
The Coming Change

Fr. Apostolos connects the gospel on the Rich Young Ruler with the change in church attendance, exhorting us not to get waylaid with the cares of this world.


Is Real Change Possible?

Fr. Apostolos Hill talks about deconstruction of determinism on both a personal and corporate level. The change Jesus invites us to experience is one He Himself provides. To suggest that real change is impossible, as determinists insist, is to abandon the path of salvation.


How Your Faith Survives the Winds of Change

Recent news has reported that, in the US, church attendance is down, in direct relation to the social changes sweeping the country. Fr Thomas teaches us that when the winds of change blow, the most important thing we can do is assess our own commitment to faith in Christ by checking for spiritual blindness.


Changing Our Perspective About Our Possessions

As Christians, the Holy Spirit gives us a new perspective on life and that includes what we do with our time, talent, and treasure. In short, everything belongs to God. He gives it all to us as a gift and we're called to offer a portion back to Him in thanksgiving.


Spot Changes for a Leopard

Let us take hope that, acquainted as we are with our sin and weakness, God can make a wonderful work of glory from the raw material of our brokenness.


Forgiveness Changes Everything

Fr. Dn. Emmanuel Kahn gives the sermon on Forgiveness.


All Around Change

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn preaches on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.


The Great Exchange

Fr. Gregory Hallam preaches on Pascha Sunday 2019.


Do Not Hang on to Stuff


Changed Hearts, Transformed Lives, Godly Families


Hang in There


Emotionally Moved, But Not Changed


God Changes Your Name


God Changes Your Name


Love Changes Everything

Dr. Albert Rossi considers the ways that love impacts our lives, even in death.


St Jacob of Serug: The Theotokos and the Archangel

This week, we consider the testimony of St Jacob on the dialogue between the Mother of God and the Archangel Gabriel, as he draws a parallel and contrast to the dialogue between Eve and the serpent in Eden.


Egeria Home and Hospitality Exchange

Bobby Maddex interviews Mat. Jenny Hainsworth, the co-founder and proprietor of the Egeria Home and Hospitality Exchange. Learn how to travel the world by swapping homes with other Orthodox Christians.


Remembrances of St. John of Shanghai

A talk by Bishop Peter (Loukianoff) of Cleveland (ROCOR), given at the St. Herman's Conference in Houston, Texas, December 26, 2011. Our thanks to Fr. John Whiteford for making this talk available to AFR.


Changing of the Guard

Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. James Taylor and Adam Lockridge of St. Raphael Orthodox Online Homeschool. Dr. Taylor is stepping down as director of the school after founding it and running it the past two years. Adam Lockridge will be taking his place and explains his vision for the school.


The Greeks who Changed the World

What happened when newly evangelized Greek merchants shared their newfound faith in their new homeland? It's grassroots evangelism at its best, and it helped spread Christianity far and wide. Fr. Patrick Reardon tells their story.



Microsoft is changing its famous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) to black in Windows 11. The software giant started testing its new design changes in a Windows 11 preview earlier this week, but the Black Screen of Death isn’t fully enabled yet. The Verge understands Microsoft will be switching to a Black Screen of Death for Windows 11, matching the new black logon and shutdown screens.


Hanging on to Others

Fr. Pat looks at the story from Mark 2 of the paralytic being lowered through the roof.


Cal Newport changed my life

This week’s email is about Dr. Cal Newport: Full-time professor at Georgetown University Author of multiple best-selling books Has ZERO social media He also has a new book called ‘Slow Productivity’ about how to accomplish more (without burning out). It’s helping me think about sustainability and success. I’ve known Cal for several years – and […]

The post Cal Newport changed my life appeared first on Noah Kagan.


Believe you can change


An Aldi Price Tag Change Is Coming—Here's What You Need To Know


Will cloud hang over Sinner's US Open victory?

In the build-up to the US Open, eventual men's champion Jannik Sinner was cleared of fault or negligence over two failed doping tests. Yet questions remain over the case.


Sportswashing or a catalyst for change - how are Saudi WTA Finals unfolding?

BBC Sport looks at how the WTA Finals, which are being held in Saudi Arabia for the first time, are unfolding - and what the reaction has been.


