
Burundi: Proposals for the Resumption of Bilateral and Multilateral Co-operation


Burundian Refugees in Tanzania: The Key Factor to the Burundi Peace Process


The Mandela Effect: Prospects for Peace in Burundi


Unblocking Burundi’s Peace Process: Political Parties, Political Prisoners, and Freedom of Press


Burundi: The Issues at Stake. Political Parties, Freedom of the Press and Political Prisoners


Burundi Peace Process: Tough Challenges Ahead


Burundi: Neither War nor Peace


Burundi: Breaking the Deadlock, The Urgent Need for a New Negotiating Framework


Burundi: One Hundred Days to Put the Peace Process Back on Track


Get Moving Now to Prevent Genocide in Burundi


Burundi after Six Months of Transition: Continuing the War or Winning Peace?


The Burundi Rebellion and the Ceasefire Negotiations


A Framework for Responsible Aid to Burundi


Refugees and Displaced Persons in Burundi – Defusing the Land Time-Bomb


Refugees and Internally Displaced in Burundi: The Urgent Need for a Consensus on Their Repatriation and Reintegration


End of the Transition in Burundi: The Home Stretch


Elections in Burundi: The Peace Wager


Elections in Burundi: A Radical Shake-up of the Political Landscape


Burundi: Democracy and Peace at Risk


Burundi: Finalising Peace with the FNL


Espoir de paix durable au Burundi, si les derniers rebelles hutus y sont intégrés


Burundi: Restarting Political Dialogue


Burundi: Arusha Spirit Must Prevail


Burundi: To Integrate the FNL Successfully


Burundi: Ensuring Credible Elections


Elections au Burundi : Prévenir toute escalade de violence


Burundi: From Electoral Boycott to Political Impasse

Burundi risks reversing the decade of progress it has enjoyed since its civil war ended unless the government resumes political dialogue with the opposition.


Will Burundi Miss Out on Democratic Consolidation?

5 mois après la publication du rapport Burundi : du boycott électoral à l’impasse politique, la dynamique de régression que nous décrivions en détails dans ce texte produit ses effets dévastateurs. La fin du consensus d’Arusha et le pourrissement du climat politique consécutif au boycott électoral de 2010 ont conduit à une violence qui, en dépit du lénifiant discours officiel, ne cesse de prendre de l’ampleur.


Au Burundi, les symptômes de la rechute

Quel est le lien entre Houellebecq et le Burundi? Apparemment aucun, sauf que la possibilité d'une île de l'écrivain pourrait s'intituler "la possibilité d'une rébellion" à propos de ce pays de l'Afrique des Grands Lacs.


Burundi: A Deepening Corruption Crisis

Despite the establishment of anti-corruption agencies, Burundi is facing a deepening corruption crisis that jeopardises prospects for lasting peace and stability.


Burundi: Bye-bye Arusha?

Since the 2010 boycotted elections, Burundi is steadily drifting away from what was initially regarded as a peacemaking model, and violence from both the ruling party and the opposition is threatening stability.


Fields of Bitterness (I): Land Reform in Burundi

Unless the government revives land governance reform in Burundi, long-term peacebuilding efforts will remain compromised.


Fields of Bitterness (II): Restitution and Reconciliation in Burundi

To avoid a revival of past ethnic tensions between Hutu and Tutsi, Burundi needs to find the right balance between land restitution and national reconciliation.


Danger de rechute au Burundi : question foncière et consolidation de la paix

Le Burundi est l’un des pays les plus pauvres (le taux de pauvreté atteint 67 %) et les plus petits d’Afrique (27 834 kilomètres carrés) avec l’une des plus grandes densités humaines du continent (près de 400 habitants par kilomètre carré). C’est du reste un pays profondément rural où seulement 11 % de la population réside en ville. Alors que l’accès à la terre et à la propriété est un véritable enjeu socio-économique, le Burundi fait face à de sérieux problèmes agricoles.


Elections in Burundi: Moment of Truth

The ever-decreasing likelihood of a free and fair presidential election is in growing conflict with a popular desire for change in Burundi. To safeguard the Arusha principles agreed in 2000 to end Burundi’s civil war, the opposition and President Nkurunziza in particular must return to the path of democracy and dialogue.


Burundi: Godefroid Niyombaré avait mis en garde Nkurunziza

Alors qu’une tentative de coup d’Etat contre Pierre Nkurunziza, émanant de l’ex-chef d’état-major, Godefroid Niyombaré, est en cours au Burundi, Thierry Vircoulon chercheur à l'International Crisis Group, explique qui est le général putschiste et analyse, plus généralement, l'appareil sécuritaire du Burundi.


Burundi: Peace Sacrificed?

All is in place for a violent confrontation in Burundi. The failed coup on 13 May has intensified opposition to President Pierre Nkurunziza’s push for a third term in office. After ten years of peace, Burundi is in danger of reopening the fault lines that once led the country into civil war.


Les élections seront-elles l’étincelle qui mettra le feu au Burundi ?

