
Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law

Research Event

21 January 2020 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Andrew Cayley, Director, Service Prosecuting Authority, UK Ministry of Defence
Larry Lewis, Vice President and Director, Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence, CNA
Jelena Pejic, Senior Legal Adviser, International Committee of the Red Cross
Chair: Elizabeth Wilmshurst, Distinguished Fellow, International Law Programme, Chatham House
Countries should have adequate systems in place for investigating violations of international humanitarian law, for launching criminal prosecutions for war crimes and for inquiring into responsibility for unlawful actions of national armed forces. There also needs to be proper counting and recording of the civilian casualties of military operations.
This event, which will be introduced by the director of the UK Service Prosecuting Authority, Andrew Cayley, will discuss the new report by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law, Guidelines on Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law: Law, Policy and Good Practice, as well as the problems and challenges associated with recording civilian casualties of armed conflict.
This meeting is the third in a series of three commemorating the 70th anniversary of the 1949 Geneva Conventions supported by the British Red Cross. It will be followed by a drinks reception.

Jacqueline Rowe

Programme Assistant, International Law Programme
020 7389 3287


The Application of International Law to State Cyberattacks: Sovereignty and Non-Intervention

2 December 2019

Hostile cyber operations by one state against another state are increasingly common. This paper analyzes the application of the sovereignty and non-intervention principles in relation to states’ cyber operations in another state below the threshold of the use of force. 

Harriet Moynihan

Senior Research Fellow, International Law Programme


A computer hacked by a virus known as Petya. The Petya ransomware cyberattack hit computers of Russian and Ukrainian companies on 27 June 2017. Photo: Getty Images.


  • The vast majority of state-to-state cyberattacks consist of persistent, low-level intrusions that take place below the threshold of use of force. International law, including the principle of non-intervention in another state’s internal affairs and the principle of sovereignty, applies to these cyber operations.
  • It is not clear whether any unauthorized cyber intrusion would violate the target state’s sovereignty, or whether there is a threshold in operation. While some would like to set limits by reference to effects of the cyber activity, at this time such limits are not reflected in customary international law. The assessment of whether sovereignty has been violated therefore has to be made on a case by case basis, if no other more specific rules of international law apply.
  • In due course, further state practice and opinio iuris may give rise to an emerging cyber-specific understanding of sovereignty, just as specific rules deriving from the sovereignty principle have crystallized in other areas of international law.
  • Before a principle of due diligence can be invoked in the cyber context, further work is needed by states to agree upon rules as to what might be expected of a state in this context.
  • The principle of non-intervention applies to a state’s cyber operations as it does to other state activities. It consists of coercive behaviour by one state that deprives the target state of its free will in relation to the exercise of its sovereign functions in order to compel an outcome in, or conduct with respect to, a matter reserved to the target state.
  • In practice, activities that contravene the non-intervention principle and activities that violates sovereignty will often overlap.
  • In order to reach agreement on how international law applies to states’ cyber operations below the level of use of force, states should put their views on record, where possible giving examples of when they consider that an obligation may be breached, as states such as the UK, Australia, France and the Netherlands have done.
  • Further discussion between states should focus on how the rules apply to practical examples of state-sponsored cyber operations. There is likely to be more commonality about specific applications of the law than there is about abstract principles.
  • The prospects of a general treaty in this area are still far off. In due course, there may be benefit in considering limited rules, for example on due diligence and a prohibition on attacking critical infrastructure, before tackling broad principles.


How Regulation Could Break the Internet: In Conversation with Andrew Sullivan

Research Event

19 June 2019 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Andrew Sullivan, President and CEO Internet Society
Chair: Emily Taylor, Associate Fellow, International Security Department, Chatham House; Editor, Journal of Cyber Policy

Internet regulation is increasing around the world creating positive obligations on internet providers and exerting negative unintended consequences on the internet infrastructure. In some ways, most of this regulatory activity is justifiable. Governments are concerned about the increased risk that the use of the internet brings to societies. As a response, many governments have been enacting regulations as their main approach to dealing with these concerns. The main challenge is that most of the current regulations are either ill-defined or unworkable.  

On the one hand, several governments have established procedures that seek to analyze the impacts of new regulatory proposals before they were adopted. However, there hasn’t been enough attention aimed at analyzing regulations after they have been adopted and only a few have measures in place to evaluate the impacts of the procedures and practices that govern the regulatory process itself.

On the other hand, much of the regulation creates unintended consequences to the internet itself. It undermines many of its fundamental properties and challenges the integrity and resiliency of its infrastructure.  

This event discusses current practices in internet-related regulation and the related challenges. Panellists will discuss how governments can enforce regulations that achieve their intended purpose while at the same time protecting the internet’s core infrastructure and its properties, including its openness, interoperability and global reach.

Calum Inverarity

Research Analyst and Coordinator, International Security Department
+44 (0) 207 957 5751


Tackle the ‘Splinternet’

12 June 2019

Marjorie Buchser

Executive Director, Digital Society Initiative

Joyce Hakmeh

Senior Research Fellow, International Security Programme; Co-Editor, Journal of Cyber Policy
Competing governance visions are impairing efforts to regulate the digital space. To limit the spread of repressive models, policymakers in the West and elsewhere need to ensure the benefits of an open and well-run system are more widely communicated.

The development of governance in a wide range of digital spheres – from cyberspace to internet infrastructure to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) – is failing to match rapid advances in technical capabilities or the rise in security threats. This is leaving serious regulatory gaps, which means that instruments and mechanisms essential for protecting privacy and data, tackling cybercrime or establishing common ethical standards for AI, among many other imperatives, remain largely inadequate.

A starting point for effective policy formation is to recognize the essential complexity of the digital landscape, and the consequent importance of creating a ‘common language’ for multiple stakeholders (including under-represented actors such as smaller and/or developing countries, civil society and non-for-profit organizations).

The world’s evolving technological infrastructure is not a monolithic creation. In practice, it encompasses a highly diverse mix of elements – so-called ‘high-tech domains’,[1] hardware, systems, algorithms, protocols and standards – designed by a plethora of private companies, public bodies and non-profit organizations.[2] Varying cultural, economic and political assumptions have shaped where and which technologies have been deployed so far, and how they have been implemented.

Perhaps the most notable trend is the proliferation of techno-national regimes and private-sector policy initiatives, reflecting often-incompatible doctrines in respect of privacy, openness, inclusion and state control. Beyond governments, the interests and ambitions of prominent multinationals (notably the so-called ‘GAFAM’ tech giants in the West, and their ‘BATX’ counterparts in China)[3] are significant factors feeding into this debate.

Cyberspace and AI – two case studies

Two particular case studies highlight the essential challenges that this evolving – and, in some respects, still largely unformed – policy landscape presents. The first relates to cyberspace. Since 1998, Russia has established itself as a strong voice in the cyberspace governance debate – calling for a better understanding, at the UN level, of ICT developments and their impact on international security.

