ip 009 JSJ Testing JavaScript with Joe Eames By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 10:00:00 -0400 The panelists discuss testing JavaScript with Joe Eames Full Article
ip 011 JSJ Can HTML5 and JavaScript Really Replace Flash? By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 10:00:00 -0400 The panelists discuss whether HTML5 and JavaScript can really replace Flash. Full Article
ip 012 JSJ Design Patterns in JavaScript with Addy Osmani By devchat.tv Published On :: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 10:00:00 -0400 The panelists talk about design patterns in JavaScript with Addy Osmani Full Article
ip 017 JSJ CoffeeScript with Jeremy Ashkenas By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 23:01:00 -0400 The panelists talk to Jeremy Ashkenas about CoffeeScript. Full Article
ip 027 JSJ The JavaScript Community By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 05 Sep 2012 10:00:00 -0400 The panelists discuss the JavaScript community at large. Full Article
ip 030 JSJ Learning & Teaching JavaScript with Noel Rappin By devchat.tv Published On :: Thu, 04 Oct 2012 05:00:00 -0400 Panel Noel Rappin (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Intro to CoffeeScript) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Discussion 00:52 - Works in training and talent development for Groupon 00:56 - Author of Rails Test Prescriptions and upcoming Master Space and Time with JavaScript 01:21 - Writing a book about JavaScript 02:33 - Focus of the book Part 1: Jasmine and jQuery and the JavaScript Object Model Part 2: Extended examples of jQuery Part 3: Backbone Part 4: Ember 03:46 - Self-published authors 05:15 - Approaches and mindsets to learning JavaScript 06:04 - “Gotchas!” and bad features in Javascript 09:17 - Modeling JavaScript for beginners 11:23 - (AJ joins the podcast) 11:42 - Resources/Classes for learning JavaScript Good Parts Book: Douglas Crockford JavaScript Patterns: Stoyan Stefanov Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming: Marijn Haverbeke Maintainable JavaScript: Nicholas C. Zakas 13:54 - Hiring people with JavaScript experience at Groupon 15:12 - Training workshops 17:00 - Getting new hires up to speed quickly Pairing Mentoring Lectures Workshops 21:38 - Book Learning You can learn at your own pace But it’s hard to ask questions to a book 22:51 - How Noel gained expertise in JavaScript 24:38 - Code reading and learning to program a language 26:18 - Teaching people JavaScript as their very first language 31:55 - Classroom layout 33:42 - Online training Kahn Academy Computer Science Code Academy Starter League 40:00 - Finding a mentor Stack Overflow Picks Shrines by Purity Ring (Jamison) Learnable Programming: Bret Victor (Jamison) Mob Software: Richard P. Gabriel & Ron Goldman (Jamison) Monoprice.com (AJ) ZREO: Zelda Reorchestrated (AJ) The Official Twitter App (Chuck) Fluid App (Chuck) Try Jasmine! (Noel) Justin Searls (Noel) The Atrocity Archives: Charles Stross (Noel) Futurity: A Musical by The Lisps (Noel) Transcript NOEL: I’m trying to figure out where the chat is in this stupid Skype interface. JAMISON: Just imagine the worst place it could possibly be and that’s where it is. [This episode is sponsored by ComponentOne, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to wijmo.com and check them out.] [Hosting and bandwidth provided by The Blue Box Group. Check them out at bluebox.net] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 30 of the JavaScript Jabber show! This week on our panel we have, Jamison Dance. JAMISON: Hey guys! CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from devchat.tv and this week, we have a special guest and that’s Noel Rappin! NOEL: Hey everybody! CHUCK: For the people who don’t know who you are, you want to introduce yourself, Noel? NOEL: Sure. I currently work in training and talent development for Groupon. And I am the author of previously “Rails Test Prescriptions” and currently a self-published book called “Master Time and Space with JavaScript”, which you can get at noelrappin.com. I need to spell that out, right? N-o-e-l-r-a-p-p-i-n.com CHUCK: So I’m little curious, before we get into the topic which is learning and teaching JavaScript, how did you get into writing a book about JavaScript? What’s your background there? NOEL: You know, it actually relates to teaching and learning JavaScript. I think, I was like… a lot of long time web devs. I spent my first round as a web consultant in around, turn of the century 2000’s. I spent time trying to talk clients out of JavaScript stuff because it was such a pain in the neck. And I kind of got away from it for awhile and came back a couple of years ago to realize that basically, everything had changed and they were actually usable tools now. And last summer, I was working with a… at that time, Full Article
ip 036 JSJ DOM Rendering and Manipulating By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 07:00:00 -0500 Panel AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Intro to CoffeeScript) Discussion 01:29 - Merrick Christensen is a new regular panel member CascadiaJS 2012 JavaScript Modules: AMD, Require.js & Other Wins: Merrick Christensen 03:58 - DOM Rendering and Manipulating Backbone.js Ext.js 06:49 - Differences Load times Ease of use backbone.syphon 09:49 - The Ext.js approach vs the Backbone.js approach 15:51 - Templating engines dust.js handlebars.js mustache.js hogan.js underscore jquery 16:46 - handlebars.js vs mustache.js 18:08 - Templating engines (cont’d) Mold.js Ember.js Metamorph.js Knockout.js Pure.js Plates.js 26:34 - Difference between the click handler and the delegate function 31:49 - Template engines and string generations 33:01 - Writing templates and learning APIs 35:03 - Ext.js issues 39:32 - Dojo Picks Aldo (AJ) On Being A Senior Engineer (Jamison) Joshua James: From the Top of Willamette Mountain (Merrick) sparks.js (Merrick) grunt.js (Merrick) knit-js (Merrick) Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer by Brian Marick (Chuck) New Media Expo 2013 (Discount code Wood20) (Chuck) Skyfall (Joe) LEGO Lord of the Rings (Joe) Global Day of Coderetreat 2012 (Joe) Transcript JOE: If AJ talks on JavaScript Jabber, does anybody hear it? CHUCK: [laughs] AJ: Not if I don’t have my function key pressed down. [This episode is sponsored by ComponentOne, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to wijmo.com and check them out.] [This episode is sponsored by Gaslight Software. They are putting on a Mastering Backbone training in San Francisco at the Mission Bay Conference Center, December 3rd through 5th of this year. This three day intensive course will forever change the way you develop the front-end of your web applications. For too long, many web developers have approached front-end as drudgery. No more! We’ll help you build the skills to write front-end code you can love every bit as much as your server-side code.] [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at bluebox.net] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to episode 36 of the JavaScript Jabber Show! This week on our panel, we have AJ O'Neal. AJ: Yo, yo, comin' at you from the cowboy sphere of Orem, Utah. CHUCK: We also have Jamison Dance. JAMISON: I'm coming at you from bathrobe sphere of Orem, Utah. It’s much more comfortable than a cowboy sphere. CHUCK: We have Joe Eames. JOE: Comin’ at you from a cluttered office. CHUCK: And Merrick Christensen. MERRICK: Hey guys! CHUCK: So, Merrick is new. Merrick, do you wanna introduce yourself real quick? MERRICK: Sure. My name is Merrick Christensen. I've been developing JavaScript for a number of years -- big fan of it. You can find me on twitter and GitHub and all that kind of stuff. JOE: Did you just recently speak at any conferences? MERRICK: Yeah actually. [laughter] I just spoke at CascadiaJS on require.js. And actually, what's really cool is they just barely put the videos for that up today and I was so stoked at how high quality. So to the CascadiaJS team, you guys did an excellent job. JOE: Are the videos free? MERRICK: Oh yeah. All free up on YouTube. And there’s some cool stuff -- there's stuff on like robots -- it was an amazing conference. The organizers just did an amazing job. CHUCK: Sounds like fun. Was that up in the North West somewhere? MERRICK: Yeah it was actually in Seattle. CHUCK: Nice. MERRICK: Yeah it was beautiful. JAMISON: I heard that as one of the after party things, they took everybody up to see the James Bond movie? MERRICK: They did yeah. Full Article
ip 044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 03:00:00 -0500 Panel David Herman (twitter blog Effective JavaScript) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Tim Caswell (twitter github howtonode.org) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:01 - David Herman Introduction Mozilla Mozilla Research TC39 - ECMAScript 01:45 - Effective JavaScript by David Herman 04:27 - Reader Opinions & Controversy JavaScript:The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford 09:09 - ES3 Shimming 11:25 - Code: effectivejs/code 12:50 - Parts of the Book 15:54 - Blocking Web Gestures With getUserMedia: Part1: Aaron Frost 17:28 - Book Level of Difficulty Effective C++ by Scott Meyers 20:09 - Asynchronous APIs Recursion Tail-Call Optimization 26:51 - Programming Language Academics 30:55 - DOM Integration Effective C++ by Scott Meyers Effective STL by Scott Meyers 31:50 - Advice for JavaScript Beginners Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke JavaScript Enlightenment by Cody Lindley How to Design Programs 33:16 - Advice for Programmers in General 34:53 - Performance 38:16 - The JavaScript Language 40:45 - Primitives Vs Wrapper Classes 42:37 - Semicolons 45:24 - -0/+0 Picks Jack (Tim) Putting Constants on the Left (AJ) Getting Started with Amazon AWS EC2 (1 year free VPS web hosting) (AJ) Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods: Jeff Hodges (Jamison) Hurdles getting started with Ember.js (Jamison) Grieves (Merrick) The Scala Programming Language (Merrick) Antoine Dufour (Joe) Torchlight II (Joe) Appliness Digital Magazine (Joe) Powermat Home & Office Mat (Chuck) Une Bobine (Chuck) The Rust Programming Language (David) mozilla/servo (David) Roominate Toy (David) OpenWest Conference Call For Papers (AJ) Transcript CHUCK: The most effective way to hack is quickly. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at bluebox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 44 of the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel, we have Jamison Dance. JAMISON: Hello. CHUCK: AJ O’Neal. AJ: Yo! Yo! Yo! Coming at you live from the living roomisphere of Provo, Utah. CHUCK: We have Joe Eames. JOE: Hi. CHUCK: Merrick Christensen. MERRICK: What’s up guys? CHUCK: Tim Caswell. TIM: Hello. CHUCK: I'm Charles Max Wood from devchat.tv and this week, we have a special guest, Dave Herman. DAVE: Hi there. CHUCK: So Dave, you haven’t been on the show before. Do you want to introduce yourself? DAVE: Sure. I work for Mozilla. I have sort of helped create this new department called Mozilla Research where we do a whole bunch of web platform experiments and new technology for the web. And I also am on the horribly named TC39, the standards organization for ECMAScript, working on the next edition of the JavaScript standard. CHUCK: Cool. DAVE: Oh, and I wrote this book. CHUCK: You did this book. TIM: You didn’t just read it and then become an expert on the book and then talk on a podcast about it? [Laughter] CHUCK: So, I heard about this book. I’m a little curious when you started writing the book, I mean, what was the idea behind it? What inspired it? DAVE: To tell you the truth, I had no intention of writing a book, it didn’t occur to me. But the publishers reached out to me, I guess they heard of me through TC39, maybe ‘es-discuss’ or something. But they said, “Okay we’ve got this series, this Effective series.” And I was very familiar with Effective C++ which I think is a great book and I really like the format. And just when they approached me, I kind of thought, “You know, Full Article