Tous les éléments d’une confrontation violente sont en place en Burundi. En observant les derniers développements, il semble que les éléments qui ont conduit par le passé à des massacres et à une longue guerre civile au début des années 1990 se remettent en place.


Crise au Burundi : un risque régional

Le 20 août, Pierre Nkurunziza a été investi pour la troisième fois. Son investiture, annoncée le matin même, a eu lieu presque en catimini et les ambassadeurs européens et américains accrédités à Bujumbura étaient visiblement absents tout comme l’Union africaine. La multiplication des assassinats en août a conduit la présidence à organiser l’investiture à la sauvette.


Hotel Burundi

Am 20. August 2015 legte Burundis Präsident Pierre Nkurunziza schnell und leise zum dritten Mal den Amtseid ab. Die Vereidigung war erst am selben Morgen angekündigt worden, und die in der Hauptstadt akkreditierten Botschafter aus Europa und den USA blieben ebenso demonstrativ fern wie die Vertreter der Afrikanischen Union. Mit Blick auf die Sicherheitslage und die hohe Zahl politischer Morde im August hatte man sich entschlossen, die Vereidigung rasch und ohne großes Aufheben durchzuziehen.


AU was set up for an explosive crisis like Burundi; it must act

The deteriorating situation in Burundi is a perfect storm of much that undermines stability in Africa today — presidents seeking impunity and power through dubious new terms, authoritarian regimes muzzling opposition and independent media, regional rivalries stalemating efforts to bring peace and outside powers unwilling or unable to act.


Burundi: How to Deconstruct Peace

Burundi is back in the spotlight of the world’s media and the agenda of the United Nations Security Council. As recently as two years ago, the country was considered a success story in peacebuilding circles, but now the news is firmly of a negative variety. The UN is trying to prevent a new civil war in a region still haunted by the Rwandan genocide. How did success so quickly turn to failure?


Burundi: A Dangerous Third Term

The current political crisis has reopened the wounds of Burundi’s past. Hardliners now dominant in the government brutally stifle dissent, fuel ethnic hatred, and undermine the Arusha accord that framed Burundi’s peace for the past decade. The international community should push toward real dialogue, and prepare to intervene if violence escalates.


Burundi : anatomie du troisième mandat de Nkurunziza

Le 1er juin dernier à Mugamba (province de Bururi), Pierre Nkurunziza a lancé un ultimatum. « Du haut d’une camionnette, micro à la main, sous très haute protection de l’armée et de la police », rapporte l’AFP, le président burundais a ordonné aux insurgés de cette commune du Sud du pays de déposer les armes dans les quinze jours : « Téléphonez à vos frères qui ont pris les armes, dites-leur que nous leur donnons quinze jours pour qu’ils y renoncent […] Quinze jours, pas plus. Dites-leur cela ». Hasard ou préméditation, la fin de cet ultimatum devrait coïncider avec la reprise prévue des discussions à Arusha, en Tanzanie, entre le gouvernement et l’opposition.


Burundi turns to WhatsApp as political turmoil brings media blackout

Burundi’s year-long crisis has not gone away. It started with President Pierre Nkurunziza’s determination to claim a third term, trampling over the constitutional arrangements that ended a decade-long civil war. Press freedom is a major casualty of the new strife; but the turmoil has also transformed the way in which Burundians get information. For better or worse, social media has filled the vacuum left by the shutting down of the most popular radio stations and forcing out of many of the country’s professional journalists.


Mental Health Outcomes Among Homeless, Runaway, and Stably Housed Youth


Runaway youth and homeless youth are at risk for adverse mental health outcomes. These 2 populations are frequently pooled together in both research and interventions yet may have unique health needs. We sought to assess differences in mental health outcomes among these populations.


We conducted a secondary data analysis of ninth- and 11th-graders in the 2016 minnesota Student Survey (n = 68 785). We categorized youth into 4 subgroups based on housing status in the previous year: (1) unaccompanied homeless youth (0.5%), (2) runaway youth (4%), (3) youth who had both run away and been homeless (0.6%), and (4) stably housed youth (95%). We performed multivariable logistic regression to compare 4 mental health outcomes (self-injury, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and depressive symptoms) across groups, controlling for demographics and abuse history.


Unstably housed youth had poorer mental health outcomes when compared with their stably housed peers (P < .05). For example, 11% of homeless youth, 20% of runaways, and 33% of youth who had experienced both had attempted suicide in the previous year compared with 2% of stably housed youth (adjusted odds ratios 2.4, 4.9, and 7.1, respectively). Other outcomes showed a similar pattern.


Our findings suggest that runaway and homeless youth represent unique populations with high levels of mental health needs who would benefit from targeted clinical and community interventions. Pediatric clinicians represent one potential point of screening and intervention.


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Canada lost 2 million jobs in April as full brunt of pandemic hit the economy

Source: - Friday, May 08, 2020
The unemployment rate jumped 5.2 points in April to 13 per cent in the first full month of economic restrictions.