
[ K.Sup32 (06/23) ] - Case studies of radio frequency- electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) assessment

Case studies of radio frequency- electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) assessment


[ K.153 (09/23) ] - Guidance on determining the compliance boundaries (exclusion zones) of radio transmitter installations

Guidance on determining the compliance boundaries (exclusion zones) of radio transmitter installations


[ K.91 (01/24) ] - Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields

Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields


Resolution 86 - (Hammamet, 2016) - Facilitating the implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto

Resolution 86 - (Hammamet, 2016) - Facilitating the implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto


Resolution 98 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing the standardization of Internet of things and smart cities and communities for global development

Resolution 98 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Enhancing the standardization of Internet of things and smart cities and communities for global development


[ M.3040 (04/19) ] - Principles for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance

Principles for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance


[ M.3164 (07/20) ] - Generic information model for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance

Generic information model for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance


[ M.3364 (02/20) ] - Requirements for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance management function

Requirements for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance management function


[ M.3041 (02/20) ] - Framework of smart operation, management and maintenance

Framework of smart operation, management and maintenance


[ M.3367 (04/23) ] - Requirements for robot-based on-site smart patrol of telecommunication networks

Requirements for robot-based on-site smart patrol of telecommunication networks


[ M.3164.1 (08/24) ] - Interface for on-site generic telecommunication smart maintenance - Protocol neutral requirements

Interface for on-site generic telecommunication smart maintenance - Protocol neutral requirements


[ M.3368 (08/24) ] - Requirements for optical distribution frame (ODF) on-site smart maintenance

Requirements for optical distribution frame (ODF) on-site smart maintenance


[ M.3164.2 (08/24) ] - Interface for on-site generic telecommunication smart maintenance - Protocol neutral analysis

Interface for on-site generic telecommunication smart maintenance - Protocol neutral analysis


[ TD 65-GEN ] Revision 1 - English - Word 2003 document - Output - Q.ProGeoSMS "Protocol for Open GeoSMS"

Output - Q.ProGeoSMS "Protocol for Open GeoSMS"
Source: Rapporteur Q2/11
Study Questions: Q2/11


[ C 42 ] Revision 2 - English - Zip file - Proposal to Consent OGC Open GeoSMS for ITU-T Recommendation

Proposal to Consent OGC Open GeoSMS for ITU-T Recommendation
Source: Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Study Questions: Q2/11


[ E.812 (05/20) ] - Crowdsourcing approach for the assessment of end-to-end quality of service in fixed and mobile broadband networks

Crowdsourcing approach for the assessment of end-to-end quality of service in fixed and mobile broadband networks


[ P.1203 (11/16) ] - Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport

Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport


[ P.1203.1 (10/17) ] - Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Video quality estimation module

Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Video quality estimation module


[ P.1203 (10/17) ] - Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport

Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport


[ P.1203.3 (10/17) ] - Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Quality integration module

Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Quality integration module


[ P.1203.3 (01/19) ] - Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Quality integration module

Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Quality integration module


[ P.1203.1 (01/19) ] - Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Video quality estimation module

Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Video quality estimation module


[ P.800 (08/96) ] - Methods for subjective determination of transmission quality

Methods for subjective determination of transmission quality


[ P.1203.2 (10/17) ] - Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Audio quality estimation module

Parametric bitstream-based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport - Audio quality estimation module


[ N.64 (11/88) ] - Quality and impairment assessment

Quality and impairment assessment


[ N.61 (11/88) ] - Measurements to be made before the line-up period that precedes a television transmission

Measurements to be made before the line-up period that precedes a television transmission


[ N.52 (11/88) ] - Multiple destination television transmissions and coordination centres

Multiple destination television transmissions and coordination centres


[ N.51 (11/88) ] - Definitions for application to international television transmissions

Definitions for application to international television transmissions


[ N.17 (11/88) ] - Monitoring the transmission

Monitoring the transmission


[ N.15 (11/88) ] - Maximum permissible power during an international sound-programme transmission

Maximum permissible power during an international sound-programme transmission


[ N.12 (11/88) ] - Measurements to be made during the line-up period that precedes a sound-programme transmission

Measurements to be made during the line-up period that precedes a sound-programme transmission


[ N.11 (11/88) ] - Essential transmission performance objectives for international sound-programme centres (ISPC)

Essential transmission performance objectives for international sound-programme centres (ISPC)


[ N.62 (03/93) ] - Tests to be made during the line-up period that precedes a television transmission

Tests to be made during the line-up period that precedes a television transmission


[ N.67 (03/93) ] - Monitoring television transmissions - Use of the field blanking interval

Monitoring television transmissions - Use of the field blanking interval


[ N.1 (03/93) ] - Definitions for application to international sound-programme and television-sound transmission

Definitions for application to international sound-programme and television-sound transmission


[ N.90 (03/93) ] - Maintenance of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s

Maintenance of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s


[ N.86 (03/93) ] - Line-up and service commissioning of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s

Line-up and service commissioning of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s


[ N.67 (11/88) ] - Monitoring television transmissions. Use of the field blanking interval

Monitoring television transmissions. Use of the field blanking interval


[ N.86 (11/88) ] - Line-up and service commissioning of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s

Line-up and service commissioning of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s


[ N.90 (11/88) ] - Maintenance of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s

Maintenance of international videoconference systems operating at transmission bit rates of 1544 and 2048 kbit/s


[ N.1 (11/88) ] - Definitions for application to international sound-programme transmissions

Definitions for application to international sound-programme transmissions


[ N.62 (11/88) ] - Tests to be made during the line-up period that precedes a television transmission

Tests to be made during the line-up period that precedes a television transmission


[ Y.4905 (02/19) ] - Smart sustainable city impact assessment

Smart sustainable city impact assessment


[ Y.4209 (04/20) ] - Requirements for interoperation of the smart port with the smart city

Requirements for interoperation of the smart port with the smart city


[ Y.Sup58 (05/21) ] - Internet of things and smart cities and communities standards roadmap

Internet of things and smart cities and communities standards roadmap


[ Y.Sup69 (05/21) ] - Web-based data model for Internet of things and smart city systems and services

Web-based data model for Internet of things and smart city systems and services


[ Y.4419 (07/21) ] - Requirements and capability framework of smart utility metering (SUM)

Requirements and capability framework of smart utility metering (SUM)


[ Y.2246 (09/21) ] - Smart farming education service based on u-learning environment

Smart farming education service based on u-learning environment


[ Y.4004 (11/21) ] - Overview of smart oceans and seas, and requirements for their ICT implementations

Overview of smart oceans and seas, and requirements for their ICT implementations


[ Y.4478 (11/21) ] - Requirements and functional architecture for smart construction site services

Requirements and functional architecture for smart construction site services