
Baptism Into Data: Orthodox Christian Reflections and Comparisons with Evangelical Evangelism

In this presentation, Fr. Andrew compares the data-centered efforts of Evangelical Protestant Evangelism, with the church-centered efforts of Orthodox Evangelism.


Theophany and Evangelism (Sermon Jan. 4, 2015)

On this Sunday before Theophany, Fr. Andrew speaks of how the feast prepares us to evangelize both ourselves and others.


Lenten Evangelism #1: The Publican and Pharisee (Sermon Feb. 1, 2015)

On this first Sunday of the Triodion, Fr. Andrew begins his 10-part sermon series on evangelism and the Lenten Triodion, showing how humility is the key to making a good beginning.


Lenten Evangelism #2: The Prodigal Son (Sermon Feb. 8, 2015)

In the second part of his series on evangelism and Lent, Fr. Andrew shows how the parable of the Prodigal Son is useful for evangelizing both ourselves and others.


Lenten Evangelism #3: The Last Judgment (Sermon Feb. 15, 2015)

On this Sunday of the Last Judgment, Fr. Andrew continues his series on evangelism by discussing how the Judgment is part of our preaching of the Gospel.


Lenten Evangelism #4: Forgiveness and the Expulsion from Paradise (Sermon Feb. 22, 2015)

On this Forgiveness Sunday, continuing his series on Lenten evangelism, Fr. Andrew discusses the Expulsion from Paradise as a key element of the Gospel, as well as forgiveness as the path back to Paradise.


Lenten Evangelism #5: Come and See (Sunday of Orthodoxy) (Sermon Mar. 1, 2015)

On this Sunday of Orthodoxy, Fr. Andrew asks what we really mean when we say 'Come and see' in our evangelism.


Lenten Evangelism #6: St. Gregory Palamas and the Paralytic (Sermon Mar. 8, 2015)

On this Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas, Fr. Andrew discusses both the saint and the Gospel reading on the healing of the paralytic in terms of evangelism—moving from what is good to what is better.


Lenten Evangelism #7: The High Priest on the Cross (Sermon Mar. 15, 2015)

On this Sunday of the Adoration of the Cross, Fr. Andrew discusses Christ's sacrificial priesthood and how that integrates into our evangelism of the world.


Lenten Evangelism #8: Renunciation of the World and Evangelism (Sermon Mar. 22, 2015)

On this Sunday of St. John of the Ladder, Fr. Andrew discusses renunciation of the world as a necessary element of the evangelistic enterprise.


Lenten Evangelism #9: The Journey of Mary of Egypt to the Cross (Sermon Mar. 29, 2015)

On this Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Andrew discusses how her story and our place in her story relate to Christ's journey to the cross and what this means for our evangelism.


Lenten Evangelism #10: Palm Sunday and the City of Man (Sermon Apr. 5, 2015)

On this Palm Sunday, Fr. Andrew completes his Lenten series on evangelism with a meditation on our entrance into the City of Man along with our Lord Jesus.


What is Orthodox Evangelism?

Fr. Andrew speaks at St. Philip Orthodox Church in Souderton, Pennsylvania.


Be Loved: Living Like John the Evangelist & Theologian

How can we see and share love on a college campus? Hear as OCF Student Leadership Board members share their thoughts about love. Danielle brings it all together with a discussion of "the disciple whom Jesus loved", the holy Apostle and Evangelist John.


Exploring the Relevance of St. Morwenna's Journey to Our Lives with Laura Jansson

In this episode, Danielle speaks about St. Morwenna with Laura Jansson, contributor to the book Seven Holy Women. They discuss the significance of prayer, vulnerability, and struggle within the faith, and how we can apply lessons from St. Morwenna's life to our own Orthodox journey.


EVANGELISM: How Many Orthodox Does It Take To Change A Light bulb?

The Great Commission just doesn't apply to us, right?



Fr. Joseph speaks from hot and muggy Houston about the theology of elevators. Going up?


Evangelism is the Answer!

