rent CBD News: The Republic of Egypt, as the President of the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its concurrent meetings (COP14), and the People's Republic of China, as future host of the 15th meetin By Published On :: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
rent CBD News: African Ministers of Environment together with partner organizations committed to an ambitious action agenda taking a coherent approach to addressing the interlinked challenges of biodiversity loss, land degradation and climate change. By Published On :: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
rent CBD News: Migratory birds are a critical link in the global web of life, that not only capture our imagination but connect different ecosystems and species. By Published On :: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
rent CBD Notification SCBD/IMS/JMF/NS/ET/CP/88538 (2019-109): Date extension: Thematic Consultation on Transparent Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting and Review Mechanism, 20-22 February 2020 - Kunming, China and Thematic Consultation on Capacity Building a By Published On :: Wed, 04 Dec 2019 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
rent Nonconforming Virtual Element Method for 2????th Order Partial Differential Equations in ℝⁿ By Published On :: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 14:09 EDT Long Chen and Xuehai Huang Math. Comp. 89 (2019), 1711-1744. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
rent Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations By Published On :: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 05:23 EDT Donatella Danielli and Irina Mitrea, editors. American Mathematical Society, 2020, CONM, volume 748, approx. 210 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4704-4896-7 (print), 978-1-4704-5516-3 (online). This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS Special Session on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, held from April 21–22,... Full Article
rent Modified Euler scheme for the weak approximation of stochastic differential equations driven by the Wiener process By Published On :: Mon, 02 Mar 2020 06:58 EST S. V. Bodnarchuk and O. M. Kulyk Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 99 (2020), 53-65. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
rent The floating-body problem: an integro-differential equation without irregular frequencies By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 11:43 EDT N. Kuznetsov St. Petersburg Math. J. 31 (2020), 521-531. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
rent Monzo takes current account switching crown By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 08:37:00 GMT The digital challenger bank is now the most switched to bank in the UK as Nationwide Building Society loses its long-held top spot Full Article
rent More rent concessions approved By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 00:00:00 +0800 The Housing Authority’s Commercial Properties Committee today approved the extension of rent concessions to over 8,300 non-domestic tenants or licensees for six months from April 1 to September 30. The authority had earlier granted a 50% rent concession to its eligible retail and factory tenants for six months from April 1. Under the extension, their rent concession will be increased to 75% over the same period with retrospective effect from April 1. The rent concession does not include rates and air-conditioning charges. The authority said such further measures are to support the Government's new series of measures announced in early April to relieve the financial burden of individuals and businesses. A total of 2,450 retail and 3,300 factory tenants will benefit from the approved increase in the rent concession. The 75% rent concession will also be extended to cover tenants and licensees of bus kiosks and most advertising signboards, as well as car park users for the monthly parking of commercial vehicles. About 40 tenancies for bus kiosks, 80 advertising signboards and about 2,500 car park users stand to benefit from the concession. Tenants of premises in the authority's properties which are required to be closed under relevant regulations or the Government's directions, may also apply to the authority for a 100% rent concession for the period during which they are required to be closed. The authority added that the approved measures will be implemented as soon as possible. For rent and licence fees already paid for the months of April and May, arrangements will be made for offsetting in the payment for subsequent months. The committee has approved three rounds of rent concessions since last September. Together with this round, the total rent and licence fees foregone by the authority is estimated to reach more than $1 billion. Full Article
rent "The AMS and Science Policy," a Capital Currents blog post by Karen Saxe By www.ams.orghttps Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 00:00:00 EST Full Article
rent Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations By Published On :: Patricio Cifuentes and Jose Garcia-Cuerva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Gustavo Garrigos, Universidad de Murcia, Eugenio Hernandez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Jose Maria Martell, Javier Parcet, and Keith M. Rogers, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, and Alberto Ruiz, Fernando Soria, and Ana Vargas, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Editors - AMS, 2014, 178 pp., Softcover, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-9433-0, List: US$78, All AMS Members: US$62.40, CONM/612 This volume contains the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, held June 11-15,... Full Article
rent HKSAR Air Quality Health Index at : Sun, 10 May 2020 01:30:00 +0800 Current Condition : By Published On :: General Stations: 1 to 2 (Health Risk: Low)Roadside Stations: 2 (Health Risk: Low) Full Article
