tia Reducing fishing in marginal areas could substantially reduce the footprint and impact of seabed fishing By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 08:55:05 GMT Seabed fishing grounds in the UK are made up of intensively fished core areas surrounded by more rarely used marginal areas, new research shows. Excluding these margins, which contain only 10% of the total fishing activity, approximately halves the total area of fishing grounds. Thus reducing the fishing footprint by closing the marginal areas will disproportionately reduce the seabed impact of fishing activity. Full Article
tia Junior Miner Has Potential for 'Discovery Hole' on Mexican Prospect By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 09 Apr 2020 00:00:00 PST Ron Struthers of Struthers' Research Report takes a look at the investment thesis for Ridgestone Mining. Full Article
tia New Explorer Digs Into Nevada-Based Project with 'High-Grade Potential' By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:00:00 PST Ron Struthers of Struthers' Resource Stock Report details the value proposition of Bam Bam Resources and its flagship prospect. Full Article
tia Potential NFL stadium moves closer to going on Inglewood ballot this summer By feeds.scpr.org Published On :: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 19:01:34 -0800 A rendering of he new stadium and complex to be built near the Forum in Inglewood was released by the Hollywood Park Land Company, Kroenke Group and Stockbridge Capital Group earlier this month.; Credit: Courtesy Hollywood Park Land Company Ben BergmanA measure that would allow an 80,000-seat NFL-caliber stadium to be built in Inglewood could be on that city’s ballot by this summer after developers submitted almost three times as many signatures than needed for a voter initiative. “22,216 signatures were submitted to the city clerk today,” said Gerard McCallum, project manager with the Hollywood Park Land Company. “It was unbelievable. The response was more than we could have ever anticipated.” Normally, before construction can begin on any project there has to be an environmental review, but that can take a long time and time is something in short supply for St. Louis Rams Owner Stan Kroenke and his plan to move the team to L.A. “We would be going through another three year project process, and the current construction wouldn’t allow that,” said McCallum, referring to the redevelopment of 238 acres of the old Hollywood Park site that was permitted in 2009. “If we were going to make any modifications, it would have to be approved this year,” said McCallum. To speed things up, developers decided to bring the stadium project directly to Inglewood voters, which required 8,000 signatures. Once the signatures are verified, Inglewood’s City Council will consider the measure, then developers hope a special election would take place before the start of the next NFL season. McCallum says construction would begin whether the Rams or any other team decides to move here, though on Monday Kroenke made another move suggesting a return of the NFL to Los Angeles could be closer than it has been at any point during the last two decades, though not until after the 2015 season. From The St Louis Post-Dispatch: Rams management sent a letter to regional officials on Monday afternoon. The letter said the team was converting its 30-year lease to an “annual tenancy,” effective April 1 and, “in the absence of intervening events,” extending through March 31, 2016. The notice, which has long been expected, does two things: It allows owner Stan Kroenke to pull the team out of St. Louis as soon as 2016, because the Rams lease will now expire at the end of every season. The original lease was to expire in 2025. It also legally binds the Rams to play at the Edward Jones Dome next fall — a point on which many here were uncertain. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
tia Niyo Bharat announces financial literacy initiative for Indians By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 13:08:00 +0200 India-based Niyo Bharat, a neobank offering digital... Full Article
tia Managing flood risk: more realistic models need to take account of spatial differences By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thur, 19 April 2018 9:23:19 GMT Effective flood-risk management requires accurate risk-analysis models. Conventional analysis approaches, however, are based on the evaluation of spatially homogenous scenarios, which do not account for variation in flooding across a river reach/ region. Since flood events are often spatially heterogeneous (i.e. unevenly distributed), this paves the way for error. Now, scientists have developed a novel framework for risk analysis that accounts for their heterogeneity, and successfully demonstrated the accuracy of the approach by applying it in a proof-of-concept exercise in Vorarlberg, Austria. By facilitating improved prediction and quantification of flood events, this model is likely to inform future flood-risk management and related decision-making. Full Article
tia Fungi show strong potential to control crane fly pests By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 11:57:10 +0100 Crane fly larvae cause considerable damage to agricultural crops and young trees throughout Europe. New research has demonstrated that certain strains of fungi have significant potential to control crane fly infestations, thus reducing the use of chemical insecticides and enabling more environmentally-friendly strategies for pest control. Full Article
