an Five Android apps to feed your RSS needs By Published On :: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 09:00:00 -0400 If you are a news junkie, you probably depend on various and sundry RSS feeds—so you most likely need a handy app to curate them into a single, easy-to-use location. Fortunately, plenty of Android apps are available to handle all your RSS needs. What is RSS? For those who are new to RSS, here's a quick overview. RSS stands for rich site summary (or really simple syndication). It enables sites to publish frequently updated information in a format that is easy to consume (by both apps and humans). The format of RSS tends to be a title and a one-sentence or one-paragraph blurb. Readers can click on the title, which will take them to the original piece. Different apps offer different features for RSS feeds. I have found five apps in the Google Play Store that I believe represent the best features and the most user-friendly interfaces. complete article Full Article
an Best RSS Feed Apps for Android By Published On :: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 09:00:00 -0400 Trying to keep track of all your favorite RSS feeds can be a pain. Luckily there are a ton of options on the Google Play Store and we take a look at a few of the best. complete article Full Article
an Line Vs. Facebook And The Future Of Social Networking By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 09:00:00 -0400 With Lines IPO, I thought this would be a good time to ask about the role that new social networks will play in the larger social network ecosystem. Will they cannibalize Facebook’s usage? Or can we expect to see the biggest players continue to be dominant in social networking? For those of you who don’t know, social networking has a special place in my heart. In 1997, I launched the world’s first online social network called sixdegrees. And as part of that, we wrote a patent that defined a social network as the ability to index multiple relationships in a single database. It gives you the ability to see the people you don’t know through the people you do know. complete article Full Article
an Parsing an RSS News Feed with a Bash Script By Published On :: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 09:00:00 -0400 I am involved in several free software projects, including one or two where I maintain the website. For one of those projects, we currently are updating the website. Ours is probably similar to other free software projects. We use a hosting service for several key services, including news, but we run our website on a web server that we own. In our case, we run most of our project on SourceForge and run the website on a third-party service, so the news and website are on different systems. Not surprisingly, our project uses an RSS feed to pull news items from SourceForge to display on the project website. complete article Full Article
an Social media helps charity to monitor the flow of blood cancer conversations By Published On :: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 09:00:00 -0400 For more than 56 years the charity I work for, Bloodwise, has been working to beat blood cancer, the third most fatal form of cancer. In our work, we have had to constantly evolve and adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of our supporters and patients. Unsurprisingly, the rise of digital channels has been transformational for us, from the delivery of patient information online to communicating with supporters via social media. However, as the importance of digital grew, we knew we needed to use data and insight to understand our online audiences better and measure our performance. complete article Full Article
an Manually Add RSS Feeds to Apple News By Published On :: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 09:00:00 -0400 It does not really seem like Apple News has taken off nearly as much as Apple likely hoped it would, but if you only visit a handful of web sites, it is actually a pretty solid RSS reader if you know how to use it right. When you first launch News, it seems like you can only go through and pick Apple-approved sites and topics. But you can actually customize it however you want in one of two ways: complete article Full Article
an The Pros and Cons of Social Media Background Checks By Published On :: Mon, 22 Aug 2016 09:00:00 -0400 While you may be tempted to check out a job candidate's social media presence before hiring, doing so might not be worth the risk. complete article Full Article
an Social Media is Transforming Marketing By Published On :: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 09:00:13 -0400 Everyone realizes the importance of social media marketing. Businesses are tapping benefits of using networks created on social sites to sell products. What is social media marketing? Social media marketing is using social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and many of the social media tools to create awareness about products. It is an approach where business can reach their customers. Many customers interact with brands through social media. A company that has a high social media-marketing plan can thus tap into the opportunity and increase their customer base. complete article Full Article
an Best RSS Apps For Android Phones By Published On :: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 09:00:25 -0400 Despite the death of Google Reader and the subsequent flurry of naysayers, RSS has lived on as a way to stay informed in an every changing, always updating world. While originally designed for PC, plenty of people have been clamoring for Android apps to take full advantage of RSS and all it has to offer. Here we will take a look at the five best free apps for RSS reading. complete article Full Article
