mode The missing pages : the modern life of a medieval manuscript from genocide to justice / Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh. By Published On :: Tʻoros Ṛoslin, active 13th century. Full Article
mode Iconic : modern Australian houses 1950-2000 / Karen McCartney ; photography by Michael Wee. By Published On :: Architecture, Domestic -- Australia -- History -- 20th century. Full Article
mode The craft of dying : the modern face of death / Lyn H. Lofland ; introduction by John Troyer ; epilogue by Ara A. Francis. By Published On :: Death -- Psychological aspects. Full Article
mode In the land of the lion and sun, or : Modern Persia : being experiences of life in Persia from 1866 to 1881 / by C.J. Wills. By Published On :: London ; New York : Ward, Lock and Co., 1891. Full Article
mode Disability in the modern world By Published On :: The collection comprises 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video relating to the history of disability. Full Article
mode Early modern letters online By Published On :: Early Modern Letters Online is a combined finding aid and editorial interface for basic descriptions of early modern correspondence: a collaboratively populated union catalogue of sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth-century letters. Full Article
mode A descriptive catalogue of wet preparations, casts, drawings, models, books, etc., contained in the Museum of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children / arranged and edited in compliance w By Published On :: Birmingham : printed by M. Billing, 1847. Full Article
mode Diarrhoea and dysentery : modern views of their pathology and treatment / by Alonzo B. Palmer. By Published On :: Detroit, Mich. : G.S. Davis, 1887. Full Article
mode Die Aetiologie der alteren und modernen Ophthalmologie in ihrer besonderen Bedeutung fur die Therapie / von Wilhelm Manz. By Published On :: Freiburg : H.M. Poppen, 1886. Full Article
mode Die Furchen und Wulste am Grosshirn des Menschen : zugleich als Erlauterung zu dem Hirnmodell / von Ad. Pansch. By Published On :: Berlin : R. Oppenheim, 1879. Full Article
mode Die moderne Behandlung der Nervenschwäche (Neurasthenie) der Hysterie und verwandter Leiden : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Luftcuren, Bäder, Anstaltsbehandlung und der Mitchell-Playfair’schen Mastkur / von Dr. Loewenfeld. By Published On :: Wiesbaden : J.F. Bergmann, 1889. Full Article
mode Die moderne Biologie und die Entwicklungstheorie / von Erich Wasmann. By Published On :: Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 1904. Full Article
mode Die Moderne physiologische Psychologie in Deutschland : eine historisch-kritische Untersuchung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Problems der Aufmerksamkeit / von W. Heinrich. By Published On :: Zürich : Speidel, 1895. Full Article
mode Dietetical and medical hydrology : a treatise on baths; including cold, sea, warm, hot, vapour, gas, and mud baths, also on the watery regimen, hydropathy, and pulmonary inhalation; with a description of bathing in ancient and modern times / by John Bell. By Published On :: Philadelphia : Barrington and Haswell, 1850. Full Article
mode Diseases and remedies : a concise survey of the most modern methods of medicine / written expressly for the drug trade by physicians and pharmacists. By Published On :: London : Chemist and Druggist, 1898. Full Article
mode A dissertation on the best mode of treating spasmodic cholera ; with a view of its history and progress, from its origin in India, in 1817 down to the present time ; together with an appendix, containing a review of Dr McCormac's pamphlet, &c / by By Published On :: London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1834. Full Article
mode Documents and dates of modern discoveries in the nervous system. By Published On :: London : J. Churchill, 1839. Full Article
mode Electricity : its application in medicine and surgery : a brief and practical exposition of modern scientific electro-therapeutics / by Wellington Adams. By Published On :: Detroit, Mich. : G.S. Davis, 1891. Full Article
mode Elements of pathology and therapeutics being the outlines of a work, intended to ascertain the nature, causes, and most efficacious modes of prevention and cure, of the greater number of the diseases incidental to the human frame : illustrated by numerous By Published On :: Bath : And sold by Underwood, London, 1825. Full Article
mode Ergebnisse von 240 operierten Lupusfällen nebst Bemerkungen zur modernen Lupusbehandlung / von Ludwig Spitzer und Alfred Jungmann. By Published On :: Wien : SafÏar, 1905. Full Article
mode Parce que, travestis et transgenres, notre regard sur le mode et les autres se veut teinté de respect et de douceur / Hommefleur. By Published On :: Châtillon, France : Association Hommefleur, [date of publication not identified] Full Article
mode UCLA's Natalie Chou on her role models, inspiring Asian-American girls in basketball By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 21:33:42 GMT Pac-12 Networks' Mike Yam has a conversation with UCLA's Natalie Chou during Wednesday's "Pac-12 Perspective" podcast. Chou reflects on her role models, passion for basketball and how her mom has made a big impact on her hoops career. Full Article video Sports