Answers on Startups (a Stack Exchange site)

What is it? Answers.OnStartups.com BrightJourney.com: A question and answer site focused on Startups and Entrepreneurship. Who makes it? Stack Exchange (with a dash of clout from Dharmesh Shah) Why is it the killerest? Stack Exchange (the company behind this) have...


The Dutch YouTuber who plans to change NI football

BBC Sport NI speaks to YouTuber Nico Leonard van der Horst about his involvement with Larne Football Club and his vision for Northern Irish sport.


Farrell to assess 'energy levels' before making changes

Ireland head coach Andy Farrell says he will assess the "energy levels" of his squad before deciding whether to make wholesale changes against Argentina.


Argentina make three changes for Ireland game

Argentina make three changes from their 50-18 win over Italy last weekend for Friday's meeting with Ireland in Dublin.


Huw Edwards to keep Bafta Awards despite rule change

Bafta changes its rules for people who are convicted of a crime, but they won't apply to past winners.


Climate change legislation passed by MSPs

The Bill was passed in Holyrood with 105 votes to zero with seven Scottish Green MSPs abstaining.


Alex Salmond: The Man Who Changed Scotland

Those who knew him remember the man whose dream it was to lead Scotland to independence.


The Stirling doctor who changed the lives of diabetics

Dr Reith came up with the idea for insulin pens, which soon replaced syringes as the way to take the drug.


'Third of NI farms' hit by inheritance tax change

Andrew Muir says Labour's first budget in 14 years is "bad" for farmers.


Stamp duty change expected to spark homebuying rush

Nationwide predicts a fifth of first time buyers will pay the tax going forward, affecting activity.


Watered down changes approved for Exeter bus lane

Councillors water down and approve plans to expand operating times of a bus lane in the Devon city.


The author whose life changed at 40

Steve Price from Bracknell's life changed when an operation cured him of his chronic pain.


Ex-miner calls for 'unjust' pension payment change

The government will boost pensions of ex-miners on the MPS scheme, leaving out those on the BCSSS.


Club legend hangs up boots after 618 appearances

Wimborne Town centre-back Scott Arnold amassed the last of his 618 appearances against Weymouth.


News roundup: iOS Orientationchange Fix, JavaScript Patterns, jQ.Mobi

Listen to this week's podcast (January 20, 2012)! iOS Orientationchange Fix jQuery Mobile's Scott Jehl has released iOS-Orientationchange-Fix (read his blog post). This has been a persistent annoyance on iOS since its release. You may be familiar with the mobile viewport tag, which allows you to properly fit sites to ...


Did the change of start time affect your ability to watch the Brazilian GP? | Debates and Polls

F1 did something it has never done before last weekend and moved a race start time earlier. But did that affect your ability to watch?

  • Debates and Polls


Traducteurs indépendants : quels changements pour 2017 ?



Tout comme l’ouverture des soldes et la galette des rois, c’est désormais un rituel du mois de janvier : le début de l'année marque l'entrée en vigueur de nouvelles règles et la revalorisation des seuils applicables aux entreprises françaises. Afin de vous éviter de perdre trop de temps à glaner les informations concernant notre activité, j’ai réuni dans ce billet celles qui intéressent les traducteurs et interprètes exerçant leur activité en tant qu'indépendants.


nouveaux seuils pour les MICROentreprises

Courant 2016, Emmanuel Macron, alors ministre de l’Économie, souhaitait tripler le montant maximal du chiffre d’affaires de la microentreprise (ex-autoentreprise). Son successeur, Michel Sapin, prévoyait quant à lui de les doubler. Finalement, la loi de finances pour l’année 2017 se contente d’une simple revalorisation des seuils, dont voici les nouveaux montants, ainsi que les taux de prélèvement à prendre en compte :


Plafonds 2016 2017

Montant maximal du chiffre d'affaires perçu

pour bénéficier du régime de la microentreprise)

32 900 € 33 100 €
Plafond majoré en cas de dépassement du chiffre d'affaires 34 900 € 35 100 €

Revenu fiscal de référence pour bénéficier du prélèvement

libératoire forfaitaire de l'impôt sur le revenu (par part du foyer fiscal)*

26 631 € 26 764 €

Chiffre d'affaires annuel minimum pour valider

quatre trimestres de retraite

9 743 € 8 873 €

Taux forfaitaires du régime micro-social :

- versement libératoire des charges sociales

- versement libératoire de l'IR

- contribution à la formation professionnelle (CFP)


22,9 %

2,2 %

0,2 %


22,9 %

2,2 %

0,2 %

(*) Revenu fiscal de référence de l'année N-2 (cf. https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F23267).