ip 048 JSJ Why JavaScript Is Hard By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 07:00:00 -0500 Panel Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github howtonode.org) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Discussion 00:56 - Why JavaScript is hard to learn 02:30 - This 05:30 - Bind 09:11 - Browsers 11:01 - Class-based inheritance Prototypal inheritance 16:37 - New function 18:51 - Closures 20:51 - JavaScript is asynchronous 22:14 - Variable scoping Hoisting 26:14 - Numbers and math (AJ joins the podcast) == ’s vs === ’s 32:15 - Things that make JavaScript hard after learning JavaScript Package management 35:06 - Numbers (cont’d) Crypto Bitwise operations Strings Effective JavaScript by David Herman 044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman 40:16 - Changing/Evolving JavaScript 43:31 - Environmental reasons that make JavaScript Hard Tooling 48:25 - Few projects are primarily JavaScript 49:07 - Adolescence and the JavaScript Ecosystem 53:59 - Running JavaScript Picks Sharpie Metallic Silver (AJ) The how and why of auto-executing functions (in JavaScript) (AJ) The JavaScript Unicycle (AJ) RSA (Tim) OUYA (Tim) Borderlands 2 (Joe) MechWarrior Tactics (Chuck) Testing Clientside JavaScript (Joe) Fire Up Ember.js | PeepCode (Chuck) Meet Chef (Part 2 of 2) | PeepCode (Chuck) Next Week MooTools with Arian Stolwijk and Valerio Proietti Transcript TIM: I’m just learning lots of math and attempting to do real math in JavaScript is a fun challenge. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at Bluebox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 48 of the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel, we have Joe Eames. JOE: Howdy! CHUCK: We also have Tim Caswell. TIM: Hello! CHUCK: And I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.tv. And when this episode goes out, you’re going to have about two weeks left if you wanted to sign up for my Rails Ramp Up course. You’ll find that at RailsRampUp.com. I’ve been working hard on that. This week, we’re going to talk about why JavaScript is hard. And I think it was Tim that came on and said, “So, we’re talking about why JavaScript sucks?” And I didn’t want to call it that but at the same time, it’s one of the -- I think the reasons that people find JavaScript hard and the reasons some people say that JavaScript sucks are kind of the same thing. So, if you want to think of it that way, go right ahead. But I kind of wanted to talk about this for a couple of reasons. One was that I was at the users’ group meeting last week and they talked about some of the things that make JavaScript hard and I don’t remember what they all were. But there were a few things that, there are some concepts that are markedly different from what you find in other languages or at least some of the concepts exist in the other languages but they aren’t kind of as important or as in-your-face as they are in JavaScript. Anyway, the other reason is that I was thinking about when I first started this show. And when I first started the show, I was a web developer that was kind of like, “jQuery, whoo!” And thought jQuery and JavaScript, you know, were mostly the same in the sense that the only way to write sane JavaScript was to use jQuery. And so, I wanted to talk around some of the things that I’ve learned over the last year from the other panelists and help people who are coming into JavaScript understand the real power behind some of these other concepts. So that being said, let’s go ahead and get started. I’m a little curious as to what you guys think are some of the hard things that people run into in JavaScript, like why do they struggle with it? TIM: Alright. So, Full Article
ip 054 JSJ JavaScript Parsing, ASTs, and Language Grammar w/ David Herman and Ariya Hidayat By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 03:00:00 -0400 Use this link and code JAVAJAB to get 20% off your registration for FluentConf 2013! Panel David Herman (twitter blog Effective JavaScript) Ariya Hidayat (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github howtonode.org) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 00:48 - David Herman and Ariya Hidayat Introduction 044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman 023 JSJ Phantom.js with Ariya Hidayat 01:54 - Parsing JavaScript and ASTs and Language Grammars 04:44 - Semantics 06:08 - Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Esprima: Parser SpiderMonkey 10:37 - Lexer 12:16 - Writing your own language creationix / jack The C Programming Language 17:41 - Parser Generators JavaScriptCore 21:04 - Evolving a Syntax Automatic Semicolon Insertion Post correspondence problem Halting problem 28:05 - Language Design The Rust Programming Language 30:35 - Grammar Regular Expressions (Regex) Backus–Naur Form (BNF) Recursion How to Design Programs (HTDP) 38:00 - Recursive Descent Parsers 42:48 - Benefits of knowing language internals and syntax Apache Lucene - Apache Lucene Core LPeg - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua 48:48 - Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Picks Mass Effect 3 (Joe) A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior | Coursera (Joe) Go write a programming language to learn one (Tim) Thumbs and Ammo (Jamison) ISM by Savant (Jamison) Vimcasts (Jamison) The iPhreaks Show (Chuck) Mozy (Chuck) Tech & Go Bright Pink Micro USB Cable (David) asm.js (David) Beyond Office Politics: The Hidden Story of Power, Affiliation & Achievement in the Workplace by Linda Sommer (Ariya) gotwarlost / istanbul (Ariya) Next Week Web Developer Skills Transcript JAMISON: I am Linus Torvalds and I pronounce Linux, Linix. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at Bluebox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 54 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have Tim Caswell. TIM: Hello. CHUCK: Jamison Dance. JAMISON: Hi guys. CHUCK: Joe Eames. JOE: Hey there. CHUCK: Merrick Christensen. MERRICK: Hey guys, what’s up? CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.tv. And we have two special guests this week. We have Dave Herman. DAVID: Hey there. CHUCK: Ariya Hidayat. ARIYA: Hello everyone. CHUCK: And these guys are so smart that we brought them back. So, if you’re interested, we’ll put links to the episodes that they were on. David was on when we talked about his book ‘Essential JavaScript’ and Ariya was on when we talked about PhantomJS. JAMISON: Effective JavaScript. CHUCK: Effective? What did I say? MERRICK: Essential. CHUCK: Essential? Well, it’s an essential book on Effective JavaScript. How’s that? [Laughter] MERRICK: Good save. DAVID: At least, you didn’t say Defective JavaScript. [Laughter] CHUCK: No, that’s what I write. I’m really good at writing defective JavaScript. ARIYA: Actually, there’s a book about Essential on Defective JavaScript. CHUCK: I also want to announce really quickly that Fluent Conf has given us a discount code. So, if you want to get 20% off on your registration for Fluent Conf, just enter JAVAJAB and you’ll get 20% off when you register for Fluent Conf. Alright. Well, let’s get started. This is going to be a really, really interesting topic and it’s something that I’ve wanted to know more about for a long time. And I just haven’t delved as deeply into it as I would like to. And that is, Full Article
ip 066 JSJ Transitioning to JavaScript By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 03:00:00 -0400 Panel Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:10 - Making the transition from one primary language to JavaScript 01:30 - Merrick’s Experience ActionScript 03:32 - Joe’s Experience .NET Microsoft 07:46 - Moving from C# to JavaScript Misconceptions 09:25 - JavaScript Misconceptions 10:59 - Chuck’s Experience Ruby on Rails 14:25 - Rails and JavaScript Avoidance 15:25 - Microsoft and JavaScript Avoidance 16:58 - JavaScript Development in General Browsers and Problems 23:38 - Libraries and Tools 044 JSJ Book Club: Effective JavaScript with David Herman Effective JavaScript by David Herman 24:45 - Code Structure 27:03 - node.js 28:00 - Learning core concepts behind JavaScript 29:11 - Understanding Clojures, Scoping & Context 29:53 - Testing 31:35 - Deviating off the common path 33:10 - Idiomatic JavaScript Picks Dart (Merrick) ES6 Plans (Merrick) Defiance (Joe) America's Got Talent (Joe) StarCraft II World Championship Series (WCS) (Joe) Continuum (Chuck) Fringe (Chuck) CleanMyMac (Chuck) Book Club JavaScript Allongé with Reginald Braithwaite! He will join us for an episode to discuss the book on August 1st. The episode will air on August 9th. Next Week Testem with Toby Ho Transcript CHUCK: Yeah, I can pretend I’m getting better at JavaScript. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at BlueBox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] [This podcast is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of WebStorm. Whether you’re working with Node.js or building the frontend of your web application, WebStorm is the tool for you. It has great code quality and code exploration tools and works with HTML5, Node, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Harmony, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint, JSHint, and the Google Closure Compiler. Check it out at JetBrains.com/WebStorm.] CHUCK: Hey everybody, and welcome to Episode 66 of the JavaScript Jabber Show. This week on our panel, we have Joe Eames. JOE: Hi there. CHUCK: And Merrick Christensen. MERRICK: Hey guys. CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.TV. And this week, we’re going to be talking about, I think it’s kind of a blend of making the transition from one primary language to JavaScript, it usually happens through web development, and some of the mistakes that people make when their primary language is not JavaScript. Let’s go ahead and get started. Merrick, you’re kind of the expert guy that I always look at and go, “Man, he’s awesome at JavaScript.” So, I’m wondering, did you start out at JavaScript or did you come in from somewhere else? MERRICK: Oh, that’s really nice of you, man. I actually started out with ActionScript. I really loved Flash developments, but it’s the same thing, really. They’re both based off of ECMAScript. So, I guess you could say I’ve always done JavaScript. JOE: So, ActionScript is nearly identical to JavaScript? MERRICK: Well, not anymore. ActionScript 3 developed classes and they typed it and they did some interesting things to make it more of a full-featured language. It’s got more [inaudible] than JavaScript now, I think. But I ended up getting into JavaScript when I was like 17 or so. I came across the MooTools framework and ever since then, it’s been all JavaScript all the time. CHUCK: You’re pretty young. Wasn’t that last year? [Laughter] MERRICK: Close. No, about six years, five years of JavaScript. JOE: You’re also, though, like a real student of languages. You love studying other languages. MERRICK: I love programming languages, yeah. JOE: I think you’re a pretty funny, not necessarily unique, Full Article
ip 070 JSJ Book Club: JavaScript Allongé with Reginald Braithwaite By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 12:47:00 -0400 Panel Reginald Braithwaite (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 02:08 - Reg Braithwaite Introduction Github 03:46 - JavaScript Allongé by Reginald Braithwaite 06:43 - The Y Combinator Kestrels, Quirky Birds, and Hopeless Egocentricity by Reginald Braithwaite 14:26 - Book Summary/Perspective Functions QED, The Strange Theory of Light and Matter by Richard P. Feynman 21:37 - Footnotes Flashman: A Novel by George MacDonald Fraser 26:42 - allong.es Michael Fogus 29:15 - Sharing Knowledge & Information 33:01 - The Coffee Theme CoffeeScript Ristretto by Reginald Braithwaite 37:42 - Favorite Parts of the Book How Prototypes Work Combinators 42:18 - Writing the Beginning 44:41 - Reg’s Programming Background One Two Three . . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science by George Gamow Picks ng-conf (Joe & Merrick) LUMOback (Merrick) Twilio (AJ) Bountysource (AJ) Brian Stevens / Data Porters (Chuck) InformIT (Chuck) Safari Books Online (Chuck) QED, The Strange Theory of Light and Matter by Richard P. Feynman (Reginald) One Two Three . . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science by George Gamow (Reginald) Understanding Computation: From Simple Machines to Impossible Programs by Tom Stuart (Reginald) Realm of Racket: Learn to Program, One Game at a Time! by Matthias Felleisen (Reginald) Special Offer! JSJABBERROCKS will give $5 off JavaScript Allongé by Reginald Braithwaite on Friday, August 9th through Sunday, August 11th 2013 ONLY! Next Week JavaScript Strategies at Microsoft with Scott Hanselman Transcript MERRICK: Turns out my habit is Joe coming over to my desk and saying, [singing] “Da-na-na-na, jabber time!” [Laughter] AJ: Nice. REG: That behavior is always acceptable if you are dressed for the part. [Laughter] CHUCK: Since this is pure audio, you don’t even have to be dressed. JOE: I have a pair of parachute pants. MERRICK: I actually record most of this show while I'm in the bathtub. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at BlueBox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] [This podcast is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of WebStorm. Whether you’re working with Node.js or building the front end of your web application, WebStorm is the tool for you. It has great code quality and code exploration tools and works with HTML5, Node, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Harmony, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint, JSHint, and the Google Closure compiler. Check it out at JetBrains.com/WebStorm.] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 70 the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel we have Jamison Dance. JAMISON: Hello friends. CHUCK: Joe Eames. JOE: Hey there. CHUCK: AJ O’Neal. AJ: Still coming at you almost live from San Francisco. CHUCK: Merrick Christensen. MERRICK: What’s up guys? CHUCK: There we go. I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.TV. And we have a special guest, and that is Reg Braithwaite. REG: Pleased to be here with you. MERRICK: That was a real voice if I’ve ever heard one. JOE: Yeah. Awesome. CHUCK: No kidding. We should have you do some voice overs for us. MERRICK: We should. CHUCK: You’re listening to JavaScript Jabber. [Chuckles] AJ: Say, “In a world…” [Chuckles] REG: In a world… CHUCK: Anyway… [Laughter] AJ: Derailed, derailed. CHUCK: Yeah, totally. Reg, since you’re new to the show, do you want to introduce your self briefly? REG: Certainly. I’m a 51-year-old programmer. I got started the old-fashioned way, Full Article
