
Review of the four major banks (second report) / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Economics, author, issuing body


Review of the four major banks (third report) / House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Economics

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Economics, author, issuing body


Interim report / House of Representatives Select Committee on Regional Development and Decentralisation

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Select Committee on Regional Development and Decentralisation, issuing body, author


Regions at the ready : investing in Australia's future / House of Representatives Select Committee on Regional Development and Decentralisation

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Select Committee on Regional Development and Decentralisation, author, issuing body


Taxpayer engagement with the tax system / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue, author, issuing body


Keep it in the regions : mining and resources industry support for businesses in regional economies / House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources, author, issuing body


Super-charging Australian agriculture : inquiry into superannuation fund investment in agriculture / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources, author, issuing body


2017 annual report of the Australian Taxation Office : fairness, functions and frameworks - performance review / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue, author, issuing body


Review of the four major banks (fourth report) / House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Economics

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Economics, author, issuing body


Report on the inquiry into the Australian music industry / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts, author, issuing body


Report on the inquiry into the implications of removing refundable franking credits / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Economics, author, issuing body


A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations: Colonial Era to the Present


Covers the entire range of the history of U.S. foreign relations from the colonial period to the beginning of the 21st century.

A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations is an authoritative guide to past and present scholarship on the history of American diplomacy and foreign relations from its seventeenth century origins to the modern day. This two-volume reference work presents a collection of historiographical essays by prominent scholars. The essays



Interim report : first steps for improving educational opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs, author, issuing body


Living with difference : does multiculturism have a future? / presented by Geoff Gallop

Gallop, Geoff


Innovation and creativity : inquiry into innovation and creativity : workforce for the new economy / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, author, issuing body


The power of education : from surviving to thriving : educational opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students / House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs


Unique individuals, broad skills : inquiry into school to work transition / House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, author, issuing body


The evolution of feathers: from their origin to the present / Christian Foth, Oliver W.M. Rauhut, editors

Online Resource


Presenting the seventh annual LEGO-palooza!

Check out the amazing exhibits by the N.C. LEGO Users Group, March 5-6, 2011.


The selective misrepresentation of financial information due to earnings management [electronic resource] : theoretical background, models and empirical evidence from the European Union / Riccardo Cimini

Cimini, Riccardo, author


American Covenant: a History of Civil Religion from the Puritans to the Present / Philip Gorski

Online Resource


Conceptions of justice from Islam to the present / Hossein Askari and Abbas Mirakhor

Online Resource


Jihadism: Online Discourses and Representations

Online Resource


Animal languages in the Middle Ages: representations of interspecies communication / Alison Langdon, editor

Hayden Library - QL776.A5375 2018


Representation in cognitive science / Nicholas Shea

Hayden Library - QP360.5.S44 2018


After Ireland: Writing the Nation from Beckett to the Present.

Online Resource


Education Policy, Digital Disruption and the Future of Work [electronic resource] : Framing Young People's Futures in the Present / by Shane B. Duggan

Duggan, Shane B., author


Military Past, Civilian Present [electronic resource] : International Perspectives on Veterans' Transition from the Armed Forces / edited by Paul Taylor, Emma Murray, Katherine Albertson


Reading Cultural Representations of the Double Diaspora [electronic resource]: Britain, East Africa, Gujarat

Parmar, Maya


Report on the impact of inauthentic art and craft in the style of First Nations peoples / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs, author, issuing body


Podcast: An omnipresent antimicrobial, a lichen ménage à trois, and tiny tide-induced tremors

Stories on a lichen threesome, tremors caused by tides, and a theoretical way to inspect nuclear warheads without looking too closely at them, with Catherine Matacic.   Despite concerns about antibiotic resistance, it seems like antimicrobials have crept into everything—from hand soap to toothpaste, and even fabrics. What does the ubiquitous presence of these compounds mean for our microbiomes? Alyson Yee talks with host Sarah Crespi about one antimicrobial in particular—triclosan—which has been partially banned in the European Union.     [Image: T. Wheeler/Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Reproduction: antiquity to the present day / edited by Nick Hopwood, Rebecca Flemming, Lauren Kassell

Hayden Library - RG136.R477 2018


Critical representations of work and organization in popular culture [electronic resource] / Carl Rhodes and Robert Westwood

Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2008


The making of the modern world : connected histories, divergent paths (1500 to the present) / senior author, Robert W. Strayer ; coauthors, Edwin Hirschmann, Robert B. Marks, Robert J. Smith ; contributing authors, James J. Horn, Lynn H. Parsons

Strayer, Robert W., author


Diagrammatic representation and inference [electronic resource] : 4th international conference, Diagrams 2006, Stanford, CA, USA, June 28-30, 2006 : proceedings / Dave Barker-Plummer, Richard Cox, Nik Swoboda (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2006]


Land use in Australia : past, present and future / edited by Richard Thackway


Global forest governance and climate change : interrogating representation, participation, and decentralization / Emmanuel O. Nuesiri, editor


Fixed it : violence and the representation of women in the media / Jane Gilmore

Gilmore, Jane, author


Saradha scam: HC refuses CBI probe into chit fund case at present stage

  • DO NOT USE West Bengal
  • India


Uranium ore processing : short course / presented by Alan Taylor


The A-Z of copper ore leaching : short course / [presented by Alan Taylor]


Copper oxide ore heap leaching testwork and scale-up short course / presented by Alan Taylor


Uranium ore processing : short course / presented by Alan Taylor


Solvent extraction and its application to copper, uranium and nickel-cobalt short course / presented by Alan Taylor

Taylor, Alan


The AusIMM International Uranium Conference 2009 [electronic resource] : presentations :10 - 11 June 2009, Darwin, Australia / AusIMM


PbZn 2010 : papers originally presented at Lead-Zinc 2010, held in conjunction with COM 2010 and reproduced with permission of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum / edited by A. Siegmund ... [et al.]


Zionism [electronic resource] : past and present / Nathan Rotenstreich ; foreword by Ephrat Balberg-Rotenstreich ; with an additional essay by Avi Bareli and Yossef Gorny ; afterword by Shlomo Avineri

Rotenstreich, Nathan, 1914-1993


Troubled memories: iconic Mexican women and the traps of representation / Oswaldo Estrada

Hayden Library - PQ7123.W6 E88 2018


[ASAP] Soft Polymeric Matrix as a Macroscopic Cage for Magnetically Modulating Reversible Nanoscale Ligand Presentation

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05315


Water 4.0 : the past, present, and future of the world's most vital resource / David Sedlak

Sedlak, David L