mode The limiting behavior of isotonic and convex regression estimators when the model is misspecified By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 22:00 EDT Eunji Lim. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 2053--2097.Abstract: We study the asymptotic behavior of the least squares estimators when the model is possibly misspecified. We consider the setting where we wish to estimate an unknown function $f_{*}:(0,1)^{d} ightarrow mathbb{R}$ from observations $(X,Y),(X_{1},Y_{1}),cdots ,(X_{n},Y_{n})$; our estimator $hat{g}_{n}$ is the minimizer of $sum _{i=1}^{n}(Y_{i}-g(X_{i}))^{2}/n$ over $gin mathcal{G}$ for some set of functions $mathcal{G}$. We provide sufficient conditions on the metric entropy of $mathcal{G}$, under which $hat{g}_{n}$ converges to $g_{*}$ as $n ightarrow infty $, where $g_{*}$ is the minimizer of $|g-f_{*}| riangleq mathbb{E}(g(X)-f_{*}(X))^{2}$ over $gin mathcal{G}$. As corollaries of our theorem, we establish $|hat{g}_{n}-g_{*}| ightarrow 0$ as $n ightarrow infty $ when $mathcal{G}$ is the set of monotone functions or the set of convex functions. We also make a connection between the convergence rate of $|hat{g}_{n}-g_{*}|$ and the metric entropy of $mathcal{G}$. As special cases of our finding, we compute the convergence rate of $|hat{g}_{n}-g_{*}|^{2}$ when $mathcal{G}$ is the set of bounded monotone functions or the set of bounded convex functions. Full Article
mode Statistical convergence of the EM algorithm on Gaussian mixture models By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 22:00 EDT Ruofei Zhao, Yuanzhi Li, Yuekai Sun. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 632--660.Abstract: We study the convergence behavior of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm on Gaussian mixture models with an arbitrary number of mixture components and mixing weights. We show that as long as the means of the components are separated by at least $Omega (sqrt{min {M,d}})$, where $M$ is the number of components and $d$ is the dimension, the EM algorithm converges locally to the global optimum of the log-likelihood. Further, we show that the convergence rate is linear and characterize the size of the basin of attraction to the global optimum. Full Article
mode Generalised cepstral models for the spectrum of vector time series By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 22:00 EDT Maddalena Cavicchioli. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 605--631.Abstract: The paper treats the modeling of stationary multivariate stochastic processes via a frequency domain model expressed in terms of cepstrum theory. The proposed model nests the vector exponential model of [20] as a special case, and extends the generalised cepstral model of [36] to the multivariate setting, answering a question raised by the last authors in their paper. Contemporarily, we extend the notion of generalised autocovariance function of [35] to vector time series. Then we derive explicit matrix formulas connecting generalised cepstral and autocovariance matrices of the process, and prove the consistency and asymptotic properties of the Whittle likelihood estimators of model parameters. Asymptotic theory for the special case of the vector exponential model is a significant addition to the paper of [20]. We also provide a mathematical machinery, based on matrix differentiation, and computational methods to derive our results, which differ significantly from those employed in the univariate case. The utility of the proposed model is illustrated through Monte Carlo simulation from a bivariate process characterized by a high dynamic range, and an empirical application on time varying minimum variance hedge ratios through the second moments of future and spot prices in the corn commodity market. Full Article
mode On the Letac-Massam conjecture and existence of high dimensional Bayes estimators for graphical models By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 22:00 EDT Emanuel Ben-David, Bala Rajaratnam. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 580--604.Abstract: The Wishart distribution defined on the open cone of positive-definite matrices plays a central role in multivariate analysis and multivariate distribution theory. Its domain of parameters is often referred to as the Gindikin set. In recent years, varieties of useful extensions of the Wishart distribution have been proposed in the literature for the purposes of studying Markov random fields and graphical models. In particular, generalizations of the Wishart distribution, referred to as Type I and Type II (graphical) Wishart distributions introduced by Letac and Massam in Annals of Statistics (2007) play important roles in both frequentist and Bayesian inference for Gaussian graphical models. These distributions have been especially useful in high-dimensional settings due to the flexibility offered by their multiple-shape parameters. Concerning Type I and Type II Wishart distributions, a conjecture of Letac and Massam concerns the domain of multiple-shape parameters of these distributions. The conjecture also has implications for the existence of Bayes estimators corresponding to these high dimensional priors. The conjecture, which was first posed in the Annals of Statistics, has now been an open problem for about 10 years. In this paper, we give a necessary condition for the Letac and Massam conjecture to hold. More precisely, we prove that if the Letac and Massam conjecture holds on a decomposable graph, then no two separators of the graph can be nested within each other. For this, we analyze Type I and Type II Wishart distributions on appropriate Markov equivalent perfect DAG models and succeed in deriving the aforementioned necessary condition. This condition in particular identifies a class of counterexamples to the conjecture. Full Article