rent 5-Ethynyl-2'-deoxycytidine and 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine are differentially incorporated in cells infected with HSV-1, HCMV, and KSHV viruses [Microbiology] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:06:09-07:00 Nucleoside analogues are a valuable experimental tool. Incorporation of these molecules into newly synthesized DNA (i.e. pulse-labeling) is used to monitor cell proliferation or to isolate nascent DNA. Some of the most common nucleoside analogues used for pulse-labeling of DNA in cells are the deoxypyrimidine analogues 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU) and 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxycytidine (EdC). Click chemistry enables conjugation of an azide molecule tagged with a fluorescent dye or biotin to the alkyne of the analog, which can then be used to detect incorporation of EdU and EdC into DNA. The use of EdC is often recommended because of the potential cytotoxicity associated with EdU during longer incubations. Here, by comparing the relative incorporation efficiencies of EdU and EdC during short 30-min pulses, we demonstrate significantly lower incorporation of EdC than of EdU in noninfected human fibroblast cells or in cells infected with either human cytomegalovirus or Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. Interestingly, cells infected with herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) incorporated EdC and EdU at similar levels during short pulses. Of note, exogenous expression of HSV-1 thymidine kinase increased the incorporation efficiency of EdC. These results highlight the limitations when using substituted pyrimidine analogues in pulse-labeling and suggest that EdU is the preferable nucleoside analogue for short pulse-labeling experiments, resulting in increased recovery and sensitivity for downstream applications. This is an important discovery that may help to better characterize the biochemical properties of different nucleoside analogues with a given kinase, ultimately leading to significant differences in labeling efficiency of nascent DNA. Full Article
rent Parents reminded to choose primary schools By Published On :: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 14:45:49 Full Article
rent Primary One Central Allocation results to be posted to parents in early June By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:50:24 Full Article
rent 'Terrible twos' not inevitable: With engaged parenting, happy babies can become happy toddlers By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 00:00:00 EDT (University of Cambridge) Parents should not feel pressured to make their young children undertake structured learning or achieve specific tasks, particularly during lockdown. A new study of children under the age of two has found that parents who take a more flexible approach to their child's learning can - for children who were easy babies - minimise behavioural problems during toddlerhood. Full Article
rent Recyclers to get more rental aid By Published On :: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0800 The maximum monthly rental subsidy for each recycler under the One-off Rental Support Scheme will be increased from $25,000 to $37,500, the Environmental Protection Department announced today. To help the recycling industry cope with the current economic situation and operational difficulties due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Recycling Fund has allocated $50 million in additional funds to raise the scheme’s subsidy level. The fund has now earmarked up to $250 million in total funding to fight the virus and help the recycling industry ride out difficult times. On April 15, the Advisory Committee on Recycling Fund agreed to strengthen support under the scheme by increasing the rental assistance from 50% to 75% for the subsidy period from April to September. The maximum monthly rental subsidy for each recycler will be increased to $37,500, while the maximum total rental subsidy for the 12 months will be increased from $300,000 to $375,000. The scheme was launched last year to benefit about 500 street-corner recycling shops and 400 recycling sites. In the face of current economic difficulties, the fund announced in February an extension of the subsidy period from six months to 12 months, lasting until September. As of April 9, the scheme has approved 103 applications, involving subsidies of more than $20 million. The application deadline for the scheme is September 30. Enquiries can be made to 2788 5658 or via email. Full Article
rent Rental aid boost helps park tenants By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0800 Tenants of the EcoPark, country park refreshment kiosks and the Hong Kong Wetland Park will benefit from increased rental concessions for government premises. To help tenants cope with the economic impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, rental concessions of government premises from April to September will be increased from 50% to 75%. The Environment Bureau said tenants of the EcoPark, country park refreshment kiosks and the Hong Kong Wetland Park will receive additional rental concessions of about $3.6 million. Together with the 50% rental concessions provided by the Government from last October to March, these tenants will receive concessions of more than $17 million within 12 months, the bureau said. Meanwhile, tenants of the Hong Kong Wetland Park will receive a full rental waiver during the park’s closure. Full Article
rent About the cover: The Fine–Petrović Polygons and the Newton–Puiseux Method for Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations By Published On :: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 16:19 EDT Vladimir Dragović and Irina Goryuchkina Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 57 (2020), 293-299. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
rent Cool Met Stuff, rainstorms, Hong Kong, summer, loss of property, casualties, reviews, extreme torrential rain By Published On :: Every summer, rainstorms occur in Hong Kong occasionally, leading to loss of property or even casualties. Full Article I
rent Seafloor currents may direct microplastics to biodiversity hotspots of the deep By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:00 EDT (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Microplastic particles entering the sea surface were thought to settle to the seafloor directly below them, but now, a new study reveals that slow-moving currents near the bottom of the ocean direct the flow of plastics, creating microplastic hotpots in sediments of the deep sea. Full Article
rent Iatrogenic Inpatient Hypoglycemia: Risk Factors, Treatment, and Prevention: Analysis of Current Practice at an Academic Medical Center With Implications for Improvement Efforts By Published On :: 2008-10-01 Gregory A. MaynardOct 1, 2008; 21:241-247Articles Full Article
