
Golf Therapy Baseball Jersey

This Baseball Jersey proclaims that for you, playing golf is so much better and heathier than visiting with any kind of therapist - It's very true; sometimes the best way to work things out mentally is to get out on the golf course for a few hours and wack that little white ball for a few hours. There is just something about getting out in the open, breathing in the fresh air and going for a walk along the 18 holes of a beautiful golf course focusing your mind and energy on hitting that great next shot to clear your mind of other distractions and problems of life. It is amazing how solutions to some of life's problems can just appear to you when you get your mind off of them when you can step away from them and concentrate in a relaxing way to other things, like playing a round of golf. No matter how well you play, "For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's golf".


Golf Therapy Black Ball Cap

This Black Ball Cap proclaims that for you, playing golf is so much better and heathier than visiting with any kind of therapist - It's very true; sometimes the best way to work things out mentally is to get out on the golf course for a few hours and wack that little white ball for a few hours. There is just something about getting out in the open, breathing in the fresh air and going for a walk along the 18 holes of a beautiful golf course focusing your mind and energy on hitting that great next shot to clear your mind of other distractions and problems of life. It is amazing how solutions to some of life's problems can just appear to you when you get your mind off of them when you can step away from them and concentrate in a relaxing way to other things, like playing a round of golf. No matter how well you play, "For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's golf".


Golf Therapy Mesh Ball Hat

This Mesh Ball Cap proclaims that for you, playing golf is so much better and heathier than visiting with any kind of therapist - It's very true; sometimes the best way to work things out mentally is to get out on the golf course for a few hours and wack that little white ball for a few hours. There is just something about getting out in the open, breathing in the fresh air and going for a walk along the 18 holes of a beautiful golf course focusing your mind and energy on hitting that great next shot to clear your mind of other distractions and problems of life. It is amazing how solutions to some of life's problems can just appear to you when you get your mind off of them when you can step away from them and concentrate in a relaxing way to other things, like playing a round of golf. No matter how well you play, "For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's golf".


Handle With Care Warning Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Handle With Care Baseball Jersey - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Kids Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Handle With Care Kids Baseball Jersey - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Have You Hugged My Baseball Jersey Today?

The "Have You Hugged My Shirt Today?" baseball jersey is almost a guarantee that you will get the hugs you want, need or desire. - Do you need a hug? Do like to be hugged? Maybe you need a hug or like to be hugged, but don't really want to directly say so. You can now get around saying that you want or need a hug by asking the question, "Have you hugged my shirt today?", almost guaranteed to get the hugs you want, need or desire.


Have You Hugged My Kids Baseball Jersey

The "Have You Hugged My Shirt Today?" Kids Baseball Jersey is almost a guarantee that you will get the hugs you want, need or desire. - Do you need a hug? Do like to be hugged? Maybe you need a hug or like to be hugged, but don't really want to directly say so. You can now get around saying that you want or need a hug by asking the question, "Have you hugged my shirt today?", almost guaranteed to get the hugs you want, need or desire.


I'm Not Old, I'm Retro Baseball Cap

With this Baseball Cap, you can declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool, youthful and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". - I am not old! I am Retro! Do you think you are old? Have you ever felt old? Just remember, you are only as old as you feel, you are only old if you let yourself feel old. Nowadays, with retro styles, retro attitudes and all things of the past being very hip, cool and popular, it is even easier not to feel old and not be old. Now is your chance to declare to yourself and to the world that you are not old. Declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". After all, you are not old, you are retro!


I'm Not Old, I'm Retro Baseball Jersey

With this Baseball Jersey, you can declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool, youthful and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". - I am not old! I am Retro! Do you think you are old? Have you ever felt old? Just remember, you are only as old as you feel, you are only old if you let yourself feel old. Nowadays, with retro styles, retro attitudes and all things of the past being very hip, cool and popular, it is even easier not to feel old and not be old. Now is your chance to declare to yourself and to the world that you are not old. Declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". After all, you are not old, you are retro!