mode Consistent model selection criteria and goodness-of-fit test for common time series models By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 22:02 EDT Jean-Marc Bardet, Kare Kamila, William Kengne. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 2009--2052.Abstract: This paper studies the model selection problem in a large class of causal time series models, which includes both the ARMA or AR($infty $) processes, as well as the GARCH or ARCH($infty $), APARCH, ARMA-GARCH and many others processes. To tackle this issue, we consider a penalized contrast based on the quasi-likelihood of the model. We provide sufficient conditions for the penalty term to ensure the consistency of the proposed procedure as well as the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the chosen model. We also propose a tool for diagnosing the goodness-of-fit of the chosen model based on a Portmanteau test. Monte-Carlo experiments and numerical applications on illustrative examples are performed to highlight the obtained asymptotic results. Moreover, using a data-driven choice of the penalty, they show the practical efficiency of this new model selection procedure and Portemanteau test. Full Article
mode Bayesian variance estimation in the Gaussian sequence model with partial information on the means By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 22:02 EDT Gianluca Finocchio, Johannes Schmidt-Hieber. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 239--271.Abstract: Consider the Gaussian sequence model under the additional assumption that a fixed fraction of the means is known. We study the problem of variance estimation from a frequentist Bayesian perspective. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for $sigma^{2}$ is biased and inconsistent. This raises the question whether the posterior is able to correct the MLE in this case. By developing a new proving strategy that uses refined properties of the posterior distribution, we find that the marginal posterior is inconsistent for any i.i.d. prior on the mean parameters. In particular, no assumption on the decay of the prior needs to be imposed. Surprisingly, we also find that consistency can be retained for a hierarchical prior based on Gaussian mixtures. In this case we also establish a limiting shape result and determine the limit distribution. In contrast to the classical Bernstein-von Mises theorem, the limit is non-Gaussian. We show that the Bayesian analysis leads to new statistical estimators outperforming the correctly calibrated MLE in a numerical simulation study. Full Article
mode Exact recovery in block spin Ising models at the critical line By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 22:01 EDT Matthias Löwe, Kristina Schubert. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1796--1815.Abstract: We show how to exactly reconstruct the block structure at the critical line in the so-called Ising block model. This model was recently re-introduced by Berthet, Rigollet and Srivastava in [2]. There the authors show how to exactly reconstruct blocks away from the critical line and they give an upper and a lower bound on the number of observations one needs; thereby they establish a minimax optimal rate (up to constants). Our technique relies on a combination of their methods with fluctuation results obtained in [20]. The latter are extended to the full critical regime. We find that the number of necessary observations depends on whether the interaction parameter between two blocks is positive or negative: In the first case, there are about $Nlog N$ observations required to exactly recover the block structure, while in the latter case $sqrt{N}log N$ observations suffice. Full Article
mode Efficient estimation in expectile regression using envelope models By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 22:01 EDT Tuo Chen, Zhihua Su, Yi Yang, Shanshan Ding. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 143--173.Abstract: As a generalization of the classical linear regression, expectile regression (ER) explores the relationship between the conditional expectile of a response variable and a set of predictor variables. ER with respect to different expectile levels can provide a comprehensive picture of the conditional distribution of the response variable given the predictors. We adopt an efficient estimation method called the envelope model ([8]) in ER, and construct a novel envelope expectile regression (EER) model. Estimation of the EER parameters can be performed using the generalized method of moments (GMM). We establish the consistency and derive the asymptotic distribution of the EER estimators. In addition, we show that the EER estimators are asymptotically more efficient than the ER estimators. Numerical experiments and real data examples are provided to demonstrate the efficiency gains attained by EER compared to ER, and the efficiency gains can further lead to improvements in prediction. Full Article