ip 071 JSJ JavaScript Strategies at Microsoft with Scott Hanselman By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 07:00:00 -0400 Panel Scott Hanselman (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Aaron Frost (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:14 - Scott Hanselman Introduction Community Program Manager for Web Tools at Microsoft Azure and Web Tools ASP.NET Runtime 03:17 - Microsoft and JavaScript Microsoft Build Developer Conference Scott Hanselman: Angle Brackets, Curly Braces, One ASP.NET and the Cloud Json.NET 13:40 - The Cost of Web Development Tooling Sublime Text Visual Studio 18:17 - Libraries and Frameworks Knockout 24:14 - Innovation in Software Befunge 29:48 - Apps Supporting JavaScript Create your first Windows Store app using JavaScript (Windows) Visual Studio Express 34:14 - Windows and Internet Explorer Chakra 40:42 - Microsoft’s Attitude Towards JavaScript Scott Hanselman: Azure for the non-Microsoft Person - How and Why? 45:58 - Open Source 49:12 - asm.js 52:05 - Angle Brackets Conference Picks The Wolverine (Joe) ng-conf (Joe) Cancún (Aaron) @ngconf (Aaron) Wistia (Chuck) Mumford And Sons 'Hopeless Wanderer' Music Video (Scott) Beyoncé Joins the Short Hair Club (Scott) Next Week Screencasting: Sharing What You Know Through Video Transcript [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at BlueBox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] [This podcast is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of WebStorm. Whether you’re working with Node.js or building the front end of your web application, WebStorm is the tool for you. It has great code quality and code exploration tools and works with HTML5, Node, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Harmony, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint, JSHint, and the Google Closure Compiler. Check it out at JetBrains.com/WebStorm.] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 71 the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel, we have Joe Eames. JOE: Hey. CHUCK: Aaron Frost. AARON: Hello. CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.TV. And we have a special guest that is Scott Hanselman. SCOTT: Hello. CHUCK: Since you’re new to the show, do you want to introduce yourself really quickly? SCOTT: My name is Scott Hanselman. You can learn more about me on the internet by googling for Scott. I’m in an epic battle right now with the Scott toilet paper people. You’ll find me just below Scott toilet tissue. I’ve been blogging for ten years. More than ten years, 13 years. I work at Microsoft right now. Before that I worked in finance at a company called Corillian that is now Fiserv. I’ve been building big systems on the web for as long as the web’s been around. CHUCK: Wow. What do you do at Microsoft? SCOTT: I work in Azure and Web Tools. I’m a program manager. I’m in charge of the experience from file new project until deployment. I call myself the PM of miscellaneous. I spend time going through that experience making sure that it doesn’t suck. My focus is on web tools but also ASP.NET Runtime and what the experience is when you deploy something into Azure. That might be everything from what’s it like editing JavaScript in Visual Studio and I’ll find some issue and go and work with the guys that own that, or it might be someone’s trying to do something in Node on Azure and that experience is not good. I’m like an ombudsman or a customer liaison. But the simplest way would be to say I’m the community PM, community program manager, for web tools at Microsoft. CHUCK: Okay. AARON: Cool. CHUCK: So, is JavaScript your primary focus? SCOTT: I would say that my primary focus is just anything that makes the web better and moves the web forward. While I work for ASP.NET and most of my work is in C#, Full Article
ip 075 JSJ Maintainable JavaScript with Nicholas Zakas By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 08:00:00 -0400 Panel Nicholas C. Zakas (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:24 - Nicholas Zakas Introduction Box Maintainable JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas High Performance JavaScript (Build Faster Web Application Interfaces) by Nicholas C. Zakas Yahoo 02:19 - What Makes Maintainable JavaScript? Code Layout Clever Solutions (“Chicken Blood Solutions”) 04:39 - Formatting Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman Broken Window Theory 07:33 - Architecture aura Nicholas Zakas: The Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture Feature Encapsulation 14:11 - 'High Performance Javascript' and the balance between short-term and long-term knowledge 19:17 - Important conventions for a team to follow Styles Mini Design Patterns Readability 26:14 - Tools & Techniques Style Guide 28:31 - Breaking the continuous integration build 31:14 - Linting JSLint 32:35 - Developing skills for architecting things Experience Personal Trait of Curiosity Component-based and Systems-based software engineers 37:52 - Architecture and Maintainability Testability Backbone.js 43:28 - Creating common conventions that will apply across projects Picks Domo (Joe) Pluralsight (Joe) Game Dev Tycoon (Joe) The Star Wars (Joe) Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move! by Keith Peters (Merrick) ng-conf (Merrick) Kveikur by Sigur Rós (Merrick) makemeasandwich (AJ) Sleep (AJ) Jekyll Themes (Jamison) Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman (Jamison) A Canticle For Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. (Jamison) DevChat.tv (Chuck) Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (Nicholas) StePhest Colbchella '013 - Time to Dance (Nicholas) Evolution of Music - Pentatonix (Nicholas) Next Week Meteor.js with Marcus Phillips and Fred Zirdung Transcript [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at BlueBox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] [This podcast is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of WebStorm. Whether you’re working with Node.js or building the frontend of your web application, WebStorm is the tool for you. It has great code quality and code exploration tools and works with HTML5, Node, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Harmony, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint, JSHint, and the Google Closure Compiler. Check it out at JetBrains.com/WebStorm.] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to episode 75 of the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel, we have Joe Eames. JOE: Hey, everyone. CHUCK: AJ O’Neal. AJ: I can hit unmute. I'm here. CHUCK: Jamison Dance. JAMISON: Hello, friends. CHUCK: Merrick Christensen. MERRICK: Hey, guys. CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.TV. This week, we have a special guest, that’s Nicholas Zakas. NICHOLAS: Yup, you got it. CHUCK: So, since you haven’t been on the show before, do you want to introduce yourself? NICHOLAS: Sure. I'm a software engineer that is working for Box currently. I think a lot of people probably know me from the books that I've written, mostly on the topic of JavaScript and the talks that I've given also on that topic. And a lot of that relates back to my work when I was at Yahoo. I was there for about five years and was the lead on the Yahoo homepage redesign. And a lot of what I do is really just try to solve problems in real life and then share what I did with everybody else in whatever way I think is most appropriate - writing or speaking or coming on podcasts. CHUCK: Yes, you're being modest. You have a book, Full Article
ip 076 JSJ Meteor.js with Marcus Phillips and Fred Zirdung By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 07:41:00 -0400 Panel Marcus Phillips (twitter github) Fred Zirdung (twitter github) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:30 - Marcus Phillips and Fred Zirdung Introduction Hack Reactor 03:31 - Experience with Meteor 05:45 - Intro to Meteor Client-side Environment Tethered Queries minimongo 09:56 - Websockets 11:29 - Deployment Support 14:51 - The Cloud 16:43 - Meteor and Server-side JavaScript Engines Meteor Devshop 7 - LIVE 19:48 - Meteor and Windows 22:43 - Package Management System 23:49 - Building Meteor Apps 29:04 - Meteor Methods 33:02 - Open-Source Meteor Apps 34:15 - Hack Reactor Education Training Developers Removing Complexity Picks ng-conf (Joe) Ben Kamens: “Shipping Beats Perfection” Explained (Jamison) Evan Goer: Writing for Developers — Some Rational Techniques (Jamison) BOXEN (Chuck) Book Yourself Solid Illustrated: The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing and Selling by Michael Port (Chuck) meteor / packages / deps / deps.js (Marcus) Underscoreboard (Marcus) actionHero.js (Fred) Satellite (Fred) Tilden (Fred) rethink-livedata (Marcus) Next Week Monacle with Alex MacCaw Transcript JAMISON: Speaking of single and [working] 30 hours a week after your job, is Merrick there? [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at BlueBox.net.] [This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] [This podcast is sponsored by JetBrains, makers of WebStorm. Whether you’re working with Node.js or building the frontend of your web application, WebStorm is the tool for you. It has great code quality and code exploration tools and works with HTML5, Node, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Harmony, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint, JSHint, and the Google Closure Compiler. Check it out at JetBrains.com/WebStorm.] CHUCK: Hey everybody and welcome to episode 76 of the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel, we have Jamison Dance. JAMISON: Hello friends. CHUCK: Joe Eames. JOE: Hey there. CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.TV. We’ve also got two special guests and that is Fred Zirdung. FRED: Hello. CHUCK: Did I totally butcher that? FRED: Yeah, you got it right. CHUCK: Okay. And Marcus Phillips. MARCUS: Hi everybody. CHUCK: Since you guys haven't been on the show before, do you want to introduce yourself? We’ll have Marcus go first. MARCUS: Sure. I'm Marcus Phillips. I'm a JavaScript enthusiast. I've been in it for a long time. Really excited about framework architecture and lately, all about teaching what I've learned over the course of time that I've been working in the Bay Area and working on the frontend of Twitter and things like that. Nowadays, I teach at Hack Reactor full time which is an immersive school for learning to become a developer over a period of three months. JAMISON: Cool. CHUCK: And which technologies do you teach at Hack Reactor? MARCUS: We use JavaScript as our teaching language. Fundamentally, what we’re trying to do is teach people software engineering principles. So, JavaScript just turns out to be one of the most useful languages we can use to do that. But from there, we kind of want to give people practical skills that they can use immediately on the job. So, we definitely drive the entire curriculum out of GitHub repos and teach them some practical things like Backbone and Node and deployment strategies. So yeah, we kind of cover the gambit from frontend to backend with a focus on JavaScript in particular. CHUCK: Awesome. That sounds really cool. JOE: Yeah, it does. MARCUS: It’s a lot of fun. CHUCK: Fred, Full Article
ip 081 JSJ Promises for Testing Async JavaScript with Pete Hodgson By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:00:00 -0400 Pete Hodgson crosses over from the iPhreaks podcasts to talk with the Jabber gang about testing asynchronous Javascript with promises. Full Article
ip 093 JSJ The New York Times and JavaScript with Eitan Konigsburg, Alastair Coote and Reed Emmons By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:00:00 -0500 The panelists discuss The New York Times and JavaScript with Eitan Konigsburg, Alastair Coote and Reed Emmons. Full Article
ip 096 JSJ The Challenges of Large Single Page JavaScript Applications with Bart Wood By devchat.tv Published On :: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 08:00:00 -0500 The panelists talk to Bart Wood about large single page JavaScript applications. Full Article
ip 107 JSJ ClojureScript & Om with David Nolen By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 07 May 2014 09:00:00 -0400 The panelists talk to David Nolen about ClojureScript and Om. Full Article
ip 109 JSJ Dependency Injection in JavaScript with Vojta Jína & Misko Hevery By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 21 May 2014 09:00:00 -0400 The panelists discuss dependency injection with Vojta Jína & Misko Hevery. Full Article
ip 112 JSJ Refactoring JavaScript Apps Into a Framework with Brandon Hays By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 09:00:00 -0400 The panelists talk about refactoring JavaScript Apps Into a Framework with Brandon Hays. Full Article
ip 124 JSJ The Origin of Javascript with Brendan Eich By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:00:00 -0400 The panelists talk to Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript. Full Article
ip 159 JSJ Why JavaScript Is Hard By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 May 2015 09:00:00 -0400 02:54 - Everyone Gets It But Me Martin Fowler 04:06 - Tools You “Need” to Know 06:29 - Clojures 07:39 - JavaScript as “Object-Oriented” vs “Event-Oriented” Object-Oriented Programming 09:30 - Code That Can’t Be Serialized or Deserialized 10:49 - Clojures (Cont’d) 14:32 - The DOM (Document Object Model) [YouTube] Angular + React = Speed by Dave Smith @ ng-conf 2015 19:52 - Math Is Hard IEEE754 (Floating-Point Arithmetic) 22:39 - Prototypes Sebastian Porto: A Plain English Guide to JavaScript Prototypes 25:43 - Asynchronous Programming Debugging Gregor Hohpe: Your Coffee Shop Doesn’t Use Two-Phase Commit How Do You Learn It? 32:23 - Browser Environments 34:48 - Keeping Up with JavaScript 35:46 - Node Nesting Context Switching 42:48 - UTF-8 Conversion 44:56 - Jamison’s Stack React Koa RethinkDB io.js Webpack Check out and sign up to get new on React Rally: A community React conference on August 24th and 25th in Salt Lake City, Utah! Picks Jason Orendorff: ES6 In Depth (Aimee) Cat Strollers (Aimee) Stephano Legacy of the Void (Joe) A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder (Joe) Gregor Hohpe: Your Coffee Shop Doesn’t Use Two-Phase Commit (AJ) Firefox OS (AJ) Flame (AJ) OpenWest 2015 (AJ) 801 Labs Hackerspace (AJ) Stack Overflow Careers (AJ) Dota 2 (Jamison) Beats, Rye & Types Podcast (Jamison) JS Remote Conf Talks (Chuck) Workflowy (Chuck) Full Article