tia Northern peat soils: potential as a carbon sink By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:10:58 GMT Upland peat soils provide a substantial carbon sink if managed properly, according to new research. A study of a peatland area in the UK indicated that it could potentially store approximately 160,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Full Article
tia Global biomass potential under sustainable constraints By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Wed, 26 May 2010 16:17:32 +0100 Biomass is increasingly used to make biofuels and generate electricity and is seen as a valuable source of renewable energy. A recent study has assessed the key factors relating to the sustainability of bioenergy production and suggests global biomass could potentially meet up to one third of the projected global energy demand in 2050. Full Article
tia Partially converting fuels into 'syngas' increases energy efficiency By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 15:58:49 GMT Recent research from China suggests that partially converting both natural gas and coal into 'syngas' fuel for power generation can generate around 6 per cent more electricity than competing 'conventional' gasification methods. The savings arise from more efficient use of the chemical energy in gas and coal which is lost in a conventional burner. Full Article
tia Shale gas: report highlights potential environmental risks By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 12:44:31 GMT The risk of contamination of ground and surface waters and leakage of methane emissions remain key concerns associated with shale gas projects, according to a recent assessment. This is particularly the case if monitoring and regulatory systems are not rigorously enforced. In addition, investment in shale gas could divert resources needed to develop a low-carbon economy, suggest the report’s authors. Full Article
tia Concentrating Solar Power’s potential for Europe By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 11:58:25 +0100 A recent study has highlighted the potential of one form of solar power, Concentrating Solar Power (CSP), to make a significant contribution to meeting future electricity demands from renewable sources in Europe. Full Article
tia Policy timing is the most influential aspect in reaching climate change target By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 12:59:08 GMT The social, political, technological and geophysical factors that affect the control of climate change have been assessed in a recent study. The results suggest that political factors, in terms of delaying the implementation of mitigation strategies, have the biggest effect on limiting global warming to below 2C. Full Article
tia Potential of zero energy buildings for district heating systems assessed By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 11:02:33 +0100 Denmark aims to develop an energy system based only on renewable energy sources by 2050. Energy saving buildings are an essential part of this plan, according to new research, which investigates how excess heat production from net zero energy buildings (NZEBs) can benefit district heating systems and reduce reliance on combustible fuels. Full Article
tia Concrete and asphalt's green credentials could be improved through changes to production By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Concrete and asphalt's environmental impact could be reduced by over a third through changes to manufacturing processes and the use of alternative raw materials, according to research. A scenario study based on life cycle analysis has indicated that using alternative types of cement in concrete and producing asphalt at lower temperatures could substantially improve the green credentials of these two common building materials. Full Article
tia Potential for more efficient energy, land and phosphorus use by 2050 By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 09:12:34 GMT There is a large potential to improve the global efficiency of energy, land and phosphorus use, finds new research which modelled the effects of four worldwide scenarios between 2010 and 2050. An ‘ambitious resource strategy’ could moderate the increases in energy use (+25% globally instead of +80% in the baseline scenario), phosphorus use (+9% instead of +40%) and arable land (-9% globally, instead of + 4%). Full Article
tia Increasing ocean acidification affects larval barramundi’s response to underwater sound cues so they are potentially attracted to the wrong type of habitat By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thur, 22 Nov 2018 11:23:19 GMT Since the industrial revolution, the ocean has absorbed increased levels of carbon dioxide, leading to the ocean’s pH becoming more acidic. Effects of these pH changes on marine and estuarine biota is the focus of much research effort worldwide and the authors of this study focus on the larval habitat-choice process of a commercially important tropical marine fish species, Lates calcarifer, barramundi. Full Article
