ave 13 Must-Have Words to Include In Your Resume By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 13:49:35 -0400 Diction or word choice is important when it comes to drafting your resume, not just to ensure that your resume is reviewed positively by software, but also because you want to wow recruiters with your skills, competencies and relevant credentials. complete article Full Article
ave Seven Ways To Save Time With Small Business Automation By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Mon, 1 Jul 2019 16:03:52 -0400 Running a small business may not seem too challenging from a distance. After all, it is a small business, so how much operational and management work could there be? But since I started my own agency, I’ve realized that running a small business or firm is not as easy as it looks. The good news is that there are plenty of best practices small businesses can follow to save time and manage their tasks more efficiently with the help of automation. complete article Full Article
ave Cyberattacks now cost small companies $200,000 on average, putting many out of business By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 19:15:30 -0400 - Forty-three percent of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves, according to Accenture. - These incidents now cost small businesses $200,000 on average, reveals insurance carrier Hiscox, with 60% of them going out of business within six months of being victimized. - More than half of all small businesses suffered a breach within the last year. - Today it’s critical for small businesses to adopt strategies for fighting cyberthreats. complete article Full Article
ave Survey: 60 Percent of Small-Business Owners Think Their Revenue Growth Is Below Average By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 13:49:45 -0500 According to a new survey, the results of which were first published by Inc. on Tuesday, odds are good that you identify more with option A, even if option B is your reality. In a poll of 620 U.S. small-business owners, conducted by online lender and small-business cash-flow platform Kabbage, 60 percent of respondents believed their revenue growth underperformed that of their peers. complete article Full Article
ave 10 Must-Have Content Marketing Tools For Small Business Owners By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Wed, 20 May 2020 07:00:26 -0400 Customers go through a journey before they commit to a purchase. As a small business owner, it is your duty to engage and interact with them until they do so. And when they do, you continue to nurture them so they become your brand’s advocates. With content marketing, you can convert random online searchers to website visitors, make them a part of your tribe and drive more sales by consistently providing them with valuable information. Full Article
ave 60% of Small Businesses Do Not Have a Cybersecurity Policy: Survey By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 07:11:42 -0400 Social distancing amid COVID-19 has forced millions of businesses to set up remote workstations that rely solely on Web applications and services (SaaS) to conduct business operations. According to a new survey by the Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI), the virtual workplace has increased cybersecurity concerns for small business owners, as most of them have not implemented remote working policies to address cybersecurity threats. The survey, which included 412 small business owners, revealed that while most small business owners are concerned about cyberattacks, many lack the resources to invest in necessary security measures – and half of them are worried that remote work will lead to more cyberattacks. It revealed that only 40% of small businesses have implemented a cybersecurity policy. Around 40% of businesses stated that economic uncertainty prevents them from making security investments. While 46% have offered training to help their employees stay secure while working remotely. Nearly 51% of business owners surveyed said they provided employees with technologies to improve cybersecurity for remote work. And 55% of them said they believe federal and state governments should provide funding for cybersecurity products and services. Full Article
ave 6 Cybersecurity Must-Haves for Your Business By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 12:26:27 -0400 In the current environment, cybersecurity is essential for businesses of all sizes. Many small or medium-sized businesses find themselves without adequate cybersecurity, either as a result of believing that they don’t need it or simply overlooking it among the many demands that come with running a business. 1. Use protection against ransomware 2. Invest in employee security training 3. Adopt multifactor authentication 4. Use a Security Information and Event Management system 5. Implement effective systems for protecting and monitoring data 6. Have a plan for mobile device security Full Article
ave Wear A Mask to Save Small Businesses By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 14:33:13 -0400 There is no easy way to say this: America’s small businesses are dying. Small businesses in some industries – retail, restaurant, travel, hospitality – can now be considered endangered species. If you want to help them survive – if you want your own small business to survive – the most important thing you can do is simple: Wear a mask. Wear a mask. It is not a political statement. It’s a way to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus, get this country reopened and save lives and businesses, especially small businesses. Consider just a few statistics: • Yelp reported 71,500 businesses that were listed on their site have closed for good since March 1. • 80% of independent restaurants aren’t sure they’ll survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Full Article
ave That lovely Instagram shoutout could save a small business from shuttering this yearX By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 1 Jan 2021 15:01:56 -0500 Kudos matter now more than ever. On average, social media endorsements of small businesses generate 23% of revenues, according to data from Amex. Few things put more smiles on the faces of small-business owners than social media recommendations about their products or services, but now, new research proves that those online shoutouts also put cash in their bank accounts. On average, social media endorsements of small businesses generate 23% of revenues—or approximately $197 billion—new data from American Express finds. Full Article
ave How Smart Phones Have Changed the World By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 09:28:30 -0500 With the ongoing move of smart phones towards near-ubiquity, much of society has come to take these do-all devices for granted. In overcoming the novelty of smart phones, many of us have lost our one-time sense of awe at this technology, and have ceased marveling at the effect it has had on the world around us. However, it is undeniable that smart phones have exerted a huge and multi-faceted impact on society, and continue to do so to this day. How Smart Phones Have Changed the World Full Article
