
2018 Regional Heritage Conference, 12-13 April 2018 Geraldton : sacred heritage conference program / Heritage Council, Government of Western Australia, City of Greater Geraldton.


ONE TO ONE: The family history and autobiography of Gary Robert Toone - a boy from Kendenup, Western Australia.


Award of funding under the Regional Jobs and Investment Packages : Department of infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development, Department of Industry, Inovation and Science / The Auditor General.

"The objective of the audit was to assess whether the award of funding under the RJIP program was informed by appropriate departmental advice and that processes complied with the grants administration framework."--Page 8.


How the geopolitical partnership between China and Russia threatens the West / Paul Dibb.


Modelling carp biomass : estimates for the year 2023 / Charles R. Todd, John D. Koehn, Tim R. Brown, Ben Fanson, Shane Brooks and Ivor Stuart.


A national estimate of carp biomass for Australia / Ivor Stuart, Ben Fanson, Jarod Lyon, Jerom Stocks, Shane Brooks, Andrew Norris, Leigh Thwaites, Matt Beitzel, Michael Hutchison, Qifeng Ye, John Koehn, and Andrew Bennett ; edited by Pam Clunie (ARI).


The East Park Syndicate : Inspector West / Peter Mulraney.

Detective Inspector Carl West investigates the murder of the mayor of East Park - businessman and political insider - Doug Clarke.Carl struggles to find a motive for Clarke's murder until his detectives explore the activities of the poker playing East Park Syndicate. If you like a story with twists and surprises, you'll enjoy The East Park Syndicate, the sixth book in Peter Mulraney's Inspector West series.


Portfolio additional estimates statements 2018-19 : explanations of additional estimates 2018-19 : Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Seismic processing, inversion, and AVO for gold exploration : case study from Western Australia / Christopher B. Harrison and Milovan Urosevic.

"We investigate the potential of using high-resolution seismic methods for rock characterization and for targeting of gold deposits at the St. Ives gold camp. The application of seismic methods in hard-rock environments is challenged by complex structures, intrinsically low signal-to-noise ratio, regolith distortions, and access restrictions. If these issues can be addressed, then the unparalleled resolving power of reflection seismic can be used for mineral exploration. Appropriate spatial sampling of the wavefield combined with a survey geometry design and rigorous data processing to incorporate high fold and long offsets are necessary for creation of high-quality seismic images. In the hard-rock environment of Western Australia, accurate static corrections and multiphase velocity analysis are essential processing steps. This is followed by a rigorous quality control following each processing step. In such a case, we show that the role of reflection seismic could be lifted from mere identification of first-order structures to refined lithological analyses. Five deep boreholes with sonic logs and core sample test data wer eused to calibrate 2D seismic images. Despite seismic images were produced with relatively robust scaling it was possible to achieve reasonably high seismic-log correlation across three of the tightly spaced boreholes using a single composite wavelet. Amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) analysis indicated that gold-bearing structures may be related to elevated AVO effect and increased reflectivity. Consequently, partial stack analysis and acoustic and elastic inversions were conducted. These results and impedance crossplots were then evaluated against known gold occurrences. While still in the preliminary stages, hard-rock seismic imaging, inversion, and the application of AVO techniques indicated significant potential for targeting mineral reserves" -- Summary.


Final T.V. test.

Institute of Ophthalmology., producer.


Gestational diabetes : your survival guide to diabetes in pregnancy / Paul Grant.

Diabetes in pregnancy -- Treatment -- Popular works.


Race across the world : the incredible story of the world's greatest road race - the 1968 London to Sydney Marathon / John Smailes.

London-Sydney Marathon -- History.


The darkest web / Eileen Ormsby.

True crime stories.


The greatest flight : reliving the aerial triumph that changed the world / Peter McMillan ; photographs by James L. Stanfield ; historical text by Terry Gwynn-Jones ; construction text by John La Noue ; foreword by Walter J. Boyne.

McMillan, Peter -- Travel.


Holistic management : a commonsense revolution to restore our environment / Allan Savory ; with Jody Butterfield.

Environmental economics.


The death of expertise : the campaign against established knowledge and why it matters / Tom Nichols.

Ability -- United States.


Choosing Down syndrome : ethics and new prenatal testing technologies / Chris Kaposy.

Down syndrome -- Diagnosis -- Moral and ethical aspects.


The DASH diet Mediterranean solution : the best eating plan to control your weight and improve your health for life / Marla Heller, MS, RD.

Hypertension -- Diet therapy -- Recipes.


In search of your German roots : a complete guide to tracing your ancestors in the Germanic areas of Europe / Angus Baxter.

German Canadians -- Genealogy.


Women & power : a manifesto / Mary Beard.



In good faith : questioning religion and atheism / Scott A. Shay.

Faith and reason.


War for Peace : genealogies of a violent ideal in Western and Islamic thought / Murad Idris.

Peace (Philosophy)


Flies on the windowpane / Steve Weston.

