stand Students’ Understanding of Advanced Properties of Java Exceptions By Published On :: Full Article
stand Towards Understanding Information Systems Students’ Experience of Learning Introductory Programming: A Phenomenographic Approach By Published On :: 2021-07-12 Aim/Purpose: This study seeks to understand the various ways information systems (IS) students experience introductory programming to inform IS educators on effective pedagogical approaches to teaching programming. Background: Many students who choose to major in information systems (IS), enter university with little or no experience of learning programming. Few studies have dealt with students’ learning to program in the business faculty, who do not necessarily have the computer science goal of programming. It has been shown that undergraduate IS students struggle with programming. Methodology: The qualitative approach was used in this study to determine students’ notions of learning to program and to determine their cognitive processes while learning to program in higher education. A cohort of 47 students, who were majoring in Information Systems within the Bachelor of Commerce degree programme were part of the study. Reflective journals were used to allow students to record their experiences and to study in-depth their insights and experiences of learning to program during the course. Using phenomenographic methods, categories of description that uniquely characterises the various ways IS students experience learning to program were determined. Contribution: This paper provides educators with empirical evidence on IS students’ experiences of learning to program, which play a crucial role in informing IS educators on how they can lend support and modify their pedagogical approach to teach programming to students who do not necessarily need to have the computer science goal of programming. This study contributes additional evidence that suggests more categories of description for IS students within a business degree. It provides valuable pedagogical insights for IS educators, thus contributing to the body of knowledge Findings: The findings of this study reveal six ways in which IS students’ experience the phenomenon, learning to program. These ways, referred to categories of description, formed an outcome space. Recommendations for Practitioners: Use the experiences of students identified in this study to determine approach to teaching and tasks or assessments assigned Recommendation for Researchers: Using phenomenographic methods researchers in IS or IT may determine pedagogical content knowledge in teaching specific aspects of IT or IS. Impact on Society: More business students would be able to program and improve their logical thinking and coding skills. Future Research: Implement the recommendations for practice and evaluate the students’ performance. Full Article
stand Misunderstandings about social problems and social value in solving social problems By Published On :: 2024-06-24T23:20:50-05:00 Though there have been many approaches to dealing with social problems in recent years, the concepts of social value have yet to be discussed thoroughly. Upon examining these concepts in existing studies and testing them with two case studies, the article shows that there is the possibility that a group's shared wants may not be widely recognised as a social problem, and targeting these unserved populations is a precondition for solving social issues. It is essential to identify hidden social problems by understanding what is still left, the number of people sharing the same want, the severity of the unmet want, and the possible resources for solution generation. Social value in its narrower definition means meeting the satisfaction of the group sharing the same want, while in its broader definition, it means meeting the satisfaction of wider society. Finding workable solutions involves not only the group of people sharing the same want but also others who do not have the same want but who do recognise the importance of acknowledging the want of the subgroup. Full Article
stand A Single Case Study Approach to Teaching: Effects on Learning and Understanding By Published On :: Full Article
stand Understanding Intention to Use Multimedia Information Systems for Learning By Published On :: Full Article
stand Understanding Information Technology: What do Graduates from Business-oriented IS Curricula Need to Know? By Published On :: Full Article
stand Applying and Evaluating Understanding-Oriented ICT User Training in Upper Secondary Education By Published On :: Full Article
stand A Framework for Information Security Management Based on Guiding Standards: A United States Perspective By Published On :: Full Article
stand Reinforcing and Enhancing Understanding of Students in Learning Computer Architecture By Published On :: Full Article
stand Understanding Online Learning Based on Different Age Categories By Published On :: 2019-05-18 Aim/Purpose: To understand readiness of students for learning in online environments across different age groups. Background: Online learners today are diverse in age due to increasing adult/mature students who continue their higher education while they are working. Understanding the influence of the learners’ age on their online learning experience is limited. Methodology: A survey methodology approach was followed. A sample of one thousand nine hundred and twenty surveys were used. Correlation analysis was performed. Contribution: The study contributes by adding to the limited body of knowledge in this area and adds to the dimensions of the Online Learning Readiness Survey additional dimensions such as usefulness, tendency, anxiety, and attitudes. Findings: Older students have more confidence than younger ones in computer proficiency and learning skills. They are more motivated, show better attitudes and are less anxious. Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners should consider preferences that allow students to configure the learning approach to their age. These preferences should be tied to the dimensions of the online learning readiness survey (OLRS). Recommendations for Researchers: More empirical research is required using OLRS for online learning environments. OLRS factors are strong and can predict student readiness and performance. These are opportunities for artificial intelligence in the support of technology-mediated tools for learning. Full Article
