
From fields to a BPO in 6 months

A first-of-its-kind women-only BPO started by 'Harva' in a Haryana village is all set to harness the rural talent while changing the rigid mindset of the people, transforming rural economy, writes Hemlata Aithani.


Promises made to be broken

The terrible mid-day meal tragedy claiming innocent lives in Bihar recently is just one in a long line of instances that reveal the abysmal quality of services and chronic breach of trust by the government. Sakuntala Narasimhan voices the angst of the people.


A paean to Chhattisgarh from an exiled lover

Dr Ilina Sen’s association with Chhattisgarh and her deep, empathetic understanding of its society and culture have come lyrically alive in Inside Chhattisgarh: A Political Memoir. Freny Manecksha reviews the book.


Rural Health Mission has promising goals

Rural public health care is choked nationwide for a number of reasons. To name two, provisioning of services is very top heavy and many major programmes continue to be conceived and run uncoordinatedly. But Abhijit Das finds promising prospects in the formation of the National Rural Health Mission.


From awareness campaigns to real change

Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Kapil Sibal would do well to assess the learnings from two recent and major HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, before "looking into the ban on sex education", if he really wants to make change, writes Charumathi Supraja.


Rail travel for the disabled: Learn from the world

Attention to international benchmarks, awareness of rights and proactive provision of basic facilities could make train journeys a less stressful experience for physically challenged passengers in the country, says Malini Shankar in the second part of her series.


What’s turning women in labour away from hospitals?

Institutionalised delivery is encouraged as a means of reducing maternal/infant mortality, but the misbehaviour meted to pregnant women in government hospitals deters them from seeking such care. Ruhi Kandhari reports.


Slum dwellers in Assam suffer from poor sanitation and hygiene

Sanitary conditions in most of the slum areas in Assam are abysmal. Ignorance about cleanliness, lack of water supply and proper working toilets, absence of covered drainage and sewage, and no action from the local and state government are to be blamed for the mess, reports Nilotpal Bhattacharjee.


The gift from the sky

Frustrated with the hardness of borewell water, H Ramesh and his family are harvesting rain in their Mysore house for almost all their domestic uses. Shree Padre has more.


How they pulled their farm back from the brink

"Trying to measure the success of water harvesting only with increased water level is not fair. The vegetation improves, so does the soil moisture.” Shree Padre reports on an arecanut farming family's success.


Where the fight against extremism is far from over

The Karnataka government’s attempts to reintegrate Naxals into the mainstream through the provision of a surrender and rehabilitation package have met with limited success. Akshatha M reports on the ground realities.


The promises of Tadri: Mirage or reality?

As environmental clearance on the proposed Tadri port in Karnataka is awaited, Dina Rasquinha and Aarthi Sridhar discuss how assumed future benefits of the port have been projected in complete disregard of the natural, environmental gifts that the region enjoys.


Restored from the ruins

A South Marathwada village reconstructs itself after the devastating earthquake, with help from Jnana Prabodhini. Sayli Udas reports.


Keeping kids from killing kilns

Schooling has become accessible and real for these for these children of brick kiln workers in Maharashtra, says Neeta Kolhatkar.


Learning from Mumbai

After the serial blasts, Mumbai may soon be faced with men with metal detectors checking bags, train stations with sniffer dogs, more checks, and more suspicion. In such an atmosphere, it will be much easier to sow the seeds of dissension, difference, or division. A city united in tragedy could easily fall apart, hazards Kalpana Sharma.


Baba Amte: Restless and romantic

He was a zamindar by birth and a successful lawyer by training. He charmed and transformed generations of youth and propelled them into social and political activism. Baba Amte, who passed away last week, was a rare combination of sensitivity and courage, writes Ravindra R P.


From market yard to police yard

Fertilizer shortages have sparked unrest across large swathes of rural Maharashtra and other States as well. In Washim, every constable and officer is deployed right within the police compound, distributing fertilizer. P Sainath reports.


Who will benefit from the ‘Manhattanisation’ of Mumbai?

