
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Title: COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 12/31/1997 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/6/2022 12:00:00 AM


Christopher Vogt: Klimafreundlicherer Straßenverkehr funktioniert nicht über grüne Planwirtschaft


Antonio Resines Recibe el Premio de Honor en el IV Festival Internacional de Cine de Hellín

El IV Festival Internacional de Cine de Hellín (FECHE) se prepara para tomar el centro del escenario cultural del 16 al 22 de noviembre, convirtiéndose en un faro de actividades cinematográficas en la provincia de Albacete. Con una oferta que va más allá de las proyecciones de cine, el festival promete días repletos de cultura […]

Artículo publicado en : Antonio Resines Recibe el Premio de Honor en el IV Festival Internacional de Cine de Hellín


Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia

El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, ha manifestado su deseo de proponer al gobierno central una agenda clara destinada a mejorar la colaboración institucional con las comunidades autónomas. Este anuncio se realizó durante la firma de convenios con la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y la Universidad de Alcalá, en la que García-Page abordó la […]

Artículo publicado en : Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia


Invest in Bogota Presenta Agenda de Trabajo en Web Summit de Portugal para Atraer Inversionistas

Este lunes comenzó el Web Summit en Lisboa, Portugal, uno de los congresos de tecnología más destacados a nivel global. Con la participación de más de 3.000 empresas de 160 países y la asistencia de más de 1.000 inversores, el evento se perfila como un epicentro para el sector tecnológico mundial, reuniendo a un público […]

Artículo publicado en : Invest in Bogota Presenta Agenda de Trabajo en Web Summit de Portugal para Atraer Inversionistas


Ed Miliband's reply To Sonia Poulton.

I'm reading that lot of people seem to have taken a lot of negative things from Ed Miliband's reply to Sonia Poulton's letter regarding welfare reform and the new Work Capability Assessment that was signed by thousands of people including myself. I'm actually quite surprised by this as I thought for a letter from a Politician it was very positive and actually addressed what it said in the original letter directly, which is quite rare. Lets look at it again for a moment.

Dear Ms Poulton,
Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Work Capability Assessment, and my apologies for the delay in replying. Disabled people need support and compassion, and the Labour Party believes in a welfare state that fulfils this principle. The previous Conservative Government took the opposite approach and left many disabled people on Incapacity Benefit with little support to return to work where possible. It is also important to separate out ill health and disability from the decision not to work, which is taken by a distinct minority. For these reasons, the previous Labour Government introduced the Work Capability Assessment, and I am supportive of the principles behind this test.
However, I share some of the concerns that have been expressed about the test by you, along with many charities, disability groups and healthcare professionals.
These concerns, the high percentage of appeals, and Professor Malcolm Harrington’s expert reviews have shown that the test must be improved. The Government needs to listen to Professor Harrington’s advice, especially when his third review for 2012 comes out. 
We have also forced a vote in Parliament on the need to reduce the human cost of the wrong decisions that result from the WCA in its current form. Given the importance of this issue, I am keen that you discuss this further with the Labour Party and share with us some of the experiences of people going through the WCA that you have collected. Anne McGuire, my Shadow Minister for Disabled People, would be happy to arrange a meeting in order to do so. Please contact her on ********** to arrange a convenient time.
Thank you again for taking the time to get in touch on this issue.
Yours sincerely, Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP
I can see it's going to have been the first paragraph that has angered people so much, he is stating what the new WCA was meant to achieve there. I agree with the points he makes, there was little or no support for people wanting to return to work from incapacity benefit under the old system. I have always wanted to work and said that in every medical I ever had under the old system. The problem is that I have to have a job I can reliably do, and mental illness prevents me doing a lot of jobs.

The new system was supposed to support me to get back into work which I was pleased to hear, but when I finally had my assessment I was horrified to find they were trying to deny me ESA altogether. I was confident I would get into the work related activity group where I would still receive ESA for 1 year and attend groups and activities designed to help get back into work. I am now having to go through the stressful and uncertain process of appealing their decision, and I daily read about people who have severe physical disabilities or are even dying being declared fit to work.

