
Nigeria: 45 Journalists Shortlisted for MFWA Fellowship

[Daily Trust] 45 journalists across four countries in West Africa have been shortlisted for the 2024 Digital Public Infrastructure Fellowship, organised by the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) and Co-Develop.


Africa: WHO Equips Journalists to Spotlight Critical Health Insights From 2023 Ghana's Steps Report

[WHO-AFRO] In public health, data serves as a critical foundation for understanding challenges and making informed decisions. Without clear, accurate information, it's difficult for individuals and communities to take meaningful action, and policymakers to devise and implement effective solutions. Recognizing this need, the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with Ghana's Ministry of Health, organized a media training ahead of the Ghana STEPS Survey 2023 report launch to ensure its findings are


South Sudan: Reporter's Diary - the Struggle for Survival for South Sudanese Returnees

[The New Humanitarian] Malakal, South Sudan -- 'There is no house, no food, and no place to sleep for the children.'


Diferencias entre señalética y carteles en español

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué se utilizan diferentes palabras para referirse a cosas parecidas?  Para comunicar correctamente hay que saber cuando utilizar los términos más apropiados en cada situación.

Lo que sucede con las palabras cartel o señalética es un buen ejemplo del caso que estamos tratando.

Carteles en español puede entenderse como un soporte publicitario (un cartel de publicidad), para presentar un espectáculo (un cartel de teatro) o promover a un político (un cartel de propaganda política).

Señalética en español, en cambio, engloba un sistema de comunicación visual con funciones claramente definidas que ayudan a las personas a realizar determinadas acciones o comportamientos en diferentes ambientes. 

Por ejemplo, en un centro comercial, la señalética ayuda a indicar las salidas, la colocación de los extintores, la ubicación de los baños o el camino a seguir para encontrar una tienda.

La señalética en español en realidad es básicamente muy parecida a la que se utiliza en otros países, ya que se han establecido iconos e imágenes que sean entendibles en España, en México o incluso en otros lugares con lenguajes diferentes.

La instalación de la señalética es fundamental para que cumpla su cometido, ya que debe colocarse en sitios en los que la gente puede verlos con facilidad y necesita tomar una decisión dando un vistazo rápido. 

Asimismo, es necesario que la señalética tenga otras características, como visibilidad en situaciones de poca luz, así como resistencia y durabilidad, ya que deben soportar algunas veces las inclemencias del tiempo como las que se viven en algunas ciudades de España, en donde se pasa del frío invierno con heladas, a un tórrido y seco verano.

Hay que tener en consideración que la señalética tiene como uno de sus objetivos principales el informar y alertar a las personas sobre situaciones que necesitan ser tenidas en cuenta por su seguridad y el de otras personas, tanto si son compañeros de trabajo que trabajan en una fábrica, como en espacios públicos que son visitadas por familias con niños.

Diseños específicos

Hay ocasiones en que se necesitan producir diseños específicos de señalética con el objetivo de mantener la identidad corporativa de una emprea o institución y entonces se debe buscar empresas que tenga una experiencia contrastada y que puedan hacerlos a buen precio con la mejor calidad.

Por lo general, la gente busca en internet carteles en español, aunque, como hemos visto, lo correcto es hacer la búsqueda señalética en español.

Entre las empresas que ofrecen este servicio profesional destaca Creative Safety Supply, que sigue las indicaciones de sus clientes y ofrece asesoría para dar con el producto idóneo, manteniendo la calidad a un precio competitivo.

  • Carteles en español
  • Creative Safety Supply
  • señalética en español


La importancia de un buen diseño personalizado para los stands de feria

En el vertiginoso mundo del marketing, donde la competencia es feroz y la atención del público es un bien preciado, la participación en ferias y eventos se ha convertido en una estrategia fundamental para destacar y conectar con clientes potenciales. Sin embargo, en este escenario saturado, la diferencia entre pasar desapercibido y dejar una impresión duradera radica en un elemento aparentemente simple pero crucial: el diseño personalizado de los stands de feria.

En mi experiencia, un stand en una feria solo tiene sentido si se van a hacer actividades en éstos. Se pueden organizar charlas, degustaciones o demostraciones que atraigan a los clientes, pero, en definitiva, un buen diseño ayuda a distinguirse en medio de la lucha por la atención de los visitantes.

