
Bioturbation, heavy mineral concentration, and high gamma-ray activity in the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Canada

Fustic, M; Nair, R; Wetzel, A; Siddiqui, R; Mathews, W; Wust, R; Bringue, M; Radovic, J. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology vol. 564, 110187, 2020 p. 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110187
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200671.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200671.jpg" title="Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology vol. 564, 110187, 2020 p. 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110187" height="150" border="1" /></a>


High-resolution mapping of glacial landscapes in central mainland Nunavut using ArcticDEM data and Landsat 8 imagery

McMartin, I; Godbout, P -M; Campbell, J E; Tremblay, T; Behnia, P. 2020 NWT and Nunavut Geoscience Forum, presentations; 2020 p. 1, 1 sheet


Northern Canada glacial geomorphology database 2020: part 1 - central mainland Nunavut

Behnia, P; McMartin, I; Campbell, J E; Godbout, P -M; Tremblay, T. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8717, 2020, 6 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/327796
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_327796.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_327796.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8717, 2020, 6 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/327796" height="150" border="1" /></a>


High-resolution mapping of glacial landscapes in central mainland Nunavut using ArcticDEM data and Landsat 8 imagery

McMartin, I; Godbout, P -M; Campbell, J E; Tremblay, T; Behnia, P. GSA 2020 Connects Online - Geological Society of America Annual Meeting; Geological Society of America, Abstracts With Programs vol. 52, no. 6, 129-3, 2020 p. 1, https://doi.org/10.1130/abs/2020AM-354703
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200344.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200344.jpg" title="GSA 2020 Connects Online - Geological Society of America Annual Meeting; Geological Society of America, Abstracts With Programs vol. 52, no. 6, 129-3, 2020 p. 1, https://doi.org/10.1130/abs/2020AM-354703" height="150" border="1" /></a>


A new map of glacigenic features and glacial landsystems in central mainland Nunavut, Canada

McMartin, I; Godbout, P -M; Campbell, J E; Tremblay, T; Behnia, P. Boreas 2020 p. 1-25, https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12479
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200289.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200289.jpg" title="Boreas 2020 p. 1-25, https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12479" height="150" border="1" /></a>


High-resolution correlation between contrasting early Tonian carbonate successions in NW Canada highlights pronounced global carbon isotope variations

Greenman, J W; Rainbird, R H; Turner, E C. Precambrian Research vol. 346, 105816, 2020 p. 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105816
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200113.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200113.jpg" title="Precambrian Research vol. 346, 105816, 2020 p. 1-17, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105816" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Geochemical, mineralogical and indicator-mineral data for stream silt sediment, water, and heavy-mineral concentrates, Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut (NTS 49-G, 59-H and 560-A)

McNeil, R J; Williamson, M -C; Wilton, D H C. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8719, 2020, 29 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/326018
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326018.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326018.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8719, 2020, 29 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/326018" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Pétrographie, chimie minérale et composition géochimique d'intrusions mafiques de la suite de Soisson, sud-est de la province de Churchill (Québec, Canada)

Sappin, A -A; Houlé, M G; Corrigan, D; Bédard, M -P; Wodicka, N; Brind'Amour-Côté, C; Rayner, N. Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 115, 2020, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/321792
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/sp0115.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/sp0115.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 115, 2020, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/321792" height="150" border="1" /></a>


The composite nature of pericratonic Yukon-Tanana Terrane and its distinction from parautochthonous North American rocks in west-central Yukon

Ryan, J J; Cleven, N R; Zagorevski, A; van Staal, C R; Parsons, A J; Joyce, N L; Kellett, D A. Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 114, 2020, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/321431
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/sp0114.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/sp0114.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 114, 2020, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/321431" height="150" border="1" /></a>


40Ar/39Ar hornblende and biotite cooling ages for metaplutonic rocks of the central Thelon Tectonic Zone, Nunavut

Camacho, A; Berman, R G; Sanborn-Barrie, M. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8625, 2020, 77 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/315135
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/of8625.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/of8625.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8625, 2020, 77 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/315135" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Characteristics of Hg concentrations and isotopes in terrestrial and marine facies across the end-Permian mass extinction

Wang, X; Cawood, P A; Grasby, S E; Zhao, L; Chen, Z -Q; Wu, S; Yuangeng, H. Global and Planetary Change vol. 205, 103592, 2021 p. 1-16, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103592
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210505.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210505.jpg" title="Global and Planetary Change vol. 205, 103592, 2021 p. 1-16, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103592" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Regional subglacial quarrying and abrasion belowhard-bedded palaeo-ice streams crossing the Shield-Palaeozoic boundary of central Canada: the importance of substrate control

