
Petro sabía que estaba abriendo como caja de pandora reincidencia de ‘Gafas’: Betancourt

En Caracol Radio estuvo Ingrid Betancourt, exsecuestrada por las Farc


MinSalud no le ha puesto la cara al problema de desabastecimiento: Néstor Álvarez

Néstor Álvarez, presidente de la Asociación de Pacientes de Alto Costo, habló sobre cuál ha sido la respuesta del Gobierno y ministros ante el desabastecimiento de medicamentos 


CNE no tiene competencia para postularle cargos a Petro: Landinez

En Caracol Radio estuvo Heráclito Landinez, representante a la Cámara, conversando sobre la campaña del presidente


A pesar de su momento, el amor por el Rosario me hizo asumir cargo de rectora: Ana Gómez

Dra. Ana Gómez rectora electa de la Universidad del Rosario 


Carlos Borja, excapitán de Bolivia: La altura permite equilibrar el partido ante Colombia


Alejandro Santos al Punto: ¿Se acerca un traumatismo por escasez de gas natural para los hogares de Colombia?

Tras la advertencia del gremio energético por una posible crisis de energía y gas ¿cómo podría actuar el gobierno para mitigar la problemática?


A Fondo con Juan Carlos Echeverry: Índice de criminalidad y crimen organizado en el mundo

Varios países registran un alto índice de criminalidad, pero ponen sus ojos en Colombia ante los últimos acontecimientos


Minminas nos dijo que había que hacer una vaca para cubrir la demanda de gas : Asoenergía

Sandra Fonseca, presidenta de Asoenergía, habló en 6AM sobre si hay o no asegurado un suministro de gas para 2025


Superintendencia alerta por incremento de precios y anomalías en hoteles de Cali para COP

En Caracol Radio estuvo Cielo Rusinque, superintendente de Industria y Comercio, explicando las medidas de la entidad.


Andrés Sarabia ataca la libertad de prensa y no se puede permitir: abogado de Villanueva

Iván Cancino, abogado, habló sobre por qué razones fracasó el intento de conciliación entre Andrés Sarabia y su defendido, el periodista Alejandro Villanueva 


Aquí todos somos sospechosos: padre de Sofía Delgado menor desaparecida en Valle del Cauca

Padres de Sofía Delgado en 10AM de Caracol Radio 


El Malecón del Mar de Cartagena será el más bello del mundo: alcalde Dumek

Dumek Turbay, alcalde de Cartagena, habló sobre el Gran Malecón del Mar y de los retos que represento su construcción.


Campesinos no tendrán garantías con la reforma laboral: director de la ANT

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Felipe Harman, Director de la ANT, para hablar sobre cuáles son los artículos eliminados de la reforma laboral que afectarían a los trabajadores rurales del país.


Nunca tuvimos trato con el asesino, lucharemos porque nunca salga: padre de Sofía Delgado

Padre de Sofía Delgado habló en 6AM de Caracol Radio, sobre la cruel muerte de la niña y sobre si había una relación con el asesino 


“La muerte de Sinwar no va a cambiar nada y Hamás no se acabará”: analista internacional

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Marcos Peckel, analista internacional, para hablar sobre por qué Israel asegura que la muerte del líder de Hamás, Yahya Sinwar, es el inicio del fin de la guerra en Gaza


Egidio era una persona con gran corazón y no se despegó nunca de su esencia: Carlos Vives

Carlos Vives, habló en 6AM, sobre cuál es el legado del acordeonero Egidio Cuadrado para el folclor colombiano


“Estadio se iluminará con bandera de Colombia para recibir a Paul”: fanático de McCartney

David Camilo Rodríguez, seguidor de The Beatles, estuvo en 6AM para abordar la coyuntura previa al concierto de esta leyenda británica en Colombia.


CAF aportará más de 300 millones de dólares para proyectos de biodiversidad

Así lo confirmó Alicia Montalvo, quien aseguró que hace parte de uno de los compromisos como banco de desarrollo para fomentar un programa para la restauración de los recursos sostenibles en América latina y el Caribe.


