
Left terms land ordinance as undemocratic, to agitate

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: CORRECTION - NEH Announces 2019 Awards for the National Digital Newspaper Program, Adding Partners in Rhode Island, Virgin Islands and Wyoming!

An error was made in a previous message regarding the number of partners to date in the National Digital Newspaper Program. Corrected message below:

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has announced 2019 National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) funding for institutions representing 11 states to expand their selection and digitization of U.S. historic newspapers for contribution to the freely available Chronicling America online collection, hosted by the Library of Congress. New partners in the program include the Providence Public Library (Rhode Island); the U.S. Virgin Islands (in partnership with the Universities of Florida and Puerto Rico); and the University of Wyoming (Laramie).  Eight other participating institutions – Arkansas State Archives, Connecticut State Library, University of Delaware, University of Georgia, Minnesota Historical Society, Library of Virginia, West Virginia University and Wisconsin Historical Society - also received awards to expand their ongoing selection and digitization of newspapers from their state. Check out the full list of grants for details. Since 2005, cultural institutions in 50 states and territories have joined the program, jointly sponsored by the NEH and LOC, and contributed more than 15 million digitized historical American newspaper pages, published between 1789 and 1963 in 19 different languages, to the collection.

Learn more about the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) or explore American history through Chronicling America and read more about it! Follow us on Twitter @librarycongress #ChronAm!!


New cases fall to single digit in Kurnool

27 persons discharged in the district


101 JSJ js-git with Tim Caswell

The panelists talk to Tim Caswell about js-git.


The young and the digital [electronic resource] : what the migration to social-network sites, games, and anytime, anywhere media means for our future / S. Craig Watkins

Watkins, S. Craig (Samuel Craig)


Young people, creativity and new technologies [electronic resource] : the challenge of digital arts / edited by Julian Sefton-Green ; foreword by David Puttnam


ZBrush character creation [electronic resource] : advanced digital sculpting / Scott Spencer

Spencer, Scott, 1975-


Disproportionate Emphasis on Proportionate Mitral Regurgitation

Secondary mitral regurgitation (MR) has long been recognized as prognostically important. Even mild MR is associated with adverse outcomes. Yet, surgical trials have not shown improved survival with invasive therapy whereas medical therapy and cardiac resynchronization therapy are associated with improved outcomes. The 2018 publication of the Cardiovascular Outcomes Assessment of the MitraClip Percutaneous Therapy for Heart Failure Patients with Functional Mitral Regurgitation (COAPT) and Multicentre Study of Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair MitraClip Device in Patients With Severe Secondary Mitral Regurgitation (MITRA-FR) trials and their apparently discordant results have focused attention on the differences in trial design as well as patient populations.


Distinguishing Proportionate and Disproportionate Functional Mitral Regurgitation

This Special Communication proposes a classification of patients with left-ventricular disease according to the severity of mitral regurgitation that is proportionate vs disproportionate to left-ventricular end-diastolic volume.


Association of Outcomes With the Severity of Regurgitant Volume Relative to End-Diastolic Volume

This Special Communication analyzes the conclusions drawn from effective regurgitant orifice area analysis and end-diastolic volume analysis from 2 randomized clinical trials to assess disparities in the different clinical outcomes.


Horace Lurton Papers [Revised Finding Aid: Digitized Content Added]

Associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. Correspondence and telegrams, some written while Lurton was attending the University of Chicago (1857-1886) and while he was a prisoner in Camp Chase, Ohio, and at Johnson Island Prison during the Civil War.


Writing and presenting scientific papers / Birgitta Malmfors, Phil Garnsworthy, Michael Grossman

Malmfors, Birgitta


Why Sebi's new KYC norm may lead to the exit of many legitimate investors

While the intent may be laudable, there are several problems with the approach


Digitization in controlling: forecasting processes through automation / Andre Große Kamphake

Online Resource


Levatrici d'Egitto English

Bruni, Luigino, 1966- author


Liquid scripture : the Bible in a digital world / Jeffrey S. Siker

Siker, Jeffrey S., author


Quick tip: git-checkout specific files from another branch

The git-checkout command can be used to update specific files or directories in your working tree with those from another branch, without merging in the whole branch. This can be useful when working with several feature branches or using GitHub Pages to generate a static project site.

The git-checkout manual page describes how the git checkout command is not just useful for switching between branches.

When <paths> or --patch are given, git checkout does not switch branches. It updates the named paths in the working tree from the index file or from a named <tree-ish> (most often a commit)…The <tree-ish> argument can be used to specify a specific tree-ish (i.e. commit, tag or tree) to update the index for the given paths before updating the working tree.

In git, a tree-ish is a way of referring to a particular commit or tree. This can be a partial sha or the branch, remote, and tag name pointers.

The syntax for using git checkout to update the working tree with files from a tree-ish is as follows:

git checkout [-p|--patch] [<tree-ish>] [--] <pathspec>…

Therefore, to update the working tree with files or directories from another branch, you can use the branch name pointer in the git checkout command.

git checkout <branch_name> -- <paths>

As an example, this is how you could update your gh-pages branch on GitHub (used to generate a static site for your project) to include the latest changes made to a file that is on the master branch.