ip 167 JSJ TypeScript and Angular with Jonathan Turner and Alex Eagle By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 08 Jul 2015 11:00:00 -0400 02:27 - Alex Eagle Introduction Twitter GitHub Google 02:54 - Jonathan Turner Introduction Twitter GitHub Microsoft [Talk] Jonathan Turner: TypeScript and Angular 2 @ ng-conf 2015 [Talk] Jonathan Turner: TypeScript and Angular 2 @ Angular U 2015 03:30 - What is TypeScript? 04:40 - Google + Microsoft = <3 (Angular Adopting TypeScript) Rob Eisenberg AtScript Jonathan Turner: Angular 2: Built on TypeScript 07:18 - TypeScript Accommodating Angular TC39 Yehuda Katz Aurelia 09:28 - Surge of Interest in Adopting a Typechecker, Type System 14:21 - Angular: Creating a New Language Killing Off Wasabi - Part 1 (FogBugz Article) traceur 16:46 - The Angular 2 Component System and How it Uses New Annotations for Classes 18:01 - Annotations and Decorators 22:06 - TypeScript and Babel?; Adding New Features 25:25 - Non-Angular Users Adopting TypeScript Visual Studio Code 34:55 - Tooling and Setting Modes for Linting and Static Analysis 36:58 - Using Libraries Outside the TypeScript Ecosystem 38:11 - Type Definition Files 40:15 - Content of the Type System 43:19 - Duck Typing 45:12 - Getting People to Care about TypeScript 49:16 - The Angular and TypeScript Relationship Picks f.lux (Aimee) Jafar Husain: Functional Programming in Javascript (learnrx) (Aimee) Startup Timelines (Jamison) Friday Night Lights (Jamison) React Rally (Jamison) Evan Farrer: Unit testing isn't enough. You need static typing too. (Dave) AngularConnect (Joe) ng-click.com (Joe) mdn.io (Joe) Sonic Pi (Chuck) Error Prone (Alex) AudioScope-ng2 (Jonathan) The Nintendo World Championships (Jonathan) Full Article
ip 168 JSJ The Future of JavaScript with Jafar Husain By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 11:00:00 -0400 03:04 - Jafar Husain Introduction Twitter GitHub Netflix TC39 03:29 - The Great Name Debate (ES6, ES7 = ES2015, ES2016!!) 05:35 - The Release Cycle What This Means for Browsers 08:37 - Babel and ECMAScript 09:50 - WebAssembly 13:01 - Google’s NACL 13:23 - Performance > Features? ES6 Feature Performance (JavaScript Weekly Article) Features Implemented as Polyfills (Why Bother?) 20:12 - TC39 24:22 - New Features Decorators Performance Benefit? 28:53 -Transpilers 34:48 - Object.observe() 37:51 - Immutable Types 45:32 - Structural Types 47:11 - Symbols 48:58 - Observables 52:31 - Async Functions asyncawait 57:31 - Rapid Fire Round - When New Feature Will Be Released in ES2015 or ES2016 let - 15 for...of - 15 modules - 15 destructuring - 15 promises - 15 default function argument expressions - 15 asyncawait - 16 Picks ES6 and ES7 on The Web Platform Podcast (AJ) Binding to the Cloud with Falcor Jafar Husain (AJ) Asynchronous JavaScript at Netflix by Jafar Husain @ MountainWest Ruby 2014 (AJ) Let's Encrypt on Raspberry Pi (AJ) adventures in haproxy: tcp, tls, https, ssh, openvpn (AJ) Let's Encrypt through HAProxy (AJ) Mandy's Fiancé's Video Game Fund (AJ) The Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect (Dave) The Majority Illusion (Dave) [Egghead.io] Asynchronous Programming: The End of The Loop (Aimee) Study: You Really Can 'Work Smarter, Not Harder' (Aimee) Elm (Jamison) The Katering Show (Jamison) Sharding Tweet (Jamison) The U.S. Women's National Soccer Team (Joe) mdn.io (Joe) Aftershokz AS500 Bluez 2 Open Ear Wireless Stereo Headphones (Chuck) Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose: The Science of What Motivates Us, Animated (Jafar) Netflix (Jafar) quiescent (Jafar) Clojurescript (Jafar) Full Article
ip 186 JSJ NativeScript with TJ VanToll and Burke Holland By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 11:00:00 -0500 Check out JS Remote Conf! Buy a ticket! Submit a CFP! 03:07 - Burke Holland Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 04:01 - TJ Van Toll Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 04:33 - Telerik Telerik Platform 04:57 - NativeScript JavaScriptCore JavaScript Jabber #128: JavaScriptCore with Cesare Rocchi React Native 07:41 - The Views 10:07 - Customizability, Styling, and Standardization 16:19 - React Native vs NativeScript 18:37 - APIs CocoaPods 21:17 - How NativeScript Works 23:04 - Edgecases? Message Passing Marshalling (Mapping) 26:12 - Memory Management 27:06 - UITableView 29:59 - NativeScript and Angular AngularConnect Talks on YouTube Sebastian Witalec: Building native mobile apps with Angular 2 0 and NativeScript 33:22 - Adding NativeScript to Existing Projects 33:51 - Building for Wearables and AppleTV Burke Holland: Apple Watch and the Cross-Platform Crisis 35:59 - Building Universal Applications 37:14 - Creating NativeScript Kendo UI 39:42 - Use Cases nativescript.org/app-samples-with-code 41:01 - Are there specific things NativeScript isn’t good for? npmjs.com search: nativescript 42:54 - Testing and Debugging 48:35 - Data Storage Picks Caddy (AJ) OC ReMix #505: Top Gear 'Track 1 (Final Nitro Mix)' by Rayza (AJ) Jamie Talbot: What are Bloom filters? A tale of code, dinner, and a favour with unexpected consequences (Aimee) Mike Gehard (@mikegehard) (Aimee) Joe Eames: Becoming Betazoid: How to Listen and Empathize with Others in the Workplace @ AngularConnect 2015 (Dave) Exercise (Chuck) Sleep (Chuck) electron (Aaron) The Synchronicity War Series by Dietmar Wehr (Aaron) PAUSE (Burke) Outlander (TJ) Full Article
ip 188 JSJ JavaScript Code Smells with Elijah Manor By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 02 Dec 2015 11:00:00 -0500 Check out JS Remote Conf! 02:22 - Elijah Manor Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog LeanKit Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells (Elijah's Talk Abstract) A video containing the 30 min version of the talk: Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells The full slides (60 mins worth of material) 04:49 - What is a “Code Smell”? Martin Fowler: CodeSmell ESLint JSHint 10:21 - Copy/Paste Code Error jsinspect and jscpd ES6, ES7, Babel Support 13:11 - Using ES6 to Eliminate Code Smells 15:48 - Refactoring Case Statements The Strategy Pattern 21:29 - Juniors and Code Smells Code Reviews 27:29 - Isomorphic Code 31:12 - Framework Code Smells 33:47 - Identifying New Code Smells 36:33 - When Code Smells are OK 39:10 - Why use parameters? Picks Terms And Conditions May Apply (AJ) Nodevember (Aimee) Developer Tea (Aimee) Jake Shimabukuro (Joe) Screeps (Joe) react-styleguide-generator (Elijah) react-styleguidist (Elijah) The Phantom Menace - What it Should Have Been (AJ) Attack of the Clones - What it Should Have Been (AJ) Full Article
ip 189 JSJ PureScript with John A. De Goes and Phil Freeman By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 11:00:00 -0500 02:54 - John A. De Goes Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog SlamData 06:34 - Phil Freeman Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 07:38 - What is PureScript? 09:11 - Features Extensible Effects 12:24 - Overcoming the Vocabulary Problem in Functional Programming Gang of Four Book (Design Patterns) purescript-halogen 20:07 - Prerequisites to PureScript 26:14 - PureScript vs Elm JavaScript Jabber Episode #175: Elm with Evan Czaplicki and Richard Feldman No Runtime General Purpose vs UI-Focused Generic Containers 40:37 - Similar Languages to PureScript 44:07 - PureScript Background Roy 47:48 - The WebAssembly Effect 51:01 - Readability 53:42 - PureScript Learning Resources PureScript by Example by Phil Freeman PureScript Conf 2015/6 55:43 - Working with Abstractions purescript-aff Audrey Popp: Fighting Node Callback Hell with PureScript Picks Philip Robects: What the heck is the event loop anyways? @ JS Conf EU 2014 (Aimee) loupe (Aimee) The Man in the High Castle (Jamison) Nickolas Means: How to Crash an Airplane @ RubyConf 2015 (Jamison) Lambda Lounge Utah (Jamison) Michael Trotter: Intro to PureScript @ Utah Haskell Meetup (Jamison) Utah Elm Users (Jamison) Screeps (Joe) Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for the Innovation Era by Tony Wagner (Joe) Dark Matter (Joe) LambdaConf (John) @lambda_conf (John) ramda (John) Proper beef, ale & mushroom pie (John) Tidal (Phil) purescript-flare (Phil) The Forward JS Conference (Phil) Full Article
ip 191 JSJ Stripe with Craig McKeachie By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 11:00:00 -0500 Check out JS Remote Conf! 02:26 - Craig McKeachie Introduction Twitter Blog The JavaScript Framework Guide by Craig McKeachie JavaScript Jabber Episode #132: MV Frameworks with Craig McKeachie Scavenger Hunt Creator 02:54 - Stripe [Pluralsight] Stripe Fundamentals with ASP.NET MVC 08:22 - Behind the Scenes: The Stripe API checkout.js stripe.js 11:51 - Security PCI Compliance Ken Cochrane: The Developers Guide to PCI Compliant Web applications 15:23 - What happens when things go wrong? Webhooks Runscope ngrok Mastering Modern Payments by Pete Keen The Stripe Webhook Event Cheatsheet 23:18 - Server-side Libraries stripe.net 25:34 - Building Custom Forms jquery.payment card.js 29:06 - Stripe + Promises 32:43 - Handling Payments on Behalf of your Customers Stripe Connect 34:40 - Stripe Integration Tito Shopify Drip Baremetrics 37:39 - The Stripe Dashboard Braintree Stripe: Start accepting Bitcoin instantly Picks Star Wars (Joe) Masks: A New Generation (Joe) A Defense of Comic Sans (AJ) Runscope T-shirt (AJ) angularjs-in-patterns (Aimee) Mall of America Events: Photos with Santa (Aimee) Christmas Cats TV (Joe) Cats with Cucumbers (Aimee) RIDGID X4 18-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Drill and Impact Driver Combo Kit (2-Tool) (Chuck) JS Remote Conf (Chuck) Angular Remote Conf Video Playlist (Chuck) Hour of Code (Craig) [egghead.io] ...learn when to use a service, factory, or provider? (Craig) A Dark Room (Craig) EntreProgrammers: Episode 47.1 A Dark Room for iOS (Chuck) EntreProgrammers: Episode 47.2 A Dark Room for iOS (Chuck) Craig’s Babel Course on Pluralsight (Craig) Full Article
ip 194 JSJ JavaScript Tools Fatigue By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 11:00:00 -0500 JS Remote Conf starts tomorrow! Get your ticket TODAY! 03:59 - JavaScript Tools Fatigue Catalyst: Eric Clemmons: Javascript Fatigue Some Twitter Opinions and Perspectives: Ryan Florence Michael Jackson Jamison Vjeux Sebastian McKenzie 09:25 - Are popular technologies ahead of public consumability? Ryan Florence Tweet 12:53 - Adopting New Things / Churn Burnout 18:02 - Non-JavaScript Developers and Team Adoption 30:49 - Is this the result of a crowdsourced design effort? 35:44 - Human Interactions 45:00 - Tools 47:03 - How many/which of these tools do I need to learn? Picks Julie Evans: How to Get Better at Debugging (Jamison) Totally Tooling Tips: Debugging Promises with DevTools (Jamison) Making a Murderer (Jamison) Scott Alexander: I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup (Jamison) @SciencePorn (Dave) postcss (Aimee) Cory House: The Illogical Allure of Extremes (Aimee) Kerrygold Natural Irish Butter (Aimee) Star Wars (Joe) @iammerrick (Joe) Greg Wilson: What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It's True (Joe) The U.S. Military (Joe) Operation Code (Aimee) Ruby Rogues Episode #184: What We Actually Know About Software Development and Why We Believe It's True with Greg Wilson and Andreas Stefik (Chuck) Serial Podcast (Chuck) Full Article
ip 207 JSJ Growing Happy Developers with Marcus Blankenship By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 09:00:00 -0400 02:51 - Marcus Blankenship Introduction Twitter Blog 03:09 - Panelist Worst Boss Experiences 13:06 - Developer Anarchy vs Having a Hierarchy SE-Radio Episode 253: Fred George on Developer Anarchy The Valve Playbook 20:57 - Transitioning Managers Impostor Syndrome 26:05 - Manager Influence 28:33 - Management vs Leadership Leader-Member Exchange Theory 34:37 - Interpersonal Relationships and Happiness 38:24 - What kind of feedback do managers want from their employees? Timesheets 46:17 - Am I manager material? Am I ready to go into management? 48:06 - Following a Technical Track 51:55 - Why would anyone ever want to be a department manager? Picks A Plain English Guide to JavaScript Prototypes (Aimee) Oatmega (Aimee) Luck by Tom Vek (Jamison) The 27 Challenges Managers Face: Step-by-Step Solutions to (Nearly) All of Your Management Problems by Bruce Tulgan (Marcus) React Rally Call for Proposals (Jamison) React Rally (Jamison) Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman (Dave) Soft Skills Engineering Podcast (Dave) Full Article
ip 209 JSJ TypeScript with Anders Hejlsberg By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 09:00:00 -0400 This episode was recorded live from The Microsoft Build Conference 2016. In this episode we chatted with Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft about Typescript. You can follow him on Twitter, or check out what he’s done over on GitHub Resources TypeScript Picks Writing Code (Anders) Full Article
ip 219 JSJ Learning JavaScript in 2016 By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 06 Jul 2016 09:00:00 -0400 Check out Newbie Remote Conf! 02:44 - What it Takes to Learn JavaScript in 2016 04:03 - Resources: Then vs Now 09:42 - Are there prerequisites? Should you have experience? 20:34 - Choosing What to Learn The iPhreaks Show Episode #153: Using Mobile Devices to Manage Diabetes with Scott Hanselman 28:19 - Deciding What to Learn Next 31:19 - Keeping Up: Obligations As a Developer 34:22 - Deciding What to Learn Next (Cont’d) 42:01 - Recommendations You-Dont-Know-JS gulp.js webpack The Little Schemer Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann Picks accidentally nonblocking (Jamison) choo (Jamison) Web Rebels (Jamison) React Rally (Jamison) Grab The Gold (Aimee) node-for-beginners (Aimee) Procrastinate On Purpose by Rory Vaden (Chuck) Newbie Remote Conf (Chuck) Get A Coder Job (Chuck) Full Article
