arch Apple to announce AI wall tablet as soon as March, Bloomberg News reports By Published On :: 2024-11-12T21:29:49Z Full Article
arch Molecular architecture and domain arrangement of the placental malaria protein VAR2CSA suggests a model for carbohydrate binding [Glycobiology and Extracellular Matrices] By Published On :: 2020-12-25T00:06:31-08:00 VAR2CSA is the placental-malaria–specific member of the antigenically variant Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) family. It is expressed on the surface of Plasmodium falciparum-infected host red blood cells and binds to specific chondroitin-4-sulfate chains of the placental proteoglycan receptor. The functional ∼310 kDa ectodomain of VAR2CSA is a multidomain protein that requires a minimum 12-mer chondroitin-4-sulfate molecule for specific, high affinity receptor binding. However, it is not known how the individual domains are organized and interact to create the receptor-binding surface, limiting efforts to exploit its potential as an effective vaccine or drug target. Using small angle X-ray scattering and single particle reconstruction from negative-stained electron micrographs of the ectodomain and multidomain constructs, we have determined the structural architecture of VAR2CSA. The relative locations of the domains creates two distinct pores that can each accommodate the 12-mer of chondroitin-4-sulfate, suggesting a model for receptor binding. This model has important implications for understanding cytoadherence of infected red blood cells and potentially provides a starting point for developing novel strategies to prevent and/or treat placental malaria. Full Article
arch Polydisperse molecular architecture of connexin 26/30 heteromeric hemichannels revealed by atomic force microscopy imaging [Protein Structure and Folding] By Published On :: 2020-12-04T00:06:05-08:00 Connexin (Cx) protein forms hemichannels and gap junctional channels, which play diverse and profound roles in human physiology and diseases. Gap junctions are arrays of intercellular channels formed by the docking of two hemichannels from adjacent cells. Each hexameric hemichannel contains the same or different Cx isoform. Although homomeric Cxs forms have been largely described functionally and structurally, the stoichiometry and arrangement of heteromeric Cx channels remain unknown. The latter, however, are widely expressed in human tissues and variation might have important implications on channel function. Investigating properties of heteromeric Cx channels is challenging considering the high number of potential subunit arrangements and stoichiometries, even when only combining two Cx isoforms. To tackle this problem, we engineered an HA tag onto Cx26 or Cx30 subunits and imaged hemichannels that were liganded by Fab-epitope antibody fragments via atomic force microscopy. For Cx26-HA/Cx30 or Cx30-HA/Cx26 heteromeric channels, the Fab-HA binding distribution was binomial with a maximum of three Fab-HA bound. Furthermore, imaged Cx26/Cx30-HA triple liganded by Fab-HA showed multiple arrangements that can be derived from the law of total probabilities. Atomic force microscopy imaging of ringlike structures of Cx26/Cx30-HA hemichannels confirmed these findings and also detected a polydisperse distribution of stoichiometries. Our results indicate a dominant subunit stoichiometry of 3Cx26:3Cx30 with the most abundant subunit arrangement of Cx26-Cx26-Cx30-Cx26-Cx30-Cx30. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the molecular architecture of heteromeric Cx channels has been revealed, thus providing the basis to explore the functional effect of these channels in biology. Full Article
arch PTM-Shepherd: analysis and summarization of post-translational and chemical modifications from open search results By Published On :: 2020-12-01 Daniel J. GeiszlerDec 1, 2020; 0:TIR120.002216v1-mcp.TIR120.002216Technological Innovation and Resources Full Article
arch Problem Notes for SAS®9 - 48028: Custom Time Frame-based data versions do not aggregate correctly when referenced in worksheets with standard hierarchy levels By Published On :: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 16:17:42 EST In SAS Merchandise Financial Planning, custom time frame-based data versions do not aggregate correctly when referenced in worksheets with standard hierarchy levels. The data does not aggregate correctly from l Full Article MMFINANCPLN+SAS+Merchandise+Financial+Pl
arch WITHDRAWN: Structural and mechanistic studies of hydroperoxide conversions catalyzed by a CYP74 clan epoxy alcohol synthase from amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2014-03-04T09:59:12-08:00 This manuscript has been withdrawn by the Author. Full Article
arch Dietary sphinganine is selectively assimilated by members of the mammalian gut microbiome [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-07-09T14:33:39-07:00 Functions of the gut microbiome have a growing number of implications for host metabolic health, with diet being one of the most significant influences on microbiome composition. Compelling links between diet and the gut microbiome suggest key roles for various macronutrients, including lipids, yet how individual classes of dietary lipids interact with the microbiome remains largely unknown. Sphingolipids are bioactive components of most foods and are also produced by prominent gut microbes. This makes sphingolipids intriguing candidates for shaping diet–microbiome interactions. Here, we used a click chemistry–based approach to track the incorporation of bioorthogonal dietary omega-alkynyl sphinganine (sphinganine alkyne [SAA]) into the murine gut microbial community (Bioorthogonal labeling). We identified microbial and SAA-specific metabolic products through fluorescence-based sorting of SAA-containing microbes (Sort), 16S rRNA gene sequencing to identify the sphingolipid-interacting microbes (Seq), and comparative metabolomics to identify products of SAA assimilation by the microbiome (Spec). Together, this approach, termed Bioorthogonal labeling-Sort-Seq-Spec (BOSSS), revealed that SAA assimilation is nearly exclusively performed by gut Bacteroides, indicating that sphingolipid-producing bacteria play a major role in processing dietary sphinganine. Comparative metabolomics of cecal microbiota from SAA-treated mice revealed conversion of SAA to a suite of dihydroceramides, consistent with metabolic activities of Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium. Additionally, other sphingolipid-interacting microbes were identified with a focus on an uncharacterized ability of Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium to metabolize dietary sphingolipids. We conclude that BOSSS provides a platform to study the flux of virtually any alkyne-labeled metabolite in diet–microbiome interactions. Full Article
arch Hepatic Deletion of Mboat7 (Lpiat1) Causes Activation of SREBP-1c and Fatty Liver [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-08-28T09:33:17-07:00 Genetic variants that increase the risk of fatty liver disease (FLD) and cirrhosis have recently been identified in the proximity of membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain-containing 7 (MBOAT7). To elucidate the link between these variants and FLD we characterized Mboat7 liver-specific knock-out mice (Mboat7-LSKO). Chow-fed Mboat7-LSKO mice developed fatty livers and associated liver injury. Lipidomic analysis of liver using mass spectrometry revealed a pronounced reduction in 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid content in phosphatidylinositols (PIs), but not in other phospholipids. The change in fatty acid composition of PIs in these mice was associated with a marked increase in de novo lipogenesis due to activation of SREBP-1c, a transcription factor that coordinates the activation of genes encoding enzymes in the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway. Hepatic removal of both SREBP cleavage activating protein (Scap) and Mboat7 normalized hepatic triglycerides relative to Scap only hepatic knock-out showing increased SREBP-1c processing is required for Mboat7 induced steatosis. This study reveals a clear relationship between PI fatty acid composition and regulation of hepatic fat synthesis and delineates the mechanism by which mutations in MBOAT7 cause hepatic steatosis. Full Article
arch Lipid and Metabolic Syndrome Traits in Coronary Artery Disease: A Mendelian Randomization Study [Patient-Oriented and Epidemiological Research] By Published On :: 2020-09-09T12:33:17-07:00 Mendelian randomization (MR) of lipid traits in coronary artery disease (CAD) has provided evidence for causal associations of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglycerides (TG) in CAD, but many lipid trait genetic variants have pleiotropic effects on other cardiovascular risk factors that may bias MR associations. The goal of this study was to evaluate pleiotropic effects of lipid trait genetic variants and to account for these effects in MR of lipid traits in CAD. We performed multivariable MR using inverse variance-weighted (IVW) and MR-Egger methods in large (n ≥ 300,000) GWAS datasets. We found that 30% of lipid trait genetic variants have effects on metabolic syndrome traits, including body mass index (BMI), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and systolic blood pressure (SBP). Nonetheless, in multivariable MR analysis, LDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), TG, BMI, T2D, and SBP are independently associated with CAD, and each of these associations is robust to adjustment for directional pleiotropy. MR at loci linked to direct effects on HDL-C and TG suggests locus- and mechanism-specific causal effects of these factors on CAD. Full Article
