
Capers and Harry

Capers and Harry by Mother Melania, illustrated by Cayce Grace Kruse. Available from Holy Assumption Monastery 1519 Washington St., Calistoga, CA 94515. Email at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/**/ Tel: 707-942-6244


Capital Punishment, Part 1

Steve begins a four part series on "Capital Punishment". In Part One he chronicles his work with emotionally disturbed children and the beginning of his shift from radical pacifism to a reconsideration of the death penalty.


Capital Punishment, Part 2

In the second part of the series Steve discusses the Flood as the dividing line in human history in regard to the meaning of death, fear and capital punishment. Did the Mosaic Law abrogate the covenant with Noah? What do the atheist and the Christian have in common in regard to capital punishment?


Capital Punishment, Part 3

In Part 3 of the series, Steve begins a discussion of the Church and State. How do we view Judaism as a theocracy? Is Jesus anti-death penalty? What is the purpose of civil authority? Is the State constrained to function on the level of the Gospel and should it?


Capital Punishment, Part 4

What are the pitfalls of a "Christian State"? Can or should the State govern according to the Gospel? Can "forgiveness of enemies" be a valid principle of civil order? What do the Fathers of the Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches say about the relationship of Church and State in regard to civil order and capital punishment?


Capital Punishment, Part 6

This week Steve discusses the woman taken in adultery, would Jesus "flip the switch" on the electric chair, and should evildoers be given life in prison in hopes that they will eventually repent?


Capital Punishment, Part 7

Is the death penalty really a deterrent? Is there a need to kill evildoers if we can keep society safe through the prison systems? Is punishment a primitive concept not fit for modern enlightened society?


Capital Punishment, Final

In the final podcast in the capital punishment series Steve discusses punishment, retribution and hell in light of "God is love". Can Christians legitimately believe in retributive punishment and a loving God? And finally, what is the responsibility of Christians to those on death row?


Capital Punishment, Part 5

Why does God allow imperfect and fallen human beings make life and death decisions? Have Christians permitted the atheists to define our doctrines? Who has a greater problem justifying being against the death penalty, the Christian or the atheist? What does iconography have to do with the death penalty? All this and more...


Escape from Fear and Anxiety

Fr. Apostolos Hill provides a straightforward expository of the peace that Jesus provides.


He Escaped From Their Hands


There Is ALWAYS An Escape


New From Cappella Romana - The Divine Liturgy in English!

We talk with Alexander Lingas about this new beautiful 2-CD production from Cappella Romana. Also available from Liturgica.


The Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund

Bobby Maddex interviews John Della Monica, the President of the Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund (OCCIF).


Bruno Capolongo and the Art of Kintsugi

Bobby Maddex interviews Bruno Capolongo, a full-time artist and convert to Orthodox Christianity who attends All Saints of North America Church in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and specializes in the art of kintsugi. Please see the attachment for an example of kintsugi.


2023 Suprasl World Orthodox Youth Gathering: Event Recap and Interview

Bobby Maddex speaks with Dn. Joseph Matusiak, Ellie Bernasol, Ilmari Hayrynen, and Gabi Moussa about their experience at the 2023 Suprasl World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth event, held in Poland. To donate to this project please visit OR reach out to Dn. Joseph Matusiak @


Captivating our Hearts to Christ

Father Pat looks at what we can learn about prayer from the story of the Syrophoenician woman found in Matthew 15. This is part one of a two-part series.


Man's Capacity For Light

On the Sunday after the Theophany, Fr. Pat preaches from Matthew 4:12-17.


'Captaincy commodities won Solheim Cup for US'

BBC Sport's golf correspondent Iain Carter looks at the finer details behind the United States' triumph in the 2024 Solheim Cup


Captain Kallum

Salford Red Devils captain Kallum Watkins joins the pod to discuss the end of the season


The Ulsterman who won first Irish cap in his 80s

Ireland face Argentina in the Aviva Stadium on Friday night but what will be an eagerly anticipated fixture between two of the world's top five teams was not always deemed worthy of international caps.