rent People just wah hear sumpn different - Govana finds captive audience as ‘Convo Pt 2’ hits a million views By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 05:01:23 -0500 Back in January when dancehall artiste Govana released the track HAMANTS Convo, the storyline captivated listeners across the globe. For weeks, the song, which highlights infidelity in relationships, trended at number one on the local YouTube... Full Article
rent Governments Should Be Transparent When Planning to End Lockdowns By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 00:00:00 -0400 Businesses will benefit from clear policy guidance from lawmakers Full Article
rent DEqMS: a method for accurate variance estimation in differential protein expression analysis By Published On :: 2020-03-23 Yafeng ZhuMar 23, 2020; 0:TIR119.001646v1-mcp.TIR119.001646Technological Innovation and Resources Full Article
rent Head-to-head comparison of 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 and 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT in patients with metastatic, well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors: a prospective study By Published On :: 2019-11-01T13:36:37-07:00 Purpose: 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 is an antagonist for somatostatin receptor used in neuroendocrine imaging. The purpose of this study is to compare 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 and 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT in patients with metastatic, well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors. Methods: Patients with histologically-proven, metastatic and/or unresectable, well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors were prospectively recruited in this study. They received an intravenous injection of 68Ga-DOTATATE (4.0 ± 1.3 mCi) on the first day and 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 (4.0 ± 1.4 mCi) on the second day. Whole-body PET/CT scans were performed at 40 to 60 minutes after injection on the same scanner. Physiologic uptake of normal organs, lesion numbers, and lesion uptake were compared. Results: Twenty-nine patients were prospectively enrolled in the study. The SUVmax of the spleen, renal cortex, adrenal glands, pituitary glands, stomach wall, normal liver parenchyma, small intestine, pancreas, and bone marrow were significantly lower on 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 than on 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT (P<0.001). 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 detected significantly more liver lesions (539 vs. 356, P = 0.002), but fewer bone lesions (156 vs. 374, P = 0.031, Figure 3) than 68Ga-DOTATATE. The tumor-to-background ratio of liver lesions was significantly higher on 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 (7.6 ± 5.1 vs. 3.4 ± 2.0, P<0.001). 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 and 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT showed comparable results for primary tumors and lymph node metastases based on either patient-based or lesion-based comparison. Conclusion: 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 performs better in the detection ability and TBR of liver metastases. However, 68Ga-DOTATATE outperforms 68Ga-DOTA-JR11 in the detection of bone metastases. The differential affinity of different metastatic sites provides key information for patient selection in imaging and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. Full Article
rent Differential expression of glucose transporters and hexokinases in prostate cancer with a neuroendocrine gene signature: a mechanistic perspective for FDG imaging of PSMA-suppressed tumors By Published On :: 2019-12-05T10:37:41-08:00 Purpose: Although the incidence of de novo neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC) is rare, recent data suggests that low expression of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is associated with a spectrum of neuroendocrine (NE) hallmarks and androgen receptor (AR)-suppression in prostate cancer (PC). Previous clinical reports indicate that PCs with a phenotype similar to NE tumors can be more amenable to imaging by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) rather than PSMA-targeting radioligands. In this study, we evaluated the association between NE gene signature and FDG uptake-associated genes including glucose transporters (GLUTs) and hexokinases, with the goal of providing a genomic signature to explain the reported FDG-avidity of PSMA-suppressed tumors. Methods: Data mining approaches, cell lines and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models were used to study the levels of 14 members of the SLC2A family (encoding GLUT proteins), 4 members of the hexokinase family (genes: HK1 to 3 and GCK) and PSMA (FOLH1 gene) following AR-inhibition and in correlation with NE hallmarks. Also, we characterize a NE-like PC (NELPC) subset among a cohort of primary and metastatic PC samples with no NE histopathology. We measured glucose uptake in a NE-induced in vitro model and a zebrafish model by non-radioactive imaging of glucose uptake using fluorescent glucose bioprobe, GB2-Cy3. Results: This work demonstrates that a NE gene signature associates with differential expression of genes encoding GLUT and hexokinase proteins. In NELPC, elevated expression of GCK (encoding glucokinase protein) and decreased expression of SLC2A12 correlated with earlier biochemical recurrence. In tumors treated with AR-inhibitors, high expression of GCK and low expression of SLC2A12 correlated with NE histopathology and PSMA gene suppression. GLUT12-suppression and amplification of glucokinase was observed in NE-induced PC cell lines and PDX models. A higher glucose uptake was confirmed in low-PSMA tumors using a GB2-Cy3 probe in a zebrafish model. Conclusion: NE gene signature in NEPC and NELPC associates with a distinct transcriptional profile of GLUTs and HKs. PSMA-suppression correlates with GLUT12-suppression and glucokinase-amplification. Alteration of FDG uptake-associated genes correlated positively with higher glucose uptake in AR and PSMA-suppressed tumors. Zebrafish xenograft tumor models are an accurate and efficient pre-clinical method for monitoring non-radioactive glucose uptake. Full Article
