
NASA Is Sending Cassini out with a Funeral Fit for Scientific Royalty

Twenty years ago, the Cassini spacecraft blasted off from earth on an epic journey to find out more about Saturn. Now that journey comes to a glorious end.


The Unrelenting Weirdness of Interacting With Robots

Welcome to the world of human-robot interaction, in which people have to adapt to the machines as much as the machines have to adapt to us.


Snap Spectacles: Are They the Face Camera We’ve Been Waiting For?

You have to give Snap credit for giving hardware another try. Its first attempt, the face-camera called Spectacles, fell short of spectacular. But they're back with a new version. The yellow rings around the lenses are gone (the company decided the LED lights were enough of an indication that users are recording video). The new model is more expensive ($150) but it's water-resistant, comes in new colors, and has enhanced imaging capabilities.


Hacking Police Body Cameras

Security researcher Josh Mitchell has found numerous law enforcement body cameras are vulnerable to a wide range of attacks including live streaming from the device, wirelessly tampering with and even deleting video files. Read the full story at


Apple Launch: New iPhones, Cameras and Everything Else You Need to Know

Highlights from the Apple Launch Event: three new phones (the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone Xr), a new watch (the Series 4), a new chip (A12 bionic), and new camera features.


Vehicle Stereo vs. the Opera: Which Sounds Better? | WIRED Brand Lab

Produced by WIRED Brand Lab for Lexus | We conducted an experiment to find out how the Lexus ES sound system compares to one of the most perfect acoustic environments in the world, the Santa Fe Opera.


WIRED25: Zipline CEO Keller Rinaudo On the Next Generation of Blood Delivery

Zipline CEO Keller Rinaudo spoke at WIRED25, WIRED’s 25th anniversary celebration in San Francisco.


What the Next Generation of Audio Wearables Looks Like | WIRED Brand Lab

BRANDED CONTENT | Produced by WIRED Brand Lab for Bose | Bose Frames are an incredible new audio wearable that incorporate Bose's world-class sound system into a stylish pair of sunglasses. Crystal Mackenzie, Head of Marketing and Partnerships for Bose Frames and AR, and Mehul Trivedi, Director of Bose Frames, talk about some of the challenges that came with designing and engineering this new audio experience and what the future of audio wearables looks like.


Why Averaging 95% From the Free-Throw Line is Almost Impossible

The very best basketball free throw shooters can sink the ball about 90 percent of the time. What would it take to get to 95 percent? WIRED's Robbie Gonzalez steps up to the foul line with top shooter Steve Nash to find out.


Obsessed - How This Guy Became a World Champion Boomerang Thrower

Logan Broadbent is one of the world's top boomerang throwers. To throw and catch with his level of precision requires a solid understanding of aeronautics, weather, physics, athletic endurance and the ability to build world class boomerangs from scratch.


Obsessed - How to Make and Throw an Indoor Boomerang

World boomerang champion Logan Broadbent demonstrates how to make an indoor boomerang, aka "roomerang," using just a few pieces of paper, glue and scissors.


The extravagant universe : exploding stars, dark energy, and the accelerating cosmos / Robert P. Kirshner, with a new epilogue by the author

Kirshner, Robert P., 1949-


A practical introduction to beam physics and particle accelerators / Santiago Bernal

Bernal, Santiago


Finite-temperature field theory : principles and applications / Joseph I. Kapusta (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota), Charles Gale (Department of Physics, McGill University)

Kapusta, Joseph I., author


Introduction to general relativity and cosmology / Christian G. Böhmer (University College London, UK)

Böhmer, Christian G., author


Introduction to general relativity : solutions to problems / John Dirk Walecka, College of William and Mary, USA

Walecka, John Dirk, 1932- author


Mathematics for physicists and engineers : fundamentals and interactive study guide / Klaus Weltner, Sebastian John, Wolfgang J. Weber, Peter Schuster, Jean Grosjean

Weltner, Klaus, 1927- author


Lectures on general relativity, cosmology and quantum black holes / Badis Ydri (Annaba University, Annaba, Algeria)

Ydri, Badis, author


Lockdown Cover 1: Lady Godiva’s Operation (Velvet Underground)

I’m trying to record a cover version each week of songs that have really influenced me. They’re not especially polished, but it gives me a chance to experiment with my recording studio outside my usual working practices. This is the first Velvet Underground song I heard. I was at a student party, sitting next to […]


Winning on HR analytics [electronic resource] : leveraging data for competitive advantage / Ramesh Soundararajan, Kuldeep Singh

Soundararajan, Ramesh, author


Managing performance through training and development / Alan M. Saks (University of Toronto), Robert R. Haccoun (Université de Montréal), Monica Belcourt (School of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Yor

