
How to Improve Cell Phone Signal

While telecom carriers are continuing to expand coverage areas and add cellular towers, most cell phone users still experience dropped calls and spotty coverage at times.

Many external factors and things out of your control can inhibit cell phone reception. Fully understanding the variety of factors that can cause poor cell signal may assist you in knowing how to improve a poor cell phone signal.

The following can all impact the strength of a cell signal:
How to Improve Cell Phone Signal


Site Redesign

After an amazing amount of procrastination, I've finally managed to redesign the site. All old links still work (if they don't, please let me know by emailing me at 'bill at this domain name').

Why? Two reasons: 1) I found my old layout limiting for what I want to do and, 2) Something in my toolchain got borked and I wasn't able to update my main page. This last one was a godsend because I decided that - rather than troubleshooting the problem, I'd put that energy toward my redesign.

Notable changes:

  • No more MovableType. I got a lot of mileage out of using MT, but in the end I hated having to use a database to store what is essentially static data. Furthermore, the templates and even writing of entries was a bit too much of a flow-mismatch. I wanted to write copy and edit layout in vim and just push the changes to the server. Now I'm using docpad and I have pretty much exactly that workflow

  • My "Thoughts on..." blog is no longer the main page. Right now, the main page is pretty sparse, but as I add more projects (I have some in mind, it'll start to fill up some more. For now, it's an easy way to get at some of the more popular material on my site, and...

  • My dabbling in Fiction. A few years back I started writing flash fiction under my middle name ("Edward"). I haven't in a while, but I hope to start again. So, now that's here too.

  • Total style overhaul. Hope you like it, because I'm sticking with it for a while. My goal was minimalism. This site has always been about what I write. Therefore I want to make it easy to find the stuff here and read it with no distractions.

  • No comments. This may change at some point (I had embedded Disqus but removed it) as I'm going with the Oatmeal Philosophy - I'm struggling against several years of writers block. Feedback can be great, but it can also demotivate. I need to avoid demotivators as I ramp this up.

That's it now that I have put everything I could see I needed in place, I'm outta excuses. Whether that means I'll be writing more, we'll have to see...


Design goals and Complexity

Programmers solve problems. How they solve each problem is a function of their skill, talent, knowledge & time. The resultant solution will resolve the problem with greater or lesser complexity in the design. Thus, I find thinking about how (and more importantly where) complexity is handled, a useful way to evaluate a design. For this I use the time-honored technique of having three levels:

Level Zero

(Below this level, the problem is not solved)

The programmer has provided a solution. However, the interface is a mine-field; click things in the wrong order, the program crashes. Or it works great, but you need to reread the documentation Every. Single. Time. Or the resultant surrounding workflow is a Rube Goldberg device. However it surfaces, the programmer has placed the complexity on the user.

Level One

The interface is well thought out and reasonably intuitive. Controls work as expected and the solution is robust - even bulletproof. The solution not only fits the larger context, it improves it. The code itself however, is hard to change (or even understand). It is not well-organized; Or is, but full of tricky, interleaved logic. Or over-engineered, over-patterned etc. Here, the programmer has placed the complexity on the maintainer.[1]

Level Two

The burden of managing complexity is on the current programmer. The person writing the code takes the time and employs the talent and skill necessary to find an elegant solution that reduces the code to the minimum complexity needed to solve the problem and does so in such a way that is understandable (and changeable) later: The user gains the benefits of a level 1 design, while maintainers are left with clean code to change.[2]


Level zero code is common; it's the default for new programmers and an uncomfortable amount of commercial software. The thing of it is: Too often this sort of code is derided (including by me) when there is both a de facto and a cost-benefit rationale for managing complexity this way. Short-term projects are one example; software written for one's own use is another.

Level 1 software can be very valuable and enduring. I tend to equate this type of code with the Hacker ethic in all senses of that term. And I don't mean that pejoratively - we all use hacked together solutions every day and much of the world's technology infrastructure is built on it. It is a practical and stable design level.

