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Why Over Sharing Might Be Hurting You

We all know someone who divulges a little too much information on the Internet. Whether it is the friend who Instagrams every meal or the relative who constantly posts updates on how Fidos doing, this phenomenon seems well on its way to pervading all the social media we use. Maybe you have even caught yourself posting a bit too much. While something that everyone seems to be doing may appear harmless enough, oversharing can have some negative consequences of which all social media users should take note.

Why Over Sharing Might Be Hurting You


Preparing Small Business Owners for Retirement

Small-business owners often are so busy working that they do not take time to plan for their retirements.

But that is clearly a mistake, financial advisers say.

complete article


4 Steps for Small Businesses to Achieve Gender-Neutral Salaries

Numbers do not lie, and the statistics are in -- there is a gender gap in salaries. There are varying statistics with different percentages, but the discrepancy is out there. Data from PayScale shows the difference in parity between controlled and uncontrolled pay gaps. The World Economic Forum shows gender gaps is a problem on a global level. But, how do employers structure and communicate salaries without any inequality?

After leading a small business human resources and operations department for 13 years, I know the answer is simple: Keep your policy simple and communicate it well.

complete article


5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Start Preparing For Retirement

Small business owners are often so involved with the day-to-day operations of their business, many feel they don’t have the time to look down the road and plan for retirement.

And as a result, some entrepreneurs may never be ready to retire. According to a survey by Manta, one-third of business owners don’t have any retirement plan, and 75% of respondents to a BMO Wealth survey said they had “$100,000 or less” saved for retirement.

complete article


Pre-Sale for the new Margaritaville license plate

From WFLA: Here’s how many Floridians have ordered the new Jimmy Buffett license plate TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida lawmakers this year approved a new Jimmy Buffett-inspired specialty license plate to honor the late musician. …

The post Pre-Sale for the new Margaritaville license plate first appeared on


But what about the antiquarians?

"Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them." This is good advice, especially for democracies, which tend (as even Plato and Thucydides noted) to have short-term attention spans. But we shouldn't forget an equally important lesson, articulated most forcefully by Nietzsche: The health of a person and a people also depends vitally on the capacity to forget. Forgetting is necessary to free ourselves from imperfectly understood "lessons of history," so that we can see the challenges ahead clearly, without preconceptions or prejudice. Forgetting is also the better part of forgiving, and there are whole domains of political controversy -- indeed, whole regions of the world -- where a little less history could be of service in this respect.
--Eliot Noyes, Getting Past the Past


Short english words in Devanagari

The list of short english words written in Devanagari.

egrep -x '.{1,2}' eng_words.txt



Tearing Method Director's Cut


Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz

Este jueves 14 de noviembre, la Audiencia Provincial de Cuenca acogerá el juicio contra dos trabajadoras sanitarias, R.M.M.R. y Y.B.L., vinculadas al centro de salud de Villares del Saz, quienes están siendo acusadas de falsificar partes médicos para prescribir anabolizantes. Ambas se enfrentan a una solicitud de la Fiscalía que propone cinco años de prisión […]

Artículo publicado en : Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz


Concierto Solidario De Candela&Son En Toledo Por La DANA: ¡Consigue Tus Entradas Ya!

El próximo domingo 24 de noviembre, el reconocido grupo musical Candela & Son ofrecerá un concierto solidario en Toledo con el propósito de recaudar fondos para los afectados por la reciente DANA. El evento, que comenzará a las 19.00 horas en el pabellón del Colegio Nuestra Señora de los Infantes, tiene un costo de entrada […]

Artículo publicado en : Concierto Solidario De Candela&Son En Toledo Por La DANA: ¡Consigue Tus Entradas Ya!


2008: Les traditionnelles augmentations de tarifs

Le premier janvier de chaque année est l'occasion des traditionnelles augmentation des prix. En 2008, cela va concerner le gaz, les timbres. Mais d'autres hausses de prix devraient suivrent. Lire tout l'article (source) Le lait : + 5 à 10 % Le gaz : +...


Ferrari remplacerait PPDA sur TF1 : "des gages donnés à Nicolas Sarkozy" ?

Canal+ a confirmé le départ de sa journaliste vedette. Cette dernière aurait été contactée par TF1 pour remplacer Patrick Poivre d'Arvor à la présentation du journal de 20h. Des commentateurs voient dans ce changement des "gages donnés" à Nicolas Sarkozy...


