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Goshawk Aviation Limited is a top ten global aircraft lessor with an owned, managed and committed fleet of 216 aircraft. Formed in 2013, the business has quickly grown to become one of the premier global aircraft leasing companies building a high-quality portfolio of young new technology aircraft placed on long leases to airlines globally.


Einladung an die Medien: Stolpersteine in Lübeck in die App "Stolpersteine Digital" aufgenommen


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Pre-Sale for the new Margaritaville license plate

From WFLA: Here’s how many Floridians have ordered the new Jimmy Buffett license plate TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida lawmakers this year approved a new Jimmy Buffett-inspired specialty license plate to honor the late musician. …

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Vaccine damage in Great Britain: The consequences of Dr Wakefield’s trials

More and more evidence is coming to light that Dr. Wakefield was on the right track when he researched the connection between the MMR vaccine and intestinal inflammation in the vaccinated children. Was Dr. Andrew Wakefield Right After All? Wakefield’s Lancet Paper Vindicated New Published Study Verifies Andrew Wakefield’s Research on Autism But how did Dr. Wakefield first get into the sights of the UK vaccine industry and how was the campaign against him mounted? Martin Walker, the author of "Dirty Medicine" and a number of other books on health, closely followed the case that eventually resulted in Dr. Wakefield's exile from the UK. He describes how it all happened and how the vaccine manufacturers were able to bring down the full weight of government and the courts against both Wakefield and the many parents who were suing for recognition of the damage vaccines had done to their children. "As a campaigner of 40 years, I think that what surprises me most about Dr Wakefield’s case, is how easily and how completely we were defeated by the pharmaceutical companies, how over a thousand parents and children were written out of history together with their adverse drug reactions. Part of this defeat for the parents, the children and the doctors concerned was grounded in an unfortunate understanding that pharmaceutical company executives were decent people and humanitarians. In fact the pharmaceutical companies, their corporate structure and their relentless pursuit of profit, their fraudulent practices represent one of the last remaining shibboleths, in our society which need to be completely reformed, democratised, divested of vested interests and made public from top to bottom." We do learn from experience. That is why we should pay attention to how this case went so wrong and why the campaign to ruin those researchers and to leave the damaged children by the wayside was mounted in the first place. So it won't happen again. Here is Martin Walker's essay....


Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz

Este jueves 14 de noviembre, la Audiencia Provincial de Cuenca acogerá el juicio contra dos trabajadoras sanitarias, R.M.M.R. y Y.B.L., vinculadas al centro de salud de Villares del Saz, quienes están siendo acusadas de falsificar partes médicos para prescribir anabolizantes. Ambas se enfrentan a una solicitud de la Fiscalía que propone cinco años de prisión […]

Artículo publicado en : Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz


Nuevas Directrices del SEPE para Tramitación de Prestaciones por Daños de DANA

El Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE) ha establecido un nuevo protocolo para gestionar electrónicamente las prestaciones por desempleo destinadas a los afectados por la DANA. Esta normativa se ha detalla en una reciente resolución publicada en el Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), como parte del Real Decreto-ley ratificado por el Consejo de Ministros. Este […]

Artículo publicado en : Nuevas Directrices del SEPE para Tramitación de Prestaciones por Daños de DANA


Condems, Bringing 19th Century Values to 21st Century Britain.

Captioned Photo Kindly provided by Christos Palmer

I was reading "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens yesterday, a book written in 1843, and I'd like to share this excerpt from the first chapter.

Two men enter Scrooges office on Christmas eve asking for charity for the poor.

.... "at this festive season of the year Mr Scrooge," said the gentlemen, taking up a pen "it is more than usually desirable that we should make some light provision for the poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common comforts sir."

"Are there no prisons?" asked Scrooge.

"Plenty of prisons" said the gentlemen. Laying down the pen again.

"And the union work houses?" demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?"

"They are still" returned the gentleman "I wish I could say they were not"

"The treadmill and the poor law are in full vigour then?" said Scrooge.

"Both very busy sir"

"Oh! I was  afraid from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their Useful course", said Scrooge "I'm very glad to hear it".

"Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body in the multitude" returned the gentlemen "  few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the poor some meat drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because of all others, when want is keenly felt, and abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?"

"Nothing!" Scrooge replied

"You wish to be anonymous?"

"I wish to be left alone" said Scrooge "since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen that is my answer. I don't make merry myself and I can't afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned - they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there."