rent 11C-choline PET/CT in recurrent prostate cancer: retrospective analysis in a large US patient series By Published On :: 2019-12-20T13:25:42-08:00 Purpose: To evaluate 11C-choline PET/CT detection performance for biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (PCa) in a large non-European cohort in the context of emerging evidence for PSMA PET in this setting, and to map patterns of PCa recurrence. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 11C-choline PET/CT scans from 287 patients who were enrolled onto an imaging protocol based on rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels (mean:3.43 ng/mL, median:0.94 ng/mL, range:0.15–89.91) and suspected recurrent PCa. A total of 187 patients had undergone primary radical prostatectomy (RP; 79/187 had secondary radiotherapy), 30 had undergone primary radiotherapy (RT), and 70 had persistent PSA elevation after receiving initial treatment (69 post-RP, 1 post-RT). The level of suspicion for recurrence on 11C-choline PET/CT was scored (0:negative, 1:equivocal, 2:positive) by two readers. The correlation between 11C-choline PET/CT positivity and initial treatment, Gleason score, NCCN stage, PSA level, PSA doubling time, PSA velocity, and time between initial treatment and PET imaging was evaluated. Prostate Cancer Molecular Imaging Standardized Evaluation (PROMISE) criteria were used to map 11C-choline recurrence patterns. Results: Considering scores 1 and 2 as positives, consensus between the two readers deemed 66% of the 11C-choline PET/CT scans as positive. When sorted by PSA level, 45% of patients with PSA<0.5 ng/mL, 56% of patients with PSA 0.5–0.99 ng/mL, 70% of patients with PSA 1.0–1.99 ng/mL, and 90% of patients with PSA ≥2.0 ng/mL scored either 1 or 2 on 11C-choline PET/CT scans. When considering scores of 2 only, 11C-choline PET/CT positivity was 54% (28%, 46%, 62%, and 81%, respectively, for patients with PSA <0.5 ng/mL, 0.5–0.99 ng/mL, 1.0–1.99 ng/mL, and ≥2.0 ng/mL). In multivariate analysis, only the PSA level was significantly associated with scan positivity. Pattern analysis showed that pelvic lymph nodes were the most common site of recurrence, and 28% of patients had 11C-choline-positive suspected recurrences outside the initial treatment field. Conclusion: 11C-choline PET/CT can detect PCa recurrence even among patients with low PSA levels when interpretation accounts for the clinical context, providing a certain pre-test probability. Until PSMA agents are fully approved for PCa, choline PET/CT may provide clinical utility. Full Article
rent Neuroendocrine Differentiation and Response toPSMA-Targeted Radioligand Therapy in Advanced Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: a Single-Center Retrospective Study By Published On :: 2020-03-13T14:12:30-07:00 Introduction: Neuroendocrine differentiation is associated with treatment failure and poor outcome in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). We investigated the effect of circulating neuroendocrine biomarkers on the efficacy of PSMA-targeted radioligand therapy (RLT). Methods: Neuroendocrine biomarker profiles (progastrin-releasing peptide, neuron-specific enolase, and chromogranin-A) were analyzed in 50 patients commencing 177Lu-PSMA-617 RLT. The primary endpoint was PSA response in relation to baseline neuroendocrine marker profiles. Additional endpoints included progression-free survival. Tumor uptake on post-therapeutic scans, a known predictive marker for response, was used as control-variable. Results: Neuroendocrine biomarker profiles were abnormal in the majority of patients. Neuroendocrine biomarker levels did not predict treatment failure or early progression (P ≥ 0.13). By contrast, intense PSMA-ligand uptake in metastases predicted both treatment response (P = 0.0030) and reduced risk of early progression (P = 0.0111). Conclusion: Neuroendocrine marker profiles do not predict adverse outcome of RLT. By contrast, high ligand uptake was confirmed to be crucial for achieving tumor-response. Full Article
rent Moving towards multicenter therapeutic trials in ALS: feasibility of data pooling using different TSPO positron emission tomography (PET) radioligands. By Published On :: 2020-04-03T15:14:37-07:00 Rationale: Neuroinflammation has been implicated in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and can be visualized using translocator protein (TSPO) radioligands. To become a reliable pharmacodynamic biomarker for ALS multicenter trials, some challenges have to be overcome. We aimed to investigate whether multicenter data pooling of different TSPO tracers (11C-PBR28 and 18F-DPA714) is feasible, after validation of an established 11C-PBR28 PET pseudoreference analysis technique for 18F-DPA714. Methods: 7 ALS-Belgium (58.9±6.7 years,5M) and 8 HV-Belgium (52.1±15.2 years,3M); and 7 ALS-US (53.4±9.8 years,5M) and 7 HV-US (54.6±9.6 years,4M) from a previously published study (1) underwent dynamic 18F-DPA714 (Leuven, Belgium) or 11C-PBR28 (Boston, US) PET-MR scans. For 18F-DPA714, volume of distribution (VT) maps were compared to standardized uptake value ratios (SUVR)40-60 calculated using the pseudoreference regions (1)cerebellum, (2)occipital cortex, and (3)whole brain without ventricles (WB-ventricles). Also for 11C-PBR28, SUVR60-90 using WB-ventricles were calculated. Results: In line with previous studies, increased 18F-DPA714 uptake (17.0±5.6%) in primary motor cortices was observed in ALS, as measured by both VT and SUVR40-60 approaches. Highest sensitivity was found for SUVRWB-ventricles (average cluster 21.6±0.1%). 18F-DPA714 VT ratio and SUVR40-60 results were highly correlated (r>0.8, p<0.001). A similar pattern of increased uptake (average cluster 20.5±0.5%) in primary motor cortices was observed in ALS with 11C-PBR28 using the SUVRWB-ventricles. Analysis of the 18F-DPA714 and 11C-PBR28 data together, resulted in a more extensive pattern of significant increased glial activation in the bilateral primary motor cortices. Conclusion: The same pseudoreference region analysis technique for 11C-PBR28 PET imaging can be extended towards 18F-DPA714 PET. Therefore, in ALS, standardized analysis across these two tracers enables pooling of TSPO PET data across multiple centers and increase power of TSPO as biomarker for future therapeutic trials. Full Article
