
Researchers Find Two Fornicating Flies Enshrined in 41-Million-Year-Old Amber

A treasure trove of new fossils unearthed in Australia reveals some raunchily-positioned bugs


Researchers Calculated a Whale Shark’s Age Based on Cold War-Era Bomb Tests

Nuclear bomb tests caused a spike in a radioactive form of carbon that accumulated in living things


How COVID-19 Interferes With Weather Forecasts and Climate Research

'The break in the scientific record is probably unprecedented,' one ecologist says


Artificial Intelligence Gives Researchers the Scoop on Ancient Poop

The computer program can identify canine versus human feces based on DNA sequences in samples


Researchers Follow a 15th-Century Recipe to Recreate Medieval Blue Ink

The purplish-blue pigment, derived from a Portuguese fruit, fell out of use by the 19th century


Researchers Uncover New Evidence That Warrior Women Inspired Legend of Mulan

Nearly 2,000 years ago, women who rode horseback and practiced archery may have roamed the steppes of Mongolia


Researchers Reveal Hidden Details in Vermeer's 'Girl With a Pearl Earring'

New scans revealed the figure's now-faded eyelashes and green backdrop, but her identity remains a mystery


How Smithsonian Researchers Are Studying Elephant Behavior

See how researchers at Smithsonian's National Zoo are trying to glean insight into elephant foraging behavior and more.


Art Chosen by Artists: Library of Congress National Exhibition of Prints (1943-77) – a New Research Guide

The following is a guest post by Katherine Blood, Curator of Fine Prints, Prints & Photographs Division. As the Library of Congress marks its 220th year of serving the nation, the publication of a new guide tells two stories: how staff have for decades worked with art professionals to build the collections and how by […]


Researchers discover new type of antigen-presenting immune cell

With a discovery that could rewrite the immunology textbooks, an international group of scientists, including the teams of Bart Lambrecht, Martin Guilliams, Hamida Hammad, and Charlotte Scott (all from the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research) identified a new type of antigen-presenting immune cell.


From vaccine research to developing tests, Manitoba scientists playing important part in COVID-19 fight

They're not necessarily treating sick patients in hospitals, but a number of Manitoba-based scientists are working long hours and facing incredible pressure to battle the novel coronavirus from their labs and research facilities.

  • News/Canada/Manitoba


Data gaps exist on COVID-19 cases in Indigenous communities, says research fellow

The number of cases of COVID-19 in First Nations reserves continues to rise this week, with 161 confirmed positive cases reported as of May 5.


Psychology student credits success with Mont Alto's strong focus on research

Amanda Moore, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, is on track to graduate from Penn State Mont Alto this May with a degree in psychology. She credits her academic success with Mont Alto's strong focus on research and varied program offerings.


Mont Alto student research is front and center during 2020 Academic Festival

Penn State Mont Alto recognizes and honors winners during awards ceremony


Maternal and Child Health Bureaus Autism Research Program


To provide an overview and quantitatively demonstrate the reach of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau autism research program.


We reviewed program reports and internal data from 59 autism research grantees. The US federal Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee’s strategic plan questions were used as a framework to highlight the contributions of the autism research program in advancing the field.


The autism research program grantees advance research in several ways. Grantees have strengthened the evidence for autism interventions by conducting 89 studies at 79 distinct research sites. A total of 212 708 participants have enrolled in autism research program studies and 361 researchers have contributed to furthering autism research. The program addresses topics that align with the majority of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee’s priority topic areas, including advancements in treatments and interventions, services and supports, and identifying risk factors. Grantee products include 387 peer-reviewed publications, 19 tools, and 13 practice guidelines for improving care and intervention practices.


The autism research program has contributed to medical advances in research, leveraged innovative training platforms to provide specialized training, and provided access to health services through research-based screening and diagnostic procedures. Autism research program studies have contributed to the development of evidence-based practice guidelines, informed policy guidelines, and quality improvement efforts to bolster advancements in the field. Although disparities still exist, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau can reduce gaps in screening and diagnosis by targeting interventions to underserved populations including minority and rural communities.


Perspectives on Informed Consent Practices for Minimal-Risk Research Involving Foster Youth


Culturally Responsive Teaching Is Promising. But There's a Pressing Need for More Research

The evidence that culturally responsive teaching can fix the nation's schools for children of color is promising, but woefully incomplete, writes Heather C. Hill.


Homeschooling: Requirements, Research, and Who Does It

There are nearly 2 million homeschooled students in the United States, making homeschooling a small, but integral part of the K-12 education ecosystem.


Lessons From a Homeschooling Researcher: What You Should Know Now

Homeschooling isn't a decision to be taken on lightly, but COVID-19 just changed the calculus, writes Michael Q. McShane.


