
Introduction to mineralogy / William D. Nesse (University of Northern Colorado)

Nesse, William D., author


Concepts in physical metallurgy : concise lecture notes / A. Lavakumar (Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Odisha, India)

Lavakumar, A., author


JSJ 252 The 20th Anniversary of Visual Studio with Bowden Kelly

Javascript Jabber is hosted this week by Joe Eames, Aimee Knight, AJ O'Neal, Cory House, Charles Max Wood and their special guest Bowden Kelly. Bowden is a program manager at Microsoft and he shares some insight into the new features in Visual Studio 2017 RTM with Bowden Kelly.


York University [electronic resource] : the way must be tried / Michiel Horn ; colour photography by Vincenzo Pietropaolo

Horn, Michiel, 1939-


The Cambridge companion to Latin American poetry / edited by Stephen Malcolm Hart, University College, London

Hayden Library - PQ7082.P7 C23 2018


[ASAP] Universal Gelation of Metal Oxide Nanocrystals via Depletion Attractions

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01311


The biology of mangroves and seagrasses / Peter J. Hogarth, Department of Biology, University of York, York, UK

Hogarth, Peter J


Marine ecosystems : human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services / edited by Tasman P. Crowe, University College Dublin, Ireland, Christopher L.J. Frid, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia


Marine biology / Peter Castro, Ph.D., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Michael E. Huber, Ph.D., Jacobs Australia ; original artwork by William C. Ober, M.D., Washington & Lee University, and Claire E. Ober, B.A., R.N

Castro, Peter, author


Impact of water pollution on human health and environmental sustainability / A. Elaine McKeown, Independent Researcher, USA, George Bugyi, Pennsylvania State University, USA


Solving the groundwater challenges of the 21st century / editor, Ryan Vogwill, School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia, Crawley Australia


Stressors in the marine environment : physiological and ecological responses; societal implications / edited by Martin Solan (University of Southampton, UK), Nia M. Whiteley (Bangor University, UK)


Marine genomics : methods and protocols / edited by Sarah J. Bourlat, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden


Introduction to physical oceanography / John A. Knauss (late of University of Rhode Island), Newell Garfield (Southwest Fisheries Science Center)

Knauss, John A., author


Marine community ecology and conservation / edited by Mark D. Bertness, Brown University, John F. Bruno, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Brian R. Silliman, Duke University, John J. Stachowicz, University of California Davis

Bertness, Mark D., 1949-


Environmental problems in marine biology : methodological aspects and applications / editors, Tamara García Barrera, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain ; José Luis Gómez Ariza, Dep


Marine conservation / P. Keith Probert (Department of Marine Science, University of Otago) ; with an initial contribution by the late Norman A. Holme

Probert, P. Keith, author


Decision making in water resources policy and management : an Australian perspective / Barry T. Hart (Water Science Pty Ltd, Echuca and Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia), Jane Doolan (University of Canberra, ACT, Australia)

Hart, Barry T., author


Decision-making in conservation and natural resource management : models for interdisciplinary approaches / edited by Nils Bunnefeld (University of Stirling), Emily Nicholson (Deakin University), E.J. Milner-Gulland (University of Oxford)


Estuarine and coastal hydrography and sediment transport / edited by R.J. Uncles (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), S.B. Mitchell (University of Portsmouth)


The water-food-energy nexus : processes, technologies, and challenges / edited by I.M. Mujtaba, R. Srinivasan, N.O. Elbashir


Investigating oceanography / Keith A. Sverdrup (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Raphael M. Kudela (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Sverdrup, Keith A., author


Marine biology : function, biodiversity, ecology / Jeffrey S. Levinton (Stony Brook University)

Levinton, Jeffrey S., author


Marine pollution / Christopher L.J. Frid (School of Environment, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia), Bryony A. Caswell (Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia)

Frid, Chris, author


National park science : a century of research in South Africa / Jane Carruthers (University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa)

Carruthers, Jane, author


The biology of lakes and ponds / Christer Brönmark (Acqatic Ecology Unit, Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden), Lars-Anders Hansson (Acqatic Ecology Unit, Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden)

Brönmark, Christer, author


Evolutionary ecology of marine invertebrate larvae / edited by Tyler J. Carrier (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA), Adam M. Reitzel (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA), Andreas Heyland (University of Guelph, Canada)


Hydrology and best practices for managing water resources in arid and semi-arid lands / Christopher Misati Ondiekiand, Kenyatta Universiity, Johnson U. Kitheka, South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya


The science of strategic conservation : protecting more with less / Kent D. Messer (University Delaware), William L. Allen III (The conservation Fund)

Messer, Kent D., author


Aquatic ecosystems in a changing climate / editors, H.C. Donat-P. Häder (Department of Biology, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany), Kunshan Gao (State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Fujian


Coastal management : global challenges and innovations / edited by R.R. Krishnamurthy, M.P. Jonathan, Seshachalam Srinivasalu, Bernhard Glaeser


Structural DNA nanotechnology / Nadrian C. Seeman (New York University)

Seeman, Nadrian C., 1945- author


Metabolic regulation and metabolic engineering for biofuel and biochemical production / Kazuyuki Shimizu, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, Yamagata, Japan

Hayden Library - TP248.B55 S55 2017


Structural analysis and design of process equipment / by Maan H Jawad, Global Engineering and Technology, LLC, US, James R Farr, Purdue University, US

Online Resource


Carbohydrate chemistry for food scientists / James N. BeMiller (Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Department of Food Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana)

Hayden Library - TP248.C27 W47 2019


The contest for time and space in the Roman imperial cults and 1 Peter : reconfiguring the universe / Wei Hsien Wan

Wan, Wei Hsien, author


Fakes, forgeries, and fictions : writing ancient and modern Christian apocrypha : proceedings from the 2015 York University Christian Apocrypha Symposium / edited by Tony Burke ; foreword by Andrew Gregory

York University Christian Apocrypha Symposium (2015 : Toronto, Ont.),


Successes and failures of knowledge management [electronic resource] / edited by Jay Liebowitz, Distinguished Chair of Applied Business and Finance, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


Technology entrepreneurship [electronic resource] : taking innovation to the marketplace / Thomas N. Duening, Ph.D, El Pomar Chair of Business and Entrepreneurship, Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, College of Business, University of Colorado at Colo

Duening, Thomas N


Thriving under stress [electronic resource] : harnessing demands in the workplace / Thomas W. Britt, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Clemson University, Steve M. Jex, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green State University

Britt, Thomas W., 1966-


University of South Florida yearbook. (1965)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1966)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1967)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1968)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1969)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1970)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1971)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1972)