pollution Air Pollution and Climate Change By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Fri, 13 May 17:00 GMT GMT Continued reductions in air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are essential, as they pose serious threats to both people's health and the environment across the world. Air quality and climate policies can provide mutual benefits and there can also be trade-offs. This thematic issue reports on research which helps us understand the relationship between air pollution and climate change and how the two policy areas can be integrated to produce the greatest results. Full Article
pollution Noise pollution: separate regulations needed for construction By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:17:16 GMT In a new study, Spanish researchers describe a method specifically designed for measuring and characterising noise from building sites. They claim the method could help shape future policy related to noise pollution caused by the construction industry and provide important information to help reduce construction noise. Full Article
pollution A new way to predict urban noise pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 13:12:41 +0100 Noise pollution in urban areas can harm our physical and mental wellbeing, and can have damaging effects on urban wildlife. Now, researchers from China have shown for the first time how a ‘land use regression method’ can be used to model urban noise and predict the effects of future planning decisions on noise levels. Full Article
pollution Urban greening reduces noise pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 16 May 2013 12:19:39 +0100 Green roofs have the potential to significantly reduce road traffic noise in the urban environment, according to a new study. The results suggest that greening of roofs and walls with materials suitable for growing plants softens the urban environment keeping sound levels low, whereas hard, manmade structures tend to amplify traffic noise. Full Article
pollution Reviewing the multiple impacts of noise pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 9:23:19 GMT While occupational exposure to noise has declined, ‘social’ exposure in the form of personal music players or rock concerts is estimated to have tripled for young people since the 1980s. A new review examines studies that have investigated noise sources, including environmental (e.g. traffic) and social (e.g. via headphones) sources. The review also explores research into the range of health effects beyond hearing impairments, such as annoyance and cardiovascular problems. Full Article
pollution Noise pollution may make people less likely to exercise By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 09:12:34 GMT Physical inactivity raises the risk of ill health, so environmental factors that reduce the level of physical activity in people should be of concern to policymakers as well as to individuals. A new study has associated long-term annoyance with transportation noise with reduced physical activity in Swiss residents, which may indirectly contribute to diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Full Article
pollution Air pollution from unconventional gas wells may affect human health By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 12:44:24 +0100 Residents living within half a mile of unconventional natural gas wells may have an increased risk of illness from exposure to air pollution from the wells, according to a recent study. The peer-reviewed study recommends that risk prevention efforts to minimise impacts on human health should concentrate on communities living and working close to wells during well completions and that further studies on health effects of exposures to air emissions from such projects should be carried out. Full Article
pollution Air pollution slows growth of coral reefs in the Caribbean By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:40:42 +0100 Periods of slow growth observed in coral reefs in the Caribbean are caused by aerosols in the air from pollution and volcanic activity, recent research suggests. Aerosols cause cooler sea surface temperatures and reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the coral, both of which slow coral growth. Full Article
pollution Climate change and pollution threaten fishing catches By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:34:37 GMT Warming of coastal areas due to climate change is already having an important impact on fishing catches in the North Atlantic, according to a new study. The study also suggests that rising levels of nitrogen pollution, due to run-off from farming and sewage disposal, will pose a serious threat to fisheries in the near future if left unchecked. Full Article
pollution Microplastic pollution's effects explored for two key marine species: mussels and lugworms By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2015 9:23:19 GMT Mussels exposed to high levels of microplastic pollution display signs of stress, new research has shown. However, levels of exposure were higher than found in the wild and no effect on the energy reserves of either mussels or lugworms was observed in the lab. tests. The researchers caution that longer experiments may be needed to reveal microplastics' full effects. Full Article
pollution Traffic noise pollution mapped with new mobile phone app By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 9:23:19 GMT A new mobile phone application which can help monitor traffic-noise exposure is presented in a recent study. The app, ‘2Loud?’, can measure indoor night-time noise exposure and, given large-scale community participation, could provide valuable data to aid urban planning, the researchers say. In an Australian pilot study, nearly half of participants who used the app found that they were exposed to potentially unhealthy levels of night-time noise. Full Article
pollution The economic impact of noise pollution on human health By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 13:52:53 GMT A recent report has assessed the latest research on the adverse affects of noise on health, focusing on approaches to estimating the economic cost of noise. This information could help policy makers tasked with designing cost-effective noise reduction and management policies. Full Article
pollution Costs of reducing phosphorus pollution in lakes By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 15:06:43 +0100 A recent study has assessed the costs and effectiveness of reducing phosphorus pollution for lakes in Scotland, UK, to achieve good ecological status as required by the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD). It was found that phosphorus in 72% of the lake area in Scotland could be mitigated at a cost of £5.7 million (€7 million) per year, which is considered a proportionate or reasonable cost given the resulting social benefits. Full Article
