
Easton, MD Author Publishes Fiction Stories

What Stories Can The Walls Of A House Tell.


Radcliff, KY Author Publishes Holiday Short Story

Will She Be Able To Come Up With A Solution In Time


Regenerative Gel Restores Spinal Cord in Mice

This is fantastic news that will hopefully turn into a treatment for people with spinal cord injuries and other nerve injuries.

A self-assembling gel injected at the site of spinal cord injuries in paralysed mice has enabled them to walk again after four weeks.

The gel mimics the matrix that is normally found around cells, providing a scaffold that helps cells to grow. It also provides signals that stimulate nerve regeneration.

Samuel Stupp at Northwestern University in Chicago and his colleagues created a material made of protein units, called monomers, that self-assemble into long chains, called supramolecular fibrils, in water.

When they were injected into the spinal cords of mice that were paralysed in the hind legs, these fibrils formed a gel at the injury site.

The researchers injected 76 paralysed mice with either the fibrils or a sham treatment made of salt solution, a day after the initial injury. They found that the gel enabled paralysed mice to walk by four weeks after the injection, whereas mice given the placebo didn't regain the ability to walk.

The team found that the gel helped regenerate the severed ends of neurons and reduced the amount of scar tissue at the injury site, which usually forms a barrier to regeneration. The gel also enhanced blood vessel growth, which provided more nutrients to the spinal cord cells.


Cars 'covered in plastic wrap' in Spain as residents brace for another storm

Some people in Spain appear to have covered their cars in plastic wrap ahead of another approaching storm.


Picnic cottage enjoyed by Queen Victoria restored to former glory

A picnic cottage enjoyed by Queen Victoria during her visits to Balmoral has been restored to its former glory by the National Trust for Scotland.


From Proxmox to FreeBSD: story of a migration

It’s the start of the work week, so for the IT administrators among us, I have another great article by friend of the website, Stefano Marinelli. This article covers migrating a Proxmox-based setup to FreeBSD with bhyve. The load is not particularly high, and the machines have good performance. Suddenly, however, I received a notification: one of the NVMe drives died abruptly, and the server rebooted. ZFS did its job, and everything remained sufficiently secure, but since it’s a leased server and already several years old, I spoke with the client and proposed getting more recent hardware and redoing the setup based on a FreeBSD host. ↫ Stefano Marinelli If you’re interested in moving one of your own setups, or one of your clients’ setups, from Linux to FreeBSD, this is a great place to start and get some ideas, tips, and tricks. Like I said, it’s Monday, and you need to get to work.


Finally, A Business You Can Start From Anywhere When the Storms Of Life Show UP

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 23, 2024 ) How to bring in cash from anywhere in the country Access to returns from major retailers Learn how to sell STUFF in your closet, your neighbors' closet. Consult with Darrell W Tolbert aka Dr E has been a top EBAY seller since the late 90's earning $1.1...


17. Simply Amazing Another 3D Mind Success Story :: NNSeek

Simply Amazing! Another 3D Mind Success Story,simply,success,Simply Uk Gadgets , siti di Simply Uk Gadgets , informazioni su.


Tell Your Business Story

Drawing from that experience, he has learned a number of lessons about how to and how not to convey a the backstory behind any given company, and he shared several tips this week with entrepreneurs, filmmakers and music producers, and one journalist at a small gathering in Austin during South by Southwest.

complete article


The 20 Best Entrepreneurial Stories of 2015

These founders embody the reasons so many Americans are drawn to entrepreneurship: passion, purpose, fulfillment, and financial success. This year they all shared with Inc. readers the secrets to how they did it.  

complete article


A Small-Business Guide to Instagram Stories

Instagram is a great source to build your brand’s identity, engage new followers and expand your reach. However, if you’re simply posting images to your business Instagram page, you’re missing out on a major opportunity on the platform: Instagram Stories. With Stories, you can show a behind-the-scenes look at your brand while developing its personality and building authentic relationships with your followers.

complete article


Get Motivated Going Into the New Year With These Top Small Business Stories

The first weekly roundup of 2020 starts with some motivational quotes to get you up and running for the new year.