Jesus Therapy Baseball Jersey

With this Baseball Jersey you can share with the world that Jesus Christ is your therapist, He is better than any therapy that has ever existed, He is your healer, your counselor, and your guide. - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's Jesus. Trusting, believing and following Jesus Christ is better than anything that any therapist can do. When we allow Jesus to be our guide, our counselor, and friend we know that all things through Him will be full of peace, love, happiness and genuine satisfaction because it will be right. The personal pressure it takes off our shoulders is awesome when we trust in Jesus, because we no longer have to worry about doing anything, except believe in Him and His promises and allow Him to work out everything else. It is an awesome and wonderful feeling to allow Christ to be our therapist, counselor and guide by just asking Him how we should be and seeking His advice in the Bible. Everything else is up to Him to do, it doesn't get much better than that! And to think that His love, His advice, His salvation, His healing is all completely free, all we need to do is ask for it and believe in Him.


No Evil, No Fun Baseball Jersey

This Baseball Jersey announces that there just isn't any fun in not seeing any evil, hearing any evil or speaking any evil. - See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? Where is the fun in that? Evil or not, you have got to have some kind of fun sometime. Ok, maybe fun doesn't have to be evil, but sometimes being a little bit evil or sarcastic can be fun.


American Maltese Cross Baseball Jersey

Old Glory Maltese Biker Chopper Cross Baseball Jersey for American bikers, chopper riders and motorcylists - American Old Glory Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other mega cool stuff for American bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of American motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Harley-Davidson, Indian, Buell, Boss Hoss, Victory, American Ironhorse, Big Dog, Titan or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


No, Nein, Non, Nyet, Nope Baseball Jersey

Just like the Baseball Jersey says, "No!". I said no and that's all there is to it. End of discussion, No, and that's final. - No! Whatever it is, no. No, as in no way, forget about it, not going to happen. I said, no. No, and that’s final. It doesn’t matter what it is you want, no. When I say no, I mean no! I don’t care what you think you need, no. Don’t even bother to ask, because the answer is no. I don’t even care what the question is, the answer is no. No, Nadda, Nein, Non, Nyet, No Way, Not a chance, Forget about it, Don’t even think about it, Never, Not now, Not ever. No means no. And, not only no, but heck no!


Does not play well with others Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Does not play well with others 3D industrial metal style sign baseball jersey - "WARNING: Does not play well with others" 3D industrial metal style sign for those who may have a chip on their shoulder, an attitude problem, or just want to be alone.


Contents Under Pressure Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Baseball Jersey - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Do Not Operate Warning Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Do Not Operate Without Proper Protection Baseball Jersey - "WARNING: Do Not Operate Without Proper Protection" 3D Industrial Metal Style Caution Danger Sign Shirts, T-Shirts, Coffee Cups and More!


3D Radioactive Symbol Baseball Jersey

3D Radioactive Symbol Baseball Jersey - 3D Radioactive Symbol Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More


Read Instructions First Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Read Instructions Before Operating Baseball Jersey - WARNING: Read Instructions Before Operating 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Shirts, Sweatshirts, Coffee Cups, Mousepads and MORE!


Future Road Pizza Baseball Jersey

The Future Road Pizza Baseball Jersey, the official uniform for those willing to play in the middle of the road literally or figuratively. - Do you know someone that like to walk down the middle of the street, cross roads or avenues without looking out for traffic? If you answered yes, then you should get that person an official "Future Road Pizza" shirt that shows that they are willing to take the risk of going where they want when they want without consideration of cars, trucks or motorcycles and that maybe they just enjoy dodging traffic. It also is good for those who are very much middle of the road people figuratively or literally as they my get hit by cross traffic in politics, religion or with any other opinion or attitude.


Future Road Pizza Kids Baseball Jersey

The Future Road Pizza Kids Baseball Jersey, the official uniform for those willing to play in the middle of the road literally or figuratively. - Do you know someone that like to walk down the middle of the street, cross roads or avenues without looking out for traffic? If you answered yes, then you should get that person an official "Future Road Pizza" shirt that shows that they are willing to take the risk of going where they want when they want without consideration of cars, trucks or motorcycles and that maybe they just enjoy dodging traffic. It also is good for those who are very much middle of the road people figuratively or literally as they my get hit by cross traffic in politics, religion or with any other opinion or attitude.


