
Cyril Jenkins on the Intentional Orthodox Enculturation of America

In this episode, Cyril Jenkins, PhD., Director of the St. Basil Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture at Eastern University, shares his thoughts on the challenges Orthodox Christians face in America and how intentionally Orthodox educational institutions - like the St. Basil Center and the St. Constantine School - can help them grow in Christ and evangelize America. He also talks about his current project: bringing a St. Constantine School campus to the Lehigh Valley. Fr. Anthony finishes by encouraging people to consider moving to the Lehigh Valley so that they can benefit from and contribute to the wonderful pan-Orthodox culture there.


How to Pay Attention and Obey

The Lord said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The only way to shine like a city on a hill or a lamp on a stand in a world darkened by sin is to live in a way that provides a beacon of hope for the fulfillment of the human person in God.


Fathers, Fools, Faith and Fragility: Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

Our readings for this Sunday, 1 Cor. 4:9-16; Matthew 17:14-23 are clarified in the Old Testament, in 1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms)16:1-13; Micah 5:2-4. Here we see the great paradox of humility that shows forth greatness: we become, as G. K. Chesterton put it. “Straighter when we bend and taller when we bow.” Authentic reliance upon God is born of such humility, and so is authentic love for others. We see the examples in the cross-bearing Jesus, and in the apostle Paul, ‘father’ to the Corinthians.


Untold Freedom: Tenth Sunday of Luke, Feasts of Sts. Barbara and John of Damascus

We look at the Psalms, the purpose of the Torah for the Hebrew people, and the story of David dancing before the ark to illumine the theme of liberty seen in our readings for this coming Divine Liturgy.


An Unseemly Spectacle?  Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

We examine St. Paul’s poignant picture of the apostles (1 Cor 4:9-16) as the “refuse of the world,” noticing that even the OT is ambivalent towards outward success, considering the problem of calling something “father,” and focusing upon the utter humility of Jesus, who St. Paul sought to follow.


Esten Atentos!

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la importancia de la vigilancia. Llegando para la Pascua, sea atentos para evitar los diablitos. (Hebreos 1:10-2:3) Fr. Nicholas preached about the importance of vigilance. Approaching Pascha let us be attentive in order to avoid the little demons of the world. (Hebrews 1:10-2:3)


¿Estamos Atentos?

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la firmeza de la fe, y esta firmeza va a mantenerte cuando la gente trata a quitar tu creencia en Jesús Cristo. No vamos a dejarlos a engañarnos. (Lucas 8:5-15) Fr. Nicholas preached about the firmness of the faith and how this firmness will maintain you when people try to take away your belief in Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 9:6-11)


Estar Atentos

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre estar atento a la Palabra de Dios que nos proporciona vida en Cristo. Father Nicholas preached on being attentive to the Word of God that gives us life in Christ.


3.31.24 Forgiveness, Attentiveness, and Serving Christ

St. Gregory Palamas believed in beholding through prayer the uncreated energies of God. A young volunteer reveals to the community that this is not one quick event that pierces the soul. It is rather an encounter for the whole day.


A Life of Contentment

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a sermon on the Gospel reading from the Sermon on the Mount.


How God Gets Our Attention (Mt 15:21-28)

Though oftentimes it seems God is silent and does not hear our prayers, Fr Thomas reminds us that God is always reaching out to us and uses the circumstances of our life to draw us closer to Him. (Thirty-first Sunday after Pentecost)


Paying Attention to the Word of God

The Parable of the Sower, also known as the Parable of the Soils, teaches us important lessons about how different people receive the Word of God. Fr Thomas reminds us that the ultimate lesson of this famous parable is, "Let us attend! Pay attention!"


Godliness With Contentment

Listen as Fr. Tom discusses what it means to invest in the Kingdom of God


Looking Intently

Subdeacon Emmanuel gives the homily on the Sunday of the Blind Man.


The Tenth Leper


A Tent Was Prepared


Great Gain in Godliness With Contentment


You Know What They Say About Intentions


A Tent was Prepared


The Tent Peg, the Rock, the Bread, the Sword, the Well

St. Paul sees the interpretation of the Old Testament as central to his responsibility in the apostolic ministry. So should we.


Attention Interest Desire Action: Use this to get, and keep, people reading

Attention Interest Desire Action (AIDA) is a copy formula that uses features and benefits to move prospects through the customer journey.