Nouveau plafond de la sécurité sociale

Le plafond de la sécurité sociale sert au calcul de certaines cotisations sociales des entrepreneurs individuels, notamment :

  • le seuil de chiffre d’affaires pour l’exonération du paiement de la CSG-CRDS, des allocations familiales et de la contribution pour la formation professionnelle (CFP),
  • le plafond de revenu pour la cotisation minimale de l’assurance maladie-maternité et de l’assurance vieillesse,
  • le calcul du taux de cotisation applicable pour l’assurance vieillesse de base et la CFP, et
  • la base forfaitaire de calcul de la cotisation d’assurance maladie-maternité en début d’activité.

Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, il s'élève à 3 269 € par mois, soit une hausse de 1,6 % de son niveau en 2016.

Plafond de la sécurité sociale 2017
Annuel 39 228 €
Trimestriel 9 807 €
Mensuel 3 269 €

Pour les montants exacts des seuils et des plafonds applicables au calcul de cotisations sociales des professions libérales en 2017, visitez le

site du service public.


augmentation de la prise en charge du FIF PL

Bonne nouvelle ! Cette année, le FIF PL (Fonds interprofessionnel de formation des professionnels libéraux) relève son plafond de prise en charge des frais de formation professionnelle pour les traducteurs et interprètes (code NAF : 7430 Z). Il s’établit désormais à 1 200 € par an (prise en charge au coût réel, plafonnée à 300 € par jour et limitée à 1 200 € par an et par personne).


Voici le détail des prises en charge :

Prise en charge formation professionnelle 2017
Document Adobe Acrobat 487.9 KB

transfert des traducteurs affiliés à la cipav au Rsi ?

La loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2017 a été promulguée le 23 décembre dernier. Son article 33 (devenu 50) qui proposait de transférer au RSI une partie des professions libérales non réglementées affiliées à la CIPAV (dont les traducteurs) a fait l’objet d’une saisine du Conseil constitutionnel orchestrée par cette dernière, ouvertement opposée à une mesure qu’elle considère comme « dangereuse pour son avenir et celui de l’ensemble des caisses de retraite des professions libérales ». Le Conseil constitutionnel a jugé que la liste des professions affiliées à la CIPAV devait obligatoirement être définie au niveau de la loi et non par simple décret, comme le prévoyait le Gouvernement.


En jugeant contraires à la Constitution les dispositions de l’article 50 du PLFSS 2017, le périmètre d’action de la CIPAV reste donc inchangé. Cependant, certains des aménagements destinés à faciliter ce transfert ont été conservés dans le texte de loi. Au vu de la mauvaise réputation du RSI et des promesses de réforme des différents candidats à l’élection présidentielle, la situation pourrait donc évoluer. À suivre !


À propos de l'auteur

Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années comme conseillère pour les PME, Gaëlle Gagné est devenue traductrice indépendante en 2005. À la tête de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs dans un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires.


Le changement climatique, facteur aggravant du trafic d'êtres humains

(Belga) La multiplication des désastres météorologiques, qui pousse sur les routes des millions de personnes, est aujourd'hui l'une des "causes principales" du trafic d'êtres humains, selon un rapport onusien publié mardi, évoquant également les risques posés par la guerre en Ukraine.