arch High-density lipoprotein-associated miRNA is increased following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery for severe obesity [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-10-22T06:30:32-07:00 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is one of the most commonly performed weight-loss procedures, but how severe obesity and RYGB affects circulating HDL-associated microRNAs (miRNAs) remains unclear. Here, we aim to investigate how HDL-associated miRNAs are regulated in severe obesity and how weight loss after RYGB surgery affects HDL-miRNAs. Plasma HDL were isolated from patients with severe obesity (n=53) before, 6 and 12 months after RYGB by immunoprecipitation using goat anti-human apoA-I microbeads. HDL were also isolated from 18 healthy participants. miRNAs were extracted from isolated HDL and levels of miR-24, miR-126, miR-222 and miR-223 were determined by TaqMan miRNA assays. We found that HDL-associated miR-126, miR-222 and miR-223 levels, but not miR-24 levels, were significantly higher in patients with severe obesity when compared with healthy controls. There were significant increases in HDL-associated miR-24, miR-222 and miR-223 at 12 months after RYGB. Additionally, cholesterol efflux capacity and paraoxonase (PON1) activity were increased and intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) levels decreased. The increases in HDL-associated miR-24 and miR-223 were positively correlated with increase in cholesterol efflux capacity (r=0.326, P=0.027 and r=0.349, P=0.017 respectively). An inverse correlation was observed between HDL-associated miR-223 and ICAM-1 at baseline. Together, these findings show that HDL-associated miRNAs are differentially regulated in healthy versus patients with severe obesity and are altered after RYGB. These findings provide insights into how miRNAs are regulated in obesity before and after weight reduction, and may lead to the development of novel treatment strategies for obesity and related metabolic disorders. Full Article
arch Adiponectin forms a complex with atherogenic LDL and inhibits its downstream effects [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-03T06:36:28-08:00 Adiponectin, an adipocyte-derived protein, has anti-atherogenic and anti-diabetic effects, but how it confers the anti-atherogenic effects is not well understood. To study the anti-atherogenic mechanisms of adiponectin, we examined whether it interacts with atherogenic low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to attenuate LDL’s atherogenicity. L5, the most electronegative subfraction of LDL, induces atherogenic responses similarly to copper-oxidized LDL (oxLDL). Unlike native LDL endocytosed via the LDL receptor, L5 and oxLDL are internalized by cells via the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1 (LOX-1). Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), we showed that adiponectin preferentially bound oxLDL but not native LDL. In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with LOX-1 or LDL receptor, adiponectin selectively inhibited the uptake of oxLDL but not of native LDL, respectively. Furthermore, adiponectin suppressed the internalization of oxLDL in human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) and THP-1–derived macrophages. Western blot analysis of human plasma showed that adiponectin was abundant in L5 but not in L1, the least electronegative subfraction of LDL. Sandwich ELISAs with anti-adiponectin and anti–apolipoprotein B antibodies confirmed the binding of adiponectin to L5 and oxLDL. In LOX-1–expressing CHO cells, adiponectin inhibited cellular responses to oxLDL and L5, including nuclear factor-B activation and ERK phosphorylation. In HCAECs, adiponectin inhibited oxLDL-induced endothelin-1 secretion and ERK phosphorylation. Conversely, oxLDL suppressed the adiponectin-induced activation of adenosine monophosphate–activated protein kinase in COS-7 cells expressing adiponectin receptor AdipoR1. Our findings suggest that adiponectin binds and inactivates atherogenic LDL, providing novel insight into the anti-atherogenic mechanisms of adiponectin. Full Article
arch Structure dynamics of ApoA-I amyloidogenic variants in small HDL increase their ability to mediate cholesterol efflux [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-17T08:30:36-08:00 Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is essential for the transportation of cholesterol between peripheral tissues and the liver. However, specific mutations in Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are responsible for a late-onset systemic amyloidosis, the pathological accumulation of protein fibrils in tissues and organs. Carriers of these mutations do not exhibit increased cardiovascular disease risk despite displaying reduced levels of ApoA-I/ HDL-cholesterol. To explain this paradox, we show that the HDL particle profile of patients carrying either L75P or L174S ApoA-I amyloidogenic variants a higher relative abundance of the 8.4 nm vs 9.6 nm particles, and that serum from patients, as well as reconstituted 8.4 and 9.6 nm HDL particles (rHDL), possess increased capacity to catalyze cholesterol efflux from macrophages. Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism and hydrogen-deuterium exchange revealed that the variants in 8.4 nm rHDL have altered secondary structure composition and display a more flexible binding to lipids compared to their native counterpart. The reduced HDL-cholesterol levels of patients carrying ApoA-I amyloidogenic variants are thus balanced by higher proportion of small, dense HDL particles and better cholesterol efflux due to altered, region-specific protein structure dynamics. Full Article
arch Insights on the kinetics and dynamics of the furin-cleaved form of PCSK9 [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-17T08:30:36-08:00 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) regulates cholesterol metabolism by inducing the degradation of hepatic low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR). Plasma PCSK9 has two main molecular forms: a 62-kDa mature form (PCSK9_62) and a 55-kDa, furin-cleaved form (PCSK9_55). PCSK9_55 is considered less active than PCSK9_62 in degrading LDLR. We aimed to identify the site of PCSK9_55 formation (intra- vs. extracellular) and to further characterize the LDLR-degradative function of PCSK9_55 relative to PCSK9_62. Co-expressing PCSK9_62 with furin in cell culture induced formation of PCSK9_55, most of which was found in the extracellular space. Under the same conditions we found that: i) adding a cell-permeable furin inhibitor preferentially decreased the formation of PCSK9_55 extracellularly; ii) using pulse-chase, we observed the formation of PCSK9_55 exclusively extracellularly in a time-dependent manner. A recombinant form of PCSK9_55 was efficiently produced but displayed impaired secretion that resulted in its intracellular trapping. However, the non-secreted PCSK9_55 was able to induce degradation of LDLR, though with 50% lower efficiency compared with PCSK9_62. Collectively, our data show that PCSK9_55 is generated in the extracellular space, and that intracellular PCSK9_55 is not secreted but retains the ability to degrade the LDLR through an intracellular pathway. Full Article
arch Generation and validation of a conditional knockout mouse model for the study of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-17T11:30:28-08:00 Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (SLOS) is a developmental disorder (OMIM #270400) caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the Dhcr7 gene, which encodes the enzyme 3β-hydroxysterol-7 reductase. SLOS patients present clinically with dysmorphology and neurological, behavioral and cognitive defects, with characteristically elevated levels of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) in all bodily tissues and fluids. Previous mouse models of SLOS have been hampered by postnatal lethality when Dhcr7 is knocked out globally, while a hypomorphic mouse model showed improvement in the biochemical phenotype with ageing, and did not manifest most other characteristic features of SLOS. We report the generation of a conditional knockout of Dhcr7 (Dhcr7flx/flx), validated by generating a mouse with a liver-specific deletion (Dhcr7L-KO). Phenotypic characterization of liver-specific knockout mice revealed no significant changes in viability, fertility, growth curves, liver architecture, hepatic triglyceride secretion, or parameters of systemic glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, qPCR and RNA-Seq analyses of livers revealed no perturbations in pathways responsible for cholesterol synthesis, either in male or female Dhcr7L-KO mice, suggesting hepatic disruption of post-squalene cholesterol synthesis leads to minimal impact on sterol metabolism in the liver. This validated conditional Dhcr7 knockout model may now allow us to systematically explore the pathophysiology of SLOS, by allowing for temporal, cell and tissue-specific loss of DHCR7. Full Article