Having the skill (and the time) to write level 2 code is a rare and wonderful thing. Amidst the hyperbole, aspiring to be such a programmer is at the heart of the "Software as Craft" movement and is a worthwhile goal for anyone who aspires to be a professional programmer.

I don't believe level 2 is inherently better than a level 1 (or level zero!) - it's about context - however, I think that for regularly edited and changed code (i.e. much IT software), this level of skill is what's implicitly expected (if not gotten) by the customer. Ironically, the time needed is often the first thing that goes as a non-technical customer can only assess code quality based on level 1 considerations and so pushes for faster results because everything "looks" OK. Only later - when their investment can't be changed without major overhaul - do they realize there is something wrong. And so the cycle continues...


This model is handy in several situations including: Judging the quality of an actual solution; choosing among different solutions to a given problem; estimating - and even when to stop refactoring. And while I don't believe that all code should be worked until it exhibits level 2 quality, it is what I want others to think of the code I leave behind. And it is what I hope to encounter in theirs. That said, being a successful professional programmer requires (among many other things) the ability to write all three levels of code, and the judgment to know when each is appropriate to use.

[1] This may well be the same person who wrote the code. The essential characteristic of a level 1 design is that complexity is put off to future efforts, not the current one. Thus level 1 designs tend to be high in technical debt.

[2]How the programmer achieves this is a matter of personal preference and technique. I do not subscribe to the notion that any particular set of programming practices provides this - or inhibit it by their absence. It has always been the people, not their practices that is the essential determinant of quality. Anyone who says different, is selling something.


In which I can now worry significantly less about something terrible happening to 126 things...

 I spent yesterday in Dallas, at the Heritage Auction headquarters -- I had decided to auction off some artwork and memorabilia to benefit two charities (The Authors Literary Fund and the Hero Initiative, which help authors/writers and comics creators who have fallen on hard times or who need help), and, just as importantly, I wanted to give something back to the artists whose art I was entrusting to new custodians. 

It seems to me fundamentally wrong and inequitable that art that artists sold for $50 or a hundred dollars thirty or forty years ago now sells for hundreds or thousands of times that amount, but the artists, most of whom are old, some of whom are no longer working or not working as they were, never see another penny. I decided the best way to change that would be to set an example, and show people another way of doing it.

Here's the New York Times article before the auction: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/23/arts/design/neil-gaiman-auction-collectibles.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Xk0.5PkB.9iQtuvn6Bwof&smid=url-share

And here's me in Dallas two nights ago, walking around the exhibition before the auction with Robert Wilonsky from Heritage, with guest appearances by my oldest friend Geoff Notkin, whose fault this all is

and for the very curious, the whole live auction is also up on YouTube. I tell a lot of stories about the things that are up for auction.

The auction made a lot of money, and it's going to do a lot of good, and that makes me very happy. Thank you to all the lovely helpful people at Heritage Auctions, to all of the bidders, lucky or otherwise, and to all of the artists, craftspeople and geniuses without whom it could never have happened.


Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo

En la ciudad de Cuenca, el ambiente está cargado de emoción ante la inminente llegada del Carnaval, uno de los eventos más esperados por la comunidad. El Concejal de Festejos, Alberto Castellano, ha destacado la colaboración entre su departamento y la Asociación Amigos del Carnaval para fortalecer esta celebración anual. «Llevamos ya tiempo trabajando en […]

Artículo publicado en : Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo


Guest Post By Lynn AKA "Sign And Save Lives"

Guest post by Lynn

My name is Lynn, I’m 60 years old and I’d like to share my son’s illness with you all to try and help you understand the predicament thousands of others like my son are faced with next year, regarding DWP Benefit Reform for the sick and disabled.

My youngest son aged 40 has suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia and emotional instability Personality Disorder since the age of 18. I have lived the illness with my son, the highs, the lows, and numerous hospital admissions over the years. My son had another very bad psychotic breakdown in August 2010, which resulted in a section 3 of the Mental Health Act and he has been in hospital care for 2 years this time.