Mullan steps down from Ireland captaincy

Katie Mullan steps away from her captaincy duties with Ireland after an eight-year stint but will continue to play for her country.


What was Capt Tom's £33m spent on?

One nurse said welfare packs at work made her job "a little bit easier in a difficult time".


Residents jumped from balcony to escape flat fire

Ten people were taken to hospital after the blaze at Niddrie Mill Crescent.


Car park rape suspect 'captured on CCTV'

Police investigating the rape of a 16-year-old student in Dundee believe they have footage of the suspect.


New plant captures carbon dioxide for fizzy drinks

The new electricity plant plans to use the gas rather than releasing it into the atmosphere.


Footage captures baby seal pup moments after birth

The big button-eyed, fluffy baby is one of 128 pups to have been born at Donna Nook this year.


Emus found after escaping from farm

Their owner thanks people for their help after finding the birds three miles away.


Randell is a 'future captain' at Plymouth Argyle

Adam Randell is a 'future captain' at Plymouth Argyle according to head coach Wayne Rooney.


Plans for carbon capture facility at incinerator

The business says it is welcoming public feedback on the proposal.


Coventry Rugby captain Jordon Poole on perfect start to the Championship

BBC CWR's Clive Eakin chats to the 27-year-old ahead of this weekend versus Caldy!


Caption Competition 252: Frustration Martin | Caption Competition

What was this Aston Martin mechanic thinking during the Brazilian Grand Prix weekend? Can you come up with the best caption for this picture?


Capitalisation : les pistes de la Fondapol pour réformer les retraites

Selon l'economiste Bertrand Martinot, il faut introduire une dose de capitalisation pour des raisons d'equite entre generations et d'efficience economique.


No Comment : des heurts et des incendies dans la capitale haïtienne Port-au Prince

No Comment : des heurts et des incendies dans la capitale haïtienne Port-au Prince


Cette espèce marine serait capable de... faire repousser des parties de son anatomie

Les pycnogonides, une espèce marine apparentée aux araignées, peuvent faire repousser des parties du corps après amputation, et pas seulement de simples membres, selon une étude publiée lundi, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles découvertes sur la régénération.

"Personne ne s'attendait à cela", a déclaré Gerhard Scholtz de la prestigieuse université Humboldt à Berlin, et l'un des auteurs principaux de cette étude parue dans la revue Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Nous avons été les premiers à démontrer que c'était possible", a-t-il ajouté. Il est connu qu'une multitude d'espèces d'arthropodes tels que les mille-pattes, les araignées ou d'autres insectes peuvent faire repousser une patte après l'avoir perdue.

"Les crabes peuvent même se débarrasser automatiquement de leurs membres s'ils sont attaqués", a déclaré Gerhard Scholtz, précisant: "ils les remplacent par un nouveau membre". Ce que les chercheurs ont découvert à travers leurs expériences avec ces minuscules créatures à huit pattes, est qu'elles sont capables de régénérer même d'autres parties du corps. Pour l'étude, ils ont amputé différents membres et parties postérieures du corps de 23 pycnogonides juvéniles et adultes, et ont observé les résultats.

Repousse d'un corps à partir de seulement quelques cellules

Aucune régénération de parties du corps n'a été constatée dans les spécimens adultes, mais certains étaient toujours en vie après deux ans. Les spécimens juvéniles, en revanche, ont connu une régénération complète ou quasi-complète des parties du corps manquantes, y compris l'intestin postérieur, l'anus, la musculature, et certaines parties d'organes génitaux.

A long terme, 90% des pycnogonides ont survécu, et 16 spécimens juvéniles ont effectué leur mue par la suite au moins une fois. La régénération postérieure a ainsi été constatée chez 14 des spécimens juvéniles tandis qu'aucun des spécimens adultes n'a mué ou ne s'est régénéré. Les capacités de régénération varient à travers le règne animal.