mode Model-based clustering with envelopes By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 22:01 EDT Wenjing Wang, Xin Zhang, Qing Mai. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 82--109.Abstract: Clustering analysis is an important unsupervised learning technique in multivariate statistics and machine learning. In this paper, we propose a set of new mixture models called CLEMM (in short for Clustering with Envelope Mixture Models) that is based on the widely used Gaussian mixture model assumptions and the nascent research area of envelope methodology. Formulated mostly for regression models, envelope methodology aims for simultaneous dimension reduction and efficient parameter estimation, and includes a very recent formulation of envelope discriminant subspace for classification and discriminant analysis. Motivated by the envelope discriminant subspace pursuit in classification, we consider parsimonious probabilistic mixture models where the cluster analysis can be improved by projecting the data onto a latent lower-dimensional subspace. The proposed CLEMM framework and the associated envelope-EM algorithms thus provide foundations for envelope methods in unsupervised and semi-supervised learning problems. Numerical studies on simulated data and two benchmark data sets show significant improvement of our propose methods over the classical methods such as Gaussian mixture models, K-means and hierarchical clustering algorithms. An R package is available at Full Article
mode Non-parametric adaptive estimation of order 1 Sobol indices in stochastic models, with an application to Epidemiology By Published On :: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 04:02 EDT Gwenaëlle Castellan, Anthony Cousien, Viet Chi Tran. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 50--81.Abstract: Global sensitivity analysis is a set of methods aiming at quantifying the contribution of an uncertain input parameter of the model (or combination of parameters) on the variability of the response. We consider here the estimation of the Sobol indices of order 1 which are commonly-used indicators based on a decomposition of the output’s variance. In a deterministic framework, when the same inputs always give the same outputs, these indices are usually estimated by replicated simulations of the model. In a stochastic framework, when the response given a set of input parameters is not unique due to randomness in the model, metamodels are often used to approximate the mean and dispersion of the response by deterministic functions. We propose a new non-parametric estimator without the need of defining a metamodel to estimate the Sobol indices of order 1. The estimator is based on warped wavelets and is adaptive in the regularity of the model. The convergence of the mean square error to zero, when the number of simulations of the model tend to infinity, is computed and an elbow effect is shown, depending on the regularity of the model. Applications in Epidemiology are carried to illustrate the use of non-parametric estimators. Full Article
mode Simultaneous transformation and rounding (STAR) models for integer-valued data By Published On :: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 04:02 EDT Daniel R. Kowal, Antonio Canale. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1744--1772.Abstract: We propose a simple yet powerful framework for modeling integer-valued data, such as counts, scores, and rounded data. The data-generating process is defined by Simultaneously Transforming and Rounding (STAR) a continuous-valued process, which produces a flexible family of integer-valued distributions capable of modeling zero-inflation, bounded or censored data, and over- or underdispersion. The transformation is modeled as unknown for greater distributional flexibility, while the rounding operation ensures a coherent integer-valued data-generating process. An efficient MCMC algorithm is developed for posterior inference and provides a mechanism for adaptation of successful Bayesian models and algorithms for continuous data to the integer-valued data setting. Using the STAR framework, we design a new Bayesian Additive Regression Tree model for integer-valued data, which demonstrates impressive predictive distribution accuracy for both synthetic data and a large healthcare utilization dataset. For interpretable regression-based inference, we develop a STAR additive model, which offers greater flexibility and scalability than existing integer-valued models. The STAR additive model is applied to study the recent decline in Amazon river dolphins. Full Article
mode Nonconcave penalized estimation in sparse vector autoregression model By Published On :: Wed, 01 Apr 2020 04:00 EDT Xuening Zhu. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1413--1448.Abstract: High dimensional time series receive considerable attention recently, whose temporal and cross-sectional dependency could be captured by the vector autoregression (VAR) model. To tackle with the high dimensionality, penalization methods are widely employed. However, theoretically, the existing studies of the penalization methods mainly focus on $i.i.d$ data, therefore cannot quantify the effect of the dependence level on the convergence rate. In this work, we use the spectral properties of the time series to quantify the dependence and derive a nonasymptotic upper bound for the estimation errors. By focusing on the nonconcave penalization methods, we manage to establish the oracle properties of the penalized VAR model estimation by considering the effects of temporal and cross-sectional dependence. Extensive numerical studies are conducted to compare the finite sample performance using different penalization functions. Lastly, an air pollution data of mainland China is analyzed for illustration purpose. Full Article
