
Diseases of the digestive organs in infancy and childhood : with chapters on the diet and general management of children, and massage in pediatrics / by Louis Starr.

London : Rebman, 1901.


Dissertation on scientific nomenclature, medical and general : exhibiting the defects, anomalies, errors, and discrepancies of its present condition : with suggestions for its improvement / by R.G. Mayne.

London : J. Churchill, 1849.


Doubts of hydrophobia, as a specific disease, to be communicated by the bite of a dog ; with experiments on the supposed virus generated in that animal during the complaint termed madness ... / by Robert White.

London : printed for Knight and Lacey, 1826.


Eighth annual report of the directors of the Glasgow Asylum for Lunatics, submitted, in terms of their charter, to a general meeting of contributors, 3rd January, 1822.

Glasgow : Hedderwick, 1822.


Ein Apparat, welcher gestattet, die Gesetze von Filtration und Osmose stromender Flussigkeiten bei homogenen Membranen zu studiren / von H.J. Hamburger.

Amsterdam : J. Muller, 1895.


Elements of general anatomy / translated from the last French edition of P.A. Béclard, with notes and corrections by Robert Knox.

Edinburgh : MacLachlan and Stewart, 1830.


Elements of general pathology / by John Fletcher ; edited by John J. Drysdale and John R. Russell.

Edinburgh : MacLachlan, Stewart, 1842.


Elements of mineralogy : containing a general introduction to the science, with descriptions of the species / by James Nicol.

Edinburgh : A. and C. Black, 1873.


Encyclographie des sciences medicales : repertoire general de ces sciences, au XIX siecle.

Bruxelles : Etablissement Encyclographique, 1833-46.


An enquiry into the source from whence the symptoms of the scurvy and of putrid fevers, arise : and into the seat which those affections occupy in the animal oeconomy; with a view of ascertaining a more just idea of putrid diseases than has generally been

London : printed for J. Dodsley, 1782.


Epitome of the laws affecting health now in force in this country / compiled for the use of the general public by J.V. Vesey Fitzgerald.

London : Waterlow Bros. & Layton, 1885.


Essai statistique sur la mortalite du Canton de Geneve, pendant l'anne 1838, consideree tant en general que sous le rapport nosologique / par Marc d' Espine.

Londres : Paris, 1840.


Observationes et historiae omnes & singulae è Guiljelmi Harvei libello De generatione animalium excerptae ... : Item Wilhelmi Langly De generatione animalium observationes quaedam. Accedunt Ovi faecundi singulis ab incubatione diebus factae inspe

Amstelodami : Typis A. Wolfgang, 1674.


A new orchard, and garden: or, the best way for planting, grafting, and to make any ground good, for a rich orchard: : particularly in the north and generally for the whole common-wealth as in nature, reason, situation, and all probability, may and doth a

London : printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster, and George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, neere Fleet-bridge, 1653.


Generalised cepstral models for the spectrum of vector time series

Maddalena Cavicchioli.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 605--631.

The paper treats the modeling of stationary multivariate stochastic processes via a frequency domain model expressed in terms of cepstrum theory. The proposed model nests the vector exponential model of [20] as a special case, and extends the generalised cepstral model of [36] to the multivariate setting, answering a question raised by the last authors in their paper. Contemporarily, we extend the notion of generalised autocovariance function of [35] to vector time series. Then we derive explicit matrix formulas connecting generalised cepstral and autocovariance matrices of the process, and prove the consistency and asymptotic properties of the Whittle likelihood estimators of model parameters. Asymptotic theory for the special case of the vector exponential model is a significant addition to the paper of [20]. We also provide a mathematical machinery, based on matrix differentiation, and computational methods to derive our results, which differ significantly from those employed in the univariate case. The utility of the proposed model is illustrated through Monte Carlo simulation from a bivariate process characterized by a high dynamic range, and an empirical application on time varying minimum variance hedge ratios through the second moments of future and spot prices in the corn commodity market.


A general drift estimation procedure for stochastic differential equations with additive fractional noise

Fabien Panloup, Samy Tindel, Maylis Varvenne.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1075--1136.

In this paper we consider the drift estimation problem for a general differential equation driven by an additive multidimensional fractional Brownian motion, under ergodic assumptions on the drift coefficient. Our estimation procedure is based on the identification of the invariant measure, and we provide consistency results as well as some information about the convergence rate. We also give some examples of coefficients for which the identifiability assumption for the invariant measure is satisfied.