Vijesti :: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 12.11.2024. 20:15 (GMT 1) Mjesec prosinac, mjesec darivanja i druženja s dragim ljudima. S prosincom završavamo i još jednu uspješnu godinu, a zašto ju ne bi završili uz nama drage ljude.

Restoran Corner vas povodom toga poziva na božićno okupljanje. Idealna prilika da se opustite i uživate u ukusnoj hrani i veseloj atmosferi.

Božićni domjenak traje od 20:00 sati do dva sata iza ponoći.

Restoran Corner je pripremio i buffet menu:

- Roastbeef s Waldorf salatom, tostirana focaccia
- Winter Rolls, rolice od hrskavog tijesta punjene carskim mesom i kiselim kupusom s umakom od hrena
- Domaći kroketi punjeni pilećim prsima i sirom s curry makom
- Rižoto od cikle s dimljenim šaranom, orasima i sirom
- Domaći krumpir & sir s umakom od majoneze i tartufa
- Arančini

Glavno jelo:
- Zalogajna jela s roštilja
- Pork belly s rižom i coleslaw salatom
- Pileći odrezak punjen celerom, šunkom i sirom s njokima od bundeve u umaku od sira
- Pohani Šokački odrezak s pireom od krumpira
- Gulaš na Tikveški s lovačkom roladom
- Punjene lignje, parisienne krumpir s espumom od blitve

Turšija iz lokalnog OPG-a
- Šopska
Pečena paprika s uljem češnjaka i peršina
- Zelene salate
- Povrće sa žara na salatu s maslinovim uljem i tostiranim pinjolima

- Slatke domaće štrukle s malinama
- Štrudla s jabukama
- Torta od mrkve
- Božićni tiramisu

Piće (No limit):
od 20:00 do 02:00 sata
ŽESTOKA PIĆA I LIKERI: Dewars, Pelinkovac, Višnja, Šljivovica, Jagermeister, Gin
PIVO: Karlovačko pivo, Karlovačko crno, Karlovačko radler, Crni radler
VINA: Graševina Belje, Cabernet Sauvignon Belje, pjenušac La Belle Grand
VODA I SOKOVI: Jamnica, Jana, Coca cola, Fanta, Tonic, Pago Jabuka, Pago Naranča
KAVA: Instant kava (samoposluživanje)

Božićna interakcija:
- Foto kutak s božićnim motivima
- Svečano osvjetljenje i dekoracije

Cijena po osobi (za hranu i piće u neograničenim količinama) je 60 eura, a za sve informacije i rezervacije možete se javiti na broj: 091 250 00 24 ili putem e-mail adrese:

Kako do restorana Corner? Corner Osijek nalazi se u Osijeku u Velebitskoj ulici u gradskoj četvrti Jug II.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje Alasov pladanj za dvije osobe. Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

[klik za uvećanje]


Vijesti :: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla
Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:31 (GMT 1) Sezona je grijanja i osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla. Mnogi se građani zbog različitih razloga "vraćaju" grijanju na kruta goriva, no najčešći je razlog poskupljenje energenata. Problem predstavljaju dimnjaci koji ne zadovoljavaju europske uvjete.

Stanje s dimnjacima u Hrvatskoj daleko je od idealnog. No, postoje vidovi i tehnička rješenja koja su izvediva i koja bi pružila sigurnost građanima. Naime, riječ je o dimovnim objektima koji se nisu obnavljali, a nalaze se na zgradama građenim 60-tih, 70-tih ili 80-tih godina prošlog stoljeća, pojasnio je dimnjačar Denis Balažić.

- Plin je i dalje dobar kao energent, samo treba uskladiti tip dimnjaka sa samim energentom. Što se tiče trovanja i požara, imam višegodišnje iskustvo. Neka su iskustva su loša, no uvijek ima i pozitivnih priča. U svakom slučaju - opreza nikad dosta, poručio je Balažić.

Tekst: Radio Osijek


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Gastro pub Bulart 1887: Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Gastro pub Bulart 1887: Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:41 (GMT 1) Još jedna senzacionalna Ljekarna u Tvrđi je pred nama. U četvrtak, 21. studenog 2024. u Gastro pub Bulart 1887 s početkom u 19:00 sati stižu Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš.

Da smo mogli birati idealno vrijeme za dolazak velikog Ivice Matoševića u Ljekarnu u Tvrđi, ne znam postoji li bolji termin od ovoga sada. Jer, nakon skoro 30 odrađenih berbi, Ivica Matošević posljednjih mjeseci ne prestaje nizati panegirike koje mu upućuju najveći svjetski vinski mediji. Vrhunac karijere ovog intelektualca među vinarima, spiritus movensa cijele istarske vinske scene!