mode Rate optimal Chernoff bound and application to community detection in the stochastic block models By Published On :: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 22:01 EDT Zhixin Zhou, Ping Li. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1302--1347.Abstract: The Chernoff coefficient is known to be an upper bound of Bayes error probability in classification problem. In this paper, we will develop a rate optimal Chernoff bound on the Bayes error probability. The new bound is not only an upper bound but also a lower bound of Bayes error probability up to a constant factor. Moreover, we will apply this result to community detection in the stochastic block models. As a clustering problem, the optimal misclassification rate of community detection problem can be characterized by our rate optimal Chernoff bound. This can be formalized by deriving a minimax error rate over certain parameter space of stochastic block models, then achieving such an error rate by a feasible algorithm employing multiple steps of EM type updates. Full Article
mode Consistency and asymptotic normality of Latent Block Model estimators By Published On :: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 22:02 EDT Vincent Brault, Christine Keribin, Mahendra Mariadassou. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1234--1268.Abstract: The Latent Block Model (LBM) is a model-based method to cluster simultaneously the $d$ columns and $n$ rows of a data matrix. Parameter estimation in LBM is a difficult and multifaceted problem. Although various estimation strategies have been proposed and are now well understood empirically, theoretical guarantees about their asymptotic behavior is rather sparse and most results are limited to the binary setting. We prove here theoretical guarantees in the valued settings. We show that under some mild conditions on the parameter space, and in an asymptotic regime where $log (d)/n$ and $log (n)/d$ tend to $0$ when $n$ and $d$ tend to infinity, (1) the maximum-likelihood estimate of the complete model (with known labels) is consistent and (2) the log-likelihood ratios are equivalent under the complete and observed (with unknown labels) models. This equivalence allows us to transfer the asymptotic consistency, and under mild conditions, asymptotic normality, to the maximum likelihood estimate under the observed model. Moreover, the variational estimator is also consistent and, under the same conditions, asymptotically normal. Full Article
mode On the distribution, model selection properties and uniqueness of the Lasso estimator in low and high dimensions By Published On :: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 22:06 EST Karl Ewald, Ulrike Schneider. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 944--969.Abstract: We derive expressions for the finite-sample distribution of the Lasso estimator in the context of a linear regression model in low as well as in high dimensions by exploiting the structure of the optimization problem defining the estimator. In low dimensions, we assume full rank of the regressor matrix and present expressions for the cumulative distribution function as well as the densities of the absolutely continuous parts of the estimator. Our results are presented for the case of normally distributed errors, but do not hinge on this assumption and can easily be generalized. Additionally, we establish an explicit formula for the correspondence between the Lasso and the least-squares estimator. We derive analogous results for the distribution in less explicit form in high dimensions where we make no assumptions on the regressor matrix at all. In this setting, we also investigate the model selection properties of the Lasso and show that possibly only a subset of models might be selected by the estimator, completely independently of the observed response vector. Finally, we present a condition for uniqueness of the estimator that is necessary as well as sufficient. Full Article
mode Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model: A novel approach based on least squares minimization By Published On :: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 22:03 EST Benjamin Colling, Ingrid Van Keilegom. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 769--800.Abstract: Consider the following semiparametric transformation model $Lambda_{ heta }(Y)=m(X)+varepsilon $, where $X$ is a $d$-dimensional covariate, $Y$ is a univariate response variable and $varepsilon $ is an error term with zero mean and independent of $X$. We assume that $m$ is an unknown regression function and that ${Lambda _{ heta }: heta inTheta }$ is a parametric family of strictly increasing functions. Our goal is to develop two new estimators of the transformation parameter $ heta $. The main idea of these two estimators is to minimize, with respect to $ heta $, the $L_{2}$-distance between the transformation $Lambda _{ heta }$ and one of its fully nonparametric estimators. We consider in particular the nonparametric estimator based on the least-absolute deviation loss constructed in Colling and Van Keilegom (2019). We establish the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the two proposed estimators of $ heta $. We also carry out a simulation study to illustrate and compare the performance of our new parametric estimators to that of the profile likelihood estimator constructed in Linton et al. (2008). Full Article
