalls finde ich in der


Führerscheintourismus einmal anders

Die Polizei in Irland ist einem geheimnisvollen polnischen Verkehrsrowdy auf die Spur gekommen, der landauf, landab die Straßen unsicher zu machen schien - denn gegen den seltsamen Herr Pravo Jazdy liefen Dutzende von Verfahren wegen Schnellfahrens und Parkverstößen. Und irgendwie schaffte es Pravo Jazdy immer, sich der Justiz zu entziehen, indem er eine falsche Adresse angab. Nun hat die Polizei dar Rätsel allerdings gelöst, wenn auch mit dem Ergebnis, dass sie die Bußgelder wohl in den Kamin schreiben kann. Zur Auflösung hier nur so viel: Es wäre nicht weiter verwunderlich, wenn auch ein französischer Adliger namens Permis de Conduire auf der Fahndungsliste stünde.


Dreht euch nicht um - der Strafrechtsklau geht um

Und der Zivilrechtsklau geht auch um, und zwar bei ebay:


Ist die "Schilderwald"-Novelle der StVO nichtig?

In einer


Nicht jedes Wohnhaus ist so privat wie es erscheint

Auch im Regierungsbezirk Detmold ist der Kalte Krieg vorbei, so dass die Bezirksregierung die früher mit öffentlichen Zuschüssen geförderten Schutzräume in Privathäusern nicht mehr für notwendig hält. Das (teilweise) Verbot, solche Räume baulich zu verändern, hat sie daher neulich durch eine



Wenn jemand nicht aus, sondern gerade nach Afghanistan flieht, muss es ihm schon äußerst schlecht gehen. Verteidigungsminister zu Guttenberg hat also offenbar gerade ein Problem im heimischen politisch-akademischen Zweifrontenkrieg.


Win10 BrightnessSlider 1.8.11 (Freeware)

Win10 BrightnessSlider adds a Monitor Brightness icon to on Taskbar Tray that lets you adjust the brightness of your monitor(s) with a simple slider. If you use multiple monito....


XMedia Recode (Freeware)

XMedia Recode is an audio and video conversion tool that supports nearly all common formats, including 3GP, 3GPP, 3GPP2, AAC, AC3, ADTS, AMR, ASF, AVI, AVISynth, DVD, FLAC, FLV,H.261, H.263, H.264, M....


JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler 22.0.0 (Freeware)

JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler enables you to decompile and edit the content of SWF Flash files, including .swf, .gfx and .swc. You can view and extract resources (shapes, sprites, fonts, buttons...), c....


USB Device Tree Viewer 4.4.3 (Freeware)

USB Device Tree Viewer provides detailed information for all USB ports and hubs on a computer in a tree view format. If a device is connected to a port, it also provides detailed information for the ....


Free Music and Video Downloader 2.99 (Freeware)

Free Music Video Downloader (Lacey) enables you to download your favorite music as MP3 files from various online sources, including Last.FM, Grooveshark, Sogou, VKontakte, SoundCloud, and many ....