
Former Middle School Students Score Big as Their Invention Hits the Global Market after Winning Inventionland's Invention Contest

From winning their middle school invention contest to triumphing in the Regional Invention Contest, Mia and Madison journey with their product to the global market is a testament to their exceptional talent!


Former Middle School Students Score Big as Their Invention Hits the Global Market

Winning Inventionland Education's Invention Contest Catapults Students to Licensing Agreement and International Rollout.


Griddly's Got Eight Ingredients to JUST ADD to Holiday Fun

All eight Griddly Games' JUST ADD (science + art) activity kits are now in stock and on special display


Gamma Sports Announces the Launch Of Quantum Pickleball Paddle Series

GAMMA Pickleball, a leading pickleball paddle brand, has launched the new Quantum Series paddle line, featuring four stylish performance pickleball paddles. GAMMA is the first national brand to launch a paddle line that embraces every player regardless of their skill level, price point, and desired design.


GAMMA Sports Launches Fusion Pickleball Paddles Exclusively at Target

GAMMA Sports, a leading manufacturer of premium pickleball paddles, is excited to announce their collaboration with Target stores nationwide to launch a new line of Fusion pickleball paddles. The paddles will be available at all Target locations nationwide this July.


Midland, GA Author Publishes Children's Book

Two Smalls Dogs Go on an Adventure of a Lifetime!


Revolutionizing Art with Sustainability: Camm Solutions Partners with MemoriesForArt for 3D Printed, Eco-Friendly Astronaut Buddha

Camm Solutions (www.camm.org) has developed a globally scalable alternative to plastic and plastic packaging that is fully compostable, biodegradable and recyclable. The patented CAMM material contains zero microplastics, toxins, or eternal chemicals. CAMM has the potential to halve plastic waste globally. UN Organisation UNIDO defined it as global solution for microplastics.


Friendly Reminder: "Prices don't drop when inflation eases"

Many people I talk to are eager for "prices to get back to normal", but that's not how inflation works. Medora Lee does a good job reminding us of that.

When talking about inflation, it's important to remember that inflation is a rate that measures how fast prices are rising. If the consumer inflation rate drops from its 40-year high of 8.6% in May, prices are still rising - just not as fast.

Consumers won't feel immediate relief even as the inflation rate slows because many of those elevated prices are likely here to stay, said Michael Ashton, managing principal at Enduring Investments in Morristown, NJ.

"The price level has permanently changed," said Ashton. "Until your wages catch up (to inflation), it will continue to hurt."

Even when inflation returns to target 2% levels, prices won't return to "normal" 2019 levels. Prices will continue to grow, but at a slower and more predictable rate.

"Once core prices go up, generally they don't come down," Roussanov said. "In the last 40 to 50 years, we've never seen deflation in core goods. Most durable goods and services don't really come down in price."

And deflation is more dangerous than inflation because it can lead to a total economic collapse. When people believe that their money will buy more in a year than it will now, they stop consuming and just wait.

Additionally, modest, predictable inflation is seen as a sign of a growing economy. It incentivizes people to spend money now rather than waiting, allows wages to increase either in line or above inflation to boost the standard of living and makes it easier for businesses to plan, according to the Federal Reserve and IMF.

  • Business & Economics


Infekcje szkodliwym oprogramowaniem typu infostealer

Przestępcy próbują doprowadzić do infekcji komputera ofiary wszelkimi możliwymi sposobami. Bardzo częstym wektorem ataku są masowo wysyłane emaile zawierające złośliwe załączniki, które mają zostać otworzone i uruchomione przez ofiarę.


Rekomendacje dla wzmocnienia ochrony systemów OT

CERT Polska wydał rekomendacje w związku z obserwowaną zwiększoną liczbę ataków na przemysłowe systemy sterowania (ICS/OT) dostępne bezpośrednio z internetu.


Podatność w oprogramowaniu Redlink SDK

W oprogramowaniu Redlink SDK firmy Vercom S.A. wykryto podatność typu Resource Injection i nadano jej identyfikator CVE-2024-6051.


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States Rated for Small Business Friendliness

All else being equal, would-be entrepreneurs should consider moving to Idaho, Texas, Utah, or Virginia, and fleeing California, Illinois, and Rhode Island. The first four states received A+ grades for small-business friendliness in a study published this week by local services startup Thumbtack and the Kauffman Foundation. The last three states got Fs.

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8 Steps to Wildly Productive Mornings

1. Manage your energy, not your time.
If you take a moment to think about it, you will probably realize that you are better at doing certain tasks at certain times. For example, my creative energy is highest in the morning, so that is when I do my writing each day.