The country’s efforts were a precursor to the establishment in 2004 of a series of UN Groups of Governmental Experts (GGEs), aimed at strengthening the security of global information and telecommunications systems. These groups initially succeeded in developing common rules, norms and principles around some key issues. For example, the 2013 GGE meeting recognized that international law applies to the digital space and that its enforcement is essential for a secure, peaceful and accessible ICT environment.

However, the GGE process stalled in 2017, primarily due to fundamental disagreements between countries on the right to self-defence and on the applicability of international humanitarian law to cyber conflicts. The breakdown in talks reflected, in particular, the divide between two principal techno-ideological blocs: one, led by the US, the EU and like-minded states, advocating a global and open approach to the digital space; the other, led mainly by Russia and China, emphasizing a sovereignty-and-control model.

The divide was arguably entrenched in December 2018, with the passage of two resolutions at the UN General Assembly. A resolution sponsored by Russia created a working group to identify new norms and look into establishing regular institutional dialogue.

At the same time, a US-sponsored resolution established a GGE tasked, in part, with identifying ways to promote compliance with existing cyber norms. Each resolution was in line with its respective promoter’s stance on cyberspace. While some observers considered these resolutions potentially complementary, others saw in them competing campaigns to cement a preferred model as the global norm. Outside the UN, there have also been dozens of multilateral and bilateral accords with similar objectives, led by diverse stakeholders.[4]

The second case study concerns AI. Emerging policy in this sector suffers from an absence of global standards and a proliferation of proposed regulatory models. The potential ability of AI to deliver unprecedented capabilities in so many areas of human activity – from automation and language applications to warfare – means that it has become an area of intense rivalry between governments seeking technical and ideological leadership of this field.

China has by far the most ambitious programme. In 2017, its government released a three-step strategy for achieving global dominance in AI by 2030. Beijing aims to create an AI industry worth about RMB 1 trillion ($150 billion)[5] and is pushing for greater use of AI in areas ranging from military applications to the development of smart cities. Elsewhere, the US administration has issued an executive order on ‘maintaining American leadership on AI’.

On the other side of the Atlantic, at least 15 European countries (including France, Germany and the UK) have set up national AI plans. Although these strategies are essential for the development of policy infrastructure, they are country-specific and offer little in terms of global coordination. Ominously, greater inclusion and cooperation are scarcely mentioned, and remain the least prioritized policy areas.[6]

Competing multilateral frameworks on AI have also emerged. In April 2019, the European Commission published its ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI. Ministers from Nordic countries[7] recently issued their own declaration on collaboration in ‘AI in the Nordic-Baltic region’. And leaders of the G7 have committed to the ‘Charlevoix Common Vision for the Future of Artificial Intelligence’, which includes 12 guiding principles to ensure ‘human-centric AI’.

More recently, OECD member countries adopted a set of joint recommendations on AI. While nations outside the OECD were welcomed into the coalition – with Argentina, Brazil and Colombia adhering to the OECD’s newly established principles – China, India and Russia have yet to join the discussion. Despite their global aspirations, these emerging groups remain largely G7-led or EU-centric, and again highlight the divide between parallel models. 

The importance of ‘swing states’

No clear winner has emerged from among the competing visions for cyberspace and AI governance, nor indeed from the similar contests for doctrinal control in other digital domains. Concerns are rising that a so-called ‘splinternet’ may be inevitable – in which the internet fragments into separate open and closed spheres and cyber governance is similarly divided.

Each ideological camp is trying to build a critical mass of support by recruiting undecided states to its cause. Often referred to as ‘swing states’, the targets of these overtures are still in the process of developing their digital infrastructure and determining which regulatory and ethical frameworks they will apply. Yet the policy choices made by these countries could have a major influence on the direction of international digital governance in the future.

India offers a case in point. For now, the country seems to have chosen a versatile approach, engaging with actors on various sides of the policy debate, depending on the technology governance domain. On the one hand, its draft Personal Data Protection Bill mirrors principles in the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), suggesting a potential preference for the Western approach to data security.

However, in 2018, India was the leading country in terms of internet shutdowns, with over 100 reported incidents.[8] India has also chosen to collaborate outside the principal ideological blocs, as evidenced by an AI partnership it has entered into with the UAE. At the UN level, India has taken positions that support both blocs, although more often favouring the sovereignty-and-control approach.

Principles for rule-making

Sovereign nations have asserted aspirations for technological dominance with little heed to the cross-border implications of their policies. This drift towards a digital infrastructure fragmented by national regulation has potentially far-reaching societal and political consequences – and implies an urgent need for coordinated rule-making at the international level.

The lack of standards and enforcement mechanisms has created instability and increased vulnerabilities in democratic systems. In recent years, liberal democracies have been targeted by malevolent intrusions in their election systems and media sectors, and their critical infrastructure has come under increased threat. If Western nations cannot align around, and enforce, a normative framework that seeks to preserve individual privacy, openness and accountability through regulation, a growing number of governments may be drawn towards repressive forms of governance.

To mitigate those risks, efforts to negotiate a rules-based international order for the digital space should keep several guiding principles in mind. One is the importance of developing joint standards, as well as the need for consistent messaging towards the emerging cohort of engaged ‘swing states’. Another is the need for persistence in ensuring that the political, civic and economic benefits associated with a more open and well-regulated digital sphere are made clear to governments and citizens everywhere.

Countries advocating an open, free and secure model should take the lead in embracing and promoting a common affirmative model – one that draws on human rights principles (such as the rights to freedom of opinion, freedom of expression and privacy) and expands their applications to the digital space.  

Specific rules on cyberspace and technology use need to include pragmatic policy ideas and models of implementation. As this regulatory corpus develops, rules should be adapted to reflect informed consideration of economic and social priorities and attitudes, and to keep pace with what is possible technologically.[9]

What needs to happen

  • Demystifying the salient issues, consistent messaging and the creation of a common discourse are key to advancing a well-informed debate on global digital governance.
  • The benefits associated with open and well-regulated digital governance should be clearly presented to all stakeholders. For example, the link between sustainable development, respect for human rights and a secure, free and open internet should take priority in the debate with developing countries.
  • International norms need to be updated and reinterpreted to assert the primacy of non-harmful applications of technologies and digital interactions.
  • This process should follow a multi-stakeholder approach to include under-represented actors, such as developing countries and civil society, and should adopt a gender-balanced approach.
  • The design of rules, standards and norms needs to take into account the essentially transnational nature of digital technologies. Rules, standards and norms need to be applicable consistently across jurisdictions.
  • Developing countries should be supported in building their digital infrastructure, and in increasing the capacity of governments and citizens to make informed policy decisions on technology.


[1] Including but not limited to AI and an associated group of digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things, big data, blockchain, quantum computing, advanced robotics, self-driving cars and other autonomous systems, additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing), social networks, the new generation of biotechnology, and genetic engineering.

[2] O’Hara, K. and Hall, W. (2018), Four Internets: The Geopolitics of Digital Governance, Centre for International Governance Innovation, CIGI Paper No. 206,

[3] GAFAM = Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft; BATX = Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Xiaomi.

