
Recruiting for success: Challenges for Canada’s Labour Migration System

This document provides an overview of the key challenges for Canada’s labour migration system, along with recommendations for future policy making.


Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries

Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries


(external link to) Labor Migration in Asia – Safeguarding rights from home to the workplace

Labor Migration in Asia – Safeguarding rights from home to the workplace


Will labour remain different from the other factors of production?

When it comes to labour and migration, global governance of almost any kind is missing. When it comes to labour, the International Labour Organization, which is the oldest among the institutions mentioned here, has little power and deals mostly with national labour rules.


OECD recommands to France to modernise and better govern labour migration

OECD recommands to France to modernise and better govern labour migration


The OECD calls on France to modernise and strengthen the co-ordination of labour immigration

In a new report, the OECD says that France should modernise and strengthen the co-ordination of labour immigration in order to attract foreign talent and align itself more closely with the needs of the labour market.


Labor Migration in Asia: Increasing the Development Impact of Migration through Finance and Technology

This report documents the increase in labor migration in Asia and looks at how finance and technology can aid its positive impact on home countries. As diasporas increase, governments have reached out to citizens abroad to provide them with financial instruments. Remittance channels have long been consolidated, but financial technology is changing the ways in which migrants remit—reducing fees and opening opportunities for new actors.


Better adapting migration policies to labour market needs would help Ghana’s economy, says new ILO-OECD Development Centre report

Migration should be better integrated in labour market information and analysis. This could amplify the impact of Ghana’s efforts to enhance the economic contribution of migration, which culminated in 2016 with the adoption of a National Migration Policy aiming to mainstream migration into Ghana’s other development policies.


Countries should focus on labour market policies to help refugees and improve coordinated actions to tackle illegal immigration

Migration flows to OECD countries have dropped slightly for the first time since 2011, with around 5 million new permanent migrants in 2017, down from 5.3 million in 2016. This trend is mainly due to a significant decrease in new asylum applications, with 1.2 million applications in 2017 compared to 1.6 million in 2016, according to a new OECD report.


Environment: Germany, a laboratory for green growth

Germany is successfully limiting the amount of carbon, energy and resources required to grow its economy. Though the public is generally satisfied with the level of environmental quality, the OECD’s Environmental Performance Review of Germany warns that ch


Flabber-gassed by our noxious air: can electric vehicles save us? Insights Blog

Paris is a beautiful city but has an ugly problem with air pollution. Using 2 wheels to get to work, one becomes acutely aware of this insidious addiction to cars, and the “essence” of the problem, DIESEL.


A Review of Public Policies relating to the Use of Environmental Labelling and Information Schemes (ELIS) - Environment Working Paper

This report provides a brief review of how national government policies and guidelines apply to or regulate the use of environmental labelling and information schemes (ELIS) in selected OECD countries. The report reviews definitions relevant to environmental claims and identifies four types of potentially false or misleading environmental claims.


Multiplication of Environmental Labelling and Information Schemes (ELIS): Implications for Environment and Trade - Environment Working Paper

This report explores potential effects of the recent rapid growth in Environmental Labelling Information Schemes (ELIS) around the world, with a focus on the implications of ELIS multiplication for environmental effectiveness and international trade.


OECD, France and Mexico launch “Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting” at One Planet Summit

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría announced today at the One Planet Summit in Paris the launch of the “Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting”, a strategic initiative to assess and drive the alignment of national budgetary processes with the Paris Agreement and other environmental goals.


Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting

The Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting was launched by the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría at the One Planet Summit in Paris on 12 December 2017. It aims to design new, innovative tools to assess and drive improvements in the alignment of national expenditure and revenue processes with climate and other environmental goals.


Impacts of Green Growth Policies on Labour Markets and Wage Income Distribution: A General Equilibrium Application to Climate and Energy Policies - Environment Working Paper

This paper explores the consequences on the labour markets of structural changes induced by decarbonisation policies. These policies are likely going to have consequences on labour-income distribution given i) existing rigidities in the labour markets, and ii) their different impacts on sectors and on job categories.


