
Акустические клипы от SHAKRA

Группа SHAKRA опубликовала еще три "unplugged@home"-клипа на композиции "When It All Falls Down", "Snakes & Ladders", "Medicine Man". #Shakra #HardRock #Hard_Rock


Academy Award Winner Taika Waititi to Direct and Co-Write new Star Wars Feature Film for Theatrical Release; Oscar Nominee Krysty Wilson-Cairns to Co-Write Screenplay with Waititi 

Emmy Nominee Leslye Headland to write, produce, and serve as showrunner for new untitled Star Wars series for Disney+.


Brzy se může létat víc a levněji než před krizí, říká šéf

Počátkem března přebíral Oliver Dlouhý, zakladatel vyhledávače a distributora letenek, cenu pro českého podnikatele roku. Dnes má firma minimální tržby a vyhlíží obnovení leteckého provozu. Ve videorozhovoru pro byl však Oliver Dlouhý optimistický.

  • Ekonomika - Doprava


Češi dali na záchranu hospod už přes deset milionů, akce pokračuje

Hospody a restaurace Češi prostřednictvím projektu Zachraň hospodu podpořili deseti miliony korun. Poukazy do více než 1 500 podniků si od začátku dubna, kdy byl projekt spuštěn, koupilo přes devět tisíc lidí. Stravovací zařízení budou moci od pondělí obsluhovat hosty na zahrádkách, iniciativa se tím však nezastaví.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Egyptský miliardář chce kupovat aerolinky. Každá krize je prý šance

Každá krize znamená příležitost.Takovým heslem se řídí egyptský miliardář Naguib Sawiris. Podle něj se bude ropa do roku a půl obchodovat za sto dolarů za barel. Zatímco jiní miliardáři se podílů v leteckých společnostech zbavují, Sawiris je chce nakupovat. Potenciál vidí i v turismu.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Krize smazala z trhu práce polovinu nabídek, nejméně ohrožení jsou ajťáci

Koronavirová krize výrazně ovlivnila český pracovní trh. Ve srovnání s loňským rokem evidují personální agentury v posledních měsících přibližně poloviční nabídku nových pracovních pozic. Ubylo práce v gastronomii a cestovním ruchu, naopak logistika zažívá žně. Pro firmy zůstávají nejcennějšími pracovníky lidé z oblasti IT.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


From Ukraine to Coronavirus: Trump’s Abuse of Power...

From Ukraine to Coronavirus: Trump’s Abuse of Power Continues

Donald Trump has spent a lifetime exploiting chaos for personal gain and blaming others for his losses. The pure madness in America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic – shortages of equipment to protect hospital workers, dwindling supplies of ventilators and critical medications, jaw-dropping confusion over how $2.2 trillion of aid in the recent coronavirus law will be distributed – has given him the perfect cover to hoard power and boost his chances of reelection.

As the death toll continues to climb and states are left scrambling for protective gear and crucial resources, Trump is focused on only one thing: himself. 

He’s told governors to find life-saving equipment on their own, claiming the federal government is “not a shipping clerk” and subsequently forcing states and cities into a ruthless bidding war.

Governors have been reduced to begging FEMA for supplies from the dwindling national stockpile, with vastly different results. While we haven’t seen what “formula” FEMA supposedly has for determining who gets what, reports suggest that Trump’s been promising things to governors who can get him on the phone. 

Our narcissist-in-chief has ordered FEMA to circumvent their own process and send supplies to states that are “appreciative”.

Michigan and Colorado have received fractions of what they need while Oklahoma and Kentucky have gotten more than what they asked for. Colorado and Massachusetts have confirmed shipments only to have them held back by FEMA. Ron DeSantis, the Trump-aligned governor of Florida, refused to order a shelter-in-place mandate for weeks, but then received 100% of requested supplies within 3 days. New Jersey waited for two weeks. New York now has more cases than any other single country, but Trump barely lifted a finger for his hometown because Governor Andrew Cuomo is “complaining” about the catastrophic lack of ventilators in the city.

A backchannel to the president is a shoe-in way to secure life-saving supplies. Personal flattery seems to be the most effective currency with Trump; the chain of command runs straight through his ego, and that’s what the response has been coordinated around.

He claims that as president he has “total authority” over when to lift quarantine and social distancing guidelines, and threatens to adjourn Congress himself so as to push through political appointees without Senate confirmation.

And throughout all of this, Trump has been determined to reject any attempt of independent oversight into his administration’s disastrous response.