The post Attention Interest Desire Action: Use this to get, and keep, people reading appeared first on Coaching and training to scale your copywriting business, plus programs for new copywriters, startups, and marketers.


The ‘Ship It’ Manifesto: How to get your content assets out of Marketing Purgatory

Where do unshipped marketing assets go when they die? We imagine a place called Marketing Purgatory. It’s a gloomy world where unused ads, landing pages and email campaigns mope around, waiting for the day they’ll finally launch. Sadly, it’s a day that will never come. Some of these assets were killed by zealous CEOs. Others […]

The post The ‘Ship It’ Manifesto: How to get your content assets out of Marketing Purgatory appeared first on Coaching and training to scale your copywriting business, plus programs for new copywriters, startups, and marketers.


Intentional, Not Obvious

When we are instructed to teach our children all the time, we need to remember it's not about memorizing a list of facts. Life is a perpetual pop quiz and our intentional, but not obvious, interactions with our children can help them pass life's daily tests.


How to Make Boring Content More Engaging

So, I ran a mastermind group. One of the members was struggling with content creation. She said: Our blog posts are informative. But how do we make them more engaging for our readers? What did I tell her? I shared my “3 sentence rule” for making boring content more engaging. Here it is… First of […]


Caribbean disturbance has potential path toward Florida, models show | Tracking the Tropics


When to iterate, when to stay consistent

There are 3 things you need to accomplish your goals: (1) a clear goal; (2) a winning action plan; and (3) consistency. For things where you are just getting started, you may not yet know what your winning action plan is. When this is the case you need the right blend of iteration and feedback […]


Boeing to axe a tenth of its workers as strike continues

The company says all jobs are at risk as it cuts 10% of its workforce.


SDL Trados Studio ? Corrupt file: Missing locked content for Oasis.Xliff 12.x.

I recently accepted a large proofreading job to be completed in SDL Trados Studio 2014. All seemed to be fine until I tried to open some of the project files. This article describes how to deal with “Corrupt file: Missing … Continue reading


La détention de Paul Watson prolongée jusqu’en décembre

Le patron de l'ONG de defense des oceans Sea Shepherd avait fait une demande d'asile politique a Emmanuel Macron, au mois d'octobre.


Cotentin : un nouveau canot de sauvetage en mer bloqué à quai par la réglementation

La station de sauvetage de Goury-La Hague a recu un nouveau canot ultramoderne. Mais il est bloque a quai, car trop polluant, selon les regles environnementales internationales.


The Use of Latent Semantic Indexing to Mitigate OCR Effects of Related Document Images

Due to both the widespread and multipurpose use of document images and the current availability of a high number of document images repositories, robust information retrieval mechanisms and systems have been increasingly demanded. This paper presents an approach to support the automatic generation of relationships among document images by exploiting Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We developed the LinkDI (Linking of Document Images) service, which extracts and indexes document images content, computes its latent semantics, and defines relationships among images as hyperlinks. LinkDI was experimented with document images repositories, and its performance was evaluated by comparing the quality of the relationships created among textual documents as well as among their respective document images. Considering those same document images, we ran further experiments in order to compare the performance of LinkDI when it exploits or not the LSI technique. Experimental results showed that LSI can mitigate the effects of usual OCR misrecognition, which reinforces the feasibility of LinkDI relating OCR output with high degradation.


Realising the Potential of Web 2.0 for Collaborative Learning Using Affordances

With the emergence of the Web 2.0 phenomena, technology-assisted social networking has become the norm. The potential of social software for collaborative learning purposes is clear, but as yet there is little evidence of realisation of the benefits. In this paper we consider Information and Communication Technology student attitudes to collaboration and via two case studies the extent to which they exploit the use of wikis for group collaboration. Even when directed to use a particular wiki designed for the type of project they are involved with, we found that groups utilized the wiki in different ways according to the affordances ascribed to the wiki. We propose that the integration of activity theory with an affordances perspective may lead to improved technology, specifically Web 2.0, assisted collaboration.


On the Construction of Efficiently Navigable Tag Clouds Using Knowledge from Structured Web Content

In this paper we present an approach to improving navigability of a hierarchically structured Web content. The approach is based on an integration of a tagging module and adoption of tag clouds as a navigational aid for such content. The main idea of this approach is to apply tagging for the purpose of a better highlighting of cross-references between information items across the hierarchy. Although in principle tag clouds have the potential to support efficient navigation in tagging systems, recent research identified a number of limitations. In particular, applying tag clouds within pragmatic limits of a typical user interface leads to poor navigational performance as tag clouds are vulnerable to a so-called pagination effect. In this paper, a solution to the pagination problem is discussed, implemented as a part of an Austrian online encyclopedia called Austria-Forum, and analyzed. In addition, a simulation-based evaluation of the new algorithm has been conducted. The first evaluation results are quite promising, as the efficient navigational properties are restored.