If we lived in a Utopian society where every employer would pay for adaptations and carers for disabled people from their own profits to enable them to work, and every employer was trained in mental health issues and was sympathetic towards employees who suffer from them. If businesses could afford to employ people who may be absent because they are receiving medical treatment  or just too ill that day to show up, then it would work. Every disabled and mentally ill person would have a job and we'd all stand in a big circle with the able bodied and mentally well holding hands and sing "I'd like to teach the world to sing".

But here's the problem Ed, society is not like that, hate crimes against the disabled are being committed every day, employers can't afford to adapt buildings and employ carers without any funding available. And where are all these jobs we are supposed to be applying for anyway? There aren't even jobs for the able bodied who have just been made unemployed, let alone jobs for a woman like me who hasn't worked for 10 years because I'm mentally ill and prone to nervous breakdowns. And all the thousands of others who have even more severe metal illness's and physical disabilities, who is going to employ them Ed?

Even if I do make it to the Work Related Activity group, what will the people there actually be able to do for me to remedy these problems? Are the department for work and pensions even the best people to be in charge of such a thing? How are we going to change society enough in the one year I have to get me a job? There are thousands like me, nothing the DWP alone will be able to do will find us all suitable jobs. Money needs to be available to employers to enable them to employ us, and they need to be educated in the many and complicated needs of people who have mental illness and disabilities. More jobs need to be created to meet the demand for them, as we want to work Ed we really do, this minority of people who don't want to work are non existent Ed. Only someone who's never had to live on benefits would say something like that, it is a soul destroying experience and everything rests on the words of an anonymous decision maker who you will never meet.

So that's the bit that makes us angry fair enough, but he does go on to talk about the human cost of what is happening, so he's admitting things aren't right there in a veiled way. And he says that he has concerns about the high number of appeals, that's all we can really hope for, he's a politician after all. He's never going to turn around and just say "sorry everyone it's not working like it should have, we didn't think it through we'll go back to the drawing board", Politicians just don't do that. But there is hope that behind closed doors they are frantically reassessing what they've done and realising it is going horribly wrong. Bills have gone through parliament now though and thousands of people are suffering, if they admit they were wrong they will have to compensate everyone who has suffered, I can't see that ever happening. It will take years to undo the damage that has been done, the human cost has already been too great and will only get worse is the horrible truth.

It's not only the benefits system that has to change for this to work it's the very nature of employment and societies attitude to disabled people that has to change too, and that will take more than a year.   


Vijesti :: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub Slavonija

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub Slavonija
Postano: 12.11.2024. 16:53 (GMT 1)
Proteklog vikenda održano je Prvenstvo Hrvatske za žene i muškarce U-23 u Vukovaru. Dizački klub Slavonija predstavljali su 12 natjecatelja i natjecateljica.

- Stipe Živalj (kategorija do 61 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Urban Dergez (kategorija do 73 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Teo Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Tin Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Leo Štivić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 8. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Ivan Gazdić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 5. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Sven Kroflin (kategorija do 96 kg) – 1.mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Ema Štivić (kategorija do 64 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu•
- Željka Milković (kategorija do 71 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Blanka Jurić (kategorija do 76 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Anastasija Sarkić (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu
- Luna Varga (kategorija +87 kg) – 1. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu

Ovime je Dizački klub Slavonija kući nosio 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja. Osim pojedinačnog poretka, mogu se pohvaliti i ekipnim. Žene su odnijele 2. mjesto u ekipnom poretku, a muški 1. mjesto.

Čestitamo svim natjecateljima, posebno našim članovima. Neka nastave trenirati kao i dosad, predano i disciplinirano i rezultati će se pokazati sami, kažu iz kluba.