La Identidad de Marca en Acción

Un diseño personalizado no se trata simplemente de colocar el logotipo y los colores corporativos en un roll up o en un stand retráctil. Va mucho más allá, abrazando la esencia de la marca y traduciéndola en colores, formas y mensajes visuales. Cada detalle, desde la disposición del espacio hasta la elección de los colores, debe reflejar la personalidad de la marca. Este enfoque cohesivo crea una experiencia inmersiva para los visitantes del stand, permitiéndoles no solo recordar la marca, sino también conectar emocionalmente con ella.

Sin duda, los mejores stands que he visto combinan de manera brillante un diseño que sigue la identidad de la marca, pero puede llevarla más allá de manera orgánica y natural o generando sensaciones de sorpresa ante una propuesta visual audaz.

Maximizando la Experiencia del Visitante

Un diseño personalizado no solo es estéticamente agradable, sino que también está estratégicamente pensado para maximizar la experiencia del visitante. La disposición del espacio, la interactividad, y la incorporación de elementos multimedia son aspectos que deben ser cuidadosamente considerados. Un stand bien diseñado no solo atrae miradas, sino que también invita a la participación, fomentando conversaciones significativas y creando memorias perdurables.

A veces, un vídeo atractivo que capte la atención del visitante desde lejos es suficiente.  Otras, se requiere de una labor proactiva por parte del personal de apoyo para atraer a la gente.  También hay que tener claro que habrá personas que huyan si perciben un stand demasiado intrusivo.

Diferenciación en un Mar de Competidores

En un evento donde numerosas empresas comparten el mismo espacio, la diferenciación es la clave del éxito. Un diseño personalizado permite destacar entre la multitud, creando un oasis visual que atrae naturalmente a los visitantes. La coherencia entre el diseño y el mensaje de la marca garantiza que la empresa no solo sea vista, sino también recordada.

Aunque la inversión en un diseño personalizado puede parecer un desembolso inicial relevante, lo que se obtiene a largo plazo es incuestionable. La impresión positiva generada en eventos de feria se traduce en un mayor recuerdo de la marca, lealtad del cliente y, en última instancia, un retorno de la inversión sustancial. Es una apuesta estratégica que merece la pena realizar.

En conclusión, en el competitivo mundo del marketing, donde la atención es un bien escaso, un diseño personalizado para los stands de feria no es un lujo, sino una necesidad. Es la herramienta que transforma un espacio físico en una narrativa visual, permitiendo que las marcas destaquen, conecten y dejen una impresión imborrable en la mente de su público objetivo. En última instancia, la inversión en un diseño personalizado no solo se traduce en éxito en eventos de feria, sino que también establece una base sólida para el crecimiento continuo de la marca en el panorama empresarial.


Lost and Found: 2 Million LaSalle Bank Customers – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

December 21, 2005 – Last week a computer tape containing the names, addresses, account information, payment histories and Social Security Number of 2 million people disappeared while in transit. The tape, which contained data on all of LaSalle Bank’s mortgage customers, had been shipped via DHL to Experian by the bank in November. It then reappeared two days ago.


That Call from Your Credit Card Company May Actually be a Crook! – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

January 6, 2006 – A new credit card scam has appeared in New York and appears to be moving west. Victims of the scam receive a call that they think is from their credit card company. Unfortunately, a lot of people are falling for this new telephone pitch, and having their credit ruined in the process.


Tax Time Fraudsters Working Overtime – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

February 13, 2006 – With tax time fast approaching, the scam artists are out in droves. They are using a variety of ploys to fool consumers and engage in identity theft. Although most of these tricks have been used in the past, consumers continue to fall for them.


Two New Internet Scams to Look Out For – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

January 5, 2006 – Two new scams have hit the internet, with one common goal; making you part with your personal financial information. From all accounts, it looks like the scam artists are having a pretty good week. But with a little knowledge, you stand a fighting chance of keeping both your credit and your identity in tact.


Computer Worm Set to Attack Tomorrow – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

February 2, 2006 – A computer worm that is believed to have infected about 300,000 computers is set to attack tomorrow. The worm will begin destroying a variety of files on the computers that it resides on, including Adobe PDF files, Microsoft Word documents, and other files created in Microsoft Office.


February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unenc

February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unencrypted data about the passport holder. After a storm of protest, the State Department revised the standard to include some encryption. Now, a Dutch television news program has along and broken that encryption in less than two hours. The ramifications of this to passport holders are anything but positive.


Can Going to the Library Hurt Your Credit?

