
Climate change legislation passed by MSPs

The Bill was passed in Holyrood with 105 votes to zero with seven Scottish Green MSPs abstaining.


Alex Salmond: The Man Who Changed Scotland

Those who knew him remember the man whose dream it was to lead Scotland to independence.


The Stirling doctor who changed the lives of diabetics

Dr Reith came up with the idea for insulin pens, which soon replaced syringes as the way to take the drug.


'Third of NI farms' hit by inheritance tax change

Andrew Muir says Labour's first budget in 14 years is "bad" for farmers.


Stamp duty change expected to spark homebuying rush

Nationwide predicts a fifth of first time buyers will pay the tax going forward, affecting activity.


Watered down changes approved for Exeter bus lane

Councillors water down and approve plans to expand operating times of a bus lane in the Devon city.


The author whose life changed at 40

Steve Price from Bracknell's life changed when an operation cured him of his chronic pain.


Ex-miner calls for 'unjust' pension payment change

The government will boost pensions of ex-miners on the MPS scheme, leaving out those on the BCSSS.


News roundup: iOS Orientationchange Fix, JavaScript Patterns, jQ.Mobi

Listen to this week's podcast (January 20, 2012)! iOS Orientationchange Fix jQuery Mobile's Scott Jehl has released iOS-Orientationchange-Fix (read his blog post). This has been a persistent annoyance on iOS since its release. You may be familiar with the mobile viewport tag, which allows you to properly fit sites to ...


Did the change of start time affect your ability to watch the Brazilian GP? | Debates and Polls

F1 did something it has never done before last weekend and moved a race start time earlier. But did that affect your ability to watch?

  • Debates and Polls


Traducteurs indépendants : quels changements pour 2017 ?



Tout comme l’ouverture des soldes et la galette des rois, c’est désormais un rituel du mois de janvier : le début de l'année marque l'entrée en vigueur de nouvelles règles et la revalorisation des seuils applicables aux entreprises françaises. Afin de vous éviter de perdre trop de temps à glaner les informations concernant notre activité, j’ai réuni dans ce billet celles qui intéressent les traducteurs et interprètes exerçant leur activité en tant qu'indépendants.


nouveaux seuils pour les MICROentreprises

Courant 2016, Emmanuel Macron, alors ministre de l’Économie, souhaitait tripler le montant maximal du chiffre d’affaires de la microentreprise (ex-autoentreprise). Son successeur, Michel Sapin, prévoyait quant à lui de les doubler. Finalement, la loi de finances pour l’année 2017 se contente d’une simple revalorisation des seuils, dont voici les nouveaux montants, ainsi que les taux de prélèvement à prendre en compte :


Plafonds 2016 2017

Montant maximal du chiffre d'affaires perçu

pour bénéficier du régime de la microentreprise)

32 900 € 33 100 €
Plafond majoré en cas de dépassement du chiffre d'affaires 34 900 € 35 100 €

Revenu fiscal de référence pour bénéficier du prélèvement

libératoire forfaitaire de l'impôt sur le revenu (par part du foyer fiscal)*

26 631 € 26 764 €

Chiffre d'affaires annuel minimum pour valider

quatre trimestres de retraite

9 743 € 8 873 €

Taux forfaitaires du régime micro-social :

- versement libératoire des charges sociales

- versement libératoire de l'IR

- contribution à la formation professionnelle (CFP)


22,9 %

2,2 %

0,2 %


22,9 %

2,2 %

0,2 %

(*) Revenu fiscal de référence de l'année N-2 (cf.

Nouveau plafond de la sécurité sociale

Le plafond de la sécurité sociale sert au calcul de certaines cotisations sociales des entrepreneurs individuels, notamment :

  • le seuil de chiffre d’affaires pour l’exonération du paiement de la CSG-CRDS, des allocations familiales et de la contribution pour la formation professionnelle (CFP),
  • le plafond de revenu pour la cotisation minimale de l’assurance maladie-maternité et de l’assurance vieillesse,
  • le calcul du taux de cotisation applicable pour l’assurance vieillesse de base et la CFP, et
  • la base forfaitaire de calcul de la cotisation d’assurance maladie-maternité en début d’activité.

Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, il s'élève à 3 269 € par mois, soit une hausse de 1,6 % de son niveau en 2016.

Plafond de la sécurité sociale 2017
Annuel 39 228 €
Trimestriel 9 807 €
Mensuel 3 269 €

Pour les montants exacts des seuils et des plafonds applicables au calcul de cotisations sociales des professions libérales en 2017, visitez le

site du service public.


augmentation de la prise en charge du FIF PL

Bonne nouvelle ! Cette année, le FIF PL (Fonds interprofessionnel de formation des professionnels libéraux) relève son plafond de prise en charge des frais de formation professionnelle pour les traducteurs et interprètes (code NAF : 7430 Z). Il s’établit désormais à 1 200 € par an (prise en charge au coût réel, plafonnée à 300 € par jour et limitée à 1 200 € par an et par personne).


Voici le détail des prises en charge :

Prise en charge formation professionnelle 2017
Document Adobe Acrobat 487.9 KB

transfert des traducteurs affiliés à la cipav au Rsi ?

La loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2017 a été promulguée le 23 décembre dernier. Son article 33 (devenu 50) qui proposait de transférer au RSI une partie des professions libérales non réglementées affiliées à la CIPAV (dont les traducteurs) a fait l’objet d’une saisine du Conseil constitutionnel orchestrée par cette dernière, ouvertement opposée à une mesure qu’elle considère comme « dangereuse pour son avenir et celui de l’ensemble des caisses de retraite des professions libérales ». Le Conseil constitutionnel a jugé que la liste des professions affiliées à la CIPAV devait obligatoirement être définie au niveau de la loi et non par simple décret, comme le prévoyait le Gouvernement.


En jugeant contraires à la Constitution les dispositions de l’article 50 du PLFSS 2017, le périmètre d’action de la CIPAV reste donc inchangé. Cependant, certains des aménagements destinés à faciliter ce transfert ont été conservés dans le texte de loi. Au vu de la mauvaise réputation du RSI et des promesses de réforme des différents candidats à l’élection présidentielle, la situation pourrait donc évoluer. À suivre !


À propos de l'auteur

Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années comme conseillère pour les PME, Gaëlle Gagné est devenue traductrice indépendante en 2005. À la tête de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs dans un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires.


Le changement climatique, facteur aggravant du trafic d'êtres humains

(Belga) La multiplication des désastres météorologiques, qui pousse sur les routes des millions de personnes, est aujourd'hui l'une des "causes principales" du trafic d'êtres humains, selon un rapport onusien publié mardi, évoquant également les risques posés par la guerre en Ukraine.

"Le changement climatique accroît la vulnérabilité au trafic", souligne cette étude de l'Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), basée sur la collecte des données de 141 pays sur la période 2017-2020 et l'analyse de 800 affaires judiciaires. Au fil du temps, "des régions entières vont devenir inhabitables", ce qui "affecte de manière disproportionnée" les communautés pauvres vivant essentiellement de l'agriculture ou de la pêche. Elles se retrouvent "privées de leurs moyens de subsistance et contraintes de fuir leur communauté", devenant une proie facile pour les trafiquants, a expliqué à la presse en amont de la publication Fabrizio Sarrica, auteur principal du texte. Rien qu'en 2021, les catastrophes climatiques ont provoqué le déplacement interne de plus de 23,7 millions de personnes, tandis que de nombreux autres ont dû partir à l'étranger. Le rapport cite des typhons dévastateurs aux Philippines, ou encore le Bangladesh, particulièrement exposé aux cyclones et tempêtes. Dans les deux pays, une hausse des cas de trafic a été constatée, avec par exemple l'organisation de "larges campagnes de recrutement" pour piéger dans le travail forcé les plus démunis. Le Ghana, victime de sécheresses et d'inondations, et la région des Caraïbes, soumise aux ouragans et à la montée du niveau de la mer, sont aussi en première ligne. Autre terrain propice au trafic, les conflits armés. Si l'Afrique est de loin le continent le plus touché, l'instance onusienne pointe une situation potentiellement "dangereuse" en Ukraine, tout en saluant les mesures prises par les pays de l'Union européenne pour accueillir et protéger les millions de réfugiés. (Belga)


