
NAEC and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward - Insights Blog

Read the newest OECD's Insights blog based on the latest report from the New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC) "Debate the Issues: New Approaches to Economic Challenges".


Development: OECD and donor countries focus on Covid-19 crisis after 2019 aid increase

Spurred by a rise in 2019 development aid, the OECD and its donor member countries are working to help the most vulnerable countries during the coronavirus crisis. Official development assistance (ODA) provided by OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members rose by 1.4% in real terms to USD 152.8 billion in 2019.


Lessons Learnt in Product Development

Product development is an interesting activity.  It involves a lot of challenges and lot of learnings.  But...


Official launch: Project on Climate Change, Employment and Local Development (Sydney, Australia)

The aims of the workshop are to outline the key findings and recommendations of the two reports and to look at how we can develop stronger partnerships across Sydney to reduce carbon emissions and increase economic and employment opportunities.


Workshop: Skills strategies for inclusive development in India – Accelerating prosperity through policy coherence (New Delhi, India)

The Institute for Competitiveness India, the National Skill Development Corporation India and the OECD LEED Programme in collaboration with the ILO are joining forces to discuss local skills strategies for job-rich and inclusive growth in India.


Presentation of Clean-Tech Clustering as an Engine for Local Development: The Negev Region, Israel

The Negev region has the potential to deliver real and tangible benefits for regional development, green growth and social inclusion. The report explains how the region can exploit its existing strenghts and competitive advantages, including a niche in research, demonstration and testing in renewable energies and water efficiency.


Skills Development Pathways in Asia: Employment and Skills Strategies in Southeast Asia initiative (ESSSA)

Skills and educational development for inclusive and sustainable growth are becoming significant drivers in OECD countries.


Report: Delivering local development review to assess the efficiency of the Regional Development Agencies Integrated Network of the Slovak Republic

This project aims to support the Slovak Republic as it seeks to create a clear rationale for the Regional Development Agencies Integrated Network which currently comprises 38 agencies.


Conference: Innovation in skills development for SMEs competitiveness (Ankara, Turkey)

The conference discussed the results of the project as well as policy recommendations on training and skills development for the creation of an innovative and competitive SME sector in OECD countries.


Canada: Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs - An analysis of two urban regions Montreal and Winnipeg

This paper looks at a study carried out among 80 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in two Canadian cities, Montréal and Winnipeg, based on a survey and case studies, which show the importance of innovation among Canadian SMEs. These innovations in turn create new demands for skill development, both through formal training and in informal activities.


Report: Delivering local development - New growth and investment strategies

The OECD LEED Delivering Local Development work stream examines the local and regional framework conditions and instruments for intervention to achieve successful local economic development in participating countries and localities. It covers strategic themes encompassing finance and investment, building the knowledge base, delivery vehicles and economic strategies (including the local development impacts from global events).


Review of Recent Developments and Progress in Labour Market and Social Policy in Israel

This report presents the OECD's assessment of recent developments in Israel in the area of labour market and social policy. It focuses on recent trends in poverty and employment outcomes and policy development to improve employment opportunities, especially for the Arab and Haredi communities


Workshop: Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship, the Triple Helix and Local Economic Development (London, UK)

The creation of innovative new firms and the development of SME innovation are strongly influenced by the extent to which localities offer environments that favour the transfer of knowledge to local business and provide the other resources required for innovative firm development, including skills, finance, advice, and supply chain partners.


Turkey: Supporting small business development in the province of Manisa - The role of KOSGEB

Many areas like Manisa suffer from a local lack of sophisticated demand in terms of expressed SME requirements. This leaves considerable scope for demand and supply side initiatives set within KOSGEB’s framework that will assist in shaping intervention and promoting a coherent approach to SME development.


Workshop: Potential of social enterprises for job creation and green economy - how to stimulate their start and development?

The last decade has seen considerable policy attention to the social economy and its contribution to employment, in particular as regards the inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable workers and the provision of appropriate working conditions.