"Many can't go there; and many would rather die"

"If they would rather die" said Scrooge "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Besides - excuse me but I do not know that"

"But you might know it" observed the gentlemen.

"It is not my business" Scrooge returned "it is enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to intrude with other peoples. Mine occupies me constantly. Good afternoon gentlemen."

Seeing Clearly that it would be useless to pursue their point, the gentlemen withdrew. Scrooge resumed his labours with an improved opinion of himself, and an even more facitious temper than was usual with him...

As you can see the attitude towards the poor and destitute in Britain is becoming chillingly close to that of 19th century Britain. The current government is bringing values from that century that even the Victorians were ashamed of  and sought to bring to public attention the hypocrisy and barbarism of as early as 1843 to this century.

So before you harshly judge a benefit claimant as workshy or a scrounger remember, the welfare state was bought in to put a stop to the inhumane methods of dealing with the poor used before it's creation. The benefit claimants of today are no different to the poor and destitute of the Victorian era. Do not let the government drag us back to the 19th century with their propaganda about "benefit dependency" and "tough love".

The only thing that will end benefit dependency and help the long term unemployed and sick and disabled back to work is job creation, and a more sympathetic and helpful attitude towards them, that enables them to get work and remain employed. Labeling, hounding and cutting off benefits will not help anyone except the government in their endeavours to save money, caused by a crisis they created with their relentless pursuit of profit over humanity. 


Des militaires français soupçonnés de viols sur des enfants en Centrafrique

Un document confidentiel de l'ONU, qui fait état de viols sur mineurs par des soldats français, a été transmis par un employé des Nations unies aux autorités françaises. Une enquête préliminaire a été ouverte ainsi qu'une "enquête de commandement" au...


Vijesti :: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simptome

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simp
Postano: 13.11.2025. 20:15 (GMT 1) Ne postoji jedna tableta koja će smanjiti probavne tegobe i mogućnost razvoja probavnih bolesti, kaže nam odmah prof. dr. sc. Silvio Mihaljević, specijalist gastroenterologije iz Croatia poliklinike u Osijeku.

Kako navodi, stres, neredovita prehrana, hrana s puno masnoća i koncentriranih ugljikohidrata su sve redom faktori koji mogu dovesti do prolaznih probavnih tegoba, a, ako su pacijenti duže vremena izloženi nepravilnom stilu prehrane, mogu dovesti i do razvoja ozbiljnih bolesti, kao što su GERB, ulkusna bolest želuca i dvanaesnika, NASH, upalne bolesti crijeva, i slično.

Učestalost ovih problema pritom je sve veća. Primjerice, više od pola milijuna ljudi u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu ima upalnu bolest crijeva, od kojih su dva glavna oblika Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. One nastaju kada imunološki sustav napadne crijeva, uzrokujući niz iscrpljujućih simptoma od bolova u trbuhu i gubitka težine do proljeva i krvi u stolici.

Vrlo često se gore navedene bolesti razvijaju tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja s vrlo nespecifičnim tegobama u samom početku bolesti. Upravo je zato izuzetno važno obratiti pažnju na preventivne preglede, kaže prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević, jer postavljanje dijagnoze u ranoj fazi bolesti značajno doprinosi kraćem trajanju liječenja, manjom mogućnošću za razvojem brojnih komplikacija, a samim time i boljom kvalitetom života i puno kraćim izostankom s posla.

Uzmimo za primjer samo nealkoholnu bolest masne jetre, jednu od najčešćih uzroka kronične bolesti jetre te najbrže rastuće bolesti probavnog sustava. Prema posljednjim podacima, svaki četvrti građanin Hrvatske ima nealkoholnu masnu jetru kao posljedicu nezdrave prehrane, konzumacije alkohola i nekretanja. Prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević navodi stoga da je iznimno bitna redovita kontrola laboratorijskih nalaza koji ukazuju na funkciju jetre jer kronične bolesti nemaju značajnije probavne tegobe, nego samo blage i nespecifične smetnje kao brzo umaranje i opća slabost.

Te nespecifične simptome pacijenti ignoriraju tako da se vrlo često brojne kronične bolesti jetre pronađu u poodmakloj fazi kada je liječenje manje uspješno. Zbog svega navedenog redovite kontrole jetrenih nalaza su najbitnije u ranom otkrivanju kroničnih bolesti jetre”, kaže specijalist gastroenterologije.