En pleine crise du covid-19, l'Assemblï¿œe change les rï¿œgles des CDD et prï¿œcarise un peu plus les salariï¿œs

L'information est ᅵ lire sur le site de Mediapart : le 15 mai, alors que l'Assemblᅵe est en train de voter la poursuite de l'ᅵtat d'urgence sanitaire, les dᅵputᅵs de la Rᅵpublique en...


Making Information Systems less Scrugged: Reflecting on the Processes of Change in Teaching and Learning


“Hour of Code”: Can It Change Students’ Attitudes toward Programming?

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science organized by, a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science. This study investigated the impact of the Hour of Code on students’ attitudes towards computer programming and their knowledge of programming. A sample of undergraduate students from two universities was selected to participate. Participants completed an Hour of Code tutorial as part of an undergraduate course. An electronic questionnaire was implemented in a pre-survey and post-survey format to gauge the change in student attitudes toward programming and their programming ability. The findings indicated the positive impact of the Hour of Code tutorial on students’ attitude toward programming. However, the students’ programming skills did not significantly change. The authors suggest that a deeper alignment of marketing, teaching, and content would help sustain the type of initiative exemplified by the Hour of Code.


International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management


Exploring Change and Innovation by ICT Teaching Staff in the New Zealand Polytechnic Sector


Challenge or Chaos: A Discourse Analysis of Women’s Perceptions of the Culture of Change in the IT Industry


Contextual Factors and Administrative Changes


Curriculum Change and the Evolution of Postgraduate e-Business Subjects


Timely Informing Clients of the Impact of Changes in Their Business Environment


An Ad-Hoc Collaborative Exercise between US and Australian Students Using ThinkTank: E-Graffiti or Meaningful Exchange?


Making a Case for Change Management Theory to Support IS/IT Curriculum Innovation


Changes in Public Institutions as a Function of Technology and Its Impact on Society

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this article is to establish the different impacts of technological changes in institutions generating irrevocable changes in today’s society. Background: Technological changes have had a positive impact on many aspects of everyday life today, and it is natural that both public and private institutions benefit from this reality. Methodology: The research method used is based on the explanatory approach, through the documentary review of secondary sources and research works. Contribution: The implementation of electronic government in Ecuador is presented as a direct consequence of these technological developments with ways to direct and govern a country, which leads to competitive advantages in a world that is increasingly globalized. Findings: In the institutions the only permanent thing is change, for which the changing and evolving fact that the public and private institutions of today must have is highlighted. Recommendations for Practitioners: Results can inform to users the importance of the “new government” in a practical level. Recommendation for Researchers: The influence of technology on how to govern and if this in some way improves the functioning of the State. Impact on Society: Technological developments, which leads competitive advantages in a world that is increasingly globalized. Future Research: Create discussion and have a starting point to compare the influence of technological government in different parts of the world.


Gender Differences among IT Professionals in Dealing with Change and Skill Set Maintenance


Applicability of Process Maps for Simulation Modeling in Business Process Change Projects


Change management in information systems projects for public organizations

It can be argued that public organizations, in order to provide the public with sufficient services in the current, highly competitive and continuously evolving environment, require changes. The changes that become necessary are often related to the implementation of information systems (IS). Moreover, when organizations are faced with changes, a change management (CM) process needs to be put in place. CM theories that are currently available to practitioners and academics are often contradictory; they mostly lack empirical evidence and are supported by unchallenged hypotheses concerning the nature of the contemporary CM. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to identify critical success factors (CFSs) for CM in IS projects. In order to reach this aim an explanation of changes in public organizations and the nature of CM are presented. Following this, a framework of CFSs for CM in IS projects are identified based on the literature review. The paper also examines two IS projects and uses them to demonstrate CFSs influencing CM in IS projects in Polish pubic organizations. A discussion of the research findings is provided and the paper concludes with a presentation of the study’s contributions and limitations as well as the stream of future work.