Once you are all pumped up, an article about the economy should also get you excited. The report says all 50 states have improved their GDP since the 2016 election. And if the rally of the stock market on January 2, 2020 is an indicator of things to come you can expect even better numbers.

The optimism for the coming year is also being shared by business leaders. Over two thirds or 76% of them say they see similar or more profits in 2020. The data comes as part of a survey that polled 940 business owners in this article.

complete article


How Marketers Can Help Restore Consumer Confidence

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, consumer confidence has declined in all 50 states, according to ongoing research from Morning Consult. And we all know that consumer confidence is a critical component of economic growth. As businesses begin to reopen across America, they need to work hard to restore this critical sentiment. To that end, consumer confidence may well be the only marketing message that matters for some time to come.

As consumers weigh the pros and cons of carefully reemerging from quarantine, many marketers will need to make a point of reassuring them in their messaging. Here are four smart marketing approaches to consider as you seek to restore consumer confidence.

1. Reframe social distancing.
2. Acknowledge the struggle.
3. Build consumer trust.
4. Emphasize safety.


Dietary Supplements Market: Opportunities for Manufacturers and Investors

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 25, 2024 ) The global dietary supplements market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4%, increasing from $167.5 billion in 2023 to $239.4 billion by 2028. Key factors driving this growth include the rising elderly population, a shift from traditional...


***** Prime Aviation Fleet Details and History (rank 14)

Disclaimer. 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations. Please refer to the current fleet list to see each aircraft's individual age. 2 Future records only include new-built aircraft close to delivery and expected second-hand deliveries.


***** Storm Aviation (rank 21)

Storm Aviation is a leading international line maintenance and training provider, operating AOG 24-hour comprehensive support for commercial aircraft operators. Our engineers provide fully customised services in line maintenance, AOG support, Part M, cabin services, consultancy and training. As a truly independent MRO we are able to adapt our approach to respond to rapidly changing ...


***** Company History & Past Achievements - Portsmouth Aviation (rank 10)

Collaborating with a major US prime, Portsmouth Aviation develop a UK standard weapon system for the Royal Air Force. Portsmouth Aviation develops a new solution for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence (NBCD) systems in conjunction with the Royal Navy. ... Portsmouth Aviation Ltd Airport Service Rd Portsmouth Hampshire PO3 5PF Tel: +44 ...


GVSU Oral History: James Crawford and Vietnam

My father James Crawford was interviewed about his experiences in the service particularly during Vietnam and around the Battle of Firebase Ripcord. I am so proud of him sharing his oral history with the GVSU Veterans History Project. The video go his oral history is on YouTube and will be stored in the archives of...


So much for the End of History

Just some cheerful words to chew on while our politicians wear their enamels off congratulating themselves about the Iraqi election:

“The collapse of the rival giant [the Soviet Union] has exaggerated America’s apparent strength because it has so much more economic muscle than any single rival. But for many decades America’s share of the world’s economic output has been in decline. Think of a see-saw. America at one end is now easily outweighed by any substantial grouping at the other, and most of those powers are on friendly terms with each other. America’s modesty in 1945 understated its muscle, just as Bushite vanity overstates it today. He has over-reached. His country is overstretched, losing economic momentum, losing world leadership, and losing the philosophical plot. America is running into the sand.”

Maybe I’ve been hanging out in France, where declinism (both French and American) never goes out of fashion, for too long, but that assessment seems more convincing than this disappointing “We are so great—right now” rebuttal by Victor Hanson. And the CIA seems to concur (though admittedly in more neutral language):

“The likely emergence of China and India … as new major global players—similar to the advent of a united Germany in the 19th century and a powerful United States in the early 20th century—will transform the geopolitical landscape with impacts potentially as dramatic as those in the previous two centuries.”