Although my son is nearly 40 years old, mentally he is only 15, he is immature and extremely vulnerable and easily exploited. Therefore needs much support and care when living in the community.

My son, like thousands like him, who suffer from a Severe and Enduring mental health problem, has no voice when it comes to the DWP or ATOS, he like others wouldn’t be able cope with being interviewed next year 2013 when the Disability Living Allowance changes to Personal Independence Payment and he has to be assessed by DWP.  He, again like many others, who suffer severe mental illness, doesn’t believe he is ill, and just wants to be left alone.

The severely mentally ill will be hugely disadvantaged by the GOV/DWP/ATOS putting them through this ridiculous assessment in 2013, particularly people who don’t believe they are mentally ill, who to anyone who doesn’t know them, or, their background, can come across as fine, strong, healthy people, and may not appear ill at all, or, that they need help and support in their day to day lives, keeping them and others safe in the community, they won’t see the risks for the mentally ill, and many won’t have family or support to go with them to the assessments!

My son would tell an assessor he wasn’t ill, and say he just wanted to be left alone to get on with his life, which would see him losing his DLA/PIP for sure. Yet in reality, my son cannot get on a bus or use any public transport due to his paranoia that people are staring at him. He would get upset and get angry, probably end up getting in to trouble, because his self-esteem is low as is his confidence, and he thinks the world and his mate are against him.

To avoid this kind of stress and a way of coping, he needs taxis to anywhere he has to go, shopping, to any appointments he has. It is the only way he can cope with going out, and without his DLA/PIP he would be housebound and have no quality of life at what so ever.

If mental health sufferers lose their DLA/PIP benefit, (same as all disabled), it will place a huge extra burden on family, carers and friends emotionally and financially to provide the care and support and finance they need, which most of us couldn’t afford! All to often family/friends who are carers, as in our own case, are ill, worn down.

I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Moderate to Severe ME/CFS and told by my consultant it was due to being a carer for 22 years. My husband is 76 years old, in bad health, tired, it catches up with us and having to provide even more care to our loved ones should they lose their benefit, will put carers at more risk mentally and physically.

Because I understand the plight of the severely mentally ill, and have insight to the wider implications of what the GOV/DWP actions will cause for the sufferer and family, and carers, I have started this e-petition asking the Government to Exclude all severely mental ill from the 2013 DLA/PIP assessments, because what the GOV/DWP are doing is the biggest travesty and betrayal to our sick and disabled who in most cases have already proved their illness/disability with medical evidence and assessments they have already had to go through to get their DLA in the first place, and many like my son, were awarded DLA for an Indefinite period because they have provided proof their illness/disability is a life long one!

There are a number of e-petitions about Benefit Reform, I have signed them all which everyone should do to try and help protect all disabled, however, this petition is specifically to try and get the severely mentally ill EXCLUDED from the assessments because they do not have a strong enough voice and they will be hugely disadvantaged as I said before.

As a mum of a severely mentally ill son, and on behalf of all other sufferers like him, I know these assessments will cause SUICIDES in our most vulnerable, and cause huge hardship all round, please may I respectfully appeal to your good hearts and souls to support this e-petition and sign it, to share it with family & friends, on twitter/face book accounts, groups you may belong to, as I need 100,000 signatures to stand any chance of getting the House Of Commons to debate this, and at the moment I only have 2,456 signatures,  we only have until March to get the 100K!

Thank you all for taking the time to read this my plea, and I very much hope you will feel able to sign this petition.

Kind Regards


You can follow Lynn on Twitter  > @SignSaveLives


The Effects Of The Cuts - Why I Campaign

The Welfare Reform Bill was a disaster waiting to happen, we campaigned against it before it went through but it was forced. The country did not listen and now 73 people a week are dying after being declared fit for work by the deeply flawed Work Capability Assessment. Which is being administered by Atos, a French multinational IT company on behalf of the DWP. This is not a figure we just plucked out of the air like some the government are presenting as reality in relation to welfare, it was obtained from a freedom of information request to the DWP themselves. So it is their own statistic.