tia Identifying the potential for reducing food waste By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 13:48:32 GMT New research has identified major drivers of food waste around the world. For example, in developing countries a lack of refrigeration technology is a major driver of food waste, and in the developed world low prices and increased choice encourage wasteful behaviour from consumers. Experts predict that drivers such as these will continue to increase food waste. Full Article
tia Good potential for the sustainable re-use of demolition waste By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Tue, 14 May 2013 09:21:08 +0100 Europe produces around 450 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste every year, representing a quarter of all waste materials. A recent study of construction and demolition waste suggests that, with the right policies in place, there are good opportunities to ensure sustainable practices through re-use and recycling. Full Article
tia Recycling construction and demolition waste has substantial environmental benefits By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 23 May 2013 11:53:53 +0100 The environmental benefits of recycling construction and demolition waste (CDW) are considerable, even after accounting for the impacts of the recycling process itself, research confirms. By assessing CO2 and energy use at a large-scale recycling plant in Portugal reseachers have shown that, over its 60-year lifespan, the CO2 emissions prevented will be ten times as much as those produced, and eight times as much energy will be saved, than is used. Full Article
tia The potential to prevent 280,000 tonnes of food waste in Sweden By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 11:55:20 +0100 Over a third of all food waste in Sweden is avoidable, according to new research. If such waste minimisation were achieved, there would be less potential for biogas production, but the researchers suggest that this does not represent a compromise because it is currently performed on only a very small amount of waste food. Full Article
tia New system to convert food waste into fertiliser for greenhouse use gives potential 95% reduction in CO2 emissions By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thur, 15 Dec 2016 9:23:19 GMT A new method of processing food waste into fertiliser has been outlined in a recent study. The process uses a digester system with microorganisms to break down organic waste into fertiliser. The resultant fertiliser was used in a low-energy greenhouse to produce a range of food crops. The method is a potential way to utilise food waste and reduce the energy consumption of food production as part of a circular economy. Full Article
tia Waste potential: more of our refuse electronics, furniture and leisure goods could be re-used, suggests German study By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thur, 29 August 2019 11:23:19 GMT Between 13% and 16% of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE), furniture and leisure goods disposed of at household waste collection centres are in excellent working condition and could be easily be prepared for re-use, finds a new study from Bavaria, Germany. Improvements to waste collection, storage and treatment practices to prevent damage to disposed items could free up a further 13%-29% of these waste streams for re-use. Notably, weatherproof storage for WEEE at collection points could have prevented up to 86% of the damage endured by the studied items. Full Article
tia Towards a bioeconomy: quantifying the residual biomass potential in the EU-27 By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thur, 10 April 2019 11:23:19 GMT The EU-27 have committed to a strategic goal of developing an innovative economy based on biotechnology and renewable resources — a so-called ‘bioeconomy’. To achieve this, however, the EU must successfully mobilise resources such as residual biomass — or waste products from organic matter resources. A new study1 has quantified the potential of key residual biomass streams in the EU-27. The results show that residual biomass has a theoretical energy potential equivalent to the annual energy consumption of Italy and Belgium combined, with straw and forestry residues comprising the two most productive potential sources. The findings also reveal specific opportunities for regions including Paris (France) and Jaen (south-central Spain). Full Article
tia Graphene has potential for use in flexible batteries By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 26 May 2011 12:22:59 +0100 Researchers have shown that graphene paper can be used to construct flexible and rechargeable batteries, which may even perform better than non-flexible batteries. These might be used in a range of portable, bendable and rollable devices and could also help develop new energy generation technology, such as flexible solar cells. Full Article
tia Landfill: exploring aeration’s potential to clean up sites By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 12:36:11 +0100 Aeration technologies designed to help landfill waste break down faster need to be refined in order to reduce pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and the long-term costs associated with landfill. This is according to a recent review of landfill aeration, which outlines some of the different systems currently available and highlights the need for better monitoring and sharing of data. Full Article