Shopping Therapy Baseball Jersey

This Baseball Jersey will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


No Longer A Danger To Society Baseball Jersey

The No Longer A Danger To Society Baseball Jersey will help you reassure the world that you are No Longer A Danger To Society - Are you reformed? Are you no longer a threat or danger to society? Are you now a person that is safe for society, maybe an asset to society? Whatever the case may be, make sure the entire world knows that you are "No Longer A Danger To Society".


Evil Genius Baseball Jersey

With the Evil Genius Baseball Jersey you will be letting everyone know that not only are you super intelligent, but you have a brain, and you're not afraid to use it! - Are you smart? Are you a genius? Have you made plans to try to take over the world? Would you like to try to rule the universe? Is global domination your goal? Do you long for evil minions? Do you have a brain, and you're not afraid to use it? If you answered yes (or even maybe) to any of the above questions, then the Evil Genius design is for you. It also makes an excellent gift for anyone else you may know that is ingenious with a slight hint of crafty mischievousness or arrogance about them.


The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Baseball Jersey

This Baseball Jersey lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all.


The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Black Ball Cap

This Black Ball Cap lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all.


The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Children's Baseball Jersey

This Kids Baseball Jersey lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all.


Motorcycle Therapy Baseball Jersey

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Baseball Jersey - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride.


Motorcycle Therapy Ball Cap

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Ball Cap - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride.


Motorcycle Therapy Kids Baseball Jersey

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Childrens Baseball Jersey - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride.


Legalize Freedom Baseball Jersey

Show your support for freedom of thoughts and actions with the Legalize Freedom Baseball Jersey - Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't seem to matter much any more. They all are trying to pass more laws one way or another to dictate how we think, how we live, restricting how they think we should think and how they think we should live. It doesn't matter anymore if you agree with conservative or liberal ideals. Having different ideas, thoughts and attitudes is what use to make the United States terrific. We didn't use to have the politicians shoving their personal beliefs down our throats. We use to be able think and act for ourselves. We use to be able to be responsible for our own lives and our own decisions. Freedom use to be legal. Freedom of choice use to mean something. The freedom to choose anything is almost non-existent anymore. Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't matter any more, all of their beliefs that they try passing laws on telling us how to think, breath and live will only lead to one thing eventually... socialism and communism... UNLESS it is stopped before it is too late. Legalize Freedom! Enough is enough already!! Stop restricting us! Stop telling us how you say we should think! Stop telling us how we should live! Stop trying to protect us from us! Let us think for ourselves! Let us act for ourselves! Let us be responsible for our own lives! Let us be responsible for our own decisions! LEGALIZE FREEDOM!!


Martial Arts Therapy Baseball Jersey

This Baseball Jersey will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.


Martial Arts Therapy Kids Baseball Jersey

This Kids Baseball Jersey will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.


Approach With Caution Kids Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Approach With Caution Kids Baseball Jersey - Let other people know that you need to be approached with caution with the "WARNING: Approach With Caution" 3D Industrial Metal Looking Sign Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More. Makes an excellent gift for those that are slighty tempermental too!


Internet - Fireball Sightings

Every year in late October and early November, he explains, Earth passes through a river of space dust associated with Comet Encke. Tiny grains hit our atmosphere at 65,000 mph. At that speed, even a tiny smidgen of dust makes a vivid streak of light--a meteor--when it disintegrates. Because these meteors shoot out of the constellation Taurus, they're called Taurids.

Above: a Taurid fireball photographed Oct. 28, 2005, by Hiroyuki Iida of Toyama, Japan.


GlobalData Report: Oil and Gas Industry Slows Energy Transition Efforts

According to the latest GlobalData report, the oil and gas industry is experiencing a slowdown in its energy transition efforts. The report highlights that despite the growing global emphasis on sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, the pace at which the oil and gas sector is adopting renewable energy and other green technologies has decelerated. This slowdown is attributed to several factors, including economic uncertainties and fluctuating oil prices. Investment Shifts and Challenges The report points out that while there has been a significant investment in renewable energy projects, the overall commitment from major oil and gas companies has not met the expected levels. Companies are facing challenges in balancing their traditional fossil fuel operations with the need to invest in cleaner energy sources. The economic pressures and the need to maintain profitability in a volatile market have led to a cautious approach towards large-scale investments in renewable energy. Ravindra Puranik, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, commented on the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on energy security. He noted that the resultant supply chain disruptions have driven countries towards readily available fossil fuels, thereby boosting oil and gas demand. Puranik also highlighted that the push for energy self-reliance and high...