pollution Air traffic management to balance CO2 emissions and noise pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 12:01:52 GMT Speed constraints for aircraft are put in place, at some airports, to minimise noise pollution in local areas, however, such practices can be very fuel-inefficient. New research has now shown that relaxing departure speed limits could substantially reduce CO2 emissions, while maintaining acceptable noise levels. Full Article
pollution Tourist cruise ships increase atmospheric pollution in the Arctic By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 12:05:47 +0100 Levels of air pollution significantly increase on the island of Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic when tourist cruise ships are present, according to a recent study. With shipping levels rising in the region, the researchers recommend that stricter emissions regulations are introduced in order to limit the impact of pollution on the Arctic environment. Full Article
pollution Strict environmental law does not necessarily create pollution havens By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 10:24:18 +0100 Research has investigated whether the strictness of environmental legislation in different countries influences where industries choose to be located in Europe. Some evidence of the 'pollution haven' effect was found, but other factors determining industry location were often more influential. Full Article
pollution Reductions in nitrate pollution through better monitoring By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 16:17:39 GMT A better understanding of existing nitrate monitoring systems in European waters could greatly improve efforts to reduce nitrate pollution, a major cause of poor water quality, according to new research from Portugal. Full Article
pollution Action on air pollution benefits both climate and health By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 11:59:07 +0100 Measures designed to reduce levels of methane and black carbon in the atmosphere could help bring climate change under control more quickly than CO2 targeting measures alone, according to a new study. The researchers also predict wider benefits for human health and food security from methane-targeted measures. Full Article
pollution Farmers evaluate measures to reduce soil erosion and water pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:19:41 +0100 Farmers have collaborated with scientists in France to evaluate agri-environmental measures that reduce soil erosion and surface water pollution at a catchment level. The exercise helped the farmers understand the benefits of the measures and provides an example of how policymakers could engage with stakeholders under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Full Article
pollution Costs of reducing phosphorus pollution in lakes By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 15:07:48 +0100 A recent study has assessed the costs and effectiveness of reducing phosphorus pollution for lakes in Scotland, UK, to achieve good ecological status as required by the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD). It was found that phosphorus in 72% of the lake area in Scotland could be mitigated at a cost of £5.7 million (€7 million) per year, which is considered a proportionate or reasonable cost given the resulting social benefits. Full Article
pollution Water pollution: finding appropriate limits for particulate matter By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 12:42:13 +0100 One of the most common causes of water quality impairment is suspended particulate matter (SPM). A study by a team of UK researchers suggests that standards for SPM set by EU member states to help achieve the WFD should reflect the natural differences in the levels of this pollutant that are expected in contrasting environments. Their study provides hints as to how a potential alternative system for regulating SPM concentrations might be devised. Full Article
pollution Nitrogen pollution measures need tailoring to specific areas to ensure cost-effective results By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 11:51:29 GMT New research has shown that policy measures in Denmark have successfully reduced total nitrogen loading to 10 estuaries by 39% in recent decades. However, to fully meet the targets of the EU Nitrates Directive and comply with the EU Water Framework Directive in a cost-effective manner, further mitigation measures must be tailored and focused to particular areas. Full Article
pollution How much phosphorus pollution makes lakes unsafe for recreation? By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 12:09:21 +0100 A target level of 20 micrograms of phosphorus per litre of lake water could help keep many lakes safe for recreation by restricting the growth of harmful algal blooms, European research suggests. The scientists analysed the relationship between phosphorus levels in medium- and high-alkalinity lakes, the growth of cyanobacteria blooms and the concentrations of cyanobacteria that trigger World Health Organization (WHO) warnings. Full Article
pollution Agri-environment scheme cuts nitrogen pollution from beef farm in Ireland By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 11 June 2015 9:23:19 GMT Ireland's national agri-environment scheme can reduce nitrate leaching from beef farming, shows a recent study. Nitrate leached at an average rate of 17.3 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha) on studied plots which complied with the scheme. This compares with 63.1 kg/ha on intensively farmed plots. The programme can therefore help Ireland meet requirements of the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Nitrates Directive, the researchers suggest. Full Article
pollution Good water quality improvements in the River Seine – but more needs to be done to reduce nitrate pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:12:34 GMT Water policies at European and French national levels have led to a clear improvement in the water quality of the River Seine, a new study has found. A significant reduction in phosphate and ammonium pollution and increasing oxygen concentrations are evident. However, nitrate concentrations are still higher than the recommended level for good freshwater status, despite substantial reductions of surplus nitrogen in agricultural soils over the past few decades. The researchers recommend strengthening current agri-environmental management measures to help the river to return to a fully healthy status. Full Article