10th Annual Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Development (Stockholm, Sweden)

In partnership with the Swedish Public Employment Service, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), Swedish Ministry of Employment and the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES), LEED held the 10th Annual Meeting of the Forum on Partnerships and Local Development in Stockholm 23 April – 25 April, on the theme of ‘job creation just ahead: building adaptable labour markets’.


Youth employment and regional development must rank as top priorities in Tunisia to secure stability and prosperity

Tunisia has made great strides since 2011 towards greater inclusivity and fairness in its political system, based on the rule of law, transparency and good governance.


Colombia: Supporting the development of local innovation systems – Policy review

The project provided recommendations to the city of Medellin and Antioquia to support the development of the local economy and includes a focus on how the innovative environment can be strengthened to support inclusion, entrepreneurship, SME, and local developmentto and how to better coordinate and integrate its policies with the national level.


Call for papers: Engaging employers in Skills development and utilisation

The work will seek to identify good practices for employer engagement in the areas of both developing and utilising skills, including setting up innovative workplace learning methods, designing effective employer partnerships with the employment and training system as well as financing mechanisms for employer-led training, including how best to reach SMEs.


OECD and Italian government step up cooperation on boosting jobs and local development - Renewal of the OECD LEED Trento Centre's mandate

The OECD and the Italian government are stepping up cooperation to ensure effective implementation of local development strategies to boost jobs, encourage entrepreneurship and increase social inclusion. An agreement, to be signed in Rome on 1 December 2015, will renew the mandate of the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development and establish a satellite office in Venice.


WORKSHOP: Cultural heritage as catalyst of local development (Milan, Italy)

The OECD LEED Trento Centre organised a working group session on "Cultural heritage as catalyst of local development " on Thursday, 22 June, 2017 - 12.30 to 15.30 in the context of ArtLab 17 in Milan.


Euregio Museum Day 2017: Museums & Local Development

The Euregio Museum Day 2017 reviewed the pilot version of the OECD guide "Culture and local development - Maximising the impact" and worked on thematic action principles and policy options to advance the reflection on these issues.


ITALY: Developing local development strategies for remote, peripheral areas - Trentino

The OECD LEED Trento Centre is working with Italy and the Autonomous Province of Trento to strengthen capacities to develop and implement integrated strategies targeted at improving the quality of life and well-being of people and reversing demographic trends in ‘inner areas’ (sparsely populated areas and stranded communities isolated from large and medium-sized urban centres).


OECD sessions on Local Development and Spatial Productivity at the 13th Trento Festival of Economics on Technology and Jobs

The OECD Trento Centre organised five sessions within the 2018 Festival of Economics on Technology and Jobs on 1-3 June 2018. OECD and intenational experts along with high level government representatives discussed the impact of new technologies on jobs and its effect on local economies and policies and what regions and regional policy can do to narrow economic gaps and promote productivity catching-up.


Summer Academy on Cultural and Creative Industries and Local Development

The Summer Academy, a three-year project 2018-2020, provides training for policy makers and representatives of cultural and creative industries (CCIs). The first edition will take place 11-15 June 2018 in Trento and Bolzano, Italy. The final conference on Friday 15 June is open to local as well as to national and international stakeholders interested in the event themes, upon registration.


9th International Summer School for community and local development in Latin America and the Caribbean

The School is organising specialised courses on socio-economic development and creating an international platform to exchange experiences and knowledge between public officers and practitioners from OECD member and non member countries that deals with cooperation and local development issues.


ENG Policy Highlights - Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018

This booklet reproduces highlights from the 2018 report Job Creation and Local Economic Development. This third edition in the series focuses on preparing for the future of work.


Sector-wide Schemata PMR 2018

Sector-wide Schemata PMR 2018


Economy-wide Schemata 2018 PMR Economy-wide

Economy-wide Schemata 2018 PMR Economy-wide


Economy wide PMR Indicators (July 2019)

Economy wide PMR Indicators (July 2019)


Sectoral PMR Indicators (July 2019)

Sectoral PMR Indicators (July 2019)


Sectoral PMR 2018 Database

Sectoral PMR 2018 Database


OECD PMR database July 2019- Economy wide

OECD PMR database July 2019 - Economy wide


OECD World Bank Economy wide PMR Indicators

OECD World Bank Economy wide PMR Indicators


Serious Concerns Remain over Japan’s Enforcement of Foreign Bribery Law, Despite Some Positive Developments

The Phase 3 Report on Japan by the OECD Working Group on Bribery evaluates and makes recommendations on Japan'simplementation and application of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and related instruments.


