
Estadísticas-tributarias-ALC: principales resultados para Brasil

La recaudación tributaria sobre PIB de Brasil en 2018 (33.1%) estuvo por encima del promedio de ALC (23.1%)¹ en la publicación de este año de las Estadísticas tributarias en América Latina y el Caribe en 10.0 puntos porcentuales y por debajo del promedio de la OCDE (34.3%).


Working Paper 2011/7: The Competitiveness of Global Port-Cities:The Case of the Seine Axis

This working paper offers an evaluation of the performance of the ports of the Seine Axis (Le Havre,Rouen, Caen and Paris).


Less income inequality and more growth - Are they compatible?

Can both less income inequality and more growth be achieved? A recent OECD study sheds new light on the link between policies that boost growth and the distribution of income.


Seminar on Administrative Simplification in MENA and OECD Countries, Budapest

The objective of this seminar was to facilitate the implementation of administrative simplification strategies in MENA countries and to deepen the knowledge about the use of ICT-tools and consultation processes with stakeholders.


Governance: The Chicago Tri-State metro area is a powerful region – policy makers must work together to maintain a global pole position and fully realise the region’s potential

Chicago is at a tipping point: despite economic strengths, it faces considerable challenges to compete in the “Premier League” of world-class cities, warns the OECD’s review of the Chicago Tri-State Metropolitan Region.


Water Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean (working paper)

This paper is part of the regional development working paper series covering water governance in Latin America and the Carribbean (LAC) countries.


Symposium on New Science-Based Tools for Anticipating and Responding to Global Crises (Paris, 18 April 2012)

This event explored the prospects of providing innovative, actionable information and advice to policymakers and other stakeholders, based on the results of contemporary research on complex dynamic systems.


OECD Recommendation on Principles for Public Governance of Public-Private Partnerships

The OECD Recommendation on Principles for Public Governance of Public-Private Partnerships can help governments get PPPs right, by providing best practices based on Member country experiences with what works (and what doesn't).


Redefining Urban: a new way to measure metropolitan areas

This report compares urbanisation trends on the basis of a common methodology which helps cross-country comparison of the socio-economic and environmental performance of metropolitan areas in 28 OECD countries.


Reaping the Benefits of ICTs in Spain

Greater use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help Spain unlock governmental efficiencies and help prepare the country for future economic growth, according to a new study from the OECD.


Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in the Czech Republic and other countries

The aim of this workshop was to present recent developments in implementing Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Czech Republic as well as to enable an exposure to different approaches in some leading OECD countries.


Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying

On 8 June 2012 an International Seminar on « Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying : Towards a Regulatory Framework » will take place in Moscow, Russia.


Implications of output gap uncertainty in times of crisis

This paper analyses the monetary and fiscal policy implications of output gap estimates in times of crisis. The widening of output gaps observed in major OECD economies in the wake of the recent crisis has been mainly due to total factor productivity gaps, except in the United States where it essentially resulted from a large increase in the unemployment gap.


Avoiding debt traps: financial backstops and structural reforms

In this paper we develop a simple analytical framework to analyze “good” and “bad equilibria” in public-debt and growth dynamics.


OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: Central and Southern Denmark

This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth.


Building Resilient Regions after a Natural Disaster

This publication is the follow-up to the forum held in March 2012. It offers proposals to counter the effects of the earthquake shock, to secure the sustainability of the local economy.


OECD to peer review Chile's supreme audit institution

OECD signed agreement for a peer review with the Comptroller General of Chile


Tackling Turkey’s external and domestic macroeconomic imbalances

Effective macroeconomic and structural policies helped Turkey bounce back quickly and strongly from the global crisis, with annual growth averaging close to 9% over 2010-11


Indonesia should improve governance, productivity and tax collection to promote inclusive growth

Indonesia has improved its macro-economic and structural policies over the last 15 years. Its economy, with strong and stable growth rates of 5–6.6%, is catching up with other countries in the region and allowing Indonesia to focus on its development agenda.


Choosing the pace of fiscal consolidation

In many OECD countries debt has soared to levels threatening fiscal sustainability, necessitating its reduction over the medium to longer term. This paper uses stylised simulations in a small, calibrated macroeconomic model which features endogenous interactions between fiscal policy, growth and financial markets.


Linking Renewable Energy to Rural Development

This new publication looks at how renewable energy can bring the greatest benefits to host regions.


Public debt, economic growth and nonlinear effects: myth or reality?

The economics profession seems to increasingly endorse the existence of a strongly negative nonlinear effect of public debt on economic growth. Reinhart and Rogoff (2010) were the first to point out that a public debt to GDP ratio higher than 90% of GDP is associated with considerably lower economic performance in advanced and emerging economies alike.


The role of the Centres of Governments in meeting today’s economic challenges

Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomes a network of senior officials attending the 31st Centres of Government (COG) meeting held in London. Highlights include the importance of institutions in economic reform through improved co-ordination, outreach and transparency.


How respecting rules can lead to a better life

Individual freedom can only exist within the social context in which people live, and among the ways in which it is possible to exercise this freedom, that of respecting democratic rules deserves a special place.


OECD events at the Internet Governance Forum 2012 (Baku, Azerbaijan)

OECD events at the Internet Governance Forum 2012 (Baku, Azerbaijan)


Improving the tax system in Indonesia

Indonesia has come a long way in improving its tax system over the last decade, both in terms of revenues raised and administrative efficiency. Nonetheless, the tax take is still low, given the need for more spending on infrastructure and social protection.


G20 ministers welcome OECD disaster risk assessment and financing framework

G20 Finance Ministers have welcomed a new OECD/G20 framework designed to help governments develop financial strategies for disaster risk management.