Bukhari, S; Eyles, N; Sookhan, S; Mulligan, R; Paulen, R; Krabbendam, M; Putkinen, N. Boreas 2021 p. 1-25, https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12522
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200742.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200742.jpg" title="Boreas 2021 p. 1-25, https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12522" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Relict glacial terrains in west central Keewatin Sector, Laurentide Ice Sheet, Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Campbell, J; Godbout, P -M; McMartin, I; Normandeau, P. GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada: Exploring Geosciences Through Time and Space/GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada : Explorer les géosciences à travers le temps et l'espace; Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume vol. 44, 2021 p. 57
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200639.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200639.jpg" title="GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada: Exploring Geosciences Through Time and Space/GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada : Explorer les géosciences à travers le temps et l'espace; Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume vol. 44, 2021 p. 57" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction to the "Circum-Arctic Palynological Event Stratigraphy" (CAPE) series of papers

Bujak, J; Fensome, R; Mangerud, G; Williams, G. Atlantic Geology vol. 57, 2021 p. 1-5, https://doi.org/10.4138/atlgeol.2021.001
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200615.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200615.jpg" title="Atlantic Geology vol. 57, 2021 p. 1-5, https://doi.org/10.4138/atlgeol.2021.001" height="150" border="1" /></a>


High-resolution mapping of glacial landscapes in central mainland Nunavut using ArcticDEM data and Landsat 8 imagery

McMartin, I; Godbout, P -M; Campbell, J E; Tremblay, T; Behnia, P. Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 121, 2021, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/327853
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_327853.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_327853.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 121, 2021, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/327853" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Timing and provenance of Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks in the central Thelon tectonic zone, Canada: implications for the tectonic evolution of western Laurentia from ca. 2.1 to 1.9 Ga

Davis, W J; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Berman, R G; Pehrsson, S. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 58, issue 4, 2021 p. 378-395, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjes-2020-0046
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200302.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200302.jpg" title="Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 58, issue 4, 2021 p. 378-395, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjes-2020-0046" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction et sommaire

Ryan, J J; Zagorevski, A. Northern Cordillera geology: a synthesis of research from the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program, British Columbia and Yukon; by Ryan, J J (ed.); Zagorevski, A (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 610, 2021 p. 11-20, https://doi.org/10.4095/326070


Introduction and summary

Ryan, J J; Zagorevski, A. Northern Cordillera geology: a synthesis of research from the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program, British Columbia and Yukon; by Ryan, J J (ed.); Zagorevski, A (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 610, 2021 p. 1-10, https://doi.org/10.4095/326051


Introduction et sommaire

Re-release; Lavoie, D; Dewing, K; Bringué, M; Fallas, K M; Fensome, R; Gouwy, S A; Hadlari, T; Kabanov, P; Lane, L S; Larmagnat, S; MacNaughton, R B; McDannell, K T; Pinet, N. Sedimentary basins of northern Canada: contributions to a 1000 Ma geological journey and insight on resource potential; by Lavoie, D (ed.); Dewing, K (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022 p. 11-22, https://doi.org/10.4095/331203
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331203.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331203.jpg" title="Sedimentary basins of northern Canada: contributions to a 1000 Ma geological journey and insight on resource potential; by Lavoie, D (ed.); Dewing, K (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022 p. 11-22, https://doi.org/10.4095/331203" height="150" border="1" /></a>


New contributions to the ice-flow chronology in the Boothia-Lancaster Ice Stream catchment area

Tremblay, T; Lamothe, M. Geological Survey of Canada, Preprint 6, 2022, 40 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/331062
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331062.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331062.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Preprint 6, 2022, 40 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/331062" height="150" border="1" /></a>


High-resolution mapping of glacial landscapes in the north-central portion of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Nunavut and Northwest Territories

Re-release; McMartin, I; Campbell, J E; Godbout, P-M; Behnia, P; Tremblay, T; Normandeau, P X. Geological Survey of Canada, Preprint 4, 2022, 27 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/330867
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_330867.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_330867.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Preprint 4, 2022, 27 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/330867" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Geophysical contributions to a synthesis of western Churchill geology and metallogeny

