
Some Montana schools reopen; gyms, theaters can next week


Official: Nebraska schools should be able to reopen on time


W. Virginia teachers hold car parade with students, families


How Principals and District Leaders Are Trying to Boost Lagging Teacher Morale During COVID-19

Knowing the shift to remote learning would be tough for teachers, school and district administrators have scrambled to assemble as many kinds of supports as they can.


Minnesota bans large-scale high school graduation ceremonies


In Wisconsin, a High-Pitched, Emotional Battle over K-12 Spending

Wisconsin is one of a handful of states where how much schools will get this fall is still being debated in the state capitol.


A School District in Fiscal Free-Fall Scrambles to Avoid Crash Landing

Emotions remain raw as educators and residents in a rural Wisconsin district dig for solutions after being denied the option of dissolving.


In Battle Against Bullies, Some Schools Target Parents

Looking for new ways to combat kids who bully, some communities are threatening to fine parents with no evidence that the approach is effective.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Wisconsin

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Open Enrollment Has Drained One District. It's Looking to Dissolve

Wisconsin’s Palmyra-Eagle district has lost more than half its students in the last decade, sparking a fiscal crisis. A special board is deciding whether the district should be allowed to dissolve.


Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed

A special state panel in Wisconsin has rejected a financially strapped district's request to dissolve.


Most Wisconsin schools, districts meet expectations


Verdict Looms on Whether Insolvent Wisconsin District Can Dissolve

Palmyra-Eagle, a mostly rural school district in Southeast Wisconsin, lost more than half its students to surrounding districts and then taxpayers voted to dissolve the district.


Autistic School Board Member Pushes for Inclusion, Understanding

Schools are "still dealing with the belief that children [with disabilities] can't be educated with their peers," says Nicki Vander Meulen, an autistic school board member in Madison, Wis.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Wisconsin

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Virtual Teaching: Skill of the Future? Or Not So Much?

Leaders in some districts say remote teaching will now be a skill they will build even more in their existing teacher corps. Others are more skeptical.


Wisconsin high court won't let unions join stay-at-home suit


Trump-backed lawmaker faces school board head for Congress


Undergraduate Education Degrees Again Permitted in California

Aspiring teachers in California will now be able to major in education as undergraduates, which has been forbidden for more than five decades under an unusual state law.


STEM Blossoms in California Salad Bowl

Along with winter vegetables, STEM is blooming in Imperial County. Dennis and Daniel Gibbs are growing young scientists by transplanting the scientific method to the second grade.


California Reforms Accountability

California just made school accountability much more complicated. And that's good.


'California, Trump on Collision Course'

A read of California's news outlets makes clear that the state is not going to accept President-elect Donald Trump's policies without a fight, particularly those on immigration.


Incoming California Governor to Seek Nearly $2 Billion in Early-Childhood Funding

Democrat Gavin Newsom, who takes office Jan. 7, plans to expand full-day kindergarten and child-care offerings in the state, according to media reports.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in California

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Paid Maternity Leave for Teachers? California's Governor Says No Once Again

The bill would have given public school teachers at least six weeks of paid maternity leave.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in California

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Supreme Court to Consider Montana Religious School Tax Credit

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review a decision by Montana's highest court that struck down a tuition tax-credit program allowing tuition scholarships to benefit students at private religious schools.


In Arguments, U.S. Supreme Court Leans Toward Support for Religious School Aid

In a case from Montana, conservative justices suggested they were inclined to rule for parents who seek to reinstate a state tax credit funding scholarships for use at religious schools.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Montana

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


What This Superintendent Learns From Teaching a High School Course

The leader of a Montana school district spends up to two hours each day grading assignments from students in an online English credit recovery program.


High Court to Hear Telephone Arguments, Including in Religious-School Case

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments remotely in May, including on whether religious schools are exempt from employment discrimination claims brought by lay teachers.


What You Should Know About the Supreme Court Case the Education World Is Watching

The U.S. Supreme Court will arguments in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, a case that's been closely watched by both friends and opponent of private school vouchers and tax-credit scholarship programs.


With no school, calls drop but child abuse hasn't amid virus


Why Some States Keep Schools Closed, Even as Businesses Move to Reopen

As some states move to jump-start economies shut down by the coronavirus, most are keeping their school buildings shuttered. What makes schools such an outlier?


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Montana

This Quality Counts 2020 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.


Trump Again Pushes Schools to Reopen, Says Older Teachers Should Stay Home

The president said he'd "like to see schools open" where possible, although most states have closed them for the academic year, and said children seem to be doing relatively well during the coronavirus pandemic.


School-Year Closures Now Affect 50 Million Students

Maryland's announcement Wednesday that school buildings won't reopen this academic year marked a a sobering milestone in the disruption to American education caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


Schools Struggle to Meet Students' Mounting Mental-Health Needs

Keeping up with students’ growing mental-health needs was a concern for districts long before the pandemic began. It’s even harder now, educators and psychologists say.


Given the option, Montana schools choose to remain closed


Tiny Montana school to be among first in US to reopen


Montana unemployment claims decrease, some schools reopen


Some Montana schools reopen; gyms, theaters can next week


What if Hawaii's False Alarm Had Happened on a School Day?

Hawaii's schools are prepared to respond to ballistic missile threats, education officials wrote in a letter to parents after Saturday's false alarm.


When Will The Birds Fly Free?: Education as Colonialism

The play made me ask the terrifying question that every educator asks themselves at some point: Am I actually helping my students?


In Anticipation of Major Hurricane, Hawaii Shuts Down Public Schools

All of Hawaii's public schools were closed down last week in anticipation of a powerful hurricane.


The Wave of Teacher Activism Has Reached Hawaii

Teachers are asking for support for a ballot measure that would put in place a property tax to fund schools.


Hawaii Settles Lawsuit on Illegal Age Limit for Special Education

About $8 million will be eligible for compensatory education to students who were affected by an illegal state-imposed age cap on special education enrollment.


Hawaii Lawmakers Propose Legislation to Create Housing Vouchers for Teachers

Two proposed bills are intended to create a housing-voucher program for full-time teachers employed by the Hawaii education department or at public charter schools.


Student Perspective: The True Meaning of Aloha

"Aloha" isn't just a greeting; in a way it is their way of life, and when you distort that sacred word, you distort their way of life.


Educational Opportunities and Performance in Hawaii

This Quality Counts 2019 Highlights Report captures all the data you need to assess your state's performance on key educational outcomes.