ave Unboxing the most expensive book I have ever paid for... By journal.neilgaiman.com Published On :: Wed, 09 Nov 2022 04:06:00 +0000 I just filmed a little unboxing-and-enthusing video. It's for the 25th Anniversary editions of Little, Big or, The Fairies' Parliament, by John Crowley. Illustrated (or rather, with Art by) Peter Milton. Most of the edition was pre-sold long ago, but a few hundred remain. You can buy them at https://store.deepvellum.org/products/little-big and they will go too fast. It was, I would hazard, worth waiting the extra 15 years for. My essay is on the dust-jacket of the Green edition. Lots more information about all of this to be found at https://littlebig25.com(And to clarify, it's the most expensive book I've ever paid for, because of the reasons explained in Ron Drummond's blog at https://littlebig25.com/PR-210915.shtml, and not because you have to pay that price to get it. For you, it's $135 until there aren't any left and then watch rare book dealers make a killing on the copies they bought...)And no, the actual copies HAVE NOT YET SHIPPED. This is an advance copy for me to inspect.....Also, I'm now on Mastodon. Follow me at @neilhimself@mastodon.social -- and there's an invitation waiting for you at https://mastodon.social/invite/kP5BRV9s. My first ever Mastodon post has a Good Omens photo from yesterday. Expect more mysterious backstage photos there -- and here -- for a while... Full Article little big or the fairies' parliament mastodon unboxing
ave Apron Bus Market Grows with Expanding Air Travel and Airport Operations, as per Maximize Market Research By www.emailwire.com Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0800 (EMAILWIRE.COM, November 04, 2024 ) The Global Apron Bus Market is expanding, supported by the growth in air travel and the need for efficient airport ground operations. Apron buses transport passengers between terminals and aircraft, ensuring smooth and timely boarding. Key manufacturers are innovating... Full Article
ave We saved the daylight, now we’re giving it back. By artlung.com Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 03:28:48 +0000 from Instagram https://instagr.am/p/DB7zGKyJ0FA/ via IFTTT Full Article general IFTTT swim2024 via-instagram
ave Milky, "Travels with a Donkey" By www.bibabidi.com Published On :: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 19:20:00 -0800 Let's talk about Momus.A little.There's no obvious way to crack into his body of work; you can begin anywhere and proceed to draw a map around that starting point. The essential aerial-view basics, however: Momus is Nick Currie, and while he has mostly recorded under that mononym for over four decades, he began his musical career in the Happy Family, one of 4AD's first signings.I initially came across him while digitally digging through crates of Shibuya-kei records as a teen; I was enamored with his writing and production for Kahimi Karie and POiSON GiRL FRiEND, amongst others. He slid sublimely into that biome—Burt Bacharach blossoms splashed across Serge Gainsbourg grasses under kitschy exotica electronica canopies.At some point in the 90s, he fell into a dramatic, emotional, ultimately fraught tangle with a teenage British-Bangladeshi girl named Shazna Nessa, daughter of a "London-based Bangladeshi restaurant and factory owner," though what exactly transpired is unclear, in part because only the Daily Report tabloid covered it.At any rate, it was with Shazna that he started a project called Milky, and it is their one and only album, Travels with a Donkey, that marks the beginning of my journey with Momus. I'm sure I came upon it either through the Darla website (he had an imprint, American Patchwork, that was distributed by them) or one of the many music blogs with an ear turned to Japan that I followed. A delightfully sweet, twee record that's as much a children's lullabies collection as it is a bedroom pop demo tape.Shazna was also in an easy-listening lounge-pop act called Maria Napoleon that released an LP in 2000, and that is also worth a listen. Full Article British Indie Japanese Lounge Pop Rock Twee
ave The Dick Cavett Show: Inside the Minds of... Volume 3 By www.dvdtalk.com Published On :: Mon, 03 Jun 2019 12:32:32 PDT Recommended In 10 Words or LessDick Cavett interviews a quartet of great black comediansThe ShowThough the box makes no mention of it, the theme of this collection of episodes of The Dick Cavett Show, is obviously iconic black comedians, delivering five ...Read the entire review Full Article DVD Video
ave The Holy Spirit Pt1: Have You Received? By www.preachtheword.com Published On :: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 13:01:02 GMT Our new series on 'The Holy Spirit' seeks to reintroduce us to the oft-neglected third Person of the Godhead. Even those who claim to move in the power of the Spirit don't always have a deep relationship with Him as a Person. So, join us as we seek a deeper knowledge and fellowship with 'God on Earth' - the Holy Spirit. In our first study, we ask the question: are you walking in everything of the Holy Spirit that God intended for you as His child? Acts 19 presents us with some 'disciples' who had not entered a full experience of the Holy Spirit. Let's see what we can learn from their interview with Paul, as he asks 'Have You Received?'. This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)... Full Article Religion & Spirituality
ave The Shaking Of The Heavens By www.preachtheword.com Published On :: Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:01:01 GMT In this topical message on revival, David relays some visions and dreams from God, indicating the shaking in the heavenly realm at this time in history and the need for us to be 'ready' in the day of God's power (Psalm 110:3). This message is available now from https://www.preachtheword.com in MP3 audio format... Full Article Religion & Spirituality
ave Which Report Have You Believed? By www.preachtheword.com Published On :: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 10:01:01 GMT Whose message are we listening to? Whose report are we believing? The press, social media, medicine, or Gods Word? What voices are we allowing to influence us, and are those voices faith-inducing or faith-reducing? Isaiah 53 is such a well-known scripture about the death of Jesus and the salvation He has purchased for us. But many have neglected that this core prophetic scripture is explicit that healing has been purchased for us at the cross of Jesus. Learn what Isaiah 53 truly teaches and then ask, 'Do you believe this report?' or, whose report are you believing? This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format... Full Article Religion & Spirituality