rent Radioiodine Ablation of Remaining Thyroid Lobe in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Treated by Lobectomy. A systematic review and meta-analysis. By Published On :: 2020-04-24T14:33:41-07:00 Purpose: We aimed to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies reporting the performance of radioactive iodine therapy (131-I therapy) in differentiating thyroid cancer (DTC) patients requiring a completion treatment following lobectomy. We also evaluated the response to 131-I therapy according to 2015ATA guidelines and the adverse events. Methods: A specific search strategy was designed to find articles evaluating the use of I-131 in patients with evidence of DTC after lobectomy. PubMed, CENTRAL, Scopus and Web of Science were searched. The search was updated until January 2020, without language restriction. Data were cross-checked and any discrepancy discussed. A proportion meta-analysis (with 95%CI) was performed using the random-effects model. Meta-regressions on I-131 success were attempted. Results: The pooled success ablation rate was 69% with better results in patients receiving a single administration of about 3.7 GBq; high heterogeneity was found (I2 85%), and publication bias was absent (Egger test: P = 0.57). Incomplete structural responses were recorded in only 14 of 695 (2%) patients enrolled in our analysis. Incomplete biochemical responses were observed in 8 to 24% of patients, with higher rates (24%) in patients receiving low radioiodine activities (~1.1 GBq) and lower rates (from 8 to 18%) in patients receiving higher activities of radioiodine (~3.7 Gbq). Neck pain due to thyroiditis was reported in up to 18% of patients but, in most cases, symptoms resolved after oral paracetamol or a short course of prednisone. Conclusion: Lobar ablation with 131-I is effective especially when high 131I activities are used. However, the rate of incomplete biochemical response to initial treatment appears to be slightly higher than the classical scheme of initial treatment of DTC. "Radioisotopic lobectomy" should be considered for patients with low-to-intermediate risk DTC requiring completion treatment after lobectomy due to specific individual risk factors and/or patient’s preferences. Full Article
rent Impact of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET on the Management of recurrent Prostate Cancer in a Prospective Single-Arm Clinical Trial By Published On :: 2020-05-01T11:16:57-07:00 Introduction: Prostate-specific membrane antigen ligand positron emission tomography (PSMA PET) induces management changes in patients with prostate cancer. We aim to better characterize the impact of PSMA PET on management of recurrent prostate cancer in a large prospective cohort. Methods: We report management changes following PSMA PET, a secondary endpoint of a prospective multicenter trial in men with prostate cancer biochemical recurrence. Pre-PET (Q1), Post-PET (Q2) and Post-Treatment (Q3) questionnaires were sent to referring physicians recording site of recurrence, intended (Q1 to Q2 change) and implemented (Q3) therapeutic and diagnostic management. Results: Q1/Q2 response was collected for 382/635 (60%, intended cohort), Q1/Q2/Q3 for 206 patients (32%, implemented cohort). Intended management change (Q1/2) occurred in 260/382 (68%) patients. Intended change (Q1/2) was considered major in 176/382 (46%) patients. Major changes occurred most often for patients with PSA of 0.5 to <2.0 ng/mL (81/147, 55%). By analysis of stage-groups, management change was consistent with PET disease location, i.e. majority of major changes towards active surveillance (47%) for unknown disease site (103/382, 27%), towards local/focal therapy (56%) for locoregional disease (126/382, 33%), and towards systemic therapy (69% M1a; 43% M1b/c) for metastatic disease (153/382, 40%). According to Q3 responses, intended management was implemented in 160/206 (78%) patients. A total of 150 intended diagnostic tests, mostly CT (n = 43, 29%) and bone Scans/NaF-PET (n = 52, 35%), were prevented by PSMA PET; 73 tests, mostly biopsies (n = 44, 60%) as requested by the study protocol, were triggered (Q1/2). Conclusion: According to referring physicians, sites of recurrence were clarified by PSMA PET and disease localization translated into management changes in more than half of patients with biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer. Full Article
rent Unexplained Hyperthyroglobulinemia in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Patients Indicates Radioiodine Adjuvant Therapy: A Prospective Multicenter Study By Published On :: 2020-05-01T11:16:58-07:00 Background: The management for totally thyroidectomized differentiated thyroid cancer (TT-DTC) patients with unexplained hyperthyroglobulinemia remains indeterminate due to evidence scarcity. This multicenter study aimed at prospectively evaluating the response to radioiodine (131I) adjuvant therapy (RAT) and its potential role in risk stratification and causal clarification. Methods: TT-DTC patients with stimulated serum thyroglobulin (Tgoff) levels > 10 ng/mL but no structurally evident disease were consecutively enrolled in five tertiary care institutions. After the administration of 5.55 GBq of 131I, the risk of presence of persistent/recurrent/metastatic DTC (prmDTC) was compared to that before RAT. The causes of hyperthyroglobulinemia were explored and the response to RAT was assessed 6-12 months post RAT. The change in suppressed thyroglobulin (Tgon) level was reported. Results: A cohort of 254 subjects with a median Tgoff of 27.1 ng/mL was enrolled for the analyses. Immediately after RAT, low-, intermediate-, and high-risk were identified in 5.9%, 88.6%, and 5.5% patients, respectively, with no significant difference in risk stratification compared with that before RAT (P = 0.952). During the follow-up (median, 10.6 months), hyperthyroglobulinemia was ultimately attributed to thyroid remnant, biochemical disease, and structural/functional disease in 17.3%, 54.3%, and 28.3% of subjects, respectively. In addition, excellent, indeterminate, biochemical incomplete, and structural/functional incomplete responses were achieved in 18.1%, 27.2%, 36.2%, and 18.5% of patients, respectively. Notably, distribution for either cause of hyperthyroglobulinemia or response to RAT was comparable among the three postoperative risk groups. Tgon levels in patients who merely received RAT declined significantly over time. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that over 90% of TT-DTC patients with unexplained hyperthyroglobulinemia are stratified as intermediate-high risk, and RAT using 5.55 GBq of 131I reveals biochemical/functional/structural disease and yields non-structural/functional incomplete response in more than 80% patients, suggesting TT-DTC patients with unexplained hyperthyroglobulinemia as explicit candidates for RAT. Full Article