Prehistoric Bajada Hanging canals


Helping Others To Freedom Pt6: A Case Study - Frank's Story

In this very practical session, we look at a fictional case study, which you can do as an individual or as a group if you are following this course with others. As 'Frank' comes to you to receive prayer for his problems, from his story, you must assess the underlying root causes of his issues and how he can receive healing and freedom. David will allow you to pause in this session and take time to consider some helpful questions which are provided for you. Then David will continue, giving some suggested answers to those questions. This exercise helps us contemplate how the principles we have been learning might be outworked in a hypothetical 'real-life' scenario. This session is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Charlotte's Birth Story

Things to know before reading:

1. Charlotte was breech
2. I had a version preformed to flip her
3. She flipped back

When I last left off, I was waiting on our planned c-section. I had a list of things to do and by the Thursday before her Saturday arrival, nearly everything was finished. All of our school work for the semester was complete and all of the laundry in my house was washed, folded, and put away. The only major family thing I had left to do was packing. I never got around to packing.

Thursday afternoon I noticed I was having about 4 contractions an hour. I paid no attention to these because in my previous pregnancies, I had weeks and weeks of contractions prior to actual labor. This pregnancy, I had NO "practice" contractions. I just assumed it was because she was breech and so there was nothing to get ready for. My cervix was also closed at every appointment in the last weeks which is also not normal for me. I normally am between 3-4 cm before I go into labor. So back to the few contractions, I just assumed these where the ones I had been without for the last 6 weeks.

I started cooking dinner on Thursday night and got about halfway through cooking when I felt the first painful and long contraction. It was at 5:15. From that point on, they were coming every 2-3 mins without stopping and lasting over a minute. They went from 0-60 immediately. I couldn't finish making dinner so I really have no idea what the kids ate that night. Rick walked in the door at 6 and I asked him to take Kate to dance and take all of the other kids with him. He asked if it was "time" and I said, "No, I just need to try and make them stop." I had 2 times with Luke where I had similar contractions prior to labor that lasted 2 hours and then stopped. I was assuming that's what was going on here. So from 5:15-9:15, I walked around my house, laid down in my bed, took 2 baths, but nothing was stopping them. It was the same pattern, 2-3 mins apart and lasting from 1-2 mins. I wasn't getting any relief or downtime in between contractions. At some point during this 4 hour period, Rick picked Kate up from dance, printed and folded the bulletins for Sunday, and took them to the church.

I told myself if they were still going at 9:15 that I would call my doctor. My doctor told me to come on in and get checked out and that they would probably keep me overnight to monitor me and decide what to do early Friday morning. I still wasn't sure if I was in labor or not and really didn't want to go and then get sent home so I was relieved that they were going to keep me and that Charlotte would probably be born the next day when my doctor was on call. (He delivered all 7 of our other kids.)

I texted my sister to come stay with the kids and started packing my bags. I always wondered why people packed their hospital bags early. I thought you would have plenty of time in between contractions to get what you needed. Haha! I ended up at the hospital with 6 shirts and 1 pair of shorts. :) I guess I really was in pain.

The ride to the hospital was horrible. Every bump magnified the pain. The contractions didn't slow down and that was when I finally realized that I was actually in labor. It took us about 45 minutes to get to the hospital. I think we arrived around 11:00pm and I was taken to triage to get things checked out. I had never actually been to triage so that was something new. They monitored me for an hour and I had to lay on my back that entire time. That was horrible. I'm pretty sure you are not meant to lay on your back without pain relief during labor. :) They also did an ultrasound to check her position and she was in fact, still breech.

Around 12:20am, Friday morning,  the doctor on call came in said it was time for Charlotte to be born and that we couldn't wait any longer. My contractions were not stopping and my cervix was opening.  From that point on, everything moved quickly and slowly at the same time. The anesthesiologist came in and said I would be getting a spinal because they couldn't wait for an epidural to work. He told me all of the side effects but I'm not really sure what he said. I had to sign about 20 pages of release forms and they I was wheeled off to the operating room while Rick waited in triage to be called back.