stand Examining a Flow-Usage Model to Understand MultiMedia-Based Learning By Published On :: Full Article
stand Understanding Internal Information Systems Security Policy Violations as Paradoxes By Published On :: 2017-01-17 Aim/Purpose: Violations of Information Systems (IS) security policies continue to generate great anxiety amongst many organizations that use information systems, partly because these violations are carried out by internal employees. This article addresses IS security policy violations in organizational settings, and conceptualizes and problematizes IS security violations by employees of organizations from a paradox perspective. Background: The paradox is that internal employees are increasingly being perceived as more of a threat to the security of organizational systems than outsiders. The notion of paradox is exemplified in four organizational contexts of belonging paradox, learning paradox, organizing paradox and performing paradox. Methodology : A qualitative conceptual framework exemplifying how IS security violations occur as paradoxes in context to these four areas is presented at the end of this article. Contribution: The article contributes to IS security management practice and suggests how IS security managers should be positioned to understand violations in light of this paradox perspective. Findings: The employee generally in the process of carrying out ordinary activities using computing technology exemplifies unique tensions (or paradoxes in belonging, learning, organizing and performing) and these tensions would generally tend to lead to policy violations when an imbalance occurs. Recommendations for Practitioners: IS security managers must be sensitive to employees tensions. Future Research: A quantitative study, where statistical analysis could be applied to generalize findings, could be useful. Full Article
stand Information Technology Capabilities and SMEs Performance: An Understanding of a Multi-Mediation Model for the Manufacturing Sector By Published On :: 2019-09-09 Aim/Purpose: Despite the fact that the plethora of studies demonstrate the positive impact of information technology (IT) capabilities on SMEs performance, the understanding of underlying mechanisms through which IT capabilities affect the firm performance is not yet clear. This study fills these gaps by explaining the roles of absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship. The study also elaborates the effect of IT capability dimensions (IT integration and IT alignment) upon the SMEs performance outcomes through the mediating sequential process of absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship. Methodology: This study empirically tests a theoretical model based on the Dynamic Capability View (DCV), by using the partial least square (PLS) technique with a sample of 489 manufacturing SMEs in Pakistan. A survey is employed for the data collection by following the cluster sampling approach. Contribution: This research contributes to the literature of IT by bifurcating the IT capability into two dimensions, IT integration and IT alignment, which allows us to distinguish between different sources of IT capabilities. Additionally, our findings shed the light on the dynamic capability view by theoretically and empirically demonstrating how absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship sequentially affect the firms' performance outcomes. At last, this study contributes to the literature of SMEs by measuring the two levels of performance: innovation performance and firm performance. Findings: The results of the analysis show that the absorptive capacity and the corporate entrepreneurship significantly mediate the relationship between both dimensions of IT capability and performance outcomes. Full Article
stand Understanding the Determinants of Wearable Payment Adoption: An Empirical Study By Published On :: 2021-04-28 Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the variables which affect the intention to use Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled smart wearables (e.g., smartwatches, rings, wristbands) payments. Background: Despite the enormous potential of wearable payments, studies investigating the adoption of this technology are scarce. Methodology: This study extends the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with four additional variables (Perceived Security, Trust, Perceived Cost, and Attractiveness of Alternatives) to investigate behavioral intentions to adopt wearable payments. The moderating role of gender was also examined. Data collected from 311 Kuwaiti respondents were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and multi-group analysis (MGA). Contribution: The research model provided in this study may be useful for academics and scholars conducting further research into m-payments adoption, specifically in the case of wearable payments where studies are scarce and still in the nascent stage; hence, addressing the gap in existing literature. Further, this study is the first to have specifically investigated wearable payments in the State of Kuwait; therefore, enriching Kuwaiti context literature. Findings: This study empirically demonstrated that behavioral intention to adopt wearable payments is mainly predicted by attractiveness of alternatives, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and trust, while the role of perceived cost was found to be insignificant. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study draws attention to the importance of cognitive factors, such as perceived usefulness and ease of use, in inducing users’ behavioral intention to adopt wearable payments. As such, in the case of perceived usefulness, smart wearable devices manufacturers and banks enhance the functionalities and features of these devices, expand on the financial services provided through them, and maintain the availability, performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of these tools. In relation to ease of use, smart wearable devices should be designed with an easy to use, high quality and customizable user interface. The findings of this study demonstrated the influence of trust and perceived security in motivating users to adopt wearable payments, Hence, banks are advised to focus on a relationship based on trust, especially during the early stages of acceptance and adoption of wearable payments. Recommendation for Researchers: The current study validated the role of attractiveness of alternatives, which was never examined in the context of wearable payments. This, in turn, provides a new dimension about a determinant factor considered by customers in predicting their behavioral intention to adopt wearable payments. Impact on Society: This study could be used in other countries to compare and verify the results. Additionally, the research model of this study could also be used to investigate other m-payments methods, such as m-wallets and P2P payments. Future Research: Future studies should investigate the proposed model in a cross-country and cross-cultural perspective with additional economic, environmental, and technological factors. Also, future research may conduct a longitudinal study to explain how temporal changes and usage experience affect users’ behavioral intentions to adopt wearable payments. Finally, while this study included both influencing factors and inhibiting factors, other factors such as social influence, perceived compatibility, personal innovativeness, mobility, and customization could be considered in future research. Full Article
stand Getting in Synch: Understanding Student Perceptions of Synchronous Online Instruction By Published On :: 2022-12-09 Aim/Purpose: This study examines the impact of transitioning from in-person classrooms to remote online business education and provides analysis of key factors impacting course and instructor ratings as well as strategies for higher education institutions to provide engaging instruction. Background: “Zoom”ing into teaching and moving out of traditional classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a path full of twists and has impacted student perceptions of courses as well as instructors. One challenge has been to make the quality of synchronous online instruction perceived by students as positive as classroom-delivered ones. Methodology: We analyze primary data collected in the course evaluation process from Business & Accounting students over six semesters between Fall 2019 to Spring 2022, covering pre-pandemic instruction in the classroom and the conversion to virtual instruction via Zoom. A total of 1782 observations for 38 courses were examined using mean comparison, regression and correlation analyses, and pairwise comparisons. Contribution: We provide insights from the evaluation of those instructors who were able to make their Zoom-delivered courses perceived by students as equivalent or better than room-delivered ones. Specifically, clear presentation, stimulating delivery, providing feedback and encouraging discussion were positively correlated with successful online classes. Findings: We find that there is a clear downward shift in course and instructor ratings as the change to synchronous online delivery was made. However, in the Spring of 2022, even though instructors and students were still not completely back in the classroom, both instructor and course ratings moved back closer to the pre-pandemic levels. The parameters associated with instructor ratings, such as providing feedback, clear presentations, stimulating sessions, and encouraging discussion, showed similar downward fluctuations. Also, aspects related to course content were affected by the transition to online modality, including training on critical thinking quantitative analysis, research and writing abilities, and overall usefulness of the content. Moore’s model of Transactional Distance helps explain these changes. Recommendations for Practitioners: We recommend that practitioners allow sufficient time for students and faculty to learn through online instruction delivery and supply training for both populations in adapting to learning in this delivery mode. Recommendation for Researchers: The disruption in higher education caused by COVID-19 has provided a wealth of information on the pluses and minuses of online delivery. Careful inspection of trends can help provide guidance to higher education leaders. Impact on Society: One of the many changes the COVID-19 pandemic brought was the opportunity to try alternate ways of connecting and learning. This study shows how this experience can be used to guide the future of higher education. Future Research: Further research is needed to explore the in-depth reactions of students and faculty to the switch from classroom to online delivery, to explore whether these findings can be more broadly applied to other subjects and other types of universities. Full Article