In this episode Fr. Anthony interviews Bill Marianes, a gifted evangelist and lawyer (don't hold that against him; or at least pray for him because of it). Bill argues that the best way to bring energy and growth to our parishes is to reorganize ourselves around ministries and transform members into disciples, apostles, and ministry leaders. Bill has shared this vision with several dioceses and is currently working with the UOC-USA to implement it through their strategic planning process. Enjoy the show!


Healthy Parishes Part One - The Mechanism of Evangelism

Fr. Anthony ones again shares the idea of the pattern of the Logos as the mechanism of evangelism. This is the first part of a talk he gave at the 2018 Lenten Retreat in Bethlehem PA hosted by the Ukrainian Orthodox League (UOC-USA) and The American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America. Enjoy the show!


Can the Western Rite help Evangelize America?

Today Fr. Anthony Perkins and Subdeacon and Evangelist Adam Roberts talk about the Western Rite and whether it is capable of becoming an organic expression of a uniquely American Orthodoxy. You can see the films that we talk about at orthodoxwest.com. Enjoy the show!


Preparing for Evangelism (and other hard times)

Fr. Anthony interviews Fr. John Peck (http://frjohnpeck.com) about the joys and challenges of North American missionary work and ways that those called to it can get themselves and their families ready for it and the many challenges it - and life - can bring. We talk about the need to get out of debt and how important it is to have an awesome, loving, and mutually supportive relationship with your wife. Enjoy the show!


Bill Black on the Effects of Dependency on Evangelizing Western Kenya

This conversation with Bill Black, OCMC Missionary to Kenya, was recorded during the International Orthodox Theological Association conference in Iasi, Romania (9-12 January 2019). Bill gave a talk on this subject at the conference and was gracious enough to take time away from the sessions to talk about it for the podcast. Enjoy the show!


On Worship, Parish Culture, and Evangelism

In this interview, Fr. Anthony and Dn. Michael Abrahamson talk about the relationship between a healthy parish culture, worship done well (to the glory of God), and evangelism. Along the way, they talk about funerals, the organic development of local worship melodies, and the simple joy of shared service. Enjoy the show!


Fr. Theophan on the evangelical power of being nice

Fr. Theophan (St. Job of Pochaiv parish in Los Alamos, NM) makes a case for treating others the way we would have them treat us, giving evidence that being patient and kind is a good and healthy way to live and spread the the Gospel. Enjoy the show!


Communion, the Coronavirus, and Evangelism

Despite our intention and our ability to justify our words, our witness has been damaged by our response to this crisis. We run the very real risk of strengthening the misperception that Orthodoxy is at odds with science. This episode grew out of the result of several long discussions Fr. Anthony had with believers who had been hurt and driven away by claims that are, in the language they know, illogical and dangerous. Fr. Anthony makes the case that we need to learn the language our audience speaks so that we can teach them the Gospel in way they will understand. You can find the article this episode is based on at orthoanalytika.org. Enjoy the show!


Dn. Tim Kelleher on Good Storytelling as Evangelism

Join Fr. Anthony as he talks with Dn. Timothy Kelleher about his roles on Independence Day and Star Trek: The Next Generation (he was also on Voyager and Enterprise) and how good storytelling is always evangelical. Enjoy the show!


Evangelism according to St. Isaac the Syrian

Too often we say that we love the sinner but hate the sin; however in practice, I don’t think the sinners can tell the difference. May God help us to care for the bodily needs and to lovingly honour our neighbours, especially those we disagree with, and let us strive in appropriate measure to be diligent in our life of prayer and in our ascetic disciplines so that even without a word we may influence our neighbour to turn from what is evil to what is beautiful.


Episode 170: Dear Evan Hansen

The girls discuss the Broadway-to-Silver-Screen musical, Dear Evan Hansen. They touch on themes such as the role of social media in trying to be authentic, the complexity of the human person, and the need for community in support.


Toward Sexual Dignity and the Elevation of Women

Fr. John explains how the Church cultivated a higher level of sexual dignity and explores how Christendom served to elevate women in Roman society.


The Evangelical Character of Byzantine Iconography

Fr. John introduces the principle of heavenly orientation and then explores actual forms of art, beginning with iconography.