Predicting Software Change-Proneness From Software Evolution Using Machine Learning Methods

Aim/Purpose: To predict the change-proneness of software from the continuous evolution using machine learning methods. To identify when software changes become statistically significant and how metrics change. Background: Software evolution is the most time-consuming activity after a software release. Understanding evolution patterns aids in understanding post-release software activities. Many methodologies have been proposed to comprehend software evolution and growth. As a result, change prediction is critical for future software maintenance. Methodology: I propose using machine learning methods to predict change-prone classes. Classes that are expected to change in future releases were defined as change-prone. The previous release was only considered by the researchers to define change-proneness. In this study, I use the evolution of software to redefine change-proneness. Many snapshots of software were studied to determine when changes became statistically significant, and snapshots were taken biweekly. The research was validated by looking at the evolution of five large open-source systems. Contribution: In this study, I use the evolution of software to redefine change-proneness. The research was validated by looking at the evolution of five large open-source systems. Findings: Software metrics can measure the significance of evolution in software. In addition, metric values change within different periods and the significance of change should be considered for each metric separately. For five classifiers, change-proneness prediction models were trained on one snapshot and tested on the next. In most snapshots, the prediction performance was excellent. For example, for Eclipse, the F-measure values were between 80 and 94. For other systems, the F-measure values were higher than 75 for most snapshots. Recommendations for Practitioners: Software change happens frequently in the evolution of software; however, the significance of change happens over a considerable length of time and this time should be considered when evaluating the quality of software. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should consider the significance of change when studying software evolution. Software changes should be taken from different perspectives besides the size or length of the code. Impact on Society: Software quality management is affected by the continuous evolution of projects. Knowing the appropriate time for software maintenance reduces the costs and impacts of software changes. Future Research: Studying the significance of software evolution for software refactoring helps improve the internal quality of software code.


Coevolution of trust dynamics and formal contracting in governing inter-organisation exchange

Recently, interest in the correlation between 'contract' in transaction governance and 'trust' in relational governance mechanisms has been growing. This study focuses on issues related to the evolution of contract and inter-organisational trust dynamics in transaction governance and uses mixed research method to investigate sectors related to transaction governance in Taiwan's electronics industry. The study finds higher flexibility in contract implementation to be a promoter of trust between two parties in a relationship, thereby promoting project execution efficiency in the case of Taiwanese firms. Organisational management differs between the East and West; therefore, Western firms should understand how various contractual provisions can be used to accommodate different transactions when cooperating with Taiwanese electronics companies.


Meta-Data Application in Development, Exchange and Delivery of Digital Reusable Learning Content


Course Coordinators’ Beliefs, Attitudes and Motivation and their Relation to Self-Reported Changes in Technology Integration at the Open University of Israel


Implementing Technological Change at Schools: The Impact of Online Communication with Families on Teacher Interactions through Learning Management System


Teachers in a World of Change: Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Implementation of Innovative Technologies in Schools


Teachers' Openness to Change and Attitudes towards ICT: Comparison of Laptop per Teacher and Laptop per Student Programs


Does 1:1 Computing in a Junior High-School Change the Pedagogical Perspectives of Teachers and their Educational Discourse?