mode A Model of Fake Data in Data-driven Analysis By Published On :: 2020 Data-driven analysis has been increasingly used in various decision making processes. With more sources, including reviews, news, and pictures, can now be used for data analysis, the authenticity of data sources is in doubt. While previous literature attempted to detect fake data piece by piece, in the current work, we try to capture the fake data sender's strategic behavior to detect the fake data source. Specifically, we model the tension between a data receiver who makes data-driven decisions and a fake data sender who benefits from misleading the receiver. We propose a potentially infinite horizon continuous time game-theoretic model with asymmetric information to capture the fact that the receiver does not initially know the existence of fake data and learns about it during the course of the game. We use point processes to model the data traffic, where each piece of data can occur at any discrete moment in a continuous time flow. We fully solve the model and employ numerical examples to illustrate the players' strategies and payoffs for insights. Specifically, our results show that maintaining some suspicion about the data sources and understanding that the sender can be strategic are very helpful to the data receiver. In addition, based on our model, we propose a methodology of detecting fake data that is complementary to the previous studies on this topic, which suggested various approaches on analyzing the data piece by piece. We show that after analyzing each piece of data, understanding a source by looking at the its whole history of pushing data can be helpful. Full Article
mode Universal Latent Space Model Fitting for Large Networks with Edge Covariates By Published On :: 2020 Latent space models are effective tools for statistical modeling and visualization of network data. Due to their close connection to generalized linear models, it is also natural to incorporate covariate information in them. The current paper presents two universal fitting algorithms for networks with edge covariates: one based on nuclear norm penalization and the other based on projected gradient descent. Both algorithms are motivated by maximizing the likelihood function for an existing class of inner-product models, and we establish their statistical rates of convergence for these models. In addition, the theory informs us that both methods work simultaneously for a wide range of different latent space models that allow latent positions to affect edge formation in flexible ways, such as distance models. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the methods is demonstrated on a number of real world network data sets for different statistical tasks, including community detection with and without edge covariates, and network assisted learning. Full Article
mode Weighted Message Passing and Minimum Energy Flow for Heterogeneous Stochastic Block Models with Side Information By Published On :: 2020 We study the misclassification error for community detection in general heterogeneous stochastic block models (SBM) with noisy or partial label information. We establish a connection between the misclassification rate and the notion of minimum energy on the local neighborhood of the SBM. We develop an optimally weighted message passing algorithm to reconstruct labels for SBM based on the minimum energy flow and the eigenvectors of a certain Markov transition matrix. The general SBM considered in this paper allows for unequal-size communities, degree heterogeneity, and different connection probabilities among blocks. We focus on how to optimally weigh the message passing to improve misclassification. Full Article
mode Lower Bounds for Testing Graphical Models: Colorings and Antiferromagnetic Ising Models By Published On :: 2020 We study the identity testing problem in the context of spin systems or undirected graphical models, where it takes the following form: given the parameter specification of the model $M$ and a sampling oracle for the distribution $mu_{M^*}$ of an unknown model $M^*$, can we efficiently determine if the two models $M$ and $M^*$ are the same? We consider identity testing for both soft-constraint and hard-constraint systems. In particular, we prove hardness results in two prototypical cases, the Ising model and proper colorings, and explore whether identity testing is any easier than structure learning. For the ferromagnetic (attractive) Ising model, Daskalakis et al. (2018) presented a polynomial-time algorithm for identity testing. We prove hardness results in the antiferromagnetic (repulsive) setting in the same regime of parameters where structure learning is known to require a super-polynomial number of samples. Specifically, for $n$-vertex graphs of maximum degree $d$, we prove that if $|eta| d = omega(log{n})$ (where $eta$ is the inverse temperature parameter), then there is no polynomial running time identity testing algorithm unless $RP=NP$. In the hard-constraint setting, we present hardness results for identity testing for proper colorings. Our results are based on the presumed hardness of #BIS, the problem of (approximately) counting independent sets in bipartite graphs. Full Article
mode A New Class of Time Dependent Latent Factor Models with Applications By Published On :: 2020 In many applications, observed data are influenced by some combination of latent causes. For example, suppose sensors are placed inside a building to record responses such as temperature, humidity, power consumption and noise levels. These random, observed responses are typically affected by many unobserved, latent factors (or features) within the building such as the number of individuals, the turning on and off of electrical devices, power surges, etc. These latent factors are usually present for a contiguous period of time before disappearing; further, multiple factors could be present at a time. This paper develops new probabilistic methodology and inference methods for random object generation influenced by latent features exhibiting temporal persistence. Every datum is associated with subsets of a potentially infinite number of hidden, persistent features that account for temporal dynamics in an observation. The ensuing class of dynamic models constructed by adapting the Indian Buffet Process — a probability measure on the space of random, unbounded binary matrices — finds use in a variety of applications arising in operations, signal processing, biomedicine, marketing, image analysis, etc. Illustrations using synthetic and real data are provided. Full Article