[4] Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (undated), ‘Cyber Norms Index’, (accessed 30 May 2019).

[5] Future of Life Institute (undated), ‘AI Policy – China’,

[6] Dutton, T. (2018), ‘Building an AI World: Report on National and Regional AI Strategies’, 6 December 2018, CIFAR,

[7] Including Denmark, Estonia, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and the Åland Islands.

[8] Shahbaz, A. (2018), Freedom on the Net 2018: The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism, Freedom House, October 2018,

[9] Google White Paper (2018), Perspectives on Issues in AI Governance,

This essay was produced for the 2019 edition of Chatham House Expert Perspectives – our annual survey of risks and opportunities in global affairs – in which our researchers identify areas where the current sets of rules, institutions and mechanisms for peaceful international cooperation are falling short, and present ideas for reform and modernization.


Who Runs the Internet: Internet Consolidation and Control

Research Event

10 December 2019 - 6:00pm to 7:15pm

Chatham House, London

Event participants

Andrew Sullivan, President and CEO, Internet Society
Jennifer Cobbe, Research Associate, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge
Jesse Sowell, Assistant Professor, Department of International Affairs, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University
Chair: Emily Taylor, Associate Fellow, International Security, Chatham House, Editor, Journal of Cyber Policy

In recent years, there has been a growing debate around the influence of a few large internet technology companies on the internet’s infrastructure and over the popular applications and social media platforms that we use every day.

The internet which was once widely viewed as a collective platform for limitless, permissionless innovation, competition and growth, is now increasingly viewed as a consolidated environment dominated by a few. Such market dominance threatens to undermine the internet’s fundamental benefits as a distributed network in which no single entity has control.  

The panel examines the risks of consolidation throughout the internet’s technology stack such as the impact on complex supply chains that support applications, including cloud provisions, ‘as a service’.

It also explores the potential benefits, for example, when building out essential infrastructure to support faster and cheaper internet services in developing economies, consolidation can create economies of scale that bring the resource-intensive building blocks of the internet economy within the reach of new start-ups and innovators.

The panel provides an interdisciplinary perspective exploring the relationship between consolidation and evolutions in the internet infrastructure as well as unpacking its policy implications.

This event supports a special issue of the Journal of Cyber Policy as part of a collaboration between Chatham House and the Internet Society which explores the impact of the consolidation on the internet’s fundamental architecture.

Nilza Amaral

Project Manager, International Security Programme


EU–US Relations on Internet Governance

14 November 2019

As internet governance issues emerge in the wake of innovations such as the Internet of Things and advanced artificial intelligence, there is an urgent need for the EU and US to establish a common, positive multi-stakeholder vision for regulating and governing the internet.

Emily Taylor

Associate Fellow, International Security Programme

Stacie Hoffmann

Internet Policy and Cybersecurity Consultant, Oxford Information Labs


Server room network cables in New York City, November 2014. Photo: Michael Bocchieri/Staff/Getty.
  • Political, economic, sociological and technological factors are poised to challenge EU and US ideological positions on internet governance, which will make it difficult to find consensus and common ground in the years to come.
  • The EU and US share core values and perspectives relating to internet governance, such as openness, freedom and interoperability, as well as a human rights framework for cybersecurity. There have been many examples of successful multi-stakeholder cooperation between the EU and US, including the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) transition and the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG).
  • There are also subtle differences between the EU and US, and each has different reasons to support multi-stakeholderism. Cases that highlight growing tensions in EU–US coordination on internet governance include the controversies surrounding the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the WHOIS system that governs domain name registration data, and the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which undermined an independent cybersecurity review.
  • Internet governance is becoming more complex, with a multiplicity of actors and no obvious authority for important emerging issues. Additionally, the rise of China and its authoritarian vision for the future of the internet is a threat to the current internet governance institutions that have been shaped by and reflect Western values.
  • To bridge ideological gaps the EU and US should build capacity between likeminded stakeholders, create a taskforce on effective multi-stakeholder internet governance, and work through non-governmental stakeholders to improve participation.


Nuclear Weapons: Innovative Approaches for the Complex International Security Environment

This programme of work addresses the conundrum of nuclear weapons as a wicked problem in a complex adaptive system.

Understanding the complexity and the wickedness of the situation allows analysts and strategic planners to approach these complex and intractable issues in new and transformative ways – with a better chance of coping or succeeding and reducing the divisions between experts.

Using complexity theory, a complex adaptive system representing the international system and its interaction with the environment can be represented through an interactive visualization tool that will aid thought processes and policy decision-making. 

Until recently, analysts did not have the tools to be able to create models that could represent the complexity of the international system and the role that nuclear weapons play. Now that these tools are available, analysts should use them to enable decision-makers to gain insights into the range of possible outcomes from a set of possible actions.

This programme builds on work by Chatham House on cyber security and artificial intelligence (AI) in the nuclear/strategic realms.

In order to approach nuclear weapons as wicked problems in a complex adaptive system from different and sometimes competing perspectives, the programme of work involves the wider community of specialists who do not agree on what constitutes the problems of nuclear weapons nor on what are the desired solutions.

Different theories of deterrence, restraint and disarmament are tested. The initiative is international and inclusive, paying attention to gender, age and other aspects of diversity, and the network of MacArthur Grantees are given the opportunity to participate in the research, including in the writing of research papers, so that the complexity modelling can be tested against a wide range of approaches and hypotheses.

In addition, a Senior Reference Group will work alongside the programme, challenging its outcome and findings, and evaluating and guiding the direction of the research.

This project is supported by the MacArthur Foundation.


POSTPONED: What Impact of Sovereignty in the Internet?

Research Event

26 March 2020 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Chatham House

Event participants

Konstantinos Komaitis, Senior Director, Policy Development & Strategy, Internet Society
Gregory Asmolov, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow Russia Institute, King’s College London
Further speakers to be announced.
Chair: Joyce Hakmeh, Senior Research Fellow, International Security Programme, Chatham House and Co-Editor of the Journal of Cyber Policy.


Several governments have been moving towards a stronger sovereignty narrative when it comes to the internet with some trying to impose borders in cyberspace to extend their physical borders in cyberspace. From attempts to create isolatable domestic internets to data localization laws and to increased calls for sovereignty in the digital space, all these approaches are raising concerns regarding the fate of the internet.

While the impact of these approaches varies and the motivations behind them are arguably different too, all governments have been working towards the pursuit of greater technological independence and in some instances greater control.

The panellists will discuss the impact that these approaches have on the internet. They will address the question of whether the era of an 'open web' is drawing to an end and whether these territorialization efforts lead to a fragmentation of the internet, making a 'splinternet' inevitable?

This event is being organized with the kind support of DXC Technology.

This event will be followed by a reception. 


Esther Naylor

Research Assistant, International Security Programme
+44 (0)20 7314 3628


Iran Workshop Series: Domestic, Regional and International Outlook

Invitation Only Research Event

17 December 2019 - 10:00am to 3:30pm

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

After a summer of regional tensions and continued uncertainty regarding the future of the JCPOA, the Chatham House MENA Programme held a closed workshop to examine the impact of the Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign.