Ugledni Wine Enthusiast je prije nekoliko dana čak četiri Matoševićeva vina honorirao s vrlo visoka 94 boda (Superb - A great achievement ), dok je, uvjetno rečeno, „najlošije“ prošla njegova bazna malvazija – 92 boda (Excellent - Highly recommended ). Časopis Decanter ga je prije mjesec dana za malvaziju iz akacije pohvalio sa 93 boda, Saša Špiranec je dvije Grimalde, koje ćemo kušati u Ljekarni u Tvrđi, nagradio sa 95, odnosno 94 boda, dok Ivo Kozarčanin, „Bakhov sin“, za njegova vina tvrdi da su – „čisti eros“.

Povod gostovanju Ivice Matoševića u Ljekarni u Tvrđi je predstavljanje posebne serije najboljih vina iz njegova podruma koju je nazvao Živjelo prijateljstvo, a koju je, kao pravi kolekcionarski biser, posvetio svom, nažalost preminulom, velikom prijatelju Vladi Divljanu. U prodaju je pušteno samo 100 sanduka s vinima iz linije Grimalda i Alba Antiqua, a umjetničke etikete, s podsjećanjem na šest pjesama Vlade Divljana – Radostan dan, Nebeska tema, Vodim te na more, Odnesi me, Ona to zna i Imala je snažnije ruke nego ja, osmislile su umjetnice iz Zagreba, Splita i Beograda - Maja Bosnar, Jana Oršolić, Svetlana Volić, Maja Rožman, Katarina Juričić i Ivana Grimani.

Broj gostiju smo ograničili na 40, tako da će prednost za sudjelovanjem na ovoj uistinu ekskluzivnoj Ljekarni u Tvrđi imati oni koji se prvi jave i spremni su za to izdvojiti 60 eura.

Svoje mjesto rezervirajte putem e-mail: ili pozivom na broj 0916400527.


Vijesti :: Poznat datum isplate nacionalne naknade za starije osobe

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Poznat datum isplate nacionalne naknade za starije osobe
Postano: 13.11.2024. 11:49 (GMT 1) U petak 15. studenoga 2024. počinje isplata nacionalne naknade za starije osobe za listopad 2024. korisnicima računa otvorenih u poslovnim bankama.

Nacionalnu naknadu za starije osobe dobit će 17 388 korisnika (80,23 % žena i 19,77 % muškaraca), za što je osigurano 2.591.205,00 eura iz Državnog proračuna.

U skladu sa Zakonom o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o nacionalnoj naknadi za starije osobe (NN 156/23), nacionalna naknada od 1. siječnja 2024. iznosi 150,00 eura, izvijestili su iz HZMO-a.



Događaji - najave i recenzije :: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 21:00 (GMT 1)

Uronite u mračni svijet paranormalnih istraživanja s mlađim Hellboyem, smještenim u 1955. godinu, u rane dane B.P.R.D.-a (Biro za paranormalna istraživanja i obranu). Hellboy (Jack Kesy) se pridružuje istraživačici Bobbie Jo Song u misiji transporta opasnog pauka. No, kada pauk pobjegne, njihov lov kroz divljinu Apalačkih planina vodi ih do Toma Ferrella (Jefferson White), vještca koji se vraća nakon dugo vremena kako bi ispravio svoje grijehe. U njihovoj potrazi nailaze na Coru Fisher, djevojku koju je Tom davno napustio. Zajedno se suočavaju s nizom zlih sila koje prijete njenoj duši. Dok mračna magija i zlokobna stvorenja preplavljuju ovu atmosferičnu priču, Hellboy mora iskoristiti svoje vještine i nadnaravnu snagu kako bi porazio sile tame. Za sve ljubitelje Hellboy stripova i filmova, ova avantura donosi mješavinu horora, akcije i okultnih tema, te vraća omiljenog junaka u novom, mračnijem svjetlu.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje 1x2 ulaznice za film "Hellboy: Izopačena sjena". Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

Portanova centar, Svilajska 31 a, Osijek, 060 32 32 33, Cijena 1,71kn/min za pozive iz fiksne mreže s PDV-om. Cijena 2,92kn/min za pozive iz mobilne mreže s PDV-om.
BLITZ-CINESTAR d.o.o., Branimirova 29, 10000 Zagreb
OIB 24146311117; MB 1734067,

Moja CineStar srijeda

Ostvarite pogodnost kupovine ulaznica SRIJEDOM po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Mogućnost kupovine ulaznica i za IMAX i 4DX projekcije po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Ulaznice možete kupiti na blagajnama CineStar kina, Cinematima, putem iCineStar aplikacije ili ONLINE kupovinom.