Generalized bounds for active subspaces

Mario Teixeira Parente, Jonas Wallin, Barbara Wohlmuth.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 917--943.

In this article, we consider scenarios in which traditional estimates for the active subspace method based on probabilistic Poincaré inequalities are not valid due to unbounded Poincaré constants. Consequently, we propose a framework that allows to derive generalized estimates in the sense that it enables to control the trade-off between the size of the Poincaré constant and a weaker order of the final error bound. In particular, we investigate independently exponentially distributed random variables in dimension two or larger and give explicit expressions for corresponding Poincaré constants showing their dependence on the dimension of the problem. Finally, we suggest possibilities for future work that aim for extending the class of distributions applicable to the active subspace method as we regard this as an opportunity to enlarge its usability.


Weighted Message Passing and Minimum Energy Flow for Heterogeneous Stochastic Block Models with Side Information

We study the misclassification error for community detection in general heterogeneous stochastic block models (SBM) with noisy or partial label information. We establish a connection between the misclassification rate and the notion of minimum energy on the local neighborhood of the SBM. We develop an optimally weighted message passing algorithm to reconstruct labels for SBM based on the minimum energy flow and the eigenvectors of a certain Markov transition matrix. The general SBM considered in this paper allows for unequal-size communities, degree heterogeneity, and different connection probabilities among blocks. We focus on how to optimally weigh the message passing to improve misclassification.


Generalized probabilistic principal component analysis of correlated data

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a well-established tool in machine learning and data processing. The principal axes in PCA were shown to be equivalent to the maximum marginal likelihood estimator of the factor loading matrix in a latent factor model for the observed data, assuming that the latent factors are independently distributed as standard normal distributions. However, the independence assumption may be unrealistic for many scenarios such as modeling multiple time series, spatial processes, and functional data, where the outcomes are correlated. In this paper, we introduce the generalized probabilistic principal component analysis (GPPCA) to study the latent factor model for multiple correlated outcomes, where each factor is modeled by a Gaussian process. Our method generalizes the previous probabilistic formulation of PCA (PPCA) by providing the closed-form maximum marginal likelihood estimator of the factor loadings and other parameters. Based on the explicit expression of the precision matrix in the marginal likelihood that we derived, the number of the computational operations is linear to the number of output variables. Furthermore, we also provide the closed-form expression of the marginal likelihood when other covariates are included in the mean structure. We highlight the advantage of GPPCA in terms of the practical relevance, estimation accuracy and computational convenience. Numerical studies of simulated and real data confirm the excellent finite-sample performance of the proposed approach.


Generalized Nonbacktracking Bounds on the Influence

This paper develops deterministic upper and lower bounds on the influence measure in a network, more precisely, the expected number of nodes that a seed set can influence in the independent cascade model. In particular, our bounds exploit r-nonbacktracking walks and Fortuin-Kasteleyn-Ginibre (FKG) type inequalities, and are computed by message passing algorithms. Further, we provide parameterized versions of the bounds that control the trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. Finally, the tightness of the bounds is illustrated on various network models.


Greedy Attack and Gumbel Attack: Generating Adversarial Examples for Discrete Data

We present a probabilistic framework for studying adversarial attacks on discrete data. Based on this framework, we derive a perturbation-based method, Greedy Attack, and a scalable learning-based method, Gumbel Attack, that illustrate various tradeoffs in the design of attacks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods using both quantitative metrics and human evaluation on various state-of-the-art models for text classification, including a word-based CNN, a character-based CNN and an LSTM. As an example of our results, we show that the accuracy of character-based convolutional networks drops to the level of random selection by modifying only five characters through Greedy Attack.


Fast Rates for General Unbounded Loss Functions: From ERM to Generalized Bayes

We present new excess risk bounds for general unbounded loss functions including log loss and squared loss, where the distribution of the losses may be heavy-tailed. The bounds hold for general estimators, but they are optimized when applied to $eta$-generalized Bayesian, MDL, and empirical risk minimization estimators. In the case of log loss, the bounds imply convergence rates for generalized Bayesian inference under misspecification in terms of a generalization of the Hellinger metric as long as the learning rate $eta$ is set correctly. For general loss functions, our bounds rely on two separate conditions: the $v$-GRIP (generalized reversed information projection) conditions, which control the lower tail of the excess loss; and the newly introduced witness condition, which controls the upper tail. The parameter $v$ in the $v$-GRIP conditions determines the achievable rate and is akin to the exponent in the Tsybakov margin condition and the Bernstein condition for bounded losses, which the $v$-GRIP conditions generalize; favorable $v$ in combination with small model complexity leads to $ ilde{O}(1/n)$ rates. The witness condition allows us to connect the excess risk to an 'annealed' version thereof, by which we generalize several previous results connecting Hellinger and Rényi divergence to KL divergence.