rent The effects of monosodium glutamate on PSMA radiotracer uptake in men with recurrent prostate cancer: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled intra-individual imaging study. By Published On :: 2020-05-08T13:18:58-07:00 The prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is an excellent target for theranostic applications in prostate cancer (PCa). However, PSMA-targeted radioligand therapy can cause undesirable effects due to high accumulation of PSMA radiotracers in salivary glands and kidneys. This study assessed orally administered monosodium glutamate (MSG) as a potential means of reducing kidney and salivary gland radiation exposure using a PSMA targeting radiotracer. Methods: This prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study enrolled 10 biochemically recurrent PCa patients. Each subject served as his own control. [18F]DCFPyl PET/CT imaging sessions were performed 3 – 7 days apart, following oral administration of either 12.7 g of MSG or placebo. Data from the two sets of images were analyzed by placing regions of interest on lacrimal, parotid and submandibular glands, left ventricle, liver, spleen, kidneys, bowel, urinary bladder, gluteus muscle and malignant lesions. The results from MSG and placebo scans were compared by paired analysis of the ROI data. Results: A total of 142 pathological lesions along with normal tissues were analyzed. As hypothesized a priori, there was a significant decrease in maximal standardized uptake values corrected for lean body mass (SULmax) on images obtained following MSG administration in the parotids (24 ± 14%, P = 0.001), submandibular glands (35 ± 11%, P<0.001) and kidneys (23 ± 26%, P = 0.014). Significant decreases were also observed in lacrimal glands (49 ± 13%, P<0.001), liver (15 ± 6%, P<0.001), spleen (28 ± 13%, P = 0.001) and bowel (44 ± 13%, P<0.001). Mildly lower blood pool SULmean was observed after MSG administration (decrease of 11 ± 13%, P = 0.021). However, significantly lower radiotracer uptake in terms of SULmean, SULpeak, and SULmax was observed in malignant lesions on scans performed after MSG administration compared to the placebo studies (SULmax median decrease 33%, range -1 to 75%, P<0.001). No significant adverse events occurred and vital signs were stable following placebo or MSG administration. Conclusion: Orally administered MSG significantly decreased salivary gland, kidney and other normal organ PSMA radiotracer uptake in human subjects, using [18F]DCFPyL as an exemplar. However, MSG caused a corresponding reduction in tumor uptake, which may limit the benefits of this approach for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Full Article
rent Combining Precursor and Fragment Information for Improved Detection of Differential Abundance in Data Independent Acquisition [Technological Innovation and Resources] By Published On :: 2020-02-01T00:05:30-08:00 In bottom-up, label-free discovery proteomics, biological samples are acquired in a data-dependent (DDA) or data-independent (DIA) manner, with peptide signals recorded in an intact (MS1) and fragmented (MS2) form. While DDA has only the MS1 space for quantification, DIA contains both MS1 and MS2 at high quantitative quality. DIA profiles of complex biological matrices such as tissues or cells can contain quantitative interferences, and the interferences at the MS1 and the MS2 signals are often independent. When comparing biological conditions, the interferences can compromise the detection of differential peptide or protein abundance and lead to false positive or false negative conclusions. We hypothesized that the combined use of MS1 and MS2 quantitative signals could improve our ability to detect differentially abundant proteins. Therefore, we developed a statistical procedure incorporating both MS1 and MS2 quantitative information of DIA. We benchmarked the performance of the MS1-MS2-combined method to the individual use of MS1 or MS2 in DIA using four previously published controlled mixtures, as well as in two previously unpublished controlled mixtures. In the majority of the comparisons, the combined method outperformed the individual use of MS1 or MS2. This was particularly true for comparisons with low fold changes, few replicates, and situations where MS1 and MS2 were of similar quality. When applied to a previously unpublished investigation of lung cancer, the MS1-MS2-combined method increased the coverage of known activated pathways. Since recent technological developments continue to increase the quality of MS1 signals (e.g. using the BoxCar scan mode for Orbitrap instruments), the combination of the MS1 and MS2 information has a high potential for future statistical analysis of DIA data. Full Article
rent Characterizing Patients with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Vesicoureteral Reflux: A Pilot Study of the Urinary Proteome [Research] By Published On :: 2020-03-01T00:05:26-08:00 Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) pose a significant burden on the health care system. Underlying mechanisms predisposing children to UTIs and associated changes in the urinary proteome are not well understood. We aimed to investigate the urinary proteome of a subset of children who have vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and recurrent UTIs because of their risk of developing infection-related renal damage. Improving diagnostic modalities to identify UTI risk factors would significantly alter the clinical management of children with VUR. We profiled the urinary proteomes of 22 VUR patients with low grade VUR (1–3 out of 5), a history of recurrent UTIs, and renal scarring, comparing them to those obtained from 22 age-matched controls. Urinary proteins were analyzed by mass spectrometry followed by protein quantitation based on spectral counting. Of the 2,551 proteins identified across both cohorts, 964 were robustly quantified, as defined by meeting criteria with spectral count (SC) ≥2 in at least 7 patients in either VUR or control cohort. Eighty proteins had differential expression between the two cohorts, with 44 proteins significantly up-regulated and 36 downregulated (q <0.075, FC ≥1.2). Urinary proteins involved in inflammation, acute phase response (APR), modulation of extracellular matrix (ECM), and carbohydrate metabolism were altered among the study cohort. Full Article