ip 220 JSJ Teaching JavaScript with Kyle Simpson By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 09:00:00 -0400 02:25 - Kyle Simpson Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog “Getify” You-Dont-Know-JS [Pluralsight] Advanced JavaScript by Kyle Simpson 04:43 - Development => Teaching Front End Masters 16:20 - Inheritance and Delegation 29:40 - Evolving a Language 36:23 - Cohersion Weak Typing, Dynamic Typing The Politics of JavaScript by Angus Croll 50:37 - Performance The Width Keyword 54:33 - Developer Education Programs and The Skill of Teaching Picks Adam Tornhill: Code, Crime, Complexity: Analyzing software with forensic psychology @ TEDxTrondheim (Aimee) Your Code as a Crime Scene: Use Forensic Techniques to Arrest Defects, Bottlenecks, and Bad Design in Your Programs by Adam Tornhill (Aimee) Planet Money Episode 704: Open Office (Jamison) Zooko's Triangle (Jamison) The Barkley Marathons (Jamison) React Rally (Jamison) X-Men: Apocalypse (Joe) America's Got Talent (Joe) Overwatch (Joe) Stack (Kyle) Jeremy Keith: A web for everyone (Kyle) Jeremy Keith: Regressive Web Apps (Kyle) Full Article
ip 235 JSJ JavaScript Devops and Tools with Donovan Brown and Jordan Matthiesen By devchat.tv Published On :: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 08:00:00 -0400 00:50 Intro to guests Donovan Brown and Jordan Matthiesen 1:14 Javascript and Devops 3:49 Node JS and integrating with extensions 11:16 Learning Javascript coming from another language 15:21 Visual Studio Team Services at Microsoft, integration and unit testing Visualstudio.com Donovanbrown.com 25:10 Visual Studio Code and mobile development Apache Cordova open source project 31:45 TypeScript and tooling 33:03 Unit test tools and methods 38:39 ARM devices and integration QUOTES: “It’s not impossible, it’s just a different set of challenges.” - Donovan Brown “Devops is the union of people, process and products to enable continuous delivery of value to your end users” - Donovan Brown “Apps start to feel more native. They can actually get form.” - Jordan Matthiesen PICKS: Veridian Dynamics (AJ) Jabberwocky Video (AJ) Hard Rock Cafe - Atlanta (Charles) CES (Charles) 3D printers (Donovan) High-Yield Vegetable Gardening (Jordan) taco.visualstudio.com Jordan on Twitter @jmatthiesen Visualstudio.com Donovanbrown.com Donovan on Twitter @donovanbrown SPONSORS: Front End Masters Hired.com Full Article
ip JSJ 256 Wordpress and Wordpress API for JavaScript Developers with Roy Sivan By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 04 Apr 2017 06:00:00 -0400 On today's JavaScript Jabber Show, Charles, Aimee, Joe, and Cory discuss Wordpress and Wordpress API for JavaScript Developers with Roy Sivan. Roy is a WordPress (WP) developer at Disney Interactive. He has long been a fan of JavaScript and WP. During a WordCamp, the WP Founder announced the need for WP developers to learn JavaScript. But, what's in WP that developers should be interested about? Tune in to learn! Full Article
ip JSJ 259 Clean Code JavaScript with Ryan McDermott By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 06:00:00 -0400 On today's JavaScript Jabber Show, Charles, Joe, Aimee, Cory, and AJ discuss Clean Code JavaScript with Ryan McDermott. Ryan is a UX Engineer at Google and has been a professional developer for 5 years. He's focused on frontend Angular and backend node.js. Stay tuned to learn more about his current project with JavaScript! Full Article
ip JSJ 260 Practical JavaScript with Gordon Zhu By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 02 May 2017 06:00:00 -0400 On today's episode, Charles, Joe, and Cory discuss Practical JavaScript with Gordon Zhu. Gordon is the founder of Watch and Code, and teaches the Practical JavaScript online course. His mission is to help beginners become developers through tutorials. Tune in! Full Article
ip JSJ 268 Building Microsoft Office Extensions with JavaScript with Tristan Davis and Sean Laberee By Published On :: Tue, 04 Jul 2017 06:00:00 -0400 JSJ 268 Building Microsoft Office Extensions with Javascript with Tristan Davis and Sean Laberee This episode is live at the Microsoft Build 2017 with Charles Max Wood and AJ O’Neal. We have Tristan Davis and Sean Laberee from the Office Team at Microsoft. Tune in and learn more about what’s new with Microsoft Office Extensions! [00:01:25] – Introduction to Tristan Davis and Sean Laberee Tristan Davis and Sean Laberee are Program Managers on the Microsoft Office team, focused on Extensibility. Questions for Tristan and Sean [00:01:45] – Extending Office functionality with Javascript Office isn’t just an application on Windows that runs on your PC. It is running on iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, and apps on the browser with Office Online. The team needs a new platform, add-ins, which allow you to build apps that run across all places. It’s HTML and Javascript. HTML for all the UI and a series of Javascript module calls for the document properties. Sometimes we call it OfficeJS. [00:03:20] – This works on any version of Office? It works on Office on Windows, Mac, Online and iPad. [00:03:55] – HTML and CSS suck on mobile? There are things that you’re going to want to do when you know you’re running on a mobile device. If you look at an add-in running on Outlook for iPhone, the developer does a lot of things to make that feel like part of the iPhone UI. Tristan believes that you could build a great add-in for Office using HTML and JavaScript. [00:05:20] – Are these apps written with JavaScript or you have a Native with WebView? Office itself is Native. All of it is Native code but the platform is very much web. The main piece of it is pointing at the URL. Just go load that URL. And then, you can also call functions in your JavaScript. [00:06:35] – Why would you do this? How does it work? The add-in platform is a way to help developers turn Word, Excel and PowerPoint into the apps that actually solve user’s business problems. The team will give you the tools with HTML and JavaScript to go and pop into the Word UI and the API’s that let you go manipulate the paragraph and texts inside of Word. Or in Excel, you might want to create custom formulas or visualizations. The team also let people use D3 to generate their own Excel charts. And developers want to extend Office because it’s where a lot of business workers spend their days 0 in Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel. [00:10:00] – How did this get delivered to them? There are 2 ways to get this delivered. One, there’s an Office Store. Second, if you go into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, there’s a store button and you can see tons of integrations with partners. For enterprises, IT can deploy add-ins to the users’ desktops without having stress about deploying MSI’s and other software deployments that the web completely rids off. The add-ins make a whole lot of pain the past completely go away. [00:11:00] – Everybody in the company can use a particular plug-in by distributing it with Office? That’s right. You can go to Office 365 add-in experience. Here’s the add-in and you can to specific people or everyone who’s part of a group. For the developer’s perspective, if you have the add-in deployed to your client, you could actually push updates to the web service and your users get the updates instantly. It’s a lot faster turn-around model. [00:14:20] – What about conversations or bot integrations? There’s the idea of connectors at Teams. You can subscribe to this web book and it’ll publish JSON. When the JSON is received, a new conversation inside of Teams or Outlook will be created. For example, every time someone posts on Stack Overflow with one of the tags that team cares about, it posts on Outlook. It’s a great way to bring all the stuff. Rather than have 20 different apps that are shooting 20 different sets of notifications, it’s just all conversations in email, making do all the standard email things. And in the connector case, it’s a push model. The user could choose what notifications they want. You’d also learn things like bots. You can have bots in Teams and Skype. The users can interact with them with their natural language. [00:18:40] – How about authentication? As long as you’re signed into Office, you can call JavaScript API to give you an identity token for the sign in user and it will hand you a JWT back. That’s coming from Azure Active Directory or from whatever customer directory service. That’s standard. If you want to do more, you can take that identity token and you can exchange that for a token that can call Microsoft graph. This app wants to get access to phone, are you okay with that? Assuming the user says yes, the user gets a token that can go and grab whatever data he wants from the back-end. [00:20:00] – Where does it store the token? That’s up to the developer to decide how they want to handle that but there are facilities that make sure you can pop up a dialog box and you can go to the LO-flow. You could theoretically cache it in the browser or a cookie. Or whatever people think is more appropriate for the scenario. [00:20:55] – What does the API actually look like from JavaScript? If you’re familiar with Excel UI, you can look at Excel API. It’s workbook.worksheets.getItem() and you can pass the name of the worksheet. It can also pass the index of the worksheet. [00:22:30] – What’s the process of getting setup? There’s a variety of options. You can download Office, write XML manifest, and take a sample, and then, side loads it into Office. You can also do that through web apps. There’s no install required because you can go work against Office Online. In the Insert menu, there’s a way to configure your add-ins. There’s upload a manifest there and you can just upload the XML. That’s going to work against whatever web server you have set up. So it’s either on your local machine or up in the cloud. It’s as much as like regular web development. Just bring your own tools. [00:24:15] – How do you protect me as a plug-in developer? There’s an access add-in that will ask your permission to access, say, a document. Assume, they say yes, pipes are opened and they can just go talk to those things. But the team also tries to sandbox it by iframes. It’s not one page that has everybody’s plug-ins intermingle that people can pole at other people’s stuff. [00:27:20] – How do you support backward compatibility? There are cases where we change the behavior of the API. Every API is gated by requirement set. So if a developer needs access to a requirement set, he gets an aggregate instead of API’s that he can work with but it isn’t fixed forever. But it’s not at that point yet where we end up to remove things completely. In Office JS, we’ve talked about API’s as one JavaScript library but really, it’s a bootstrap that brings in a bunch of other pieces that you need. [00:30:00] – How does that work on mobile? Do they have to approve download for all components? You can download components by using the browser that the operating system gives. It’s another one of the virtues of being based on the web. Every platform that has a web browser can have JavaScript execution run-time. It allows for the way that their app guidelines are written. [00:33:15] – How about testing? It’s a place where there’s still have work to do. There’s a bunch of open-source projects that partners have started to do that. What they’ve done is they’ve built a testing library. Whatever the mock is, it's just a thing on Github. It is open-source friendly. So the team could be able to contribute to it. “Here’s an interesting test case for this API. I want to make sure that it behaves like this. [00:35:50] – Could you write it with any version for JavaScript e.g. TypeScript? A Huge chunk of the team is big TypeScript fans. They’ve done a lot of work to make sure that TypeScript experience is excellence. Type is basically a collection of typing files for TypeScript. There’s a runtime process that parses your TypeScript, gives you feedback on your code, and checks for errors. You can also run it in the background. There’s an add-in called Script Lab. Script Lab is literally, you hit the code button and you get a web IDE right there. You can go start typing JavaScript code, play with API’s, and uses TypeScript by default. It’ll just actually load your code in the browser, executes, and you can start watching. [00:39:25] – Are there any limitations on which JavaScript libraries you can pull in? There a no limitations in place right now. There are partners that use Angular. There are partners that are big React fans. If you’re a web dev, you can bring whatever preferences around frameworks, around tools, around TypeScript versus JavaScript. [00:45:20] – What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen done with this API? Battleship was pretty cool. There’s also Star Wars entering credits theme for PowerPoint. [00:46:40] – If a developer is building a plug-in and get paid for it, does Microsoft take credit for that? There are 2 ways that folks can do it. You can do paid add-ins to the store. Either you do the standard perpetual 99 cents or you can do subscriptions, where it’s $2.99/month. Tristan encourages that model because integrations are just a piece of some larger piece of software. But Microsoft is not in the business of trying to get you to pay me a little bit of 10 cents a dollar. It’s really in the business of making sure that you can integrate with Office as quickly as possibly can. When the users go to the store, they can use the same Microsoft account that you use to buy Xbox games or movies in the Xbox, Windows apps in the Windows store. [00:52:00] – The App Model If folks are interested in the app model, they should go to dev.office.com to learn more about it because that’s where all the documentation is. Check out our Github. Right there in the open, there’s the spec. Literally, the engineers who are coding the product are reading the same marked-down files in the same repo that you, as a developer, can come and look at. And you can comment. You can add issues like you could have a dialogue with that PM. Under the OfficeDev, you’ll find a tunnel repository that contains samples. Our docs are there. Picks AJ O'Neal Lithium Charles Max Wood Miracle Morning by Hal Erod Clean Code by Uncle Bob Martin Ketogenic diet Tristan Davis Amazon Echo Microbiome Sean Laberee Running Garmin watch Full Article