# On branch master
git checkout gh-pages
git checkout master -- myplugin.js
git commit -m "Update myplugin.js from master"

The need to update my gh-pages branch with specific files from my master branch was how I first found out about the other uses of the checkout command. It’s worth having a read of the rest of the git-checkout manual page and experimenting with the options.


A simple Git deployment strategy for static sites

This is how I am deploying the build of my static website to staging and production domains. It requires basic use of the CLI, Git, and SSH. But once you’re set up, a single command will build and deploy.

TL;DR: Push the static build to a remote, bare repository that has a detached working directory (on the same server). A post-receive hook checks out the files in the public directory.


  • A remote web server to host your site.
  • SSH access to your remote server.
  • Git installed on your remote server (check with git --version).
  • Generate an SSH key if you need one.

On the server

Set up password-less SSH access

First, you need to SSH into your server, and provide the password if prompted.

ssh user@hostname

If there is no ~/.ssh directory in your user’s home directory, create one: mkdir ~/.ssh.

Next, you need to copy your public SSH key (see “Generate an SSH key” above) to the server. This allows you to connect via SSH without having to enter a password each time.

From your local machine – assuming your public key can be found at ~/.ssh/ – enter the following command, with the correct user and hostname. It will append your public key to the authorized_keys file on the remote server.

ssh user@hostname 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' < ~/.ssh/

If you close the connection, and then attempt to establish SSH access, you should no longer be prompted for a password.

Create the remote directories

You need to have 2 directories for each domain you want to host. One for the Git repository, and one to contain the checked out build.

For example, if your domain were and you also wanted a staging environment, you’d create these directories on the server:

mkdir ~/ ~/example.git

mkdir ~/ ~/staging.example.git

Initialize the bare Git repository

Create a bare Git repository on the server. This is where you will push the build assets to, from your local machine. But you don’t want the files served here, which is why it’s a bare repository.

cd ~/example.git
git init --bare

Repeat this step for the staging domain, if you want.

Write a post-receive hook

A post-receive hook allows you to run commands after the Git repository has received commits. In this case, you can use it to change Git’s working directory from example.git to, and check out a copy of the build into the directory.

The location of the working directory can be set on a per-command basis using GIT_WORK_TREE, one of Git’s environment variables, or the --work-tree option.

cat > hooks/post-receive

# remove any untracked files and directories
git --work-tree=${WEB_DIR} clean -fd

# force checkout of the latest deploy
git --work-tree=${WEB_DIR} checkout --force

Make sure the file permissions on the hook are correct.

chmod +x hooks/post-receive

If you need to exclude some files from being cleaned out by Git (e.g., a .htpasswd file), you can do that using the --exclude option. This requires Git 1.7.3 or above to be installed on your server.

git --work-tree=${WEB_DIR} clean -fd --exclude=<pattern>

Repeat this step for the staging domain, if you want.

On your local machine

Now that the server configuration is complete, you want to deploy the build assets (not the source code) for the static site.

The build and deploy tasks

I’m using a Makefile, but use whatever you feel comfortable with. What follows is the basic workflow I wanted to automate.

  1. Build the production version of the static site.

    make build
  2. Initialize a new Git repo in the build directory. I don’t want to try and merge the new build into previous deploys, especially for the staging domain.

    git init ./build
  3. Add the remote to use for the deploy.

    cd ./build
    git remote add origin ssh://user@hostname/~/example.git
  4. Commit everything in the build repo.

    cd ./build
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Release"
  5. Force-replace the remote master branch, creating it if missing.

    cd ./build
    git push -f origin +master:refs/heads/master
  6. Tag the checked-out commit SHA in the source repo, so I can see which SHA’s were last deployed.

    git tag -f production

Using a Makefile:

BUILD_DIR := ./build
STAGING_REPO = ssh://user@hostname/~/staging.example.git
PROD_REPO = ssh://user@hostname/~/example.git

    npm install

# Deploy tasks

staging: build git-staging deploy
    @ git tag -f staging
    @ echo "Staging deploy complete"

prod: build git-prod deploy
    @ git tag -f production
    @ echo "Production deploy complete"

# Build tasks

build: clean
    # whatever your build step is

# Sub-tasks

    @ rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)

    @ cd $(BUILD_DIR) && 
    git init && 
    git remote add origin $(PROD_REPO)

    @ cd $(BUILD_DIR) && 
    git init && 
    git remote add origin $(STAGING_REPO)

    @ cd $(BUILD_DIR) && 
    git add -A && 
    git commit -m "Release" && 
    git push -f origin +master:refs/heads/master

.PHONY: install build clean deploy git-prod git-staging prod staging

To deploy to staging:

make staging

To deploy to production:

make prod

Using Make, it’s a little bit more hairy than usual to force push to master, because the cd commands take place in a sub-process. You have to make sure subsequent commands are on the same line. For example, the deploy task would force push to your source code’s remote master branch if you failed to join the commands with && or ;!

I push my site’s source code to a private repository on BitBucket. One of the nice things about BitBucket is that it gives you the option to prevent deletions or history re-writes of branches.