an 5 Social Media Stars Who Earn Way More than You Do By Published On :: Fri, 9 Sep 2016 09:04:53 -0400 Did you know that there are thousands of people out there earning incredible amounts of money through social media? That s right, social media stars can make thousands, even millions of dollars per year through sponsored posts, original content, and consistent engagement with their followers. Here are five social media celebs who might make you want to quit your job to go full-time on Instagram! complete article Full Article
an Three Social Media Strategies Your Top Competitors Do Not Want You To Know About By Published On :: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:30:42 -0400 You read all the social media guru blogs, post religiously across your social media channels, and even publish your content at peak times of the day to capture more views. Despite all of this, you still see competitors gaining ground while your social media influence remains stagnant. complete article Full Article
an Create an RSS Feed for any Search Result By Published On :: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 09:33:23 -0400 Whether you are constantly searching your own name online (you know who you are) or there is a topic you want to follow closely, Google Alerts lets you know when new pages hit the web that match your query—and you can convert these results into an RSS feed (or something else) to make them easier to manage. complete article Full Article
an Amazons Alexa can tell you what's trending on Twitter By Published On :: Sun, 9 Oct 2016 12:26:04 -0400 A report yesterday revealed that Amazon might open up its Alexa ecosystem to allow push notifications, so that it could interrupt to warn you about a traffic jam, for instance. complete article Full Article
an Science Email Alerts and RSS Feeds By Published On :: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 12:27:46 -0400 You can keep up-to-date with the content posted on Science Journals by subscribing to their E-mail alerts and RSS feeds. complete article Full Article
an Is Twitter Toxic? Can Social Media Be Tamed? By Published On :: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 12:34:54 -0400 Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter have all been the target of passionate groups of users claiming that the sites have embraced censorship. complete article Full Article
an Teens Use YouTube, Gmail More than Social Networks By Published On :: Mon, 31 Oct 2016 09:00:00 -0400 Despite the huge popularity of social networking among teens, more respondents reported using Gmail than Snapchat or Facebook, June 2016 research uncovered. The only site used more than Gmail was YouTube, which is not surprising given the plethora of content and influencers available on the video-sharing site. complete article Full Article
an Police are increasingly using social media surveillance tools By Published On :: Mon, 7 Nov 2016 09:00:58 -0400 This summer, the American Civil Liberties Union of California requested records from 63 police departments, sheriffs and district attorneys across California. Of the records they received, 40 percent of the agencies (20) used social media surveillance tools, and most of them started using them within the last year. complete article Full Article
an Five Android apps to feed your RSS needs By Published On :: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 13:18:26 -0400 RSS offers an efficient way to stay in the know, but the right newsreader can make a big difference. Here are five outstanding Android apps that should do the trick. complete article Full Article
an What And When Will Be The Next Social Media Disruption? By Published On :: Sun, 13 Nov 2016 13:19:02 -0400 Most people in the tech industry, as well as avid consumers, marketers, and business owners, are always on the lookout for the next big thing. In the social media world, we have seen a ton of developments over the past decade or so. Apps have become more friendly to mobile devices than desktops, content has become more visual and more immediate, and borderline gimmicky apps have risen to almost inexplicable heights of popularity. complete article Full Article
an How Sexual Partner Abuse Has Changed With Social Media By Published On :: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 13:27:48 -0400 Threats to humiliate an intimate partner by sharing explicit photos or video is an old problem with a new digital twist, a new study finds. complete article Full Article
an Police Use Surveillance Tool to Scan Social Media By Published On :: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 13:28:59 -0400 A Chicago company has marketed a tool using text, photos and videos gleaned from major social media companies to aid law enforcement surveillance of protesters, civil liberties activists say. The company, called Geofeedia, used data from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as nine other social media networks, to let users search for social media content in a specific location, as opposed to searching by words or hashtags that would be less likely to reveal an exact location. complete article Full Article