Weston, Steve, 1955-


Caterpillars, moths and their plants ; of southern Australia / Peter McQuillan, Jan Forrest, David Keane, Roger Grund ; editors: Judith Lydeamore, Penny Paton, Peter Lang (plants), Peter Marriott (moths) ; illustrations: Howard Hanson ; layout: Jan Forres

Caterpillars -- Australia, Southern -- Identification -- Pictorial works.


Amelia Westlake / Erin Gough.

Secrecy -- Juvenile fiction.


Celestial bodies = Sayyidat al-qamar / Jokha Alharti ; translated by Marilyn Booth.

Sisters -- Fiction.


Asbestos in Australia : from boom to dust / edited by Lenore Layman &Gail Phillips.

Asbestos -- Australia.


The Pokémon Go phenomenon : essays on public play in contested spaces / edited by Jamie Henthorn, Andrew Kulak, Kristopher Purzycki and Stephanie Vie.

Pokémon Go (Game) -- Social aspects.


Trailblazers : 100 inspiring South Australian women / Carolyn Collins and Roy Eccleston.

Women -- South Australia -- Biography.


Book of beasts : the bestiary in the medieval world / edited by Elizabeth Morrison with the assistance of Larisa Grollemond.

Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval -- Themes, motives -- Exhibitions.


Sleepyhead : the neuroscience of a good night's rest / Henry Nicholls.

Sleep disorders.


Counting backwards : a doctor's notes on anesthesia / Henry Jay Przybylo, MD.

Przybylo, Henry Jay.


Fentanyl, Inc. : how rogue chemists are creating the deadliest wave of the opioid epidemic / Ben Westhoff.

Designer drugs -- Fentanyl.


Bert Edwards : king of the West End / Patricia Sumerling.

Edwards, Albert Augustine, 1888-1963


Adelaide Festival 60 years : 1960-2020 / Edited by Catherine McKinnon ; Pictorial editors and research: Sheree Tirrell and Colin Koch.

Adelaide Festival -- History.


Lord Florey memorial at Westminster Abbey.



A RedForEd Wave: Teachers in North and South Carolina Leave Classrooms in Protest

A sea of red swept the capitals of North and South Carolina on Wednesday, as thousands of teachers turned out to demand higher pay and more school funding.


Kansas First State to Close Schools for Rest of School Year Due to Coronavirus

While Kansas was the first state to to announce school closures for the remainder of the 2019-20 K-12 school year, there are signs it might not be the last.


Des manifestations cardiaques dans l'erysipele de la face / par A. Sevestre.

Paris : A. Parent, 1874.


Descriptive anatomy of the horse and domestic animals / chiefly compiled from the manuscripts of Thomas Strangeways and Professor Goodsir by J. Wilson Johnston and T.J. Call.

Edinburgh : MacLachlan and Stewart, 1870.


A descriptive list of anthropometric apparatus : consisting of instruments for measuring and testing the chief physical characteristics of the human body.

Cambridge : printed by C.J. Clay at the University Press, 1887.


The detection of colour-blindness & imperfect eyesight by the methods of Dr. Snellen, Dr. Daae, and Prof. Holmgren : with a table of coloured Berlin wools and sheet of test-types / by Charles Roberts.

London : D. Bogue, 1881.


Diagnostische und pathogenetische Untersuchungen : in der Klinik des Herrn Geh. Raths Dr. Schönlein auf dessen Veranlassung angestellt und mit Benutzung anderweitiger Beobachtungen veröffentlicht / von R. Remak.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1845.


A dictionary of domestic medicine and household surgery / by Spencer Thomson.

London : C. Griffin, 1883.


Dictionnaire de medecine a l'usage des assurances sur la vie / par Ernest Mareau ; avec une préface de Édouard Vermot.

Paris : O. Doin, 1890.


Dictionnaire d'hygiène publique et de salubrité : ou, Répertoire de toutes les questions relatives à la santé publique, considérées dans leurs rapports avec les subsistances, les epidémies, les professions, les

Paris : J.-B. Bailliere ; Londres : H. Bailliere, 1852-1854.


Dictionnaire technologique : dans les langues Française, Anglaise et Allemande ; renfermant les termestechniques usités dans les arts et métiers et dans l'industrie en général / rédigé par Alexandre Tolhausen. Revu p

Leipzig : Tauchnitz, 1873-1876.


Die Abstinenz der Geisteskranken und ihre Behandlung : für Anstalt und Praxis dargestellt / von Hermann Pfister.

Stuttgart : Enke, 1899.


Die acute Entzundung des hautigen Labyrinthes des Ohres (Otitis labyrinthica s. intima) irrthumlich fur Meningitis cerebro-spinalis epidemica gehalten : fur praktische Aerzte dargestellt / von R. Voltolini.

Breslau : E. Morgenstern, 1882.


Die ältesten Schriftsteller über die Lustseuche in Deutschland von 1495 bis 1510, nebst mehreren Anecdotis späterer Zeit, gesammelt und mit literarhistorischen Notizen und einer kurzen Darstellung der epidemischen Syphilis in Deutschland /

Gottingen : Dieterich, 1843.