rent Parenteral lipids shape gut bile acid pools and microbiota profiles in the prevention of cholestasis in preterm pigs By Published On :: 2020-04-29 Lee CallApr 29, 2020; 0:jlr.RA120000652v1-jlr.RA120000652Research Articles Full Article
rent Parenteral lipids shape gut bile acid pools and microbiota profiles in the prevention of cholestasis in preterm pigs [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-04-29T08:36:37-07:00 Multi-component lipid emulsions, rather than soy-oil emulsions, prevent cholestasis by an unknown mechanism. Here, we quantified liver function, bile acid pools, and gut microbial and metabolite profiles in premature, parenterally fed pigs given a soy-oil lipid emulsion, Intralipid (IL); a multi component lipid emulsion, SMOFlipid (SMOF); a novel emulsion with a modified fatty-acid composition (EXP); or a control enteral diet (ENT) for 22 days. We assayed serum cholestasis markers; measured total bile acid levels in plasma, liver, and gut contents; and analyzed colonic bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences and metabolomic profiles. Serum cholestasis markers (i.e. bilirubin, bile acids, and g-glutamyl transferase) were highest in IL-fed pigs and normalized in those given SMOF, EXP, or ENT. Gut bile acid pools were lowest in the IL treatment and were increased in the SMOF and EXP treatments and comparable to ENT. Multiple bile acids, especially their conjugated forms, were higher in the colon contents of SMOF and EXP than in IL pigs. Colonic microbial communities of SMOF and EXP pigs had lower relative abundance of several Gram-positive anaerobes, including Clostridrium XIVa, and higher abundance of Enterobacteriaceae than those of IL and ENT pigs. Differences in lipid and microbial-derived compounds were also observed in colon metabolite profiles. These results indicate that multi-component lipid emulsions prevent cholestasis and restore enterohepatic bile flow in association with gut microbial and metabolomic changes. We conclude that sustained bile flow induced by multi-component lipid emulsions likely exerts a dominant effect in reducing bile acid–sensitive, Gram-positive bacteria. Full Article
rent The human proteome project: Current state and future direction [Invited] By Published On :: 2011-04-29T11:55:39-07:00 After successful completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP), HUPO has recently officially launched a global Human Proteome Project (HPP) which is designed to map the entire human protein set. Given the presence of about 30% undisclosed proteins out of 20,300 protein gene products, a systematic global effort is necessary to achieve this goal with respect to protein abundance, distribution, subcellular localization, interaction with other biomolecules, and functions at specific time points. As a general experimental strategy, HPP groups employ the three working pillars for HPP: mass spectrometry, antibody capture, and bioinformatics tools and knowledge base. The HPP participants will take advantage of the output and cross-analyses from the ongoing HUPO initiatives and a chromosome-based protein mapping strategy, termed C-HPP with many national teams currently engaged. In addition, numerous biologically-driven projects will be stimulated and facilitated by the HPP. Timely planning with proper governance of HPP will deliver a protein parts list, reagents and tools for protein studies and analyses, and a stronger basis for personalized medicine. HUPO urges each national research funding agency and the scientific community at large to identify their preferred pathways to participate in aspects of this highly promising project in a HPP consortium of funders and investigators. Full Article
rent DEqMS: a method for accurate variance estimation in differential protein expression analysis [Technological Innovation and Resources] By Published On :: 2020-03-23T12:35:18-07:00 Quantitative proteomics by mass spectrometry is widely used in biomarker research and basic biology research for investigation of phenotype level cellular events. Despite the wide application, the methodology for statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins has not been unified. Various methods such as t-test, linear model and mixed effect models are used to define changes in proteomics experiments. However, none of these methods consider the specific structure of MS-data. Choices between methods, often originally developed for other types of data, are based on compromises between features such as statistical power, general applicability and user friendliness. Furthermore, whether to include proteins identified with one peptide in statistical analysis of differential protein expression varies between studies. Here we present DEqMS, a robust statistical method developed specifically for differential protein expression analysis in mass spectrometry data. In all datasets investigated there is a clear dependence of variance on the number of PSMs or peptides used for protein quantification. DEqMS takes this feature into account when assessing differential protein expression. This allows for a more accurate data-dependent estimation of protein variance and inclusion of single peptide identifications without increasing false discoveries. The method was tested in several datasets including E.coli proteome spike-in data, using both label-free and TMT-labelled quantification. In comparison to previous statistical methods used in quantitative proteomics, DEqMS showed consistently better accuracy in detecting altered protein levels compared to other statistical methods in both label-free and labelled quantitative proteomics data. DEqMS is available as an R package in Bioconductor. Full Article
rent Current and future treatments for tuberculosis By Published On :: Monday, March 2, 2020 - 11:05 Full Article