Generalized Optimal Matching Methods for Causal Inference

We develop an encompassing framework for matching, covariate balancing, and doubly-robust methods for causal inference from observational data called generalized optimal matching (GOM). The framework is given by generalizing a new functional-analytical formulation of optimal matching, giving rise to the class of GOM methods, for which we provide a single unified theory to analyze tractability and consistency. Many commonly used existing methods are included in GOM and, using their GOM interpretation, can be extended to optimally and automatically trade off balance for variance and outperform their standard counterparts. As a subclass, GOM gives rise to kernel optimal matching (KOM), which, as supported by new theoretical and empirical results, is notable for combining many of the positive properties of other methods in one. KOM, which is solved as a linearly-constrained convex-quadratic optimization problem, inherits both the interpretability and model-free consistency of matching but can also achieve the $sqrt{n}$-consistency of well-specified regression and the bias reduction and robustness of doubly robust methods. In settings of limited overlap, KOM enables a very transparent method for interval estimation for partial identification and robust coverage. We demonstrate this in examples with both synthetic and real data.


A Bayesian sparse finite mixture model for clustering data from a heterogeneous population

Erlandson F. Saraiva, Adriano K. Suzuki, Luís A. Milan.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 2, 323--344.

In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian approach for clustering data using a sparse finite mixture model (SFMM). The SFMM is a finite mixture model with a large number of components $k$ previously fixed where many components can be empty. In this model, the number of components $k$ can be interpreted as the maximum number of distinct mixture components. Then, we explore the use of a prior distribution for the weights of the mixture model that take into account the possibility that the number of clusters $k_{mathbf{c}}$ (e.g., nonempty components) can be random and smaller than the number of components $k$ of the finite mixture model. In order to determine clusters we develop a MCMC algorithm denominated Split-Merge allocation sampler. In this algorithm, the split-merge strategy is data-driven and was inserted within the algorithm in order to increase the mixing of the Markov chain in relation to the number of clusters. The performance of the method is verified using simulated datasets and three real datasets. The first real data set is the benchmark galaxy data, while second and third are the publicly available data set on Enzyme and Acidity, respectively.


Application of weighted and unordered majorization orders in comparisons of parallel systems with exponentiated generalized gamma components

Abedin Haidari, Amir T. Payandeh Najafabadi, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 1, 150--166.

Consider two parallel systems, say $A$ and $B$, with respective lifetimes $T_{1}$ and $T_{2}$ wherein independent component lifetimes of each system follow exponentiated generalized gamma distribution with possibly different exponential shape and scale parameters. We show here that $T_{2}$ is smaller than $T_{1}$ with respect to the usual stochastic order (reversed hazard rate order) if the vector of logarithm (the main vector) of scale parameters of System $B$ is weakly weighted majorized by that of System $A$, and if the vector of exponential shape parameters of System $A$ is unordered mojorized by that of System $B$. By means of some examples, we show that the above results can not be extended to the hazard rate and likelihood ratio orders. However, when the scale parameters of each system divide into two homogeneous groups, we verify that the usual stochastic and reversed hazard rate orders can be extended, respectively, to the hazard rate and likelihood ratio orders. The established results complete and strengthen some of the known results in the literature.


Effects of gene–environment and gene–gene interactions in case-control studies: A novel Bayesian semiparametric approach

Durba Bhattacharya, Sourabh Bhattacharya.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 1, 71--89.

Present day bio-medical research is pointing towards the fact that cognizance of gene–environment interactions along with genetic interactions may help prevent or detain the onset of many complex diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, type2 diabetes, autism or asthma by adjustments to lifestyle. In this regard, we propose a Bayesian semiparametric model to detect not only the roles of genes and their interactions, but also the possible influence of environmental variables on the genes in case-control studies. Our model also accounts for the unknown number of genetic sub-populations via finite mixtures composed of Dirichlet processes. An effective parallel computing methodology, developed by us harnesses the power of parallel processing technology to increase the efficiencies of our conditionally independent Gibbs sampling and Transformation based MCMC (TMCMC) methods. Applications of our model and methods to simulation studies with biologically realistic genotype datasets and a real, case-control based genotype dataset on early onset of myocardial infarction (MI) have yielded quite interesting results beside providing some insights into the differential effect of gender on MI.