“Es necesario hacer este esfuerzo en términos de sostenibilidad”: embajador de Dinamarca

En 10AM de Caracol Radio estuvieron Jens Godfredsen, embajador de Dinamarca en Colombia y Saúl Cardozo, director de asuntos corporativos de Novo Nordisk Colombia, para hablar sobre la segunda edición del evento Sostenibilidad e Innovación.


“Medidas protección arancelaria impactarán costos de producción en construcción”: Camacol

Guillermo Herrera, presidente ejecutivo Camacol, estuvo en 6AM para hablar de las afectaciones actuales en los sectores construcción y vivienda.


Hemos recibido amenazas y se han robado pruebas claves en el caso: abogado de Olmedo

José Luis Moreno Caballero, abogado defensor de Olmedo, hizo hincapié en quién estaría detrás de la supuesta persecución en contra de su defendido


Nunca hubiera sido capaz de encubrir semejante pecado: Francisco de Roux sobre pederastia

Francisco de Roux se refirió en 6AM a los señalamientos de un padre de familia, quien lo acusa de presunto encubrimiento en un caso de abuso en la iglesia en la década de 1970.


“No tiene costo fiscal”: economista sobre propuesta que acompañaría reforma al SPG

El economista Daniel Castellanos, estuvo en 6AM para abordar la propuesta que acompañaría la reforma al Sistema General de Participaciones.


“Necropsia confirmó que Alexis Delgado fue abusado y estrangulado”: Gob de Cundinamarca

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo el gobernador de Cundinamarca, Jorge Emilio Rey, para hablar sobre el lamentable caso de Alexis Delgado, el niño de 2 años que fue encontrado con signos de tortura en Cundinamarca.


Queremos devolver a los ecosistemas su capacidad de abastecernos de agua: CAR Cundinamarca

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Alfred Ballesteros, director de la CAR, para hablar sobre en qué consiste el proyecto con el que pretenden enfrentar la crisis del agua.


Diego Cancino me tocó sin mi consentimiento e intentó besarme: Viviana Vargas

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo Viviana Vargas Ávila, funcionaria del Ministerio del Interior, para hablar sobre las denuncias que hizo en contra de Diego Cancino, viceministro de esta cartera, por acoso sexual.


Bogotá contará con un cupo de endeudamiento de $13 billones: ¿Qué vendrá para la capital?

Ana María Cadena, secretaria de Hacienda de Bogotá explicó en 6AM que los recursos serán utilizados para mejorar la seguridad, subsidios de vivienda nueva, infraestructura y movilidad.


Rigoberto Urán: Ciclistas de nuestro nivel sí quedan en Colombia, no del nivel de Pogačar


César Caballero, gerente general de Cifras y Conceptos

El Gerente general de Cifras y Conceptos, César Caballero, explicó en 6AM que los colombianos consideran que después de 16 años, se está presentando la peor situación de seguridad del país, pero la mejor en términos ambientales durante el gobierno de Gustavo Petro.


Planadas le apuesta a los cafés especiales: Gobernadora sobre Feria Internacional del Café

La gobernadora del Tolima, Adriana Magali Matiz, estuvo en 6AM para ampliar la información sobre la Feria Internacional del Café en Planadas.


La política migratoria favorece más a hispanos que pagaron sus derechos: portavoz de Trump

En 6 AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Jaime Flórez, portavoz de la campaña de Donald Trump y del Partido Republicano, quien habló sobre cómo reciben el triunfo de Trump a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos.


Estos serían los cambios que tendrá la calzada norte de la calle 84: horarios

Juan Carlos Hernández, alcalde La Calera, se pronunció sobre los cambios que tendrá la calzada norte de la calle 84 y en qué horarios se establecería la medida


Se raja la política de vivienda del Gobierno: Camacol advierte consecuencias

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Guillermo Herrera, presidente de la Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción (Camacol), quien habló sobre cuál es la situación actual del sector constructor en Colombia, afirmando que “hay un recorte importante para el 2025 en el sector vivienda. No tendremos los 50 mil subsidios que estamos esperando, sino que serán cerca de 20.500 para la adquisición de vivienda nueva en Colombia”


DIAN detecta 27 mil establecimientos que no entregan factura electrónica en Colombia

En 6AM de Caracol Radio se conectó Cecilia Rico Torres, Directora de Gestión de Impuestos de la DIAN, quien habló sobre la importancia de la factura electrónica y por qué hay más de 27.000 establecimientos sin facturación electrónica en sus operaciones