Re-release; Tschirhart, V; Pehrsson, S; Wodicka, N; Percival, J A; Jefferson, C W; Peterson, T; Berman, R G. Geological Survey of Canada, Preprint 3, 2022, 47 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/330639
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_330639.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_330639.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Preprint 3, 2022, 47 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/330639" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction et sommaire

Bingham-Koslowski, N; Dafoe, L T; St-Onge, M R; Turner, E C; Haggart, J W; Gregersen, U; Keen, C E; Bent, A L; Harrison, J C. Geological synthesis of Baffin Island (Nunavut) and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway; by Dafoe, L T (ed.); Bingham-Koslowski, N (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 608, 2022 p. 13-25, https://doi.org/10.4095/330002
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_330002.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_330002.jpg" title="Geological synthesis of Baffin Island (Nunavut) and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway; by Dafoe, L T (ed.); Bingham-Koslowski, N (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 608, 2022 p. 13-25, https://doi.org/10.4095/330002" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Volcanism-triggered climatic control on Late Cretaceous oceans

Sun, R; Yao, H; Deng, C; Grasby, S E; Wang, C; Chen, X; Yin, R. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) vol. 23, issue 4, e2021GC010292, 2022 p. 1-9, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC010292
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210591.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210591.jpg" title="Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) vol. 23, issue 4, e2021GC010292, 2022 p. 1-9, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC010292" height="150" border="1" /></a>


The age and provenance of the Lay Range assemblage provides an indirect record of basement to north-central Quesnellia, British Columbia

Ootes, L; Ferri, F; Milidragovic, D; Wall, C. Geological fieldwork 2021: a summary of field activities and current research; British Columbia Geological Survey Geological Fieldwork Paper 2022-01, 2022 p. 31-44
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210442.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20210442.jpg" title="Geological fieldwork 2021: a summary of field activities and current research; British Columbia Geological Survey Geological Fieldwork Paper 2022-01, 2022 p. 31-44" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Bedrock geology, central Hopedale Block, Newfoundland and Labrador, NTS 13-N/1, 2, 3, parts of 13-N/4, 5, 13-N/6, 7, 8, 13-O/4, 5

Geological Survey of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 434, Bedrock Data Model v.2.9 conversion, 2022, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/329285
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_329285.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_329285.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 434, Bedrock Data Model v.2.9 conversion, 2022, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/329285" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction and summary

Re-release; Lavoie, D; Dewing, K; Bringué, M; Fallas, K M; Fensome, R; Gouwy, S A; Hadlari, T; Kabanov, P; Lane, L S; Larmagnat, S; MacNaughton, R B; McDannell, K T; Pinet, N. Sedimentary basins of northern Canada: contributions to a 1000 Ma geological journey and insight on resource potential; by Lavoie, D (ed.); Dewing, K (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022 p. 1-10, https://doi.org/10.4095/326075
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326075.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326075.jpg" title="Sedimentary basins of northern Canada: contributions to a 1000 Ma geological journey and insight on resource potential; by Lavoie, D (ed.); Dewing, K (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022 p. 1-10, https://doi.org/10.4095/326075" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Sedimentary basins of northern Canada: contributions to a 1000 Ma geological journey and insight on resource potential

Re-release; Lavoie, D (ed.); Dewing, K (ed.). Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022, 322 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/326074
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326074.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_326074.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 609, 2022, 322 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/326074" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction and summary

Bingham-Koslowski, N; Dafoe, L T; St-Onge, M R; Turner, E C; Haggart, J W; Gregersen, U; Keen, C E; Bent, A L; Harrison, J C. Geological synthesis of Baffin Island (Nunavut) and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway; by Dafoe, L T (ed.); Bingham-Koslowski, N (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 608, 2022 p. 1-11, https://doi.org/10.4095/321823
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_321823.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_321823.jpg" title="Geological synthesis of Baffin Island (Nunavut) and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway; by Dafoe, L T (ed.); Bingham-Koslowski, N (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 608, 2022 p. 1-11, https://doi.org/10.4095/321823" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction et Sommaire

McMartin, I; Kerr, D E; McClenaghan, M B; Duk-Rodkin, A; Tremblay, T; Parent, M; Rice, J M. Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 7-11, https://doi.org/10.4095/331427
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331427.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331427.jpg" title="Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 7-11, https://doi.org/10.4095/331427" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Polyphase glacial dynamics and clast dispersal patterns in glaciofluvial and glacial sediments in north-central Quebec, with application to diamond exploration

Parent, M. Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 201-219, https://doi.org/10.4095/331425
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331425.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331425.jpg" title="Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 201-219, https://doi.org/10.4095/331425" height="150" border="1" /></a>