tia Phytoremediation’s potential for decontaminating brownfields assessed By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Tue, 14 May 2013 09:16:58 +0100 Compared with traditional remediation techniques used to remediate brownfield sites, supporters of phytoremediation argue that it is cheaper and more environmentally-friendly. A new analysis has reviewed its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and suggests it is well suited to cleaning up sites with low to medium levels of contamination. Full Article
tia The potential of new building block-like nanomaterials: van der Waals heterostructures By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 9:23:19 GMT A new review examines the potential uses and scientific, technical and manufacturing problems facing ‘van der Waals heterostructures’ - an emerging science which uses building block-like nanomaterials. Van der Waals heterostructures are nanomaterials built by layering different materials, each one atom thick, on top of each other, to create materials with unique properties and uses. Full Article
tia Potential health risks from different forms of nanosized cellulose crystals By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 9:23:19 GMT A new study has found evidence for lung toxicity of different forms of ‘cellulose nanocrystals’ (CNCs) in mice. The study suggests that physical characteristics, such as length, of the CNC relates to the type of effect it has on the lung. These nanosized crystals, made from plant-derived materials, are increasingly being used in novel applications, such as cleaning up oil spills in water and flexible electronic displays, and consumer products, which raises concerns about their potential health impacts. Full Article
tia Anomalous grooves on Martian moon Phobos explained by impacts By esciencenews.com Published On :: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 10:05:11 +0000 Some of the mysterious grooves on the surface of Mars' moon Phobos are the result of debris ejected by impacts eventually falling back onto the surface to form linear chains of craters, according to a new study. read more Full Article Astronomy & Space
tia Raising the profile of soil’s essential contribution to society By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 15:57:44 +0100 Soils play a vital role in the Earth's life-support system, yet their importance and value to society is not always recognised. A recent study suggests that incorporating soils into a National Capital and Ecosystem Services framework will raise the profile of soils and enable soils to be more easily integrated into policy decisions. Full Article
tia Assessing the potential of ecosystem services with land use data By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 15:17:52 +0100 A new study has developed a system to assess the potential of ecosystems to supply ecosystem services in the EU-25 plus Switzerland and Norway. It is one of the first to use historical and projected data on land use change at a continental scale to estimate the provision of ecosystem services and to assess possible trade-offs between them. Full Article
tia Cycling infrastructure: financial returns can be over 20 times the initial investment By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Transport policies that produce physically segregated cycle lanes on main roads, combined with low-speed local streets, will boost numbers of cyclists and provide the best financial return on investment, new research suggests. Using Auckland, New Zealand as a case study the researchers showed that the economic benefits of this policy can outweigh the costs by more than 20 times. Full Article
tia Nordic countries demonstrate the potential of low-carbon energy policies By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thur, 10 August 2017 9:23:19 GMT How are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden moving towards renewable and lower-carbon energy use? A recent study suggests the key areas for progress, to ensure Nordic countries meet low carbon goals, include more renewable and decentralised electricity supply, the development of low-carbon transport systems, improved energy efficiency in building design and industrial use of carbon capture and storage. Full Article
tia Balancing bioenergy potential and carbon sink resources of forest By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 16:10:41 +0100 New research highlights that potential to use forest materials as bioenergy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fossil fuel use must be balanced against the role played by forest stocks as carbon storage facilities. Full Article
tia Potential new method to assess brownfield restoration By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 14:58:49 +0100 Researchers have developed a method to assess the sustainability of regeneration projects that could potentially be administered by a computer. The method tailors the universal goals of sustainability to specific local conditions. Full Article
tia Strong leadership essential to successful co-managed fisheries By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 10:24:45 +0100 Cooperative management can deliver successful and sustainable fisheries, according to a recent global study. The role of strong leadership was essential to this success. Other necessary conditions included the allocation of individual or community fishing quotas, strong community cohesion and having community-based protected areas. Full Article
