
Anti-aging drugs: from basic research to clinical practice / edited by Alexander M. Vaiserman

Online Resource


Medicinal plants and fungi: recent advances in research and development / Dinesh Chandra Agrawal, Hsin-Sheng Tsay, Lie-Fen Shyur, Yang-Chang Wu, Sheng-Yang Wang, editors

Online Resource


Natural products as source of molecules with therapeutic potential: research & development, challenges and perspectives / editor, Valdir Cechinel Filho

Online Resource


Translational Research Methods in Diabetes, Obesity, and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Focus on Early Phase Clinical Drug Development / editors, Andrew J. Krentz, Christian Weyer and Marcus Hompes

Online Resource


Medicinal plant research in Africa: pharmacology and chemistry / edited by Victor Kuete

Online Resource


Global Bat Populations Need Research and Conservation Action

New Paper from Bat Conservation International Scientists Underscores the Need for Expanded Research and Data Collection to Better Protect Bat Species 


Research Links Bats to Growth of Durian, the “World’s Stinkiest Fruit”


Baffin Island: Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67.

Online Resource


Asian Qualitative Research in Tourism: Ontologies, Epistemologies, Methodologies, and Methods / edited by Paolo Mura, Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore

Online Resource


Quantitative tourism research in Asia: current status and future directions / editor, Sajad Rezaei

Online Resource


Fostering transformative research in the geographical sciences / Committee on Identifying Transformative Research in the Geographical Sciences; Geographical Sciences Committee, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Division on Earth and Life Sciences

Online Resource


Standing on the shoulders of giants: traditions and innovations in research methodology / edited by Brian Boyd, T. Russell Crook, Jane K. Lê, Anne D. Smith

Dewey Library - HD30.4.S73 2019


Management studies in crisis: fraud, deception and meaningless research / Dennis Tourish, University of Sussex

Dewey Library - HD30.4.T68 2019


Logistics management: strategies and instruments for digitalizing and decarbonizing supply chains - proceedings of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Halle 2019 / Christian Bierwirth, Thomas Kirschstein, Dirk Sackmann, editors

Online Resource


Information systems: research, development, applications, education: 12th SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium 2019, Gdansk, Poland, September 19, 2019, proceedings / Stanisław Wrycza, Jacek Maślankowski (eds.)

Online Resource


Frontiers of strategic alliance research: negotiating, structuring and governing partnerships / edited by Farok Contractor, Rutgers University, New Jersey, Jeffrey Reuer, University of Colorado Boulder

Dewey Library - HD69.S8 F765 2019


Who's who in research. Film studies


Social media for strategic communication : creative strategies and research-based applications / Karen Freberg

Freberg, Karen June, author


Exploring media research : theories, practice, and purpose / Andy Ruddock

Ruddock, Andy, author


Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Interactions VI: 4-7 April 2016, New Delhi, India / Tiruvalam N. Krishnamurti, Madhavan Nair Rajeevan, editors ; sponsored by SPIE ; cosponsored by ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization (India

Online Resource


Robotics research: the 18th International Symposium ISRR / Nancy M. Amato, Greg Hager, Shawna Thomas, Miguel Torres-Torriti, editors

Online Resource


Robotics in education: Current Research and Innovations / Munir Merdan, Wilfried Lepuschitz, Gottfried Koppensteiner, Richard Balogh, David Obdržálek, editors

Online Resource


Advances in robotics research: from lab to market: ECHORD++: robotic science supporting innovation / Antoni Grau, Yannick Morel, Ana Puig-Pey, Francesca Cecchi, editors

Online Resource


Defrosting for air source heat pump: research, analysis and methods / Song Mengjie, Deng Shiming

Online Resource


Pipeline spatial data modeling and pipeline WebGIS: digital oil and gas pipeline: research and practice / Zhenpei Li

Online Resource


Advances in automation and robotics research: proceedings of the 2nd Latin American Congress on Automation and Robotics, Cali, Colombia 2019 / Alexánder Martínez, Héctor A. Moreno, Isela G. Carrera, Alexandre Campos, José Baca, editor