"Le changement climatique accroît la vulnérabilité au trafic", souligne cette étude de l'Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), basée sur la collecte des données de 141 pays sur la période 2017-2020 et l'analyse de 800 affaires judiciaires. Au fil du temps, "des régions entières vont devenir inhabitables", ce qui "affecte de manière disproportionnée" les communautés pauvres vivant essentiellement de l'agriculture ou de la pêche. Elles se retrouvent "privées de leurs moyens de subsistance et contraintes de fuir leur communauté", devenant une proie facile pour les trafiquants, a expliqué à la presse en amont de la publication Fabrizio Sarrica, auteur principal du texte. Rien qu'en 2021, les catastrophes climatiques ont provoqué le déplacement interne de plus de 23,7 millions de personnes, tandis que de nombreux autres ont dû partir à l'étranger. Le rapport cite des typhons dévastateurs aux Philippines, ou encore le Bangladesh, particulièrement exposé aux cyclones et tempêtes. Dans les deux pays, une hausse des cas de trafic a été constatée, avec par exemple l'organisation de "larges campagnes de recrutement" pour piéger dans le travail forcé les plus démunis. Le Ghana, victime de sécheresses et d'inondations, et la région des Caraïbes, soumise aux ouragans et à la montée du niveau de la mer, sont aussi en première ligne. Autre terrain propice au trafic, les conflits armés. Si l'Afrique est de loin le continent le plus touché, l'instance onusienne pointe une situation potentiellement "dangereuse" en Ukraine, tout en saluant les mesures prises par les pays de l'Union européenne pour accueillir et protéger les millions de réfugiés. (Belga)


En pleine crise du covid-19, l'Assemblï¿œe change les rï¿œgles des CDD et prï¿œcarise un peu plus les salariï¿œs

L'information est ᅵ lire sur le site de Mediapart : le 15 mai, alors que l'Assemblᅵe est en train de voter la poursuite de l'ᅵtat d'urgence sanitaire, les dᅵputᅵs de la Rᅵpublique en...


Making Information Systems less Scrugged: Reflecting on the Processes of Change in Teaching and Learning


“Hour of Code”: Can It Change Students’ Attitudes toward Programming?

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science organized by Code.org, a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science. This study investigated the impact of the Hour of Code on students’ attitudes towards computer programming and their knowledge of programming. A sample of undergraduate students from two universities was selected to participate. Participants completed an Hour of Code tutorial as part of an undergraduate course. An electronic questionnaire was implemented in a pre-survey and post-survey format to gauge the change in student attitudes toward programming and their programming ability. The findings indicated the positive impact of the Hour of Code tutorial on students’ attitude toward programming. However, the students’ programming skills did not significantly change. The authors suggest that a deeper alignment of marketing, teaching, and content would help sustain the type of initiative exemplified by the Hour of Code.


Changing the Learning Environment: Teachers and Students’ Collaboration in Creating Digital Games

Aim/Purpose: The current study examines the impact of an intervention program to train teachers to collaborate with their students while creating digital games. Background: Teachers seem unable to leverage the potential of ICT to present students with a rich learning environment. ICT integration is usually at a relatively simple and concrete level without changing the traditional teacher-student paradigm. Methodology: The study is both quantitative and qualitative. Participants were 63 active teachers studying in the M.Ed. program at a teacher education college. The teachers responded to a series of pre- and post-questionnaires and wrote a concluding reflection. Contribution: Teaching based on creating digital games, combined with teacher-class collaboration, is a viable and real alternative of constructivist teaching, adapted to different learners. Findings: The SEM path analysis showed that it was only after the intervention that the lower the teachers’ resistance to changing teaching patterns, the higher their intrinsic motivation to learn an innovative pedagogical-technological program and likewise the sense of mastery of 21st-century skills, resulting in a positive attitude towards classroom collaboration. The qualitative findings reveal eight categories dealing with two main themes: the first is professional development, including conceptual, behavioral and emotional change, and the second is the teachers’ perception of the learners. Recommendations for Practitioners: Teacher training should be ongoing in order to change teaching-learning processes and promote an active approach based on constructive principles, 21st-century skills and collaboration between teachers and students in a computer environment. Recommendation for Researchers: Future studies should start by sampling teachers and education professionals who have convenient access to technology in their teaching-learning environment. Impact on Society: Collaboration between teachers and students in creating learning games in a computer environment and teacher-class collaboration, in general, require very different training than that which exists today. Hence there should be some rethinking of teacher training. The proposed pedagogical model is one such idea in the right direction. Future Research: A larger study with a greater number of participants, including a control group, should be conducted.


International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management