ip JSJ 269 Reusable React and JavaScript Components with Cory House By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 06:00:00 -0400 JSJ 269 Reusable React and JavaScript Components with Cory House On today’s episode of JavaScript Jabber, we have panelists Joe Eames, Aimee Knight, Charles Max Wood, and playing the part of both host and guest, Cory House. Encourage your team to investigate reusable components, whether that’d be React, Angular, Vue, or Ember. Tune in! [00:01:35] – Overview We can finally write reusable components that it is really lightweight. It doesn’t take much framework-specific code to get things done. Around 3 years ago, the idea of web component standard was all front-end developers could share our components with each other whether someone is in Angular or React. Web components continue to be an interesting standard but people continue to reach for JavaScript libraries instead – React, Angular, Vue. [00:04:50] – Browser support issue The story in JavaScript libraries is easier. You have more power, more flexibility, more choices, and get superior performance, in certain cases, by choosing a JavaScript library over the standard right now. If you try to use the web components standard, you have to Polyfill-in some features so you can run things across browser. You also won’t get JavaScript features like intelligently splitting bundles and lazy load different components. Whether you’re in Angular or React, you have this model of putting your data in your curly braces. That setup is non-existent in standardized web components. You have to play the game of putting and pulling data into and out the DOM using DOM selectors. You actually take a step backward in developer ergonomics when you choose to leverage the platform instead. [00:07:50] – Polymer The reason that Polymer is useful is it adds some goodness on top of web components. One of those things is that it makes it easier to bind in data and not having to do things like writing a DOM query to be able to get your hands on this div and put this text inside of it. With Polymer, you can do something that feels more like Angular, where you can put in your curly braces and just bind in some data into that place. Polymer ends up adding some nice syntactic sugar on top of the web components standard just to make it easier to create web components. Polymer is also used to bundle in Polyfill for the features across browser. [00:14:20] – Standards are dead No. The standard itself has been embraced at different levels by different libraries. What you can see for the near future is popular libraries leveraging pieces of the web components platform to do things in a standard-spaced way. Effectively, Angular, Vue, Aurelia, are going to be abstractions over the web components standard. Arguably the most popular way to do components today is React. But React completely ignores the web components standard. When you look at React, you can’t see what piece of the web components standard would fundamentally make React a better component library. Cory can’t seem to run to anybody that is actually using the standard in production to build real applications. People continue to reach for the popular JavaScript libraries that we so often hear about. [00:17:05] – Libraries making reusable components There is a risk that it would have been a waste for people writing components on Angular, for React, for Vue. But it’s not necessarily safer writing on the web component standard when you have so few people leveraging that standard. There’s always the risk that that standard may shift as well. As an example, Cory’s team created approximately 100 reusable components in React. If they end up moving to a hot new library, the components are really just functions that take parameters and contain HTML. There is little there [00:21:20] – Why opt for reusable components Reusable components are inherently useful in a situation where you’re going to be doing something more than once. If you think about any work that you do as a software developer, we’d like to think that we’re coming in and creating new things but often it is groundhogs day. There are all sorts of opportunities for reuse. As a company, we want to encapsulate our forms in reusable components so it’s literally impossible for our software developers to do something that goes against our standard. That’s the power of reusable components. [00:31:20] – Rigid component vs. flexible component As component developers, if we try to create a reusable component in a vacuum, bad things happen. If you’re going to do a reusable component, start by solving a specific problem on a given application. If we think that a component’s going to be useful in multiple places, we put it in a folder called reusable right there in our application source folder. We try to follow that rule of three as well. If we’ve taken that component and used it in 3 places, that’s a good sign that we should extract it out, put it in our NPM package, that way, everybody has this centralized component to utilize. At that point, it has been tested. It’s been through the fire. People have used it in the real world in a few places so we can be confident that the API is truly flexible enough. Be as rigid as you can upfront. Once you add features, it’s really hard to take features away. But it’s quite easy to add features later. If you start with something rigid, it’s easier to understand. It’s easier to maintain and you can always add a few more switches later. [00:36:00] – Reusable components The reason that we can’t reuse code is every time a new project comes up, people are spending up their own ideas rather than leveraging standards that should have been put in place previously. We’ve had the technical ability to do this for a long time. We just haven’t been around long enough for consolidation to happen, for standardization to happen. You look at how quickly things are changing in our industry. For instance, a couple of years ago, everybody had pretty much decided that two-way binding was the way to build web applications. And then, React came along and shook that up. So today, you have different ways of thinking about that issue. [00:42:45] – Component development on teams Aimee’s team has component development and they’re using Angular 1.6. All of our base components are sitting in a seed application. We just go in when we want to create a new property and we just extend all of those components with specific functionalities that we need. [00:47:45] – Mobile to web crossover Cory’s team is creating React components but it’s not leveraged on a mobile application. But people use React Native components on the web. And in fact, if you use create-react-app today, you can do that right now. It’s wired up to work in React Native components. In that way, you can literally have these same components running on your Native mobile apps as you do on your web application. [00:50:00] – Challenge Cory’s challenge for everybody listening is sit down with your team and have a quick conversation about whether you think components make sense. Look back at the last few months of development and say, "if we have a reusable component library, what would be in it? How often have we found ourselves copying and pasting code between different projects? How much benefit would we get out of this story?" Once you’ve realized the benefits of the component model, both in the way that makes you think about your application, in a way that it helps you move faster and faster over time, I really think you won’t go back to the old model. I’d encourage people to investigate reusable components, whether that’d be React, Angular, Vue or Ember. Picks Cory House Creating Reusable React Components on Pluralsight Ted Talk: Why You Should Define your Fears Instead of Your Goals by Tim Ferriss Joe Eames UI-Router Persistence Aimee Knight Ask HN: People who completed a boot camp 3+ years ago, what are you doing now? NgAtlanta Charles Max Wood Upwork.com JSJ 269 Reusable React and JavaScript Components with Cory House On today’s episode of JavaScript Jabber, we have panelists Joe Eames, Aimee Knight, Charles Max Wood, and playing the part of both host and guest, Cory House. Encourage your team to investigate reusable components, whether that’d be React, Angular, Vue, or Ember. Tune in! [00:01:35] – Overview We can finally write reusable components that it is really lightweight. It doesn’t take much framework-specific code to get things done. Around 3 years ago, the idea of web component standard was all front-end developers could share our components with each other whether someone is in Angular or React. Web components continue to be an interesting standard but people continue to reach for JavaScript libraries instead – React, Angular, Vue. [00:04:50] – Browser support issue The story in JavaScript libraries is easier. You have more power, more flexibility, more choices, and get superior performance, in certain cases, by choosing a JavaScript library over the standard right now. If you try to use the web components standard, you have to Polyfill-in some features so you can run things across browser. You also won’t get JavaScript features like intelligently splitting bundles and lazy load different components. Whether you’re in Angular or React, you have this model of putting your data in your curly braces. That setup is non-existent in standardized web components. You have to play the game of putting and pulling data into and out the DOM using DOM selectors. You actually take a step backward in developer ergonomics when you choose to leverage the platform instead. [00:07:50] – Polymer The reason that Polymer is useful is it adds some goodness on top of web components. One of those things is that it makes it easier to bind in data and not having to do things like writing a DOM query to be able to get your hands on this div and put this text inside of it. With Polymer, you can do something that feels more like Angular, where you can put in your curly braces and just bind in some data into that place. Polymer ends up adding some nice syntactic sugar on top of the web components standard just to make it easier to create web components. Polymer is also used to bundle in Polyfill for the features across browser. [00:14:20] – Standards are dead No. The standard itself has been embraced at different levels by different libraries. What you can see for the near future is popular libraries leveraging pieces of the web components platform to do things in a standard-spaced way. Effectively, Angular, Vue, Aurelia, are going to be abstractions over the web components standard. Arguably the most popular way to do components today is React. But React completely ignores the web components standard. When you look at React, you can’t see what piece of the web components standard would fundamentally make React a better component library. Cory can’t seem to run to anybody that is actually using the standard in production to build real applications. People continue to reach for the popular JavaScript libraries that we so often hear about. [00:17:05] – Libraries making reusable components There is a risk that it would have been a waste for people writing components on Angular, for React, for Vue. But it’s not necessarily safer writing on the web component standard when you have so few people leveraging that standard. There’s always the risk that that standard may shift as well. As an example, Cory’s team created approximately 100 reusable components in React. If they end up moving to a hot new library, the components are really just functions that take parameters and contain HTML. There is little there [00:21:20] – Why opt for reusable components Reusable components are inherently useful in a situation where you’re going to be doing something more than once. If you think about any work that you do as a software developer, we’d like to think that we’re coming in and creating new things but often it is groundhogs day. There are all sorts of opportunities for reuse. As a company, we want to encapsulate our forms in reusable components so it’s literally impossible for our software developers to do something that goes against our standard. That’s the power of reusable components. [00:31:20] – Rigid component vs. flexible component As component developers, if we try to create a reusable component in a vacuum, bad things happen. If you’re going to do a reusable component, start by solving a specific problem on a given application. If we think that a component’s going to be useful in multiple places, we put it in a folder called reusable right there in our application source folder. We try to follow that rule of three as well. If we’ve taken