Discussions focused on the domestic developments and challenges inside Iran, prospects for new negotiations with Iran, and the regional issues facing the country. Participants also considered the differences between American and European approaches towards Iran.


Event attributes

Chatham House Rule

Reni Zhelyazkova

Programme Coordinator, Middle East and North Africa Programme
+44 (0)20 7314 3624


NEMESIS: Non-inferiority, Individual Patient Meta-analysis of Selective Internal Radiation Therapy with Yttrium-90 Resin Microspheres versus Sorafenib in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma

In randomized clinical trials (RCTs), no survival benefit has been observed for selective internal radiotherapy (SIRT) over sorafenib in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (aHCC). This study aimed to assess by means of a meta-analysis whether overall survival (OS) with SIRT, as monotherapy or followed by sorafenib, is non-inferior to sorafenib, and compare safety profiles for patients with aHCC. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library up to February 2019 to identify RCTs comparing SIRT as monotherapy, or followed by sorafenib, to sorafenib monotherapy among patients with aHCC. The main outcomes were OS and frequency of treatment-related severe adverse events (AEs grade ≥3). The per-protocol population was the primary analysis population. A non-inferiority margin of 1.08 in terms of hazard ratio (HR) was pre-specified for the upper boundary of 95% confidence interval (CI) for OS. Pre-specified subgroup analyses were performed. Results: Three RCTs, involving 1,243 patients, comparing sorafenib with SIRT (SIRveNIB and SARAH) or SIRT followed by sorafenib (SORAMIC), were included. After randomization, 411/635 (64.7%) patients allocated to SIRT and 522/608 (85.8%) allocated to sorafenib completed the studies without major protocol deviations. Median OS with SIRT, whether or not followed by sorafenib, was non-inferior to sorafenib (10.2 and 9.2 months, [HR 0.91, 95% CI 0.78–1.05]). Treatment-related severe adverse events were reported in 149/515 patients (28.9%) who received SIRT and 249/575 (43.3%) who received sorafenib only (p<0.01). Conclusion: SIRT as initial therapy for aHCC is non-inferior to sorafenib in terms of OS, and offers a better safety profile.


The Relevance of Intergovernmental Organizations to African States: The International Organization of La Francophonie

Research Event

6 November 2019 - 10:00am to 11:15am

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Louise Mushikiwabo, Secretary General, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
Chair: Bob Dewar CMG, Associate Fellow, Africa Programme, Chatham House

African states are well represented in intergovernmental organizations linked by official language and colonial history such as the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), the Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) and the Commonwealth. These organizations aim to provide support in addressing matters of mutual interest – in addition to responding to significant policy challenges such as improving sustainable growth prospects and opportunities to young populations – and citizens are increasingly vocal on key issues such as democracy, human rights and the rule of law. This event series examines the importance of these intergovernmental organizations in working with their members to responsibly and sustainably respond to policy challenges in Africa.

At this event, Louise Mushikiwabo, secretary general of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), will discuss the organisation’s relevance to African states and the future of the organization on the continent.


Sahar Eljack

Programme Administrator, Africa Programme
+ 44 (0) 20 7314 3660


Diversity and Unity: African Agency in International Affairs

22 November 2019

Professor Carlos Lopes

Associate Fellow, Africa Programme
More and more, African countries are able to act in concert to stand up for the interests of the continent.


Delegates leave the plenary hall of the Africa Union headquarters in Addis Ababa in January 2018. Photo: Getty Images.

The conventional wisdom is that Africa is at the periphery of international affairs, and the perpetual subject – or victim – of decisions by powerful political or economic actors from outside the continent. The argument then goes on that the diversity of African countries, their atomization and fragmentation, further weakens the ability of the continent to act as a unified whole. As with much cliché about Africa, it does not tell the whole story. 

Soft vs hard power

There is no denying that the structure of international affairs, built on foundations which preceded the independence of the vast majority of African states, places limits on the continent’s ability to independently shape the course of its development and its international engagements. African countries lack the hard power that would typically allow them to be bolder in the global scene.

But Africa has long found softer approaches to exercise its agency, through international institutions and diplomatic arrangements. The collective mobilization at the level of the UN, leading up to the successful 1969 declaration by the General Assembly of apartheid as a crime against humanity, is a good example of early post-independence collective influence.

The last two decades have further empowered African countries, as economic development has been translated into increased diplomatic capacity, and socioeconomic potential has given weight to a more assertive leadership.

There are many examples, including: the successful integration of African priorities in the Sustainable Development Goals, notably financing for development; the push to include a substantial climate financing component for developing countries in the Paris Agreement; enhanced coordination between African non-permanent members of the UN Security Council; the condemnation of the International Criminal Court; or the solid resistance to reversals of the Doha Round at the World Trade Organization.

A fragmented unity?

It is also correct to note that individual African countries are quite diverse. Today, there are 55 member states of the African Union (AU); 30 are middle income economies with the rest towards the bottom of various indexes measuring progress and wellbeing. Socioeconomic and political divergences undeniably exist within the continent. But these factors have not prevented the continent from demonstrating some impressive feats of collective agency.

The internal processes put in place by the AU have created a level of continental diplomacy which is more coordinated than any other continental block bar the EU. African countries have also proved adept at using other diplomatic alliances to exercise collective agency, for instance as the most powerful voice within the G77, a coalition of developing nations.

Africa’s Future in a Changing Global Order: Agency in International Relations

HE Jakaya Kikwete, former president of the Republic of Tanzania, addresses a Chatham House conference on the role that African states and citizens play in international relations.

This has allowed Africa to build tactical alliances with countries and blocs from across the globe, resisting being drawn into any one sphere of influence. It has thus retained ultimate control of decision-making, even on issues of traditional ‘hard’ politics, notably the establishment of the African Peace and Security Architecture and the subsequent building of African capacity to collectively manage its peace and security efforts.

Among other things, this collective political will has powered African opposition to a formal permanent presence of US Africa Command (AFRICOM) and helped resolve conflicts from West Africa to Zimbabwe and Lesotho.

Another extraordinary example of collective political resistance can be observed in the trade discussions taking place between Africa and Europe. The EU is Africa's number-one trading partner. It designed and aggressively promoted new bilateral economic partnership agreements (EPAs) at a time when Africans were busy putting together a continental free-trade area. The apparent imbalance between the collective weight of the EU and the weakness of African states seemed likely to end African aspirations to continental integration.

But, to the surprise of many, the majority of African countries were able to resist pressure to sign the EPAs. Almost 20 years into the negotiations, only 15 countries have signed them, with 5 of these being interim agreements. Comparatively, 54 African countries signed the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement in 2018, and 28 have so far ratified.

The ongoing debate between Europe and Africa on migration is an equally useful illustration of how the continent has become more protective of its interests. Despite pressure, the continent has collectively resisted attempts to externalize the EU’s internal migration management challenges to Africa. Rather, it has emphasized finding solutions that would also benefit its nationals through a mobility framework that privileges the management of intra-Africa migration.   