stand Epidemic Intelligence Models in Air Traffic Networks for Understanding the Dynamics in Disease Spread - A Case Study By Published On :: 2023-11-12 Aim/Purpose: The understanding of disease spread dynamics in the context of air travel is crucial for effective disease detection and epidemic intelligence. The Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Hospitalized-Critical-Deaths (SEIR-HCD) model proposed in this research work is identified as a valuable tool for capturing the complex dynamics of disease transmission, healthcare demands, and mortality rates during epidemics. Background: The spread of viral diseases is a major problem for public health services all over the world. Understanding how diseases spread is important in order to take the right steps to stop them. In epidemiology, the SIS, SIR, and SEIR models have been used to mimic and study how diseases spread in groups of people. Methodology: This research focuses on the integration of air traffic network data into the SEIR-HCD model to enhance the understanding of disease spread in air travel settings. By incorporating air traffic data, the model considers the role of travel patterns and connectivity in disease dissemination, enabling the identification of high-risk routes, airports, and regions. Contribution: This research contributes to the field of epidemiology by enhancing our understanding of disease spread dynamics through the application of the SIS, SIR, and SEIR-HCD models. The findings provide insights into the factors influencing disease transmission, allowing for the development of effective strategies for disease control and prevention. Findings: The interplay between local outbreaks and global disease dissemination through air travel is empirically explored. The model can be further used for the evaluation of the effectiveness of surveillance and early detection measures at airports and transportation hubs. The proposed research contributes to proactive and evidence-based strategies for disease prevention and control, offering insights into the impact of air travel on disease transmission and supporting public health interventions in air traffic networks. Recommendations for Practitioners: Government intervention can be studied during difficult times which plays as a moderating variable that can enhance or hinder the efficacy of epidemic intelligence efforts within air traffic networks. Expert collaboration from various fields, including epidemiology, aviation, data science, and public health with an interdisciplinary approach can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the disease spread dynamics in air traffic networks. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can collaborate with international health organizations and authorities to share their research findings and contribute to a global understanding of disease spread in air traffic networks. Impact on Society: This research has significant implications for society. By providing a deeper understanding of disease spread dynamics, it enables policymakers, public health officials, and practitioners to make informed decisions to mitigate disease outbreaks. The recommendations derived from this research can aid in the development of effective strategies to control and prevent the spread of infectious diseases, ultimately leading to improved public health outcomes and reduced societal disruptions. Future Research: Practitioners of the research can contribute more effectively to disease outbreaks within the context of air traffic networks, ultimately helping to protect public health and global travel. By considering air traffic patterns, the SEIR-HCD model contributes to more accurate modeling and prediction of disease outbreaks, aiding in the development of proactive and evidence-based strategies to manage and mitigate the impact of infectious diseases in the context of air travel. Full Article
stand Learning Objects: Using Language Structures to Understand the Transition from Affordance Systems to Intelligent Systems By Published On :: Full Article
stand Interoperability and Learning Objects: An Overview of E-Learning Standardization By Published On :: Full Article
stand Guidelines and Standards for the Development of Fully Online Learning Objects By Published On :: Full Article
stand The Present and Future of Standards for E-Learning Technologies By Published On :: Full Article
stand Matching Office Information Systems (OIS) Curriculum To Relevant Standards: Students, School Mission, Regional Business Needs, and National Curriculum By Published On :: Full Article
stand An Examination of Computer Attitudes, Anxieties, and Aversions Among Diverse College Populations: Issues Central to Understanding Information Sciences in the New Millennium By Published On :: Full Article
stand To Speak or Not to Speak: Developing Legal Standards for Anonymous Speech on the Internet By Published On :: Full Article
stand Applications of Geographical Information Systems in Understanding Spatial Distribution of Asthma By Published On :: Full Article
stand Using Double Helix Relationships to Understand and Change Informing Systems By Published On :: Full Article
stand Understanding the Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing: An Organizational Justice Perspective By Published On :: Full Article
stand International Standard of Transdisciplinary Education and Transdisciplinary Competence By Published On :: 2019-12-22 Aim/Purpose: The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first official definition of the term “transdisciplinarity.” This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the development of modern transdisciplinarity since its inception. Background: The article presents two main directions for the development of transdisciplinarity. It also shows its identification features, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the significant role transdisciplinarity plays in science and education. Methodology: The methodology employed in this article is a content analysis of resolutions of international forums as well as articles on transdisciplinarity published from 1970 to 2019. Contribution: For one reason or the other, several of these authors did not quote the opinions of the original authors of transdisciplinarity. The subsequent use of