Les vers plats, par exemple, peuvent faire repousser leur corps à partir de seulement quelques cellules. Les vertébrés, dont les hommes, n'ont quasiment aucune capacité de régénération à l'exception de quelques espèces comme les lézards, qui peuvent faire repousser leurs queues.

Selon Gerhard Scholz, les résultats de l'étude ouvrent de nouvelles voies de recherche dans le domaine. "Une multitude d'espèces différentes peuvent être testées de cette manière", dit-il, ce qui pourrait permettre de comparer les mécanismes de régénération. "Au bout du compte, peut-être que les mécanismes que nous découvrons chez les arthropodes nous aiderons dans les traitements médicaux après la perte d'un membre, d'un doigt, etc... chez les humains", espère le chercheur.


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: culpabilité pour l'homme photographié dans le bureau de Nancy Pelosi

(Belga) Un Américain, qui avait été immortalisé les pieds sur une table dans le bureau de la cheffe démocrate Nancy Pelosi lors de l'assaut sur le Capitole, a été reconnu coupable lundi de plusieurs délits.

Après une courte délibération, les jurés ont déclaré Richard Barnett, 62 ans, coupable, entre autres, d'entrave à une procédure officielle, vol et intrusion dans un bâtiment officiel avec une arme dangereuse (un bâton de marche capable d'envoyer des décharges électriques). Le 6 janvier 2021, il avait envahi, comme des centaines de partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump, le siège du Congrès au moment où les élus certifiaient la victoire du démocrate Joe Biden à la présidentielle. Il avait été photographié par l'AFP dans le bureau de la cheffe de la chambre des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, les pieds sur un meuble. Le cliché avait fait le tour du monde et permis à la police de l'interpeller rapidement. Selon le dossier d'accusation, ce partisan de la mouvance complotiste Qanon avait laissé un message insultant à la démocrate et volé une enveloppe qu'elle avait signée. Pendant son procès, il s'était montré défiant, assurant avoir été "poussé à l'intérieur" du Capitole par la foule. Sa peine sera prononcée en mai. En attendant, il reste assigné à résidence avec un bracelet électronique. En deux ans d'enquête, plus de 950 participants à cette attaque ont été arrêtés, et près de 200 condamnés à des peines de prison. (Belga)


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: des membres de la milice Oath Keepers reconnus coupables de "sédition"

(Belga) Quatre membres de la milice d'extrême droite "Oath Keepers" ont été reconnus coupables lundi de sédition pour leur rôle dans l'assaut du Capitole, à l'issue du second procès organisé sur ce chef d'accusation extrêmement rare.

Depuis l'attaque du 6 janvier 2021, plus de 950 partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump ont été arrêtés et inculpés pour avoir semé le chaos dans le siège de la démocratie américaine. Parmi eux, seuls 14 militants de groupuscules d'extrême droite - neuf membres des "Oath Keepers" et cinq "Proud Boys" - ont été accusés de "sédition", un chef passible de 20 ans de prison qui implique d'avoir planifié l'usage de la force pour s'opposer au gouvernement. Faute de place suffisante dans le tribunal fédéral de Washington, la justice a organisé le procès des Oath Keepers, accusés de s'être entraînés et armés pour l'occasion, en deux temps. Un premier procès s'est conclu fin novembre par un verdict mitigé: le fondateur de cette milice, Stewart Rhodes, et un responsable local ont été déclarés coupables de sédition, mais leurs trois co-accusés ont été acquittés sur ce chef. Lundi, à l'issue du second procès, les jurés ont jugé coupables les quatre derniers Oath Keepers, des hommes âgés de 38 à 64 ans décrits comme de dangereux "traîtres" par l'accusation, mais comme des "fanfarons" par leurs avocats. Le procès des Proud Boys, dont leur leader Enrique Tarrio, s'est ouvert en décembre et était toujours en cours lundi, dans le même tribunal. (Belga)