 They want people to believe that these measures are "tough love" and they are "helping people back to work" but in reality they are just cutting off peoples benefits and leaving them destitute. There is no support for people who are disabled to find work, in fact remploy factories that employ disabled people, and have since the end of WW2 are being closed. Making disabled people who did have jobs unemployed at a time when the fully able are struggling to find work. What chance do we have?

 The changing of DLA to PIP will mean many disabled people lose this benefit altogether, this benefit helps disabled people cope with the additional costs being disabled creates, Disabled people with jobs clim it to help them work. So disabled people who work will no longer be able to, as they will no longer be able to afford the adapted cars they rely on to get to work for example.

In short none of these cuts are designed to enable the disabled to get back to work, it's just a callous cost cutting measure effecting the most vulnerable in society, and thousands are suffering and even dying needlessly. 

When the proposed benefit changes take effect at the end of April it will effect not just the Disabled but working families who are already struggling to make ends meet. A new survey by shelter shows 1.4 million people in Britain are struggling to pay their rent or mortgage at the moment. People who have never suffered financially like this before are finding themselves facing unemployment and homelessness.  And the government are about to cut housing benefit and council tax benefit, pushing more people even further into rent arrears and poverty.

The government wants you to believe that these cuts are necessary and unavoidable but there are alternatives they could pursue. Tax avoidance costs the state an estimated £95 Billion a year, since the banking crisis the average pay of FTSE 100 directors has risen by 55%, corporation tax has been cut, and rather than clamping down on tax avoidance they have actually cut Staff at HMRC, and there has been no reform of banks.

They are selling off the NHS to private healthcare companies under our noses, when many of the very MP's who voted through the NHS bill have financial interests in private healthcare companies. Click here for a link to a list of Conservative MP's who have financial interests in private healthcare companies, no wonder they voted yes to the NHS Bill.

Social media means it's harder for the government than ever before to dupe the public into believing their lies, we know that what they are doing is wrong and we won't stand for it. It's time for us all to stand up and show them that we will not pay for a crisis crated by bankers who have gambled away billions, while awarding themselves massive bonuses on top of already huge yearly salaries. And millionaires are allowed to legally evade tax.

We will not allow them to make the poor pay for a crisis the rich created, we must campaign and peacefully protest to show them we not passively sit by and allow it to happen. They will drag Britain back to a system of Victorian values where the poor cannot access proper healthcare and are forced into workhouses. The welfare state and NHS are great things that show our compassion to those less fortunate and vulnerable in society, people fought protect and create these things,  over the years many people have campaigned and worked hard to keep them. Don't let this government dismantle them in flurry of propaganda about scroungers and dependency, we are not just statistics, we are human beings.



TnT - Campaign '08

I've seen a lot of presidential campaign ads lately, both democrat & republican, and I've found there's something sorely missing in all of them... Tits!
Ok, I know Governor Palin has a pair, but she hasn't flashed them yet, and that's what I'm talking about. I mean tits for tits sake.
What this country needs is a new party. The "Boobage Party". You have to admit that it would certainly liven things up.
With this in mind, I've decided to throw my hat, or to be more accurate, my tits into the ring. As your president I will strive to stay a "breast" of world issues. I'll keep all details of my presidency transparent, no matter how "titillating". I'll keep all the "boobs" in my administration out front & in plain site.

Above all, I'll take on the big hard problems time after time... with a smile... hee hee.
With your support, we can achieve large mounds of change in our country.

Vote Boobage... For A Better Tomorrow!

Click Here For Campaign News!