those articles by other authors thus posed some ambiguities about the place and role of transdisciplinarity in science and education. The advent of e-databases has made it possible to access the original forum articles. This further made it possible to refine the original content of the term “transdisciplinarity” and to trace its development without mixing it with vague opinions. Based on these findings, the perception of transdisciplinarity as a marginal trend in science and education could be eliminated. Findings: This paper shows how modern transdisciplinarity is developing into two main directions: transdisciplinarity in science as well as transdisciplinarity in education. These orientations have individual goals and objectives. The transdisciplinarity of scientific research helps to complete the transformation of the potential for interdisciplinary interaction and the integration of disciplines. Whereas, in education, transdisciplinarity (meta-discipline) is about developing an international standard for transdisciplinary education and also describing the content of transdisciplinary competence for students of diverse disciplines at all levels of higher education (bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate studies). Recommendation for Researchers: Transdisciplinary research involves the interaction of people with disciplinary knowledge plus a degree of scientific outlook. Since disciplinary knowledge domains remain in their disciplinary boxes, it is, therefore, advisable to generalize disciplinary knowledge rather than force them to interact. This is the basis for proposing the systems transdisciplinary approach—which provides a methodology for unifying and generalizing disciplinary knowledge. Future Research: As the research shows, the organizers of modern international forums do not take into account the division of transdisciplinarity development trends. To increase the effectiveness and significance of such forums, it is necessary to return to the practice of organizing special international forums on the transdisciplinarity of science and that of education. Full Article
stand Understanding of the Quality of Computer-Mediated Communication Technology in the Context of Business Planning By Published On :: 2021-10-07 Aim/Purpose: This study seeks to uncover the perceived quality factors of computer-mediated communication in business planning in which communication among teammates is crucial for collaboration. Background: Computer-mediated communication has made communicating with teammates easier and more affordable than ever. What motivates people to use a particular CMC technology during business planning is a major concern in this research. Methodology: This study seeks to address the issues by applying the concept of Information Product Quality (IPQ). Based on 21 factors derived from an extensive literature review on Information Product Quality (IPQ), an experimental study was conducted to identify the factors that are perceived as most relevant. Contribution: The findings in this study will help developers find a more customer-oriented approach to developing CMC technology design, specifically useful in collaborative work, such as business planning. Findings: This study extracted the three specific quality factors to use CMC technology in business planning: informational, physical, and service. Future Research: Future research will shed more light on the generality of these findings. Future studies should be extended to other population and contextual situations in the use of CMC. Full Article
stand Informing Academia Through Understanding of the Technology Use, Information Gathering Behaviors, and Social Concerns of Gen Z By Published On :: 2024-11-11 Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine Gen Z students located in a representative region of the United States when it comes to technology use, news and information gathering behaviors, civic engagement, and social concerns and whether differences exist based on institutional type. The purpose is to report this information so that academics can better understand the behaviors, priorities, and interests of current American students. Background: This paper investigates the mindset of Generation Z students living in the United States during a period of heightened civic unrest. Through the lens of the Theory of Generations, Uses and Gratifications Theory, and Intersectional Theory, this study aims to examine the Gen Z group and compare findings across populations. Methodology: An electronic survey was administered to students from 2019 through 2022. The survey included a combination of multiple responses, Likert scaled, dichotomous, open-ended, and ordinal questions. It was developed in the Survey Monkey system and reviewed by content and methodological experts to examine bias, vagueness, or potential semantic problems. The survey was pilot-tested in 2018 before implementation in order to explore the efficacy of the research methodology. It was then modified accordingly before widespread distribution to potential participants. The surveys were administered to students enrolled in classes taught by the authors, all of whom are educators. Participation was voluntary, optional, and anonymous. Contribution: This paper provides insight into the mindset of Generation Z students living in the United States, which is helpful to members of academia who should be informed about the current generation of students in higher education. Studying Generation Z helps us understand the future and can provide insight into the shifting needs and expectations of society. Findings: According to the findings, Gen Z are heavy users of digital technologies who use social media as their primary source for gathering news about current events as well as information for schoolwork. The majority of respondents considered themselves to be social activists. When institutional type was considered, there were notable differences with the students at the Historically Black College or University (HBCU), noting the greatest concern with a number of pressing issues, including racial justice/Black Lives Matter, women’s rights, gun violence, immigration reform, and human trafficking. Less significance across groups was found when LGBTQIA+ rights and climate change were considered. Recommendation for Researchers: As social media continues to proliferate in daily life and become a vital means of news and information gathering, additional studies such as the one presented here are needed. In other countries facing similarly turbulent times, measuring student interest, awareness, and engagement is highly informative. Future Research: Future research will explore the role that influencers have in opinion formation and the information-gathering habits of Gen Z. Full Article