Tekst i foto: DK Slavonija


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:31 (GMT 1) Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek u studenom će organizirati pričaonice i kreativnu radionicu u Središnjoj knjižnici prema sljedećem rasporedu:

Središnja knjižnica (E. avenija 24, br. tel: 031/211-472)
"Prstići pričaju" (za korisnike od rođenja do 3 godine):
- Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati
- Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati

"Vrijeme za priču” (za korisnike starije od 3 godine):
- Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati
- Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati

Kreativna radionica (za korisnike starije od 6 godina):
- Utorak, 26. studenoga 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati
– "Kućica za ukrašavanje"


Vijesti :: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simptome

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simp
Postano: 13.11.2025. 20:15 (GMT 1) Ne postoji jedna tableta koja će smanjiti probavne tegobe i mogućnost razvoja probavnih bolesti, kaže nam odmah prof. dr. sc. Silvio Mihaljević, specijalist gastroenterologije iz Croatia poliklinike u Osijeku.

Kako navodi, stres, neredovita prehrana, hrana s puno masnoća i koncentriranih ugljikohidrata su sve redom faktori koji mogu dovesti do prolaznih probavnih tegoba, a, ako su pacijenti duže vremena izloženi nepravilnom stilu prehrane, mogu dovesti i do razvoja ozbiljnih bolesti, kao što su GERB, ulkusna bolest želuca i dvanaesnika, NASH, upalne bolesti crijeva, i slično.

Učestalost ovih problema pritom je sve veća. Primjerice, više od pola milijuna ljudi u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu ima upalnu bolest crijeva, od kojih su dva glavna oblika Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. One nastaju kada imunološki sustav napadne crijeva, uzrokujući niz iscrpljujućih simptoma od bolova u trbuhu i gubitka težine do proljeva i krvi u stolici.

Vrlo često se gore navedene bolesti razvijaju tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja s vrlo nespecifičnim tegobama u samom početku bolesti. Upravo je zato izuzetno važno obratiti pažnju na preventivne preglede, kaže prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević, jer postavljanje dijagnoze u ranoj fazi bolesti značajno doprinosi kraćem trajanju liječenja, manjom mogućnošću za razvojem brojnih komplikacija, a samim time i boljom kvalitetom života i puno kraćim izostankom s posla.

Uzmimo za primjer samo nealkoholnu bolest masne jetre, jednu od najčešćih uzroka kronične bolesti jetre te najbrže rastuće bolesti probavnog sustava. Prema posljednjim podacima, svaki četvrti građanin Hrvatske ima nealkoholnu masnu jetru kao posljedicu nezdrave prehrane, konzumacije alkohola i nekretanja. Prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević navodi stoga da je iznimno bitna redovita kontrola laboratorijskih nalaza koji ukazuju na funkciju jetre jer kronične bolesti nemaju značajnije probavne tegobe, nego samo blage i nespecifične smetnje kao brzo umaranje i opća slabost.

Te nespecifične simptome pacijenti ignoriraju tako da se vrlo često brojne kronične bolesti jetre pronađu u poodmakloj fazi kada je liječenje manje uspješno. Zbog svega navedenog redovite kontrole jetrenih nalaza su najbitnije u ranom otkrivanju kroničnih bolesti jetre”, kaže specijalist gastroenterologije.

Kako bi potaknula građane na preventivnu brigu o zdravlju, Croatia Poliklinika u Osijeku do kraja studenog omogućuje 20 posto popusta na endoskopske zahvate - gastroskopiju bez i s anestezijom i kolonoskopiju bez ili s anestezijom. Naime, osobe koje u anamnezi imaju rak nekog od organa probavnog sustava trebali bi u ranijoj životnoj dobi obavljati preventivne preglede svake dvije godine, a osobe starije životne dobi jednom godišnje. Brojni ljudi pritom odgađaju ranije spomenute endoskopske zahvate zbog neugodnosti ili straha, zbog čega prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević ističe da je važno pacijentima objasniti važnost obje pretrage jer se promjene koje se nađu tim pretragama vrlo često ne mogu dokazati nikakvim drugim laboratorijskim i radiološkim pretragama.

