
L'università in cambiamento [electronic resource] : Riflessioni in tema di contabilità e bilancio / Lucia Biondi

Biondi, Lucia, author


Behavioral Controlling [electronic resource] : Anniversary Volume in Honor of Jürgen Weber / edited by Utz Schäffer


Creative Business and Social Innovations for a Sustainable Future [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the 1st American University in the Emirates International Research Conference—Dubai, UAE 2017 / edited by Miroslav Mateev, Panikkos Poutziouris


Financial accounting [electronic resource] / Jerry J. Weygandt, PhD, CPA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, Paul D. Kimmel, PhD, CPA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwauk, Wisconsin, Donald E. Kieso, PhD, CPA, Northern Illinois Un

Weygandt, Jerry J


Financial accounting [electronic resource] : IFRS edition / Jerry J. Weygandt PhD, CPA, University of Wisconsin--Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, Paul D. Kimmel, PhD, CPA, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Donald E. Kieso, PhD, CPA, No

Weygandt, Jerry J


Implementing Oracle Fusion general ledger and Oracle Fusion accounting hub [electronic resource] / Anil Passi, Nivas Ramanathan, Vladimir Ajvaz

Passi, Anil, author


Race, religion, and politics: toward human rights in the United States / Stephanie Y. Mitchem, University of South Carolina

Dewey Library - BL2525.M575 2019


Inclusion and exclusion in Mediterranean Christianities, 400-800 / edited by Yaniv Fox and Erica Buchberger

Dewey Library - BR115.S56 I53 2019


Human sacrifice: archaeological perspectives from around the world / Laerke Recht, University of Cambridge

Hayden Library - BL570.R43 2019


Legal Research Reports: Greece: Higher Education Reforms and University Asylum

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Greece: Higher Education Reforms and University Asylum.

This report discusses the legislative history of the university asylum rule that prohibits police from entering universities without permission of a three-person panel (with exceptions). Relevant legislation and legislative resources are highlighted. A short bibliography is also included. (Nov. 2019)

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Carnivore minds: who these fearsome animals really are / G.A. Bradshaw

Hayden Library - QL758.B73 2017


Clinical neuroanatomy / Stephen G. Waxman, MD, PhD (Bridget Marie Flaherty Professor of Neurology, Neurobiology, & Pharmacology, Director, Center for Neuroscience & Regeneration Research, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

Hayden Library - QM451.W38 2017


Foundations of neural development / S. Marc Breedlove, Michigan State University

Hayden Library - QP363.5.B74 2017


Metaphor: embodied cognition and discourse / edited by Beate Hampe, Universität Erfurt, Germany

Hayden Library - QP360.5.M477 2017


Pain and the conscious brain / Luis Garcia-Larrea, MD, PhD, Research Director at the INSERM Head, Central Integration of Pain-Lyon Centre for Neurosciences, Vice-Director, Human Biology Department, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, University Hospitals o

Hayden Library - QP355.2.P35 2016


Computational neuroscience models of the basal ganglia / V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Ahmed A. Moustafa

Online Resource


Sensation & perception / Bennett L. Schwartz, Florida International University, John H. Krantz, Hanover College

Hayden Library - QP430.S334 2019


Cognitive neuroscience / Marie T. Banich, University of Colorado Boulder, Rebecca J. Compton, Haverford College, Pennsylvania

Hayden Library - QP360.5.B365 2018


Behavioural neuroscience / Seán Commins (Maynooth University, Ireland)

Hayden Library - QL751.C66 2018


Animal behavior: concepts, methods, and applications / Shawn E. Nordell, Washington University in St. Louis, Thomas J. Valone, Saint Louis University

Hayden Library - QL751.N74 2017


Animal behavior / Dustin R. Rubenstein, Columbia University, John Alcock, Arizona State University

Hayden Library - QL751.A58 2019


Demystifying the brain: a computational approach / V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy

Online Resource


Ecology of the brain: the phenomenology and biology of the embodied mind / Thomas Fuchs, Karl Jaspers Professor of Philosophical Foundations of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Clinic, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Hayden Library - QP376.F7413 2018


Advances in neuroergonomics and cognitive engineering: proceedings of the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering, July 21--25, 2018, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida USA / Hasan Ay

Online Resource


This contentious storm: an ecocritical and performance history of King Lear / Jennifer Mae Hamilton, University of Sydney, Australia

Online Resource


Shakespeare's rise to cultural prominence: politics, print and alteration, 1642-1700 / Emma Depledge, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Dewey Library - PR2899.D47 2018


"Harry-- yer a wizard": exploring J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter universe.