stand paper: Temporal Understanding of Cybersecurity Threats By Published On :: Thu, 28 May 2020 22:02:00 +0000 This paper how to apply dynamic topic models to a set of cybersecurity documents to understand how the concepts found in them are changing over time. The post paper: Temporal Understanding of Cybersecurity Threats appeared first on UMBC ebiquity. Full Article AI cybersecurity Knowledge Graph KR Machine Learning NLP Paper research
stand The limits and possibilities of history: How a wider, deeper and more engaged understanding of business history can foster innovative thinking By Published On :: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 14:31:54 +0000 Calls for greater diversity in management research, education and practice have increased in recent years, driven by a sense of fairness and ethical responsibility, but also because research shows that greater diversity of inputs into management processes can lead to greater innovation. But how can greater diversity of thought be encouraged when educating management students, beyond the advocacy of affirmative action and relating the research on the link between multiplicity and creativity? One way is to think again about how we introduce the subject. Introductory textbooks often begin by relaying the history of management. What is presented is a very limited mono-cultural and linear view of how management emerged. This article highlights the limits this view outlines for initiates in contrast to the histories of other comparable fields (medicine and architecture), and discusses how a wider, deeper and more engaged understanding of history can foster thinking differently. Full Article
stand Understanding the Direction, Magnitude, and Joint Effects of Reputation When Multiple Actors' Reputations Collide By Published On :: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 17:24:28 +0000 Despite the extensive research into the effects of reputation, virtually all of this research has examined the effect of one type of reputation on one or more specific outcomes. In this study we ask the question: How do the reputations of analysts, CEOs, and firms individually and jointly affect firm outcomes? To answer this question we focus on a context where reputations are particularly relevant - changes in analyst recommendations and the effect of those changes on stock market reactions. Our study makes contributions to the growing reputation literature by being one of the first studies to recognize and measure how the market accounts for multiple reputations. Further, we argue and find that the reputations of different actors interact with each other when determining particular firm outcomes. We find that different actor's reputations influence the reactions of observers. Full Article
stand COMING FULL CIRCLE WITH REACTIONS: UNDERSTANDING THE STRUCTURE AND CORRELATES OF TRAINEE REACTIONS THROUGH THE AFFECT CIRCUMPLEX By Published On :: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 16:51:24 +0000 Research suggests that the structure of trainee reactions is captured with as few as one or as many as eleven dimensions. It is commonly understood that reactions contain both affective and cognitive components. To date, however, training research focuses largely on affective reactions that range from pleasant to unpleasant (i.e., valence). Here, we expand and further refine the construct of affective trainee reactions by including reactions that are more and less activating versions of pleasantness (e.g., excitement and calm, respectively) and unpleasantness (e.g., stress and boredom, respectively). We develop and validate a new measure based on this model and argue that the structure of affective reactions has implications for better understanding learning and course reputation outcomes. Results from a short online training indicate that reactions were best explained by four factors: pleasant activation (e.g., excitement), pleasant deactivation (e.g., calm), unpleasant activation (e.g., stress), and unpleasant deactivation (e.g., boredom). The relationships between these reactions and training outcomes suggest what is most beneficial for course reputation outcomes (i.e., pleasant activating reactions) may not benefit learning; what is most beneficial for learning (i.e., pleasant deactivating reactions) may benefit course reputation outcomes but slightly less so. Full Article
stand CCleaner Standard 6.30.11385 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 06:58:34 -0500 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy, and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. Install, uninstall, and toolbar included. [License: Ad-Supported | Requires: 11|10|8|7|macOS | Size: 75 MB ] Full Article
stand Do You Need to Defragment an SSD? Understanding TRIM and SSD, NVME Optimization By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:54:32 -0500 ... Full Article
stand Norton 360 Standard (2 Device) w/ LifeLock Identity Advisor – Includes Antivirus, VPN, and Identity Theft Restoration Support - $29.99 By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:30:19 -0500 ... Full Article