Responding to the crisis: what are OECD countries doing to strengthen their public finances?

OECD countries are intensifying their fiscal consolidation efforts, introducing additional measures and extending the time horizon to implement them. Most have announced fiscal consolidation of more than 3% of GDP over the period 2009-15, according to the OECD’s Restoring Public Finances 2012.


Water in Latin America and the Caribbean: better governance can improve access

In Latin American and Caribbean countries the population is growing faster than the world average, intensifying land use and increasing urbanisation. The region is also prone to the negative impact of climate change and natural disasters, putting further pressure on natural resources.


Urgent action needed on jobs and governance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

In response to increasing pressure to deliver on growth, jobs and better governance, policy makers from MENA and OECD reiterated their support for measures to strengthen the business climate and governance in the region.


Brazil: Enhancing audit reporting is key to the integrity of government accounts

Brazil’s supreme audit institution – the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) – has began a process to reform its audit of the Accounts of the President of the Republic to enhance transparency and accountability of federal budget execution.


Inspections Reforms: Why, How and With What Results

This report summarises experience of OECD and non-OECD countries with reforming inspections, attempts to present some of the most interesting and successful experiences suggesting that some good practices may be valid beyond the countries where they were initially pioneered.


Reform of Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections in OECD Countries

This report summarises the results of the survey on regulatory enforcement and inspections conducted among OECD countries in 2012. The report draws some general conclusions from this survey and provides theoretical background on the topic. It also suggests some recommendations for organising and reforming inspections.


Mexico must improve water governance, financing and regulation, says OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría

Mexico’s river basins are under severe water stress. The quality of rivers, lakes and aquifers is declining and floods, droughts, and hurricanes are more frequent. These are some of the alerts signaled in OECD’s Making Water Reform Happen in Mexico.


Improving the fiscal framework to enhance growth in an era of fiscal consolidation in Slovakia

The challenge for fiscal policy in Slovakia is to achieve fiscal consolidation in a way which supports the fragile recovery and protects spending on areas which are important for re-embarking on a trajectory of high trend growth and underpinning a catch-up in living standards.


Launch meeting of the Leading Practitioners on Public Procurement

Launch Meeting of the Leading Practitioners on Public Procurement


OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation: Wallonia, Belgium 2012

This publication looks at regional innovation in Wallonia, Belgium, by examining the political context, governance issues and the role of innovation in the economy, along with regional innovation strategies to promote growth.


Measuring Fiscal Decentralisation, Concepts and Policies

This book deals with two issues. The first concerns the various measurement of fiscal decentralization in general and their usefulness for policy analysis. The second and more specific issue concerns the taxonomy of intergovernmental grants and the limits of the current classifications.


OECD Workshop on One-Stop Shops in Hungary

The workshop identified key challenges in the design and implementation of one-stop shops in Hungary and ways to address them.


Brazil: better co-ordination needed to support sustained and equitable growth

Brazil’s economic growth has been supported in recent years by important government investment and social programmes that mobilise resources across the country. These programmes could help Brazil to meet its goals of sustaining economic growth and fostering social development, while reducing regional disparities.


Charting Illicit Trade: Sharing Data and Information

OECD Task Force on Charting Illicit Trade


The efficiency and equity of the tax and transfer system in France

Taxes and cash transfers reduce income inequality more in France than elsewhere in the OECD, because of the large size of the flows involved. But the system is complex overall. Its effectiveness could be enhanced in many ways, for example so as to achieve the same amount of redistribution at lower cost.


Trusting in crowds

“Crowdsourcing” pools the strength of the many to perform complex tasks–everything from funding a film to sequencing DNA. At its heart is trust–not a blanket belief in great institutions, but rather the confidence between individuals that each will do the right thing. Its power is being increasingly felt today, even in the world of international development.


Trust comes from within

Russians are becoming increasingly active in the country’s social arena. While activists remain a small but growing and visible minority of citizens looking for changes in governance, many more are becoming involved in the day-to-day affairs of their communities. It remains to be seen whether this emerging culture of civic participation will sit comfortably with existing governance structures.


How to get it right: government balances, growth and income inequality

Austerity programmes to restore order to public finances can add to the woes of already struggling economies, leading to more job losses and social hardship. But there are ways for governments to put their fiscal houses in order, while supporting growth and reducing income inequality at the same time.


Making the tax system less distortive in Switzerland

The tax burden in Switzerland is low in international comparison, largely reflecting the substantial non-tax compulsory contributions towards the health and pension systems which are managed by private institutions. Taxation of personal income and labour earnings is relatively high, whereas the taxation of consumption is low.


Restoring Japan’s fiscal sustainability

With gross government debt surpassing 200% of GDP, Japan’s fiscal situation is in uncharted territory. In addition to robust nominal GDP growth, correcting two decades of budget deficits requires a large and sustained fiscal consolidation based on a detailed and credible multi-year plan that includes measures to control spending and raise revenue.


Trust in leaders

Apparently, the United States enjoys a surplus of deficits. President Obama’s first State of the Union address warned that we are weakened and endangered not only by our financial deficit, but also by a deficit in trust.


Fiscal federalism and its impact on economic activity, public investment and the performance of educational systems

Intergovernmental fiscal frameworks usually reflect fundamental societal choices and history and are not foremost geared towards achieving economic policy objectives. Yet, like most institutional arrangements, fiscal relations affect the behaviour of firms, households and governments and thereby economic activity.


Mexico must invest more in disaster risk prevention to support sustainable development

Mexico regularly faces a wide range of natural hazards, including earthquakes, tropical storms and floods. Over the years, the National Civil Protection System has improved its institutional and operational preparedness to manage these disruptive events. But more can be done to avoid future losses and at the same time support sustainable economic development.