
Key Differences Between the Indian Stock Market and Global Indices

The world of stock markets has different characteristics in each country, shaped by the underlying economy, regulations, and also investor behaviour.


Woman and Chinese modernity : the politics of reading between West and East [Electronic book] / Rey Chow.

Minneapolis, MN ; London : University of Minnesota Press, 1997.


The Science-Media Interface : On the Relation Between Internal and External Science Communication [Electronic book] / ed. by Irene Broer, Steffen Lemke, Athanasios Mazarakis, Isabella Peters, Christian Zinke-Wehlmann.

Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Saur, [2023]


Recognition and Global Politics : Critical encounters between state and world [Electronic book] / ed. by Patrick Hayden, Kate Schick.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2016]


Modernism and Religion : Between Mysticism and Orthodoxy [Electronic book] / Jamie Callison.

Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2023]


The freedom of scientific research : Bridging the gap between science and society [Electronic book] / ed. by Simona Giordano, John Harris, Lucio Piccirillo.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]


Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250 : medicine, power and religion [Electronic book] / Claire Weeda.

York : York Medieval Press ; Suffolk : in association with the Bodell Press, 2021.


Conservation refugees : the hundred-year conflict between global conservation and native peoples [Electronic book] / Mark Dowie.

Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, [2009]


Between two millstones. Book 1, Sketches of Exile, 1974-1978 [Electronic book] / Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ; translated from the Russian by Peter Constantine.

Notre Dame, Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, [2018]


Between Forbearance and Audacity : The European Court of Human Rights and the Norm against Torture [Electronic book] / Ezgi Yildiz.

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.


Alfred Fagon Selected Plays : Weekend Lovers [Electronic book] / Alfred Fagon.

London : Methuen Drama, 2022.


Heterointerface synergy between a 3 × 3 tunnel τ-MnO2 cathode and Mg2(OH)3Cl·4H2O for achieving long cycle-life aqueous zinc-ion batteries

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02572E, Research Article
Fang Xu, Jialin Zheng, Dai-Huo Liu, Ao Wang, Zhenjiang Li, Chunyan Xu, Mengqin Song, Beinuo Zhang, Zhengyu Bai, Zhongwei Chen
The prepared of τ-MnO2–Mg2(OH)3Cl·4H2O heterostructure cathode material enhances Zn-ion diffusion, increases the proportion of Mn(IV) and suppresses structural instability, thereby improving the cycling stability of τ-MnO2.
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A long-range synergistic effect between Ptn clusters and Zn1 single atoms for efficient selective hydrogenations

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, 11,7822-7830
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02027H, Research Article
Haisheng Wei, Jing Li, Xiaorui Yan, Tiantian Liu, Kairui Li, Dan Feng, Yujing Ren
Benefiting from the long-range synergistic effect between Ptn clusters and Zn1 single atoms, Ptn@Zn1-N–C displays superior catalytic performance in selective hydrogenations.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Reversible single-crystal to single-crystal photoreaction between a coordination comb and a ladder displays photo-switchable fluorescence

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02162B, Research Article
Ni-Ya Li, Xin-Yu Wang, Pei-Xuan Zhang, Ning-Ning Zou, Wen Qiu, Yu-Fei Xing, Yun-Jian Wang, Xiao-Yan Tang, Dong Liu
A unique coordination polymer can transform between comb-like and ladder-like bistable structures through reversible single-crystal-to-single-crystal photoreaction and exhibit photo-switchable fluorescence.
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Unraveling the Correlation between Biological Effects and Halogen Substituents in Cobalt bis(dicarbollide)

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02296C, Research Article
Katarzyna Zakret-Drozdowska, Bożena Szermer-Olearnik, Waldemar Goldeman, Michalina Gos, Dawid Drozdowski, Anna Gągor, Tomasz M. Goszczyński
Over the past decade, considerable scientific attention has been given to adapting cobalt bis(dicarbollides) as innovative agents with various biomedical applications. Although the studied compounds show great potential in this...
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Comparison between dynamic versus static models and real-time monitoring of neuronal dysfunction in an amyloid-β induced neuronal toxic model on a chip platform