New Study Calls for More Research Into Early-Childhood Teacher Preparation

There's a new focus on getting more training to early-childhood educators, but there's a dearth of information about what constitutes a high-quality, teacher-preparation program.


Early-Childhood Research Needs an Update

Without rigorous research that accurately reflects the current population, early education won't deliver for all students, write two education researchers.


New 'What Works Clearinghouse' Aims to Help Districts Find Research for ESSA

A new version of the federal research site allows users to find research related to specific school populations.


Gap Growing in Teacher-Turnover Rates: Research

Teachers coming from alternative programs leave the profession at higher rates than their traditionally certified peers, and that gap is growing, a study finds.


Citizens' Values Regarding Research With Stored Samples From Newborn Screening in Canada

Newborn screening (NBS) programs may store bloodspot samples and use them for secondary purposes, such as research. Recent public controversies and lawsuits over storage and secondary uses underscore the need to engage the public on these issues.

This public engagement study identifies values underlying citizens’ acceptance of and discomfort with research from NBS samples. Well-designed methods of public education and civic discourse on the risks and benefits of storage and secondary uses of NBS samples are required. (Read the full article)


Public Attitudes Regarding the Use of Residual Newborn Screening Specimens for Research

The retention and use of residual bloodspots is a practice of many state newborn screening programs. This practice has become controversial, and little is known about public attitudes on the retention and research use of newborn residual bloodspots.

This study offers a detailed analysis of public attitudes regarding bloodspot retention and use for biomedical research. The results also offer insights on how education regarding this practice influences support for newborn screening and residual bloodspot use. (Read the full article)


Enrollment of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants in a Clinical Research Study May Not Be Representative

The demographics of trials that use antenatal consent may not be representative of the populations that they are intended to study.

This study analyzes the difference in clinical outcomes between the enrolled and eligible but not enrolled populations of a trial that required antenatal consent. (Read the full article)


Magnesium Use in Asthma Pharmacotherapy: A Pediatric Emergency Research Canada Study

We know that many evidence-based treatments for acute asthma are underused, and adherence with treatment guidelines is poor; however, studies have focused on β2 agonists and corticosteroids, but little is known about intravenous magnesium, which has substantial evidence of benefit.

Magnesium is used infrequently in Canadian pediatric emergency departments in hospitalized children with acute asthma, with variation across sites. More than half of this population does not receive frequent bronchodilators and timely corticosteroids. (Read the full article)


Clinical Research Involving Children: Registration, Completeness, and Publication

Existing clinical research policy does not guarantee availability of results. Registration on the Web site and the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act improved transparency in pediatric clinical research. Registration and publication remain voluntary for many trials involving children.

Only 29% of completed registered studies and 53% of National Institutes of Health–funded trials involving children were published. Numbers of studies are increasing. Registration and posting of results on should be mandatory for all studies involving children. (Read the full article)


Views of Adolescents and Parents on Pediatric Research Without the Potential for Clinical Benefit

Critics argue that pediatric research without the potential for clinical benefit treats children as mere means to benefit others. Yet, there are no data to assess whether adolescents who participate in research, or their parents, agree with this view.

Respondents felt that by participating in research the adolescents were making important contributions to help others, and the adolescents felt proud to be doing so. These findings support the view that nonbeneficial pediatric research involves a type of charitable activity. (Read the full article)


Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Boys: Data From the Pediatric Research in Office Settings Network

Recent investigations of pubertal onset in US girls suggest earlier maturation. The situation for US boys is unknown, and existing investigations are outdated and lack information on a key physical marker of male puberty: testicular enlargement.

US boys appear to be developing secondary sexual characteristics and achieving testicular enlargement 6 months to 2 years earlier than commonly used norms, with African American boys entering Tanner stages 2 to 4 earlier than white or Hispanic boys. (Read the full article)


Obtaining Consent from Both Parents for Pediatric Research: What Does "Reasonably Available" Mean?

When research involving children is determined to present greater than minimal risk but no potential for direct benefit, permission is required from both parents, unless one is not reasonably available. These requirements are variably understood and applied, and guidance is lacking.

In a study on newborn screening, a sizeable percentage of fathers were not reasonably available, reflecting complexities of parental status and family relations. Guidelines developed in this project may provide tools for researchers and institutions to apply in other contexts. (Read the full article)


Higher-Hazard, No Benefit Research Involving Children: Parental Perspectives

Higher-hazard, no-benefit research involving children may be approved by local institutional review boards only when the protocol enrolls children with the medical condition under study. The ethics of this distinction have been debated, but parental opinions have not been explored.

We found that parental opinions support federal regulations. We discuss parental motivations for and against research participation and the extent to which enrolling a child in higher-hazard, no-benefit research reflects appropriate surrogate decision-making. (Read the full article)


Pediatric Data Sharing in Genomic Research: Attitudes and Preferences of Parents

We previously reported that parents of children enrolled in genomic research made more restrictive data sharing (DS) decisions than adults. The ethics of pediatric DS have been discussed, but reasons for differences in decision-making have not been explored.