Kada im se objasni važnost navedenih pregleda te mogućnost dokumentiranja određenih promjena puno lakše će se odlučiti za navedene preglede. Prije gastroskopije možemo lokalno dati anestetik koji će u znatnoj mjeri umanjiti neugodnost samog pregleda, a prije kolonoskopije savjetujem uzimanje pola sata prije pregleda spazmolitika kako bi usporili peristaltiku crijeva i na taj način umanjili tegobe. Za one najzahtjevnije i najkompliciranije, oba pregleda možemo raditi u općoj anesteziji”, navodi prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević.

[Sponzorirani članak]


Antonio Volpon


Progettare applicazioni mobile

Non si ferma la pubblicazione nel blog Internet della BBC, già tema di un mio precedente intervento, di articoli che spiegano nel dettaglio il processo di progettazione di siti e servizi. Questa volta tocca all’applicazione iPhone del player che permette … Continua a leggere

L'articolo Progettare applicazioni mobile proviene da Fucinaweb.


Lady Sonia

Visit site

There are definite perks to a sensually hot, older female, as introduction for this internet-site makes clear through the tempting foreplay of its focal point in pleasure.

Inspected by: Missy
Read review »

  • Reviews > Older Women


Tulsa Tiki: the Kon-Tiki Koni

We now have a complete story of the origin and construction of the early 60s Tulsa coney drive-in, thanks to Jack and Mack Bettis and Patrick, Bill and Tom Lester. We're still looking for a photo of the giant smoke-belching Tiki head to go with the shot of co-creator Jim Lester at the Tiki hut. Also, new, separate Club Trade Winds/Tiki Nook and Jade East pages under the Tulsa Tiki banner.


Gary Chew reviews "The Illusionist"

It's 1959. The career of the magician in this marvelous, artfully animated feature film is quickly slipping over the horizon. He is alone, but can still find joy in kindness to a young girl he meets along his tour. Now in limited release.


Beatles film in Tulsa tonight

7 p.m. Thursday at the OSU-Tulsa campus: "The Everlasting Beatles". See the webmaster's footage of George Harrison in Tulsa, 1974. More in GroupBlog 327.


Silent Comedy in B.A. tonight

Jim Reid will be doing a show with the Tulsa Theater Organ Society at 7 pm on Friday, June 17 at the Broken Arrow campus of the Tulsa Technology Center at 129th E. Ave (Olive) and 111th St. He''ll be running his 16mm prints of what he considers the funniest silent shorts, accompanied by organists playing a vintage 1920s theater organ. More in GroupBlog 328.


"Rumble Fish" event downtown tonight

Coppola's 1983 "Rumble Fish", based on S.E. Hinton's novel, was filmed in downtown Tulsa. The characters in the film hang out at Benny's Billiards. A photo/video art installation will be unveiled at 8 pm tonight at 13 East Brady (site of Benny's). Circle Cinema is showing the movie at 11:00 pm. Meet and Greet at Caz's Chowhouse starting at 6 pm. More at the link.


Sherman Oaks at the Circle Cinema tonight

Tribute to Mazeppa with Jim Millaway ("Sherman Oaks") with a presentation of clips at the Circle Cinema, Monday, 7/15 at 8:30 pm.


"UHF" RSU-TV telethon tonight

7:00 pm Sat, 10/5: RSU-TV is running a live pledge drive celebrating the 25th anniversary of Weird Al's movie "UHF", shot in Tulsa. There will be actors from the movie, talent acts and surprises. Premiums include location tours hosted by Emily Elliott and myself. Channel 35.1 broadcast, 109 or 793 on Cox, 35 on DISH and DirecTV.Also streamed live on RSU's web site. Free tickets still available.


QA with Betty Thompson, KTUL receptionist

Brought to our attention by Hurst Swiggart, a nice story in the Tulsa World.


