
President Eisgruber writes to the Princeton community about the state of the University and planning for the academic year ahead

Princeton will decide in early July whether the undergraduate teaching program will be online or residential in the fall term. The University is exploring ways to safely and responsibly reopen Princeton’s laboratories, libraries and other facilities when state law permits. 


Brian Dennehy's 'Driveways' Performance Is Gruff, Graceful — And A Goodbye

Dennehy, who died April 15, plays a suburban widower who befriends a mother and her son in one of his last films. It's the kind of deeply lived-in performance that Dennehy was known for.


Brian Dennehy's 'Driveways' Performance Is Gruff, Graceful — And A Goodbye

Dennehy, who died April 15, plays a suburban widower who befriends a mother and her son in one of his last films. It's the kind of deeply lived-in performance that Dennehy was known for.


Under Jon Gruden, the Raiders are disappearing into a statistical black hole

A sputtering offense and a bad defense is causing the Raiders to be outscored by nearly eight points per game after adjusting for strength of schedule.

gru | Trump calls HHS whistleblower disgruntled, politically motivated

Rick Bright, head of an agency tasked with developing coronavirus drugs, has said administration ignored his warnings.


AT#253 - Hurtigruten Cruise to the Coast of Norway

The Amateur Traveler talks to Jeremy from Palm Beach Gardens Florida who talks to use about cruising up the Norwegian coastline into the Arctic Circle on a Hurtigruten cruise. Jeremy lives someplace warm so when he and his wife travel they often travel someplace cold so cruising into the small fjords of Norway during the Winter appealed to them. Hurtigruten started as the boat that delivered the mail to the isolated villages on the coast of Norway (which it still does) but added passenger and ferry service also.


The report of the GRULAC Workshop on the Detection and Identification of Living Modified Organisms is available.


CBD News: Opening Remarks by the CBD Secretariat at the GRULAC Regional Consultations in Support of the Finalization of the International Regime on Access & Benefit-sharing, 15-16 January 2010, Panama City, Panama.


Branko Grunbaum Remembered--A Great Geometer!


Lars Hernquist and Volker Springel receive $500,000 Gruber Cosmology Prize

(Yale University) The 2020 Gruber Cosmology Prize recognizes Lars Hernquist, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, and Volker Springel, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, for their defining contributions to cosmological simulations, a method that tests existing theories of, and inspires new investigations into, the formation of structures at every scale from stars to galaxies to the universe itself.


Recipients of 2020 Gruber Cosmology Prize announced

(International Astronomical Union) The Gruber Cosmology Prize, which is co-sponsored by the IAU, recognises scientists whose discoveries have driven fundamental advances in our understanding of the Universe. The 2020 prize has been awarded to Lars Hernquist and Volker Springel for their pioneering work on cosmological simulations, which have not only led to their own discoveries, but also become an invaluable resource used widely by other researchers.


Grumpy old doctors

Those who rise to the top in medicine see themselves as hardworking extroverts with a caring nature, suggests an unscientific analysis of the answers given by contributors to BMJ Confidential. But ask about their pet hates and another, less nurturing, side emerges. We gathered 6 former confidentialists in The BMJ studio to moan over mince...


Northrop Grumman awarded $123.5M to integrate Navy LAIRCM system

Northrop Grumman received a $123.5 million contract modification Friday to integrate the Department of Navy Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures system onto aircraft for the U.S. military and two allied governments.


Northrop Grumman, Raytheon partner for Next Generation Interceptor bid

Northrop Grumman Corp. and Raytheon Missiles and Defense will partner to develop the Defense Department's next missile interceptor, they announced on Monday.


Ask Ariely: On Team Tragedy, Airport Anxiety, and Grumpy Gift-wrapping

Here’s my Q&A column from the WSJ this week — and if you have any questions for me, you can tweet them to @danariely with the hashtag #askariely, post a comment on my Ask Ariely Facebook page, or email them to ___________________________________________________ Hi Dan, I have a hard time watching...


Caterpillars, moths and their plants ; of southern Australia / Peter McQuillan, Jan Forrest, David Keane, Roger Grund ; editors: Judith Lydeamore, Penny Paton, Peter Lang (plants), Peter Marriott (moths) ; illustrations: Howard Hanson ; layout: Jan Forres

Caterpillars -- Australia, Southern -- Identification -- Pictorial works.


Diagnose und Therapie der Krankheiten des Menschen : mit Zugrundelegung der Lehren und Recepturen der ersten medicinisch-chirurgischen Autoritäten, und Anführung von 1500 Receptformeln im metrischen Gewichte, nebst einem Anhange über Balneo

Wien : M. Perles, 1878.


Diagnostik der inneren Krankheiten auf Grund der heutigen Untersuchungs-methoden : ein Lehrbuch für Äerzte und Studirende / von Oswald Vierordt.

Leipzig : F.C.W. Vogel, 1888.


Diagnostik der inneren Krankheiten auf Grund der heutigen Untersuchungs-methoden : ein Lehrbuch für Äerzte und Studirende / von Oswald Vierordt.

Leipzig : F.C.W. Vogel, 1894.


Die Behandlung der crouposen Lungenentzundung : nach den Grundsatzen des Professors von Jurgensen in Tubingen / von H. Wehberg.

Berlin : Heuser, 1889.


Die Behandlung der Tuberculosen Wirbelentzundung nebst Pathologischen Erfahrungen auf Grund von 700 Fallen / von Julius Dollinger.

Stuttgart : Enke, 1896.