Transforming a school from traditional teaching and learning to a one-to-one (1:1) classroom, in which a teacher and students have personal digital devices, inevitably requires changes in the way the teacher addresses her role. This study examined the implications of integrating 1:1 computing on teachers’ pedagogical perceptions and the classroom’s educational discourse. A change in pedagogical perceptions during three years of teaching within this model was investigated. The research analyzed data from 14 teachers teaching in a junior high school in the north of Israel collected over the course of three years through interviews and lesson observations. The findings show that the 1:1 computing allows teachers to improve their teaching skills; however, it fails to change their fundamental attitudes in regard to teaching and learning processes. It was further found that the use of a laptop by each student does not significantly improve the classroom’s learning discourse. The computer is perceived as an individual or group learning technology rather than as a tool for conducting learning discourse. An analysis of the data collected shows a great contribution to collaboration among teachers in preparing technology-enhanced lessons. The findings are discussed in terms of Bruner’s (Olson & Bruner, 1996) “folk psychology” and “folk pedagogy” of teachers and “the new learning ecology” framework in 1:1 classroom (Lee, Spires, Wiebe, Hollebrands, & Young, 2015). One of the main recommendations of this research is to reflect on findings from the teaching staff and the school community emphasizing 1:1 technology as a tool for significant pedagogical change. It seems that the use of personal technology per se is not enough for pedagogical changes to take place; the change must begin with teachers’ perceptions and attitudes.


Self-Service Banking: Value Creation Models and Information Exchange


Introduction to Special Series on Information Exchange in Electronic Markets: New Business Models


Using Double Helix Relationships to Understand and Change Informing Systems


Library as a Verb: Technological Change and the Obsolescence of Place in Research


Dialogue and the Creation of Transformative Social Change: The Case of Social Enterprises

Aim/Purpose: To understand the process of social change creation in social entrepreneurial ventures (SEVs), specifically emphasizing the role and nature of the communicative process in social change creation. Background: Drawing on data from seven SEVs from India and the US and employing a grounded theory methodology, this research scrutinizes the social change process and uncovers the role and characteristics of dialogue in this process. Methodology: Qualitative data was collected from seven social entrepreneurial organizations over a period of eight months from July 2011 to February 2012. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a wide range of members within these social entrepreneurial organizations (n=27) with additional informal interviews with field workers and volunteers. Data from the semi-structured interviews and notes from observations were integrated with analyses of archival resources. Contribution: There is little scholarship about the process of social change creation and the necessary conditions to promote social change over time. Understanding the process of social change creation and the individual, interpersonal, and organizational conditions that facilitate the process is central to design of effective trans-sector TD problem solving ventures. This paper focuses on the process of social change creation in social entrepreneurial settings, specifically emphasizing the role and nature of the communicative process in social change creation. Findings: The reflections and experiences of the members of SEVs revealed that social entrepreneurship is a collective endeavor and this collective character is essential to its success. Collective organization and synergy, deep intra-organizational communication, and a conducive organizational context are critical for the creation of collective wisdom and knowledge networks for long-term collaborative community capacity building. Dialogue emerged as a central category linking the other categories to explain the process of social change creation. Organic organizational structure enables knowledge creation and integration through the process of organizational learning through deep and continuous social interaction, or dialogue. Recommendations for Practitioners: This research elucidated the key characteristics of the organizational context required to support the creation of social change. It also identified the critical role and characteristics of the communicative process required to generate structural knowledge and collective wisdom at the organizational level. Recommendation for Researchers: For individual and organizational learning, trans-sector transdisciplinary organizations require an appropriate organizational context. Key elements of such an organizational context include (1) understanding the ecology of the social problem; (2) organic organizational structure; (3) continuous and deep social interaction among all levels of the organization; (4) employee and community autonomy and empowerment; and (5) attention to subtle environmental changes in the system. These elements in combination lead to the creation of collective wisdom. Collective wisdom then feeds back into the conception, planning, and action stages of the iterative cycle of organizational knowledge creation to create positive social change. Impact on Society: Same as above Future Research: Future research model theoretically and study empirically the ecology of social entrepreneurship and trans-sector TD problem solving more broadly. For example, the ways in the personal attributes of social entrepreneurs (e.g., their leadership style, networking abilities) combine with circumstances at organizational, institutional, and international levels to influence the effectiveness of their efforts to promote positive social change within local and global communities. Second, the grounded theoretical framework developed here should be further refined and elaborated through the identification of additional key contextual factors that affect SEVs’ capacity to promote positive social change and to achieve sustainability in different socio-environmental contexts. There is also a need to translate the findings from this research to facilitate the creation of more inclusive problem solving contexts and practices.