OECD Anti-Bribery Ministerial Meeting, 16 March 2016 - Open to media from 9:45 AM to 12:45 PM, Live webcast

Bribery in international business undermines good governance and economic development, perpetuates poverty and distorts international competition.


Teaching in Focus No. 10 - Embedding Professional Development in Schools for Teacher Success

Teachers report participating in more non-school than school embedded professional development (i.e. professional development that is grounded in teachers daily professional practices). Participation in non-school and school embedded professional development varies greatly between countries.


OECD Action Plan on the Sustainable Development Goals

Sound public policies grounded in evidence – and implemented effectively – will be crucial for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This document outlines four broad areas for future action for the OECD, highlighting what it could do more of – or do differently – to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. C/MIN(2016)6.


Achieving Sustainable Development Goal for education by 2030 will be major challenge for all countries

OECD countries must step up their efforts to improve the quality and equity of their education systems as part of their commitments to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for education by 2030, according to a new OECD report.


Empowering teachers with high-quality professional development (OECD Education Today Blog)

Exposure to high quality teacher professional development varies greatly both between and within countries, which broadens the scope of work for policy makers.


PISA in Focus No. 70: What do we know about teachers’ selection and professional development in high-performing countries?

In countries that performed above the OECD average in science, at least 80% of the students are in schools that invite specialists to conduct teacher training or organise in-service workshops for teachers or where teachers cooperate with each other. This is higher, on average, than what is observed among other countries.


Official launch: Project on Climate Change, Employment and Local Development (Sydney, Australia)

The aims of the workshop are to outline the key findings and recommendations of the two reports and to look at how we can develop stronger partnerships across Sydney to reduce carbon emissions and increase economic and employment opportunities.


Workshop: Skills strategies for inclusive development in India – Accelerating prosperity through policy coherence (New Delhi, India)

The Institute for Competitiveness India, the National Skill Development Corporation India and the OECD LEED Programme in collaboration with the ILO are joining forces to discuss local skills strategies for job-rich and inclusive growth in India.


Presentation of Clean-Tech Clustering as an Engine for Local Development: The Negev Region, Israel

The Negev region has the potential to deliver real and tangible benefits for regional development, green growth and social inclusion. The report explains how the region can exploit its existing strenghts and competitive advantages, including a niche in research, demonstration and testing in renewable energies and water efficiency.


Skills Development Pathways in Asia: Employment and Skills Strategies in Southeast Asia initiative (ESSSA)

Skills and educational development for inclusive and sustainable growth are becoming significant drivers in OECD countries.


Report: Delivering local development review to assess the efficiency of the Regional Development Agencies Integrated Network of the Slovak Republic

This project aims to support the Slovak Republic as it seeks to create a clear rationale for the Regional Development Agencies Integrated Network which currently comprises 38 agencies.


Linking Renewable Energy to Rural Development

This new publication looks at how renewable energy can bring the greatest benefits to host regions.


Growth, skills and education are the keys to inclusive regional development, says OECD

Vibrant and dynamic urban centers are among the main drivers of national growth and employment, but OECD’s new report Promoting Growth in All Regions highlights that even less wealthy regions have the potential to bolster stronger, greener, and more inclusive economies.


Conference: Innovation in skills development for SMEs competitiveness (Ankara, Turkey)

The conference discussed the results of the project as well as policy recommendations on training and skills development for the creation of an innovative and competitive SME sector in OECD countries.


Canada: Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs - An analysis of two urban regions Montreal and Winnipeg

This paper looks at a study carried out among 80 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in two Canadian cities, Montréal and Winnipeg, based on a survey and case studies, which show the importance of innovation among Canadian SMEs. These innovations in turn create new demands for skill development, both through formal training and in informal activities.