When he signed the $2 trillion emergency relief package into law, he said he wouldn’t agree to provisions in the bill for congressional oversight – meaning the wheeling-and-dealing will be done in secret.

He has removed the inspector general leading the independent committee tasked with overseeing the implementation of the massive bill.

He appointed one of his own White House lawyers, who helped defend him in his impeachment trial, to oversee the distribution of the $500 billion slush fund for corporations. That same day, he fired Inspector General Michael Atkinson – the inspector general who handed the whistleblower complaint to Congress that ultimately led to Trump’s impeachment.

There should never have been any doubt that Trump would try to use this crisis to improve his odds of re-election.

Stimulus checks going to the lowest-income earners were delayed because Trump demanded each one of them bear his name. As millions of the hardest-hit Americans scrambled to put food on the table and worried about the stack of bills piling up, Trump’s chief concern was himself.

It doesn’t matter that this is a global pandemic. Abusing his power for personal gain is Trump’s MO.

Just three and a half months ago, Trump was impeached on charges of abuse of power and obstructing investigations. Telling governors that they need to “be appreciative” in order to receive life-saving supplies for their constituents is the same kind of quid pro quo that Trump tried to extort from Ukraine, and his attempts to thwart independent oversight are the same as his obstruction of Congress.

Trump called his impeachment a “hoax”. He initially called the coronavirus a “hoax”. But the real hoax is his commitment to America. In reality he will do anything – anything – to hold on to power.

To Donald Trump, the coronavirus crisis is just another opportunity.


Srazí krize covid-19 ceny nemovitostí v Česku? Lze to očekávat

Říká se, že po krizi spojené s onemocnění covid-19 se probudíme do jiného světa. Otázka je, zda to bude platit i pro realitní trh. Podle odborníků s největší pravděpodobností ano. Což platí jak pro prodejní ceny nemovitostí, tak pro ceny nájemního bydlení.

  • Finance - Investování


Je krize, šéfe, co bude dál? Teprve dnes se projeví, kdo je skutečný lídr

Podřízení na něj spoléhají v časech dobrých i zlých. A když přijdou opravdové těžkosti, záleží často jen na jeho schopnostech, jak moc se podnik otřese, nebo zda padne úplně.

  • Finance - Práce a podnikání


Zvýšení ošetřovného byl krok správným směrem

Zaměstnaní rodiče mají od dubna nově nárok na ošetřovné ve výši 80 procent denního vyměřovacího základu. Důvod zvýšení je jasný. Původních 60 procent většině rodin na pokrytí nákladů na provoz domácnosti nevystačilo. Potvrzuje to i případ paní Anny.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Pojistit se kvůli covidu? Životní pojistky ani krytí marodění netáhnou

Mohlo by se zdát, že pojišťovny budou v koronavirové době zaznamenávat zvýšený zájem o sjednání životních pojistek. Zejména kvůli krytí rizika pracovní neschopnosti, což se vztahuje i na onemocnění infekcí covid-19. Praxe je ale zatím opačná.

  • Finance - Pojištění


Kvůli svému koníčku zbankrotoval. Stačilo mít finanční rezervu

Potřeba finančního polštáře je dnes aktuálnější než kdy jindy. Jaká by měla být naše rezerva? A kam ji uložit? Zmapovali jsme aktuální nabídku spořicích účtů. Příběh klienta Poradny při finanční tísni ukazuje, jak se dá náhle dostat do dluhů, až k osobnímu bankrotu.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


F&S leggen ene krans namens de veteranen (NRC, ma, 04-05-20)


Open Access in Practice: A Conversation with President Larry Kramer of The Hewlett Foundation

Since the founding of Creative Commons (CC) in 2001, we’ve been supported by like-minded organizations and individuals who value open access, the open community, and the global commons as much as we do. As we near our 20th anniversary, we are reflecting on the past and planning for the future. What better way to do … Read More "Open Access in Practice: A Conversation with President Larry Kramer of The Hewlett Foundation"

The post Open Access in Practice: A Conversation with President Larry Kramer of The Hewlett Foundation appeared first on Creative Commons.