New contributions to the ice-flow chronology in the Boothia-Lancaster ice-stream catchment area, Nunavut

Tremblay, T; Lamothe, M. Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 167-199, https://doi.org/10.4095/331424
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331424.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331424.jpg" title="Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 167-199, https://doi.org/10.4095/331424" height="150" border="1" /></a>


High-resolution mapping of glacial landscapes in the north-central portion of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Nunavut and Northwest Territories

McMartin, I; Campbell, J E; Godbout, P M; Behnia, P; Tremblay, T; Normandeau, P X. Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 145-165, https://doi.org/10.4095/331423
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331423.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331423.jpg" title="Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 145-165, https://doi.org/10.4095/331423" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction and Summary

McMartin, I; Kerr, D E; McClenaghan, M B; Duk-Rodkin, A; Tremblay, T; Parent, M; Rice, J M. Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 1-6, https://doi.org/10.4095/331419
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331419.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331419.jpg" title="Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions; by McMartin, I (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023 p. 1-6, https://doi.org/10.4095/331419" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Surficial geology of northern Canada: a summary of Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program contributions

McMartin, I (ed.). Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023, 265 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/331418
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331418.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_331418.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 611, 2023, 265 pages, https://doi.org/10.4095/331418" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Geophysical contributions to a synthesis of western Churchill geology and metallogeny, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Saskatchewan

Tschirhart, V; Pehrsson, S; Wodicka, N; Percival, J; Jefferson, C; Peterson, T; Berman, R. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 295-325, https://doi.org/10.4095/332502
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332502.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332502.jpg" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 295-325, https://doi.org/10.4095/332502" height="150" border="1" /></a>


An overview of Archean and Proterozoic history of the Tehery Lake-Wager Bay area, central Rae Craton, Nunavut

Wodicka, N; Steenkamp, H M; Peterson, T; Therriault, I; Whalen, J B; Tschirhart, V; Lawley, C J M; Guilmette, C; Kellett, D A; Weller, O M; Garrison, W; Kendrick, J; Davis, W J. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 289-293, https://doi.org/10.4095/332501
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332501.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332501.jpg" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 289-293, https://doi.org/10.4095/332501" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Crustal architecture and evolution of the central Thelon tectonic zone, Nunavut: insights from Sm-Nd and O isotope analysis, U-Pb zircon geochronology, and targeted bedrock mapping

Berman, R G; Taylor, B E; Davis, W J; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Whalen, J B. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 115-158, https://doi.org/10.4095/332497
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332497.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332497.jpg" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 115-158, https://doi.org/10.4095/332497" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction et sommaire

Pehrsson, S J; Wodicka, N; Percival, J A; Rogers, N. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 27-54, https://doi.org/10.4095/332494
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332494.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332494.jpg" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 27-54, https://doi.org/10.4095/332494" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Introduction and Summary

Pehrsson, S J; Wodicka, N; Percival, J A; Rogers, N. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 1-26, https://doi.org/10.4095/332493
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332493.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_332493.jpg" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 1-26, https://doi.org/10.4095/332493" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Cainiao launches discounted shipping service covering 36 countries

Cainiao Group has bolstered its global network resilience and delivery capacity ahead of the 11.11 Global Shopping Festival.


“With the introduction of the e-truck, Austrian Post is definitely going in the right direction”

Österreichische Post AG put its first two e-trucks into operation at the beginning of May. The two vehicles commute CO2-free between the logistics center in Vienna-Inzersdorf and Vienna Airport to pick up or deliver international shipments.


Research reveals manufacturing and supply chain decentralisation preventing analytic maturity – Alteryx

Data Stack Evolution: Legacy Challenges and AI Innovation, a global report which included a survey of 775 manufacturing and supply chain IT decision-makers, found that almost three in five (58%) said their data leadership and IT teams work in silo.


Samsung introduceert de Galaxy A16-serie, met twee nieuwe toestellen - Samsung Newsroom België

  1. Samsung introduceert de Galaxy A16-serie, met twee nieuwe toestellen  Samsung Newsroom België
  2. Samsung A16 4G kost 199 euro, 30 euro minder dan 5G-variant - Tablets en telefoons - Nieuws  Tweakers
  3. De nieuwe Samsung Galaxy A16 van €199 heeft wat de iPhone 16 niet heeft  Bright.nl
  4. Samsung lanceert nog goedkopere Galaxy A16 met zes jaar ondersteuning  TechPulse