FinitySoft Network Monitor

Displays network adapters information. Free


Musics - SONIC IMPACT 5066

A stereophile friend of mine with $25,000 worth of sound-reproduction equipment in his house just went spontaneously gaga over the Sonic Impact T-Amp, a $30 15-Watt amplifier that "easily outperforms amplifiers that cost 100 times more." Apparently, audiophile reviewers (like this guy) (Google cache of previous link) took what was meant as a gimmick cheap battery-powered amp and have turned it into an overnight sensation, shipping thousands of units to a modder audience that are hacking their own aluminium enclosures and the like.
This amplifier is STUNNING. And the review could stop here. Considering shipping, customs fees, VAT etc you can pay 25-30 € max for this item (non-EU Countries, make your conversions). This means the T-Amp costs more or less than a Music CD. At this price, it should deliver a multimedia-like kind of sound and shouldn't even be considered on a HiFi mag like this one. I understand you can find it hard to believe but I can assure you I found it harder, being the skeptic and investigative guy I am.
Warning: this has been the most thrilling and incredible experience I've had with a component in, say, 25 years of HiFi listening. This website has existed since 1995, I've reviewed hundreds of HiFi components, inexpensive and ridiculously overpriced ones. I never - repeat - NEVER came across such a stunning piece of gear in all of these years.


LXer: Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 W Enhanced RP2350 Microcontroller with Wireless Connectivity

Published at LXer: The Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 W is an upgraded version of the RP2350 microcontroller, offering more memory and wireless connectivity while keeping the compact form factor of the...

  • Syndicated Linux News


LXer: Mission Center (Linux System Monitor) Now Reports Fan Info

Published at LXer: A major new release of Mission Center, a modern system monitor app for Linux desktops, has been released. Read More......

  • Syndicated Linux News


LXer: Linux 6.12 Hardware Monitoring Supports More OneXPlayer Gaming Handhelds

Published at LXer: The hardware monitoring "HWMON" subsystem updates for Linux 6.12 added some new drivers as well as adding new device support to some of the existing drivers. Read More......

  • Syndicated Linux News


How to connect 3 x HDMI Monitors to Raspberry PI 5 (RPI5) ?

Hello, How to connect 3 x HDMI Monitors to Raspberry PI 5 (RPI5) ? The Machine ARM, Power Beast : PI 5: Raspberry Pi 5 B 8GB 4x2.4GHz, There are 3 monitors, that need a HDMI converter. ...

  • Linux - Embedded & Single-board computer


Battery Reconditioning at Home

These days we are all looking for ways to save money and even to help the environment. If you came across this site you are most likely such a person and you already know how refurbishing old batteries can contribute to meeting these goals.

Battery reconditioning at home is the act of reviving batteries that seem to be out of juice. After you learn how to do this you can save a lot of money. You can also even make money doing this for others. There are one or two different methods depending on the type of battery. The cost to recondition are very low and the effort is minimal.

How To Recondition Batteries

recycled batteries

In doing some research on how to recondition batteries at home, I came across this guide: “How to Recondition Old Batteries and Save $$$” by Craig Orell. Note, this is only a review, if you are looking for his website

This complete guide provides an excellent value showing you how to recondition old batteries at home and bring them back to full working condition. This is great for car batteries, laptop batteries, the D batteries required for your old boom box … basically any kind with any volts. The guide covers the following concepts regarding fixing batteries, in detail:
  • refurbishing techniques for
  • general batteries
  • laptops
  • nicad batteries
  • lead acid batteries
  • deep cycling batteries
Reviewers comment on how they were about to throw out their old car battery and spend hundreds on buying a new one, but they found this guide and were a able to restore these batteries at little to no cost.

The best value in this guide is where it shows you where and how to buy old dead batteries and turn them into reconditioned batteries to make extra money.

At first I thought that this guide might be overpriced, $129.00, however it has recently been placed on a limited time offer to sell for $49.97. They also offer a money back guarantee, so there really is no risk in trying the guide to see if you can recondition batteries on your own. I have personally returned many products through the tool that this site uses to process their orders and returns and the process is extremely hassle free.

The editors also promise lifetime updates to anyone who purchases the guide, so if the guide is ever updated with new techniques or information, you will be notified.
To conclude, if you are looking for a way to save money by rejuvenating old batteries or if you want to start a business to make extra cash, this guide can show you how to do either or both. The guide shows everything you need to know including tools and supplies plus the procedure it takes to bring old batteries back to life.