Informed Change: Exploring the Use of Persuasive Communication of Indigenous Cultures Through Film Narratives

Aim/Purpose: There is a need to find a way to utilize narrative storytelling in film to make students more aware of the impacts of global problems and how they are perceived. Background: Two films from the year 2015 from two very different places in the world explore the encroachment and secondary effects of urban civilization upon indigenous cultures. Methodology: An interpretive, qualitative, methodology was used in addressing and discussing the use of these two films as a persuasive communication teaching aid. Contribution: This paper offers an approach to using narratives of films on indigenous issues in education to inform students about real-world issues and the wide impacts of those on various cultures and populations. Findings: Through the discussion of the two films, we suggest that using films with indigenous themes is beneficial to a course curriculum in a variety of subjects from communication to history and politics, to help students visualize the problems at hand. Anecdotally, the authors note that students are more engaged and willing to discuss topics if they have watched films or clips that deal with those topics than if they have simply read about them. Recommendation for Researchers: Technology and use of visuals are used as teaching tools in a variety of fields. Film narratives can be used as a teaching tool in multiple fields and provide insight about a variety of ideas. Identifying films such as those with indigenous themes provides an example of how one film can bring up multiple, real-world, topics and through led discussion student reflection can potentially lead to self-insights and have lasting impacts. Future Research: Additional research and assessment can be done on the impact of teaching with films and their compelling story telling of issues, and what types of questions should be asked to maximize learning and the impact of film narratives.


Informing Agility in the Context of Organizational Changes

Aim/Purpose. This paper, although conceived earlier than the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic, addresses the problem of informing agility as part of organizational agility that has become a rather important issue for business survival. Background. While the general issues of business informing, and business intelligence (BI) in particular, have been widely researched, the dynamics of informing, their ability to act in accord with changes in business and preserve the key competencies has not been widely researched. In particular, the research on BI agility is rather scattered, and many issues need to be clarified. Methodology. A series of in-depth interviews with BI professionals to determine relations between organizational agility and BI agility, and to round up a set of key factors of BI agility. Contribution. The paper clarifies a candidate set of key factors of BI agility and gives ground for future research in relations with areas like corporate and BI resilience and culture. Findings. The interview results show the relations between organizational changes, and changes in BI activities. BI has limited potential in recognizing important external changes but can be rather helpful in making decision choices and detecting internal problems. Lack of communication between business and IT people, existence of data silos and shadow BI, and general inadequacy of organizational and BI culture are the key factors impairing BI agility. Recommendations for Practitioners. There are practical issues around BI agility that need solving, like the reason-able coverage of standards or creation of a dedicated unit to care about BI potential. Recommendations for Researchers. The research is still in its starting phase, but additional interesting directions start to emerge, like relations between BI agility, resilience and corporate agility, or the role of informing culture and BI culture for BI agility issues. Impact on Society. Agile business, especially in times of global shocks like COVID-19, loses less value and has more chances to survive. Future Research. Most likely this will be focused on the relations between BI agility, resilience, and corporate agility, and the role of informing culture and BI culture for BI agility issues.



Social exchange theory is a broad theory that has been used to explain trust as an outcome of various exchange relationships, and research commonly presumes trust exists between exchange partners that have prior relationships. In this paper, we contribute to social exchange theory by isolating the trust outcomes of interorganizational exchanges from other outcomes emphasized by learning and knowledge-based perspectives, and by specifying important boundary conditions for the emergence of trust in interorganizational exchanges. We make such a theoretical contribution within the domain of strategic alliances by investigating the effects of previous alliance agreements, or prior ties, between the partnering firms. We find that prior ties generally lead to learning about a partner's anticipated behavioral patterns, which helps a firm predict when self-interested behavior may occur and know how to interact with the partner during the coordination and execution of the alliance tasks. By contrast, it is evident that the kind of trust emphasized in social exchange theory is not generally rooted in prior ties and only emerges from prior relationships under certain conditions. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on social exchange theory and for delineating the theory's domain of applicability.