arch Multi-modal Functional Imaging of Brown Adipose Tissue [Images in Lipid Research] By Published On :: 2020-11-18T10:30:48-08:00 Full Article
arch rHDL modelling and the anchoring mechanism of LCAT activation [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-02T13:30:37-08:00 Lecithin:cholesterol-acyl-transferase (LCAT) plays a major role in cholesterol metabolism as it is the only extracellular enzyme able to esterify cholesterol. LCAT activity is required for lipoprotein remodelling and, most specifically, for the growth and maturation of HDLs. In fact, genetic alterations affecting LCAT func- tionality may cause a severe reduction in plasma levels of HDL-cholesterol with important clinical consequences. Although several hypotheses were formulated, the exact molecular recognition mechanism between LCAT and HDLs is still unknown. We employed a combination of structural bioinformatics procedures to deepen the insights into the HDL-LCAT interplay that promotes LCAT activation and cholesterol esterification. We have generated a data-driven model of reconstituted HDL (rHDL) and studied the dynamics of an assembled rHDL::LCAT supramolecular complex, pinpointing the conformational changes originating from the interaction between LCAT and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) that are necessary for LCAT activation. Specifically, we propose a mechanism in which the anchoring of LCAT lid to apoA-I helices allows the formation of a hydrophobic hood that expands LCAT active site and shields it from the solvent, allowing the enzyme to process large hydrophobic substrates. Full Article
arch Apolipoprotein C3 and apolipoprotein B colocalize in proximity to macrophages in atherosclerotic lesions in diabetes [Images in Lipid Research] By Published On :: 2020-12-08T14:30:11-08:00 Full Article
arch Human CETP lacks lipopolysaccharide transfer activity, but worsens inflammation and sepsis outcomes in mice [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-09T11:36:34-08:00 Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPSs or endotoxins) can bind most proteins of the lipid transfer/LPS-binding protein (LT/LBP) family in host organisms. The LPS-bound LT/LBP proteins then trigger either an LPS-induced proinflammatory cascade or LPS binding to lipoproteins that are involved in endotoxin inactivation and detoxification. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) is an LT/LBP member, but its impact on LPS metabolism and sepsis outcome is unclear. Here, we performed fluorescent LPS transfer assays to assess the ability of CETP to bind and transfer LPS. The effects of intravenous (iv) infusion of purified LPS or polymicrobial infection (cecal ligation and puncture [CLP]) were compared in transgenic mice expressing human CETP and wild-type mice naturally having no CETP activity. CETP displayed no LPS transfer activity in vitro, but it tended to reduce biliary excretion of LPS in vivo. The CETP expression in mice was associated with significantly lower basal plasma lipid levels and with higher mortality rates in both models of endotoxemia and sepsis. Furthermore, CETPTg plasma modified cytokine production of macrophages in vitro. In conclusion, despite having no direct LPS binding and transfer property, human CETP worsens sepsis outcomes in mice by altering the protective effects of plasma lipoproteins against endotoxemia, inflammation, and infection. Full Article
arch Mutation in the distal NPxY motif of LRP1 alleviates dietary cholesterol-induced dyslipidemia and tissue inflammation [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-09T08:30:22-08:00 The LDL receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1) is highly expressed in numerous cell types, and its impairment is associated with obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. However, the mechanisms linking LRP1 to metabolic disease are not completely understood. Here, we compared the metabolic phenotype of C57BL/6J wild type and LRP1 knock-in mice carrying an inactivating mutation in the distal NPxY motif after feeding a low fat (LF) diet or high fat diets with (HFHC) or without (HF) cholesterol supplementation. In response to HF feeding, both groups developed hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperlipidemia, as well as increased adiposity with adipose tissue inflammation and liver steatosis. However, when animals were fed the HF diet supplemented with cholesterol, the LRP1 NPxY mutation prevents hypercholesterolemia, reduces adipose tissue and brain inflammation, and limits liver progression to steatohepatitis. Nevertheless, insulin signaling is impaired in LRP1 NPxY mutant hepatocytes and this mutation does not protect against HFHC-induced insulin resistance. The selective metabolic improvement observed in HFHC-fed LRP1 NPxY mutant mice is due to an apparent increase of hepatic LDL receptor levels, leading to an elevated rate of plasma lipoprotein clearance and lowering of plasma and hepatic cholesterol levels. The unique metabolic phenotypes displayed by LRP1 NPxY mutant mice in response to HF or HFHC diet feeding indicate an LRP1-cholesterol axis in modulating tissue inflammation. The LRP1 NPxY mutant mouse phenotype differs from phenotypes observed in mice with tissue-specific LRP1 inactivation, thus highlighting the importance of an integrative approach to evaluate how global LRP1 dysfunction contributes to metabolic disease development. Full Article
arch Distinct patterns of apolipoprotein C-I, C-II and C-III isoforms are associated with markers of Alzheimers disease [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-11T08:33:28-08:00 Apolipoproteins C-I, C-II and C-III interact with ApoE to regulate lipoprotein metabolism and contribute to Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology. In plasma, apoC-I and C-II exist as truncated isoforms, while apoC-III exhibits multiple glycoforms. This study aimed to 1. delineate apoC-I, C-II and C-III isoform profiles in CSF and plasma in a cohort of non-demented older individuals (n = 61), and 2. examine the effect of APOE4 on these isoforms and their correlation with CSF Aβ42, a surrogate of brain amyloid accumulation. The isoforms of the apoCs were immunoaffinity enriched and measured with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, revealing a significantly higher percentage of truncated apoC-I and apoC-II in CSF compared to matched plasma, with positive correlation between CSF and plasma. A greater percentage of monosialylated and disialylated apoC-III isoforms was detected in CSF, accompanied by a lower percentage of the two non-sialylated apoC-III isoforms, with significant linear correlations between CSF and plasma. Furthermore, a greater percentage of truncated apoC-I in CSF, and apoC-II in plasma and CSF, was observed in individuals carrying at least one apoE E4 allele. Increased apoC-I and apoC-II truncations were associated with lower CSF Aβ42. Finally, monosialylated apoC-III was lower, and disialylated apoC-III greater in the CSF of E4 carriers. Together, these results reveal distinct patterns of the apoCs isoforms in CSF, implying CSF-specific apoCs processing. These patterns were accentuated in APOE E4 allele carriers, suggesting an association between APOE4 genotype and Alzheimer’s disease pathology with apoCs processing and function in the brain. Full Article
arch Deletion of lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase3 in myeloid cells worsens hepatic steatosis after a high fat diet [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-11T09:30:19-08:00 Recent studies have highlighted an important role for lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 3 (LPCAT3) in controlling the PUFA composition of cell membranes in the liver and intestine. In these organs, LPCAT3 critically supports cell membrane-associated processes such as lipid absorption or lipoprotein secretion. However, the role of LPCAT3 in macrophages remains controversial. Here, we investigated LPCAT3’s role in macrophages both in vitro and in vivo in mice with atherosclerosis and obesity. To accomplish this, we used the LysMCre strategy to develop a mouse model with conditional Lpcat3 deficiency in myeloid cells (Lpcat3KOMac). We observed that partial Lpcat3 deficiency (approx. 75% reduction) in macrophages alters the PUFA composition of all phospholipid (PL) subclasses, including phosphatidylinositols and phosphatidylserines. A reduced incorporation of C20 PUFAs (mainly arachidonic acid [AA]) into PLs was associated with a redistribution of these FAs toward other cellular lipids such as cholesteryl esters. Lpcat3 deficiency had no obvious impact on macrophage inflammatory response or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress; however, Lpcat3KOMac macrophages exhibited a reduction in cholesterol efflux in vitro. In vivo, myeloid Lpcat3 deficiency did not affect atherosclerosis development in LDL receptor deficient mouse (Ldlr-/-) mice. Lpcat3KOMac mice on a high-fat diet displayed a mild increase in hepatic steatosis associated with alterations in several liver metabolic pathways and in liver eicosanoid composition. We conclude that alterations in AA metabolism along with myeloid Lpcat3 deficiency may secondarily affect AA homeostasis in the whole liver, leading to metabolic disorders and triglyceride accumulation. Full Article