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Google Mobile Friendly Algorithm Gives Small Businesses The Advantage

Despite the warning, a number of extremely well known brands are still scrabbling to minimise the impact of Google’s mobile algorithm update, leaving smaller businesses with the advantage as long as they do not panic according to leading UK and US Search experts.

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What Makes Texas The Most Small Business-Friendly State, And Rhode Island The Least

For the fourth year running, California and Rhode Island earned an F in a massive survey of small business owners rating state and local governments’ friendliness to small business. At the other end of the spectrum, also for the fourth year in a row, Texas and Utah earned an A+ from entrepreneurs.

What matters to small business owners? Nearly 18,000 entrepreneurs surveyed by Thumbtack.com said: Chamber of Commerce-style training and networking; regulatory and licensing simplicity, helpful government websites to cut red tape, and taxes.

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SEO 101: 5 Things Small Business Owners Should Know About #SEO Friendly Web Design

As a small business owner getting ready to build your first website or redesign your existing one, you might wonder what you should be considering in terms of making your web design search engine friendly.

There are lots of things to take into account, but here are the five key things that you should know about SEO friendly web design and how it can benefit your visitors, too!

1. It Needs to be Responsive
For small businesses, especially local ones, having great rankings in mobile search is incredibly important. Why? For starters, 50% of consumers who perform a local search on mobile devices visit a store within a day of their search. What’s even more exciting is that 78% of mobile searches for local business lead to offline purchases.

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The Inspiring Way This Small Business Owner Handled Social Media Backlash

The founder of a multiracial beauty company shares how she coped after her “personal and professional victory” angered many fans.

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3 Ways Entrepreneurs Are Making IoT More User-Friendly

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly evolving technology sector. As the popularity of connected devices increases with consumers, the number of entrants into the market grows. But rapid growth and iteration have had some unintended consequences in the IoT space, especially when it comes to usability.

IoT More Friendly


The 7 Deadly Sins of Small Business Marketing

Everybody makes mistakes, but some mistakes are worse than others. Some mistakes are almost deadly—to your marketing, at least.

The following seven mistakes are dire enough to make your marketing fail. But the good news is once you know how to spot them and avoid them, your marketing has a dramatically better chance of success.

So keep reading, apply what you learn here, and carry on. You’ve got a business to promote

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Americas Love Affair With Small Business Rekindled

Bloom Brewery is the kind of Main Street business that shut its doors a generation ago when shopping malls lured customers to their mega-buildings with well-lit parking lots, extended hours and everything imaginable under one roof.

The brewery, which offers 24 artisanal beers on tap, sits near the Great Allegheny Passage, a 335-mile bike trail that has connected Washington, D.C., to Pittsburgh since 2013. And with it, a new kind of customer is being drawn through its doors, seeking comfort and community instead of big-box discount deals.

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How to Handle Late Paying Clients with Ease Using These Tips

The holidays puts everyone in a celebratory mood — or almost everyone. For small business owners, the celebration may be tempered by stress over unpaid invoices. My business is lucky: Lots of our clients are scrambling to issue payments before year-end to finish off their fiscal years. But for other small businesses, freelancers and entrepreneurs in the B2B world, getting paid this time of year is an ongoing struggle.

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How to Overcome these 4 Small Business Hurdles this Year

The beginning of the year is a great time to make resolutions for your small business. Whether you’re launching a new product or implementing a new technology, you are setting goals and working hard to achieve them. The New Year could also be the perfect time to fix internal issues that are holding you back from success. Below is a list of common business hurdles that arise in small business and how you can overcome them.

Hurdle #1: Trying to do everything yourself

There are a lot of tedious tasks involved in keeping a small business running smoothly – like running payroll, approving time off requests, and so on.

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5 Deadly Sins That Can Wreck Your Franchise – and How to Avoid Them

The food and beverage industry is a tough game. Sixty percent of restaurants don’t make it past their first year, and 80 percent go out of business within five years. Those are hard odds.

Franchising takes some of the risks out of the equation by giving you a proven model to work with. But being a franchisor with a proven model under your arm does not mean you’re suddenly bulletproof or immune to the laws of economics. If you start making unforced errors, you are going to fail.

Here are the five reasons most people fail as the owner of a franchise. Avoid these deadly sins at all costs:

Sin 1: Financial complacency
Sin 2: Operational obtuseness
Sin 3: Poor hiring choices
Sin 4: Myopic risk management
Sin 5: Mediocre offerings


Sandra Redmann: Die Günther-Regierung muss endlich aufwachen - Wir fordern eine landesweite Tierschutzkonferenz


Christopher Vogt: Klimafreundlicherer Straßenverkehr funktioniert nicht über grüne Planwirtschaft


Ole-Christopher Plambeck: Oktober-Steuerschätzung schafft zusätzlichen Handlungsbedarf


Vijesti :: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simptome

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simp
Postano: 13.11.2025. 20:15 (GMT 1) Ne postoji jedna tableta koja će smanjiti probavne tegobe i mogućnost razvoja probavnih bolesti, kaže nam odmah prof. dr. sc. Silvio Mihaljević, specijalist gastroenterologije iz Croatia poliklinike u Osijeku.