Labour migration: Germany is open to graduates but immigration is difficult for medium-skilled workers

Germany is one of the OECD countries with the lowest barriers to immigration for high-skilled workers. However, long-term labour migration is low in comparison with other countries.


Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries

Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries


G20 Labour Ministerial: Joint Statement by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría and ILO Director-General Juan Somavia

"200 million people are out of work worldwide, close to the peak recorded at the depth of the Great Recession" warn OECD and ILO at the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers meet in Paris.


Swedish labour migration reform working well but needs more monitoring, says OECD

Sweden’s 2008 reform of its labour migration policy, now one of the most open in the OECD, has helped businesses hire foreign workers quickly and cheaply, without hurting conditions for local workers, according to a new OECD report.


G20 Labour Ministers must focus on young jobseekers

Young people continue to bear the brunt of the jobs crisis, with nearly 11 million 15 to 24 -year-olds out of work in OECD countries in early 2012. Youth unemployment in the OECD area in March 2012 was 17.1%, close to its November 2009 peak of 18.3%


Euro area labour costs converging, but imbalances persist

The euro area crisis finds its roots in the credit booms seen in many countries following the introduction of the euro in 1999. Easy credit led to strong growth in a range of sectors, notably housing, as well as higher levels of public spending. Inflation in these over-heating economies was higher than the euro area as a whole. Rising prices led to rising costs and a loss of international competitiveness.


Enhancing the inclusiveness of the labour market in Belgium

The global crisis led to a smaller increase in the unemployment rate than in most other OECD countries as employment has been sustained through intensive use of reduced working time schemes.


The Dutch labour market: preparing for the future

The well performing labour market has delivered low unemployment and relatively stable wage developments.


Labour migration: Germany is open to graduates but immigration is difficult for medium-skilled workers

Germany is one of the OECD countries with the lowest barriers to immigration for high-skilled workers. However, long-term labour migration is low in comparison with other countries.


Labour market reforms in Denmark must tackle mental health issues

Ongoing reforms of Denmark’s disability benefits and flexjobs are promising, but a stronger focus on helping people with their mental health issues is needed for the reforms to contribute to a sustainable decline in the high rate of unemployment, according to a new OECD report. Past labour market reforms failed because underlying mental health problems of the jobless remained unaddressed.


Making labour markets inclusive

In this time of chronic unemployment, it is all too easy to lose sight of the single greatest trend underlying the long-term labour market: the demographic time bomb in the developed world. Indeed, the defining employment challenge of the future will be not the surplus, but the shortage, of appropriate labour.


Review of Recent Developments and Progress in Labour Market and Social Policy in Israel

This report presents the OECD's assessment of recent developments in Israel in the area of labour market and social policy. It focuses on recent trends in poverty and employment outcomes and policy development to improve employment opportunities, especially for the Arab and Haredi communities


OECD and ILO to release labour market update ahead of G20 Labour Ministerial in Moscow

The OECD and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) will publish updated G20 labour market data on Wednesday 17 July 2013 ahead of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers meeting in Moscow.


OECD, ILO call on G20 labour ministers to reinforce cooperation

Joint statement by ILO Director-General Guy Ryder and OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría on the occasion of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting, Moscow, 18-19 July 2013


Labour Activation, Equity and Inclusion

While unemployment is gradually declining in the United States, Mexico and Japan, it is increasing in the Euro area. In emerging economies, tackling low paid employment in insecure jobs with little social protection remains a key challenge.


Spain’s labour market reforms on track but more assistance needed for young jobseekers, says OECD

Spain has taken courageous steps to strengthen its labour market. Recent reforms have helped create jobs and should further boost competitiveness and employment in the years to come. But additional efforts are needed to boost competition in product markets and to improve assistance to job seekers, particularly young people, according to a new OECD report.


Switzerland needs to improve its approach to mental-health issues in the labour force, says OECD

Switzerland needs to do more to help people with mental disorders find a job or stay in work, according to a new OECD report.


Quality Apprenticeships for Giving Youth a Better Start in the Labour Market, G20-OECD-EC Conference

This conference on 9 April 2014 will provide an opportunity for a mutual sharing of good practice in fostering the better insertion of youth into the labour market through the development of quality apprenticeships. It would also seek to foster a greater commitment by countries to take action to introduce or strengthen apprenticeship initiatives and to take stock of the progress achieved.