Online Resource


The Experience of Being First in Family at University [electronic resource] : Pioneers in Higher Education / by Sharron King, Ann Luzeckyj, Ben McCann

King, Sharron, author


The content analysis guidebook [electronic resource] / Kimberly A. Neuendorf, Cleveland State University

Neuendorf, Kimberly A., author


Zhong wai da xue jiao xue fa zhan zhong xin yan jiu = Research on teaching and learning centers of Chinese and foreign research universities / zhu bian Wang Xia ; fu zhu bian Cui Jun


Fukuzawa Yukichi ten : mirai o hiraku : Keiō Gijuku sōritsu 150-nen kinen = Fukuzawa Yukichi : living the future : the 150th anniversary of Keio University / [henshū Keiō Gijuku ... [et al.]]


U.S. adds 1,635 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours, says Johns Hopkins University tracker

The United States recorded 1,635 coronavirus deaths in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 77,178, according to the latest real-time tally Frida


The metamorphosis: a new translation, texts and contexts, criticism / Franz Kafka ; translated by Susan Bernofsky, Columbia University ; edited by Mark M. Anderson, Columbia University

Hayden Library - PT2621.A26 V413 2016


Science Podcast - The genome of a transmissible dog cancer, the 10-year anniversary of Opportunity on Mars, and a rundown of stories from our daily news site (24 Jan 2014)

The genome from a cancerous cell line that's been living for millenia, Opportinty's first 10 years on Mars, and a daily news roundup.


Hubble's 25th anniversary and a news roundup

Hubble at 25: Daniel Clery discusses the contributions of the Hubble Space Telescope to our understanding of the universe, and David Grimm discusses daily news stories. Hosted by Susanne Bard. [Img: NASA]


A new dark matter signal from the early universe, massive family trees, and how we might respond to alien contact

For some time after the big bang there were no stars. Researchers are now looking at cosmic dawn—the time when stars first popped into being—and are seeing hints of dark matter’s influence on supercold hydrogen clouds. News Writer Adrian Cho talks with Sarah Crespi about how this observation was made and what it means for our understanding of dark matter. Sarah also interviews Joanna Kaplanis of the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Hinxton, U.K., about constructing enormous family trees based on an online social genealogy platform. What can we learn from the biggest family tree ever built—with 13 million members spanning 11 generations? In a bonus segment recording during a live podcasting event at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Sarah talks with Michael Varnum of Arizona State University in Tempe about what people think they will do if humanity comes into contact with aliens that just happen to be microbes. Live recordings sessions at the AAAS meeting were supported by funds from the European Commission. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Kilo-Degree Survey Collaboration/H. Hildebrandt & B. Giblin/ESO; Music: Jeffrey Cook]  


The universe’s star formation history and a powerful new helper for evolution

In a fast-changing environment, evolution can be slow—sometimes so slow that an organism dies out before the right mutation comes along. Host Sarah Crespi speaks with Staff Writer Elizabeth Pennisi about how plastic traits—traits that can alter in response to environmental conditions—could help life catch up. Also on this week’s show, host Meagan Cantwell talks with Marco Ajello a professor of physics and astronomy at Clemson University in South Carolina about his team’s method to determine the universe’s star formation history. By looking at 739 blazars, supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies, Ajello and his team were able to model the history of stars since the big bang. Finally, in this month’s book segment, Jen Golbeck interviews Christine Du Bois about her book Story of Soy. You can listen to more book segments and read more reviews on our books blog, Books et al. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Read a transcript (PDF) Listen to previous podcasts. About the Science Podcast [Image: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Building a landslide observatory, and the universality of music