Evangelism means “Good News”

In a world which feasts and frenzies on the bad news and misfortunes of others, Fr. John Parker encourages us to keep ever before us the truly and eternal Good News: that Jesus Christ became man and took on flesh for the salvation of the world.


Cyber Evangelism

Today Fr. John Parker reads a letter from a lady he met who was effectively using cyber technology to evangelize.


A Discussion on Outreach and Evangelism

Fr. John leads a discussion at a Diocese of the South (OCA) luncheon where attendees share their experiences.


Worship as Evangelism

In this episode, Fr John Parker discusses the difference between ‘worship evangelism’ and ‘worship as evangelism’, and encourages us to offer to God the most beautiful worship of which we are capable, and to ‘get out of the way’ for visitors—so that they can encounter God.


Preaching and Evangelism

In this episode, Fr. John interviews Fr. Sergius Halvorsen, professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Fr. Sergius discusses the vital link between solid preaching and evangelization.


The Evangelism of Mary

On this holy day when we celebrate the Annunciation of the Mother of God, Fr. John Parker reflects on the evangelistic meaning of the feast.


Orientation, Disorientation, Reorientation:  evangelization report at the All American Council

Fr. John shares an update from the Department of Evangelization with the 18th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, July 2015.


Ashamed of God?: The Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross

Today we read Galatians 2:16-20 and Mark 8:34-9:1 in the light of King David’s humiliation in 1 Samuel (Kingdoms) 21 and Psalm 33/34. Coming to terms with our fear of shame, our possible embarrassment concerning the faith, and the shame that Jesus our Lord bore helps us to take up our own crosses, and so share in Christ’s glory.


St. Luke the Evangelist and What “Is Written”

This week, in the middle of the season of Luke’s gospel, and looking forward to Luke’s feast-day, we consider the many uses that Luke makes of the Old Testament Scriptures, and his careful attention to what “is written” there so that we may better know the LORD. His intimate knowledge of the Old Testament is an indication of its importance, and how we should aspire to know and understand it better.


Saint Matthew the Evangelist and Apostle

"Saint Matthew the Evangelist and Apostle," from The Four Evangelists by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Saint Mark the Evangelist

"Saint Mark the Evangelist," from The Four Evangelists by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Saint Luke the Evangelist

"Saint Luke the Evangelist," from The Four Evangelists by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Saint John the Theologian and Evangelist

"Saint John the Theologian and Evangelist," from The Four Evangelists by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Meet the Evangelists

132. Meet the Evangelists: Christina Book Series by Maria Khoury (CDK Publications, 2009)


Fr. Michael Reagan on Common Evangelical Questions (Part 1)

Questions evangelicals want to ask the Eastern Orthodox, with Fr. Michael Reagan.


Fr. Michael Reagan on Common Evangelical Questions (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion with Fr. Michael Reagan, about questions evangelicals have for the Orthodox.


The New Orthodox Faithful: Why Evangelical Christian University Graduates Are Becoming Orthodox

The Orthodox Church is seeing an influx of graduates from Evangelical Christian colleges and universities, exploring traditional forms of historic Christianity. In this program Kevin Allen discusses this trend with two graduates of BIOLA University (Jesse Cone and Michael Unruh) who were recently chrismated.


‘Classic Evangelical' Discovers Ancient Faith

Join host Kevin Allen in his interview with Ancient Faith Radio founder and Chief Operating Officer of Conciliar Media Ministries, John Maddex, about his fascinating journey to the ancient faith of Orthodoxy after 30 years as a evangelical radio executive and self-professed "classic Evangelical Protestant Christian"!


156: Orthodox & Evangelical Relations: Where are we?

Dr Bradley Nassif, a “pioneer of Orthodox-Evangelical Dialogue” talks with host Kevin Allen about “where things are” formally and informally between The Orthodox Church and Evangelical Christians. Kevin asks the question: “What is an Evangelical?”


136: Baptist Missionary Confronts Long-held Evangelical Tenets - Part 2

Listen to part 2 of Kevin's interview with Fr. James Early