ave Where have we been? By thehutchinsonfamily.blogspot.com Published On :: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:32:00 +0000 Let's see, in the past 3 months, we: 1. Finished soccer season 2. Had 3 ballet recitals 3. Took the kids on a SURPRISE trip in Disney World 4. moved to a new city 50 miles away (4 days after we returned home from Disney) 5. unpacked our new home 6. drove back and forth between new and old home to get old home ready to rent out. 7. paid $$$$$$$$$$$$$ for a new A/C unit at our old home 8. started some of our schoolwork So, we've been just a little busy. We have now finished our work on the old house so we're hoping things will start to calm down just a bit. I'm currently 26 weeks and feeling good. I am starting to get heartburn at night occasionally, but it's not that bad yet. I cannot believe it's almost the 3rd trimester-this pregnancy has completely flown by. Hutch 7.0 still is nameless but hopefully not for long. I go back to the doctor the first week of August and then it's every 2 weeks until 35 weeks where I'll go weekly. Time tends to speed up at this point until about 36 weeks when it slows WAY down. I'll be interested to see how these last months go this time. My next post (hopefully tomorrow) is going to be our new school curriculum/year. On one of our many trips to Home Depot/Lowes :) Good thing we have a lot of helpers. Full Article
ave Why we have 7 children By thehutchinsonfamily.blogspot.com Published On :: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:28:00 +0000 The 2015 Daxko kick-off is complete and the size of my family was an unplanned recurring humorous theme this year. I expect many people left last Friday evening with a few unanswered questions. Questions only I can answer. Seven. That's how many kids I actually have. Comparing us to the Duggars is an insult to Michelle! Yes. I know "how it happens" No. I am not "Roman Catholic" Yes. I do have cable. It doesn't help. No. I have no idea how we will send them to college…but neither do you. Yes. We know about and have used birth control. Why do my wife and I have so many children? The Lord has given them to us. He has entrusted them to us. It is our great joy to teach them about Him. We believe the purpose of our lives is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. No, bearing and raising children is not the only way to honor and glorify God, but it is a rewarding work. It is edifying. It is sanctifying. It brings me joy. There are so many things people could laugh at me about so I'm glad they choose this. Consider this. Everything we do on this earth will pass away. Very few people in history "make an impact" or are remembered for very long. Human souls are eternal. We have been given 7 eternal souls to care for and to teach about the Lord. It is not always easy. It often reveals my sin, but I do this work with the hope that they will one day stand eternally before the Lord with me in peace. All the work I put into their lives has eternal value. This is HUGE! Most people miss this point. All the poopy diapers, long nights, sickness and general frustrations of parenting are not offset only by the happy moments captured on instagram. One great joy of parenting is the hope that the child you brought into this world will one day pass through death to an eternity with their creator in perfection and joy. Children are truly a blessing from the Lord! Some may still think I am crazy. I am ok with that. Remember this. I have a really good chance of not ending up in a nursing home! Full Article
ave Guest Post By Lynn AKA "Sign And Save Lives" By nancythroughthelookingglass.blogspot.com Published On :: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 14:15:00 +0000 Guest post by Lynn My name is Lynn, I’m 60 years old and I’d like to share my son’s illness with you all to try and help you understand the predicament thousands of others like my son are faced with next year, regarding DWP Benefit Reform for the sick and disabled. My youngest son aged 40 has suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia and emotional instability Personality Disorder since the age of 18. I have lived the illness with my son, the highs, the lows, and numerous hospital admissions over the years. My son had another very bad psychotic breakdown in August 2010, which resulted in a section 3 of the Mental Health Act and he has been in hospital care for 2 years this time. Although my son is nearly 40 years old, mentally he is only 15, he is immature and extremely vulnerable and easily exploited. Therefore needs much support and care when living in the community. My son, like thousands like him, who suffer from a Severe and Enduring mental health problem, has no voice when it comes to the DWP or ATOS, he like others wouldn’t be able cope with being interviewed next year 2013 when the Disability Living Allowance changes to Personal Independence Payment and he has to be assessed by DWP. He, again like many others, who suffer severe mental illness, doesn’t believe he is ill, and just wants to be left alone. The severely mentally ill will be hugely disadvantaged by the GOV/DWP/ATOS putting them through this ridiculous assessment in 2013, particularly people who don’t believe they are mentally ill, who to anyone who doesn’t know them, or, their background, can come across as fine, strong, healthy people, and may not appear ill at all, or, that they need help and support in their day to day lives, keeping them and others safe in the community, they won’t see the risks for the mentally ill, and many won’t have family or support to go with them to the assessments! My son would tell an assessor he wasn’t ill, and say he just wanted to be left alone to get on with his life, which would see him losing his DLA/PIP for sure. Yet in reality, my son cannot get on a bus or use any public transport due to his paranoia that people are staring at him. He would get upset and get angry, probably end up getting in to trouble, because his self-esteem is low as is his confidence, and he thinks the world and his mate are against him. To avoid this kind of stress and a way of coping, he needs taxis to anywhere he has to go, shopping, to any appointments he has. It is the only way he can cope with going out, and without his DLA/PIP he would be housebound and have no quality of life at what so ever. If mental health sufferers lose their DLA/PIP benefit, (same as all disabled), it will place a huge extra burden on family, carers and friends emotionally and financially to provide the care and support and finance they need, which most of us couldn’t afford! All to often family/friends who are carers, as in our own case, are ill, worn down. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Moderate to Severe ME/CFS and told by my consultant it was due to being a carer for 22 years. My husband is 76 years old, in bad health, tired, it catches up with us and having to provide even more care to our loved ones should they lose their benefit, will put carers at more risk mentally and physically. Because I understand the plight of the severely mentally ill, and have insight to the wider implications of what the GOV/DWP actions will cause for the sufferer and family, and carers, I have started this e-petition asking the Government to Exclude all severely mental ill from the 2013 DLA/PIP assessments, because what the GOV/DWP are doing is the biggest travesty and betrayal to our sick and disabled who in most cases have already proved their illness/disability with medical evidence and assessments they have already had to go through to get their DLA in the first place, and many like my son, were awarded DLA for an Indefinite period because they have provided proof their illness/disability is a life long one! There are a number of e-petitions about Benefit Reform, I have signed them all which everyone should do to try and help protect all disabled, however, this petition is specifically to try and get the severely mentally ill EXCLUDED from the assessments because they do not have a strong enough voice and they will be hugely disadvantaged as I said before. As a mum of a severely mentally ill son, and on behalf of all other sufferers like him, I know these assessments will cause SUICIDES in our most vulnerable, and cause huge hardship all round, please may I respectfully appeal to your good hearts and souls to support this e-petition and sign it, to share it with family & friends, on twitter/face book accounts, groups you may belong to, as I need 100,000 signatures to stand any chance of getting the House Of Commons to debate this, and at the moment I only have 2,456 signatures, we only have until March to get the 100K! Thank you all for taking the time to read this my plea, and I very much hope you will feel able to sign this petition. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/35092 Kind Regards Lynn --------------------------------------- You can follow Lynn on Twitter > @SignSaveLives Full Article
ave Les 4 vérités avec Jacques Séguéla By poypoye.over-blog.com Published On :: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 19:02:00 +0100 Je ne dois pas vivre dans le même pays ou la même planète que Monsieur Jacques Séguéla ! Invité à l'émission "Les 4 vérités" sur France 2 le 13/02/2009, en réponse à une question sur le coté Bling Bling de Capitaine Caverne (Nicolas pour ceux qui n'ont... Full Article
ave Wave Arts - Tube Sat Vintage 1.0.2 By www.dontcrack.com Published On :: Sat, 24 Jun 2017 04:32:14 +0100 Freeware for PC : Plug-ins & effects / Tube emulation Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Krenula je karavana od Prevlaka do Vukovara By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 10:39:31 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Krenula je karavana od Prevlaka do VukovaraPostano: 12.11.2024. 11:39 (GMT 1) Povodom obilježavanja 33. godišnjice Sjećanja na žrtvu Vukovara, Moto Klub Korčula u suradnji s udrugama proisteklim iz Domovinskog rata i moto klubovima iz cijele Hrvatske, organizira tradicionalnu vožnju motorima od Prevlake do Vukovara. S obzirom na nepredvidivost vremena i događanja, a sukladno propisima, Karavana bi imala i prateće kombije (logistiku). Karavana bikera pod imenom „Zajedno u ratu, zajedno u miru“ koja će krenuti na put za Vukovar povodom obilježavanja trideset i treće obljetnice „Sjećanja na žrtvu Vukovara“ planom i programom. Predviđeno vrijeme dolaska karavane u Osijek je u nedjelju, 17. studenog oko 17:45 satikada će zapaliti svijeću kod legendarnog Fiće. Oko 18:30 sati svijeće će zapaliti i na Jugu 2. Svoj put nastavljaju rano ujutro u ponedjeljak prema Vukovaru. Foto: Božidar Vrselja Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Centar za kulturu Čepin: Stand-up comedy show "Ja sam ti takav" By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:14:56 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Centar za kulturu Čepin: Stand-up comedy show "Ja sam ti takav"Postano: 13.11.2024. 8:14 (GMT 1) Tomislav Primorac, poznati stand-up komičar i predstavnik SplickeScene, sa showom „Ja sam ti takav“ stiže u Centar za kulturu Čepin. Nastupit će u petak, 15. studenog 2024. u 20 sati. O komičaru Tomislavu Primorcu Ovaj stand-up komičar prepoznatljiv je po svom britkom humoru i specifičnom stilu. Opisuje se kao „poludalmatinac“ i „poluhercegovac“ te kao mitološko biće kojeg se boje svi Purgeri. Iako je diplomirani fizičar, odlučio je krenuti putem komedije, što je izazvalo razočaranje njegovih roditelja. Njegov je životni san da bude zapamćen poput Nikole Tesle – ali ne iz altruističnih razloga, već da bi se Dalmatinci i Hercegovci svađali na temu čiji je. Njegov humor balansira između svakodnevnih situacija i dubljih promišljanja o životu. Cilj mu je pronaći ga u onome što svi proživljavaju. Publiku svih uzrasta - od studenata do sredovječnih muškaraca i baka - uspijeva nasmijati svojom domišljatošću i logikom. O showu „Ja sam ti takav“ Show „Ja sam ti takav“ dinamičan je i emotivno duboko uronjen u svakodnevni život. Primorac koristi humor kako bi razotkrio obiteljske odnose, kulturne razlike i jezične analize, pri čemu se obraća svima - bez obzira na dob ili društveni status. Ovaj show pruža priliku za smijeh i razmišljanje o životu kroz komične, ali istinite situacije. „Ne propustite priliku za uživanje u ovom jedinstvenom stand-up iskustvu u Čepinu. Garantiramo večer prepunu smijeha i dobre energije“, poručili su Arlekin Comedyja, organizatora ovog događanja. Kako do ulaznica? Ulaznice se prodaju po cijeni od 10 eura. Mogu se kupiti online u sustavima Core event i Adriaticket. Fizička prodaja vrši se na lokacijama: caffe bar Onyx, TISAK+ (Gacka ulica 10), TISAK Media Portanova (uz dodatni trošak od 1 eura). Rezervacije su moguće pozivom na broj 098 977 25 41 (Arlekin Comedy), na kojem je moguće dobiti i dodatne informacije. Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: 3. Simpozij zdravstva "Tvoj dodir, njihov puls" [2024.] By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 08:23:41 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 3. Simpozij zdravstva "Tvoj dodir, njihov puls" [2024.]Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:23 (GMT 1) Treći po redu Simpozij zdravstva (SIZOS), koji je posvećen edukaciji šire javnosti našega grada držat će se 15. i 16. studenog 2024. u prostorijama Fakulteta agrobiotehničkih znanosti. Prošlogodišnji simpozij obilježio je listopad kao Mjesec ženskog zdravlja, tijekom kojeg smo obrađivali ključne teme vezane uz žensko zdravlje. Događaj je privukao više od 150 sudionika, među kojima su najveći dio činili studenti, ali i svi ostali zainteresirani za ovu temu. Tema ovogodišnjeg simpozija je „Tvoj dodir, njihov puls“. Studenti Medicinskog fakulteta Osijek, profesori i doktori KBC-a Osijek, kao i udruge poput Crvenog križa, jednostavno će i pristupačno prenijeti znanja o spašavanju ljudskih života. Neke od tema uključuju prepoznavanje i postupanje u slučaju infarkta, pravilnu reakciju kod stranog tijela u oku te najčešće prijelome i načine pružanja prve pomoći u tim situacijama. Sudionici će imati priliku postavljati pitanja stručnjacima tijekom okruglih stolova, na teme kao što su anestezija i intenzivna medicina te hitna medicina, kao i stjecati praktično znanje kroz radionice, uključujući osnove održavanja života, održavanje života u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i mnoge druge. Cilj ovogodišnjeg simpozija je pružiti osnovna znanja i vještine studentima i široj javnosti u prepoznavanju i pravilnom postupanju u hitnim stanjima. Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: GISKO: Predstavljanje knjige "Ironwoman: moja priča" By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 08:50:40 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: GISKO: Predstavljanje knjige "Ironwoman: moja priča"Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:50 (GMT 1) Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek organizira predstavljanje knjige pod nazivom “Ironwoman: moja priča!” autorice Đurđice Orepić. Predstavljanje će se održati u četvrtak, 21. studenog 2024. s početkom u 17.00 sati u prostoru Studijske čitaonice Gradske i sveučilišne knjižnice Osijek. Program će moderirati Saša Drinić i Željko Garmaz. Ironwoman: moja priča knjiga je o ženi koja je, kako navodi urednica knjige Korana Svilar, “životu u inat i životu za ljubav odlučila da neće više samo ‘hodati’, nego trčati, plivati i pedalirati stotinama kilometara – ona će se natjecati u triatlonu, jer život se živi, a ne preživljava”. Iznenađujući sve koji svjedoče njezinoj odluci da pomiče vlastite granice, trpjet će bol i previranja, plakat će i smijati se, upoznat će vlastito tijelo u najekstremnijim uvjetima, prkosit će sebi i svima koji sumnjaju i natjecati se u Ironmanu, najtežoj utrci na svijetu. Ništa nije nemoguće onome tko ima volju pobijediti samoga sebe, dokazuje Đurđica Orepić, najbolja svjetska Ironwoman u svojoj dobnoj skupini. U memoarskoj prozi Ironwoman: moja priča Đurđica Orepić nadahnuto ispisuje svoje nevjerojatno iskustvo, ne štedeći ni srce ni smisao za humor. I jedinstvena Đu pobjeđuje još jednom. No, ovoga puta ne osvaja trofeje, već srca čitatelja, kojima svakom stranicom prenosi svoju najveću strast – život sâm. U osvrtu na knjigu, Boris Dežulović je napisao da knjiga Ironwoman: moja priča „nije samo priča o uspješnoj ženi koja nikad u životu nije obula patike, pa u pedesetoj odluči postati svjetska prvakinja u triatlonu, ovo je i priča o uspješnoj ženi iza koje – kao iza svake uspješne i dovršene žene – stoji muškarac“. Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.] By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:31:03 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.]Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:31 (GMT 1) Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek u studenom će organizirati pričaonice i kreativnu radionicu u Središnjoj knjižnici prema sljedećem rasporedu: Središnja knjižnica (E. avenija 24, br. tel: 031/211-472) "Prstići pričaju" (za korisnike od rođenja do 3 godine): - Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati - Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati "Vrijeme za priču” (za korisnike starije od 3 godine): - Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati - Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati Kreativna radionica (za korisnike starije od 6 godina): - Utorak, 26. studenoga 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati – "Kućica za ukrašavanje" Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:35:21 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program]Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:35 (GMT 1) Bogate projekcije Kinematografa u Kinu Urania čekaju na vas, a što je u ponudi pogledajte u tekstu niže... Cijena ulaznica za redovite repertoarne iznose 4,50 EUR/33,90 kn, dok uz predočenje studentske ili umirovljeničke iskaznice karte možete kupiti po cijeni od 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn. Ulaznica za školske projekcije (grupe manje od 30 učenika) je 3,30 EUR/24,86 kn, a za grupe veće od 30 učenika cijena ulaznice je 2,70 EUR/20,34 kn. Za obiteljsku srijedu i dječje matineje ulaznice iznose 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn za sve gledatelje. *Prije izdavanja ulaznica napomenite imate li studentski ili umirovljenički popust. Izdane ulaznice ne mogu se stornirati. Popust vrijedi uz predočenje važećih iskaznica. Ulaznice možete rezervirati klikom info[at]kinematografi-osijek[dot]hr Skriveno: Premijerni naslov kojeg biste ovog tjedna obvezno trebali staviti na svoju kino listu je novi spektakl Ridleya Scotta Gladijator 2 koji je oduševio filmsku kritiku i uz velika očekivanja publike sa svojim prikazivanjem počinje 14.11. Drugi premijerni naslov je hrvatska ratna drama Proslava koji ukazuje na okolnosti koje za posljedicu imaju pojavu ekstemizma u društvu. U nedjelju 17.11. CICAE, međunarodna mreža art kina, čiji je dugogodišnji član i kino Urania, obilježava Europski dan Art kina. Suočeni s rastućim antidemokratskim osjećajima, populizmom i polarizacijom, sve većim nasiljem i predrasudama protiv manjina, disidenata, filmskih i kulturnih profesionalaca, mi – globalni arthouse pokret – stojimo ujedinjeni u našoj predanosti obrani ideala slobodno i otvoreno društvo i dijalog pun poštovanja koji prevazilazi granica i kultura. Kao neovisna kina, mi – zajedno s našom raznolikom publikom diljem svijeta – svakodnevno radimo na rasvjetljavanju demokracije, jednakosti i slobode. Čvrsto stojimo uz one čiji se glasovi ušutkavaju, bilo kada i bilo gdje. Arthouse kina dugo su bila, i ostat će, portali u svjetove izvan našeg. Služeći kao ključna kulturna središta u svojim lokalnim zajednicama, oni pružaju jedinstveni prostor za otkrivanje, otvarajući prozore za nove priče, perspektive i susrete. Pozivamo donositelje političkih odluka i zajednice posvuda da… • zaštitite slobodu govora i umjetničko izražavanje, kao temelj živog kulturnog krajolika. • poštuju i uvažavaju različita mišljenja i perspektive, identitete i načina života i potiču kulturu uključenosti i empatije. • potiču dijalog i razmjenu među zajednicama, kulturama i granicama, kako bismo izgradili razumijevanje, poštovanje i uvažavanje svjetova izvan našeg. • osiguraju sigurnost audiovizualnih umjetnika i kulturnih djelatnika koji promiču i štite našu zajedničku kulturnu baštinu. • podržavaju i zaštite bitna kulturna mjesta, kao što su nezavisna kina, kao središta slobodne kulture i društva. Wim Wenders, kao veleposlanik Europskog dana Art kina poziva Vas na potpisivanje peticije ukoliko ste