that component and used it in 3 places, that’s a good sign that we should extract it out, put it in our NPM package, that way, everybody has this centralized component to utilize. At that point, it has been tested. It’s been through the fire. People have used it in the real world in a few places so we can be confident that the API is truly flexible enough. Be as rigid as you can upfront. Once you add features, it’s really hard to take features away. But it’s quite easy to add features later. If you start with something rigid, it’s easier to understand. It’s easier to maintain and you can always add a few more switches later. [00:36:00] – Reusable components The reason that we can’t reuse code is every time a new project comes up, people are spending up their own ideas rather than leveraging standards that should have been put in place previously. We’ve had the technical ability to do this for a long time. We just haven’t been around long enough for consolidation to happen, for standardization to happen. You look at how quickly things are changing in our industry. For instance, a couple of years ago, everybody had pretty much decided that two-way binding was the way to build web applications. And then, React came along and shook that up. So today, you have different ways of thinking about that issue. [00:42:45] – Component development on teams Aimee’s team has component development and they’re using Angular 1.6. All of our base components are sitting in a seed application. We just go in when we want to create a new property and we just extend all of those components with specific functionalities that we need. [00:47:45] – Mobile to web crossover Cory’s team is creating React components but it’s not leveraged on a mobile application. But people use React Native components on the web. And in fact, if you use create-react-app today, you can do that right now. It’s wired up to work in React Native components. In that way, you can literally have these same components running on your Native mobile apps as you do on your web application. [00:50:00] – Challenge Cory’s challenge for everybody listening is sit down with your team and have a quick conversation about whether you think components make sense. Look back at the last few months of development and say, "if we have a reusable component library, what would be in it? How often have we found ourselves copying and pasting code between different projects? How much benefit would we get out of this story?" Once you’ve realized the benefits of the component model, both in the way that makes you think about your application, in a way that it helps you move faster and faster over time, I really think you won’t go back to the old model. I’d encourage people to investigate reusable components, whether that’d be React, Angular, Vue or Ember. Picks Cory House Creating Reusable React Components on Pluralsight Ted Talk: Why You Should Define your Fears Instead of Your Goals by Tim Ferriss Joe Eames UI-Router Persistence Aimee Knight Ask HN: People who completed a boot camp 3+ years ago, what are you doing now? NgAtlanta Charles Max Wood Upwork.com Full Article
ip JSJ 271: SharePoint Extensions in JavaScript with Mike Ammerlaan and Vesa Juvonen By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 07:00:00 -0400 JSJ 271: SharePoint Extensions in JavaScript with Mike Ammerlaan and Vesa Juvonen This episode is a live episode from Microsoft Build where AJ O'Neal and Charles Max Wood interview Mike Ammerlaan and Vesa Juvonent about building extensions for SharePoint with JavaScript. [00:01:28] Mike Ammerlaan introduction Mike has worked at Microsoft for a long time on multiple Microsoft products and projects. He's currently on the Office Ecosystem Marketing Team. [00:01:52] Vesa Juvonen introduction Ves a is Senior Program Manager for the SharePoint Splat team. He's been with Microsoft for about 11 years and manages the community and documentation for the SharePoint framework. [00:02:18] What is the SharePoint Framework? This is how you write SharePoint extensions with JavaScript. SharePoint has changed. It now works with common modern development tools and web development techniques. SharePoint consolodates the extension effort [00:03:32] What is SharePoint? File sharing, team sites, communication points for teams. Part of Office 365. You use Web Parts to add functionality to SharePoint. Web Parts provide functionality like widgets and are scoped to a team, group, or set of users. It's usually hosted on premises, but you can also use it with Office 365 as a hosted solution. [00:05:56] What extensions can you build for SharePoint? You can build widgets for your front page or intranet. You can also add user management or data management or document management. Examples: Dashboards Mini Applications Scheduling and Time Tracking Document Storage Source code repositories [00:07:39] What is WebDAV and how does it relate? WebDAV is a protocol for accessing documents and SharePoint supports it among other protocols for managing documents. [00:08:36] Do I have to build front-end and back-end components to get full functionality? You can build the front-end UI with Angular and other frameworks. And then build a service in Azure on the backend. The backend systems can then access Line of Business systems or other data systems. It really does take multiple skill sets to build extensions for SharePoint. [00:11:10] SharePoint on Mobile There is a mobile web app and the Web Parts work through the mobile application. You can also use any browser to connect to the application. [00:12:08] Building extensions with standard Angular or React component libraries There are standard Yeoman templates. You can also pull in the components through React or Angular just like what Microsoft does. Newer Angular versions are designed for Single Page Apps and SharePoint isn't necessarily set up to work that way. The Web Parts are isolated from each other and Angular requires some workarounds. [00:14:30] Getting around sandboxing Google and Microsoft are talking to each other to see how to work around this when there are multiple sandboxed applications that can't talk to each other in very simple ways. [00:15:39] Application library or naming collisions if my UI uses different versions or clobber page wide settings There are guides for a lot of this. React does a bunch of the isolation work. Addons are iframed in and an API token is given to grant access to the data and APIs. Microsoft also reviews and approves plugins. [00:18:30] How do you get started and make money at this? Look at the SharePoint store. You can build things through websites and pages and offer the plugins through the store. You can request a SharePoint tenant installation from the Microsoft Dev Tools for free. Then you can build into the tenant site. The rest of the tools are available on npm. SharePoint Developer Tools [00:22:13] Automated testing for SharePoint extensions Unit testing is built in for JavaScript. Testing the UI's require you to sign into Office 365. There are people doing it, though. [00:22:54] Building internal-only extensions SharePoint is an enterprise tool, so a lot of enterprises may not want to install extensions from the store. You can definitely build and install private plugins for SharePoint setups. They also have their own backend systems that will require custom development. [00:25:50] Office 365, SharePoint, and OneDrive Office 365 is used by people across many different sized organizations and SharePoint is much more enterprise. Office 365 tools store files and information in SharePoint. What about OneDrive versus Sharepoint? OneDrive is focused for one person. SharePoint is focused around a team. But they have the same APIs and use the same technology stack. [00:29:05] The history and future of SharePoint It started out on premises and has moved to the cloud. The SharePoint team is working to keep it available and useful in the modern cloud based era. [00:30:25] What does the API footprint look like? It spans modifying lists, data objects, attributes, items in a list, put Web Parts on a page, modify the experience, and manage and modify access, users, and documents. SharePoint is a way of building a way of conveying information. SharePoint is layers of data and scopes. [00:35:26] Tutorials and Open Source dev.office.com The Sharepoint framework is not open source yet, but they're working on that. They also need to open source the Yeoman templates. Open source samples are available at github.com/sharepoint. Picks Charles Max Wood BlueTick Zapier ScheduleOnce Moo.com Advice: Take the time to go talk to people. Vesa adds that you should go to a session that's on something completely outside your experience. AJ O'Neal The Circle Spontaneity/Happiness: AJ tells a story about a woman he saw running through sprinklers. Oh the places you'll go by Dr. Seuss: AJ talks about a journal entry he read at a yard sale. Mike Ammerlaan Super hot VR on Oculus Rift Vesa Juvonen Family A big thanks to Microsoft, DotNetRocks, and Build! Full Article
ip JSJ 272: Functional Programming and ClojureScript with Eric Normand By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 01 Aug 2017 06:00:00 -0400 JSJ 272: Functional Programming and ClojureScript with Eric Normand This episode of JavaScript Jabber features panelists Aimee Knight and Charles Max Wood. Special guest Eric Normand is here to talk about functional programming and ClojureScript. Tune in to learn more! [00:1:14] Introduction to Eric Normand Eric works for purelyfunctional.tv. The main target market for his company is those people who want to transition into functional programming from their current job. He offers them support, shows them where to find jobs, and gives them the skills they need to do well. [00:02:22] Address that quickly Functional programming is used at big companies such as Wal-Mart, Amazon, EBay, Paypal, and banks. They all have Clojure but it is not used at the scale of Java or Ruby. So yes, people are using it and it is influencing the mainstream programming industry. [00:3:48] How do you build an application? A common question Eric gets is, “How do I structure my application?” People are used to using frameworks. Most start from an existing app. People want a process to figure out how to take a set of features and turn it into code. Most that get into functional programming have development experience. The attitude in functional programming is that they do not want a framework. Clojure needs to be more beginner friendly. His talk is a four-step process on how to turn into code. [00:05:56] Can you expand on that a little? There are four steps to the process of structuring an application. Develop a metaphor for what you are trying to do. Developing the first implementation. How would you build it if you didn’t have code? Develop the operations. What are their properties? Example: will have to sort records chronological. Develop relationships between the operations. Run tests and refactor the program. Once you have that, you can write the prototype. [00:13:13] Why can’t you always make the code better? Rules can’t be refactored into new concepts. They have to be thrown away and started completely over. The most important step is to think before beginning to write code. It may be the hardest part of the process, but it will make the implementation easier. [00:17:20] What are your thoughts on when people take it too far and it makes the code harder to read? He personally has written many bad abstractions. Writing bad things is how you get better as a programmer. The ones that go too far are the ones that don’t have any basis or are making something new up. They are trying to be too big and use no math to back up their code. [00:20:05] Is the hammock time when you decide if you want to make something abstract or should you wait until you see patterns develop? He thinks people should think about it before, although always be making experiments that do not touch production. [00:23:33] Is there a trade off between using ClojureScript and functional JavaScript? In terms of functional programming in JavaScript don’t have some of the niceties that there are in Clojure script. Clojure Script has a large standard library. JavaScript is not as well polished for functional programming; it is a lot of work to do functional programming it and not as much support. [00:27:00:] Dave Thomas believes that the future of software is functional programming. Do you agree? Eric thinks that it seems optimistic. He doesn’t see functional programming take over the world but does think that it has a lot to teach. The main reason to learn functional programming is to have more tools in your toolbox. [00:31:40] If this is a better way to solve these problems, why aren’t people using it? There is a prejudice against functional programming. When Eric was first getting into it, people would ask why he was wasting his time. Believes that people are jaded. Functional programming feels foreign because people are used to a familiar way of programming; they usually start with a language and get comfortable. [00:40:58] If people want to get started with it, is there an easy way in? Lodash is great to start replacing for loops. It will clean up code. There are other languages that compile to JavaScript. For example, Elm is getting a lot of attention right now. It is a Haskell like syntax. If you want more of a heavyweight language, use TypeScript or PureScript. ClojureScript is into live programming. You are able to type, save, and see results of the code immediately on the screen in front of you. Picks Aimee: The Hidden Cost of Abstraction What Functional Language Should I Learn Eric Steven King, On Writing Youtube Channel: Tested Charles Ionic Framework Links Purely Functional TV Blog Building Composable Abstractions Full Article