Kako bi potaknula građane na preventivnu brigu o zdravlju, Croatia Poliklinika u Osijeku do kraja studenog omogućuje 20 posto popusta na endoskopske zahvate - gastroskopiju bez i s anestezijom i kolonoskopiju bez ili s anestezijom. Naime, osobe koje u anamnezi imaju rak nekog od organa probavnog sustava trebali bi u ranijoj životnoj dobi obavljati preventivne preglede svake dvije godine, a osobe starije životne dobi jednom godišnje. Brojni ljudi pritom odgađaju ranije spomenute endoskopske zahvate zbog neugodnosti ili straha, zbog čega prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević ističe da je važno pacijentima objasniti važnost obje pretrage jer se promjene koje se nađu tim pretragama vrlo često ne mogu dokazati nikakvim drugim laboratorijskim i radiološkim pretragama.

Kada im se objasni važnost navedenih pregleda te mogućnost dokumentiranja određenih promjena puno lakše će se odlučiti za navedene preglede. Prije gastroskopije možemo lokalno dati anestetik koji će u znatnoj mjeri umanjiti neugodnost samog pregleda, a prije kolonoskopije savjetujem uzimanje pola sata prije pregleda spazmolitika kako bi usporili peristaltiku crijeva i na taj način umanjili tegobe. Za one najzahtjevnije i najkompliciranije, oba pregleda možemo raditi u općoj anesteziji”, navodi prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević.

[Sponzorirani članak]


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Un diplomate chinois � l'ONU exhorte Isra�l � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire � Gaza comme monnaie d'�change

Fu Cong, repr�sentant permanent de la Chine aupr�s des Nations Unies, a exhort� mardi Isra�l � lever les restrictions sur l'acc�s humanitaire � Gaza et � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire comme monnaie d'�change, alors que la situation...


Trekz Titanium maakt fietsen met muziek veilig

Veilig muziek luisteren op de fiets Het is een goedbewaard geheim dat wij ook met ons kaakbeen geluiden opvangen. De Aftershokz ...... Lees verder: Trekz Titanium maakt fietsen met muziek veilig


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Rita Drowns out Anti-War Protestors

According to the Washington Post the numbers exceeded what was initially hoped for in what is being billed as the largest anti-war demonstration since the start of the Iraq campaign. There's lots of commentary to be found, but the most interesting was by Alan Bock:

I still don't know if the demonstrations will have any effect beyond getting Cindy Sheehan arrested...

The newspapers had wire-service stories, and both the Washington Post and the Washington Times covered what was essentially a local story for them. But as far as the electronic media were concerned, the anti-war protests in Washington, D.C., over the weekend might as well have not occurred at all. Once the cable news folks focus on something they seem incapable of noticing anything else that's happening in the world. To be sure, Rita was a big story, but it wasn't the only thing happening over the weekend.

Interestingly, some of the more extensive coverage on Web pages today is from National Review Online, where Byron York and James Robbins work hard to paint the protest as too radical to appeal to mainstream Americans and too miniscule to have any impact on policy.

I don't know enough to have a solid opinion yet, but I'll keep searching for more links. Meantime, it does seem to have mobilized around 100,000 people, about what the organizers had hoped for. The D.C. police chief said it might even have been 150,000. The bits and pieces I caught on C-SPAN on Saturday night were rather disappointing to me - mostly left-wing enthusiasts talking about all kinds of causes and grievances rather than focusing on the war.

Despite all this, I suspect that while those who want to dismiss the protests as strictly the work of a radical fringe are more or less correct at a certain level, there's a certain - well, not quite desperation but almost - in the dismissive tone. The protests might not be the kind of thing most Americans warm up to, but neither is the war popular anymore. Mainstream polls show about 60 percent of Americans think it was a mistake. Sooner or later that kind of opinion surge has to have an effect on policy in a democracy - doesn't it?


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MPB at Calbayog District Hospital underway

Samar First DEO is now constructing the multi-purpose building (MPB) at Calbayog District Hospital under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) FY 2023 with a contract amount of P59.11 million.


How to Sell Digital Products Online with Google Drive and PayPal

Learn how to sell digital products like PDF ebooks, photos, music, videos and other digitally downloadable files through Google Drive and PayPal. Customers can buy your product through 1-step checkout and the files are delivered to them by email.

The post How to Sell Digital Products Online with Google Drive and PayPal appeared first on Digital Inspiration.


Jaur Gita Govinda

New Sun series on the Jaur Gita Govinda manuscript.