A Jackson network under general regime

Yair Y. Shaki.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 532--548.

We consider a Jackson network in a general heavy traffic diffusion regime with the $alpha$-parametrization . We also assume that each customer may abandon the system while waiting. We show that in this regime the queue-length process converges to a multi-dimensional regulated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process.


Simple tail index estimation for dependent and heterogeneous data with missing values

Ivana Ilić, Vladica M. Veličković.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 1, 192--203.

Financial returns are known to be nonnormal and tend to have fat-tailed distribution. Also, the dependence of large values in a stochastic process is an important topic in risk, insurance and finance. In the presence of missing values, we deal with the asymptotic properties of a simple “median” estimator of the tail index based on random variables with the heavy-tailed distribution function and certain dependence among the extremes. Weak consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator are established. The estimator is a special case of a well-known estimator defined in Bacro and Brito [ Statistics & Decisions 3 (1993) 133–143]. The advantage of the estimator is its robustness against deviations and compared to Hill’s, it is less affected by the fluctuations related to the maximum of the sample or by the presence of outliers. Several examples are analyzed in order to support the proofs.


Generating Thermal Image Data Samples using 3D Facial Modelling Techniques and Deep Learning Methodologies. (arXiv:2005.01923v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Methods for generating synthetic data have become of increasing importance to build large datasets required for Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) based deep learning techniques for a wide range of computer vision applications. In this work, we extend existing methodologies to show how 2D thermal facial data can be mapped to provide 3D facial models. For the proposed research work we have used tufts datasets for generating 3D varying face poses by using a single frontal face pose. The system works by refining the existing image quality by performing fusion based image preprocessing operations. The refined outputs have better contrast adjustments, decreased noise level and higher exposedness of the dark regions. It makes the facial landmarks and temperature patterns on the human face more discernible and visible when compared to original raw data. Different image quality metrics are used to compare the refined version of images with original images. In the next phase of the proposed study, the refined version of images is used to create 3D facial geometry structures by using Convolution Neural Networks (CNN). The generated outputs are then imported in blender software to finally extract the 3D thermal facial outputs of both males and females. The same technique is also used on our thermal face data acquired using prototype thermal camera (developed under Heliaus EU project) in an indoor lab environment which is then used for generating synthetic 3D face data along with varying yaw face angles and lastly facial depth map is generated.


On a phase transition in general order spline regression. (arXiv:2004.10922v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

In the Gaussian sequence model $Y= heta_0 + varepsilon$ in $mathbb{R}^n$, we study the fundamental limit of approximating the signal $ heta_0$ by a class $Theta(d,d_0,k)$ of (generalized) splines with free knots. Here $d$ is the degree of the spline, $d_0$ is the order of differentiability at each inner knot, and $k$ is the maximal number of pieces. We show that, given any integer $dgeq 0$ and $d_0in{-1,0,ldots,d-1}$, the minimax rate of estimation over $Theta(d,d_0,k)$ exhibits the following phase transition: egin{equation*} egin{aligned} inf_{widetilde{ heta}}sup_{ hetainTheta(d,d_0, k)}mathbb{E}_ heta|widetilde{ heta} - heta|^2 asymp_d egin{cases} kloglog(16n/k), & 2leq kleq k_0,\ klog(en/k), & k geq k_0+1. end{cases} end{aligned} end{equation*} The transition boundary $k_0$, which takes the form $lfloor{(d+1)/(d-d_0) floor} + 1$, demonstrates the critical role of the regularity parameter $d_0$ in the separation between a faster $log log(16n)$ and a slower $log(en)$ rate. We further show that, once encouraging an additional '$d$-monotonicity' shape constraint (including monotonicity for $d = 0$ and convexity for $d=1$), the above phase transition is eliminated and the faster $kloglog(16n/k)$ rate can be achieved for all $k$. These results provide theoretical support for developing $ell_0$-penalized (shape-constrained) spline regression procedures as useful alternatives to $ell_1$- and $ell_2$-penalized ones.