Relational changes during role transitions: The interplay of efficiency and cohesion

This study looks at what happens to the collection of relationships (network) of service professionals during a role transition (promotion to a management role). Our setting is three professional service firms where we examine changes in relations of recently promoted service professionals (auditors, consultants, and lawyers). We take a comprehensive look at the drivers of two forms of network changes - tie loss and tie gain. Looking backward we examine the characteristics of the contact, the relationship, and social structure and identify which forces are at play in losing ties, revealing an overarching tendency for both cohesion and efficiency forces to play a role. Looking forward, we identify the effect of previous network structures that act as a "shadow of the past" and impact the quality of newly gained relations during the role transitions. Findings demonstrate that role transitions are not only influenced by a few key contacts but that the entire (extant) network of professional relationships shapes the way people reconfigure their workplace relations during a role transition.



Female corporate leadership has drawn increasing attention from academia and practitioners. We contribute to the literature by examining the impact of CEO succession with gender change—i.e., a male CEO succeeded by a female or vice versa. We propose that due to gender differences in executive leadership positions, CEO succession with gender change may amplify the disruption of the CEO succession process and thus adversely affect post-succession firm performance and increase the likelihood of successor early departure. Using data from 3,320 CEO successions in companies listed in China's Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 1997 to 2010, we find evidence to support this argument. We also find that the negative (positive) impact of male-to-female succession on firm performance (the likelihood of successor early departure) may be weakened by positive organizational attitudes toward female leadership as indicated by the presence of other female leaders on the firm's board of directors and/or top management team, and the successor's inside origin.


Williams out as Wales change four for Australia

Wales scrum-half Tomos Williams is ruled out of the Autumn Nations Series match against Australia on Sunday.


Fight against climate change

IN celebration of Earth Month, global prestige skincare brand, Origins, proudly announces the establishment of the Origins Green The Planet Fund and its inaugural non-profit partner, One Tree Planted, upholding the brand’s longstanding commitment to the well-being of people and our planet.

As a brand rooted in nature, Origins believes it is its responsibility to give back to the earth while also striving to make decisions that help limit our impact on the planet. Which is why, for over a decade, Origins has partnered with various environmental non-profit organisations to Green The Planet, planting one tree at a time to aid global reforestation initiatives and helping combat the effects of climate change.

In celebration of Earth Month 2021, Origins designed a limited-edition Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Mega-Mushroom Relief & Resilience Soothing Treatment Lotion to help Green The Planet and support future tree-planting projects. One US dollar has been donated for every limited-edition Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Mega-Mushroom Relief & Resilience Soothing Treatment Lotion available at Origins stores and online at Lazada Origins Flagship Store which allows one tree to be planted and cared for in partnership with Origins Green The Planet Fund.


Dealing with a change of occupation

PERHAPS one of the highlights of my career was when I was made a chief in a small village in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) in 1986.

After that, a series of events brought me back down to earth.

It was on a normal afternoon during a visit to the plantation and the natural palm groves that I was led to the village by the river Kwenge.

This village was near the town of Kikwit, about 500km east of Kinshasa. Unilever had started its first palm oil mill there in 1911 to supply the soap factories in Liverpool.

In later years, the supplies increased from Malaysia and Indonesia.

Although the business had lost its role as an exporter, it was still an important supplier for the country.

Certainly, the community benefited from Unilever’s presence, employing a population that had experienced not only poverty but also diseases and epidemics such as AIDS and malaria.

Probably even Dr Steve Watson, the director of that region for Unilever Plantations, did not know that I would be installed that day as chief of the village.

It was likely the work of the chef de personnel, an ambitious person from the area.

The people were waiting around an open circle with a stool placed in the middle of the sandy floor.