arch Perilipin 5 S155 phosphorylation by PKA is required for the control of hepatic lipid metabolism and glycemic control [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-17T12:30:20-08:00 Perilipin (PLIN) 5 is a lipid droplet-associated protein that coordinates intracellular lipolysis in highly oxidative tissues and is thought to regulate lipid metabolism in response to phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA). We sought to identify PKA phosphorylation sites in PLIN5 and assess their functional relevance in cultured cells and the livers of mice. We detected phosphorylation on S155, S161 and S163 of recombinant PLIN5 by PKA in vitro and identified S155 as a functionally important site for lipid metabolism. Expression of phosphorylation-defective PLIN5 S155A in Plin5 null cells resulted in decreased rates of lipolysis and triglyceride-derived fatty acid oxidation compared with cells expressing wildtype PLIN5. These differences in lipid metabolism were not associated with differences in the cellular distribution of PLIN5. Rather, FLIM-FRET analysis of protein-protein interactions showed that PLIN5 S155 phosphorylation regulates PLIN5 interaction with adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) at the lipid droplet, but not with the co-activator of ATGL, α-β hydrolase domain-containing 5 (ABHD5). Re-expression of PLIN5 S155A in the liver of Plin5 liver-specific null mice reduced lipolysis when compared to mice with wildtype PLIN5 re-expression, but was not associated with other changes in hepatic lipid metabolism, such as fatty acid oxidation, de novo lipogenesis and triglyceride secretion. Furthermore, glycemic control was impaired in mice with expression of PLIN5 S155A compared with mice expressing PLIN5. Together, these studies demonstrate that PLIN5 S155 is required for PKA-mediated lipolysis and builds on the body of evidence demonstrating a critical role for PLIN5 in coordinating lipid and glucose metabolism Full Article
arch Lipid signature of advanced human carotid atherosclerosis assessed by mass spectrometry imaging [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-23T12:30:44-08:00 Carotid atherosclerosis is a risk factor for ischemic stroke, one of the main causes of mortality and disability worldwide. The disease is characterized by plaques, heterogeneous deposits of lipids and necrotic debris in the vascular wall, which grow gradually and may remain asymptomatic for decades. However, at some point a plaque can evolve to a high-risk plaque phenotype, which may trigger a cerebrovascular event. Lipids play a key role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis, but the nature of their involvement is not fully understood. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging, we visualized the distribution of approximately 200 different lipid signals, originating of > 90 uniquely assigned species, in 106 tissue sections of 12 human carotid atherosclerotic plaques. We performed unsupervised classification of the mass spectrometry dataset, as well as a histology-directed multivariate analysis. These data allowed us to extract the spatial lipid patterns associated with morphological plaque features in advanced plaques from a symptomatic population, revealing spatial lipid patterns in atherosclerosis and their relation to histological tissue type. The abundances of sphingomyelin and oxidized cholesteryl ester species were elevated specifically in necrotic intima areas, while diacylglycerols and triacylglycerols were spatially correlated to areas containing the coagulation protein fibrin. These results demonstrate a clear co-localization between plaque features and specific lipid classes, as well as individual lipid species in high-risk atherosclerotic plaques. Full Article
arch Gene Networks and Pathways for Plasma Lipid Traits via Multi-tissue Multi-omics Systems Analysis [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-23T12:30:45-08:00 Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have implicated ~380 genetic loci for plasma lipid regulation. However, these loci only explain 17-27% of the trait variance and a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms has not been achieved. In this study, we utilized an integrative genomics approach leveraging diverse genomic data from human populations to investigate whether genetic variants associated with various plasma lipid traits, namely total cholesterol (TC), high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL and LDL), and triglycerides (TG), from GWAS were concentrated on specific parts of tissue-specific gene regulatory networks. In addition to the expected lipid metabolism pathways, gene subnetworks involved in ‘interferon signaling’, ‘autoimmune/immune activation’, ‘visual transduction’, and ‘protein catabolism’ were significantly associated with all lipid traits. Additionally, we detected trait-specific subnetworks, including cadherin-associated subnetworks for LDL, glutathione metabolism for HDL, valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis for TC, and insulin signaling and complement pathways for TG. Finally, utilizing gene-gene relations revealed by tissue-specific gene regulatory networks, we detected both known (e.g. APOH, APOA4, and ABCA1) and novel (e.g. F2 in adipose tissue) key regulator genes in these lipid-associated subnetworks. Knockdown of the F2 gene (Coagulation Factor II, Thrombin) in 3T3-L1 and C3H10T1/2 adipocytes reduced gene expression of Abcb11, Apoa5, Apof, Fabp1, Lipc, and Cd36, reduced intracellular adipocyte lipid content, and increased extracellular lipid content, supporting a link between adipose thrombin and lipid regulation. Our results shed light on the complex mechanisms underlying lipid metabolism and highlight potential novel targets for lipid regulation and lipid-associated diseases. Full Article
arch Human glucocerebrosidase mediates formation of xylosyl-cholesterol by {beta}-xylosidase and transxylosidase reactions. [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-23T13:30:20-08:00 Deficiency of glucocerebrosidase (GBA), a lysosomal β-glucosidase, causes Gaucher disease. The enzyme hydrolyzes β-glucosidic substrates and transglucosylates cholesterol to cholesterol-β-glucoside. Here we show that recombinant human GBA also cleaves β-xylosides and transxylosylates cholesterol. The xylosyl-cholesterol formed acts as acceptor for subsequent formation of di-xylosyl-cholesterol. Common mutant forms of GBA from patients with Gaucher disease with reduced β-glucosidase activity were similarly impaired in β-xylosidase, transglucosidase and transxylosidase activities, except for a slightly reduced xylosidase/glucosidase activity ratio of N370S GBA and a slightly reduced transglucosylation/glucosidase activity ratio of D409H GBA. XylChol was found to be reduced in spleen from Gaucher disease patients. The origin of newly identified XylChol in mouse and human tissues was investigated. Cultured human cells exposed to exogenous β-xylosides generated XylChol in a manner dependent on active lysosomal GBA but not the cytosol-facing β-glucosidase GBA2. We later sought an endogenous β-xyloside acting as donor in transxylosylation reactions, identifying xylosylated ceramide (XylCer) in cells and tissues that serve as donor in the formation of XylChol. UDP-glucosylceramide synthase (GCS) was unable to synthesize XylChol but could catalyse formation of XylCer. Thus, food-derived β-D-xyloside and XylCer are potential donors for the GBA-mediated formation of XylChol in cells. The enzyme GCS produces XylCer at a low rate. Our findings point to further catalytic versatility of GBA and prompt a systematic exploration of the distribution and role of xylosylated lipids. Full Article