an Podcasts and Copyrights By Published On :: Sat, 10 Dec 2016 09:00:20 -0400 Podcasting has a very low barrier to entry; all you need is audio recording software and a means of creating an RSS feed, be it through software or manual work. As a result, just about anyone can podcast, and the quality of podcasts is therefore highly variable; there are professional podcasts that rival professional broadcasts in quality, and there are amateur podcasts that can't even be heard clearly. For this reason, copyright infringement leeches, often unwittingly, into a number of podcasts. To produce a successful podcast, it is important to understand and respect Western copyright laws. To help ensure that these things are done, we have compiled some information about podcasts, music, and copyright law. Podcasts and Copyrights Full Article
an Uber creates an AI lab to help fuel its self-driving dreams By Published On :: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 13:05:19 -0500 If Uber is going to make its dreams of self-driving ridesharing cars a reality, it is going to need a lot of expertise in artificial intelligence... and it is taking big steps to make that happen. The company has created Uber AI Labs to fuel its research, and it is getting the team started by acquiring AI startup Geometric Intelligence. This is also a preemptive strike against the competition. The company tells the NYT that there is a fierce battle for AI talent -- acquiring Geometric Intelligence prevents Uber from losing out to Lyft, Google and others hoping to put machine learning to work on the road. complete article Full Article
an Social Networking Site Facebook to Fight Hoaxes And Fake News By Published On :: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 09:00:00 -0500 Facebook, the worlds largest social networking site, has decided to crack down on fake news items after users complained a surge in the number of ill-verified news articles and hoaxes on its network. Adam Mosseri, VP, News Feed, in a new post, said: We believe in giving people a voice and that we cannot become arbiters of truth ourselves, so we are approaching this problem carefully. complete article Full Article
an How Companies Will Use Social Media In 2017 By Published On :: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:00:00 -0500 Lets travel back to a simpler time, shall we? It’s November 6, 2007, and Facebook has just launched something called Pages. Now, companies can have an official presence on the network, just like real people! The first day, 100,000 Pages launch, with brands from Coca-Cola to Verizon and Blockbuster getting onboard. In the years afterward, millions of companies raced to build up audiences they can reach directly and on-demand, through the sheer magic of social media. Fast-forward to the waning months of 2016, and the magic is a little harder to feel. Certain corners of the social world have become uglier places, with some in the business world calling for a draw-down. complete article Full Article
an Analytics and Data Will Change Social Media in 2017 By Published On :: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 09:00:00 -0500 As we wind down the year and look back on 2016, we find that social media is on everyones lips–but perhaps for different reasons than we social media marketers would imagine or prefer. The discussion happening around social media at the end of the year is about responsibility and control. The outcomes of the EU Referendum in Great Britain and the American presidential election were no doubt influenced to a greater or lesser degree by social media, from President-elect Donald Trump’s insistence on using Twitter as an unfiltered direct communication channel with his followers and critics, to the soul-searching happening in some quarters about the role social media played in serving up news stories to the American electorate. complete article Full Article
an 20 New Year’s Resolutions for News, Journalism and Social Media By Published On :: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 09:00:00 -0500 1. Avoid use of headlines and writing of tweets that misrepresent and/or oversimplify the content of linked-to articles. Headlines matter as they frame the stories for users. 2. Call racism racism. 3. Call sexism sexism. 4. Call terrorism terrorism, and be consistent in the use of the term regardless of the ethnicity, religion, national origin and ideological motivation(s) of the perpetrator(s). complete article Full Article
an I Used Social Media and Blogging to Become Famous for Nothing By Published On :: Sun, 5 Feb 2017 09:00:00 -0500 In 2006, I set out to brand myself. I had an idea that I shared with the owner of the small company at which I was employed. I called it Publish or Perish, and despite the lack of originality, the idea was simple, but purposeful: We needed to elevate the name recognition of our company -- quickly. The company had made a fortune working with a niche client, but unwisely, it chose to fly under the competitions radar. In other words, it did the opposite of marketing for fear that if competitors knew how much money it was making from this niche client, it would face stiffer competition. complete article Full Article
an Fishbrain is a social network for fisherman By Published On :: Thu, 9 Mar 2017 09:00:00 -0500 In an age of pervasive digital entrepreneurism, there is a social network for practically every subculture under the sun. Take Codias, for example — it is a network for political conservatives. There’s Sermo, a forum for doctors. And HoffSpace is an internet fan club dedicated to television star David HasselHoff. But one of the fastest-growing niche networks has nothing to do with politics, profession, or celebrity obsession. It is called Fishbrain, and it is a social network for fishermen. complete article Full Article