We present an empirically based discussion of attitudes toward and preferences for DS obtained from structured interviews of adult patients and parents of pediatric patients enrolled in genomic research studies. Parents expressed more concern about future risks than adult participants. (Read the full article)


Effectiveness of Anti-TNF{alpha} for Crohn Disease: Research in a Pediatric Learning Health System

Studies on adult patients who have Crohn disease have shown a comparative benefit of anti-TNFα versus placebo and thiopurines. These same studies have not been done in children, because of time, cost, and ethical (withholding an efficacious treatment) challenges.

Anti-TNFα therapy administered in routine practice to children with Crohn disease was more effective than usual care at achieving clinical and corticosteroid-free remission. Using data from the ImproveCareNow learning health system for observational research is feasible and produces valuable evidence. (Read the full article)


Maintenance of Certification Part 4 Credit and Recruitment for Practice-Based Research

Pediatric primary care has undergone a cultural shift. Changes in electronic health records, certification requirements, and practice structure have left many physicians feeling too busy to participate in research. Practice-based research networks must adapt to fit the current climate.

Adding quality improvement activities that meet Maintenance of Certification Part 4 criteria to research study design adds value to a practice-based research protocol. This incentive meets the needs of busy physicians, and may help researchers meet study recruitment goals. (Read the full article)


Two Great Valley professors awarded seed grants for COVID-19 research

Ashkan Negahban, assistant professor of engineering management, and Satish Srinivasan, assistant professor of information science, will lead projects that help address the COVID-19 crisis, thanks to seed grants from the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences.


Researchers Probe Connections Between Math, Reading Difficulties

Students with dyslexia often struggle with math fluency as well, and scholars at a recent conference put a spotlight on some of the possible connections.


Researchers explore quantum computing to discover possible COVID-19 treatments

Quantum machine learning, an emerging field that combines machine learning and quantum physics, is the focus of research to discover possible treatments for COVID-19, according to Penn State researchers, who believe that this method could be faster and more economical than the current methods used for drug discovery.


Research Center's Leadership Professional-Development Program Had No Impact. Why?

A recent study found that one organization's instructional-leadership professional development had no impact. Could it be because the topic of instructional leadership needs to be expanded?


'Feed the Future' grant to support women's empowerment research project in Ghana

A $450,000 grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut Research will aid researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences as they explore the potential to empower women farmers in northern Ghana through peanut production.


Graduating food-science student parlays undergrad research experience into job

Gabriella Pinto provides a great example of what undergraduate research can do for a student. The Penn State food science major, who graduates this month, is headed for a good job armed with a wealth of experience and knowledge from her research, which gives her a leg up on her career.


COVID-19: Researchers to model novel coronavirus for spread mitigation

In an effort to help mitigate the disruptive effects of the deadly COVID-19 virus, an interdisciplinary team of Penn State researchers are developing a novel methodology to analyze its spread and the impacts on policy to create better-prepared and more-resilient health care systems.


New guide curates COVID-19 related resources for researchers

Penn State University Libraries has developed a curated guide to COVID-19 related resources for researchers, including ongoing research at Penn State.


Seed grants jump-start 47 interdisciplinary teams to conduct COVID-19 research

With speed and ingenuity, more than 100 researchers across Penn State are shifting their research programs to address the COVID-19 crisis, thanks to funding from a seed grant initiative led by the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences. In total, the initiative awarded $2.25 million to 47 teams of researchers from three campuses, 10 colleges and more than 25 departments.


Penn State researchers collaborate to distribute COVID-19 survey globally

To assess public perceptions about COVID-19 and identify populations whose behaviors put them at risk of infection, researchers at Penn State have released an online survey for the general public.


Penn State cancer research center joins pandemic fight

The Penn State Center for Structural Oncology is shifting some of its focus from fighting cancer to fighting COVID-19, with three projects.


Fish, wine, and social media: Hazleton virtual research fair winners announced

Wine, fish, and excessive use of social media were a few of the topics that earned students top honors in Penn State Hazleton's first-ever virtual Undergraduate Research Fair.


3 Apple Health Research Studies You Can Enroll In Now

Want to contribute to Apple's health research studies? You can sign up for programs on women's health, your heart and movement, and hearing using the Research app.


Research "Says" - Or Does It?

As educators, we need to be critical consumers of educational research before assuming that findings present the "truth."


Research Use

The Every Student Succeeds Act will give states and districts more authority to be creative in improving schools, but they will need support to use research and data effectively, according to a report by the Center for American Progress think tank and the Knowledge Alliance, a professional group for