
Report by the Platform for Collaboration on Tax to the G20: Enhancing the Effectiveness of External Support in Building Tax Capacity in Developing Countries

G20 Finance Ministers, in their communique of February 2016, called upon the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Group to “recommend mechanisms to help ensure effective implementation of technical assistance programmes, and recommend how countries can contribute funding for tax projects and direct technical assistance, and report back with recommendations” at their July meeting.


The effect of the size and mix of public spending on growth and inequality

The effect of the size and mix of public spending on growth and inequality


Tax Side Events: Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation - 2nd High-Level Meeting

These three tax events held on the side-lines of the 2nd High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation in Nairobi were organised by the OECD in partnership with UNDP, UN, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and with support from a geographically wide and diverse coalition of partners including governments and regional tax organisations.


Enhancing public sector efficiency and effectiveness in the Czech Republic

Spending on public administration itself is relatively low and so are indicators of its performance.


Major progress reported towards a fairer and more effective international tax system

Countries are making major progress towards the goal of creating a fairer and more effective international tax system, including increasing efforts to close down loopholes, improve transparency and ensure that multinational enterprises pay tax where they carry out their activities, according to a new OECD report.


BEPS: Neutralising the tax effects of branch mismatch arrangements

Today, the OECD released a report on Neutralising the Effects of Branch Mismatch Arrangements (BEPS Action 2). This new report sets out recommendations for changes to domestic law that would bring the treatment of these branch mismatch structures into line with outcomes described in the 2015 Report.


Leading tax administrations focused on effective delivery of the OECD/G20 BEPS outcomes, automatic exchange of information and tax certainty and collaborate on taxing users of the sharing economy

The Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) is the leading international body concerned with tax administration. The FTA, which brings together Tax Commissioners from 50 advanced and emerging tax administrations (including OECD and G20 countries), held its Plenary meeting in Oslo on 27-29 September.


Loss Carryover Provisions: Measuring Effects on Tax Symmetry and Automatic Stabilisation

This paper presents data on carryover provisions in 34 countries and compares their effects on the basis of two comparable indices. Empirical results show that in most countries corporate tax is not perfectly symmetric, suggesting the existence of tax-induced distortions towards less risky investments.


Tax Inspectors Without Borders making significant progress towards strengthening developing countries' ability to effectively tax multinational enterprises

An innovative international co-operation initiative that deploys qualified experts in developing countries to strengthen their ability to effectively tax multinational enterprises has achieved significant milestones over the past year, according to a new annual report.


New Beneficial Ownership Toolkit will help tax administrations tackle tax evasion more effectively

This report “A Beneficial Ownership Implementation Toolkit” – contains policy considerations that Global Forum member jurisdictions can use in implementing the legal and supervisory frameworks to identify and collect beneficial ownership information, which is now a requirement of the international tax transparency standards.


OECD expands functionality of MLI Matching Database to include information on entry into effect

The OECD has added new features to its MLI Matching Database. The database now includes information on entry into effect dates for matched agreements and the option to calculate entry into effect dates on the basis of anticipated dates of deposits. The expanded database also includes references to synthesised texts, if available.


Effective use of Automatic Exchange of information – a role for Tax Inspectors Without Borders

Today marks an important milestone for the OECD/UNDP Tax Inspectors Without Borders initiative (TIWB) with the launch of a project on automatic exchange of information. The project, which will be co-ordinated with the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, was unveiled during its 10th Anniversary Meeting in Paris, France.


First meeting of the Global Forum’s peer review group on the effective implementation of automatic exchange of tax information

Comprised of 34 Global Forum members, the Automatic Exchange of Information Peer Review Group (APRG) held its first meeting on 16-18 March 2020 to discuss key issues in ensuring that jurisdictions are putting in place what is required to deliver an effective AEOI Standard, as well as how the recent developments in relation to Covid-19 might impact expectations.


Recommendation of the OECD Council on Effective Public Investment Across Levels of Government

Recommendation of the OECD Council on Effective Public Investment Across Levels of Government


Ukraine must eliminate obstacles to effectively implement anti-corruption reforms

Ukraine has made considerable progress in the area of anti-corruption reform but faces significant challenges to implement some important tools for combating corruption, according to a recent OECD report.


Lithuania has made significant legislative reforms to fight foreign bribery and should now ensure effective anti-bribery enforcement

Lithuania has taken significant steps to strengthen its legislative framework to combat foreign bribery. Yet further efforts are needed to ensure effective enforcement of anti-bribery laws with regard to corporate liability and imposing sanctions for foreign bribery, including confiscation, according to a new report by the OECD Working Group on Bribery.