tia Users value Marine Spatial Planning in pilot project By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 9:23:19 GMT A pilot Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) project in the UK has found MSP to be a useful approach in managing marine waters sustainably. Sharing the knowledge and experiences gained in developing the Shetland Islands’ Marine Spatial Plan (SMSP) can help other authorities in the process of developing similar plans, says the project team. Full Article
tia New framework to assess brownfield development potential By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 9 May 2013 15:56:17 +0100 Researchers have proposed a new framework to assess the potential for redeveloping large contaminated brownfield sites. The framework applies a range of spatial assessment methods to analyse remediation costs, economic value and the sustainability of different land-use types, and to recommend suitably mixed land-use options for redevelopment. Full Article
tia Bicycle commuting improved by town-wide cycling initiatives By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 9:23:19 GMT Investment in cycling initiatives, such as creating new cycle lanes or providing training, can increase the number of people who routinely cycle to work, a new large-scale study in the UK suggests. Town-wide cycling initiatives seemed to be particularly successful when they included workplace measures such as bike lockers, showers and cycle parking. Full Article
tia Water management and spatial planning's resilience to climate change: key proposals By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 15 May 2014 9:23:19 GMT Eight key features for increasing the climate change resilience of water management and spatial planning projects are presented by new Dutch research. These include: focusing on the long term, integrating the projects with other sustainability measures and encouraging stakeholder participation. Full Article
tia Non-essentials removed from e-commerce cart By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-20T15:21:37+05:30 Allowing supply of non-essential items through ecommerce would have defeated the purpose of lockdown, according to a joint secretary in the MHA Full Article
tia Covid-19 Impact: Top retailers urge government to open non-essential retail to reset the Indian economy By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-23T08:52:19+05:30 The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI), said only 8% of its members have funds to pay salary next month since 90% of all apparel retail is still at physical stores. Full Article
tia Business continuity essentials for a secure remote working future By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-01T09:02:20+05:30 Over the next few years business continuity solutions will continue to power the new redefined future of work itself. Full Article
tia Essential supplies severely impacted in hotspots By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-13T07:55:42+05:30 With authorities completely sealing the areas, FMCG companies said they are facing problem moving trucks through such localities to other places. Full Article
tia Covid lockdown: Handset companies seek essentials tag By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-24T08:27:16+05:30 “We request for your kind direction to the MHA on this very important recommendation from the industry which is duly considered and approved by the crisis management structure set up you – the Empowered Group of Technology and Data Management,” India Cellular and Electronics Association (ICEA) Chairman Pankaj Mohindroo wrote in the letter. Full Article
tia Mobile phone retailers' body AIMRA urges govt to not include devices in essential goods By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-24T14:10:56+05:30 “We did not request you to change the category of mobile phones to essential items. We again reiterate we are not asking to change the category of mobile phones,” Arvinder Khurana, National President All India Mobile Retailers Association said in a letter to Piyush Goyal. Full Article
tia Achieving essential IoT requirements By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-11-13T08:50:34+05:30 As navigating IoT implementation challenges requires careful planning and domain knowledge, there are a few things businesses can do to maximise the benefits of their IoT implementations. Full Article
tia Mapping Europe's potential to provide ecosystem goods and services By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Wed, 5 May 2010 14:49:43 +0100 New Europe-wide maps show the potential of landscapes to provide ecosystem goods and services over the next 20-30 years. Full Article
tia Reducing the potential 'ecological trap' of solar panels By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 15:53:20 GMT Solar panels are attractive to aquatic insects because they reflect light in a similar way to water, indicates recent research. This has ecological implications, especially if insects lay eggs on the panels. However, if panels are surrounded by white borders and divided by white grids, they are considerably less attractive to the insects. Full Article