Online Resource


Bringing innovative robotic technologies from research labs to industrial end-users: the experience of the European robotics challenges / Fabrizio Caccavale, Christian Ott, Bernd Winkler, Zachary Taylor, editors

Online Resource


Handbook of research on advanced mechatronic systems and intelligent robotics / [edited by] Maki K. Habib

Online Resource


Recent Asian Research on Thermal and Fluid Sciences: proceedings of AJWTF7 2018 / Abhilash Suryan, Deog Hee Doh, Minoru Yaga, Guang Zhang, editors

Online Resource


Advances in energy research. Morena J. Acosta, editor

Dewey Library - TJ163.2.A38 2018


NLM Inspires the Next Generation of Scientists and Researchers

Determination, inspiration, curiosity, and the importance of mentors were just a few of the themes of the sixth annual Science Day at NIH. Science Day at NIH is a partnership between NLM, the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Friends of the National Library of Medicine,…


scPopCorn Gets to the Kernel of Single-Cell Experiments: NLM–Made Algorithm Helps NIH Researchers

Researchers at the National Library of Medicine’s National Center for Biotechnology Information have created a new algorithm called scPopCorn (single-cell subpopulations comparison) to capture the differences among populations of cells from single-cell experiments. The algorithm, developed by my team is available at GitHub and is described in an article in Cell Systems (Y. Wang, J. Honka, and T.M. Przytycka, Cell…

  • Research & Development


Perspectives on the introductory phase of empirical research articles: a study of rhetorical structure and citation use / (Kathy) Ling Lin

Online Resource


Development of linguistic linked open data resources for collaborative data-intensive research in the language sciences / edited by Antonio Pareja-Lora, María Blume, Barbara C. Lust, and Christian Chiarcos

Online Resource


Eye tracking in second language acquisition and bilingualism: a research synthesis and methodological guide / Aline Godfroid

Dewey Library - P118.2.G668 2020


Using judgments in second language acquisition research / by Patti Spinner and Susan M. Gass

Hayden Library - P118.2.S75 2019


Learning and using languages in ethnographic research / edited by Robert Gibb, Annabel Tremlett and Julien Danero Iglesias

Dewey Library - P35.L43 2020


Researching second language acquisition in the study abroad learning environment: an introduction for student researchers / Christina L. Isabelli-García, Casilde A. Isabelli

Dewey Library - P118.2.R47 2019


Arabic Dialectology: Methodology and Field Research / Werner Arnold and Maciej Klimiuk

Online Resource


Language research in multilingual settings: doing research knowledge dissemination at the sites of practice / Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste, editor

Online Resource


Eye-tracking: a guide for applied linguistics research / Kathryn Conklin, University of Nottingham, Ana Pellicer-Sanchez, University of Nottingham, Gareth Carrol, University of Birmingham

Hayden Library - P129.C625 2018


Usage-inspired L2 Instruction: researched pedagogy / edited by Andrea E. Tyler (Georgetown University), Lourdes Ortega (Georgetown University), Mariko Uno (University of Arizona), Hae In Park (University of Albany, SUNY)

Hayden Library - P118.2.U834 2018


Coronavirus COVID-19 patients lose sense of smell by third day of infection: US researcher

Most of these patients are also experiencing a loss of the sense of taste, said a researcher from University of Cincinnati.


Basic knowledge in battery research bridging the gap between academia and industry

Mater. Horiz., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0MH00067A, Review Article
Makoto Ue, Ken Sakaushi, Kohei Uosaki
The basic knowledge in battery research bridging the gap between academia and industry was reviewed by the authors from both fields.
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A review of affective chemistry education research and its implications for future research

Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9RP00200F, Review Article
A. A. Flaherty
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
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Simon Marius and his research / editors, Hans Gaab and Pierre Leich

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Asteroid and space debris manipulation: advances from the Stardust Research Network / edited by Massimiliano Vasile, Edmondo Minisci

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Emotional Workplace Abuse: A New Research Approach / Elina Penttinen, Marjut Jyrkinen and Elisabeth Wide

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Solitary non-employed persons: empirical research on hikikomori in Japan / Yuji Genda

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Empirical research on an unconditional basic income in Europe / Lei Delsen, Editor

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