Dodaci (4DX, 3D, eXtreme, VIP i LOVEBOX sjedala, te dodataci za filmove čija je dužina trajanja veća od 120 min, 140 min i više) se naplaćuju u punoj cijeni na povoljniju cijenu kino ulaznice unutar usluge Moja Cine Srijeda.

Prilikom korištenja Stars Club 2x Bonus kartice u svrhu plaćanja usluge Moja Cine Srijeda bilježe se bodovi na kartici.

Pogodnost Moja Cine Srijeda ne vrijedi:
- blagdanima i praznicima
- za pretpremijene projekcije
- za Gold Class projekcije
- za Spektakle u CineStaru (opera, balet, koncerti)
- za dokumentarne filmove u regularnim dvoranama, IMAX-u i Gold Class-u
- za ostale sadržaje koje CineStar odredi

Blitz-CineStar zadržava pravo da određene filmove i projekcije koje prikazuje srijedom, izdvoji iz akcije Moja Cine srijeda. Tada se ulaznica naplaćuje po punoj cijeni.

Za sva pitanja obratite nam se na:

Tekući CineStar raspored je uvijek dostupan u tjednom pregledniku najava, pri vrhu naslovnice portala i u mjesečnom pregledu - Najave 031


Vater durfte in Belarus inhaftierte Maria Kolesnikowa besuchen

Nach fast zwei Jahren gibt es wieder ein Lebenszeichen der in Belarus inhaftierten Oppositionspolitikerin Maria Kolesnikowa. Ihr Vater durfte die Gefangene besuchen. Ihre Familie war zuletzt in großer Sorge um Kolesnikowa.


Gary Chew reviews "Midnight in Paris"

Woody Allen's new movie has Owen Wilson escaping his Hollywood present to early 20th Century Paris. A better time to live a life? With Rachel McAdams, now in limited release.


Desktop Plagiarism Checker 2.0

Free plagiarism scanner. Plagerism software.


LXer: Aria2App is a Super Fast Versatile Open-Source Download Manager for Android

Published at LXer: Using a download manager, besides the one on your web browser, is a handy trick that helps with effortless file downloads. Personally speaking, I have used quite a few over the...

  • Syndicated Linux News


LXer: Stellaris: Grand Archive set for launch October 29th as Paradox teams up with Abrakam

Published at LXer: Paradox Interactive teamed up with another developer again for the new Stellaris: Grand Archive DLC, which is blasting off on October 29th. Stellaris has Native Linux support and...

  • Syndicated Linux News


LXer: Introduction To PowerShell Environment Variables

Published at LXer: Environment variables are system-defined variables that store values used by the operating system and applications. For example, on a Windows machine, information like the CPU...

  • Syndicated Linux News


Frage nach den Anschlägen in Paris: Wurde der Premierminister gewarnt?

Frankreichs Innenminister Manuel Valls soll vor den Anschlägen in Paris Informationen aus Syrien bekommen haben. Angeblich wurden ihm Fahndungslisten verdächtiger Terroristen angeboten, und er soll diese abgelehnt haben - das behauptet der Journalist Yves de Kerdrel nach einem Interview mit dem ehemaligen französischen Geheimdienstcheft Bernard Squarcini. Manuel Valls erklärte am 16. ...


Workaround for IP Locator and Safari 3 beta

Safari 3 beta breaks widgets that use the search history feature of search input field types. I have put together a version of IP Locator with that feature disabled for anyone who wants to continue using it with the broken version of Safari. You can download it here. A bug has been filed with Apple and I suspect this will be a fairly high priority fix considering how many Dashboard widgets are affected.


The Misconceived Arizona Bill

Tucson Unified School District is closing down 5 more schools (7 so far) with similar actions in other school districts; their superintendent is leaving for a more stable position; teachers facing layoffs if Prop 100 fails; state agencies not able to assist their clients; homelessness is increasing; meaning state government is having difficulties functioning and now overworked law enforcement officers have been tasked with a federal responsibility in Arizona. Our Guv thinks only of spending more money.....: the Federal Dept of Justice is reviewing this law which mean thousands if not more will be spent by our Attorney General's office. The Guv has also notified us AZ will be filing a lawsuit over Obamacare which will cost thousands, if not more, in legal costs. Undoubtedly, this immigration law will result in a multitude of lawsuits resulting in even more budgetary expenditures. In fact the first was filed today, April 29, and one hears the echoing sound of of a cash register depriving more children, among other issues, of a sound education. Our priorities are misplaced and where is the common sense to restore it.