Abstentionniste, dois tu fermer ta gueule ?

Non, Fred, t’es pas tout seul… toi et tes copains abstentionnistes, vous êtes 27.125.535… soit 57,36% des français en âge de voter pour les législatives. Une paille quoi. Ce chiffre affolant permet à certains de dire que, les nouveaux députés ne sont...


Des dizaines de morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan après un attentat suicide

Des dizaines de morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan après un attentat suicide


Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude - Yahoo Actualités

  1. Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude  Yahoo Actualités
  2. 3 bonnes raisons de choisir un Airfryer en 2024  La Provence
  3. Nos 30 recettes rapides et faciles au Airfryer, du plat de résistance au dessert  Le Figaro
  4. Les air fryers sont-ils dangereux pour la santé ? Une étude lance l'alerte  Allo Docteurs
  5. Airfryer : attention aux acrylamides potentiellement cancérigènes  Pourquoi Docteur ?


La justice stoppe une enquï¿œte potentiellement gï¿œnante sur Jean Castex, trois jours aprï¿œs sa nomination comme Premier ministre

Hasard du calendrier ou volontᅵ de prᅵserver le nouveau Premier ministre ? Selon Mediapart, une enquᅵte judiciaire ouverte par le parquet de Perpignan, potentiellement gᅵnante pour Jean Castex, a ᅵtᅵ...


Titres de sᅵjour : pour ᅵviter les files d'attente, les prᅵfectures ont inventᅵ l'inscription en ligne (qui ne fonctionne quasiment jamais)

Des files d'attente, la nuit, devant les prᅵfectures, pour tenter d'obtenir un rendez-vous afin de demander ou de renouveler un titre de sᅵjour. C'ᅵtait la rᅵalitᅵ au dᅵbut des annᅵes...


Ascendancy of SNS information and age difference on intention to buy eco-friendly offerings: meaningful insights for e-tailers

Through the unparalleled espousal of theory of planned behaviour, this study intends to significantly add to the current knowledge on social networking sites (SNS) in <i>eWOM</i> information and its role in defining intentions to buy green products. In specie, this study seeks to first investigate the part played by <i>attitude towards SNS information</i> in influencing the <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> and then by <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> in effecting the <i>green purchase intention</i>. Besides this, it also aims to analyse the influence exerted by first <i>credibility of SNS information</i> on <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> and then by <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> on <i>green purchase intention</i>. In doing so, it also examines how well the age of the SNS users moderates all these four associations.


What drives mobile game stickiness and in-game purchase intention? Based on the uses and gratifications theory

Despite the considerable growth potential predicted for mobile games, little research explored what motivates users to be sticky and make purchases in the mobile game context. Drawing on uses and gratifications theory (UGT), this study evaluates the influencing effects of players' characteristics (i.e., individual gratification and individual situation) and the mobile game structure (i.e., presence and governance) on players' mobile game behaviour (i.e., stickiness and purchase intention). Specifically, the model was extended with factors of the individual situation and governance. After surveying 439 samples, the research model was examined using the Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach. The results indicate that stickiness is a crucial antecedent for users' in-game purchase intention. The individual situation plays an essential role in influencing user gratification, and individual gratification is the most vital criterion affecting stickiness. Finally, except for incentives, presence, and integration positively affect stickiness. This study provides further insights into both mobile game design and governance strategies.


Factors affecting the intention to continue to visit the virtual world metaverse

A metaverse is a virtual shared space connected to the real world, an alternative reality that enables economic activities, exchanges, and transactions as well as formation of relationships between user avatars and non-player characters (NPCs). Initial experiences of the metaverse were not very satisfactory; new virtual world metaverses may or may not survive as information services or platforms. The purpose of this empirical study is to identify the characteristics of a virtual world metaverse and their effects on intention to continue usage of the platform. Considering the metaverse as a new type of user experience and a powerful mode of communication, we examine the mediating role of these characteristics according to Pine and Gilmore's (1998) experience economy theory, which enriches our understanding of the factors affecting the success of a metaverse. In addition, since social interaction is important in metaverses, we extend Pine and Gilmore's experience economy model by including Schmitt's (2011) relate experience for better understanding.