Kako navodi, stres, neredovita prehrana, hrana s puno masnoća i koncentriranih ugljikohidrata su sve redom faktori koji mogu dovesti do prolaznih probavnih tegoba, a, ako su pacijenti duže vremena izloženi nepravilnom stilu prehrane, mogu dovesti i do razvoja ozbiljnih bolesti, kao što su GERB, ulkusna bolest želuca i dvanaesnika, NASH, upalne bolesti crijeva, i slično.

Učestalost ovih problema pritom je sve veća. Primjerice, više od pola milijuna ljudi u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu ima upalnu bolest crijeva, od kojih su dva glavna oblika Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. One nastaju kada imunološki sustav napadne crijeva, uzrokujući niz iscrpljujućih simptoma od bolova u trbuhu i gubitka težine do proljeva i krvi u stolici.

Vrlo često se gore navedene bolesti razvijaju tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja s vrlo nespecifičnim tegobama u samom početku bolesti. Upravo je zato izuzetno važno obratiti pažnju na preventivne preglede, kaže prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević, jer postavljanje dijagnoze u ranoj fazi bolesti značajno doprinosi kraćem trajanju liječenja, manjom mogućnošću za razvojem brojnih komplikacija, a samim time i boljom kvalitetom života i puno kraćim izostankom s posla.

Uzmimo za primjer samo nealkoholnu bolest masne jetre, jednu od najčešćih uzroka kronične bolesti jetre te najbrže rastuće bolesti probavnog sustava. Prema posljednjim podacima, svaki četvrti građanin Hrvatske ima nealkoholnu masnu jetru kao posljedicu nezdrave prehrane, konzumacije alkohola i nekretanja. Prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević navodi stoga da je iznimno bitna redovita kontrola laboratorijskih nalaza koji ukazuju na funkciju jetre jer kronične bolesti nemaju značajnije probavne tegobe, nego samo blage i nespecifične smetnje kao brzo umaranje i opća slabost.

Te nespecifične simptome pacijenti ignoriraju tako da se vrlo često brojne kronične bolesti jetre pronađu u poodmakloj fazi kada je liječenje manje uspješno. Zbog svega navedenog redovite kontrole jetrenih nalaza su najbitnije u ranom otkrivanju kroničnih bolesti jetre”, kaže specijalist gastroenterologije.

Kako bi potaknula građane na preventivnu brigu o zdravlju, Croatia Poliklinika u Osijeku do kraja studenog omogućuje 20 posto popusta na endoskopske zahvate - gastroskopiju bez i s anestezijom i kolonoskopiju bez ili s anestezijom. Naime, osobe koje u anamnezi imaju rak nekog od organa probavnog sustava trebali bi u ranijoj životnoj dobi obavljati preventivne preglede svake dvije godine, a osobe starije životne dobi jednom godišnje. Brojni ljudi pritom odgađaju ranije spomenute endoskopske zahvate zbog neugodnosti ili straha, zbog čega prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević ističe da je važno pacijentima objasniti važnost obje pretrage jer se promjene koje se nađu tim pretragama vrlo često ne mogu dokazati nikakvim drugim laboratorijskim i radiološkim pretragama.

Kada im se objasni važnost navedenih pregleda te mogućnost dokumentiranja određenih promjena puno lakše će se odlučiti za navedene preglede. Prije gastroskopije možemo lokalno dati anestetik koji će u znatnoj mjeri umanjiti neugodnost samog pregleda, a prije kolonoskopije savjetujem uzimanje pola sata prije pregleda spazmolitika kako bi usporili peristaltiku crijeva i na taj način umanjili tegobe. Za one najzahtjevnije i najkompliciranije, oba pregleda možemo raditi u općoj anesteziji”, navodi prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević.

[Sponzorirani članak]


Digg It! Digg Headlines 24/7


Political FootBall Headlines

SHOULD BE an interesting contest someday. Schwarzenegger and Affleck both vieing for the presidency. Ben Affleck is rumoured to be running for senator in Virginia next year. His spokespeople deny it, but in the next breath also say "he would be a superb candidate for public office in the future"...

IS IT A COINCIDENCE that Brown criticizes everyone else except himself or Bush and is still on the FEMA Payroll...