There are simpler solutions if one must:

Require everyone to file a certified birth certificate with their AZ county of residence. AZ born would integrated by the Department of Health and wouldn't cost a thing....Others could retrieve from their state of turn, this information could be turned over to Homeland security after matching with other docs such as drivers licenses, etc., making INS jobs easier. Makes sense...

Better yet.....tell the Nazi sympathizers in the Arizona Legislature this ideology didn't work the first time and cost millions their lives.

Sen. Russell Pearce, by the way, is closely connected with the Arizona version of the National Socialists (Nazis) and has spent a great amount of time being photographed with J.T. Ready, a state National Socialist leader. Both are good friends and co-sympathizers of Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County Sheriff who has cost that county $60 million in lawsuit losses the past few years not including Maricopa legal expenditures. Somehow, its seems fitting many are applauding a law authored by a Nazi principle sympathizer. If you doubt this, Google: J.T. Ready or go to

Arizona's Guv did not boldly stand for principle, but caved in to specific far right wing interests. She could have raised hell with the feds, but is now costing AZ precious dollars from a boycott. Senators Kyl and McCain favor National Guard along the border which will cost more and before you know it, Arizona will be a name only. Some think this boycott is "funny," but fail to see the full ramifications.

Meanwhile, the "bold" Guv is watching state government slowly disintegrate, schools close, education professionals leaving and a great immigration of brainpower. Common sense doesn't exist in our legislature who fiddle right wing paranoia while our overworked law enforcement officers endure another layer of unneeded responsibility. There was a reason most police chiefs disavowed this bill. Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik labeled the "stupid" and further stated his officers will be directed not to follow it. Ironically, one of the first lawsuits filed was by a Tucson Police Department officer.

The Guv is afraid of growing Latino voting power. She culled the voting rolls of nearly 200,000 predominantly Latino voters prior to the last major election as Secretary of State which caused some controversy. Her motives, to say the least, are supect and this current action will create a political and economic backlash.

Please think, people, and look at the big picture instead of focusing on the simplified rheotoric which envelops many in our legislature and apparently, many ill informed constituents.


"Guru" in the Singular and Clarity about "Fall Down"

Editorial on ISKCON's guru tattva.


Srila Prabhupada and the Aquarian Gospel

Srila Prabhupada's comments on the Aquarian Gospel.


May 19 2009 Radio Station History Australia - 2LT Lithgow - Macquarie's Central Western Network Station

Radio Centre 2LT, controlled by Lithgow Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. and an offshoot of Western Newspapers Pty. Ltd. commenced entertaining its 26,000 town listeners on June 7th, 1938. As Lithgow's "Sunshine Station," 2LT has won the confidence...


3 Airbus A380 at Tokyo Narita Airport

Air France, Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways


Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-3H4 - Arizona One

At Denver International Airport


My Hero Academia - World Best Hero - Global Character Popularity Poll

The good folks from Japanese publishing giants Shueisha Inc have sent us details about My Hero Academia - World Best Hero - Global Character...


"Embracing the Metaverse: A Survey of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Practices at the United States’ Top One Hundred University Libraries"

The purpose of this study is to learn more about virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) practices at the United States’ top one hundred university libraries, as well as how they are engaging with the metaverse. We conducted qualitative and descriptive analysis on the websites of the top one hundred university libraries in the … Continue reading ""Embracing the Metaverse: A Survey of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Practices at the United States’ Top One Hundred University Libraries""


Media Preservation Residency Librarian, Librarian I – Fixed Term at Michigan State University

The Michigan State University Libraries invites early career professionals to apply for our Residency in Media Preservation. This is a two-year project funded by the National Historical Preservation and Records Commission, and supports the work of the Media Preservation Unit in its effort to preserve the WKAR early television films within the University Archives and … Continue reading "Media Preservation Residency Librarian, Librarian I – Fixed Term at Michigan State University"

  • Digital Library Jobs


Research Professional 2 (Data Curation) at University of Minnesota Libraries (Term)

The University of Minnesota Libraries, in partnership with the Association of Research Libraries, invites applications for a collaborative and partner-oriented Special Programs Manager, to work closely with the Data Curation Network (DCN) and the Realities of Academic Data Sharing (RADS) teams. Through generous funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (LG-254930-OLS-23), the Special … Continue reading "Research Professional 2 (Data Curation) at University of Minnesota Libraries (Term)"