If you have any suggested improvements, let me know on Twitter.


The stress test every business needs [electronic resource] : a capital agenda for confidently facing digital disruption, difficult investors, recessions and geopolitical threats / Jeffrey R. Greene, Steve Krouskos, Julie Hood, Harsha Basnayake, William Ca

Greene, Jeffrey R., author


Why digital transformations fail [electronic resource] : the surprising disciplines of how to take off and stay ahead / Tony Saldanha

Saldanha, Tony, author


JAMA Cardiology : Longitudinal Associations Between Income Changes and Incident Cardiovascular Disease

Interview with Scott David Solomon, MD, and Stephen Yishu Wang, BS, authors of Longitudinal Associations Between Income Changes and Incident Cardiovascular Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, and Edward P. Havranek, MD, author of The Influence of Social and Economic Factors on Heart Disease


Indian-origin lawmaker to take oath on the Gita in Australia

  • DO NOT USE Indians Abroad
  • World


Quick Tip: How to Hide Whitespace Changes in Git Diffs

If you’ve ever had to review a PR where the only code change is adding a wrapper element, you’ll be familiar with the pain of reviewing what appears to be a massive change but is actually trivial.


The Spirit of Sustainability: print or digital, which is “greener”?

When we published the Encyclopedia of Sustainability in 2012, a librarian wrote, “That goes against the spirit of sustainability.” I got a similar response this week, so I want to explain why we publish in print and online, and why online is not “green.” An ebook probably kills more trees through deforestation than an equivalent print book,

The post The Spirit of Sustainability: print or digital, which is “greener”? appeared first on Berkshire Publishing.


Free speech in the digital age/ Edited By Susan J. Brison And Katharine Gelber

Dewey Library - K3254.F73 2019


Emerging ICT policies and regulations: roadmap to digital economies / V. Sridhar

Online Resource


Cyber rights: defending free speech in the digital age / Mike Godwin

Online Resource


International judicial practice on the environment: questions of legitimacy / edited by Christina Voigt, Universitetet of Oslo

Dewey Library - K3585.I582 2019


Media power in Indonesia : oligarchs, citizens and the digital revolution / Ross Tapsell

Tapsell, Ross, author


Digital mammography [electronic resource] : 8th international workshop, IWDM 2006, Manchester, UK, June 18-21, 2006 : proceedings / Susan M. Astley [and others] (eds.)

New York : Springer, 2006


Cities and the digital revolution: aligning technology and humanity / Zaheer Allam

Barker Library - HT166.A45 2020


Regional intelligence: spatial analysis and anthropogenic regional challenges in the digital age / Eric Vaz, editor

Online Resource


World Gold Council plans consumer marketing in India, promotes digital gold

Move spurred by unprecedented decline in demand; WGC is also working with large institutions for a bullion exchange in India, and with assaying centres to build consumers' trust


Digital Diseases [electronic resource] : symptoms of the internet era / Gökmen H Karadag (ed.).

[S.l.] : PETER LANG AG, 2020.


Games-to-teach or games-to-learn: unlocking the power of digital game-based learning through performance / Yam San Chee

Online Resource


Food, beverage industry together to develop digital platforms: NRAI

The National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) on Friday said the food and beverage industry is coming together to develop and identify alternati


M&M launches digital sales platform called ‘Own-Online’

Expects online sales to go up exponentially


Only these two Malayalam movies qualify for digital release

Only these two Malayalam movies qualify for digital release


Effect of Citalopram on Agitation in Alzheimer Disease

Interview with Constantine G. Lyketsos, MD, MHS, author of Effect of Citalopram on Agitation in Alzheimer Disease


Breast Cancer Screening Using Tomosynthesis in Combination With Digital Mammography

Interview with Sarah M. Friedewald, MD, author of Breast Cancer Screening Using Tomosynthesis in Combination With Digital Mammography


Opinion: News producers can’t keep incurring the costs while digital platforms drain away profits

Facebook and Google cornered nearly 70 per cent (Rs 11,500 crore) of online ad revenues from India in 2018-19, a market pegged at Rs 28,000 crore by 2022. The Government of India must resist a digital colonisation, where the sweat and toil of Indians is drained out of the country while local communities and businesses are destroyed.


The untold story of everything digital: Bright boys revisited / by Thomas Green

Dewey Library - UG730.G74 2019


Digital tradition: arrangement and labor in Istanbul's recording studio culture / Eliot Bates

Rotch Library - ML3917.T9 B38 2016


Kashgar revisited: Uyghur studies in memory of Ambassador Gunnar Jarring / edited by Ildiko̓ Belle̓r-Hann, Birgit N. Schlyter, Jun Sugawara

Rotch Library - DK855.5.U35 K37 2012


The digital humanities and islamic & Middle East studies / edited by Elias Muhanna

Rotch Library - BP42.M853 2016


A restoration story: Şeyh Süleyman Masjid (Turkey-Italy Collaboration of Restoration Approach / MED-ART, transnational cooperation for cultural heritage preservation, Seyh Süleyman Mescidi Restorasyonu ve Eğitim Projesi = Restoration of Şeyh S&#

Rotch Library - NA4670.R47 2017