FEMA REINVENTS the word "charity" and plans to use taxpayer money to reimburse churches and other religious organizations that provided shelter, food and supplies to survivors...

FORMER FEMA DIRECTOR Michael Brown blames others for most of the government failures in responding to Hurricane Katrina, especially Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin...

RESIDENTS OF the Texas refinery towns hit hardest by Hurricane Rita are blocked from returning to their homes because of danger from debris-choked streets, toppled power lines and a shortage of ice and generators...

DONALD TRUMP'S EMPIRE continues to expand, but his newest addition is on the home front. The 59-year-old real estate mogul and TV reality star's wife Melania, is pregnant...

CHINA DEFENDS its new restrictions on online news content, saying that every country regulates the Internet...

UNIVERSAL, EMI, Warner, Sony BMG and local subsidiaries have entered into mediation with Baidu.com, China's largest Internet search engine, over the recording companies' claims of copyright infringement....



Liveblog zu Neuwahlen: ++ Merz fordert grundlegende Politikwende ++

CDU-Chef Merz hat die Regierungserklärung des Bundeskanzlers scharf kritisiert und sich für ein Umsteuern in der deutschen Politik ausgesprochen. Scholz bestätigte den Zeitplan für die Vertrauensfrage. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Endless loop in virtual pinball

I captured a YouTube video of an odd glitch on the Wii while playing Gottlieb Hall of Fame pinball.


Jesus Is My Happiness Infant/Toddler T-Shirt

This Infant/Toddler T-Shirt can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


3D Biohazard Symbol Infant/Toddler T-Shirt

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Infant / Toddler T-Shirt - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


Smiley Face Infant/Toddler T-Shirt

Share the warmth and happiness of a friendly smile with all those around you with this Smiley Face Infant / Toddler T-Shirt - It's back! The ever popular, the ever lovable, the ever friendly the totally universal smiley face is back once again. Only this time it's in the new and improved wonderful and modern 3d design. Maybe your face isn't always shining with a smile, even if you are smiling inside, but this design will help you share your internal or external smile. People around you and those that see you will more than likely grin and smile back at you as they see the smile that you are sporting on your shirt, coffee cup or other 3d smiley face designed accessory. Share the warmth and happiness of a friendly smile with all those around you directly and indirectly.


Canadian Biker Cross Infant/Toddler T-Shirt

Infant/Toddler T-Shirt Featuring the Canadian Flag Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross - A maltese biker cross made from the Canadian flag for those bikers, chopper riders and motorcylists that are proud to be from Canada as they ride their motorcycles, scooters, choppers and bikes not only in Canada, but around the world. Makes an excellent gift for anyone that is from Canada, is Canadian and loves the freedom that can only be found on two wheels.


Christian Maltese Biker Cross Infant/Toddler T-Shirt

Infant/Toddler T-Shirt with the Christian biker maltese iron cross shows your faith in Christianity while showing your love of motorcycles and the freedom that both Jesus and motorcycling brings - The Christian biker maltese iron cross style cross will help you show the world your faith and belief in Christianity and at the same time show your love for motorcycles and the freedom that both Jesus Christ and motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for Christian motorcyclists, bikers, motorcyclists, motorcycle riders, and anyone else that believes in Christianity and likes Harley Davidsons, Triumphs or any other motorcycle, choppers.


Gas Storage Area Infant/Toddler T-Shirt

This DANGER: Gas Storage Area Toddler T-Shirt will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - The "DANGER: Gas Storage Area" industrial 3D metal style sign design may or may not speak for itself. Although, most probably get the general idea that someone may have eaten the wrong type of food last night or they do often. This design may also be a great gift and working shirt for the local gas station attendant. Whatever the motivation, it is guaranteed to warn others of the dangerous gas storage area and it will also get many laughs time and time again.


Handle With Care Warning Ash Grey T-Shirt

WARNING: Handle With Care Ash Grey T-Shirt - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Baseball Jersey

WARNING: Handle With Care Baseball Jersey - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning BBQ Apron

WARNING: Handle With Care BBQ Apron - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Beer Stein

WARNING: Handle With Care Beer Stein - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Button

WARNING: Handle With Care Button - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Calendar Print

WARNING: Handle With Care Printed Calendar - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Dog T-Shirt

WARNING: Handle With Care Dog T-Shirt - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Fitted T-Shirt

WARNING: Handle With Care Fitted T-Shirt - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Golf Shirt

WARNING: Handle With Care Golf Shirt - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Hooded Sweatshirt

WARNING: Handle With Care Hooded Sweatshirt - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


Handle With Care Warning Infant Creeper

WARNING: Handle With Care Infant Creeper - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!