Medien in der Corona-Krise, Hass und Angriffe, Attila Hildmanns Medienspiel

1. ZAPP spezial: Medien in der Corona-Krise (, Annette Leiterer & Gudrun Kirfel & Daniel Bouhs & Tim Kukral & Caroline Schmidt & Sebastian Asmus & Andrea Brack Peña) Das NDR-Medienmagazin „Zapp“ widmet sich in einer halbstündigen Sendung den verschiedenen Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die Medienbranche. Es geht unter anderem um Rekordreichweiten durch Corona, um Rettungspakete […]

  • 6 vor 9


Zum Würfeln: Kunstkritiken

Zeitknappheit, Personalmangel, begrenzte Ressourcen … Wir kennen die Probleme der Redaktionen nur allzu gut und haben dafür die Lösung: Mit unserem Würfelspiel „Kurz vor Redaktionsschluss“ lassen sich, jawoll, auch kurz vor Redaktionsschluss auf die Schnelle druckreife Teaser, kurze Artikel und Besprechungen ganzer Kunstausstellungen erstellen. Folge 9 unserer 16-teiligen Serie: Kunstkritiken. Hier gibt es ein größeres […]

  • Kurz vor Redaktionsschluss


Should Anyone Ever File Personal Bankruptcy?

Financial planners have a big hate going for bankruptcy. They almost universally nay-say it and point to the many alternatives. CPAs and attorneys, on the other hand, often speak of the advantages to filing bankruptcy and are quick to point out the “fresh start” aspect of the move. But it’s a fact that too many...

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Historian Kruse revisits the legacy of Princeton alumnus and civil rights champion John Doar

Using the John Doar Papers at Princeton, Kevin Kruse uncovers new insights into the civil rights movement.


Do Differences in School Quality Generate Heterogeneity in the Causal Returns to Education? -- by Philip DeCicca, Harry Krashinsky

Estimating the returns to education remains an active area of research amongst applied economists. Most studies that estimate the causal return to education exploit changes in schooling and/or labor laws to generate exogenous differences in education. An implicit assumption is that more time in school may translate into greater earnings potential. None of these studies, however, explicitly consider the quality of schooling to which impacted students are exposed. To extend this literature, we examine the interaction between school quality and policy-induced returns to schooling, using temporally-available school quality measures from Card and Krueger (1992). We find that additional compulsory schooling, via either schooling or labor laws, increases earnings only if educational inputs are of sufficiently high quality. In particular, we find a consistent role for teacher quality, as measured by relative teacher pay across states, in generating consistently positive returns to compulsory schooling.


Nicholas Kristof: The virus is winning


Paul Krugman: An epidemic of hardship and hunger


Nicholas Kristof: McDonald’s workers in Denmark pity us


Did the Paycheck Protection Program Hit the Target? -- by João Granja, Christos Makridis, Constantine Yannelis, Eric Zwick

This paper takes an early look at the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a large and novel small business support program that was part of the initial policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We use new data on the distribution of PPP loans and high-frequency micro-level employment data to consider two dimensions of program targeting. First, we do not find evidence that funds flowed to areas more adversely affected by the economic effects of the pandemic, as measured by declines in hours worked or business shutdowns. If anything, funds flowed to areas less hard hit. Second, we find significant heterogeneity across banks in terms of disbursing PPP funds, which does not only reflect differences in underlying loan demand. The top-4 banks alone account for 36% of total pre-policy small business loans, but disbursed less than 3% of all PPP loans. Areas that were significantly more exposed to low-PPP banks received much lower loan allocations. As data become available, we will study employment and establishment responses to the program and the impact of PPP support on the economic recovery. Measuring these responses is critical for evaluating the social insurance value of the PPP and similar policies.


Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari toss Tennessee mansion back on the market

Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavalarri have chopped the price of their Tennnessee mansion to $4.95 million.


Dissecting Mechanisms of Financial Crises: Intermediation and Sentiment -- by Arvind Krishnamurthy, Wenhao Li

We develop a model of financial crises with both a financial amplification mechanism, via frictional intermediation, and a role for sentiment, via time-varying beliefs about an illiquidity state. We confront the model with data on credit spreads, equity prices, credit, and output across the financial crisis cycle. In particular, we ask the model to match data on the frothy pre-crisis behavior of asset markets and credit, the sharp transition to a crisis where asset values fall, disintermediation occurs and output falls, and the post-crisis period characterized by a slow recovery in output. We find that a pure amplification mechanism quantitatively matches the crisis and aftermath period but fails to match the pre-crisis evidence. Mixing sentiment and amplification allows the model to additionally match the pre-crisis evidence. We consider two versions of sentiment, a Bayesian belief updating process and one that overweighs recent observations. We find that both models match the crisis patterns qualitatively, generating froth pre-crisis, non-linear behavior in the crisis, and slow recovery. The non-Bayesian model improves quantitatively on the Bayesian model in matching the extent of the pre-crisis froth.


