
Lent and Priesthood #3: The Priesthood of the Last Judgment (Sermon Feb. 19, 2017)

Fr. Andrew describes the Last Judgment as a priestly, liturgical act.


Lent and Judgment are About Jesus (Feb. 11, 2018)

With the Sunday of the Last Judgment, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick makes the point that both the question of what we eat during Lent and how we understand the coming Judgment are really about our orientation toward Jesus.


A Hedged Vineyard (Aug. 26, 2018)

Using the image of the vineyard placed in a hedge by a householder, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick preaches on all the elements of the placing of that vineyard, and then expands his thoughts on what it means to be separate from the world and why that is a positive experience for Orthodox Christians.


Preparing for Lent: Judgement Sunday

In this episode, Danielle and Fr. Timothy explore how Judgement can bring us closer to Christ as we embark on journey towards Lent


The Parable of the Last Judgment

Matthew encourages us to contemplate the sobering Parable of the Last Judgment, because what will happen to us at that moment is being decided right now.


Advent - Bridging the Chasm to the Divine

As we begin the Advent Fast, Fr. John Oliver reflects on the chasm that divides us from the Divine and the uniqueness of Christianity in bridging that gap.


The Bridge Between Heaven and Earth

During the afterfeast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, Fr. John reflects on the mystery that is Mary.


Judge Joseph in Double Jeopardy

Joseph, a priest, is called. The question is: Is he guilty?


The Three Degrees of Knowledge: An Exploration of Theosis in the Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian

Fr. Michael shares reflections from his presentation on Theosis at the Orthodox Institute, held this past weekend at Antiochian Village. This is Part 1.


The Three Degrees of Knowledge: An Exploration of Theosis in the Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian

Fr. Michael shares reflections from his presentation on Theosis at the Orthodox Institute, held earlier this month at Antiochian Village. This is Part 2.


The Three Degrees of Knowledge: An Exploration of Theosis in the Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian

Fr. Michael shares reflections from his presentation on Theosis at the Orthodox Institute, held earlier this month at Antiochian Village. This is Part 3.


The Three Degrees of Knowledge: An Exploration of Theosis in the Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian

Fr. Michael shares reflections from his presentation on Theosis at the Orthodox Institute, held earlier this month at Antiochian Village. This is Part 4.


The Three Degrees of Knowledge: An Exploration of Theosis in the Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian

Fr. Michael shares reflections from his presentation on Theosis at the Orthodox Institute, held last month at Antiochian Village. This is Part 5.


The Three Degrees of Knowledge: An Exploration of Theosis in the Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian

Fr. Michael concludes his reflections from his presentation on Theosis at the Orthodox Institute, held last month at Antiochian Village. This is Part 6. Here is a link to the written text of his presentation: holynativity.blogspot.com/2014/11/st-isaacs-three-degrees-of-knowledge.html.


Knowledge As The Infancy Of Love

Fr. Michael shares from Homily 47 of St. Isaac the Syrian. "Knowledge is not something to be held in contrast to love; but rather, knowledge is the beginning of a process or journey that leads to love. Knowledge is the infancy of love. And just as a July apple is hard and green and bitter, so knowledge when its growth into love has been hindered, only makes us proud (pride being the spiritual equivalent of the upset tummy that comes from eating green apples). But when knowledge has matured, St. Isaac tells us, it ‘surmounts’ even what is natural to attain to love."


Concern Over God's Judgement: What Does It Look Like?

Concern over God’s judgement has nothing to do with striving to be better. Concern over God’s judgement is to continually strive to enter God’s rest, to humble ourselves and feel sadness over our wretchedness, and to offer that wretchedness to God as prayer. This is what concern for God’s judgement looks like according to St. Isaac the Syrian.


Jesus - The Judge

God does not want to condemn anyone, but his judgment is a merciful judgment, and God's divinity is revealed through his Son, Jesus. Learn more in this episode of the Names of Jesus series.


Episode 85: Building Bridges with Clay

The girls take on the 2018 novel, Bridge of Clay. They discuss how stories shape the way we live, how grief is a complex process, and how repentance doesn’t always look like what we imagine. They close with Christina’s Top 5 Greek Myths.


Episode 95: There Was No Other Way (Endgame)

The guys are pumped to talk about the final chapter of the first decade of the MCU, Avengers: Endgame! They discuss how grief and loss affect everyone differently, the sticky implications and universal appeal of time travel, and how sacrifice will always win the day. They close with their Top 5 Final Chapters.


The Last Judgment

Are we truly becoming partakers of the divine nature? Our actions reveal what is true our about lives, and will be revealed at the last judgment.


The Last Judgment

Fr. Philip LeMasters reminds us that the path to the Kingdom of God is through our suffering neighbors.


The Homily of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) for the Sunday of the Last Judgment

Fr. John shares the Homily of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) for the Sunday of the Last Judgment.


The Last Judgement

As we approach Meatfare Sunday, Dr. Humphrey reflects on the Epistle and Gospel readings in light of passages in Joel and Isaiah.


Right but Dead Wrong!  Judgment Sunday

As we approach Lent, we are confronted by Jesus’ parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25, and Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 8 about making good judgments in life. We see these two passages illumined by the prophet Ezekiel’s parable of the Shepherd and the sheep.


Are we not free? Food and the Faith (Epistle for the Sunday of the Last Judgment)

We read 1 Cor. 8:8-9:2 in the context of St. Paul’s larger discussion of our One LORD God, while looking back to Deuteronomy 6:4, the food regulations of Leviticus, and the words of Amos and Isaiah on formalism and idolatry. We also consider how this passage prepares us for a Holy Lent.


Lighting Up the Apocalypse 27: Wheat, Wine, and Judgment

This week we study a passage of the Apocalypse that focusses upon judgment, and uses startling imagery. We are helped by ancient commentators, as well as by contextualizing Revelation 14:14-20 within the teaching of Jesus himself, as well as in Old Testament passages such as Psalm 1, Joel 3:11-18, and Isaiah 63:1-6. Judgment, though difficult, is a necessary complement to redemption.


The Edge of Mysterion: A Note on the World of Mysterion

The Edge of Mysterion, a note on the world of Mysterion, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Lethes 1

The Edge of Mysterion, Lethes 1, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter One Lethes

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter One Lethes, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Two

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Two, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Three

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Three, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Four

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Four, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Five

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Five, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Six

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Six, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Seven

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Seven, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Eight

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Eight, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Nine

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Nine, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Ten

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Ten, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Eleven

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Eleven, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Lethes 2

The Edge of Mysterion, Lethes II, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Twelve

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Twelve, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Thirteen

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Thirteen, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Fourteen

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Fourteen, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Fifteen

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Fifteen, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Sixteen

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Sixteen, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Seventeen

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Seventeen, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Eighteen

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Eighteen, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Nineteen

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Nineteen, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Twenty

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Twenty, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)


The Edge of Mysterion: Chapter Twenty One

The Edge of Mysterion, Chapter Twenty One, by Richard Rene (Conciliar Press, 2011)