arch Palmitoylation of acetylated tubulin and association with ceramide-rich platforms is critical for ciliogenesis [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-12-30T10:30:23-08:00 Microtubules are polymers composed of αβ-tubulin subunits that provide structure to cells and play a crucial role in in the development and function of neuronal processes and cilia, microtubule-driven extensions of the plasma membrane that have sensory (primary cilia) or motor (motile cilia) functions. To stabilize microtubules in neuronal processes and cilia, α tubulin is modified by the posttranslational addition of an acetyl group, or acetylation. We discovered that acetylated tubulin in microtubules interacts with the membrane sphingolipid, ceramide. However, the molecular mechanism and function of this interaction are not understood. Here, we show that in human iPS cell-derived neurons, ceramide stabilizes microtubules, which indicates a similar function in cilia. Using proximity ligation assays, we detected complex formation of ceramide with acetylated tubulin in C. reinhardtii flagella and cilia of human embryonic kidney (HEK293T) cells, primary cultured mouse astrocytes, and ependymal cells. Using incorporation of palmitic azide and click chemistry-mediated addition of fluorophores, we show that a portion of acetylated tubulin is S-palmitoylated. S-palmitoylated acetylated tubulin is colocalized with ceramide-rich platforms (CRPs) in the ciliary membrane, and it is coimmunoprecipitated with Arl13b, a GTPase that mediates transport of proteins into cilia. Inhibition of S-palmitoylation with 2-bromo palmitic acid or inhibition of ceramide biosynthesis with fumonisin B1 reduces formation of the Arl13b-acetylated tubulin complex and its transport into cilia, concurrent with impairment of ciliogenesis. Together, these data show, for the first time, that CRPs mediate membrane anchoring and interaction of S-palmitoylated proteins that are critical for cilium formation, stabilization, and function. Full Article
arch Risks of duloxetine for stress incontinence outweigh benefits, say researchers By Published On :: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - 06:30 Full Article
arch Esterification of 4{beta}-hydroxycholesterol and other oxysterols in human plasma occurs independently of LCAT [Patient-Oriented and Epidemiological Research] By Published On :: 2020-09-01T00:05:14-07:00 The acyltransferase LCAT mediates FA esterification of plasma cholesterol. In vitro studies have shown that LCAT also FA-esterifies several oxysterols, but in vivo evidence is lacking. Here, we measured both free and FA-esterified forms of sterols in 206 healthy volunteers and 8 individuals with genetic LCAT deficiency, including familial LCAT deficiency (FLD) and fish-eye disease (FED). In the healthy volunteers, the mean values of the ester-to-total molar ratios of the following sterols varied: 4β-hydroxycholesterol (4βHC), 0.38; 5,6α-epoxycholesterol (5,6αEC), 0.46; 5,6β-epoxycholesterol (5,6βEC), 0.51; cholesterol, 0.70; cholestane-3β,5α,6β-triol (CT), 0.70; 7-ketocholesterol (7KC), 0.75; 24S-hydroxycholesterol (24SHC), 0.80; 25-hydroxycholesterol (25HC), 0.81; 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), 0.86; and 7α-hydroxycholesterol (7αHC), 0.89. In the individuals with LCAT deficiency, the plasma levels of the FA-esterified forms of cholesterol, 5,6αEC, 5,6βEC, CT, 7αHC, 7KC, 24SHC, 25HC, and 27HC, were significantly lower than those in the healthy volunteers. The individuals with FLD had significantly lower FA-esterified forms of 7αHC, 24SHC, and 27HC than those with FED. It is of note that, even in the three FLD individuals with negligible plasma cholesteryl ester, substantial amounts of the FA-esterified forms of 4βHC, 5,6αEC, 7αHC, 7KC, and 27HC were present. We conclude that LCAT has a major role in the FA esterification of many plasma oxysterols but contributes little to the FA esterification of 4βHC. Substantial FA esterification of 4βHC, 5,6αEC, 7αHC, 7KC, and 27HC is independent of LCAT. Full Article
arch Angiopoietin-like protein 3 governs LDL-cholesterol levels through endothelial lipase-dependent VLDL clearance [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-09-01T00:05:14-07:00 Angiopoietin-like protein (ANGPTL)3 regulates plasma lipids by inhibiting LPL and endothelial lipase (EL). ANGPTL3 inactivation lowers LDL-C independently of the classical LDLR-mediated pathway and represents a promising therapeutic approach for individuals with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia due to LDLR mutations. Yet, how ANGPTL3 regulates LDL-C levels is unknown. Here, we demonstrate in hyperlipidemic humans and mice that ANGPTL3 controls VLDL catabolism upstream of LDL. Using kinetic, lipidomic, and biophysical studies, we show that ANGPTL3 inhibition reduces VLDL-lipid content and size, generating remnant particles that are efficiently removed from the circulation. This suggests that ANGPTL3 inhibition lowers LDL-C by limiting LDL particle production. Mechanistically, we discovered that EL is a key mediator of ANGPTL3’s novel pathway. Our experiments revealed that, although dispensable in the presence of LDLR, EL-mediated processing of VLDL becomes critical for LDLR-independent particle clearance. In the absence of EL and LDLR, ANGPTL3 inhibition perturbed VLDL catabolism, promoted accumulation of atypical remnants, and failed to reduce LDL-C. Taken together, we uncover ANGPTL3 at the helm of a novel EL-dependent pathway that lowers LDL-C in the absence of LDLR. Full Article
arch Generation and characterization of LPA-KIV9, a murine monoclonal antibody binding a single site on apolipoprotein (a) [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-09-01T00:05:14-07:00 Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] is a risk factor for CVD and a target of therapy, but Lp(a) measurements are not globally standardized. Commercially available assays generally use polyclonal antibodies that detect multiple sites within the kringle (K)IV2 repeat region of Lp(a) and may lead to inaccurate assessments of plasma levels. With increasing awareness of Lp(a) as a cardiovascular risk factor and the active clinical development of new potential therapeutic approaches, the broad availability of reagents capable of providing isoform independence of Lp(a) measurements is paramount. To address this issue, we generated a murine monoclonal antibody that binds to only one site on apo(a). A BALB/C mouse was immunized with a truncated version of apo(a) that contained eight total KIV repeats, including only one copy of KIV2. We generated hybridomas, screened them, and successfully produced a KIV2-independent monoclonal antibody, named LPA-KIV9. Using a variety of truncated apo(a) constructs to map its binding site, we found that LPA-KIV9 binds to KIV9 without binding to plasminogen. Fine peptide mapping revealed that LPA-KIV9 bound to the sequence 4076LETPTVV4082 on KIV9. In conclusion, the generation of monoclonal antibody LPA-KIV9 may be a useful reagent in basic research studies and in the clinical application of Lp(a) measurements. Full Article
arch Prognostic utility of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein-related markers in patients with coronary artery disease [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-09-01T00:05:14-07:00 TG-rich lipoprotein (TRL)-related biomarkers, including TRL-cholesterol (TRL-C), remnant-like lipoprotein particle-cholesterol (RLP-C), and apoC-III have been associated with atherosclerosis. However, their prognostic values have not been fully determined, especially in patients with previous CAD. This study aimed to examine the associations of TRL-C, RLP-C, and apoC-III with incident cardiovascular events (CVEs) in the setting of secondary prevention of CAD. Plasma TRL-C, RLP-C, and total apoC-III were directly measured. A total of 4,355 participants with angiographically confirmed CAD were followed up for the occurrence of CVEs. During a median follow-up period of 5.1 years (interquartile range: 3.9–6.4 years), 543 (12.5%) events occurred. Patients with incident CVEs had significantly higher levels of TRL-C, RLP-C, and apoC-III than those without events. Multivariable Cox analysis indicated that a log unit increase in TRL-C, RLP-C, and apoC-III increased the risk of CVEs by 49% (95% CI: 1.16–1.93), 21% (95% CI: 1.09–1.35), and 40% (95% CI: 1.11–1.77), respectively. High TRL-C, RLP-C, and apoC-III were also independent predictors of CVEs in individuals with LDL-C levels ≤1.8 mmol/l (n = 1,068). The addition of RLP-C level to a prediction model resulted in a significant increase in discrimination, and all three TRL biomarkers improved risk reclassification. Thus, TRL-C, RLP-C, and apoC-III levels were independently associated with incident CVEs in Chinese CAD patients undergoing statin therapy. Full Article
arch ANGPTL4 inactivates lipoprotein lipase by catalyzing the irreversible unfolding of LPLs hydrolase domain [Images In Lipid Research] By Published On :: 2020-09-01T00:05:14-07:00 Full Article
arch The structural basis for monoclonal antibody 5D2 binding to the tryptophan-rich loop of lipoprotein lipase [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:17-07:00 For three decades, the LPL–specific monoclonal antibody 5D2 has been used to investigate LPL structure/function and intravascular lipolysis. 5D2 has been used to measure LPL levels, block the triglyceride hydrolase activity of LPL, and prevent the propensity of concentrated LPL preparations to form homodimers. Two early studies on the location of the 5D2 epitope reached conflicting conclusions, but the more convincing report suggested that 5D2 binds to a tryptophan (Trp)-rich loop in the carboxyl terminus of LPL. The same loop had been implicated in lipoprotein binding. Using surface plasmon resonance, we showed that 5D2 binds with high affinity to a synthetic LPL peptide containing the Trp-rich loop of human (but not mouse) LPL. We also showed, by both fluorescence and UV resonance Raman spectroscopy, that the Trp-rich loop binds lipids. Finally, we used X-ray crystallography to solve the structure of the Trp-rich peptide bound to a 5D2 Fab fragment. The Trp-rich peptide contains a short α-helix, with two Trps projecting into the antigen recognition site. A proline substitution in the α-helix, found in mouse LPL, is expected to interfere with several hydrogen bonds, explaining why 5D2 cannot bind to mouse LPL. Full Article