mode Latent Simplex Position Model: High Dimensional Multi-view Clustering with Uncertainty Quantification By Published On :: 2020 High dimensional data often contain multiple facets, and several clustering patterns can co-exist under different variable subspaces, also known as the views. While multi-view clustering algorithms were proposed, the uncertainty quantification remains difficult --- a particular challenge is in the high complexity of estimating the cluster assignment probability under each view, and sharing information among views. In this article, we propose an approximate Bayes approach --- treating the similarity matrices generated over the views as rough first-stage estimates for the co-assignment probabilities; in its Kullback-Leibler neighborhood, we obtain a refined low-rank matrix, formed by the pairwise product of simplex coordinates. Interestingly, each simplex coordinate directly encodes the cluster assignment uncertainty. For multi-view clustering, we let each view draw a parameterization from a few candidates, leading to dimension reduction. With high model flexibility, the estimation can be efficiently carried out as a continuous optimization problem, hence enjoys gradient-based computation. The theory establishes the connection of this model to a random partition distribution under multiple views. Compared to single-view clustering approaches, substantially more interpretable results are obtained when clustering brains from a human traumatic brain injury study, using high-dimensional gene expression data. Full Article
mode Learning Linear Non-Gaussian Causal Models in the Presence of Latent Variables By Published On :: 2020 We consider the problem of learning causal models from observational data generated by linear non-Gaussian acyclic causal models with latent variables. Without considering the effect of latent variables, the inferred causal relationships among the observed variables are often wrong. Under faithfulness assumption, we propose a method to check whether there exists a causal path between any two observed variables. From this information, we can obtain the causal order among the observed variables. The next question is whether the causal effects can be uniquely identified as well. We show that causal effects among observed variables cannot be identified uniquely under mere assumptions of faithfulness and non-Gaussianity of exogenous noises. However, we are able to propose an efficient method that identifies the set of all possible causal effects that are compatible with the observational data. We present additional structural conditions on the causal graph under which causal effects among observed variables can be determined uniquely. Furthermore, we provide necessary and sufficient graphical conditions for unique identification of the number of variables in the system. Experiments on synthetic data and real-world data show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm for learning causal models. Full Article
mode Switching Regression Models and Causal Inference in the Presence of Discrete Latent Variables By Published On :: 2020 Given a response $Y$ and a vector $X = (X^1, dots, X^d)$ of $d$ predictors, we investigate the problem of inferring direct causes of $Y$ among the vector $X$. Models for $Y$ that use all of its causal covariates as predictors enjoy the property of being invariant across different environments or interventional settings. Given data from such environments, this property has been exploited for causal discovery. Here, we extend this inference principle to situations in which some (discrete-valued) direct causes of $ Y $ are unobserved. Such cases naturally give rise to switching regression models. We provide sufficient conditions for the existence, consistency and asymptotic normality of the MLE in linear switching regression models with Gaussian noise, and construct a test for the equality of such models. These results allow us to prove that the proposed causal discovery method obtains asymptotic false discovery control under mild conditions. We provide an algorithm, make available code, and test our method on simulated data. It is robust against model violations and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. We further apply our method to a real data set, where we show that it does not only output causal predictors, but also a process-based clustering of data points, which could be of additional interest to practitioners. Full Article