pollution Fish farm pollution damages seabed ecosystems By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 16:46:21 GMT New research from the Mediterranean suggests that marine ecosystems are disturbed by the organic food and faeces waste from fish farms, even when the pollutants themselves can no longer be detected. The study recommends calculating an individual pollution 'carrying capacity' for each type of marine habitat, and provides the first published estimate for a ma??rl habitat. Full Article
pollution Noise pollution affects pollination and chances of seed germination By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:36:52 +0100 A study on the effects of noise pollution from natural gas wells in the US reveals that it may have reduced the number of young trees growing locally by changing the types of animals that visit the area. However, in the same woodland environment, flowering plants pollinated by hummingbirds seem to benefit from the noise. Full Article
pollution Plastic pollution measured in Mediterranean seabirds By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 9:23:19 GMT Endangered Mediterranean seabirds are suffering from ingestion of plastic litter, a recent study has shown. Overall, 66% of 171 seabirds studied were found to have plastic fragments in their stomachs and the critically endangered Balearic shearwater was among the worst affected. Full Article
pollution Lugworms harmed by marine microplastic pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Microplastic pollution impairs the heath of the marine worms that help maintain sediments for other creatures, new research suggests. This study shows that the energy reserves of lugworms living in sediment contaminated with microplastic particles were reduced by up to 50%. Full Article
pollution Soil biodiversity reduces nitrogen pollution and improves crops’ nutrient uptake By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 9:23:19 GMT Increased soil biodiversity can reduce nitrogen pollution, improve nutrient uptake by plants and even increase crop yields, new research suggests. The two-year study found that levels of nitrogen leaching from soil with an abundant soil life were nearly 25% lower than for soil with a reduced level of soil life. Practices which enhance soil biodiversity such as reduced tilling, crop rotation and organic farming may therefore help reduce the environmental impacts of fertilisers and improve agricultural sustainability, the researchers say. Full Article
pollution Insights for urban planning — constructed wetlands sited near industry exposed to high levels of pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thur, 07 December 2017 9:23:19 GMT Constructed wetlands serve as a cost-effective and multi-purpose option for storm-water treatment in urban landscapes, offering flood protection as well as wildlife habitat. However, a new study shows that when nearby land use includes industry, wetlands can accumulate high levels of pollution and potentially become toxic to wildlife. This new piece of research offers important insights for the planning and management of wetlands. Full Article
pollution Identifying sources of metallic pollution to implement the WFD By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 14:24:49 GMT A new study has indicated that metallic pollutants in river basins have more sources than other dangerous substances. Sources include stormwater, industrial effluents, treated effluents, agricultural drainage, sediments, mining drainage and landfills. Full Article
pollution Urban biocide pollution rivals that of agricultural pesticides By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 16:48:03 GMT Pesticides and biocides can cause serious harm to aquatic ecosystems. A study by Swiss researchers has found that the levels of some common biocides entering wastewater and rivers from urban environments are similar to those of pesticides from agricultural land. Although smaller quantities are used in urban areas, similar total amounts escaped into surface waters. Full Article
pollution Effects of organochlorine pollution on animals take a long time to wear off By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 11:48:08 GMT Populations of otters, grey seals and sea eagles are slowly recovering in Sweden, which is likely to be thanks in part to a ban on organochlorine chemicals, such as PCBs and DDT, in the 1970s, according to a new study. However, the research shows that negative effects of these chemicals on the reproductive health of female animals persisted for more than 15 years after the ban was introduced. Full Article
pollution Evidence for effects of chemical pollution on riverbed invertebrates By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 12:06:55 GMT To date, it has been difficult to collect data that are robust enough to demonstrate specific effects of chemical pollution in rivers on aquatic wildlife. However, a recent study combining detailed chemical, toxicological and ecological data in three European river basins now provides evidence linking cause and effect by revealing significant differences in the effects of differently polluted sediments on the organisms living in the river basins and the riverbed biodiversity. Full Article
pollution Groundwater pollution in Europe: an overview By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:35:44 +0100 An overview of groundwater contaminants in Europe is provided by a recent study, which calls for more integrated monitoring using a range of indicators. Groundwater contamination presents serious health and environmental concerns. Full Article
pollution Nitrogen pollution models reviewed By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 9:23:19 GMT Computer models can be powerful tools when developing policies to address nitrogen pollution from agriculture. In a new study, researchers have made recommendations regarding the best design and use of these models to aid the effective implementation of European legislation on nitrogen. Full Article
pollution New guide to help reduce pesticide pollution in aquatic ecosystems By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 30 APR 2014 9:23:19 GMT Pollution from agricultural pesticides can present a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems. Researchers have now developed a guide to identify the most appropriate measures to reduce pesticides entering waterways. It focuses on reducing pesticide entry via spray drift or runoff. Full Article