Die Cellular-Pathologie in ihren Grundlagen und Anwendungen betrachtet / von Moses Raffael Levi ; aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Moriz Berger.

Braunschweig : F. Vieweg, 1865.


Die Cholera Asiatica, deren, Ursachen, Behandlung und Verhütung auf Grund der während der 1866 er Epidemie in der Seidau bei Budissin gemachten Erfahrungen / monographisch dargestellt von Carl Julius Büttner.

Leipzig : Duncker & Humblot, 1868.


Die Continuität des Keimplasmas als grundlage einer Theorie der Vererbung : ein Vortrag / August Weismann.

Jena : G. Fischer, 1892.


Die Entstehung des Lebens : aus mechanischen Grundlagen entwickelt / von Ludwig Zehnder.

Freiburg i. B. : J.C.B. Mohr, 1899-1901.


Die Entzündung und Verschwärung der Schleimhaut des Verdauungskanales, als selbständige Krankheit, Grundleiden vieler sogenannten Nervenfieber, Schleimfieber, Ruhren u.s.w., und als symptomatische Erscheinung vieler acuten und chronischen K

Berlin : T.C.F. Enslin, 1830.


Die künstliche Frühgeburt bei Beckenenge. Auf Grund von 60 Fällen aus der Kgl. Universitäts-Frauenklinik zu Tübingen / von Otto Sarwey.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1896.


Die Lehre von den Naseneiterungen : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Erkrankungen des Sieb- und Keilbeins und deren chirurgische Behandlung / von Ludwig Grunwald.

Munich : J.F. Lehmann, 1893.


Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage für die Theorie der Musik / von H. Helmholtz.

Braunschweig : F. Vieweg, 1865.


Die menschliche Zelle : Grundzüge ihrer Daseins und ihrer Gesundheitspflege-Cellular-Biologie und Cellular-Hygiene / von Carl Francke.

Leipzig : G. Thieme, 1891.


Die operative Ausräumung des Bulbus venae jugularis (Bulbusoperation) in Fällen otogener Pyämie / von K. Grunert.

Leipzig : Vogel, 1904.


Die Otitis media neonatorum vom anatomisch-pathologischen Standpunkte : eine auf Grund der Sectionsergebnisse von 80 Kinderleichen entworfene Schilderung / von Robert Wreden.

Berlin : C. Nohring, 1868.


Die Pathologie des Sympathicus auf physiologischer Grundlage / bearb. von Albert Eulenburg und D. Paul Guttmann.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1873.


Die Schrift : Grundzüge ihrer Physiologie und Pathologie / von Albrecht Erlenmeyer.

Stuttgart : A. Bonz, 1879.


Die Syphilis wahrend der Periode ihrer Initial- und Fruhformen und deren Behandlung : auf grund von Fournier's "Lecons sur la syphilis" / dargestellt von Emanuel Kohn.

Wien : L.W. Seidel, 1875.


Die Verdaulichkeit der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel auf Grund mikroskopischer Untersuchungen der Faeces / von F. Schilling.

Leipzig : H. Hartung, 1901.


Die Verwertung der Fäcesuntersuchung für die Diagnose und Therapie der Säuglingsdarmkatarrhe nach Biedert : auf Grund zahlreicher eigener Beobachtungen für den praktischen Gebrauch / von Paul Selter.

Stuttgart : Enke, 1904.


Dr. Joh. Wendt's praktische materia medica als Grundlage am Krankenbette und als Leitfaden zu akademischen Vorlesungen.

Breslau : W.G. Korn, 1833.


Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Lesestörungen auf Grund eines Falles von Dyslexie / von S. Weissenberg.

Berlin : L. Schumacher, 1890.


Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiethe der Krankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechtes. Nebst Grundzügen einer Methodenlehre der Geburtshülfe / Franz Carl Nagele.

Mannheim : T. Loeffler, 1812.


Tibet: worshippers in a temple kneeling before statues of the Dalai Lama and the deity Manippe. Engraving by N. Parr, 17--, after J. Grueber.

[London?], [between 1700 and 1799?]


Tibet: the King of Tangut and the Dalai Lama. Engraving by N. Parr, 17--, after J. Grueber.

[London?], [between 1700 and 1799?]


The Klemm family : descendants of Johann Gottfried Klemm and Anna Louise Klemm : these forebears are honoured and remembered at a reunion at Gruenberg, Moculta 11th-12th March 1995.

Klemm (Family)


Holey Cow Product! Swiss Gruyère Claims Cheese Championship

This is the cheesy content readers crave


Congruence of Reproductive Concerns Among Adolescents With Cancer and Parents: Pilot Testing an Adapted Instrument

Survival takes precedence for adolescent patients with cancer and their families. Patients may not discuss their treatments’ potential to damage their reproductive capacity, which has significant psychological late effects in survivorship.

Strong reproductive concerns of adolescents with cancer may not be captured on current health-related quality of life instruments and may be neglected by parents’ unawareness. Parent-proxy reports of adolescent reproductive concerns are not suitable for capturing specific emotions and feelings. (Read the full article)


Uluslararası Kriz Grubu Türkiye'deki PKK çatışmasının insani maliyeti ile ilgili bir rapor yayınladı.

Türkiye devleti ile uluslararası alanda terör örgütü olarak kabul edilen PKK arasındaki çözüm sürecinin çökmesi, Temmuz 2015’te çatışmaların yeniden başlaması ve daha sonra derinleşen şiddet sarmalı, yeni bir çözüm sürecinin inşasını hiç olmadığı kadar gerekli kılıyor.


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