I remember the operating room being very, very bright and there were a lot of people in there - I think 10. I'm used to the quiet dark delivery rooms with just one nurse and the doctor so this was a change. I moved from the triage bed to the operating table and was given my spinal. I do remember the anesthesiologist saying that if the spinal didn't take for some reason that they would immediately knock me out and that when I would wake up I'd have a baby. I was hoping that didn't happen. He poked my arm with some kind of sharp object and then would poke on my stomach to make sure I didn't feel anything. The first 2 times he did it I felt it but by the third time, I couldn't feel anything. At that point Rick was let in the room and they began. They had been prepping and draping me during this time as well. Charlotte was born at 12:50 am. She was born toward the beginning of the surgery and it seemed that the bulk of the time was spent getting stitched back together.

She was immediately shown to me over my drape and then taken to get cleaned up a bit. About 2 minutes later she was brought over to me and placed on my chest and I held her for about 5 mins. She was then taken away (in the same room again) to be weighed, etc and Rick went with her. She was then brought back to me all bundled me for a few kisses and then Rick was able to carry her to the recovery room to wait for me. I was in the recovery room for 2 hours and during that time my parents came up to see her. I was able to nurse her which was great. I was also given a pump for my pain medication. The nurse sacred me because she told me to push the button every 8 mins and to stay on top of the pain. She warned me not to fall asleep because if I did and then woke up an hour later, I would not be able to handle the amount of pain I would be in. It was 2:00 in the morning and I was drugged up on morphine and she was telling me not to fall asleep! I guess it worked because I didn't sleep until later that morning, after the pump was turned off. :)

I was in love with her from the moment I saw her. My main concern with having a c-section, prior to having it, was that I would somehow feel like I missed out on the birthing process. I never felt that way. I carried her for 9 months and she arrived in the safest way possible for both of us. It was perfect. The only thing I was sad about was that my doctor missed delivering her by 5 hours. However, that was the Lord's will too. He was on call all weekend so he checked on me everyday while I was in the hospital. C-section recovery is painful. That's all I want to say about that. I just want to remember the hours and minutes before, during, and after her birth. I am thankful for every moment of it.


Vijesti :: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Blagdansko ozračje u restoranu Corner [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 12.11.2024. 20:15 (GMT 1) Mjesec prosinac, mjesec darivanja i druženja s dragim ljudima. S prosincom završavamo i još jednu uspješnu godinu, a zašto ju ne bi završili uz nama drage ljude.

Restoran Corner vas povodom toga poziva na božićno okupljanje. Idealna prilika da se opustite i uživate u ukusnoj hrani i veseloj atmosferi.

Božićni domjenak traje od 20:00 sati do dva sata iza ponoći.

Restoran Corner je pripremio i buffet menu:

- Roastbeef s Waldorf salatom, tostirana focaccia
- Winter Rolls, rolice od hrskavog tijesta punjene carskim mesom i kiselim kupusom s umakom od hrena
- Domaći kroketi punjeni pilećim prsima i sirom s curry makom
- Rižoto od cikle s dimljenim šaranom, orasima i sirom
- Domaći krumpir & sir s umakom od majoneze i tartufa
- Arančini

Glavno jelo:
- Zalogajna jela s roštilja
- Pork belly s rižom i coleslaw salatom
- Pileći odrezak punjen celerom, šunkom i sirom s njokima od bundeve u umaku od sira
- Pohani Šokački odrezak s pireom od krumpira
- Gulaš na Tikveški s lovačkom roladom
- Punjene lignje, parisienne krumpir s espumom od blitve

Turšija iz lokalnog OPG-a
- Šopska
Pečena paprika s uljem češnjaka i peršina
- Zelene salate
- Povrće sa žara na salatu s maslinovim uljem i tostiranim pinjolima

- Slatke domaće štrukle s malinama
- Štrudla s jabukama
- Torta od mrkve
- Božićni tiramisu

Piće (No limit):
od 20:00 do 02:00 sata
ŽESTOKA PIĆA I LIKERI: Dewars, Pelinkovac, Višnja, Šljivovica, Jagermeister, Gin
PIVO: Karlovačko pivo, Karlovačko crno, Karlovačko radler, Crni radler
VINA: Graševina Belje, Cabernet Sauvignon Belje, pjenušac La Belle Grand
VODA I SOKOVI: Jamnica, Jana, Coca cola, Fanta, Tonic, Pago Jabuka, Pago Naranča
KAVA: Instant kava (samoposluživanje)