rent Inhibition of glycosphingolipid biosynthesis reverts multidrug resistance by differentially modulating ABC transporters in chronic myeloid leukemias [Cell Biology] By Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Multidrug resistance (MDR) in cancer arises from cross-resistance to structurally- and functionally-divergent chemotherapeutic drugs. In particular, MDR is characterized by increased expression and activity of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily transporters. Sphingolipids are substrates of ABC proteins in cell signaling, membrane biosynthesis, and inflammation, for example, and their products can favor cancer progression. Glucosylceramide (GlcCer) is a ubiquitous glycosphingolipid (GSL) generated by glucosylceramide synthase, a key regulatory enzyme encoded by the UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (UGCG) gene. Stressed cells increase de novo biosynthesis of ceramides, which return to sub-toxic levels after UGCG mediates incorporation into GlcCer. Given that cancer cells seem to mobilize UGCG and have increased GSL content for ceramide clearance, which ultimately contributes to chemotherapy failure, here we investigated how inhibition of GSL biosynthesis affects the MDR phenotype of chronic myeloid leukemias. We found that MDR is associated with higher UGCG expression and with a complex GSL profile. UGCG inhibition with the ceramide analog d-threo-1-(3,4,-ethylenedioxy)phenyl-2-palmitoylamino-3-pyrrolidino-1-propanol (EtDO-P4) greatly reduced GSL and monosialotetrahexosylganglioside levels, and co-treatment with standard chemotherapeutics sensitized cells to mitochondrial membrane potential loss and apoptosis. ABC subfamily B member 1 (ABCB1) expression was reduced, and ABCC-mediated efflux activity was modulated by competition with nonglycosylated ceramides. Consistently, inhibition of ABCC-mediated transport reduced the efflux of exogenous C6-ceramide. Overall, UGCG inhibition impaired the malignant glycophenotype of MDR leukemias, which typically overcomes drug resistance through distinct mechanisms. This work sheds light on the involvement of GSL in chemotherapy failure, and its findings suggest that targeted GSL modulation could help manage MDR leukemias. Full Article
rent Differentiation of Diabetes by Pathophysiology, Natural History, and Prognosis By Published On :: 2017-02-01 Jay S. SkylerFeb 1, 2017; 66:241-255Perspectives in Diabetes Full Article
rent Role of phospholipid synthesis in the development and differentiation of malaria parasites in the blood [Microbiology] By Published On :: 2018-11-09T03:40:54-08:00 The life cycle of malaria parasites in both their mammalian host and mosquito vector consists of multiple developmental stages that ensure proper replication and progeny survival. The transition between these stages is fueled by nutrients scavenged from the host and fed into specialized metabolic pathways of the parasite. One such pathway is used by Plasmodium falciparum, which causes the most severe form of human malaria, to synthesize its major phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine. Much is known about the enzymes involved in the synthesis of these phospholipids, and recent advances in genetic engineering, single-cell RNA-Seq analyses, and drug screening have provided new perspectives on the importance of some of these enzymes in parasite development and sexual differentiation and have identified targets for the development of new antimalarial drugs. This Minireview focuses on two phospholipid biosynthesis enzymes of P. falciparum that catalyze phosphoethanolamine transmethylation (PfPMT) and phosphatidylserine decarboxylation (PfPSD) during the blood stages of the parasite. We also discuss our current understanding of the biochemical, structural, and biological functions of these enzymes and highlight efforts to use them as antimalarial drug targets. Full Article
rent Current Index to Statistics By Published On :: Fri, 07 Feb 2020 20:13:21 +0000 The Current Index to Statistics (CIS) is now hosted by the AMS. It is available on the MathSciNet servers from the URL The database is openly available using a brand new search interface. Some history The Current Index to … Continue reading → Full Article Announcements Extra content New features
rent Helping parents with children who display challenging behaviour By Published On :: Fri, 17 May 2019 14:50:07 +0000 Looking after a young child is hard enough, but when that child has learning difficulties and displays challenging behaviour - the burden on parents can be extreme. That behaviour may prompt a visit to the doctor, and in this podcast we’re talking about how parents can be supported in that - what services are available. We’ll also be discussing... Full Article
rent Talk Evidence - Recurrent VTE, CRP testing for COPD, CMO report, and a consultation By Published On :: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 10:21:58 +0000 Helen talks about new research on prevention of recurrent VTE - and Carl things the evidence goes further, and we can extend prophylaxis for a year. 13.00 - CRP testing for antibiotic prescription in COPD exacerbations, should we start doing it in primary care settings - and what will that mean. We also hear from Chris Butler, one of the... Full Article
rent Intramyocellular triglyceride content is a determinant of in vivo insulin resistance in humans: a 1H-13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy assessment in offspring of type 2 diabetic parents By Published On :: 1999-08-01 G PerseghinAug 1, 1999; 48:1600-1606Articles Full Article
rent Comprehensive Glycomic Analysis Reveals That Human Serum Albumin Glycation Specifically Affects the Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Different Anticoagulant Drugs in Diabetes By Published On :: 2020-03-20T11:50:29-07:00 Long-term hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes leads to human serum albumin (HSA) glycation, which may impair HSA function as a transport protein and affect the therapeutic efficacy of anticoagulants in patients with diabetes. In this study, a novel mass spectrometry approach was developed to reveal the differences in the profiles of HSA glycation sites between patients with diabetes and healthy subjects. K199 was the glycation site most significantly changed in patients with diabetes, contributing to different interactions of glycated HSA and normal HSA with two types of anticoagulant drugs, heparin and warfarin. An in vitro experiment showed that the binding affinity to warfarin became stronger when HSA was glycated, while HSA binding to heparin was not significantly influenced by glycation. A pharmacokinetic study showed a decreased level of free warfarin in the plasma of diabetic rats. A preliminary retrospective clinical study also revealed that there was a statistically significant difference in the anticoagulant efficacy between patients with diabetes and patients without diabetes who had been treated with warfarin. Our work suggests that larger studies are needed to provide additional specific guidance for patients with diabetes when they are administered anticoagulant drugs or drugs for treating other chronic diseases. Full Article