If you have overdue books at the local library, you may want to return them now. That’s because a number of cash strapped libraries have started using collection agencies to collect fines and fees that are owed to them for overdue books. And once your name is turned over, there is a pretty good chance that you will find your library fines showing up as unpaid bills on your credit report.


Experian Agrees to Settlement with FTC for False Advertising

August 16, 2005 - FreeCreditReports.com, a subsidiary of Experian, has agreed to settle a law suit with the Federal Trade Commission over false and deceptive advertising claims. The FTC had accused Experian of using the offer of a free credit report to consumers as a lure to get them to subscribe to a paid credit monitoring service. The suit alleged that consumers were not told that they would be billed for credit monitoring unless they cancelled the service within 30 days.


All US States Now Eligible for Free Credit Reports

September 1, 2005 – As of today, residents of every state are eligible to receive their credit reports free of charge from the credit repositories (Experian, Equifax and Trans Union). These free credit reports were mandated by Congress with the passage of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) in late 2003. Under the law, eligibility to receive free reports was phased in nationally, from west to east.


Ameriquest Mortgage to Pay $325 Million Settlement in Predatory Lending Case

January 24, 2006 – Yesterday, Ameriquest Mortgage agree to pay $325 million in restitution to those who had borrowed money from the company. The agreement settles legal disputes with 49 states and the District of Columbia, and is the second largest in US history.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl fait parler les armes un peu mollement

Hier, GSC Game World a partagé une petite vidéo de gameplay de S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl pour nous parler des armes. Ils nous rappellent que la zone est dangereuse, et qu’il faudra trouver des armes pour se défendre. Il y aura plusieurs types de munitions, et on aura aussi la possibilité d’ajouter des accessoires, […]


Un expérience VR mitigée pour la sortie de Metro Awakening

Disponible depuis le 7 novembre, le lancement du premier épisode VR de la licence Metro n’a pas reçu les mêmes éloges que ces prédécesseurs (1, 2 et 3). Développé par le studio Vertigo Games (Arizona Sunshine Remake et 2) et en dépit d’une bande-annonce de lancement aguicheuse, Metro Awakening serait très instable provoquant ainsi des crashs […]


Hell Let Loose tease sa prochaine carte : Tobruk

Cela faisait un moment qu’on ne vous avait pas parlé de Hell Let Loose. Et c’est bien dommage, car il reste l’un des meilleurs représentants de sa catégorie : de bonnes sensations et un gameplay tactique, sans pour autant avoir trop de séquences de balade avant de tomber sur de l’action. La semaine dernière, Team […]


Focal Point, le chapitre 5 de Black Mesa: Blue Shift, sortira le 17 novembre

Cela fait quelques années que l’on suit l’ambitieux mod Black Mesa: Blue Shift, qui entreprend de refaire le standalone Half-Life: Blue Shift, sorti en 2001, avec le moteur de Black Mesa, lui-même un remake du légendaire Half-Life, mais en travaillant aussi bien sur l’aspect esthétique que sur le gameplay et le level design. C’est pourquoi […]

  • Mods
  • Black Mesa: Blue Shift


Feedburner introduces SmartCast

I'm using Feedburner for months now and haven't noticed a single glitch. That's a good omen for their latest innovation: SmartCast. By introducing SmartCast, Feedburner again stays ahead of the curve. It enables any feed publisher (RSS 1.0 and Atom included!) to create Podcasts: "If a publisher isn't able to create a feed that has the enclosure element, they can use our service and we'll turn it


Primetime Podcasting - Talk Radio Giant Starts Podcasting

Almost 1 year after the first podcast, Rush Limbaugh, the Giant of American Talk Radio, started podcasting. Subscribers to his website can download a podcatcher and receive the show of the day in 3, 1 hour mp3's, manual downloads are available too. The files will be up within 2 hours after each show. Limbaugh announced it to his audience of 20 million(!) under the banner: "Rush 24/7: A Huge Day


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


RSS Educational Articles

Learn the intricacies of RSS feeds and podasting in the RSS Learning Center.

RSS Educational Articles


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

In most cases, providers convert RSS feeds to HTML in order to display the feeds contents. The following are some of the more popular methods to convert RSS feeds as web based content.

Converting RSS to HTML


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Video Optimization - Part 2

Optimizing your video for search engines will increase the exposure that the video receives, and optimization will also help spread the video's message. Follow these steps to enhance your videos and improve their rankings...