stand Celebrate in Style: 12 Fabulous Birthday Nail Designs for a Standout Manicure By Published On :: Mon, 05 Aug 24 08:26:06 +0500 Today is the youngest you’ll ever be! Full Article T.Edit
stand Gaza: disaster, double standards and hypocrisy By Published On :: Mon, 09 Sep 24 21:45:37 +0500 . Full Article Opinion
stand Ask the Experts: Standard vs. Specification and Guidance Documents By Published On :: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 13:53:45 +0000 In this recent Ask the Experts question, learn the difference between a standard and a specification. For more answers, visit the Ask the Experts page. Full Article knowledgecenter open
stand Biden, Trump and Harris stand together in 9/11 memorial ceremonies By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 01:14:52 +0500 From New York to Pennsylvania, solemn ceremonies mark the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks Full Article World
stand Donerede IC4-tog standser russisk invasion (fra fremtidsarkivet, marts 2024) By Published On :: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 13:09:04 +0000 CIA, FE og DSB har stoppet invasion af Ukraine ved at donere IC4-tog og DSB-personale til Rusland. Indlægget Donerede IC4-tog standser russisk invasion (fra fremtidsarkivet, marts 2024) blev først udgivet på RokokoPosten. Full Article Indland
stand Review: 42625 Beach Smoothie Stand By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 16:00:00 GMT As the weather turns cooler here for those of us in the northern hemisphere, it's nice to look at sets to remind us of warmer settings. After spending the time at camp, the Friends head to the beach. In addition to the jetskis from 42623, the Friends have some land-based beach activities, with 42625 Beach Smoothie Stand. It feels to me that there have been several smoothie stands in Heartlake City, but according to the database, this is just the second one (the first being a polybag). Continue reading »© 2024 Republication prohibited without prior permission. Full Article
stand EWTN’s Father Wade Menezes Urges Men to ‘Stand Firm, Be Strong’ By Published On :: 2024-11-12T08:29:11-06:00 interview Full Article
stand Memorandum of Understanding signed at Bioinformatics Horizon Conference in Rome By Published On :: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:26:00 +0300 At the Bioinformatics Horizon 2013 Conference (3 - 6 September 2013, Rome) a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between PESI and EU BON. Christoph Häuser, on behalf of EU BON and Yde de Jong on behalf of PESI (see picture below), signed the document to strengthen the cooperation and formalise the integrating efforts of the European species infrastructures. PESI is now a new associate partner of EU BON, a consortium with currently 30 partners from 18 countries. One of the common aims of EU BON and PESI will be to establish and sustain standard taxonomies for Europe. EU BON will support the PESI backbone developments, including its components, with a focus on Fauna Europaea and Euro+Med. Besides analyzing current gaps, new ideas will be developed to trigger expert involvement and enhance the data management systems. In a side-meeting at BIH 2013, some ideas were discussed with available EU BON and PESI partners. Important steps will be taken to secure the sustainability of databases and expertise networks combined with the development of technical innovations for users and stakeholders and to promote the implementation of PESI as a European (INSPIRE) standard. It will be also important to further integrate the huge expertise networks, outreach to PESI Focal Points and expand the geographical scope. Furthermore, it will be important to integrate additional data types and data-resources. Full Article News
stand Memorandum of understanding signed between EU BON and CETAF (Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities) By Published On :: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:49:00 +0300 A memorandum of understanding has been signed between EU BON and CETAF (Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities, AISBL). The document was signed by EU BON project coordinator Christoph Häuser and the Chair of CETAF, Dr. Michelle J. Price, during the 35th CETAF General Meeting in Oslo, 6-7 May, 2014. CETAF is a networked consortium of scientific institutions in Europe formed to promote training, research and understanding of systematic biology and palaeobiology, Together, CETAF institutions hold very substantial biological (zoological and botanical), palaeobiological, and geological collections and provide the resources necessary for the work of thousands of researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines. Meanwhile the list of MoU signed by EU BON has grown with further institutions/projects joining: Full Article News
stand Memorandum of Understanding signed between EU BON and BioVeL By Published On :: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 09:55:00 +0300 A memorandum of understanding has been signed between EU BON and BioVeL (Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory Project). The document was signed by the BioVeL coordinator Alex Hardisty (Cardiff University, UK) and handed over to Alexander Kroupa (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany), who was there on behalf of the EU BON consortium, during the SPNHC Conference in Cardiff, 22-27 June 2014. BioVeL is a virtual e-laboratory that supports research on biodiversity issues using large amounts of data from cross-disciplinary sources. BioVeL offers the possibility to use computerized "workflows" (series of data analysis steps) to process data, be that from one's own research and/or from existing sources. Meanwhile the list of MoU signed by EU BON has grown with further institutions/projects joining: Full Article News