A priori generalization error for two-layer ReLU neural network through minimum norm solution. (arXiv:1912.03011v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

We focus on estimating emph{a priori} generalization error of two-layer ReLU neural networks (NNs) trained by mean squared error, which only depends on initial parameters and the target function, through the following research line. We first estimate emph{a priori} generalization error of finite-width two-layer ReLU NN with constraint of minimal norm solution, which is proved by cite{zhang2019type} to be an equivalent solution of a linearized (w.r.t. parameter) finite-width two-layer NN. As the width goes to infinity, the linearized NN converges to the NN in Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) regime citep{jacot2018neural}. Thus, we can derive the emph{a priori} generalization error of two-layer ReLU NN in NTK regime. The distance between NN in a NTK regime and a finite-width NN with gradient training is estimated by cite{arora2019exact}. Based on the results in cite{arora2019exact}, our work proves an emph{a priori} generalization error bound of two-layer ReLU NNs. This estimate uses the intrinsic implicit bias of the minimum norm solution without requiring extra regularity in the loss function. This emph{a priori} estimate also implies that NN does not suffer from curse of dimensionality, and a small generalization error can be achieved without requiring exponentially large number of neurons. In addition the research line proposed in this paper can also be used to study other properties of the finite-width network, such as the posterior generalization error.


Margin-Based Generalization Lower Bounds for Boosted Classifiers. (arXiv:1909.12518v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Boosting is one of the most successful ideas in machine learning. The most well-accepted explanations for the low generalization error of boosting algorithms such as AdaBoost stem from margin theory. The study of margins in the context of boosting algorithms was initiated by Schapire, Freund, Bartlett and Lee (1998) and has inspired numerous boosting algorithms and generalization bounds. To date, the strongest known generalization (upper bound) is the $k$th margin bound of Gao and Zhou (2013). Despite the numerous generalization upper bounds that have been proved over the last two decades, nothing is known about the tightness of these bounds. In this paper, we give the first margin-based lower bounds on the generalization error of boosted classifiers. Our lower bounds nearly match the $k$th margin bound and thus almost settle the generalization performance of boosted classifiers in terms of margins.


Generative Feature Replay with Orthogonal Weight Modification for Continual Learning. (arXiv:2005.03490v1 [cs.LG])

The ability of intelligent agents to learn and remember multiple tasks sequentially is crucial to achieving artificial general intelligence. Many continual learning (CL) methods have been proposed to overcome catastrophic forgetting. Catastrophic forgetting notoriously impedes the sequential learning of neural networks as the data of previous tasks are unavailable. In this paper we focus on class incremental learning, a challenging CL scenario, in which classes of each task are disjoint and task identity is unknown during test. For this scenario, generative replay is an effective strategy which generates and replays pseudo data for previous tasks to alleviate catastrophic forgetting. However, it is not trivial to learn a generative model continually for relatively complex data. Based on recently proposed orthogonal weight modification (OWM) algorithm which can keep previously learned input-output mappings invariant approximately when learning new tasks, we propose to directly generate and replay feature. Empirical results on image and text datasets show our method can improve OWM consistently by a significant margin while conventional generative replay always results in a negative effect. Our method also beats a state-of-the-art generative replay method and is competitive with a strong baseline based on real data storage.


Rediscovery of genetic and genomic resources for future food security



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General Notices


Penalized generalized empirical likelihood with a diverging number of general estimating equations for censored data

Niansheng Tang, Xiaodong Yan, Xingqiu Zhao.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 48, Number 1, 607--627.

This article considers simultaneous variable selection and parameter estimation as well as hypothesis testing in censored survival models where a parametric likelihood is not available. For the problem, we utilize certain growing dimensional general estimating equations and propose a penalized generalized empirical likelihood, where the general estimating equations are constructed based on the semiparametric efficiency bound of estimation with given moment conditions. The proposed penalized generalized empirical likelihood estimators enjoy the oracle properties, and the estimator of any fixed dimensional vector of nonzero parameters achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound asymptotically. Furthermore, we show that the penalized generalized empirical likelihood ratio test statistic has an asymptotic central chi-square distribution. The conditions of local and restricted global optimality of weighted penalized generalized empirical likelihood estimators are also discussed. We present a two-layer iterative algorithm for efficient implementation, and investigate its convergence property. The performance of the proposed methods is demonstrated by extensive simulation studies, and a real data example is provided for illustration.