Radio Heritage News feed Archive

Archive of Radio Heritage News - From David's Desk RSS feed


July 11 2009 NZ Hospital Radio Timaru

Hosptal Radio celebrated 20 years yesterday with the biggest crowd yet to its annual gathering...


July 16 2009 New Heritage Friends WVUV-FM and KKHJ-FM

Welcome to South Seas Broadcasting, Inc stations V103 and 93KHJ in American Samoa, latest Heritage Friends of the Radio Heritage Foundation.


July 19 2009 Radio Heritage Foundation - Book Review

Never A Dull Moment by Keith Richardson. Keith Richardson is known to Kiwi babyboomers for his top rating radio shows on 1XN Whangarei, 2ZC Napier, 2ZB Wellington...


July 19 2009 Radio Heritage Foundation - Book Review

Aunt Gwen of 2YA by Margaret Willis. "Putting together this story about my mother has taken a long time, all my life in fact."


July 21 2009 New Heritage Friend The Happy Station Show

Returning to the Asia Pacific region is the famous Happy Station that began in 1927 with Eddie Startz broadcasting from PCJ in Holland to the Dutch East Indies.


July 27 2009 Radio Heritage Foundation - Book Review

Treason on the Airwaves by Judith Keene from the University of Sydney.


July 27 2009 Radio Heritage Foundation - Tema Beach Bungalow Beach Stays

Enjoy a refreshing beach stay at our heritage 1920's beach bungalow. North Beach, Christchurch, New Zealand.


August 11 2009 Radio Heritage Foundation - Book Review

Nearly 1200 combined pages and extensive notes make the 'Shortwave Radio Trilogy' of U.S. radio listener and historian Jerry Berg a virtual encyclopedia of the global shortwave radio scene since 1923.


January 11 2010 Radio Heritage Foundation - Book Review

Changing Stations. The Story of Australian Commercial Radio by Bridget Griffen-Foley...


January 12 2010 Radio Heritage Foundation - Annual and Lifetime Supporter Packages

Welcome! It's thanks to people like you that we're able to save our radio heritage and make it freely available through this website....


January 20 2010 Radio Heritage Foundation - Borderless Radio is Here

What do ABC Radio, Radio NZ, RFO Radio, Communications Fiji, KCCN-FM and KUAM have in common?


January 20 2010 Radio Heritage Foundation - Borderless Radio Rankings

The Borderless Radio Rankings [BRR] introduce a fresh way of looking at local radio stations and brands in a global digital marketplace. We now cover Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Region and more radio markets will be progressively added. We also have our unique Pacific Top 1 Million Report.


March 12 2010 The Radio Heritage Foundation has a new snail mail address...

If you'd like to write to us, our new address is PO Box 2002, Newtown, Wellington 6242, New Zealand.


May 17 2010 Radio Heritage Foundation - Diamonds of the Dial, Australian Heritage AM Radio Celebrating 75 Years

'Diamonds of the Dial', that's what the Radio Heritage Foundation calls 40 Australian heritage AM radio stations that have broadcast continuously for over 75 years with their original station calls...


September 20 2010 Radio Heritage Foundation - Radio Heritage Heaven

Keith Richardson did not spend his entire radio career collecting industry treasures to make his name made synonymous with radio heritage...


December 11 2010 Radio Heritage History

Radio Shacks Gallery 2, the Quartz Hill Collection, amateur radio stations from around the world - ZL6QH...


February 06 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Roll of Honor update

Welcome to our new Introductory Supporters.


February 12 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - NZ Radio

2ZW The Voice of the Capital City. The first B licence issued to a New Zealand broadcaster was to 2ZW Wellington, which began operations on May 20 1931 at 1120 on the AM radio dial...


February 27 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Most Viewed

Radio History Archive Top Twenty and Long Lost Radio Images Top 10 updated.


March 1 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Christchurch Earthquake - Updated: AM and FM Stations in Christchurch

Updated: Here is a complete list of current AM and FM radio services in Christchurch...


April 5th 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Australian Radio Heritage - 2BS Bathurst - The Centre of the West

2BS The Centre of the West transmitting on a frequency of 1500 Kc/s, wavelength of 200 metres, commenced operation in 1937...


April 7th 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Australian Radio Heritage - 2GZ Central NSW Country Service

Station 2GZ, Central New South Wales, commenced operations on Thursday, October 31st, 1935, with a powerful transmitter situated at Amaroo, twelve miles from Orange. Rapidly 2GZ became one of the most important and popular radio stations...