Northern Ireland, UK: Collaboration at local level is key towards matching skills to demand, says OECD

Closer collaboration between local employment, training, and economic development agencies to develop the right skills in jobseekers is crucial to support export-oriented growth in Northern Ireland, according to a new OECD report.


Recent labour market reforms have yet to fulfil their promise, says OECD

The UK labour market weathered the recent recession moderately well. After a relatively limited fall, total employment recovered and it recently reached 30 million for the first time, even if a number of the new jobs created are low productivity and low paid.


Matching Economic Migration with Labour Market Needs

How can governments ensure that migration and free movement of workers contribute to meeting the labour market shortages that are expected to arise over the next 50 years? How can societies better use the skills of their migrants? What lessons can non-European OECD countries offer Europe, particularly regarding labour migration management? “Matching economic migration with labour market needs” addresses these questions.


1st OECD/IZA World of Labor Seminar: Minimum Wages – Impacts and Institutional Processes - 17 November 2014

Joint Seminar on "Minimum Wages – Impacts and Institutional Processes"


How the Labour Market Drives Mismatch and its Penalties

Why are workers mismatched in the first place? Many, if not most, students choose a field of study based on what they want to become and do to earn a living. Yet almost four in ten workers end up doing something unrelated. This is sometimes by choice but not always.


The growing importance of social skills in the labour market

The fact remains that robots have persistently failed to imitate the most human of skills, such empathy, teamwork, relationship building, etc. While technology may be reducing the demand for some routine skills, it is simultaneously increasing the demand for more difficult-to-automate social skills.


OECD Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting (14-15 January 2016)

On 14-15 January 2016 the OECD will host a Ministerial meeting on Labour and Employment, and a Policy Forum on the Future of Work.


Project: Local economic strategies for shrinking and ageing labour markets

The project will identify the policy levers and instruments that can be helpful in the design of strategies to accompany the transition to older local labour markets, and identify how national policy frameworks can best support these transformations.


OECD Labour Ministerial Statement 2016

OECD Employment and Labour Ministers meeting in Paris have underlined their commitment to boosting employment, particularly for young people and the long-term unemployed, tackling labour market inequalities and helping people with mental health issues find and stay in work.


OECD Employment and Labour Ministerial Statement - Building more resilient and inclusive labour markets

OECD Employment and Labour Ministers meeting in Paris have underlined their commitment to boosting employment, particularly for young people and the long-term unemployed, tackling labour market inequalities and helping people with mental health issues find and stay in work.


Project: Skills for greener jobs in a local labour market context

This study will analyse how selected local areas/industry clusters identify the specific skills needed to support green growth and how related skills policies and practices can be made more effective in supporting their provision and accelerating transition to a low-carbon economy.


The State of the North American Labour Market

This OECD report was developed in collaboration with the United States, Mexico and Canada, for consideration by the three Leaders in the context of the 2016 North American Leaders Summit.


Closing gender gaps in the labour markets of emerging economies: The unfinished job

Despite unprecedented progress over the past century, gender gaps in the labour market persist throughout the world and are especially marked in emerging economies. While the quantity of jobs held by women has increased in many countries, female workers continue to have worse jobs than men.


Italy’s skills and labour market challenges in an ageing society

Low birth rates have become a pressing issue in Italy and many young Italians feel they do not enjoy the necessary economic stability to plan ahead and start a family. Education that matches the skill needs of employers leading to work-based learning in the form of apprenticeships can be useful to help young Italians plan ahead and to sustain the much needed increase in the birth rate.


Labour market reforms in Portugal 2011-2015

This report has been elaborated by the OECD in very close collaboration with the Portuguese government and, in particular, the Ministry of Labour. A final version was submitted to the government in late December 2016 and it is expected to be released in Lisbon on the 19th of January 2017.


Japan should do more to help young people take part in the labour market

Japan should step up efforts to improve young people’s job prospects and reduce the share of 15-29 year-olds who are not in employment, education or training (the “NEETs”), according to a new OECD report.