mode High-Dimensional Inference for Cluster-Based Graphical Models By Published On :: 2020 Motivated by modern applications in which one constructs graphical models based on a very large number of features, this paper introduces a new class of cluster-based graphical models, in which variable clustering is applied as an initial step for reducing the dimension of the feature space. We employ model assisted clustering, in which the clusters contain features that are similar to the same unobserved latent variable. Two different cluster-based Gaussian graphical models are considered: the latent variable graph, corresponding to the graphical model associated with the unobserved latent variables, and the cluster-average graph, corresponding to the vector of features averaged over clusters. Our study reveals that likelihood based inference for the latent graph, not analyzed previously, is analytically intractable. Our main contribution is the development and analysis of alternative estimation and inference strategies, for the precision matrix of an unobservable latent vector Z. We replace the likelihood of the data by an appropriate class of empirical risk functions, that can be specialized to the latent graphical model and to the simpler, but under-analyzed, cluster-average graphical model. The estimators thus derived can be used for inference on the graph structure, for instance on edge strength or pattern recovery. Inference is based on the asymptotic limits of the entry-wise estimates of the precision matrices associated with the conditional independence graphs under consideration. While taking the uncertainty induced by the clustering step into account, we establish Berry-Esseen central limit theorems for the proposed estimators. It is noteworthy that, although the clusters are estimated adaptively from the data, the central limit theorems regarding the entries of the estimated graphs are proved under the same conditions one would use if the clusters were known in advance. As an illustration of the usage of these newly developed inferential tools, we show that they can be reliably used for recovery of the sparsity pattern of the graphs we study, under FDR control, which is verified via simulation studies and an fMRI data analysis. These experimental results confirm the theoretically established difference between the two graph structures. Furthermore, the data analysis suggests that the latent variable graph, corresponding to the unobserved cluster centers, can help provide more insight into the understanding of the brain connectivity networks relative to the simpler, average-based, graph. Full Article
mode Estimation of a Low-rank Topic-Based Model for Information Cascades By Published On :: 2020 We consider the problem of estimating the latent structure of a social network based on the observed information diffusion events, or cascades, where the observations for a given cascade consist of only the timestamps of infection for infected nodes but not the source of the infection. Most of the existing work on this problem has focused on estimating a diffusion matrix without any structural assumptions on it. In this paper, we propose a novel model based on the intuition that an information is more likely to propagate among two nodes if they are interested in similar topics which are also prominent in the information content. In particular, our model endows each node with an influence vector (which measures how authoritative the node is on each topic) and a receptivity vector (which measures how susceptible the node is for each topic). We show how this node-topic structure can be estimated from the observed cascades, and prove the consistency of the estimator. Experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate the improved performance and better interpretability of our model compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. Full Article
mode High-dimensional Gaussian graphical models on network-linked data By Published On :: 2020 Graphical models are commonly used to represent conditional dependence relationships between variables. There are multiple methods available for exploring them from high-dimensional data, but almost all of them rely on the assumption that the observations are independent and identically distributed. At the same time, observations connected by a network are becoming increasingly common, and tend to violate these assumptions. Here we develop a Gaussian graphical model for observations connected by a network with potentially different mean vectors, varying smoothly over the network. We propose an efficient estimation algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness on both simulated and real data, obtaining meaningful and interpretable results on a statistics coauthorship network. We also prove that our method estimates both the inverse covariance matrix and the corresponding graph structure correctly under the assumption of network “cohesion”, which refers to the empirically observed phenomenon of network neighbors sharing similar traits. Full Article
mode Identifiability of Additive Noise Models Using Conditional Variances By Published On :: 2020 This paper considers a new identifiability condition for additive noise models (ANMs) in which each variable is determined by an arbitrary Borel measurable function of its parents plus an independent error. It has been shown that ANMs are fully recoverable under some identifiability conditions, such as when all error variances are equal. However, this identifiable condition could be restrictive, and hence, this paper focuses on a relaxed identifiability condition that involves not only error variances, but also the influence of parents. This new class of identifiable ANMs does not put any constraints on the form of dependencies, or distributions of errors, and allows different error variances. It further provides a statistically consistent and computationally feasible structure learning algorithm for the identifiable ANMs based on the new identifiability condition. The proposed algorithm assumes that all relevant variables are observed, while it does not assume faithfulness or a sparse graph. Demonstrated through extensive simulated and real multivariate data is that the proposed algorithm successfully recovers directed acyclic graphs. Full Article