No vamos a permitir aumento del diésel: camioneros sobre incumplimientos del Gobierno

Alfonso Medrano, presidente de la Asociación Colombiana de Camioneros, habló en 6AM sobre cuáles son los incumplimientos que el Gobierno presenta con el gremio de transportadores


Viceministra de Defensa confirma cancelación de concierto en El Plateado, Cauca, tras atentado

Daniela Gómez Rivas, viceministra de Defensa, hizo hincapié en 6AM sobre qué acciones están tomando ante los recientes ataques en la zona


Viceministra de Defensa confirma cancelación de concierto en El Plateado, tras atentado

Viceministra de Defensa en 6AM


Viceministra de Defensa confirma cancelación de concierto en El Plateado, tras atentado

Viceministra de Defensa en 6AM 


Miguel Silva, Secretario General Alcaldía de Bogotá

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Miguel Silva, Secretario General Alcaldía de Bogotá, quien habló sobre cuáles son las soluciones que plantean para los afectados por la falta de transporte después del partido Millonarios-Pereira y el por qué se dio esta afectación.


Alcalde dice que salí a ganar reproducciones para no responder: afectada en Cartagena

Decire Díaz, mujer que asegura que le cobraron 100 mil pesos en taxi en Cartagena, habló sobre por qué la señalan de una acusación falsa 


No funciona la prueba piloto, genera un traumatismo en la movilidad: alcalde de La Calera

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Juan Carlos Hernández, alcalde de La Calera, quien habló sobre cuáles han sido las afectaciones del reversible de la vía Bogotá-La Calera y si está sirviendo o no la medida.


MUSIC INDUSTRY: Jazz Luminary Samuel Batista To Enrich America's Musical Landscape

Samuel Batista, an internationally recognized saxophonist, has made waves on a global scale with his exceptional talent and versatility. Renowned for his profound musicality and highly distinguished career, Batista has received accolades for his numerous professional achievements. He now brings his remarkable talents to the United States, where his arrival promises to invigorate the jazz scene with his unique and captivating sound....


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Medieval Radiance And Incarnate Jazz: Light Gathering in NYC on November 8th

In the universe, every element, every star, every atom is constantly sending out waves of light—some visible, most hidden. From gamma rays, to the brilliance of sunlight, to the subtle glow of infrared, everything in existence shines. In this concert, we gather that light, pulling from the vast spectrum, where ancient harmonies meet the rhythms of the modern world...


EVENT: American Classics Kicks Off Its 28th Season With Program Celebrating The Sun on November 8 and 10, 2024

American Classics kicks off its 28th Season, celebrating the SUN (November 8 and 10, 2024), the MOON (February 14 and 16), and the STARS (April 11 and 13, 2025) season with "Here Comes the Sun.” “Sunny” Songs to be performed range from the era of parlor songs with "Wait 'Till the Sun Shines, Nellie," through Irving Berlin and Rodgers and Hammerstein, to Steve Martin with "Sun is Gonna Shine" from "Bright Star" and the Pink hit "Cover Me in Sunshine."...


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Announcing SMOKE Jazz Club’s December Line-up Featuring The 12th Annual Coltrane Festival With Ravi Coltrane’s Smoke Debut, A Spectacular New Year’s Eve Celebration, Catherine Russell and Sean Mason, And More

Entering its second quarter century as committed as ever to pure jazz (All About Jazz),” SMOKE Jazz Club continues its 25th anniversary season with an exciting line-up in December. The holiday season kickstarts with “A Nat King Cole Christmas” featuring singer Allan Harris (Dec 4). SMOKE is thrilled to welcome acclaimed vocalist Catherine Russell in her club debut in a thrilling duo with pianist Sean Mason (Dec 5-8) performing repertoire off their latest album My Ideal...


The Magical Black Box

Google's mission statement is "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

That mission is so profound & so important the associated court documents in their antitrust cases must be withheld from public consumption.

Before document sharing was disallowed, some were shared publicly.