I was invited to sit on the stool and as soon as the drums began to beat, the chief stepped up with gifts, including three arrows, a drum made of antelope skin and, to top it all, a fly whisk that he placed in my hand.

It was a symbol of power.

The chief’s hands shook slightly.

“You are the chief of this whole village and we are your people now. In your absence, I will be your assistant chief and I will take care of all affairs until your return.”

This was said in the Kikongo language, translated into French by the chef de personnel in a loud and unnecessarily lengthy manner to impress everyone, as I looked around me, and then translated into English by Dr Watson.

He was a Scot who had worked with me in Pamol Sabah and was now in charge of areas extending to the Kasai River.

For the next few days, I travelled with him to see the other plantations, at Mapangu and Bongimba, and I was warned in advance to take my pills against malaria.

In Kikwit, I was reminded of the real risk when I visited a young Belgian engineer at the company rest-house. He lay in bed, shivering.

A transport was arranged to take him to Kinshasa.

But soon after I returned home to Cobham in Surrey, I developed a fever and my body shook. It went on for a few days.

When I became delirious, Maznah took me back to the clinic and suggested to the young doctor: “It could be malaria treatment that he needs.”

The young doctor changed the medicine.

Probably malaria cases were rare in that small town before.

I stopped shivering but still felt feeble when I returned to the office.

Waiting for me were a few messages.

The first, with regret, informed me that the young engineer had died before he arrived in Brussels.

The others concerned changes in top management.

In Malaysia, Pamol had a new chairman who came from Unilever’s factories side and had not previously seen a plantation.

It was a time when many businesses were struggling.

This was a period that followed diversification – a mantra that didn’t always work – ending with the cutting off of parts that were considered non-core. The heroes of the day were directors who boasted about the number of managers they had laid off.

In Unilever’s case, the company decided to slot excess managers where it could and Pamol was not excluded.

The process had shifted from selecting people experienced in plantations.

This shift confirmed the fears that deterred managers from accepting overseas assignments, uncertain if they could return.

In my case, I had been based in London for three years.

Leslie Davidson had asked the personnel department to send me an offer letter for the position of managing director in Cameroon.

Barry Mack, who was there, had resigned for health reasons.

I had discussed this with Maznah and her answer was simple: “When you were sick, I sat by your bed each day, thinking how I might have to pull the children out of school and bring your body home in a box. I don’t want that stress anymore.” I had to refuse the job.

The next offer was to be the director of personnel in DR Congo for Unilever, with its vast business there.

The significant hardship allowance was tempting.

I was to take over the role from Colin Bewick.

I remembered supporting John Dodd, the plantations director, who had insisted on Colin’s departure. I had no idea that one day I’d be in this situation.

Maznah’s response was the same: “Let’s go home and you can look for another job.”

I spoke to Leslie Davidson. We remained close friends, but I knew that with the way head office operated, the decisions weren’t his alone.

“Go with Maznah and the children and stay for a month in Kuala Lumpur. See if you can find a job there. I’ll see what I can do.”

On the long flight back, I had much to think about.

The three children were on school holiday and although glad to be on a plane, they didn’t fully understand what was happening.

Soon I would be jobless. I felt powerless.

Even the fly whisk I kept at home couldn’t help me now.

The writer has extensive experience in the management of oil palm plantations.


Prices of RON97, RON95, diesel to remain unchanged

KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices for RON97 and RON95 petrol will remain unchanged, at RM3.19 and RM2.05 per litre respectively from Nov 14 to 20.

The Ministry of Finance, in a statement today, said that the retail price of diesel in Peninsular Malaysia also remained at RM2.95 per litre, while in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan, the price remained at RM2.15 per litre during the same period.

It said the price settings were fixed based on the weekly retail prices of petroleum products, using the Automatic Price Mechanism (APM) formula.

“The Government will continue to monitor the trends of global crude oil prices and take appropriate measures to ensure the continued welfare and well-being of the people,” said the Ministry of Finance statement.


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