arch Different rates of flux through the biosynthetic pathway for long-chain versus very-long-chain sphingolipids [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:17-07:00 The backbone of all sphingolipids (SLs) is a sphingoid long-chain base (LCB) to which a fatty acid is N-acylated. Considerable variability exists in the chain length and degree of saturation of both of these hydrophobic chains, and recent work has implicated ceramides with different LCBs and N-acyl chains in distinct biological processes; moreover, they may play different roles in disease states and possibly even act as prognostic markers. We now demonstrate that the half-life, or turnover rate, of ceramides containing diverse N-acyl chains is different. By means of a pulse-labeling protocol using stable-isotope, deuterated free fatty acids, and following their incorporation into ceramide and downstream SLs, we show that very-long-chain (VLC) ceramides containing C24:0 or C24:1 fatty acids turn over much more rapidly than long-chain (LC) ceramides containing C16:0 or C18:0 fatty acids due to the more rapid metabolism of the former into VLC sphingomyelin and VLC hexosylceramide. In contrast, d16:1 and d18:1 ceramides show similar rates of turnover, indicating that the length of the sphingoid LCB does not influence the flux of ceramides through the biosynthetic pathway. Together, these data demonstrate that the N-acyl chain length of SLs may not only affect membrane biophysical properties but also influence the rate of metabolism of SLs so as to regulate their levels and perhaps their biological functions. Full Article
arch Depletion of adipocyte sphingosine kinase 1 leads to cell hypertrophy, impaired lipolysis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:17-07:00 Sphingolipids have become established participants in the pathogenesis of obesity and its associated maladies. Sphingosine kinase 1 (SPHK1), which generates S1P, has been shown to increase in liver and adipose of obese humans and mice and to regulate inflammation in hepatocytes and adipose tissue, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation in mouse models of obesity. Previous studies by us and others have demonstrated that global sphingosine kinase 1 KO mice are protected from diet-induced obesity, insulin resistance, systemic inflammation, and NAFLD, suggesting that SPHK1 may mediate pathological outcomes of obesity. As adipose tissue dysfunction has gained recognition as a central instigator of obesity-induced metabolic disease, we hypothesized that SPHK1 intrinsic to adipocytes may contribute to HFD-induced metabolic pathology. To test this, we depleted Sphk1 from adipocytes in mice (SK1fatKO) and placed them on a HFD. In contrast to our initial hypothesis, SK1fatKO mice displayed greater weight gain on HFD and exacerbated impairment in glucose clearance. Pro-inflammatory cytokines and neutrophil content of adipose tissue were similar, as were levels of circulating leptin and adiponectin. However, SPHK1-null adipocytes were hypertrophied and had lower basal lipolytic activity. Interestingly, hepatocyte triacylglycerol accumulation and expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and collagen 1a1 were exacerbated in SK1fatKO mice on a HFD, implicating a specific role for adipocyte SPHK1 in adipocyte function and inter-organ cross-talk that maintains overall metabolic homeostasis in obesity. Thus, SPHK1 serves a previously unidentified essential homeostatic role in adipocytes that protects from obesity-associated pathology. These findings may have implications for pharmacological targeting of the SPHK1/S1P signaling axis. Full Article
arch Serum lipoprotein (a) associates with a higher risk of reduced renal function: a prospective investigation [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:17-07:00 Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] is a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but analysis on Lp(a) and renal dysfunction is scarce. We aimed to investigate prospectively the association of serum Lp(a) with the risk of reduced renal function, and further investigated whether diabetic or hypertensive status modified such association. Six thousand two hundred and fifty-seven Chinese adults aged ≤40 years and free of reduced renal function at baseline were included in the study. Reduced renal function was defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 ml/min/1.73 m2. During a mean follow-up of 4.4 years, 158 participants developed reduced renal function. Each one-unit increase in log10-Lp(a) (milligrams per deciliter) was associated with a 1.99-fold (95% CI 1.15–3.43) increased risk of incident reduced renal function; the multivariable-adjusted odds ratio (OR) for the highest tertile of Lp(a) was 1.61 (95% CI 1.03–2.52) compared with the lowest tertile (P for trend = 0.03). The stratified analysis showed the association of serum Lp(a) and incident reduced renal function was more prominent in participants with prevalent diabetes [OR 4.04, 95% CI (1.42–11.54)] or hypertension [OR 2.18, 95% CI (1.22–3.89)]. A stronger association was observed in the group with diabetes and high Lp(a) (>25 mg/dl), indicating a combined effect of diabetes and high Lp(a) on the reduced renal function risk. An elevated Lp(a) level was independently associated with risk of incident reduced renal function, especially in diabetic or hypertensive patients. Full Article
arch Interleukin 6 reduces allopregnanolone synthesis in the brain and contributes to age-related cognitive decline in mice [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:17-07:00 Cognitive decline with age is a harmful process that can reduce quality of life. Multiple factors have been established to contribute to cognitive decline, but the overall etiology remains unknown. Here, we hypothesized that cognitive dysfunction is mediated, in part, by increased levels of inflammatory cytokines that alter allopregnanolone (AlloP) levels, an important neurosteroid in the brain. We assessed the levels and regulation of AlloP and the effects of AlloP supplementation on cognitive function in 4-month-old and 24-month-old male C57BL/6 mice. With age, the expression of enzymes involved in the AlloP synthetic pathway was decreased and corticosterone (CORT) synthesis increased. Supplementation of AlloP improved cognitive function. Interestingly, interleukin 6 (IL-6) infusion in young animals significantly reduced the production of AlloP compared with controls. It is notable that inhibition of IL-6 with its natural inhibitor, soluble membrane glycoprotein 130, significantly improved spatial memory in aged mice. These findings were supported by in vitro experiments in primary murine astrocyte cultures, indicating that IL-6 decreases production of AlloP and increases CORT levels. Our results indicate that age-related increases in IL-6 levels reduce progesterone substrate availability, resulting in a decline in AlloP levels and an increase in CORT. Furthermore, our results indicate that AlloP is a critical link between inflammatory cytokines and the age-related decline in cognitive function. Full Article
arch Accessibility of cholesterol at cell surfaces [Images In Lipid Research] By Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:17-07:00 Full Article
arch Genetic susceptibility, dietary cholesterol intake, and plasma cholesterol levels in a Chinese population [Patient-Oriented and Epidemiological Research] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Accompanied with nutrition transition, non-HDL-C levels of individuals in Asian countries has increased rapidly, which has caused the global epicenter of nonoptimal cholesterol to shift from Western countries to Asian countries. Thus, it is critical to underline major genetic and dietary determinants. In the current study of 2,330 Chinese individuals, genetic risk scores (GRSs) were calculated for total cholesterol (TC; GRSTC, 57 SNPs), LDL-C (GRSLDL-C, 45 SNPs), and HDL-C (GRSHDL-C, 65 SNPs) based on SNPs from the Global Lipid Genetics Consortium study. Cholesterol intake was estimated by a 74-item food-frequency questionnaire. Associations of dietary cholesterol intake with plasma TC and LDL-C strengthened across quartiles of the GRSTC (effect sizes: –0.29, 0.34, 2.45, and 6.47; Pinteraction = 0.002) and GRSLDL-C (effect sizes: –1.35, 0.17, 5.45, and 6.07; Pinteraction = 0.001), respectively. Similar interactions with non-HDL-C were observed between dietary cholesterol and GRSTC (Pinteraction = 0.001) and GRSLDL-C (Pinteraction = 0.004). The adverse effects of GRSTC on TC (effect sizes across dietary cholesterol quartiles: 0.51, 0.82, 1.21, and 1.31; Pinteraction = 0.023) and GRSLDL-C on LDL-C (effect sizes across dietary cholesterol quartiles: 0.66, 0.52, 1.12, and 1.56; Pinteraction = 0.020) were more profound in those having higher cholesterol intake compared with those with lower intake. Our findings suggest significant interactions between genetic susceptibility and dietary cholesterol intake on plasma cholesterol profiles in a Chinese population. Full Article