Diversity and unity

There are of course different levels of agency at work. The power of African countries is uneven both vis-à-vis the international community and within the continent itself, where development pathways are increasingly divergent. Achieving collective positions and joint action demands the careful balancing of regional and bilateral objectives and assuaging multiple – and sometimes contradictory – concerns. It is not easy in Africa, like for any other region.

However, there is no denying that Africans have realized the need for bolder action in the international arena, and the importance of unity in achieving their goals. The call by Africa’s leaders for the reform of their continental organization, the AU, demonstrates their recognition of its current limitations. This must now go beyond good intentions.

This article is the first of a series on African agency in international affairs.


The African Continental Free Trade Area Could Boost African Agency in International Trade

10 December 2019

Tighisti Amare

Assistant Director, Africa Programme

Treasure Thembisile Maphanga

Director, Trade and Industry, African Union Commission (2012–19)
The agreement, which entered into force in May, could be a major step for Africa’s role in international trade, if the continent can overcome barriers to implementation.


Delegates arrive at the closing ceremony of the African Union summit in Niger in July. Photo: Getty Images.

The entry into force of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on 30 May, after only three years of negotiations, is an economic, political and diplomatic milestone for the African Union (AU) and its member states, crucial for economic growth, job creation, and making Africa a meaningful player in international trade. But the continent will have to work together to ensure that the potential benefits are fully realized.

A necessary innovation

With its advances in maintaining peace and security, abundant natural resources, high growth rates, improved linkages to global supply chains and a youthful population, Africa is emerging as a new global centre of economic growth, increasingly sought after as a partner by the world’s biggest economies. Governments from across Africa have been taking a more assertive role in international markets, including through proactive diversification of trading partners, and the continent remains a strong advocate for the multilateral trading system.

However, this is not yet reflected in outcomes. The African Union does not have observer status at the World Trade Organization, despite diplomatic efforts in the past decade. Africa has less than a three per cent share of global trade, and the growing trend towards protectionism across the global economy may only increase the vulnerability of a disunited Africa. Its fractured internal market means that trade within Africa is lower than for any other region on the globe, with intra-African trade just 18 per cent of overall exports, as compared to 70 per cent in Europe.

The AfCFTA is the continent’s tool to address the disparity between Africa’s growing economic significance and its peripheral place in the global trade system, to build a bridge between present fragmentation and future prosperity. It is an ambitious, comprehensive agreement covering trade in goods, services, investment, intellectual property rights and competition policy. It has been signed by all of Africa’s states with the exception of Eritrea.

It is the AU's Agenda 2063 flagship project, brought about by the decisions taken at the January 2012 African Union Summit to boost intra-African trade and to fast track the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area. It builds upon ambitions enshrined in successive agreements including the Lagos Plan of Action and the Abuja Treaty. Access to new regional markets and reduced non-tariff barriers are intended to help companies scale up, driving job creation and poverty reduction, as well as attracting inward investment to even Africa’s smaller economies.

The signing in 2018 of the instruments governing the Single Air Transport Market and the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Right of Establishment provided another step towards the gradual elimination of barriers to the movement of goods, services and people within the continent.

Tests to come

However, while progress is being made towards the ratification of the AfCFTA, much remains to be done before African countries can fully trade under its terms. The framework for implementation is still under development, and the creation of enabling infrastructure that is critical for connectivity will take time to develop and requires extensive investment.

Africa’s Future in a Changing Global Order: Africa’s Economic Diplomacy

Treasure Thembisile Maphanga talks about the international implications of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).

So, the first test for the AfCFTA will be the level to which Africa’s leaders make it a domestic priority, and whether a consensus can be maintained across the AU’s member states as the costs of implementation become clear.

There is no guarantee that the gains of free trade will be evenly distributed. They will mainly depend on the extent to which countries embrace industrialization, liberalization of their markets and opening of their borders for free movement of goods and people – policies that some incumbent leaders may be reluctant to implement. Political will to maintain a unified negotiating position with diverse stakeholders, including the private sector, will come under increasing stress.  

A second challenge is how the AfCFTA relates to already existing trade arrangements, notably with the EU.  The AU has long preferred to pursue a continent-to-continent trading arrangement instead of the bilateral Economic Partnership Agreements being sought by the EU under the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) framework to which, with the exception of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and South Africa, all African states belong. The signing of the AfCFTA is one important step towards making this possible.

But there are currently negotiations under the ACP to replace the Cotonou Accord (the framework governing trade between ACP members and the EU, including Economic Partnership Agreements [EPAs], that is due to expire in 2020). Negotiations on the African pillar of the accord are due to take place after the AfCFTA has entered into force. So African states and the AU will face the challenge of balancing their commitment to the ACP bloc with pursuing their own interests.

And though the AfCFTA should supersede any other agreements, the EPAs or their successors, will continue to govern day-to-day trading, in parallel to the new pan-African market. It is not yet clear how these contradictions will be reconciled.

A new role for the AU?

The AU will need to play an active role as the main interlocutor with Africa´s international trading partners, with the AfCFTA secretariat being the arbiter of internal tensions and trade disputes. The AU´s engagement at continental level has to date revolved mainly around headline political diplomacy, security and peacekeeping. With the continental free market becoming a reality, an effective pivot to economic diplomacy will be critical for growth and development.

With the AfCFTA, the AU has endeavoured to address Africa’s unsustainable position in global trade, to stimulate growth, economic diversification and jobs for its growing population. Much will depend on the commitment of African leaders to maintaining a unified negotiating position to implement the agreement and the AU’s capacity to effectively move from political to economic diplomacy.


Public servants warned off internet sex and cheating sites after Ashley Madison hack

Marriage vows are one thing, but the public service Code of Conduct, that's serious.


Canberra's north-south divided over internet surfing and the NBN

It's another front in the long-running rivalry beneath north and south in the nation's capital.


Bank of Melbourne, St George, BankSA internet banking services back online

Bank of Melbourne, St George and and BankSA customers should now be able to access their money online, but those still locked out of the system are advised to try the old remedy of switching their banking apps on and off again.


Government acknowledges poor internet in Canberra's south but sticks to NBN plan

Minister for Communications acknowledges some areas of Canberra's southern suburbs have poor internet access.


Branching out after death: where next for the 'Internet of Things'?

It turns out that even death needs the internet.


Digital government could become just more cost cutting, warns Internet Australia

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Petro-RMB? The oil trade and the internationalization of the renminbi

4 September 2019 , Volume 95, Number 5

Maha Kamel and Hongying Wang

In this article, we examine China's promotion of the renminbi (RMB) in international oil trade and explore its implications for the international currency system in the short and the long term. The article traces the rise of the RMB in international oil trade in recent years and provides an analysis of its impact on the internationalization of the Chinese currency. We argue that despite the increasing use of the yuan in oil trade in recent years, in the short term it is highly unlikely that a petro-RMB system will emerge to rival the petrodollar system. Unlike the petrodollar, which combines the qualities of a master currency, a top currency and a negotiated currency, China lacks the economic leadership and the political and geopolitical leverages to make the RMB a major petrocurrency. Although the emergence of the RMB-denominated Shanghai oil futures is an important development, the absence of highly developed financial markets and a strong legal system in China hinders its potential. In the long run, the RMB may take on a more prominent role in the international oil trade as China's weight as an oil importer rises. More importantly, the overuse of financial sanctions by the US government has begun to undermine the role of the dollar within and beyond the oil trade. In addition, the rise of alternative energy sources will diminish the centrality of oil in the world economy, thus reducing the significance of petrocurrencies—whether the dollar or the RMB—in shaping the international currency system.