ip JSJ 288: TypeScript with Amanda Silver By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 20:22:00 -0500 Charles Max Wood Special Guests: Amanda Silver In this episode, Charles is at Microsoft Connect 2017 in NYC. Charles speaks with Amanda Silver. Amanda is deemed the TypeScript and future of JavaScript guru, and this year's speakers at Microsoft Connect with Visual Studio Live Share. Amanda shares what is new with TypeScript and how that is a kind of subscript to JavaScript. Amanda explains the big picture of TypeScript’s inception and where she believes the language will be most efficient and effective for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: What is new in TypeScript? Keep JavaScript and TypeScript aligned TypeScript is implemented to create larger scaled applications Integration with VS Code, etc. Building better tools for JavaScript Developers When would this be taken on by users Defaults in Visual Studio TypeScript replacing JavaScript type service TypeScript is written in TypeScript Chakra runtime Diaspora The different faces of JavaScript Optimized JavaScript runtime Languages should be created with tooling A satisfying tooling experience Foot Guns New Tokens Eco-systems and metadata Multi-phase Minimum common denominator constantly changing Collaborating on the same code Open Source and the impact How to move to open source Contributing The next thing for TypeScript The future of JavaScript And much more! Links: @amandaksilver Picks: Amanda Visual Studio Live Share Instinct of learning technology Charles Visual Studio Live Share AI Full Article
ip JSJ 291: Serverless For JavaScript with Gareth McCumskey By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 06:00:00 -0500 Panel: Charles Max Wood Aimee Knight AJ O’Neal Joe Eames Special Guests: Gareth McCumskey In this episode, JavaScript Jabber speaks with Gareth McCumskey about Serverless For JavaScript. Gareth leads the dev team at Expat Explore in Cape Town, South Africa. Gareth and this team specialize in exploring the Serverless realm in JavaScript. The JavaScript Jabbers panel and Gareth discuss the many different types of serverless systems, and when to implement them, how serverless system work, and when to go in the direction of using Serverless. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: What does it mean to be Serverless? Since platform as a service. Microservice on Docker Firebase “no backend” Backend systems Cloud functions and failure in systems How do you start to think about a serverless system? How do decide what to do? AWS Lambda Working in a different vendor Node 4 Programming JS to deploy Using libraries for NPM How is works with AWS Lambda Where is the database? More point of failure? Calls to Slack? Authentication Micro Services Elastic Bean Stalk Static Assets, S3, Managing Testing the services Integration testing And much more! Links: @garethmcc @expatexplore gareth.mccumskey.com https://github.com/garethmcc serverless.com Picks: Aimee Serverless Architectures NG-BE Conference AJ Documentary on Enron Hard Thing about Hard Things Charles Serverless Framework The Storm Light Achieves Avengers: Infinity War Gareth Building MicroServices Skeptics Guide To The Universe Podcast Expate Explore Joe Wonder - Movie Gloom In Space - Board Game Full Article
ip JSJ 298: Angular, Vue and TypeScript with John Papa By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 21:35:00 -0500 Panel: Charles Max Wood Cory House Joe Eames Aimee Knight Special Guests: John Papa In this episode, JavaScript Jabber panelist speak with John Papa. John has been doing web programming for over twenty years on multiple platforms and has been contributing to the developer communities through conferences, authoring books, videos and courses on Pluralsight. John is on the show to discuss an articles he wrote on A Look at Angular Along Side Vue, and another article on Vue.js with TypeScript. John talks about the new features with the different versions of Angular technologies, anxiety in the different features, comparisons between the technologies and use case with Angular. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: A look at Angular Along Side Vue - Article Angular 5, Amber,Vue, React, Angular Angular 2 - different features CLI Spell Webpack Comparisons - Why the anxiety? Opinions of Angular and sprinkling in other technologies Vue is the easy to use with Angular Are there breakpoints with the uses case? Choosing technologies Talk about working with Vue and Angular DSL - Domain Specific Language Vue and 3rd party libraries Talk about Vue working with TypeScript Vue.js with TypeScript Vue with TypeScript looks similar to Angular Vetur What does 2018 have in store for Angular? Native apps and web functionality And much more! Links: https://johnpapa.net Vue.js with TypeScript A Look at Angular Along Side Vue @john_papa https://github.com/johnpapa Picks: Corey cypress.io Charles E Myth Revisited Profit First Dunkirk Aimee Crucial Conversations Ripple or XRP Joe The Greatest Showman Better Late Then Never Vue 7 Languages In 7 Weeks - Book John Jumanji 2017 Emotional Intelligence Full Article
ip JSJ 299: How To Learn JavaScript When You're Not a Developer with Chris Ferdinandi By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 06 Feb 2018 20:10:00 -0500 Panel: AJ O’Neal Joe Eames Aimee Knight Special Guests: Chris Ferdinandi In this episode, JavaScript Jabber panelist speak with Chris Ferdinandi. Chris teaches vanilla JavaScript to beginners and those coming from a design background. Chris mentions his background in Web design and Web Develop that led him JavaScript development. Chris and the JSJ panelist discuss the best ways to learn JavaScript, as well as resources for learning JavaScript. Also, some discussion of technologies that work in conjunction with vanilla JavaScript. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Teaching JavaScript - Beginners and Design patrons Web Design and Web Development CSS Tricks Todd Motto How to do jQuery Things without jQuery Doing things like mentors (Todd) When JavaScript makes sense. CSS is easier to learn then JS? Being good at CSS and JS at the same time? How about Node developers? jRuby, DOM Documentation And much more! Links: https://github.com/cferdinandi https://gomakethings.com @ChrisFerdinandi https://www.linkedin.com/in/cferdinandi Picks: AJ Discover Card Mistborn Aimee Your Smart Phone is Making You Stupid… Crypto Currency Joe Mystic Vale Kedi Chris https://gomakethings.com Teva Mush Full Article
ip JSJ 309: WebAssembly and JavaScript with Ben Titzer By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 06:00:00 -0400 Panel: Charles Max Wood Cory House Aimee Knight Special Guests: Ben Titzer In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panelists discuss WebAssembly and JavaScript with Ben Titzer. Ben is a JavaScript VM engineer and is on the V8 team at Google. He was one of the co-inventors of WebAssembly and he now works on VM engineering as well as other things for WebAssembly. They talk about how WebAssembly came to be and when it would be of most benefit to you in your own code. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Ben intro JavaScript Co-inventor of WebAssembly (Wasm) Joined V8 in 2014 asm.js Built a JIT compiler to make asm.js faster TurboFan What is the role of JavaScript? What is the role of WebAssembly? SIMD.js JavaScript is not a statically typed language Adding SIMD to Wasm was easier Easy to add things to Wasm Will JavaScript benefit? Using JavaScript with Wasm pros and cons Pros to compiling with Wasm Statically typed languages The more statically typed you are, the more you will benefit from Wasm TypeScript Is WebAssembly headed towards being used in daily application? Rust is investing heavily in Wasm WebAssembly in gaming And much, much more! Links: JavaScript V8 WebAssembly asm.js TurboFan TypeScript Rust WebAssembly GitHub Ben’s GitHub Picks: Charles Ready Player One Movie DevChat.tv YouTube Alexa Flash Briefings: Add skill for “JavaScript Rants” Cory npm Semantic Version Calculator Kent Beck Tweet Aimee MDN 418 Status code Quantity Always Trumps Quality blog post Ben American Politics Full Article
ip JSJ 313: Light Functional JavaScript with Kyle Simpson By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 15 May 2018 10:37:00 -0400 Panel: AJ ONeal Aimee Knight Joe Eames Special Guests: Kyle Simpson In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panelists discuss light functional JavaScript with Kyle Simpson. Kyle is most well-known for writing the books You Don’t Know JS and is on the show today for his book Functional-Light JavaScript. They talk about what functional programming is, what side-effects are, and discuss the true heart behind functional programming. They also touch on the main focus of functional programming and much more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: You Don’t Know JS Functional-Light JavaScript From the same spirit as first books JavaScript Documents journey of learning What does Functional Programming mean? Functional programming is being re-awoken Many different definitions History of functional programming Programming with functions What is a function? “A collection of operations of doing some task” is what people think functions are What a function really is Map inputs to outputs What is a side-effect? Side-effects should be intentional and explicit The heart of functional programming Refactoring Can’t write a functional program from scratch What functional programming focuses on Making more readable and reliable code Pulling a time-stamp Defining a side-effect And much, much more! Links: You Don’t Know JS Functional-Light JavaScript JavaScript Kyle’s GitHub @getify Picks: Aimee What Does Code Readability Mean? @FunctionalKnox HTTP 203 Podcast AJ IKEA Joe Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Eric Barker Workshops in general Kyle GDPR The start-up’s guide to the GDPR Hatch Fluent Conf Full Article
ip JSJ 322: Building SharePoint Extensions with JavaScript with Vesa Juvonen LIVE at Microsoft Build By devchat.tv Published On :: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 06:00:00 -0400 Panel: Charles Max Wood Special Guests: Vesa Juvonen In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panel talks to Vesa Juvonen about building SharePoint extensions with JavaScript. Vesa is on the SharePoint development team and is responsible for the SharePoint Framework, which is the modern way of implementing SharePoint customizations with JavaScript. They talk about what SharePoint is, why they chose to use JavaScript with it, and how he maintains isolation. They also touch on the best way to get started with SharePoint, give some great resources to help you use it, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Vesa intro What is SharePoint? Has existed since 2009 People either know about it and use it or don’t know what it is Baggage from a customization perspective Why JavaScript developers? Modernizing development SharePoint Framework Microsoft Ignite Conference Is there a market for it? System integrators Angular Element and React React for SharePoint Framework back-end Supports Vue React Round Up Podcast How do you maintain isolation? What’s the best way to get started with SharePoint extensions? Office 365 Developer Program SharePoint documentation SharePoint YouTube What kinds of extensions are you seeing people build? And much, much more! Links: SharePoint JavaScript SharePoint Framework Microsoft Ignite Conference Angular Element React Vue React Round Up Podcast Office 365 Developer Program SharePoint documentation SharePoint YouTube @OfficeDev @vesajuvonen Vesa’s blog Vesa’s GitHub @SharePoint Sponsors Kendo UI Sentry Digital Ocean Picks: Charles Zig Ziglar Conversations with My Dog by Zig Ziglar Pimsleur Lessons on Audible Vesa Armada by Ernest Cline Full Article
ip JSJ 323: "Building a JavaScript platform that gives you the power to build your own CDN" with Kurt Mackey By devchat.tv Published On :: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 15:50:00 -0400 Panel: Charles Max Wood AJ ONeal Special Guests: Kurt Mackey In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panel talks to Kurt Mackey about Fly.io. At Fly.io, they are "building a JavaScript platform that gives you the power to build your own CDN." They talk about how Fly.io came to fruition, how CDN caching works, and what happens when you deploy a Fly app. They also touch on resizing images with Fly, how you actually build JavaScript platforms using Fly, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Fly.io Building a programmable CDN High level overview of Fly.io How did this project come together? CDNs didn’t work with dynamic applications Has been working on this since 2008 Extend application logic to the “edge” Putting burden of JavaScript “nastiest” onto the web server Fly is the proxy layer Getting things closer to visitors and users CDN caching Cache APIs Writing logic to improve your lighthouse score Have you built in resizing images into Fly? Managing assets closer to the user Can you modify your own JavaScript files? What happens when you deploy a Fly app Having more application logic DOM within the proxy Ghost React and Gatsby Intelligently loading client JavaScript How do you build the JavaScript platform? And much, much more! Links: Fly.io JavaScript Ghost Gatsby React @flydotio @mrkurt Kurt at ARS Technica Kurt’s GitHub Sponsors Kendo UI Sentry Digital Ocean Picks: Charles GitLab AJ Gitea Black Panther Kurt Packet.net The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu Full Article