Learning the usage intention of robo-advisors in fin-tech services: implications for customer education

Drawing on the MOA framework, this study establishes a research model that explains the usage intention of robo-advisors. In the model, three predictors that consist of technology relative advantage, technology herding, and technology familiarity influence usage intention of robo-advisors directly and indirectly via the partial mediation of trust. At the same time, the effects of the three predictors on trust are hypothetically moderated by learning goal orientation and perceived performance risk respectively. Statistical analyses are provided using the data of working professionals from the insurance industry in Taiwan. Based on its empirical findings, this study discusses important theoretical and practical implications.


Attention-based gating units separate channels in neural radiance fields

We introduce a unique inductive bias to improve the reconstruction quality of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), NeRF employs the Fourier transform to map 3D coordinates to a high-dimensional space, enhancing the representation of high-frequency information in scenes. However, this transformation often introduces significant noise, affecting NeRF's robustness. Our approach allocates attention effectively by segregating channels within NeRF using attention-based gating units. We conducted experiments on an open-source data set to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which leads to significant improvements in the quality of synthesised new-view images compared to state-of-the-art methods. Notably, we achieve an average PSNR increase of 0.17 compared to the original NeRF. Furthermore, our method is implemented through a carefully designed special Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture, ensuring compatibility with most existing NeRF-based methods.


Impact of servicescape dimensions on customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: a case of casual dining restaurants

Physical and social aspects each make up a separate part of servicescape. Together, these make up the servicescape. Although previous research has frequently investigated these aspects separately, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously find out the impact of both aspects within the casual dining restaurants' context. In total, 462 customers in Delhi were polled for this study, and structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. According to the results, both the social and physical parts of the servicescape have the ability to affect how satisfied customers are, which in turn can affect how they behave in the future.


E-recruitment adoption among job-seekers: role of vividness and perceived internet stress in shaping their intentions

Drawn from technology acceptance model, this study establishes a theoretical framework for the analytical interpretation of factors affecting job-seekers intention to use e-recruitment websites. Using the data obtained from 379 respondents in India, ten hypotheses derived from the experimental model are evaluated using a structural equation modelling technique. Vividness, perceived usefulness (PU), and attitude have been shown to have a significant positive impact on the behavioural intentions (BIs) of job-seekers, although perceived ease of use (PEOU) did not. Furthermore, perceived internet stress (PIS) is observed to be a significant antecedent PEOU; and PEOU is of PU. Such findings broaden our knowledge of e-recruiting in various ways and offer qualitative insights into the potential impact of website functionality on the attractiveness of job-seekers.


Academic Library Services in Virtual Worlds: An Examination of the Potential for Library Services in Immersive Environments


First Year Engagement & Retention: A Goal-Setting Approach


Students’ Attention when Using Touchscreens and Pen Tablets in a Mathematics Classroom

Aim/Purpose: The present study investigated and compared students’ attention in terms of time-on-task and number of distractors between using a touchscreen and a pen tablet in mathematical problem-solving activities with virtual manipulatives. Background: Although there is an increasing use of these input devices in educational practice, little research has focused on assessing student attention while using touchscreens or pen tablets in a mathematics classroom. Methodology: A qualitative exploration was conducted in a public elementary school in New Taipei, Taiwan. Six fifth-grade students participated in the activities. Video recordings of the activities and the students’ actions were analyzed. Findings: The results showed that students in the activity using touchscreens maintained greater attention and, thus, had more time-on-task and fewer distractors than those in the activity using pen tablets. Recommendations for Practitioners: School teachers could employ touchscreens in mathematics classrooms to support activities that focus on students’ manipulations in relation to the attention paid to the learning content. Recommendation for Researchers: The findings enhance our understanding of the input devices used in educational practice and provide a basis for further research. Impact on Society: The findings may also shed light on the human-technology interaction process involved in using pen and touch technology conditions. Future Research: Activities similar to those reported here should be conducted using more participants. In addition, it is important to understand how students with different levels of mathematics achievement use the devices in the activities.


Printable Table of Contents. JITE: IIP, Volume 17, 2018

Table of Contents of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 17, 2018


Printable Table of Contents. JITE: IIP, Volume 18, 2019

Table of Contents of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 18, 2019