Lab Chip, 2024, 24,1887-1902
DOI: 10.1039/D3LC00507K, Paper
Open Access
Chu-Chun Liang, Po-Yen Chen, Nien-Che Liu, I-Chi Lee
A 3D neural spheroid-based system with an interstitial level of flow for simulating the brain microenvironment toward a dynamic amyloid-β induced neuronal toxic model was established. A real-time impedance recording was used to monitor the neural network formation and disconnection.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Dilute gel networks vs. clumpy gels in colloidal systems with a competition between repulsive and attractive interactions

Soft Matter, 2024, 20,3143-3153
DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01717F, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
M. Gimperlein, Jasper N. Immink, M. Schmiedeberg
Dilute and dense systems differ in the way structural properties emerge. Two regimes of percolation might be responsible for differences. Global and local structural properties give insights into these differences.
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Interaction between stabilized droplets of different phases in the same continuous phase of an aqueous three-phase system

Soft Matter, 2024, 20,3359-3366
DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01688A, Paper
Do-Nhu-Trang Nguyen, Léa Waldmann, Valérie Ravaine, Taco Nicolai, Lazhar Benyahia
Janus-like droplets, covered with microgel, formed after the fusion of gelatin and dextran droplets in a common poly(ethylene oxide) phase.
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The sweetest polymer nanoparticles: opportunities ahead for glycogen in nanomedicine

Soft Matter, 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4SM00261J, Perspective
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Quinn A. Besford
Glycogen is a biomaterial nanoparticle composed of sugar. In this perspective, the opportunities of glycogen in nanomedicine going forward is discussed.
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Four-Day Work Week

At Bocoup we shifted to a four-day work week at the start of 2023, and so far we’re loving it. We wanted to share the history of the labor movement that got us here, and how we’ve adjusted as a company to our new 32-hour weeks. The roots of the modern 40-hour work week can […]


Exchange of free and capsule conjugated cyanine dyes between cells

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4TB01874E, Paper
Zhanna V. Kozyreva, Polina A. Demina, Olga I. Gusliakova, Gleb B. Sukhorukov, Olga A. Sindeeva
Cells readily exchange free cyanine dyes when their membranes are in close contact. Photoconvertible capsules based on cyanine dyes are internalized into the cytoplasm with a low degree of exchange, allowing individual cell labeling and tracking.
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Bigg Boss: Who Will Get Evicted This Week? PREDICT!

Christmas may be around the corner but will that stop an elimination from the Bigg Boss 16 house this weekend?


Weep for Afghanistan’s Women

In every statement made by anybody of any consequence, the main concern is about the fate of Afghan women under Taliban rule


In situ study of the interactions between metal surfaces and cationic surfactant corrosion inhibitors by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy coupled with visible spectroscopy

Analyst, 2024, 149,5372-5380
DOI: 10.1039/D4AN00861H, Paper
Open Access
Felix Frank, Daniela Tomasetig, Peter Nahringbauer, Wolfgang Ipsmiller, Gerd Mauschitz, Karin Wieland, Bernhard Lendl
Coupling Raman and VIS spectroscopy enables the study of AgNP aggregations induced by surfactants.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Experimental and theoretical study of the Sn–O bond formation between atomic tin and molecular oxygen

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26,27763-27771
DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03687E, Paper
Iakov A. Medvedkov, Anatoliy A. Nikolayev, Shane J. Goettl, Zhenghai Yang, Alexander M. Mebel, Ralf I. Kaiser
In this article, we combine state-of-art electronic structure calculations and crossed beam experiments to expose the reaction dynamics of 120Sn(3Pj) + 16O2(X3Σg) → 120Sn16O(X1Σ+) + 16O(3P) reaction that involve extensive ISC.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Jodhpur Arts Week 2024 | Opening up the walled city