Easy Methods to Extend Battery Life Information on refurbishing batteries at home.
Any battery used for an extended period will fail , however users often encounter the difficulty of untimely battery failure. This situation can be easily avoided if you follow some simple tips.
Most people think that if they power down their devices, battery life will be extended . Unfortunately, this often results in the opposite outcome . Devices consume more power when they are starting, so turning the device off is not always the best way to preserve the battery.
Follow the recommendations below for improved battery life:
  • Cars, Trucks, Boats, Etc
  • MP3 Players, PDAs, Laptops, Etc
For any battery, the most important factor to consider is the temperature . Ensuring that the battery is not exposed to high heat can extend the life. High temperatures lead to faster chemical reactions. In addition to the temperatures, a reduction in the number of discharge/charge cycles drastically helps battery service life.


The best way to extend the life of a car battery is to keep the battery charged at all times. It is also essential to protect the car battery from high under the hood temperatures . A proper case or heat shield can protect the battery. It is a good idea to check the electrolyte levels in the car battery on a regular basis during hot months.

A rising trend seems to be for car manufacturers to relocate the battery to be stored in the passenger compartment or in the trunk as a way of not storing it in the engine compartment to enhance the life. Obviously the battery stays much cooler if it is not stored in the engine. This strategy improves battery life as well.

Electronic Device

Battery life can be increased for cell phones, laptops, PDAs, mp3 players etc. by turning down the brightness when it is not needed. For example, when using these devices in a dark room, it is not necessary to set the brightness to 100%. The brightness can be lowered enough so that the screen can be seen without exerting any strain on the eyes can be done. The amount of time the backlight stays on can also be decreased. For iPods it doesn’t have to stay on for


RAF Honington in 1945

Royal Air Force Honington or more simply RAF Honington (IATA: BEQ, ICAO: EGXH) is a Royal Air Force station located 6 mi (9.7 km) south of Thetford near Ixworth in Suffolk, England. Although used as a bomber station during the Second World War, RAF Honington is now the RAF Regiment depot and home to the 1st Royal Tank Regiment.




A voir

  • Films and zik !!


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles Release Details

The good folks from Bandai Namco Europe have sent us details of the new action RPG That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles...


Mieszkanie do wynajęcia Bielsko-Biała, oś. Apartamenty Olszówka, ul. Kustronia

Status: WYNAJĘTE. Mieszkanie do wynajęcia Bielsko-Biała: 2 pokoje z msc. parkingowym. Nowe budownictwo Bielsko-Biała, oś. Apartamenty Olszówka, ul. Kustronia. Wynajem mieszkania.



Black Man's Kryptonite. Mista Souljah admires Miss Barbie's Sexy Blonde Bikini. Miami Hip Hop Memorial Day Urban Beach Weekend - A Pretty White Girl Wears an Attention Getting Hot Green Teeny Weeny Bikini - Copyright 2009 Jimmy Rocker Photography


Ep6: How to Cure Tendonitis

Hey there, fellow fitness enthusiasts! It's Marc, and today we're diving deep into the world of tendinitis. If you've ever felt that nagging pain in your tendons, you know it's no joke. But fear not, I've got your back! Let's break it down:

What is Tendinitis?

  • It's the inflammation of the tendon, often caused by overuse, injuries, or even your favorite sports like tennis or golf. I've personally battled with it multiple times, and trust me, it's a real pain (pun intended).

My Personal Tendinitis Journey:

  • I've had my fair share of flare-ups, especially in my left arm and shoulder. From snowboarding mishaps to intense workouts, tendinitis has been an unwelcome guest. But guess what? I've found ways to combat it and I'm here to share them with you!

Marc's Six-Step Tendinitis Recovery Plan:

  1. Cease and Desist: Identify the culprit exercise and take a break from it.
  2. Ice, Ice Baby: Apply ice to the affected area for short durations. It's a game-changer!
  3. Heat Creams: I'm a fan of AST BioFreeze, but Tiger Balm works wonders too.
  4. Support: Invest in braces or supports to immobilize the area.
  5. Ultrasound: A little device that can make a big difference.
  6. Deep Tissue Massage: It might hurt a bit, but the relief is unparalleled.