pollution Halving EU meat and dairy consumption yields lower pollution and land use, and better health By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 9:23:19 GMT Halving meat and dairy consumption in Europe could reduce agricultural greenhouse-gas emissions by up to 42% and nitrogen pollution by 40%, new research suggests. The amount of land needed to grow food for each EU citizen would fall from 0.23 to 0.17 hectares and the reduced intake of saturated fats and red meat could have substantial health benefits, the researchers conclude. Full Article
pollution Almost half of EU freshwaters suffer from chemical pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 9:23:19 GMT The health of almost half of all European freshwaters is at risk from organic chemical pollution, finds new research. The study, a continental-scale risk assessment of the potential effects of toxic organic chemicals on freshwater ecosystems, based its conclusions on data for over 200 pollutants measured at 4000 monitoring sites across Europe. Full Article
pollution Nutrient pollution in Dutch streams is falling, but further reductions needed By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 05 Feb 2014 9:23:19 GMT Nutrient pollution in The Netherlands is falling as a result of national and EU policies, new research has shown. However, many waters still routinely fail to meet environmental quality standards. The study, which focused on the headwaters of 167 rivers where agricultural fertilisers are the main cause of pollution, showed that up to 76% of these did not meet water quality standards. Full Article
pollution Shipping oil pollution: new hazard mapping method developed By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 9:23:19 GMT A new method for mapping the spread of oil released by ships is presented in a recent study, where it is applied to the Adriatic and Ionian Seas of the Mediterranean. The method pulls together a range of data, including information on shipping routes, oil particle behaviour, currents and climate. In this case study, it reveals pollution hotspots in the south-western Adriatic Sea and north-eastern Ionian Sea. Full Article
pollution Pharmaceutical pollution levels in European rivers assessed By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2015 9:23:19 GMT Concentrations of three pharmaceuticals (ethinylestradiol, oestradiol and diclofenac), have been mapped in a recent study of European rivers. The researchers predict that levels of ethinylestradiol, a contraceptive and hormone replacement drug, could exceed the WFD's suggested environmental quality standards in 12% of the total length of Europe’s rivers Full Article
pollution Increased oestrogen pollution in European rivers could affect development of brown trout By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2015 9:23:19 GMT Brown trout (Salmo trutta) embryos exposed to oestrogen during development hatched earlier, grew more slowly and had a lower heart rate than unexposed individuals, according to a recent Swiss study. These findings may indicate that oestrogen pollution in some European rivers is contributing to the decline of wild populations of such species. Full Article
pollution Growth of algae affected by ocean acidification and nutrient pollution By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 9:23:19 GMT Ocean acidification and eutrophication may affect the growth of microscopic algae - phytoplankton - with knock-on impacts for marine food chains and fisheries, warns a new study. By growing phytoplankton under different scenarios the researchers found that phytoplankton species are affected differently according to the acidity and nutrient content of the water. Full Article
pollution Risks of biodiversity loss posed by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in European freshwaters By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 25 June 2015 9:23:19 GMT The risk of eutrophication as a result of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in Europe’s freshwaters fell by 22% in lakes and by 38% in rivers between 1985 and 2011, new research has shown. The researchers analysed data across 88 European river basins using a new statistical approach which could be used to help identify factors which increase eutrophication risks. Full Article
pollution Mussels: Biomonitoring tools for pharmaceutical pollution in the marine environment? By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 01 October 2015 9:23:32 GMT Pharmaceutical pollution of marine environments has important biological consequences for aquatic organisms. This study investigated the effects on mussels of treatment with environmentally relevant levels of an antidepressant, fluoxetine, and a beta-blocker, propranolol, using biomarkers including DNA damage. The results showed that mussels are most vulnerable to these drugs in combination. Full Article
pollution Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution alter the mutual relationship between corals and algae By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 09:11:38 GMT Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution change the relationship between the tropical coral Stylophora pistillata and the algae living inside its tissues, a recent study has found. The researchers say the pollutants, mainly from urban and agricultural discharges, affect algae photosynthesis and the essential transfer of carbon from algae to the coral. Full Article
pollution Increasing impact of oestrogen pollution through climate change and population growth By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Wed, 25 May 2016 10:10:10 GMT Oestrogens are ‘female’ hormones that can enter the aquatic environment after excretion by humans and animals, causing ‘feminisation’ of male fish. This study carried out a risk assessment for oestrogen-like endocrine disruption in the UK in the 2050s, based on likely changes to the human population, river flows and temperature. The authors found that risk is likely to increase under future conditions and recommend further research to assess whether improving sewage treatment could reduce oestrogen pollution. Full Article
pollution Marine biodiversity under threat from high levels of heavy metal pollution in Bay of Bengal By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:12:34 GMT Bangladesh’s economy is heavily dependent on ship recycling. However, the shipbreaking industry is polluting the Bay of Bengal, an area of high biodiversity. This study measured trace metals in sediments around the area, concluding that heavy metal pollution is at an alarming stage and an urgent threat to marine life. Full Article