Fostering innovative work behaviour in Indian IT firms: the mediating influence of employee psychological capital in the context of transformational leadership

This empirical study investigates the mediating role of two components of psychological capital (PsyCap), namely self-efficacy and optimism, in the context of the relationship between transformational leadership (TL), work engagement (WE), and innovative work behaviour (IWB). The study was conducted among IT professionals with a minimum of three years of experience employed in Chennai, India. Data collection was executed using a Google Form, and both measurement and structural models were examined using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23.0. The findings of this study reveal several significant relationships. Firstly, transformational leadership (TL) demonstrates a robust positive association with work engagement (WE). Furthermore, work engagement (WE) positively correlates substantially with innovative work behaviour (IWB). Notably, the study underscores that two crucial components of psychological capital, specifically self-efficacy and optimism, mediate the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and work engagement (WE). These findings carry valuable implications for IT company managers. Recognising that transformational leadership positively influences both work engagement and employees' innovative work behaviour highlights the pivotal role of leaders in fostering a productive and innovative work environment within IT organisations.


Impact of servicescape dimensions on customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: a case of casual dining restaurants

Physical and social aspects each make up a separate part of servicescape. Together, these make up the servicescape. Although previous research has frequently investigated these aspects separately, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously find out the impact of both aspects within the casual dining restaurants' context. In total, 462 customers in Delhi were polled for this study, and structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. According to the results, both the social and physical parts of the servicescape have the ability to affect how satisfied customers are, which in turn can affect how they behave in the future.


Knowing thy neighbour: creating and capturing value from a firm's alliance experiences

Intellectual assets, especially its relational forms, have become increasingly important to explain a firm's innovation. To examine relational forms of intellectual assets (IA), this study theoretically and empirically advances a concept of alliance management capability (AMC) to explain the value creation and capture aspects of a firm's innovation process. The concepts of value-creating alliance experiences (VCAE) and value capturing alliance experiences (VCPAE) were introduced in which a firm's ability to learn from these alliance experiences increases the firm's ability to discover and govern partnerships that bring the firm's innovations to market. Hypotheses were developed and empirically examined in the biotechnology industry. A contribution of this study is that a firm's VCAE and VCPAE introduce a greater 'openness' to a firm's innovation process. This openness enables a firm to better adapt and respond to the opportunities of the market and thus impact a firm's competitive advantage to innovate.


The relationship between 'creative slack' as an intangible asset and the innovative capabilities of the firm

The notion of creative slack purposefully refers to the notion of organisational slack proposed by Penrose (1959), who suggested that managers in organisations always have some stock of unused resources that inevitably accumulate when developing projects and are the primary factors determining the growth and innovation of the firm. In this contribution, we aim at adding a new dimension to the notion of organisational slack. Our view is that in many innovative organisations the slack of unused ideas is essentially a creative one, which is accumulated in diverse communities through multiple projects. This creative slack is a key intangible asset and a source of knowledge creation and innovation. To explain how organisations may benefit from exploiting the creative slack accumulated by communities, we rely on the analysis of two case studies, that of the Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ), and of Ubisoft Montreal.


