
Refugee crisis: Enough words, now it is time for action

This article by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría addresses the refugee crisis, encouraging governments to seize the opportunity that refugees bring for our economies and societies.


Time for an energy [r]evolution

We can’t use terms like “inclusive” and “green” as window dressing for the pursuit of economic growth as an end in itself. A real and profound change in how we think about growth is needed–one that doesn’t let special interests get in the way of creating a just, fair and sustainable economy with clean energy for all.


The time for tough decisions on climate change is now

Reversing the damage is within our grasp, but it will hinge on a strong international climate agreement and policies that make polluters pay. Op Ed by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General and Nick Stern, Chair of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, The Guardian.


It is time to reverse an unfolding injustice

According to shocking new research by Oxfam, the world’s richest 1% would, on current trends, own more than half the world’s wealth by 2016.


Support to fossil fuels remains high and the time is ripe for change

Government support to fossil fuel consumption and production in OECD countries and key emerging economies remains high, at USD 160-200 billion annually, according to a new OECD report. This support is hampering global efforts to curb emissions and combat climate change.


In the absence of Marty and Doc’s time machine… Insights Blog

"Back to the Future" festivities marking 21 October 2015 as the date Marty and Doc travel to the future in the famous film with Michael J. Fox. If only we had a similar time machine allowing us to travel to 2045 to see what the climate has in store to better decide what policies to adopt today. Alas, no time machine has been invented yet but, in the absence of such a cool device, we can rely on climate and economic models...


Report: Decarbonising Maritime Transport - Pathways to zero-carbon shipping by 2035

This report examines what would be needed to achieve zero CO2 emissions from international maritime transport by 2035. It assesses measures that can reduce shipping emissions effectively and describes possible decarbonisation pathways that use different combinations of these measures; and reviews under which conditions these measures could be implemented and presents concrete policy recommendations.


Time for an energy [r]evolution

We can’t use terms like “inclusive” and “green” as window dressing for the pursuit of economic growth as an end in itself. A real and profound change in how we think about growth is needed–one that doesn’t let special interests get in the way of creating a just, fair and sustainable economy with clean energy for all.


It is time to reverse an unfolding injustice

According to shocking new research by Oxfam, the world’s richest 1% would, on current trends, own more than half the world’s wealth by 2016.


Time is of the essence: can Indonesia phase out energy subsidies without hurting the poor? - Insights Blog

A new OECD publication highlights notable economic and environmental benefits of phasing out fossil-fuel subsidies in Indonesia. Interestingly, the study is based on the context that pertained until mid-2014, when international oil prices where high and before the recent phase-out of subsidies by the government.


Support to fossil fuels remains high and the time is ripe for change

Government support to fossil fuel consumption and production in OECD countries and key emerging economies remains high, at USD 160-200 billion annually, according to a new OECD report. This support is hampering global efforts to curb emissions and combat climate change.


Policy Brief: Adapting to the changing face of work - Policies to make the most of part-time and temporary work

OECD countries are seeing a trend away from traditional employment towards part-time and temporary work and self-employment. However, there are concerns that part-time and temporary work are contributing to inequality and poverty. Policy needs to focus on ensuring that these "non-traditional" jobs are stepping stones to better jobs, not dead ends.


Measuring skills shortages in real time

Discussion on how technology helps measuring skills shortages in real time


'Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk': Engaging But Not Exceptional

Director: Ang Lee; Cast: Joe Alwyn, Kristen Stewart, Chris Tucker, Garrett Hedlund, Makenzie Leigh, Vin Diesel, Steve Martin, Brain "Astro" Bradley, Arturo Castro.


In support of its active enforcement efforts, Italy should urgently extend timeframe for prosecuting foreign bribery

The Phase 3 Report on Italy by the OECD Working Group on Bribery evaluates and makes recommendations on Italy's implementation and application of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and related instruments.


It's high time to fight corruption in education, by Mihaylo Milovanovitch

A modern day Bulgarian proverb says “What money can’t buy, a lot of money can”. Sadly, the truth of this popular wisdom holds well beyond the country it comes from. Sadly too, it seems to work well in schools and universities. Year by year Transparency International (TI), an international anti-corruption NGO, publishes data on the perceptions and experience of people from around the globe...


(Learning) time is on their side (OECD Education Today Blog)

Got a minute? How about 218 of them? That’s the average amount of time students in OECD countries spend in mathematics class each week (although to some, it feels like an eternity). Spare a thought, though, for students in Chile: they spend about twice that amount of time (400 minutes, or 6 hours and 40 minutes) each week in maths class. But who’s counting?