Internal emails stated:

  • Hal Varian was off in his public interviews where he suggested it was the algorithms rather than the amount of data which is prime driver of relevancy.
  • Apple would not get any revshare if there was a user choice screen & must set Google as the default search engine to qualify for any revshare.
  • Google has a policy of being vague about using clickstream data to influence ranking, though they have heavily relied upon clickstream data to influence ranking. Advances in machine learning have made it easier to score content to where the clickstream data had become less important.
  • When Apple Maps launched & Google Maps lost the default position on iOS Google Maps lost 60% of their iOS distribution, and that was with how poorly the Apple Maps roll out went.
  • Google sometimes subverted their typical auction dynamics and would flip the order of the top 2 ads to boost ad revenues.
  • Google had a policy of "shaking the cushions" to hit the quarterly numbers by changing advertiser ad prices without informing advertisers that they'd be competing in a rigged auction with artificially manipulated shill bids from the auctioneer competing against them.

When Google talked about hitting the quarterly numbers with shaking the cusions the 5% number which was shared skewed a bit low:

For a brand campaign focused on a niche product, she said the average CPC at $11.74 surged to $25.85 over the last six months, amounting to a 108% increase. However, there wasn’t an incremental return on sales.

“The level to which [price manipulations] happens is what we don’t know,” said Yang. “It’s shady business practices because there’s no regulation. They regulate themselves.”

Early in the history of search ads Google blocked trademark keyword bidding. They later allowed it. When keyword bidding on trademarks was allowed it led to a conundrum for some advertisers. If you do not defend your trademark you could lose it, but if you agree with competitors not to bid on each other's trademarks the FTC could come after you - like they did with 1-800 Contacts. This set up forces many brands to participate in auctions where they are arbitraging their own pre-existing brand equity. The ad auctioneer runs shady auctions where it looks across at your account behavior and bids then adjusts bid floors to suck more money out of you. This amounts to something akin to the bid jamming that was done in early Overture, except it is the house itself doing it to you! The last auction I remembered like that was SnapNames, where a criminal named Nelson Brady on the executive team used the handle halverez to leverage participant max bids and put in bids just under their bids. The goal of his fraud? To hit the numbers & get an earn out bonus - similar to how Google insiders were discussing "shaking the cushions" to hit the number.

Halverez created a program which looked across aggregate bid data, join auctions which only had 1 other participant, and then use the one-way view of competing bids to put in a shill bid to drive up costs - which sure sounds conceptually similar to Google's "shaking the cushions."

"Just looking at this very tactically, and sorry to go into this level of detail, but based on where we are I'm afraid it's warranted. We are short __% queries and are ahead on ads launches so are short __% revenue vs. plan. If we don't hit plan, our sales team doesn't get its quota for the second quarter in a row and we miss the street's expectations again, which is not what Ruth signaled to the street so we get punished pretty badly in the market. We are shaking the cushions on launches and have some candidates in May that will help, but if these break in mid-late May we only get half a quarter of impact or less, which means we need __% excess to where we are today and can't do it alone. The Search team is working together with us to accelerate a launch out of a new mobile layout by the end of May that will be very revenue positive (exact numbers still moving), but that still won't be enough. Our best shot at making the quarter is if we get an injection of at least __%, ideally __%, queries ASAP from Chrome. Some folks on our side are running a more detailed, Finance-based, what-if analysis on this and should be done with that in a couple of days, but I expect that these will be the rough numbers.

The question we are all faced with is how badly do we want to hit our numbers this quarter? We need to make this choice ASAP. I care more about revenue than the average person but think we can all agree that for all of our teams trying to live in high cost areas another $___,___ in stock price loss will not be great for morale, not to mention the huge impact on our sales team." - Google VP Jerry Dischler

Google is also pushing advertisers away from keyword-based bidding and toward a portfolio approach of automated bidding called Performance Max, where you give Google your credit card and budget then they bid as they wish. By blending everything into a single soup you may not know where the waste is & it may not be particularly easy to opt out of poorly performing areas. Remember enhanced AdWords campaigns?

Google continues to blur dataflow outside of their ad auctions to try to bring more of the ad spend into their auctions.

The amount Google is paying Apple to be the default search provider is staggering.