Australia: Can deliver a growing aid budget effectively and efficiently

Australia delivered USD 5.44 billion in official development assistance (ODA) last year, or 0.36% of its gross national income. It is the eighth most generous country in the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), which groups the world’s major donors. Australia’s goal is to reach 0.5% of GNI by 2017 – a goal the DAC encourages it to follow through on, given its good track record and relatively strong economy.


Effective carbon rates: Key findings for Australia

This country note for Australia provides detail on the proportion of CO2 emissions from energy use subject to different effective carbon rates (ECR), as well as on the level and components of average ECRs in each of the six economic sectors (road transport, off-road transport, industry, agriculture and fishing, residential & commercial, and electricity).


Effective carbon rates: Key findings for Japan

This country note for Japan provides detail on the proportion of CO2 emissions from energy use subject to different effective carbon rates (ECR), as well as on the level and components of average ECRs in each of the six economic sectors (road transport, off-road transport, industry, agriculture and fishing, residential & commercial, and electricity).


Effective carbon rates: Key findings for Austria

This country note for Austria provides detail on the proportion of CO2 emissions from energy use subject to different effective carbon rates (ECR), as well as on the level and components of average ECRs in each of the six economic sectors (road transport, off-road transport, industry, agriculture and fishing, residential & commercial, and electricity).


Assessing the cost effectiveness of index-linked bond issuance

Sovereign index-linked bond issuance has grown significantly since the early 1980s and index-linked bonds have become a widely accepted part of the set of instruments that sovereign debt managers use for funding purposes. This paper sets out a methodology for assessing their cost effectiveness relative to other financing options, using UK examples for illustration.


Supporting an effective cyber insurance market

13/05/2017 - With the frequency and scope of cyber incidents growing significantly, this report provides an overview of the market for cyber insurance as well as the current challenges in terms of data availability, quantification of cyber risks, awareness and misunderstanding about coverage. It identifies potential policy measures to address some of the main challenges to the development of an effective cyber insurance market.


Effective carbon rates: Key findings for Belgium

This country note for Belgium provides detail on the proportion of CO2 emissions from energy use subject to different effective carbon rates (ECR), as well as on the level and components of average ECRs in each of the six economic sectors (road transport, off-road transport, industry, agriculture and fishing, residential & commercial, and electricity).


Road connectivity and the border effect: evidence from Europe

Several studies have reported a large negative effect of national borders on the volume of trade. We provide new estimates of the border effect for continental Europe using road rather than great circle – or "as-crows-fly" – distance.


The effectiveness of monetary policy since the onset of the financial crisis

In the wake of the Great Recession, a massive monetary policy stimulus was provided in the main OECD economies. It helped to stabilise financial markets and avoid deflation. Nonetheless, GDP growth has been sluggish and in some countries lower than expected given the measures taken, and estimated economic slack remains large.


What makes civil justice effective?

Well-functioning judicial systems play a crucial role in determining economic performance – notably by guaranteeing the security of property rights and the enforcement of contracts – but not all countries’ judiciaries operate at the same level of efficiency.


African countries need to tap global markets more effectively to strengthen their economies, says new African Economic Outlook

By participating more effectively in the global production of goods and services, Africa can transform its economy and achieve a development breakthrough, according to the latest African Economic Outlook, released at the African Development Bank Group’s Annual Meetings.


Spillover effects from exiting highly expansionary monetary policies

The prospective normalisation of monetary policies in the main OECD areas will be challenging given that current policy rates are likely to be significantly below neutral levels and that central bank balance sheets will be above the pre-crisis levels by a wide margin.


The effect of the global financial crisis on OECD potential output

This paper estimates potential output losses from the global financial crisis by comparing recent OECD published projections with a counter-factual assuming a continuation of pre-crisis productivity trends and a trend employment rate which is sensitive to demographic trends.


Norway has some good measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, but significant weaknesses undermine overall effectiveness, says FATF

Norway has taken some good initiatives to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, but needs to establish overarching policies and strategies, and address significant weaknesses in a number of key areas, according to a new report by the Financial Action Task Force.


Effects of economic policies on microeconomic stability

This paper shows that household-level economic instability is only very loosely related to macroeconomic volatility. However, the analysis also uncovers that moving to highly competitive policies generally reduces micro-level instability.