1. Shorter Videos Rank Better

No big surprise here -- the file size of short videos is much smaller than that of longer videos. On the video networks like YouTube, short videos are viewed far more often than longer ones. A length of less than 3 minutes per video seems to be ideal, and absolutely make every effort to keep your video under 10 minutes! If you have a long video segment, consider breaking it into multiple videos. The more popular videos on the video networks are given more exposure, which will also help increase the number of views received.

Video Optimization - Part 2


SQL2RSS Converts MySQL to RSS Feeds

Convert MySQL databases to rss feeds using SQL2RSS.



A Quiz: Test Your RSS Smarts

You think that you have mastered the art of RSS, but how much do you really know? Take the RSS quiz to test your knowledge of RSS.

A Quiz: Test Your RSS Smarts


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

Converting RSS to HTML


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Converting RSS to HTML


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

Converting RSS to HTML


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why should a musician podcast?

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Quiz: Test Your RSS Smarts

You think that you have mastered the art of RSS, but how much do you really know? Take the RSS quiz to test your knowledge of RSS.
Question: If something is in an RSS feed, it is perfectly fine to reproduce the contents of the feed. I mean after all RSS means really simple syndication, right?

Answer: No, that is not true. Regardless of whether content is in a feed or not, the original creator of the content has the right to restrict its use. While most people do feel that if content is in an RSS feed, it is available for syndication--that is not always the case. Various groups have made efforts to add namespaces which expand the tags used in RSS, to define whether the content is available for syndication. The two most notable namespaces that detail permissions are the Creative Commons extension and the Bloglines' Access extension. These two extensions are not yet widely supported so it is always best to check the terms of service associated with the feed or website to determine if the feed is available for syndication.

A Quiz: Test Your RSS Smarts


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why should a musician podcast?Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Converting RSS to HTML


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium. The ads served must be related to the content contained in the feed. If the RSS feed contains quality content, the ads are relevant, and the volume of ads is in balance with the volume of content served, advertising in RSS feeds will succeed. Take a closer look at some of the ad serving options currently available for RSS feeds.

Advertising in RSS Feeds


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


A Quiz: Test Your RSS Smarts

You think that you have mastered the art of RSS, but how much do you really know? Take the RSS quiz to test your knowledge of RSS.

Question: If something is in an RSS feed, it is perfectly fine to reproduce the contents of the feed. I mean after all RSS means really simple syndication, right?

Answer: No, that is not true. Regardless of whether content is in a feed or not, the original creator of the content has the right to restrict its use. While most people do feel that if content is in an RSS feed, it is available for syndication--that is not always the case. Various groups have made efforts to add namespaces which expand the tags used in RSS, to define whether the content is available for syndication. The two most notable namespaces that detail permissions are the Creative Commons extension and the Bloglines' Access extension. These two extensions are not yet widely supported so it is always best to check the terms of service associated with the feed or website to determine if the feed is available for syndication.

A Quiz: Test Your RSS Smarts


Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast

Independent artists have long struggled to gain recognition and attract an audience. Without the backing of a major label it can be very difficult for independent artists to obtain radio play time, that is, until now. Podcasting a revolutionary new medium, has opened new distribution channels for independent artists. Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS format and has become very popular with the younger generations.

With the use of technology, independent artists have a unique opportunity available, using technology they can significantly expand the exposure of their music.

Why Independent Artists and Musicians Should Podcast


Converting RSS to HTML

Many webmasters have realized the benefit of using RSS to dynamically update websites. This means that the website content automatically changes when the RSS feed is updated. This allows for webmasters to serve dynamic content or a mixture of static and dynamic content on their website.

Often, publishers, interested in expanding their base, will allow other webmasters to republish the contents of an RSS feed. Content providers that allow for syndication, receive additional exposure, and the webmasters serving the content, will generally see web traffic increase as a result of the new content. RSS feeds can be syndicated or displayed using a variety of different methods. Depending on the web host, server configuration, and the intent of the publishers, a variety of different syndication tools exist.

In most cases, providers convert RSS feeds to HTML in order to display the feeds contents. The following are some of the more popular methods to convert RSS feeds as web based content.

Converting RSS to HTML


CF3191 LEBLANC, Hert - Tchin Tchin Câlice

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Country


CA3195 MCCLINTON, Delbert - Stir It Up

Catégorie - HOMMES » Genre - Reggae