The Mumbai municipal authorities have delivered a draft 20-year development plan for the city, but implementation of many of the proposals therein could well deliver the final blow to a city already gasping for breath, says Darryl D’Monte.


Lessons for rural electrification from a weaving village

If electrification drives remain focused only on village electrification, connections and lighting, 'Gaaon Ka Vikaas Garv Ke Saath' will remain just rhetoric. Anjali Sharma, Ann Josey, and Sreekumar N report.


Work From Home करने वाले एनर्जी के लिए जरूर पीएं घर पर बना ये ड्रिंक

अगर काम पर बैठने से पहले आप एक खास ड्रिंक पीएंगे तो यह आपको फ्रेश फील कराएगी और आपका काम करने में मन भी लगेगा.


Work From Home पर पड़ता है कपड़ों का असर, जानें क्या हो आपका ड्रेसिंग स्टाइल

जब आप एक निश्चित तरीके से कपड़े पहनते हैं, खासकर प्रोफेशनल कपड़े तो ये आपको ऑफिस की तरह फील करने में मदद करते हैं. ये आपके दिमाग को संकेत देते हैं कि आप अब ऑफिस मोड में हैं.


कोरोना वायरस के कारण कर रहे हैं Work From Home, तो ये रूटीन करेंगे आपकी मदद

वैश्विक इतिहास में ऐसा पहली बार हो रहा है जब इतने बड़े स्तर पर लोगों को वर्क फ्रॉम दिया गया है. कंपनियों द्वारा कर्मचारियों को सुविधा इस वजह से दी गई है ताकि 'कम्युनिटी ट्रांसमिशन' को रोका जा सके.


Work from Home करने वालों को WHO ने दिए खास टिप्स, कहा- ध्यान रखें ये बात

वर्क फ्रॉम होम में हो रही परेशानियों को देखते हुए विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन द्वारा कुछ जानकारी दी गई हैं, ताकि महामारी के इस दौर में लोगों को किसी तरह की स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं न हों.


Work From Home: इन Essential Oils की मदद से करें मेडिटेशन, स्ट्रेस होगा दूर

वर्क फ्रॉम होम से समय निकालकर लोगों को इन एसेंशियल ऑयल की मदद से बॉडी पर मसाज करें और उसके बाद इसकी सुगंध को महसूस करते हुए मेडिटेशन करें.


चेतावनी! सारे काम छोड़ कर अभी अपडेट करें अपना Google Chrome, मंडरा रहा है खतरा

अपडेट करना इसलिए ज़रूरी है क्योंकि जब तक गूगल ने इस खामी को ट्रैक कर इसके लिए उपाय निकाला है, हैकर्स ने इसका फायदा उठा लिया है.


Work from home के लिए चाहिए लैपटॉप तो यहां पाएं 40% की छूट,129 रु में भी सामान

जानें कितने सस्ते में लैपटॉप घर ला सकते हैं, शॉपिंग के लिए और भी कई कैटेगरी पर भारी छूट मिल रही है...


ये हैं वो शानदार गैजेट्स जो Work From Home को बनाएंगे ज्यादा आसान, कीमत 500 रु से शुरू

कोरोनावायरस (Covid-19) के डर के चलते लगभग सभी कंपनियां अपने कर्मचारियों को वर्क फ्रॉम होम (Work from Home) दे रही हैं. इसीलिए हम आपको उन गैजेट्स के बारे में बता रहे हैं जो आपकी मुश्किल काम को चुटकी बजाते ही सॉल्व कर देंगे.


लॉकडाउन के बीच Work from Home कर रहे कर्मचारियों पर ऐसे नज़र रख रहे हैं Boss

भारतीय कंपनियां घर से काम कर रहे कर्मचारियों पर निगरानी के लिए कई डिजिटल (digital surveillance) तरीके अपना रही हैं.


Work from Home का सहारा लेकर भारतीय कंपनियों को निशाना बना रहे हैं हैकर्स


Google Chrome: बिना इंटरनेट के अब ऑफलाइन कंटेंट पढ़ सकेंगे यूजर्स

क्रोम ब्राउजर अपडेट के जरिए यूजर्स कंटेंट को ऑफलाइन भी पढ़ सकेंगे.