The negative effect of regulatory divergence on foreign direct investment

The determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) are explored with gravity models, using a Poisson estimator and a linear estimator, both with fixed effects.


The effects of reform scenarios for unemployment benefits and social assistance on financial incentives to work and poverty in Lithuania

In 2015 the Lithuanian government launched an ambitious Social Model reform agenda aimed at balancing flexibility of the labour market and security provided through the system of social protection.


The effects of reform scenarios for unemployment benefits and social assistance on financial incentives to work and poverty in Lithuania

In 2015 the Lithuanian government launched an ambitious Social Model reform agenda aimed at balancing flexibility of the labour market and security provided through the system of social protection.


The effect of the size and mix of public spending on growth and inequality

The effect of the size and mix of public spending on growth and inequality


Effects of flexibility-enhancing reforms on employment transitions

Do flexibility-enhancing reforms imply more employment instability? Using individual-level data from harmonised household surveys for 26 advanced countries, this paper analyses the effects of product and labour market reforms on transitions in and out of employment.


Enhancing public sector efficiency and effectiveness in the Czech Republic

Spending on public administration itself is relatively low and so are indicators of its performance.


The effects of the tax mix on inequality and growth

Can reforms that shift the balance among different taxes in the revenue mix lastingly influence the overall prosperity of an economy and the distribution of income across households?


Firms at the productivity frontier enjoy lower effective taxation

Slow productivity growth in advanced economies holds back income gains and therefore improvements in well-being.


The quantification of structural reforms: Introducing country-specific policy effects

This paper presents country-specific effects of structural reforms. It discusses how sizeable and interesting country-specific effects can be identified in a panel setting by conditioning the impact of individual policies on their own level or on the stance of other policies and institutions.


Sovereign defaults: Evidence on the importance of government effectiveness

This paper provides robust empirical evidence that government effectiveness is a key determinant of sovereign defaults.


Cyclical vs structural effects on health care expenditure trends in OECD countries

Health care expenditure per person, after accounting for changes in overall price levels, began to slow in many OECD countries in the early-to-mid 2000s, well before the economic and fiscal crisis.


Brazil Policy Brief: Improving the Effectiveness of Public Spending

Brazil has made significant progress in building a reputation for sound fiscal policy since it passed the Fiscal Responsibility Law in 2000. In recent years, however, the fiscal situation has become more difficult as public spending and gross debt have risen.


Quantifying the effects of trade liberalisation in Brazil: a CGE simulation

Brazil remains a fairly closed economy, with small trade flows relative to its share of world income. This paper explores the effects of three possible policy reforms to strengthen Brazil’s integration into global trade: a reduction in import tariffs, less local content requirements and a full zero-rating of exports in indirect taxes.


Effective carbon rates: Key findings for Brazil

This country note for Brazil provides detail on the proportion of CO2 emissions from energy use subject to different effective carbon rates (ECR), as well as on the level and components of average ECRs in each of the six economic sectors (road transport, off-road transport, industry, agriculture and fishing, residential & commercial, and electricity).


Public debt, economic growth and nonlinear effects: myth or reality?

The economics profession seems to increasingly endorse the existence of a strongly negative nonlinear effect of public debt on economic growth. Reinhart and Rogoff (2010) were the first to point out that a public debt to GDP ratio higher than 90% of GDP is associated with considerably lower economic performance in advanced and emerging economies alike.


Recovering Trust as a Key to Effective Public Policy

Public trust is the cornerstone of effective governance, the main ingredient to promote economic growth and social progress. Like never before, our citizens have doubts about their government’s capacities to make the right decisions. Therefore, we need to take the necessary measures to recover that confidence, said OECD Secretary-General.


New econometric estimates of long-term growth effects of different areas of public spending

Using panel data for OECD countries, this study investigates the extent to which changes in government spending on education, health and other areas influence long-term growth.


The effect of government debt, external debt and their interaction on OECD interest rates

In the wake of the financial crisis there has been renewed focus on the importance of a country’s net external debt position in determining domestic interest rates and, relatedly, its vulnerability to a crisis. This paper extends the panel estimation of OECD countries described in Turner and Spinelli (2012) to investigate the effect of external debt and its interaction with government debt on the interest-rate-growth differential.


Recommendation of the OECD Council on Effective Public Investment Across Levels of Government

Recommendation of the OECD Council on Effective Public Investment Across Levels of Government