suglasni s gore navedenim ciljevima. Ostali filmski naslovi u ovotjednom programu su filmovi iz revije Film Biography- Dražen, biografsko politički film The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu, intrigantan triler Konklava, psihološki triler Izolacija, a u dječjem programu Divlji robot i obiteljska avantura Izumitelj, o znatiželjnom i svojeglavom izumitelju i umjetniku Leonardu da Vinci-ju. Last chance to see u ovom filmskom tjednu u Kino klubu kina Urania: uz Zelena granica pogledajte i kontroverzni Klub Zero. Nabavite na vrijeme i ulaznice za naše predstave! U utorak, 19.11.2024. u 19 sati Dragan Marinković Maca nas očekuje sa svojim stand up-om Macaglu, a ulaznice su u online prodaji i na blagajni kina Urania. U srijedu, 20.11.2024. u 19 sati ponovo će na programu biti Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera. Ulaznice možete kupiti online ili na blagajni kina Urania. Obje predstave Anđelke Stević Žugić Što me opet snađe koje će se održati 9. i 10.12.2024. u 19 sati su također rasprodane pa četvrti nastup ugovoramo za 7. veljače 2025. u isto vrijeme. Ulaznice za predstavu 7.2.2025. mogu se rezervirati i kupiti na blagajni kina Urania. Nakon 13 rasprodanih Dejtova u kinu Urania, s novom predstavom Astroklikeri dolazi nam i Sandra Silađev 13.12. u 19 sati, a predstava je rasprodana. Proslavite rođendan u kinu Urania ili istražite VR svijet u našem VR Game Room-u možete te isprobajte neke od najpopularnijih VR igrica. Posebne pogodnosti i povoljnije cijene možete iskoristiti uz studentsku i umirovljeničku iskaznicu te na dječjim matinejama i obiteljskim srijedama, uz grupne popuste i poklon vouchere Četvrtak, 14. studenog 2024. 16:30-20:00 VR Game Room 17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min) 18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK 19:00 Resonance Cinema: Svjetski dan dijabetesa- Sigurno u dugi- edukcijska projekcija 20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA 20:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA Petak, 15. studenog 2024. 16:30-20:00 VR Game Room 16:30 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min) 18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK 18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA 20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA 21:21 Konklava- Conclave (120 min) Subota, 16. studenog 2024. 10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room 11:00 Dječja matineja: Divlji robot- The Wild Robot (101 min) SINK 17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min) 18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK 18:45 Young local authors: NK Olimpija- premijera filma 20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min) 20:00 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min) 21:30 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA Nedjelja, 17. studenog 2024. 10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room 11:00 Dječja matineja: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK 17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min) 18:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA 18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA 20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min) 21:21 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min) Ponedjeljak, 18. studenog 2024. 12:00-20:00 VR Game Room 17:15 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min) 18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK 18:45 Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA 20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min) 20:15 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA Utorak, 19. studenog 2024. 12:00-20:00 VR Game Room 16:15 Konklava- Conclave (120 min) 18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK 19:00 Stand up Dragana Marinkovića Mace- Macaglu 20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min) 21:00 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min) Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. 12:00-20:00 VR Game Room 16:30 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min) 18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK 19:00 Monodrama Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera, 16+ 20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min) 21:00 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Gastro pub Bulart 1887: Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:41:04 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Gastro pub Bulart 1887: Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran KočišPostano: 13.11.2024. 10:41 (GMT 1) Još jedna senzacionalna Ljekarna u Tvrđi je pred nama. U četvrtak, 21. studenog 2024. u Gastro pub Bulart 1887 s početkom u 19:00 sati stižu Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš. Da smo mogli birati idealno vrijeme za dolazak velikog Ivice Matoševića u Ljekarnu u Tvrđi, ne znam postoji li bolji termin od ovoga sada. Jer, nakon skoro 30 odrađenih berbi, Ivica Matošević posljednjih mjeseci ne prestaje nizati panegirike koje mu upućuju najveći svjetski vinski mediji. Vrhunac karijere ovog intelektualca među vinarima, spiritus movensa cijele istarske vinske scene! Ugledni Wine Enthusiast je prije nekoliko dana čak četiri Matoševićeva vina honorirao s vrlo visoka 94 boda (Superb - A great achievement ), dok je, uvjetno rečeno, „najlošije“ prošla njegova bazna malvazija – 92 boda (Excellent - Highly recommended ). Časopis Decanter ga je prije mjesec dana za malvaziju iz akacije pohvalio sa 93 boda, Saša Špiranec je dvije Grimalde, koje ćemo kušati u Ljekarni u Tvrđi, nagradio sa 95, odnosno 94 boda, dok Ivo Kozarčanin, „Bakhov sin“, za njegova vina tvrdi da su – „čisti eros“. Povod gostovanju Ivice Matoševića u Ljekarni u Tvrđi je predstavljanje posebne serije najboljih vina iz njegova podruma koju je nazvao Živjelo prijateljstvo, a koju je, kao pravi kolekcionarski biser, posvetio svom, nažalost preminulom, velikom prijatelju Vladi Divljanu. U prodaju je pušteno samo 100 sanduka s vinima iz linije Grimalda i Alba Antiqua, a umjetničke etikete, s podsjećanjem na šest pjesama Vlade Divljana – Radostan dan, Nebeska tema, Vodim te na more, Odnesi me, Ona to zna i Imala je snažnije ruke nego ja, osmislile su umjetnice iz Zagreba, Splita i Beograda - Maja Bosnar, Jana Oršolić, Svetlana Volić, Maja Rožman, Katarina Juričić i Ivana Grimani. Broj gostiju smo ograničili na 40, tako da će prednost za sudjelovanjem na ovoj uistinu ekskluzivnoj Ljekarni u Tvrđi imati oni koji se prvi jave i spremni su za to izdvojiti 60 eura. Svoje mjesto rezervirajte putem e-mail: zeljko.garmaz@gmail.com ili pozivom na broj 0916400527. Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: 16. Noć kazališta u Osijeku i Belom Manastiru By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:00:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 16. Noć kazališta u Osijeku i Belom ManastiruPostano: 13.11.2024. 