  • Digital Library Jobs


Research Support Librarian (Evidence Synthesis) at Tulane University

Reporting to the Associate Dean for Health Sciences, the Research Support Librarian (Evidence Synthesis) will coordinate and manage the Matas Library’s Systematic Review Service, providing support and expertise to evidence synthesis efforts in the Tulane University School of Medicine, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and National Primate Research Center. Working with the Health … Continue reading "Research Support Librarian (Evidence Synthesis) at Tulane University"

  • Digital Library Jobs


Cooler Master Tempest GP27U : Un UHD a rétro-éclairage variable

Présentation du Cooler Master Tempest GP27U, un écran IPS de 27 pouces proposant une dalle capable d'atteindre 160 Hz avec une définition UHD (3840 x 2160) et la prise en charge de AMD FreeSync. Il embarque un rétroéclairage variable sur 572 zones, capable de monter jusqu'à 600 cd/m² en SDR et 1200 cd/m² en HDR. Il affiche 1,07 milliard de couleurs, couvrant 99 % de l'espace colorimétrique Adobe RVB et 98 % du DCI-P3. Son taux de contraste est annoncé à 1000:1. Cet écran intègre également un client KVM et est proposé à 700 U+20AC. […]

Lire la suite


Drifter's Memoirs' New Turn - The Art Lover Remembers Paris France

Drifter's Memoirs is buying in on the idea of being able to display additional art for our art lovers in a bigger way. As you probably can tell, I love art and the creative aspects of it.

When I was assigned in Alaska, I started purchasing numbered prints. Well today, may have been a new turn for me. I may be able to make a difference in artists' lives.

When I went to Paris, France, there was a place that I went to that had a lot of stairs and it was where all of the artists painted and sketched. I think it was called the Student's or
Artists' Square or something like that. Folks, I was 19 when I was in Paris and I'm Forty..... (cough) (cough)...uhhh something now lol. So please help me remember the name of the place I went that's well known to artists.

Forex Enterprise

One thing was to see the Mona Lisa and how her features are so captivating. I remember staring at her and saying to myself, "So this is the painting everyone admired for thousands of years." To be honest, I never thought that a small town person like me would end up in front of the Mona Lisa at the age of 19 years old. I had known a young man for 45 days that wanted to get married. He had already had orders to go back to the states. There was one thing he promised before he went on leave.

"I promise to take you to Paris for New Years." Can you imagine that?? Well, we went and I had a wonderful time. He was really a great guy, I was just too young to get married....ok...I trailed off again...I do that when I speak of Europe. I loved it there. Europe gave me an appreciation for museums, art, culture, cathedrals, and castles. Did I forget wine? lol
The Louvre Museum in Paris is where you'll find the Mona Lisa and the artist is Leonardo Di Vinci. What an awesome artist. He had a way of playing jokes on people through his paintings he was commissioned for paint for them.

Some say Leornado Di Vinci painted himself as a woman. Some say the painting is an androgynous depiction of him. They also say that the only way he could have painted the picture was by looking at himself in the mirror while painting. (This wouldn't be any different than how Freida painted herself when you think about it). This wasn't revealed to me until I read "The Di Vinci Code". Wow, now that was an awesome book!


There are many fascinating stories about the Knights of Templar and the can go on and on about this. To sum it up, life is under a Law of Balance (some say the Law of Opposites) and each opposite polar energy has to exist simultaneously with the other. (Next I'll start saying a mantra and wear the Yin Yang symbol around my neck....I do like those you know). This is part of the reason why I believe Leonardo Di Vinci depicted Mona Lisa the way he did. He was a brillant man and understood felt the Laws of Nature on a deeper level. A man before his time and a very cunning man in his art. His pictures speak a different message than what's on the surface. He seemed to always have hidden messages in his paintings.

Then again, this is just me rambling, yet the Egyptians and the Art of Tantra believe in the Laws of Nature and it's opposites. Uh oh, guess I'm really getting deep here. Guess I have too much time on my hands lol. Soooo, how's football? I sure love those Niners and Raiders lol. Pass the chips and dip lol.

Eat. Drink. Save!

I'll keep you posted on the art developments and trust me, I'm going to share every juicy detail as it occurs. I'm sure any art lover will feel pleased.

Johnetta Matthews
Drifter's Memoirs
My Secret Hiding Place
The Art Lover
Travel Secrets


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