Božićna interakcija:
- Foto kutak s božićnim motivima
- Svečano osvjetljenje i dekoracije

Cijena po osobi (za hranu i piće u neograničenim količinama) je 60 eura, a za sve informacije i rezervacije možete se javiti na broj: 091 250 00 24 ili putem e-mail adrese:

Kako do restorana Corner? Corner Osijek nalazi se u Osijeku u Velebitskoj ulici u gradskoj četvrti Jug II.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje Alasov pladanj za dvije osobe. Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

[klik za uvećanje]


Rita Drowns out Anti-War Protestors

According to the Washington Post the numbers exceeded what was initially hoped for in what is being billed as the largest anti-war demonstration since the start of the Iraq campaign. There's lots of commentary to be found, but the most interesting was by Alan Bock:

I still don't know if the demonstrations will have any effect beyond getting Cindy Sheehan arrested...

The newspapers had wire-service stories, and both the Washington Post and the Washington Times covered what was essentially a local story for them. But as far as the electronic media were concerned, the anti-war protests in Washington, D.C., over the weekend might as well have not occurred at all. Once the cable news folks focus on something they seem incapable of noticing anything else that's happening in the world. To be sure, Rita was a big story, but it wasn't the only thing happening over the weekend.

Interestingly, some of the more extensive coverage on Web pages today is from National Review Online, where Byron York and James Robbins work hard to paint the protest as too radical to appeal to mainstream Americans and too miniscule to have any impact on policy.

I don't know enough to have a solid opinion yet, but I'll keep searching for more links. Meantime, it does seem to have mobilized around 100,000 people, about what the organizers had hoped for. The D.C. police chief said it might even have been 150,000. The bits and pieces I caught on C-SPAN on Saturday night were rather disappointing to me - mostly left-wing enthusiasts talking about all kinds of causes and grievances rather than focusing on the war.

Despite all this, I suspect that while those who want to dismiss the protests as strictly the work of a radical fringe are more or less correct at a certain level, there's a certain - well, not quite desperation but almost - in the dismissive tone. The protests might not be the kind of thing most Americans warm up to, but neither is the war popular anymore. Mainstream polls show about 60 percent of Americans think it was a mistake. Sooner or later that kind of opinion surge has to have an effect on policy in a democracy - doesn't it?


TNP - Concerns with Store-Bought Supplements

Will your Parasite Cleansing, Colon Cleansing and Kidney Cleansing Work? This page contains advice on helping you make your parasite cleansing, colon cleansing and kidney cleansing experience simpler, less expensive and more effective.


Gas Storage Area Ash Grey T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Ash Grey T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Baseball Jersey

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Baseball Jersey will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Bib

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Bib will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Dog T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Dog T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Fitted T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Fitted T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Golf Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Golf Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Hooded Sweatshirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Hooded Sweatshirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Infant Creeper

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Infant Creeper will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Infant/Toddler T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Toddler T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Baby Doll T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Jr. Hoodie

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Jr. Hoodie will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Jr. Raglan

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Jr. Raglan will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Jr. Spaghetti Tank

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Spaghetti Tank will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Long Sleeve T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Long Sleeve T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Men's Sleeveless Tee

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Sleeveless Tee will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Organic Cotton Tee

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Organic Cotton Tee will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Ringer T

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Ringer T will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Sweatshirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Sweatshirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Trucker Hat

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Trucker Hat will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Value T-shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Value T-shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area White T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area White T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Women's Raglan Hoodie

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Women's Raglan Hoodie will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Women's Tank Top

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Women's Tank Top will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Gas Storage Area Women's T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Women's T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Digital Storytelling For Brands

I presented "Digital Storytelling For Brands" at Brand Camp University during Internet Week in New York. Digital Storytelling For Brands from Lynne d Johnson I spoke more about an approach to digital storytelling, instead of exactly how to do it....