The African Continental Free Trade Area Could Boost African Agency in International Trade

10 December 2019

Tighisti Amare

Assistant Director, Africa Programme

Treasure Thembisile Maphanga

Director, Trade and Industry, African Union Commission (2012–19)
The agreement, which entered into force in May, could be a major step for Africa’s role in international trade, if the continent can overcome barriers to implementation.


Delegates arrive at the closing ceremony of the African Union summit in Niger in July. Photo: Getty Images.

The entry into force of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on 30 May, after only three years of negotiations, is an economic, political and diplomatic milestone for the African Union (AU) and its member states, crucial for economic growth, job creation, and making Africa a meaningful player in international trade. But the continent will have to work together to ensure that the potential benefits are fully realized.

A necessary innovation

With its advances in maintaining peace and security, abundant natural resources, high growth rates, improved linkages to global supply chains and a youthful population, Africa is emerging as a new global centre of economic growth, increasingly sought after as a partner by the world’s biggest economies. Governments from across Africa have been taking a more assertive role in international markets, including through proactive diversification of trading partners, and the continent remains a strong advocate for the multilateral trading system.

However, this is not yet reflected in outcomes. The African Union does not have observer status at the World Trade Organization, despite diplomatic efforts in the past decade. Africa has less than a three per cent share of global trade, and the growing trend towards protectionism across the global economy may only increase the vulnerability of a disunited Africa. Its fractured internal market means that trade within Africa is lower than for any other region on the globe, with intra-African trade just 18 per cent of overall exports, as compared to 70 per cent in Europe.

The AfCFTA is the continent’s tool to address the disparity between Africa’s growing economic significance and its peripheral place in the global trade system, to build a bridge between present fragmentation and future prosperity. It is an ambitious, comprehensive agreement covering trade in goods, services, investment, intellectual property rights and competition policy. It has been signed by all of Africa’s states with the exception of Eritrea.

It is the AU's Agenda 2063 flagship project, brought about by the decisions taken at the January 2012 African Union Summit to boost intra-African trade and to fast track the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area. It builds upon ambitions enshrined in successive agreements including the Lagos Plan of Action and the Abuja Treaty. Access to new regional markets and reduced non-tariff barriers are intended to help companies scale up, driving job creation and poverty reduction, as well as attracting inward investment to even Africa’s smaller economies.

The signing in 2018 of the instruments governing the Single Air Transport Market and the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Right of Establishment provided another step towards the gradual elimination of barriers to the movement of goods, services and people within the continent.

Tests to come

However, while progress is being made towards the ratification of the AfCFTA, much remains to be done before African countries can fully trade under its terms. The framework for implementation is still under development, and the creation of enabling infrastructure that is critical for connectivity will take time to develop and requires extensive investment.

Africa’s Future in a Changing Global Order: Africa’s Economic Diplomacy

Treasure Thembisile Maphanga talks about the international implications of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).

So, the first test for the AfCFTA will be the level to which Africa’s leaders make it a domestic priority, and whether a consensus can be maintained across the AU’s member states as the costs of implementation become clear.

There is no guarantee that the gains of free trade will be evenly distributed. They will mainly depend on the extent to which countries embrace industrialization, liberalization of their markets and opening of their borders for free movement of goods and people – policies that some incumbent leaders may be reluctant to implement. Political will to maintain a unified negotiating position with diverse stakeholders, including the private sector, will come under increasing stress.  

A second challenge is how the AfCFTA relates to already existing trade arrangements, notably with the EU.  The AU has long preferred to pursue a continent-to-continent trading arrangement instead of the bilateral Economic Partnership Agreements being sought by the EU under the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) framework to which, with the exception of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and South Africa, all African states belong. The signing of the AfCFTA is one important step towards making this possible.

But there are currently negotiations under the ACP to replace the Cotonou Accord (the framework governing trade between ACP members and the EU, including Economic Partnership Agreements [EPAs], that is due to expire in 2020). Negotiations on the African pillar of the accord are due to take place after the AfCFTA has entered into force. So African states and the AU will face the challenge of balancing their commitment to the ACP bloc with pursuing their own interests.

And though the AfCFTA should supersede any other agreements, the EPAs or their successors, will continue to govern day-to-day trading, in parallel to the new pan-African market. It is not yet clear how these contradictions will be reconciled.

A new role for the AU?

The AU will need to play an active role as the main interlocutor with Africa´s international trading partners, with the AfCFTA secretariat being the arbiter of internal tensions and trade disputes. The AU´s engagement at continental level has to date revolved mainly around headline political diplomacy, security and peacekeeping. With the continental free market becoming a reality, an effective pivot to economic diplomacy will be critical for growth and development.

With the AfCFTA, the AU has endeavoured to address Africa’s unsustainable position in global trade, to stimulate growth, economic diversification and jobs for its growing population. Much will depend on the commitment of African leaders to maintaining a unified negotiating position to implement the agreement and the AU’s capacity to effectively move from political to economic diplomacy.


UK Tech Weekly Podcast Episode One: The Internet of Looms (IoL)

In the inaugural episode of the UK Tech Weekly Podcast host Matt Egan discusses Apple's disastrous Error 53 with David Price, acting editor of Macworld UK. editor Charlotte Jee discusses the London mayoral candidates views on the UK tech industry, including Zach Goldsmith's anti-Uber statement, and online editor Scott Carey jumps in with some inane ideas around fibre broadband. Finally the team talk about YouTube licensing rights, despite knowing absolutely nothing about the subject.  

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UK Tech Weekly Podcast Episode Two - The Internet of Acronyms (IoA)MWC, FBI and ROI

In the second episode of the UK Tech Weekly Podcast host Matt Egan discusses the Mobile World Congress (MWC) with producer Chris Martin before he jets off to Barcelona, including what device launches we are expecting from the likes of LG, Sony and Samsung. Acting editor at David Price chats about the row between Apple and the FBI over encryption (14:50). Finally Scott Carey from discusses challenger banks (25:00) what they are, what the technology looks like and why you should care.  

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UK Tech Weekly Podcast - Episode Three: The Internet of Sex Robots - Facebook likes, AI and Trump

In this week's UK Tech Weekly Podcast host Matt Egan is joined by PC Advisor staff writer Chris Minasians chats about Facebook's new like buttons, the team has contracted smartphone fever from the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona and finally, acting editor of Macworld UK David Price, discusses Donald Trump boycotting Apple.  