Editorial: Letting state governments go bankrupt is a terrible idea

Egged on by Mitch McConnell, Trump has floated the idea of letting states go bankrupt in response to the COVID-19 cash crunch. It's a really bad idea.


Zoë Kravitz ‘offended’ by questions about plans to have kids

Talk about the mother of all questions.


Eduard Limonov, Russian author, dissident and longtime Kremlin irritant, dies at 77

The Russian dissident and author Eduard Limonov, who vocal opposition was a persistent thorn in the Kremlin's side, dies at 77.


Polish composer, conductor Krzysztof Penderecki, known for monumental works, dies at 86

Polish composer and conductor Krzysztof Penderecki, known for his monumental orchestral and choral compositions, died in Krakow at 86.


'Please don't cry, Dr. Kraft': How one doctor is handling the coronavirus pandemic

Dr. Colleen Kraft was part of the Emory University team that successfully cared for America's first Ebola patients. She now is a cool-headed stalwart who is soothing nerves during the coronavirus pandemic.


John Krasinski had a surreal guest list for his 'Some Good News' virtual potluck

As part of his hit YouTube series, John Krasinski hosted a virtual potluck with Stanley Tucci, Martha Stewart, Guy Fieri and David Chang. Yes, really.


Cost overruns, delays, now coronavirus. Academy Museum chief Bill Kramer isn't fazed

In his first in-depth interview as Academy Museum director, Bill Kramer talks budget, construction time lines and, most important, what you'll see inside.


The Top Ten: Backronyms

From the USA Patriot Act and Gross to Spectre and Start...


You'll want to learn the name Maitreyi Ramakrishnan. She's Netflix's next teen star

For her new Netflix series "Never Have I Ever," Mindy Kaling picked Canadian teen Maitreyi Ramakrishnan from an open call of 15,000 hopefuls.


Discover: Kratie

The interior of the Phnom Sombok temple in Kratie, Cambodia is decorated with torture scenes for the edification of the non-virtuous visitor.


Pacers' Slick Leonard gave Jerry Krause a start in basketball: 'He wasn't a people person'

The punching bag in The Last Dance documentary about the final season of the champion Bulls is GM Jerry Krause, who got his start from Slick Leonard.



'The Four' competitor Jesse Kramer back in Indiana during break from TV talent search

Life changed for Avon High School alum Jesse Kramer in June, when he made his TV network debut on "The Four: Battle for Stardom."



Pacers' Slick Leonard gave Jerry Krause a start in basketball: 'He wasn't a people person'

The punching bag in The Last Dance documentary about the final season of the champion Bulls is GM Jerry Krause, who got his start from Slick Leonard.



House-ground burgers, sausage planned at new Mass Ave. restaurant Krueger's Tavern

The restaurant opening in January 2019 is from the owners of Bakersfield.



Ukraine timeline

A chronology of key events


Country profile: Ukraine

Key facts, figures and dates


COVID-19 bigger threat to CFL than 90s bankruptcy scare, former Riders' CEO says

As COVID-19 continues to shut down sporting events across the globe, a former Roughriders’ CEO says it could be the greatest threat the CFL has ever faced.


oscon: Beginner's Guide to Computer Vision - 2D/3D image fundamentals, OpenCV, OpenNI Library + more #oscon #tutorial

oscon: Beginner's Guide to Computer Vision - 2D/3D image fundamentals, OpenCV, OpenNI Library + more #oscon #tutorial


strataconf: RT @bostontweetup: WEDS 6PM #BostonHealth7 hosted by @bostonpainpoint @mrkrieger @health_box @strataconf @kalyankalwa

strataconf: RT @bostontweetup: WEDS 6PM #BostonHealth7 hosted by @bostonpainpoint @mrkrieger @health_box @strataconf @kalyankalwa


strataconf: StrataWeek: Wireless body networks bring humans into Internet of Things Pills & tattoo authenticators & NSA leaks

strataconf: StrataWeek: Wireless body networks bring humans into Internet of Things Pills & tattoo authenticators & NSA leaks


strataconf: Can data rescue the forest elephant? Yes, with your help. Read about Elephant Listening Project & send us your ideas

strataconf: Can data rescue the forest elephant? Yes, with your help. Read about Elephant Listening Project & send us your ideas


strataconf: Humans as nodes, pills & electronic tattoo password authenticators & hiding data in temporal cloaks #strataconf

strataconf: Humans as nodes, pills & electronic tattoo password authenticators & hiding data in temporal cloaks #strataconf