Assam’s first Covid-19 patient cured and discharged from SMCH

The first Covid-19 patient of Assam, Jamal Uddin has been cured and released from Silchar Medical College Hospital on Wednesday afternoon. He was released after three consecutive negative tests, said Assam health minister Himanta Biswa Sarma in his Tweets.


Five in bus from Ajmer carrying 43 test Covid +ve in Assam

Forty-three returning pilgrims in a single bus from Ajmer Sharif, which falls in the red zone, has become the latest worry for the Assam government after five of them tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 24 hours.


Bus from Ajmer Sharif shoots up Assam Covid-19 tally


Work From Home: क्या होता है स्ट्रेस ईटिंग, क्या है इससे बचने के उपाय

लॉकडाउन की वजह से बहुत से लोग वर्क फ्रॉम होम कर रहे हैं. ऐसे में एक निर्धारित जगह में ही रहना, असमय खाना-पीना और वर्क प्रेशर के कारण लोग अपने हेल्थ को लेकर चिंतित भी हो रहे हैं.


Work From Home: पीठ का दर्द होने पर फॉलो करें प्रीति जिंटा की ये एक्सरसाइज

आजकल कोरोना वायरस के प्रकोप से बचने के लिए लॉकडाउन के कारण लोग अपने घरों में वर्क फ्रॉम होम कर रहे हैं. ऐसे में लोअर बैक पेन की समस्‍या ज्‍यादा परेशान कर रही है. आमतौर पर पीठ में दर्द गलत बॉडी पोश्चर के कारण होता है.


Maharashtra University Exams: Only final year students to take exams, others will be promoted, says Uday Samant


Maharashtra University final semester exams to be held; students in all previous semesters will be promoted


CBSE to conduct pending class 10, 12 exams from July 1 to 15: HRD Ministry

The pending 29 subjects of the CBSE Board exams will be conducted from July 1 to July 15, 2020, announced ministry of human resource development (MHRD) on Friday. The Class X Board exams for six subjects will be conducted only for the students of North East Delhi which were suspended due to the riots earlier this year. The date sheet will be announced shortly.


UGC wants academic yr from Aug, NU academicians differ


Ganjam district slips from orange to red zone after spike in Covid-19 cases


Ranchi district court to hear cases through video conference from now

The Ranchi district court set up counters with boxes for fresh filing, certified copies, notary and the bar at its premises to speed up the hearing of cases through video conferencing amid the lockdown.


Covid-19 victim from UP cremated without family members


Stranded Pak citizens reach home, praise prompt service on both sides


8 sari, blouse trends to steal from Mouni Roy

Looking for some stylish sari and blouse trends? Look no further and take inspiration from Mouni Roy's sari wardrobe. From pre-draped saris to the colourful blouse, Mouni knows how to rock a sari. Whether you're attending a wedding or looking for some new designs to update your ethnic wardrobe, her saris are perfect for every occasion.


10 beauty tips from Blossom Kochhar

Renowned beauty guru and one of country's leading aromatherapy purveyors, Blossom Kochhar recently had a live chat with ETimes Lifestyle. From aromatherapy to haircare, here are some of the most interesting beauty questions Blossom answered.


Watch: Durg Collector shows his generous side, buys all vegetables from elderly

Watch: Durg Collector shows his generous side, buys all vegetables from elderly


Special flight carrying 165 students from Dhaka lands in Srinagar

Special flight carrying 165 students from Dhaka lands in Srinagar


First Shramik Special train from Goa takes migrants to Gwalior

First Shramik Special train from Goa takes migrants to Gwalior


10th, 12th CBSE exams to be held from July 1-15: HRD Minister

10th, 12th CBSE exams to be held from July 1-15: HRD Minister


Operation Samudra Setu: INS Jalashwa sets sail from Male with 698 stranded Indian nationals

Operation Samudra Setu: INS Jalashwa sets sail from Male with 698 stranded Indian nationals