arch {beta}-Carotene conversion to vitamin A delays atherosclerosis progression by decreasing hepatic lipid secretion in mice [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Atherosclerosis is characterized by the pathological accumulation of cholesterol-laden macrophages in the arterial wall. Atherosclerosis is also the main underlying cause of CVDs, and its development is largely driven by elevated plasma cholesterol. Strong epidemiological data find an inverse association between plasma β-carotene with atherosclerosis, and we recently showed that β-carotene oxygenase 1 (BCO1) activity, responsible for β-carotene cleavage to vitamin A, is associated with reduced plasma cholesterol in humans and mice. In this study, we explore whether intact β-carotene or vitamin A affects atherosclerosis progression in the atheroprone LDLR-deficient mice. Compared with control-fed Ldlr–/– mice, β-carotene-supplemented mice showed reduced atherosclerotic lesion size at the level of the aortic root and reduced plasma cholesterol levels. These changes were absent in Ldlr–/–/Bco1–/– mice despite accumulating β-carotene in plasma and atherosclerotic lesions. We discarded the implication of myeloid BCO1 in the development of atherosclerosis by performing bone marrow transplant experiments. Lipid production assays found that retinoic acid, the active form of vitamin A, reduced the secretion of newly synthetized triglyceride and cholesteryl ester in cell culture and mice. Overall, our findings provide insights into the role of BCO1 activity and vitamin A in atherosclerosis progression through the regulation of hepatic lipid metabolism. Full Article
arch Tetracosahexaenoylethanolamide, a novel N-acylethanolamide, is elevated in ischemia and increases neuronal output [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) are endogenous lipid-signaling molecules derived from fatty acids that regulate numerous biological functions, including in the brain. Interestingly, NAEs are elevated in the absence of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and following CO2-induced ischemia/hypercapnia, suggesting a neuroprotective response. Tetracosahexaenoic acid (THA) is a product and precursor to DHA; however, the NAE product, tetracosahexaenoylethanolamide (THEA), has never been reported. Presently, THEA was chemically synthesized as an authentic standard to confirm THEA presence in biological tissues. Whole brains were collected and analyzed for unesterified THA, total THA, and THEA in wild-type and FAAH-KO mice that were euthanized by either head-focused microwave fixation, CO2 + microwave, or CO2 only. PPAR activity by transient transfection assay and ex vivo neuronal output in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the nucleus accumbens by patch clamp electrophysiology were determined following THEA exposure. THEA in the wild-type mice was nearly doubled (P < 0.05) following ischemia/hypercapnia (CO2 euthanization) and up to 12 times higher (P < 0.001) in the FAAH-KO compared with wild-type. THEA did not increase (P > 0.05) transcriptional activity of PPARs relative to control, but 100 nM of THEA increased (P < 0.001) neuronal output in MSNs of the nucleus accumbens. Here were identify a novel NAE, THEA, in the brain that is elevated upon ischemia/hypercapnia and by KO of the FAAH enzyme. While THEA did not activate PPAR, it augmented the excitability of MSNs in the nucleus accumbens. Overall, our results suggest that THEA is a novel NAE that is produced in the brain upon ischemia/hypercapnia and regulates neuronal excitation. Full Article
arch Distinctive sphingolipid patterns in chronic multiple sclerosis lesions [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a CNS disease characterized by immune-mediated demyelination and progressive axonal loss. MS-related CNS damage and its clinical course have two main phases: active and inactive/progressive. Reliable biomarkers are being sought to allow identification of MS pathomechanisms and prediction of its course. The purpose of this study was to identify sphingolipid (SL) species as candidate biomarkers of inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes underlying MS pathology. We performed sphingolipidomic analysis by HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry to determine the lipid profiles in post mortem specimens from the normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) of the normal CNS (nCNS) from subjects with chronic MS (active and inactive lesions) as well as from patients with other neurological diseases. Distinctive SL modification patterns occurred in specimens from MS patients with chronic inactive plaques with respect to NAWM from the nCNS and active MS (Ac-MS) lesions. Chronic inactive MS (In-MS) lesions were characterized by decreased levels of dihydroceramide (dhCer), ceramide (Cer), and SM subspecies, whereas levels of hexosylceramide and Cer 1-phosphate (C1P) subspecies were significantly increased in comparison to NAWM of the nCNS as well as Ac-MS plaques. In contrast, Ac-MS lesions were characterized by a significant increase of major dhCer subspecies in comparison to NAWM of the nCNS. These results suggest the existence of different SL metabolic pathways in the active versus inactive phase within progressive stages of MS. Moreover, they suggest that C1P could be a new biomarker of the In-MS progressive phase, and its detection may help to develop future prognostic and therapeutic strategies for the disease. Full Article
arch Biogeography of microbial bile acid transformations along the murine gut [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Bile acids, which are synthesized from cholesterol by the liver, are chemically transformed along the intestinal tract by the gut microbiota, and the products of these transformations signal through host receptors, affecting overall host health. These transformations include bile acid deconjugation, oxidation, and 7α-dehydroxylation. An understanding of the biogeography of bile acid transformations in the gut is critical because deconjugation is a prerequisite for 7α-dehydroxylation and because most gut microorganisms harbor bile acid transformation capacity. Here, we used a coupled metabolomic and metaproteomic approach to probe in vivo activity of the gut microbial community in a gnotobiotic mouse model. Results revealed the involvement of Clostridium scindens in 7α-dehydroxylation, of the genera Muribaculum and Bacteroides in deconjugation, and of six additional organisms in oxidation (the genera Clostridium, Muribaculum, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Acutalibacter, and Akkermansia). Furthermore, the bile acid profile in mice with a more complex microbiota, a dysbiosed microbiota, or no microbiota was considered. For instance, conventional mice harbor a large diversity of bile acids, but treatment with an antibiotic such as clindamycin results in the complete inhibition of 7α-dehydroxylation, underscoring the strong inhibition of organisms that are capable of carrying out this process by this compound. Finally, a comparison of the hepatic bile acid pool size as a function of microbiota revealed that a reduced microbiota affects host signaling but not necessarily bile acid synthesis. In this study, bile acid transformations were mapped to the associated active microorganisms, offering a systematic characterization of the relationship between microbiota and bile acid composition. Full Article
arch Predominant phosphorylation patterns in Neisseria meningitidis lipid A determined by top-down MS/MS [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Among the virulence factors in Neisseria infections, a major inducer of inflammatory cytokines is the lipooligosaccharide (LOS). The activation of NF-B via extracellular binding of LOS or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to the toll-like receptor 4 and its coreceptor, MD-2, results in production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that initiate adaptive immune responses. LOS can also be absorbed by cells and activate intracellular inflammasomes, causing the release of inflammatory cytokines and pyroptosis. Studies of LOS and LPS have shown that their inflammatory potential is highly dependent on lipid A phosphorylation and acylation, but little is known on the location and pattern of these posttranslational modifications. Herein, we report on the localization of phosphoryl groups on phosphorylated meningococcal lipid A, which has two to three phosphate and zero to two phosphoethanolamine substituents. Intact LOS with symmetrical hexa-acylated and asymmetrical penta-acylated lipid A moieties was subjected to high-resolution ion mobility spectrometry MALDI-TOF MS. LOS molecular ions readily underwent in-source decay to give fragments of the oligosaccharide and lipid A formed by cleavage of the ketosidic linkage, which enabled performing MS/MS (pseudo-MS3). The resulting spectra revealed several patterns of phosphoryl substitution on lipid A, with certain species predominating. The extent of phosphoryl substitution, particularly phosphoethanolaminylation, on the 4'-hydroxyl was greater than that on the 1-hydroxyl. The heretofore unrecognized phosphorylation patterns of lipid A of meningococcal LOS that we detected are likely determinants of both pathogenicity and the ability of the bacteria to evade the innate immune system. Full Article