The Pro Athlete Mindset:

  • Ever wondered how professional athletes bounce back from injuries so quickly? It's not just about the money or the drugs. It's about the mindset, the resources, and the determination to heal and recover.

Final Thoughts:

  • Tendinitis might slow you down, but with the right approach, you can bounce back stronger than ever. Remember, it's not about avoiding the pain but finding ways to heal and grow from it.

Got questions or want to share your tendinitis story? Shoot me an email at Marc@JustAskMarc.com. And don't forget to check out the blog for more fitness stories and tips. Stay strong and keep pushing those boundaries! ????????

Note: Always consult with a medical professional before trying any new treatments or remedies.


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Sites Mentioned in this Episode


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Beautiful Santa Monica


Wow has it been a while or what? I've been singing
karaoke and working on a new job. Haven't had much
time to travel.

On my next post, I want to share with you when I went
to the I Cugini Restaurant by the Santa Monica Pier.

I'll locate my cord so I can post pictures. If you've
never listened to The Wave, you may be unaware that
may Jazz listeners gather at the I Cugini and Spagatini
(spelling) restaurants to listen to live Jazz for a Sunday

Okay, I won't rattle on. Stay tuned for the pics.

The Drifter


Venuses and Adonis

An amorous Adonis waltzes amongst Victorian venuses who appear bemused as his pride comes before a fall.


DJ Lory Electronic Chart (Novembre 2006)

DJ Lory Electronic Chart (Novembre 2006)


Electronic Chart Dicembre by DJ LORY

Electronic Chart Dicembre by DJ LORY


Christian Smith - Ekspozicija 05: Tronic Treatment

Christian Smith - Ekspozicija 05: Tronic Treatment


Exclusive Auction for Lititz Family Cupboard Restaurant Equipment – Ends Tonight at 8 PM ET

For over 20 years, the beloved Lititz Family Cupboard Restaurant has served the Lititz community with hearty Pennsylvania Dutch-style comfort food. Now, the restaurant is closing its doors and auctioning off its entire contents. The public auction is live now and will close tonight, Tuesday, November 12, starting at 8:00 PM ET. Bidders can participate right now, online through PCI Auctions. Originally opened as the Toll [PR.com]


Borderless Renewables Re-Emerges with Key Insights Into Decarbonised Electrification Policy Frameworks

After a period of focused scientific research, Borderless Renewables is re-emerging with pivotal insights into the policy frameworks essential for advancing decarbonised electrification. The global energy landscape is witnessing a rapid transformation, marked by the economic value of the electricity industry surpassing that of petrochemicals. Market projections from Allied Market Research and Precedence Research reveal [PR.com]


Viewsonic VG2230vm

A few days ago I ordered a Viewsonic VG2230 22" widescreen LCD for about $300 from www.newegg.com It replaces an ancient 19" Viewsonic G790 CRT display. I also have a little 15" Gateway LCD as a secondary monitor. So far I'm loving this new monitor. I have a lot more room to do stuff, and games look awesome on it. It is plugged into a DVI port on my Radeon x1950 Pro. I briefly ran Quake 4 and Half Life 2. I ran F.E.A.R. Combat but it insisted on running on the secondary display. I hope I can resolve this later. I still need to try Bioshock on this thing. This monitor can swivel on its base, and it has a height adjustment that can go pretty high. It has some speakers I will never use. This monitor will improve the many, many hours I spend on my computer. Now I just need to upgrade my secondary monitor.


The Best? Growing Hydroponic Orchids!

Yes, stress free orchid growing - wow that's great and here it is.


Hunter Biden was indicted Thursday on nine charges – including three felonies

Hunter Biden was indicted Thursday on nine charges – including three felonies | 7 Dec 2023 | Hunter Biden was indicted Thursday on nine charges – including three felonies – in part for allegedly dodging over $1 million in taxes while living a hard-partying “extravagant” life over a four-year period. The three felonies leveled against […]


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Triumph Santa Monica

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