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UK Tech Weekly Podcast Episode Four - The Internet of Kanye (IoK)

In this week's UK Tech Weekly Podcast host Matt Egan discusses VR with Lewis Painter, staff writer at PC Advisor and Chris Martin, consumer tech editor at PC advisor. Then Chris Minasians, staff writer at Macworld UK vents about how technology is destroying social interactions IRL (11:30), light stuff for your weekend listening pleasure! Finally (23:00) acting editor of Macworld UK David Price and the gang chat about paid-for-streaming advocate Kanye West doing a naughty and pirating music software.  

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UK Tech Weekly Podcast Episode Five - The Internet of eReaders (IoeR)

This week host Matt Egan is joined by Ashleigh Allsopp, engagement editor of Macworld UK and physical bookshelf enthusiast to discuss eBooks and eReaders following the big Nook and Amazon Kindle news in the week (1:40). Producer Chris Martin chips in to talk about the death of the father of email, Ray Tomlinson, this week and the growth of workplace tools like Slack that are trying to reduce the amount we use email (12:30). Finally regular contributor and acting editor at Macworld UK David Price talks about Apple ransomware (24:00).  

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UK Tech Weekly Podcast - Episode Six: The Internet of Board Games (IoBG) + The Budget & AlphaGo

In this week's UK Tech Weekly Podcast host Matt Egan is joined by first time podder Tamlin Magee (1:50), online editor at, to discuss the UK tech implications of this year's Budget, including rural broadband and driverless cars. Then Christina Mercer, assistant online editor at, chats AlphaGo (10:00) and board games following the AI's historic win over world Go champion Lee Sedol. Later, resident Virtual Reality (VR) enthusiast and staff writer Lewis Painter discussed "the big three" VR headset release dates, pricing and features from HTC, Sony Playstation and Oculus Rift (19:00). Finally, UKTW Podcast regular David Price, acting editor at chats about Apple's big upcoming event (28:45).  

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UK Tech Weekly Podcast - Episode Seven: The Internet of Fruit (IoF) Apple, BlackBerry & Raspberry Pi

In this week's UK Tech Weekly Podcast host Matt Egan is joined by acting editor at David Price to discuss this week's Apple event announcements, from the iPhone SE to the iPad Pro and iOS 9.3. Then first time podder and staff writer at Henry Burrell wades in to discuss Facebook dropping its support for Blackberry and the future of the under-fire mobile phone maker (19:45). Finally, online editor at Scott Carey chats coding in schools following the BBC micro:bit news and how it differs from the Raspberry Pi (27:40).  

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Episode Eight: The Internet of Genocidal Chatbots (IoGC) Tay, Microsoft Build and Apple vs FBI

In this week's UK Tech Weekly Podcast host Matt Egan is joined by online editor at Scott Carey to discuss all of the news coming out of Microsoft's Build 2016 developer conference, before being joined by producer Chris to talk about the company's genocidal AI chatbot Tay's public meltdown (13:00). Then, acting editor at David Price jumps in to discuss the apparent resolution to the Apple vs FBI fight (29:00).  

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Episode Nine - The Internet of Li-Fi in Dubai-Fi (IoLFiDF) Huawei, Whatsapp, Panama Papers and Li-Fi

This week host Matt Egan kicks things off by chatting to staff writer Lewis Painter about the (genuinely) impressive Huawei P9 phone release. Then, acting editor at David Price jumps in to discuss Whatsapp encryption (12:30) and the Panama Papers. Finally, Christina Mercer, online editor at, introduces you to the wonderful world of Li-Fi (24:30).  

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Episode Ten - The Internet of Tacobots (IoTB): F8, chatbots, HTC 10 & Kindle Oasis

Producer Chris dives in this week to discuss the HTC 10 release, and why it's difficult to get excited about good mobile phones. Then editor Charlotte Jee chats Facebook chatbots and other F8 news (12:30). Finally, editor at Neil Bennett jumps in to discuss the new Amazon e-reader (31:00) Kindle Oasis and why everyone is kicking off about the price.  

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Episode 11 - The Internet of Dating Apps (IoDA): Apple Macbook news, Google antitrust & dating apps

This week host Matt Egan is rejoined by acting editor David Price to chat about Apple's latest Macbook announcements. Then online editor at ComputerworldUK Christina Mercer jumps in to give a break down of Google's fight with the EU over antitrust infringements (13:00). Finally, ex-dating app user Scott Carey, online editor at gives a state of the union on dating apps, from Tinder to Bumble to Happn, if they are good for society and which one is set to corner the market (27:00).  

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Episode 12 - The Internet of Voodoo Streaming Services (IoVSS) Apple & Facebook results, Nintendo NX

This week host Matt Egan is joined by regular podder David Price, acting editor of, to discuss Apple's not so awesome results and stalling iPhone sales. Then online editor Scott Carey jumps in to discuss Facebook's far better results and how it has come to dominate the mobile advertising market (15:00) Finally, producer Chris comes out from behind the glass to discuss Nintendo's secretive NX console and having to wait for the new Zelda game (28:00).  

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Episode 13 - The Internet of Bitcoins (IoB) Vive VR, Bitcoin theories and Sky Q

On this week's UK Tech Weekly podcast host Matt Egan is joined by Macworld UK and PC Advisor Staff Writer Lewis Painter, who has spent the past week in virtual reality, and is beyond excited to tell us all about the amazing HTC Vive. Then regular podder David Price, acting editor of Macworld UK, brings us tales from the murky world of Bitcoin, and explains how the crypto-currency is bringing about new tech that may revolutionise the finance industry (16:30) Finally, producer Chris throws aside his mic stand to discuss Sky Q and the current options in media streaming and TV. (25:30).  

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Episode 14 - The Internet of Cleaning Products in the Sky (IoCPitS): games, nVidia, EE vs Three

In this week's fiery episode host Matt Egan talks war and gaming with Macworld UK's David Price, the greatest graphics ever with Christopher Minasians of PC Advisor and Macworld UK (14:21), and the best networks in the UK with fellow PCA and MWUK stalwart Henry Burrell (25:23). Expect songs and laughter, and tech ever after.  

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Episode 15 - The Internet of ill Advised Man Buns (IoIAMB) Google I/O and terrible film adaptations

Host Matt Egan is joined by producer Chris to talk about the raft of announcements coming out of the Google I/O developer conference this week, including Android N, Google assistant and Allo. editor Charlotte Jee joins in to discuss driverless cars (17:00) following the Queen's speech this week. Finally, acting editor at David Price talks about terrible film adaptations of video games, from Angry Birds to World of Warcraft (29:00). Don't forget to like, share and tell your friends!  

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Episode 16 - The internet of the Apple iBoards (IoAi) Pebble, death of Hoverboards and Twitter

This week host Matt Egan is joined by producer Chris to talk about the recent batch of new Pebble devices and the smartwatch market. Staff writer at PC Advisor Lewis Painter joins in to talk about the death of the hoverboard (13:00). Finally, regular podder David Price comes on to talk about Appl...oh Twitter, specifically changes to the character limit and the sad loss of the @ (24:00).  