You may have seen the aftermath of a landslide, driving along a twisty mountain road—a scattering of rocks and scree impinging on the pavement. And up until now, that’s pretty much how scientists have tracked landslides—roadside observations and spotty satellite images. Now, researchers are hoping to track landslides systematically by instrumenting an entire national park in Taiwan. The park is riddled with landslides—so much so that visitors wear helmets. Host Sarah Crespi talks with one of those visitors—freelance science journalist Katherine Kornei—about what we can learn from landslides. In a second rocking segment, Sarah also talks with Manvir Singh about the universality of music. His team asked the big questions in a Science paper out this week: Do all societies make music? What are the common elements that can be picked out from songs worldwide? Sarah and Manvir listen to songs and talk about what love ballads and lullabies have in common, regardless of their culture of origin. Explore the music database.  This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Ads on this week’s show: Bayer; KiwiCo; McDonalds Download a transcript (PDF) Listen to previous podcasts. About the Science Podcast [Image: Martin Lewinson/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Areas to watch in 2020, and how carnivorous plants evolved impressive traps

We start our first episode of the new year looking at future trends in policy and research with host Joel Goldberg and several Science News writers. Jeffrey Mervis discusses upcoming policy changes, Kelly Servick gives a rundown of areas to watch in the life sciences, and Ann Gibbons talks about potential advances in ancient proteins and DNA. In research news, host Meagan Cantwell talks with Beatriz Pinto-Goncalves, a postdoctoral researcher at the John Innes Centre, about carnivorous plant traps. Through understanding the mechanisms that create these traps, Pinto-Goncalves and colleagues elucidate what this could mean for how they emerged in the evolutionary history of plants. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Ads on this week’s show: KiwiCo Download a transcript (PDF) Listen to previous podcasts. About the Science Podcast  


Data science and knowledge engineering for sensing decision support : proceedings of the 13th International FLINS Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 21-24 August, 2018 / editors, Jun Liu (Ulster University, UK), Jie Lu (University of Technology,

International FLINS Conference (13th : 2018 : Belfast, Northern Ireland)


Handbook of research on big data and the IoT / Gurjit Kaur (Delhi Technological University, India), Pradeep Tomar (Gautam Buddha University, India)


Java : an introduction to problem solving & programming / Walter Savitch (University of California, San Diego) ; contributor, Kenrick Mock (University of Alaska Anchorage)

Savitch, Walter J., 1943- author


Principles of electronic materials and devices / S.O. Kasap (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

Kasap, S. O. (Safa O.), author


Emerging perspectives in big data warehousing / David Taniar, Monash University, Australia, Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia


Modern digital and analog communication systems / B.P. Lathi (Professor Emeritus, California State University-Sacramento), Zhi Ding (Professor, University of California-Davis)

Lathi, B. P. (Bhagwandas Pannalal), author


Excel statistics : a quick guide / Neil J. Salkind, University of Kansas

Salkind, Neil J


Reinforced concrete design / Chu-Kia Wang, Charles G.Salmon, José A.Pincheira, Gustavo J.Parra-Montesinos, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Barker Library - TA683.2.W3 2018


Organization design / edited by John Joseph (University of California, Irvine, USA), Oliver Baumann (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark), Richard Burton (Duke University, USA), Kannan Srikanth (Ohio State University, USA)

Dewey Library - HD30.28.O72 2019


Decision-making for sustainable transport and mobility: multi actor multi criteria analysis / edited by Cathy Macharis (Professor, Vrije University Brussel-Research group MOBI (Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology), dep. BUTO, Belgium), Gino Baud

Rotch Library - HE305.D36 2018


LRFD minimum flexural reinforcement requirements / Sri Sritharan, Hartanto Wibowo, Michael J. Rosenthal, Jacob N. Eull (Iowa State University) ; Jay Holombo (T.Y. Lin International)

Barker Library - TE7.N25 no.906