13:00 (GMT 1) 16. Noć kazališta održat će se u subotu, 16. studenog 2024. Noć kazališta već šesnaestu godinu zaredom slavi snagu izvedbenih umjetnosti i bogatstvo scene. Od svog početka 2008. godine do danas izrasla je u višednevni kulturni događaj koji se odvija diljem zemlje stvarajući jedinstvenu priliku za kazališne užitke nekoliko dana prije i nakon središnjeg događanja. Ova manifestacija naglašava važnost kazališta, kako profesionalnog tako i amaterskog, te okuplja raznolike izvedbene forme. Potiče kreativne susrete, razmjenu ideja i poziva publiku da se poveže s umjetnicima. Kazališta postaju mjesta susreta, otvorena za sve i pružaju priliku za neponovljivo iskustvo koje obogaćuje svakog sudionika. [Program] Osijek HNK u Osijeku 19:00 sati – Fabijan Šovagović – “Sokol ga nije volio” – drama, režija Filip Šovagović. Ulaznice u slobodnoj prodaji Beli Manastir Gradsko kazalište Beli Manastir Petak, 15. studenog 2024. 16:00 – 20:00 sati – Dvorana za produkcije – Umjetnička škola – “Audicija za snimanje filma”. Ulaz besplatan 17:00 – 20:00 sati – Velika galerija CZK – Izložba “Živa povijest kroz umjetnost” autorice Mihaele Vojtek. Ulaz besplatan Subota, 16. studenog 2024. 18:00 – 21:00 sat – Velika galerija CZK – Izložba „Živa povijest kroz umjetnost“ autorice Mihaele Vojtek. Ulaz besplatan 20:00 sati – Velika dvorana CZK – premijera – “Inspektor Ja” – komedija, Umjetnička organizacija „Do zvijezda“. Ulaznica 4 € 21:00 sat – Velika dvorana – “Ja, debela?”, komedija Full Article
ave Vijesti :: Od petka obavezna zimska oprema na vozilima By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:51:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Od petka obavezna zimska oprema na vozilimaPostano: 13.11.2024. 13:51 (GMT 1) Od 1. studenog vozači moraju imati upaljena dnevna ili kratka svjetla, a od 15. studenog moraju imati i zimske gume. U petak, 15. studenog stupa na snagu zimski režim na cestama, što znači da limeni ljubimci moraju imati i zimsku opremu. Uređeno je to novom Odlukom o obveznoj zimskoj opremi. U zimske dionice javnih cesta ulazi 839,2 km autocesta i 1.863,3 km državnih i županijskih cesta te 68,1 km državnih cesta za tranzitni promet iz trajektnih luka Vukovar, Osijek, odnosno luke i rafinerije Sisak. Vozači su u zimskim uvjetima prije uključivanja u promet dužni očistiti snijeg i led s vozila. Ako vas u prometu 'uhvate' bez zimske opreme kaznit će vas sa 132,72 eura. Foto: Pixabay.com/Ilustracija Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Predstavljanje knjiga "Suvremeni hrvatski haiku - Nova antologija" i "Dosje i druge priče" By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 13:09:37 GMT Autor: knjizaraNOVA Naslov: Predstavljanje knjiga "Suvremeni hrvatski haiku - Nova antologija" i "Dosje i druge pPostano: 13.11.2024. 14:09 (GMT 1) Društvo hrvatskih književnika i Klub knjižare Nova pozivaju Vas na predstavljanje knjiga "Suvremeni hrvatski haiku - Nova antologija" i "Dosje i druge priče". Na predstavljanju sudjeluju: Nikola Đuretić, Tomislav Maretić i Mirko Ćurić. Predstavljanje će se održati u Klubu knjižare Nova (Trg Ante Starčevića 4, Osijek) u subotu, 16. studenoga u 11 sati. Radujemo se Vašem dolasku! Full Article
ave Događaji - najave i recenzije :: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje] By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 20:00:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]Postano: 13.11.2024. 21:00 (GMT 1) Uronite u mračni svijet paranormalnih istraživanja s mlađim Hellboyem, smještenim u 1955. godinu, u rane dane B.P.R.D.-a (Biro za paranormalna istraživanja i obranu). Hellboy (Jack Kesy) se pridružuje istraživačici Bobbie Jo Song u misiji transporta opasnog pauka. No, kada pauk pobjegne, njihov lov kroz divljinu Apalačkih planina vodi ih do Toma Ferrella (Jefferson White), vještca koji se vraća nakon dugo vremena kako bi ispravio svoje grijehe. U njihovoj potrazi nailaze na Coru Fisher, djevojku koju je Tom davno napustio. Zajedno se suočavaju s nizom zlih sila koje prijete njenoj duši. Dok mračna magija i zlokobna stvorenja preplavljuju ovu atmosferičnu priču, Hellboy mora iskoristiti svoje vještine i nadnaravnu snagu kako bi porazio sile tame. Za sve ljubitelje Hellboy stripova i filmova, ova avantura donosi mješavinu horora, akcije i okultnih tema, te vraća omiljenog junaka u novom, mračnijem svjetlu. [Nagradno darivanje] Portal Osijek031 daruje 1x2 ulaznice za film "Hellboy: Izopačena sjena". Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici. CINESTAR OSIJEK Portanova centar, Svilajska 31 a, Osijek, 060 32 32 33, Cijena 1,71kn/min za pozive iz fiksne mreže s PDV-om. Cijena 2,92kn/min za pozive iz mobilne mreže s PDV-om. BLITZ-CINESTAR d.o.o., Branimirova 29, 10000 Zagreb OIB 24146311117; MB 1734067, Cinestarcinemas.hr Moja CineStar srijeda Ostvarite pogodnost kupovine ulaznica SRIJEDOM po povoljnijoj cijeni! Mogućnost kupovine ulaznica i za IMAX i 4DX projekcije po povoljnijoj cijeni! Ulaznice možete kupiti na blagajnama CineStar kina, Cinematima, putem iCineStar aplikacije ili ONLINE kupovinom. Dodaci (4DX, 3D, eXtreme, VIP i LOVEBOX sjedala, te dodataci za filmove čija je dužina trajanja veća od 120 min, 140 min i više) se naplaćuju u punoj cijeni na povoljniju cijenu kino ulaznice unutar usluge Moja Cine Srijeda. Prilikom korištenja Stars Club 2x Bonus kartice u svrhu plaćanja usluge Moja Cine Srijeda bilježe se bodovi na kartici. Pogodnost Moja Cine Srijeda ne vrijedi: - blagdanima i praznicima - za pretpremijene projekcije - za Gold Class projekcije - za Spektakle u CineStaru (opera, balet, koncerti) - za dokumentarne filmove u regularnim dvoranama, IMAX-u i Gold Class-u - za ostale sadržaje koje CineStar odredi Blitz-CineStar zadržava pravo da određene filmove i projekcije koje prikazuje srijedom, izdvoji iz akcije Moja Cine srijeda. Tada se ulaznica naplaćuje po punoj cijeni. Za sva pitanja obratite nam se na: info@cinestarcinemas.eu Tekući CineStar raspored je uvijek dostupan u tjednom pregledniku najava, pri vrhu naslovnice portala Osijek031.com i u mjesečnom pregledu - Najave 031 Full Article
ave Un haut responsable du PCC appelle � la promotion d'une communaut� Chine-Vietnam d'avenir partag� By chine.in Published On :: 2024-11-12T22:23:14+01:00 Le haut responsable chinois, Li Xi, a rencontr� Phan Dinh Trac, membre du Bureau politique, secr�taire du secr�tariat et pr�sident de la Commission des affaires int�rieures du Comit� central du Parti communiste vietnamien (PCV), mardi � Beijing. ... Full Article Chine
ave Le commerce de la Chine avec les autres �conomies de l'APEC a atteint un niveau record entre janvier et octobre By chine.in Published On :: 2024-11-13T21:47:46+01:00 Le commerce de la Chine avec les autres �conomies de l'APEC a atteint un niveau record de 21.270 milliards de yuans (environ 2.950 milliards de dollars) au cours des dix premiers mois de 2024, selon les donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'Administration... Full Article APEC