Tens of billions of dollars is a huge payday. No way Google would hyper-optimize other aspects of their business (locating data centers near dams, prohibiting use of credit card payments for large advertisers, cutting away ad agency management fees, buying Android, launching Chrome, using broken HTML on YouTube to make it render slowly on Firefox & Microsoft Edge to push Chrome distribution, all the dirty stuff Google did to violate user privacy with overriding Safari cookies, buying DoubleClick, stealing the ad spend from banned publishers rather than rebating it to advertisers, creating a proprietary version of HTML & force ranking it above other results to stop header bidding, & then routing around their internal firewall on display ads to give their house ads the advantage in their ad auctions, etc etc etc) and then just throw over a billion dollars a month needlessly at a syndication partner.

For perspective on the scale of those payments consider that it wasn't that long ago Yahoo! was considered a big player in search and Apollo bought Yahoo! plus AOL from Verizon for about $5 billion & then was quickly able to sell branding & technology rights in Japan to Softbank for $1.6 billion & other miscellaneous assets for nearly a half-billion, reducing the net cost to only $3 billion.

If Google loses this lawsuit and the payments to Apple are declared illegal, that would be a huge revenue (and profit) hit for Apple. Apple would be forced to roll out their own search engine. This would cut away at least 30% of the search market from Google & it would give publishers another distribution channel. Most likely Apple Search would launch with a lower ad density than Google has for short term PR purposes & publishers would have a year or two of enhanced distribution before Apple's ad load matched Google's ad load.

It is hard to overstate how strong Apple's brand is. For many people the cell phone is like a family member. I recently went to upgrade my phone and Apple's local store closed early in the evening at 8pm. The next day when they opened at 10 there was a line to wait in to enter the store, like someone was trying to get concert tickets. Each privacy snafu from Google helps strengthen Apple's relative brand position.

Google has also diluted the quality of their own brand by rewriting search queries excessively to redirect traffic flows toward more commercial interests. Wired covered how Project Mercury works:

This onscreen Google slide had to do with a “semantic matching” overhaul to its SERP algorithm. When you enter a query, you might expect a search engine to incorporate synonyms into the algorithm as well as text phrase pairings in natural language processing. But this overhaul went further, actually altering queries to generate more commercial results. ... Most scams follow an elementary bait-and-switch technique, where the scoundrel lures you in with attractive bait and then, at the right time, switches to a different option. But Google “innovated” by reversing the scam, first switching your query, then letting you believe you were getting the best search engine results. This is a magic trick that Google could only pull off after monopolizing the search engine market, giving consumers the false impression that it is incomparably great, only because you’ve grown so accustomed to it.

The mobile search results on Google require at least a screen or two of scrolls to get to the organic results if there is a hint of commercial intent behind the search query. Once they have monetized the real estate they are reliant on broader economic growth & using ad buy bundling to drive cross-subsidies of other non-search ad inventory, which may contain more than a bit of fraud. Performance Max may max out your spend without actually performing for anybody other than Google.

Google not only shill bid on lower competition terms to squeeze defensive brand bids and boost auction floor pricing, but they also implemented shill bids in competitive ad auctions:

Michael Whinston, a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said Friday that Google modified the way it sold text ads via “Project Momiji” – named for the wooden Japanese dolls that have a hidden space for friends to exchange secret messages. The shift sought “to raise the prices against the highest bidder,” Whinston told Judge Amit Mehta in federal court in Washington.

While Google's search marketshare is rock solid, the number of search engines available has increased significantly over the past few years. Not only is there Bing and DuckDuckGo but the tail is longer than it was a few years back. In addition to regional players like Baidu and Yandex there's now Brave Search, Mojeek, Qwant, Yep, and You. GigaBlast and Neeva went away, but anything that prohibits selling defaults to a company with over 90% marketshare will likely lead to dozens more players joining the search game. Search traffic will remain lucrative for whoever can capture it, as no matter how much Google tries to obfuscate marketing data the search query reflects the intent of the end user.

“Search advertising is one of the world’s greatest business models ever created…there are certainly illicit businesses (cigarettes or drugs) that could rival these economics, but we are fortunate to have an amazing business.” - Google VP of Finance Mike Roszak



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Hurricane Helene caused big losses for North Carolina's fall tourism industry

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Chicago may become the latest city to lose Greyhound bus services

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Remembering 'Candyman' actor Tony Todd

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