an The pros and cons of regulating social media By Published On :: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 09:00:00 -0500 In Manilla a technology law expert casts doubt on the effectiveness of House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez's proposed bill seeking to regulate social media use in the Philippines. Under House Bill 5012, a person can be penalized for creating a social media account using someone elses identity. Alvarezs proposed measure also mandates social media networks to verify the identity of their users. complete article Full Article
an Social Media Are Driving Americans Insane By Published On :: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 09:00:00 -0500 Last week, the APA released a study finding that Americans were experiencing the first statistically significant stress increase in the surveys 10-year history. In January, 57 percent of respondents of all political stripes said the U.S. political climate was a very or somewhat significant source of stress, up from 52 percent who said the same thing in August. complete article Full Article
an Branding Risks to Syndication Networks By Published On :: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 09:00:25 -0500 Syndication represents a very useful way to expand your reach, build your audience, and contribute to your industrys thought leadership. The quality of your message influences the quality of your customer development and engagement results, but this is often not enough. complete article Full Article
an Looking for tech advice: Editing an RSS feed By Published On :: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 09:00:00 -0400 Struggling to edit an RSS Feed? Our advice use FeedForAll for creating and editing existing RSS feeds. Full Article
an The Most Popular Social Networks With Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers By Published On :: Mon, 3 Apr 2017 09:00:40 -0400 Although Facebook is the most popular social network across generations, it is not as dominant with younger people as it is with older ones, according to recent research from Sprout Social. The report was based on data from a survey conducted in January 2017 of 1,000 Millennials (age 18-34), Gen Xers (age 34-54), and Baby Boomers (age 55+) in the United States. Some of 65% of Gen Xers as well as Baby Boomers say Facebook is their favorite social network. complete article Full Article
an Five Android apps to feed your RSS needs By Published On :: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 09:17:25 -0400 If you are a news junkie, you probably depend on various and sundry RSS feeds—so you most likely need a handy app to curate them into a single, easy-to-use location. Fortunately, plenty of Android apps are available to handle all your RSS needs. complete article Full Article
an Can social media be regulated? By Published On :: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 09:00:22 -0400 If millennials are the yardstick by which we measure what drives communication on social media, then it would seem that all eyes should be on social messaging platforms such as WhatsApp this year. This is the view of Dominique Pienaar, CEO of DUO Marketing & Communications, who says these platforms are becoming increasingly popular due largely to the immediacy of contact and response and are certainly preferred platforms among the millennial market when it comes to one on one, broadcast and group communication. complete article Full Article
an What is social media and how did it grow so quickly? By Published On :: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 11:51:43 -0400 The popular social media platforms are obvious to most people – Facebook has a UK audience of some 40 million, LinkedIn and Twitter both exceed 20 million, and Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat have close to 10 million each. The reach of these platforms makes it clear that social media is now ubiquitous. But for all the big name players, what is the definition of social media? Where did it come from? And how did it gain such an important role in our lives so quickly? What is social media and how did it grow so quickly? Full Article
an 10 things you need to do to create an engaging social media presence By Published On :: Mon, 4 Sep 2017 11:55:53 -0400 As of this year, about 81% of the United States population uses at least one social media platform. That number is growing by roughly 5% per year. At this rate, 100% of the United States will have a social media profile on at least one platform by 2021. Businesspeople searching for the ideal marketing channel to engage prospects should look no further than social networks. Social media provides companies with ample information to create messages targeted to valuable niche audiences, and given the statistics, it is inevitable that the audience you are trying to reach is on at least one social network. complete article Full Article
an Facebook Anonymously Launched Social Media App In China By Published On :: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 11:57:39 -0400 Facebook anonymously launched a photo-sharing app in China in a new effort to make inroads in the worlds most populous country. Facebook Anonymously Launched Social Media App In China Full Article