Saks, Alan M. (Alan Michael), 1960- author


Crafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage : concepts / Arthur A. Thompson, The University of Alabama, Margaret A. Peteraf, Dartmouth College, John E. Gamble, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, A.J. Strickland III, The Uni

Thompson, Arthur A., 1940- author


Treasury Laws Amendment (Recovering Unpaid Superannuation) Bill 2019 [Provisions] / The Senate, Economics Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Economics Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


Crafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases / Arthur A. Thompson, Margaret A. Peteraf, John E. Gamble, A.J. Strickland III

Thompson, Arthur A., 1940- author


Creating the innovation culture [electronic resource] : leveraging visionaries, dissenters and other useful troublemakers in your organization / Frances Horibe

Horibe, Frances


Erasing institutional bias [electronic resource] : how to create systemic change for organizational inclusion / Tiffany Jana, and Ashley Diaz Mejias

Jana, Tiffany, author


Erfolgreiche Personalführung der generationen Y und Z [electronic resource] : mitarbeiterpräferenzen und ihre auswirkungen auf den Führungserfolg / Stefan Frankowski

Frankowski, Stefan, author


The executive guide to high-impact talent management [electronic resource] : powerful tools for leveraging a changing workforce / David DeLong and Steve Trautman

DeLong, David


Flat, fluid, and fast [electronic resource] : harness the talent mobility revolution to drive employee engagement, accelerate innovation, and unleash growth / Brynne Kennedy

Kennedy, Brynne, author


HR from the outside in [electronic resource] : the next era of human resources transformation / by Dave Ulrich ... [et al.]


Individualität und flexibilität im personalmanagement [electronic resource] : die neue Herausforderung durch die Generation Y / Silke Kurzmann

Kurzmann, Silke, author


Data visualization : a practical introduction / Kieran Healy

Healy, Kieran Joseph, 1973- author


Interaction effects in linear and generalized linear models : examples and applications using Stata / Robert L. Kaufman, Temple University

Kaufman, Robert L., author


Systematic approaches to a successful literature review / Andrew Booth, Anthea Sutton and Diana Papaioannou

Booth, Andrew, 1961- author


Robust statistics : theory and methods (with R) / Ricardo A. Maronna, R. Douglas Martin, Victor J. Yohai, Matías Salibián-Barrera

Maronna, Ricardo A., author


Discussion paper / House of Representatives Select Committee on Intergenerational Welfare Dependence

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Select Committee on Intergenerational Welfare Dependence, author, issuing body


Student study guide with IBM® SPSS® workbook for essential statistics for the behavioral sciences / Gregory J. Privitera, St. Bonaventure University

Privitera, Gregory J., author


Reflections : capturing Veterans' stories


A better way to support veterans [electronic resource] / Australian Government, Productivity Commission

Australia. Productivity Commission, author, issuing body


Living on the edge : inquiry into intergenerational welfare dependence / House of Representatives Select Committee on Intergenerational Welfare Dependence

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Select Committee on Intergenerational Welfare Dependence, author, issuing body


The ethics of neoliberalism : the business of making capitalism moral / Peter Bloom

Bloom, Peter (Social science teacher), author


Tales from the valley of death : reflections from psychotherapy on the fear of death / Ross G. Menzies & Rachel E. Menzies

Menzies, Ross G., author


Mining goes digital: proceedings of the 39th International Symposium 'Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry' (APCOM 2019), June 4-6, 2019, Wroclaw, Poland / editors: Christoph Mueller [and 6 more]

Online Resource


The Holocene and Anthropocene environmental history of Mexico: a paleoecological approach on Mesoamerica / edited by Nuria Torrescano- Valle, Gerald A. Islebe, Priyadarsi D. Roy

Online Resource


Geomechanical Processes and Their Assessment in the Rock Massifs in Central Kazakhstan by Khaini-Kamal Kassymkanova, Gulnara Jangulova, Gulnura Issanova, Venera Turekhanova, Yermek Zhalgasbekov

Online Resource


Practical wellbore hydraulics and hole cleaning: unlock faster, more efficient, and trouble-free drilling operations / Mark S. Ramsey

Online Resource


Well productivity handbook: vertical, fractured, horizontal, multilateral, multi-fractured, and radial-fractured wells / Boyun Guo

Online Resource


Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs: theories, operations, and economic analysis / Hoss Belyadi, Ebrahim Fathi, Fatemeh Belyadi

Online Resource


Petroleum rock mechanics: drilling operations and well design / Bernt S. Aadnøy, Reza Looyeh

Online Resource


The study of continental lithosphere electrical conductivity, temperature and rheology Abdullkhay A. Zhamaletdinov, Yury L. Rebetsky, editors

Online Resource