At the debut edition of Jodhpur Arts Week, a clock tower turned into a living canvas and children showcased alongside renowned artists


Bridging the gap between academic research and industrial development in advanced all-solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D3CS00439B, Review Article
Jieun Lee, Chen Zhao, Changhong Wang, Anna Chen, Xueliang Sun, Khalil Amine, Gui-Liang Xu
This review builds upon the fundamentals and substantial progress achieved, aiming to inspire the battery community to advance all-solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries toward practical applications and accelerate the industrialization process.
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A river of dust : the life-giving link between North Africa and the Amazon / by Jilanne Hoffmann ; illustrated by Eugenia Mello

Hoffmann, Jilanne, author


This book is full of holes : from underground to outer space and everywhere in between / written by Nora Nickum ; illustrated by Robert Meganck

Nickum, Nora, author


Investigations of the interactions between ZnO nanorods and H2 with 17O NMR spectroscopy

Chem. Commun., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4CC05371K, Communication
Benteng Song, Fang Wang, Qin Zhu, Ling-Hai Xie, Luming Peng
Schematic diagram for the interaction of H2 with ZnO nanorods under different conditions.
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Moringa honey: How Italian bees are helping farmers in sweet enterprise

Moringa honey is among the most popular varieties of floral nectar in the food sector. Farmer and beekeeper N Dhandayuthapani is one of those in the Cauvery delta reaping the benefit of combining apiary with agriculture


Take home a piece of heritage at this Visakhapatnam sweet store

Sarvani Sweets launches its series sweet boxes featuring some iconic heritage spots of Visakhapatnam


Bengaluru hosts Indian Cacao & Craft Chocolate Festival this weekend

The upcoming craft chocolate fest promises to be an eye-opener on the entire bean-to-bar experience


Karupatti aappam in Madurai: Meet a streetside vendor who makes this sweet treat

MG Vedhavathi has been making soft karupatti aappams on Kamarajar Salai for over a decade


In silico investigation of the interaction between α-synuclein aggregates and organic supramolecular assemblies

Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2024, 9,1155-1166
DOI: 10.1039/D4ME00071D, Paper
Laura Le Bras, Yves L. Dory, Benoît Champagne
An α-synuclein aggregate with the PreNAC and NACore areas, responsible for the aggregation, highlighted.
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Selective mineralization at hydrogel interface induced by fusion between peptide hydrogels

Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2024, 9,1107-1115
DOI: 10.1039/D4ME00112E, Paper
Yongbaek Kim, Hiroto Isobe, Keishi Nishio, Kazuki Murai
Biomineralization has garnered attention not only for its fundamental role in understanding the mechanisms of biomineral formation but also as a method for fabricating next-generation functional materials.
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Elucidating the interplay between entropy-driven and patch-mediated bonding in directing nanoscale assemblies

Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4ME00153B, Paper
Kireeti Akkunuri, Xiangyu Zhang, Thi Vo
The interplay between directional patchy attraction and shape-driven entropic forces sculpts the spatial and orientational orderings between anisotropic building blocks, giving rise to symmetry breaking of pre-programmed interactions between particles.
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Bengaluru’s weekend art scene


Bengaluru, this weekend


Bengaluru’s weekend art scene


Deepavali weekend witnesses surge in tourist activities in Karnataka

The demand has been so much that local tour operators are struggling to arrange for resources for those who are booking trips


What’s on in Bengaluru this weekend


The weekend art scene in Bengaluru


Weekend events in Bengaluru


The weekend cultural scene in Bengaluru


These motorcyclists at the India Bike Week shatter myths about ‘women bikers’

Maral Yazarloo-Pattrick, Sameera Dahiya, and Urvashi Patole smash stereotypes about female bikers in India