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Episode 17 - The Internet of Not Terrible Windows Phones (IoNTWP) - VR games & phones at gigs

This week host Matt Egan is joined by PC Advisor staff writer Chris Minasians to chat about the AMD Radeon RX 480 graphics card and what this could mean for the future of virtual reality games. Fellow staff writer at PC Advisor Henry Burrell jumps in to talk about the "not terrible" Windows 10 phone as he starts using the Microsoft Lumia 950 and can't see what everyone's beef with it is (13:00). Finally Ashleigh Allsopp, engagement editor at Macworld UK chats about using your technology at concerts (24:30).  

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Episode 18 - The Internet of the EU (IoEU) Website crashes, Oculus games & WWDC

Host Matt Egan is joined this week by Henry Burrell, staff writer at Macworld UK to talk about the EU referendum website crashing Lewis Painter, staff writer at PC Advisor, jumps in to chat about Oculus Rift games and how immersive they are. Finally regular David Price comes on to talk about Apple's upcoming WWDC software developer conference and what we can (and cannot) expect.  

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Episode 19 - The Internet of Xbox 'Hank' Scorpio (IoXHS) LinkedIn, Xbox vs Playstation & WWDC news

Host Matt Egan is joined by Online Editor at Scott Carey to break down Microsoft's mega acquisition of LinkedIn. Staff Writer at PC Advisor Chris joins in to discuss all of the news coming out of E3 and how Xbox and Playstation are set to battle it out again this summer, or will Nintendo and Zelda steal the show? (13:00). Finally, David Price comes on to talk about all of the news coming out of Apple's WWDC developer conference this week, from Hair Force One to watchOS, tvOS, macOS and iOS (26:30) And please do share, rate and review the UK Tech Weekly Podcast.  

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Episode 20 - The Internet of Zuck's Webcam (IoZW) Samsung rumours, London Tech Week & Zuck's webcam

Editor Matt Egan sits down with staff writer at PC Advisor Lewis Painter to chat about Samsung's S8 rumours. Editor of Charlotte Jee discusses all the goings on from London Tech Week and if London is as much of a tech city as it says it is (12:00). Finally, regular guest David Price, editor at Macworld UK, comes on to discuss Mark Zuckerberg's webcam paranoia and cyber security (22:00).  

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Episode 21 - The Internet of Cleanin' Windows (IoCW) Windows 10 anniversary, NOW TV and holidays

This week host Matt Egan is joined by first time podder and editor of PC Advisor Jim Martin to chat Microsoft Windows 10 anniversary updates and the impact on Microsoft Surface devices. Producer Chris then comes on to chat about Sky's two big NOW TV announcements, and the future of television and broadband (16:00). Finally, UKTW podcast regular David Price chats about the impact technology is having on our holidays (26:30).  

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Episode 22 - The Internet of Ultra Balls (IoUB) Pokemon Go, Playstation VR and iOS 10

In Matt Egan's absence first time host Henry Burrell heroically steps in to chat about Pokemon Go with producer Chris. Then fellow staff writer Chris Minasians discusses iOS 10 beta and all of the rumoured features for the latest Apple operating system, including dark mode (10:30). Finally, Lewis Painter, staff writer at PC Advisor, talks about Playstation VR being released for the PS4, pricing and games (23:30).  

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Episode 23 - The Internet of Top Tech Topics (IoTTT) Brexit, Pokemon Go & Tesla

For the second week running hosting duties are taken by Henry Burrell, who is joined by editor Charlotte Jee to discuss the impact of Brexit on the UK's startups. Producer Chris then jumps in to discuss the Pokemon Go launch in the UK and a debate breaks out over whether it is for adults (13:00) Finally, online editor at Computerworld UK Scott Carey brings the latest news around driverless cars, from Tesla's recent struggles and how it may affect the industry in general (25:00)  

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Episode 24 – The Internet of David’s Rules (IoDR) ARM, graphics cards & Twitter’s crackdown

Macworld UK’s Acting Editor David Price takes the reins for this edition, and is joined by Online Editor of Computerworld UK Scott Carey to chat about billions and billions of pounds and the acquisition of ARM by SoftBank. Second up, Staff Writer at PC Advisor and Macworld UK Christopher Minasians plugs in to the haunting world of graphics cards and makes sense of it all for the rest of us. Digital Arts Staff Writer Mimi Launder then explains why Twitter has slapped a troll right in the face in order to stand up to Internet bullying.  

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Episode 25 - The Internet of Bread (IoB) Windows 10, Verizon buys Yahoo! & Apple results

Hosting duties fall to Henry Burrell this week as he discusses the deadline for the free Microsoft Windows 10 update with Chris Minasians, staff writer at PC Advisor. Scott Carey, online editor at jumps in to talk about why the Verizon deal for Yahoo is ridiculous and charts the missteps that got the company to this point (15:00). Finally, regular guest David Price discusses Apple's less than stellar financial results and if the iPhone is plateauing (26:00).  

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Episode 26 - The Internet of Small Hands Big Phones (IoSHBP) Galaxy Note7, GDS & Instagram stories

Matt Egan is back in the hosting chair to chat with producer Chris about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and how we feel about phablets. editor Charlotte Jee comes in to explain what is going on at the GDS (government digital service) and why we should care (13:00). Then online editor at Scott Carey chats Instagram stories, why it is a blatant rip off of Snapchat stories and how the social media giant can get away with being so brazen (22:00).  

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Episode 27 - The Internet of No Man's Sky (IoNMS) NMS hype, open banking and emojis

Host Matt Egan is joined by the world's number one authority on No Man's Sky, producer Chris, to discuss the hype around the vast Playstation and PC game, how it was made and parallel universes. Scott Carey, online editor at jumps in to speak about the government's Open Banking report and how technology could change the way we bank in the future (16:00). Finally, acting editor at Macworld UK David Price is talking water pistol emojis and the strange politics of Apple (27:00).  

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Episode 28 - The Internet of Gamescom (IoG) Blackberry security and plane hacks

David Price is in the host chair this week and is joined by Lewis Painter, staff writer at PC Advisor and Macworld UK to discuss all the news coming out of Gamescom, including No Man's Sky, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Battlefield. Henry Burrell, staff writer at PC Advisor and Macworld UK jumps in to chat Blackberry and its trumped up security claims (15:00). Finally, Charlotte Jee, editor at talks about hacking planes, trains and automobiles (26:30).  

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Episode 29 - The Internet of Wildcats (IoW) Android Nougat, Deliveroo strikes & Playstation rumours

Henry Burrell is the master of ceremonies this week, dropping beats on the hottest tech topics. First up, producer Chris joins to chat about the latest Android OS: Nougat. Then staff writer at Scott Carey jumps in to chat about the Deliveroo strikes this week and what this means for sharing economy companies like Uber and Airbnb in general (15:30). Finally, staff writer at Tech Advisor Lewis Painter has some Playstation console rumours to discuss (27:00).  

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