Progressive Reduction of Captions in Language Learning

Aim/Purpose: This exploratory qualitative case study examines the perceptions of high-school learners of English regarding a pedagogical intervention involving progressive reduction of captions (full, sentence-level, keyword captions, and no-captions) in enhancing language learning. Background: Recognizing the limitations of caption usage in fostering independent listening comprehension in non-captioned environments, this research builds upon and extends the foundational work of Vanderplank (2016), who highlighted the necessity of a comprehensive blend of tasks, strategies, focused viewing, and the need to actively engage language learners in watching captioned materials. Methodology: Using a qualitative research design, the participants were exposed to authentic video texts in a five-week listening course. Participants completed an entry survey, and upon interaction with each captioning type, they wrote individual reflections and participated in focus group sessions. This methodological approach allowed for an in-depth exploration of learners’ experiences across different captioning scenarios, providing a nuanced understanding of the pedagogical intervention’s impact on their perceived language development process. Contribution: By bridging the research-practice gap, our study offers valuable insights into designing pedagogical interventions that reduce caption dependence, thereby preparing language learners for success in real-world, caption-free listening scenarios. Findings: Our findings show that learners not only appreciate the varied captioning approaches for their role in supporting text comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, and on-task focus but also for facilitating the integration of new linguistic knowledge with existing background knowledge. Crucially, our study uncovers a positive reception towards the gradual shift from fully captioned to uncaptioned materials, highlighting a stepwise reduction of caption dependence as instrumental in boosting learners’ confidence and sense of achievement in mastering L2 listening skills. Recommendations for Practitioners: The implications of our findings are threefold: addressing input selection, task design orchestration, and reflective practices. We advocate for a deliberate selection of input that resonates with learners’ interests and contextual realities alongside task designs that progressively reduce caption reliance and encourage active learner engagement and collaborative learning opportunities. Furthermore, our study underscores the importance of reflective practices in enabling learners to articulate their learning preferences and strategies, thereby fostering a more personalized and effective language learning experience. Recommendation for Researchers: Listening comprehension is a complex process that can be clearly influenced by the input, the task, and/or the learner characteristics. Comparative studies may struggle to control and account for all these variables, making it challenging to attribute observed differences solely to caption reduction. Impact on Society: This research responds to the call for innovative teaching practices in language education. It sets the stage for future inquiries into the nuanced dynamics of caption usage in language learning, advocating for a more learner-centered and adaptive approach. Future Research: Longitudinal quantitative studies that measure comprehension as captions support is gradually reduced (full, partial, and keyword) are strongly needed. Other studies could examine a range of individual differences (working memory capacity, age, levels of engagement, and language background) when reducing caption support. Future research could also examine captions with students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.


Intellectual capital and its effect on the financial performance of Ethiopian private commercial banks

This study aims to examine the intellectual capital and its effect on the financial performance of Ethiopian private commercial banks using the pulic model. Quantitative panel data from audited annual reports of Ethiopian private commercial banks from 2011 to 2019 are collected. The robust fixed effect regression model has been adopted to investigate the effect of IC and the financial performance measures of the banks. The study results show a positive relationship between the value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) and the financial performance of private commercial banks in Ethiopia. The study also revealed that the components of VAIC (i.e., human capital efficiency, capital employed efficiency, and structural capital efficiency) have a positive and significant effect on the financial performance of banks measured by return on asset and return on equity over the study periods. Practically, the results of the study could be useful for shareholders to consider IC as a strategic resource and hence emphasise these intangibles, and to the bank managers to benchmark themselves against the best competitors based on the level of efficiency rankings.


Assessing supply chain risk management capabilities and its impact on supply chain performance: moderation of AI-embedded technologies

This research investigates the correlation between risk management and supply chain performance (SCP) along with moderation of AI-embedded technologies such as big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), virtual reality, and blockchain technologies. To calculate the results, this study utilised 644 questionnaires through the structural equation modelling (SEM) method. It is revealed using SmartPls that financial risk management (FRM) is positively linked with SCP. Second, it was observed that AI significantly moderates the connection between FRM and SCP. In addition, the study presents certain insights into supply chain and AI-enabled technologies and how these capabilities can beneficially advance SCP. Besides, certain implications, both managerial and theoretical are described for the supply chain managers along with limitations for future scholars of the world.


Students’ Pedagogical Preferences in the Delivery of IT Capstone Courses


And What of Intellectual Landscapes in the Future?


Strategies to Enhance Student Learning in a Capstone MIS Course


An Integrative View of IS/IT and Organizational Resources and Capabilities


Valuing IS/IT Resources as an Antecedent of Absorptive Capacity: An RBV Perspective


The Discovery Camp: A Talent Fostering Initiative for Developing Research Capabilities among Undergraduate Students