PISA in Focus No. 59 - Does it matter how much time students spend on line outside of school?

In 2012, 15-year-old students spent over two hours on line each day, on average across OECD countries. The most common online activities among 15-year-olds were browsing the Internet for fun and participating in social networks, with over 70% of students doing one of these every day or almost every day.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 38 - How is learning time organised in primary and secondary education?

The number and length of school holidays differs significantly across OECD countries, meaning the number of instructional days in primary and secondary education ranges from 162 days a year in France to more than 200 days in Israel and Japan.


How much time is spent on maths and science in primary education? (OECD Education&Skills Today Blog)

Primary school is a fundamental stage in children’s education. Yet it is often neglected in education research and policy debates, somehow squeezed between the seemingly more important stages of early childhood education and secondary education.


Time, working and learning (OECD Education Today Blog)

At the beginning of work-based learning programmes employers make an investment. This pays off later on when, after receiving high quality training, skilled trainees achieve higher productivity and contribute to production.


Register for a webinar "PISA 2015: Q&A Session Closing the Achievement Gap" with Andreas Schleicher (December 15th, 14h Paris time)

Register for a webinar "PISA 2015: Q&A Session Closing the Achievement Gap" with Andreas Schleicher (December 15th, 14h Paris time)


Register for the Q&A Webinar - Tax Incentives to Invest in Education and Skills (Thursday, 13 April, at 17:00 Paris time)

This public session will discuss the financial incentives to invest in education, with a particular focus on how tax systems impact skills development in OECD countries. The webinar will present some of the key findings from the OECD’s new report, Taxation and Skills and their implications for policy makers.


Register for the webinar - Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education (Wednesday, 21 June, at 17:00 Paris time)

Join Andreas Schleicher, Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, and Éric Charbonnier, analyst in the Early Childhood and Schools division, who will present the main findings from Starting Strong V - Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education.


PISA in Focus No. 73 - Do students spend enough time learning?

In some countries and economies, such as Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong (China), Qatar,Thailand, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates, students spend at least 54 hours per week learning at and outside of school combined, whereas in others, like Finland, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Uruguay, students spend less than 40 hours studying.


Register for the webinar - PISA 2015 Results (Volume V): Collaborative Problem Solving (Tuesday, 21 November,16:00 Paris time)

The assessment examines students’ ability to work with two or more people to try to solve a problem. The report highlights how students’ gender, socio-economic status and immigrant background are related to their performance in the assessment and to their attitudes towards collaboration in general.


Urban green growth is about asking the right questions at the right time - Insights Blog

Are you a city-dweller, concerned about the challenges of urbanisation, resilience and inclusiveness? Cities and urban areas represent unrivalled concentrations of people, economic growth, commercial networks, and innovation – and have the potential to make a significant contribution to the transition towards a low-carbon world.


The Fast Lane: summertime, and the working gets easy

A summer office set-up reminds us that we don’t need gimmicks in the workplace to keep colleagues happy


This is no time for a UK stimulus

The current period is reminiscent of 1937, when Keynes said the time was wrong to boost spending


Will Covid-19 survivors face a lifetime of illness like those who battled polio?

Kirstin Coutney, pictured with her daughter Tilly, contracted Covid-19.  The 49-year-old mother of two from Bath is still suffering crippling fatigue, six weeks after developing the virus.


Matt Hancock now 'on borrowed time' after battles with Michael Gove, Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson

Matt Hancock is living on 'borrowed time' as Health Secretary following clashes with the three most powerful members of the Government over the Covid crisis, The Mail on Sunday has been told.


Boy, 4, who beat coronavirus and battled rare cancer is allowed outside for first time in two months

Essex cancer patient Archie Wilks, four, (right) was allowed outdoors for a family walk after testing negative for coronavirus. He walked through fields with his twin brother Henry (left) and parents.


Matt Hancock now 'on borrowed time' after battles with Michael Gove, Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson

Matt Hancock is living on 'borrowed time' as Health Secretary following clashes with the three most powerful members of the Government over the Covid crisis, The Mail on Sunday has been told.


Major sport returns for first time during coronavirus pandemic as UFC 249 takes place in Florida

Major sport returned for the first time during the coronavirus pandemic as UFC 249 took place without fans in Florida. The leading mixed martial arts promotion overcame controversy


Step back in time to witness 65 years of Land Rover gruelling expeditions 

The all-new Defender has just returned from a punishing expedition in West Africa. But Land Rover has been pitting its vehicles against tough terrain for 65 years. Here are the best examples.