ave Introduction To Maven 2 By www.ensode.net Published On :: Maven is a tool used to build Java code, similar to ANT. However Maven has a number of advantages over ANT, the main one being it being able to automatically download a project's dependencies from a central repository. Full Article
ave Adding "Maven-Like" Dependency Management To NetBeans Projects with Ivy By www.ensode.net Published On :: When working with Maven projects from NetBeans, some very nice NetBeans features are lost, such as the ability to use the Matisse GUI Builder, developing JSF web applications visually and automatically generating JPA entities from existing database schemas. In this article we explain how to keep all the benefits of Maven without losing NetBeans functionality by integrating Ivy into NetBeans projeccts. Full Article
ave maver 301 13 meter maver top game fighter 11.5 meter By www.hengelspullen.nl Published On :: zon, 25 jan 2015 07:44:32 GMT wedstrijdhengel maver 301 13 meter4 keer 5 delige topsets2 keer 3 delige topsets1 keer 5 delige cupset1 keer extension 11.5 en 10 meterextra 1 keer bedrukt 10 meter deelmaver top game fighter 11.5 meter Full Article
ave NBA DFS: Dallas Mavericks - March 28 By www.fulltimefantasy.com Published On :: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:23:25 EST Corey Parson aka The Fantasy Executive discusses a key injury in the Dallas Mavericks backcourt and the affect on the NBA DFS world. Full Article Daily Fantasy DFS Fantasy Basketball
ave Dr. Roto's Must-Have Fantasy Baseball Player (Premium) By www.fulltimefantasy.com Published On :: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:24:12 EST Dr. Roto reveals a must-own catcher he will be targeting in all Fantasy Baseball drafts this season! Full Article Fantasy Baseball
ave Sorry you haven't heard from me lately By dailyfisk.blogspot.com Published On :: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 01:11:00 -0800 I've been busy tweaking and doing maintenance on my blog templates. Crikey, does it ever end? I will be back to business shortly. Promise. ...tag: daily fisk Full Article
ave IRS Identifies Organizations that Have Lost Tax-Exempt Status By communitydispatch.blogspot.com Published On :: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 18:05:00 +0000 The Internal Revenue Service today announced that approximately 275,000 organizations under the law have automatically lost their tax-exempt status because they did not file legally required annual reports for three consecutive years. IRS Identifies Organizations that Have Lost Tax-Exempt Status Full Article
ave Save $200 on Roll-N-Lock M-Series Tonneau Covers! By www.dieseltruckresource.com Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 04:10:50 GMT Image: Thinking about adding a stylish and functional tonneau cover to your truck bed? We've got some great options for you. The Roll-N-Lock M-Series Hard Manual Retractable Tonneau Cover... Full Article Diesel Truck Resource Sponsors
ave This Can Have You Scratching Your Head By work-from-home-success.blogspot.com Published On :: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 20:04:00 +0000 It was a late night last night of updating andimproving and in the process of doing that it got methinking . . .An online business, and even more so an internetnetwork marketing business, can really get youscratching your head sometimes.We're conditioned to think in a linear fashion. Dothis and get that result is really how we think.Work 40 hours a week and get paid for 40 hours ofwork. It's how we grew up and for most of us it'show we were conditioned to think about our results inlife.When it comes to business this isn't always the case,and really most of the time it's not the case.Business is not a linear thing.Just yesterday I was sitting at my computerscratching my head.4 people joined my business directly with me as theirsponsor in the last 2 days. Not something tocomplain about, after all I am the king of nevercalling a single lead and that's the way things workmost of the time in my business, but this time it wasa little different.You see during that period I had absolutely no adsrunning for my business and still 4 people joinedwith me as their sponsor without me having to do athing, meanwhile my first year in the business allI did was prospect and call leads and nothing happened.Why is it so easy now?Well, once you have passive traffic coming your waygood things happen and you don't have to doanything additional actively for those good results.But this can get people confused. I know it did forme for a long time. Some days would be great withlittle effort and some days would be not so greatwith a Herculean effort.What the heck right?That's business for you. It's not linear. You set itup and once you get all the pieces in placesometimes the results flow like the mighty Amazon andothers well just one lead would keep you going.This shift stunts most. They still want to think thattheir efforts should correlate directly to theirresults and when it doesn't it frustrated the heck ofthem. The best advice is settle down, know yourconversion figures, and just keep on pushing.Let me tell you . . .If you have a great marketing system, you're doingthe right things for generating interest in yourbusiness via your marketing system you're on theright track despite what the results show.They will exceed your expectations in the long run.Think about your business like this. It's more likehaving a boat tethered to port by several ropesthan going to the J.O.B.You may spend a huge effort getting one rope off andyou've made progress, but there is still 8 moreropes to go and nothings moving.You've made positive progress and you know it, justdon't let money be the only marker of your successin the beginning.That will come.What if you could make a living online? How wouldyou're life change? What would you do? I took thiscourse and that dream has become a reality in my lifeand because it I recommend it as a MUST have forany truly interested. Go here now: ==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com Full Article Articles
ave Gary Chew reviews "The Beaver" By tulsatvmemories.com Published On :: Thu, 19 May 2011 23:00:00 CDT Depressing, maudlin, creepier than "Mulholland Drive", but then again, Mel Gibson's character is seen talking to Jon Stewart with a stuffed beaver on his fist. Opens wide on May 20. Full Article
ave "Time Channel" spoof creator Dave McFadden passes By blog.tulsatvmemories.com Published On :: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:20:00 CDT Joe Winett reports that Dave McFadden, creator of "The Time Channel" spoof, passed away on Friday. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends. Dave was also part of "Make Me Smile", a comedy show taped in the basement of the Tulsa Library. Full Article