Svartzonker Signature series 8´6" 40-140g - Spin

Svartzonker is niet enkel een beroemde kunstaasbouwer, hij is ook een uitstekend hengelbouwer. We voelen ons vereerd om u een speciale roofvis serie aan te bieden waarvoor enkel uiterst lichte componenten gebruikt werden.


vaste stok presto ignition a60 13 m gis larc

hengel preston ignition a 60 13 m. de eigenschappen van deze hengel is suncore fusion en magic steps. ook nog larc en gis systeem. 2 topsets van 5 delen. ook nog kokers bij geleverd. 3 keer mee gevist zo goed als nieuw dus.weg wegens niet meer vissen op het kanaal.advies prijs is 1799 euro.je mag bieden vanaf 750 euro vindt ik een goede prijs.


Chicago Bears sign restricted free agent tight end Josh Hill to an offer sheet

The Bears have signed restricted free agent tight end Josh Hill. The New Orleans Saints have five days to match the offer.


Dallas Cowboys Sign RB Alfred Morris

Fantasy Football Expert Mark Morales-Smith discusses the Fantasy impact of Alfred Morris moving from the Washington Redskins to the Dallas Cowboys!


Fantasy Impact: Cleveland Browns sign Robert Griffin III

Mark Morales-Smith discusses the Fantasy Football impact of the Cleveland Browns' most recent signing of QB Robert Griffin III.


Brown Resigns - I told you so

What did I tell you?

Michael Brown resigns just three days after being removed from head of FEMA. Bush's scapegoat makes a speedy retreat as he attempts to improve his public image.


International Online Dating Service For Men Interested In Dating Foreign Women

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FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign

In recent years, the number of websites offering  "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to block communications and create a "quiet zone" in vehicles, schools, theaters, restaurants, and other places has increased substantially. FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign


Lee Woodward on sign-offs

Some of the noms de guerre Lee employed at KOTV sign-off time were dillies. He lists a few in GroupBlog 321.


New KAKC book; book-signing 4/16

A new book by Steve Clem, "Tulsa's KAKC Radio, The Big 97" is now available. Attend a book signing at Tulsa Historical Society on Tuesday, April 16, 6:30 pm. Steve and several of the former KAKC DJs will also be on hand to sign books, including Scooter Segraves, Dick Schmitz and Mike McCarthy.


For Rent Sign Baseball Jersey

Announce that either you, your baseball jersey or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign BBQ Apron

Announce that either you or your BBQ apron is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Button

Announce that either you or your Button is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Calendar Print

Announce that either you, your calendar print or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Dog T-Shirt

Announce that either your dog or your Dog's T-Shirt is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Fitted T-Shirt

Announce that either you, your fitted t-shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Golf Shirt

Announce that either you, your golf shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Hooded Sweatshirt

Announce that either you, your hooded sweatshirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Journal

Announce that either you or your journal is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt

Announce that either you, your jr. baby doll t-shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Jr. Hoodie

Announce that either you, your jr. hoodie or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Jr. Raglan

Announce that either you, your jr. raglan or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Jr. Spaghetti Tank

Announce that either you, your jr. spaghetti tank or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Large Coffee Mug

Announce that either you, your large coffee mug or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Announce that either you, your long sleeve t-shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Magnet

Announce that either you or your Magnet is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Men's Sleeveless Tee

Announce that either you, your men's muscle t-shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Messenger Bag

Announce that either you or your Messenger Bag is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Mousepad

Announce that either you, your mousepad or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Organic Cotton Tee

Announce that either you, your organic cotton tee or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Ringer T

Announce that either you, your ringer t-shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Sweatshirt

Announce that either you, your sweatshirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Teddy Bear

Announce that either your Teddy Bear or your Teddy Bear's shirt is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Throw Pillow

Announce that either you, your throw pillow or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Tile Box

Announce that either you, your tile box or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Tile Coaster

Announce that either you, your tile coaster or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Tote Bag

Announce that either you or your Tote Bag is now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Value T-shirt

Announce that either you, your value t-shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign Wall Clock

Announce that either you, your wall clock or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Rent Sign White T-Shirt

Announce that either you, your white t-shirt or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.