an The Truth About Content Syndication and Duplicate Content By Published On :: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 12:37:09 -0400 It takes time to build an audience: you need to attract them to your site, which they’ve likely never heard of, and convert them into loyal readers, so they come back and tell their friends – and eventually turn into customers, which is the whole goal of content marketing. The Truth About Content Syndication and Duplicate Content Full Article
an Feed Hawk hunts down YouTube channel RSS feeds for you By Published On :: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 09:00:00 -0400 Are you still using RSS? If you are (and you should be, as we’ll see in a moment), then you should use the Feed Hawk app on your iPhone and iPad. Feed Hawk puts itself in your iOS Share Sheet and locates the RSS feed(s) from any website you visit. If you want, it can automatically subscribe you to the RSS feed in your RSS reader of choice. The latest version of Feed Hawk can even find feeds for YouTube channels. That, in case you are wondering, is huge. complete article Full Article
an Where Is Social Media Headed in 2018 and Beyond? By Published On :: Fri, 6 Oct 2017 09:00:00 -0400 It is important for entrepreneurs to understand how social media is evolving and changing -- 2.8 billion people use social media. In terms of advertising new products and services, there are few things more potent and ubiquitous than social media. complete article Full Article
an Why RSS Still Beats Facebook and Twitter for Tracking News By Published On :: Mon, 9 Oct 2017 09:00:00 -0400 You would be forgiven for thinking RSS died off with the passing of Google Reader, but our old friend Really Simple Syndication (or Rich Site Summary) still has a role to play on the web of 2017. It is faster, more efficient, and you will not have to worry as much about accidentally leaking your news reading habit to all your Facebook friends. complete article Full Article
an Five Android apps to feed your RSS needs By Published On :: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 09:00:00 -0400 RSS offers an efficient way to stay in the know, but the right newsreader can make a big difference. Here are five outstanding Android apps that should do the trick. complete article Full Article
an Social networks can learn about you through your friends By Published On :: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 21:09:00 -0400 Some people might think that online privacy is, well, a private matter. If you don’t want personal information getting out online, then you can just not put it out there. Right? Wrong. Keeping your information private isn’t solely your choice anymore. Friends can play a big role in your privacy, new data show. And the more they share on a social network, the more that social network can figure out about you. Someone who joins a social network — such as Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook —wants to find their friends. Often, the social network can help. Many apps offer to import contact lists from your phone or e-mail. These apps then use that information to find matches with people already in the network, and suggest them to you. complete article Full Article
an Twitter will identify political ads and disclose who paid for them By Published On :: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 09:00:11 -0400 Twitter has been in hot water as more evidence emerges showing how Russia used the social network to influence public opinion. Ahead of a November 1st Congressional hearing on Russian manipulation, Twitter has introduced sweeping new rules for how it shares data on political posts. The network will launch a Transparency Center that lists all ads appearing on Twitter, including promoted ones that previously only appeared to targeted demographics, and will clearly label them when they appear in user feeds. complete article Full Article
an Complete Guide to RSS and How to Use It with WordPress By Published On :: Mon, 13 Nov 2017 09:00:00 -0400 What if users did not have to come to your WordPress site in order to read your articles? That would certainly make it easier for users since they would not have to navigate to ten of their favorite blogs and news sources to get their daily information. It would also be nice for the website owners, since it would allow you to distribute your content in a more efficient manner, delivering the content to where the customers want it to be. complete article Full Article
an The Basic Social Media Mistakes Companies Still Make By Published On :: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 16:06:25 -0500 Over 90% of medium and large businesses have used social media in their marketing for five years or longer. Yet the CMO Survey reveals that nearly half of marketers are unable to show the impact of their social media investments. That’s why, no matter what your social media strategy is, it is always a good idea to go back and make sure you have the basics covered. Your company may discover that it needs a strategic do-over. complete article Full Article
an 15 Ways To Bridge The Gap Between Social Media And In-Store Experiences By Published On :: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 16:07:44 -0500 For retailers, the line between online and offline shopping experiences no longer exists. Todays consumers expect consistent branding and service across all platforms, whether they are physically in a store, browsing products on a website or reaching out on social media. complete article Full Article
an Are You Still Using an RSS Reader By Published On :: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 09:00:43 -0500 RSS is now competing for my time with Twitter, Reddit, internal Verge chats, and other news sources complete article Full Article