Voetbal plaatjes

Vroeger kon je voetbal plaatjes verzamelen van bekende teams. Leuk voor de liefhebber, en stiekem werd dat snel toch een dure hobbie. Om alle plaatjes te verzamelen moest flink wat zakjes kopen en flink ruilen, deze moest je dan in … Lees verder


May 30 2009 Wavescan Column by by Adrian Petersen - Radio Balikpapan Kalimantan

Now, in assessing the available information, we would suggest that the Dutch colonial authorities took over both of the radio stations in Balikpapan from the Australian army...


May 30 2009 Wavescan Column by by Adrian Petersen - Australian Radio Balikpapan

As soon as things settled down in Balikpapan, the Australian army personnel got themselves busy in the area of radio broadcasting. They began to make program broadcasts over the camp amplifier system under a pretend radio station callsign TBC...


May 30 2009 Wavescan Column by by Adrian Petersen - Balikpapan's Oldest Continuous Radio Station

The Dutch authorities at The Hague in their homeland over in Europe began an interest in the usage of wireless very early. They established a Wireless Company in 1916, they installed two spark Morse Code stations on the Dogger Banks in 1917, they made their first wireless broadcast in 1920, they installed their first wireless...


September 19 2009 Long Lost Radio History Image - 3BA Ballarat - Sunshine Singers

Australian radio station 3BA Ballarat supported the Sunshine Singers. Here they are pictured at Lorne in Victoria on January 24, 1938...


October 17 2009 World Radio TV Handbook 2010: The Directory of Global Broadcasting

Support the Radio Heritage Foundation by purchasing your new copy of the WRTV Handbook 2010 via Amazon through us....


December 12th 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - New Feature - 3BA Ballarat

3BA Ballarat 'The Voice of the Garden City'


Starting up a hot air balloon

in a park in Bristol a hot air balloon is ready on the ground to be inflated for a trip.


White Sea Baltic Canal

The White Sea – Baltic Sea Canal (Russian: Беломо́рско–Балти́йский кана́л, Byelomorsko–Baltiyskiy Kanal, BBK), often abbreviated to White Sea Canal (Belomorkanal) is a ship canal in Russia opened on 2 August 1933. It connects the White Sea with Lake Onega, which is further connected to the Baltic Sea. Until 1961, its original name was the Stalin White Sea – Baltic Sea Canal (Belomorsko–Baltiyskiy Kanal imeni Stalina).

Admin note: Added Wikipedia text, link and two missing locks.


Akira Toriyama Manga Legend and Creator of Dragon Ball Dies at 68

It's been announced today on X (the site formally known as Twitter) and on the official Dragon Ball site that Akira Toriyama passed away on ...


My Hero Academia - World Best Hero - Global Character Popularity Poll

The good folks from Japanese publishing giants Shueisha Inc have sent us details about My Hero Academia - World Best Hero - Global Character...


Global Test Market - Take fun and interesting surveys

* Global Test Market - Take fun and interesting surveys-help develop the products and services you use every day. Tested & recommended!


Global Test Market - Take fun and interesting surveys

* Global Test Market - Take fun and interesting surveys-help develop the products and services you use every day. Tested & recommended!


Global Test Market - Take fun and interesting surveys-

* Global Test Market - Take fun and interesting surveys-help develop the products and services you use every day. Tested & recommended!


Cybereason and Trustwave Merge to Form Global MDR Powerhouse for Unparalleled Cybersecurity Value

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Chicago IL United States - Strategic Consolidation Offers Expanded Cybersecurity Suite of Market-Leading MDR, EDR, Offensive Security, DFIR, and Threat Intelligence - /

  • IT Security / Anti-Spam / Cybersecurity