arch Harmonized procedures lead to comparable quantification of total oxylipins across laboratories [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Oxylipins are potent lipid mediators involved in a variety of physiological processes. Their profiling has the potential to provide a wealth of information regarding human health and disease and is a promising technology for translation into clinical applications. However, results generated by independent groups are rarely comparable, which increases the need for the implementation of internationally agreed upon protocols. We performed an interlaboratory comparison for the MS-based quantitative analysis of total oxylipins. Five independent laboratories assessed the technical variability and comparability of 133 oxylipins using a harmonized and standardized protocol, common biological materials (i.e., seven quality control plasmas), standard calibration series, and analytical methods. The quantitative analysis was based on a standard calibration series with isotopically labeled internal standards. Using the standardized protocol, the technical variance was within ±15% for 73% of oxylipins; however, most epoxy fatty acids were identified as critical analytes due to high variabilities in concentrations. The comparability of concentrations determined by the laboratories was examined using consensus value estimates and unsupervised/supervised multivariate analysis (i.e., principal component analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis). Interlaboratory variability was limited and did not interfere with our ability to distinguish the different plasmas. Moreover, all laboratories were able to identify similar differences between plasmas. In summary, we show that by using a standardized protocol for sample preparation, low technical variability can be achieved. Harmonization of all oxylipin extraction and analysis steps led to reliable, reproducible, and comparable oxylipin concentrations in independent laboratories, allowing the generation of biologically meaningful oxylipin patterns. Full Article
arch Assessing the role of glycosphingolipids in the phenotype severity of Fabry disease mouse model [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Fabry disease is caused by deficient activity of α-galactosidase A, an enzyme that hydrolyzes the terminal α-galactosyl moieties from glycolipids and glycoproteins, and subsequent accumulation of glycosphingolipids, mainly globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb3), and galabiosylceramide. However, there is no known link between these compounds and disease severity. In this study, we compared Gb3 isoforms (various fatty acids) and lyso-Gb3 analogs (various sphingosine modifications) in two strains of Fabry disease mouse models: a pure C57BL/6 (B6) background or a B6/129 mixed background, with the latter exhibiting more prominent cardiac and renal hypertrophy and thermosensation deficits. Total Gb3 and lyso-Gb3 levels in the heart, kidney, and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) were similar in the two strains. However, levels of the C20-fatty acid isoform of Gb3 and particular lyso-Gb3 analogs (+18, +34) were significantly higher in Fabry-B6/129 heart tissue when compared with Fabry-B6. By contrast, there was no difference in Gb3 and lyso-Gb3 isoforms/analogs in the kidneys and DRG between the two strains. Furthermore, using immunohistochemistry, we found that Gb3 massively accumulated in DRG mechanoreceptors, a sensory neuron subpopulation with preserved function in Fabry disease. However, Gb3 accumulation was not observed in nonpeptidergic nociceptors, the disease-relevant subpopulation that has remarkably increased isolectin-B4 (the marker of nonpeptidergic nociceptors) binding and enlarged cell size. These findings suggest that specific species of Gb3 or lyso-Gb3 may play major roles in the pathogenesis of Fabry disease, and that Gb3 and lyso-Gb3 are not responsible for the pathology in all tissues or cell types. Full Article
arch Characterization of essential domains in HSD17B13 for cellular localization and enzymatic activity [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Human genetic studies recently identified an association of SNPs in the 17-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 13 (HSD17B13) gene with alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease development. Mutant HSD17B13 variants devoid of enzymatic function have been demonstrated to be protective from cirrhosis and liver cancer, supporting the development of HSD17B13 as a promising therapeutic target. Previous studies have demonstrated that HSD17B13 is a lipid droplet (LD)-associated protein. However, the critical domains that drive LD targeting or determine the enzymatic activity have yet to be defined. Here we used mutagenesis to generate multiple truncated and point-mutated proteins and were able to demonstrate in vitro that the N-terminal hydrophobic domain, PAT-like domain, and a putative α-helix/β-sheet/α-helix domain in HSD17B13 are all critical for LD targeting. Similarly, we characterized the predicted catalytic, substrate-binding, and homodimer interaction sites and found them to be essential for the enzymatic activity of HSD17B13, in addition to our previous identification of amino acid P260 and cofactor binding site. In conclusion, we identified critical domains and amino acid sites that are essential for the LD localization and protein function of HSD17B13, which may facilitate understanding of its function and targeting of this protein to treat chronic liver diseases. Full Article
arch Myc linked to dysregulation of cholesterol transport and storage in nonsmall cell lung cancer [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths. While mutations in Kras and overexpression of Myc are commonly found in patients, the role of altered lipid metabolism in lung cancer and its interplay with oncogenic Myc is poorly understood. Here we use a transgenic mouse model of Kras-driven lung adenocarcinoma with reversible activation of Myc combined with surface analysis lipid profiling of lung tumors and transcriptomics to study the effect of Myc activity on cholesterol homeostasis. Our findings reveal that the activation of Myc leads to the accumulation of cholesteryl esters (CEs) stored in lipid droplets. Subsequent Myc deactivation leads to further increases in CEs, in contrast to tumors in which Myc was never activated. Gene expression analysis linked cholesterol transport and storage pathways to Myc activity. Our results suggest that increased Myc activity is associated with increased cholesterol influx, reduced efflux, and accumulation of CE-rich lipid droplets in lung tumors. Targeting cholesterol homeostasis is proposed as a promising avenue to explore for novel treatments of lung cancer, with diagnostic and stratification potential in human NSCLC. Full Article
arch Brown adipose tissue lipoprotein and glucose disposal is not determined by thermogenesis in uncoupling protein 1-deficient mice [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Adaptive thermogenesis is highly dependent on uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), a protein expressed by thermogenic adipocytes present in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and white adipose tissue (WAT). Thermogenic capacity of human and mouse BAT can be measured by positron emission tomography-computed tomography quantifying the uptake of 18F-fluodeoxyglucose or lipid tracers. BAT activation is typically studied in response to cold exposure or treatment with β-3-adrenergic receptor agonists such as CL316,243 (CL). Currently, it is unknown whether cold-stimulated uptake of glucose or lipid tracers is a good surrogate marker of UCP1-mediated thermogenesis. In metabolic studies using radiolabeled tracers, we found that glucose uptake is increased in mildly cold-activated BAT of Ucp1–/– versus WT mice kept at subthermoneutral temperature. Conversely, lower glucose disposal was detected after full thermogenic activation achieved by sustained cold exposure or CL treatment. In contrast, uptake of lipoprotein-derived fatty acids into chronically activated thermogenic adipose tissues was substantially increased in UCP1-deficient mice. This effect is linked to higher sympathetic tone in adipose tissues of Ucp1–/– mice, as indicated by elevated levels of thermogenic genes in BAT and WAT. Thus, glucose and lipoprotein handling does not necessarily reflect UCP1-dependent thermogenic activity, but especially lipid uptake rather mirrors sympathetic activation of adipose tissues. Full Article
arch Novel contact sites between lipid droplets, early endosomes, and the endoplasmic reticulum [Images in Lipid Research] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Full Article