
Post Dominguero: "Locked away" de R. City con Adam Levine


Post Dominguero: "O Mundo" de Moska, Zeca Baleiro, Lenine e Chico César

O mundo é pequeno pra caramba
Tem alemão, italiano, italiana

O mundo filé milanesa
Tem coreano, japonês, japonesa

O mundo é uma salada russa
Tem nego da Pérsia, tem nego da Prússia

O mundo é uma esfiha de carne
Tem nego da Zâmbia, tem nego do Zaire

O mundo é azul lá de cima
O mundo é vemelho na China

O mundo tá muito gripado
O açucar é doce
O sal é salgado

O mundo caquinho de vidro
Tá cego do olho, tá surdo do ouvido

O mundo tá muito doente
O homem que mata
O homem que mente

Por quê você me trata mal
Se eu te trato bem

Por quê você me faz o mal
Se eu só te faço bem

Todos somos filhos de Deus
Só não falamos a mesma língua
Everybod is filhos God
Só não falamos a mesma língua


Préstamos online sin papeleos eternos. Prestalo en 24h

El concepto de préstamos personales sin papeleos es relativamente nuevo y ha ido ganando popularidad en los últimos años. La idea principal detrás de este tipo de préstamo es brindar asistencia financiera a aquellos que no pueden contratar los créditos convencionales ofreciéndoles la oportunidad de pedir dinero con poco o ningún papeleo requerido. Tal es el caso de

Casos complicados para pedir un préstamo

Hay muchos casos complicados que pueden conducir a la denegación de un préstamo. Algunas de las razones para una denegación incluyen:

  • Estar presente en el fichero de morosos ASNEF

  • No tener una nómina

  • Una alta relación deuda-ingresos.

  • Un historial laboral inestable.

Los departamentos de riesgos de los bancos tradicionales serán reacios a prestar dinero a personas que se encuentren en alguna de las situaciones arriba indicadas. Incluso si el crédito es viable, es posible que soliciten diferentes documentos que pueden alargar el trámite en el tiempo. Esto suele suceder especialmente cuando hay una urgencia o surge una oportunidad que tiene que ser atendida en el acto.

Razones para pedir un crédito rápido y sin papeles

Algunas razones por las que podría necesitar solicitar un préstamo rápido y sin papeles son:

  • Tiene una situación de emergencia que necesita atención inmediata

  • Necesita fondos para un nuevo proyecto que no está cubierto por su presupuesto actual

  • Quiere comenzar o expandir su negocio pero no tiene el capital necesario y se le presenta una oportunidad única que tiene que ser aprovechada rápidamente.

Estos casos pueden ser solicitados en diferentes bancos, pero también pueden requerir papeleo adicional o no ser viables por diversas razones.

Préstalo, préstamos online sin papeleos y en 24 horas

Muchas personas que buscan un préstamo rápido temen tener que aceptar unas condiciones leoninas con altos intereses y en periodos muy cortos. 

Préstalo brinda su avanzada tecnología para comparar diversos productos financieros para dar con la mejor opción y con las mejors condiciones para cada cliente.

Hay casos que parecen imposibles para obtener un crédito personal, pero con Préstalo lo consiguen rápidamente sin aval, sin preguntas, sin papeleos, sin propiedades, incluso estando en el fichero de morosos ASNEF. 

Préstalo también ofrece sus servicios de búsqueda de créditos online a emprendedores, autónomos y empresas que pueden requerir un prétamo desde 250 hasta más de 20.000 euros. Incluso se puede utilizar para la reunificación de deudas, todo esto de manera online y sin cambiar de banco.

Para aprovechar la potente tecnología de Préstalo tan solo hay que seguir un sencillo proceso:

  • Se indican los objetivos del crédito en el simulaor de Préstalo

  • Se envía la información para su revisión

  • Préstalo busca el mejor producto financiero y da una respuesta en un periodo máximo de 24 horas

La búsqueda del préstamo online no implica ninguna obligación posterior de contratación, con lo que puedes encontrar las mejores ofertas de créditos de manera totalmente gratuita.  

De esta forma, puedes tomar la mejor decisión contanto con la mayor información y en el menor tiempo posible.  Todo esto con la ayuda de Préstalo. Confía en su tecnología para obtener tu crédito online con las mejores condiciones y en el menor tiempo posible.


ChoicePoint Hit with Fine for Data Breach

January 27, 2006 – Yesterday, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it had reached a settlement agreement to fine ChoicePoint $10 million. The fine is a result of two data breaches last year that exposed personally identifiable financial data of 160,000 consumers to identity thieves. The exposure led to more than 800 cases of identity theft.


Illinois Becomes First State to Launch Identity Theft Hotline

February 9, 2006 – Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has announced that her office has launched an identity theft hotline. The hotline will be staffed with consumer advocates, with the specific task of assisting victims with repairing their credit. It is the first service of its kind offered by any state in the country.


February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unenc

February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unencrypted data about the passport holder. After a storm of protest, the State Department revised the standard to include some encryption. Now, a Dutch television news program has along and broken that encryption in less than two hours. The ramifications of this to passport holders are anything but positive.


Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 présente quelques personnages

Cela fait maintenant plus de cinq ans que l’on suit les tribulations de Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. Entre reports et changements de studio, on n’a pas pu oublier le projet, qui semble enfin sérieusement se rapprocher d’une vraie sortie. La dernière fois qu’on vous en parlait, c’était pour l’annonce d’un dernier report à […]

  • News
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2


Hell Let Loose tease sa prochaine carte : Tobruk

Cela faisait un moment qu’on ne vous avait pas parlé de Hell Let Loose. Et c’est bien dommage, car il reste l’un des meilleurs représentants de sa catégorie : de bonnes sensations et un gameplay tactique, sans pour autant avoir trop de séquences de balade avant de tomber sur de l’action. La semaine dernière, Team […]


Customised Podcasting for businesses and organizations

Customised Podcasting is an excellent information tool for businesses and organizations. started a Customised Podcast Service as a companion to their existing (Competitive Intelligence) briefing documents. More here.


Podcasting for Business

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting for Business


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!
In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Simple steps to optimize an RSS feed for search engines:

Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds


RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization

RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly managed, web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic. RSS feeds should contain compelling themed content with episodic titles that are united in common broad theme. Use RSS feeds as an online marketing and search engine optimization tool. Just as optimizing an HTML web page will increase exposure, so too will an RSS feed that is properly optimized and promoted. Use these simple tips to improve your web feed exposure.

RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization for RSS

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!
In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Search Engine Optimization for RSS


RSS More Than Just News Headlines

The core use for RSS is generally considered news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are learning to use RSS in different ways. Consider RSS as a communication channel that can provide current, targeted information as it appears within a very targeted audience.

Monitoring Newsgroups/Usenet
Google Groups is a free online community and discussion group service that offers the Web's most comprehensive archive of Usenet postings. Google Groups can be monitored using RSS feeds. In order to monitor a specific newsgroup simply add "/feed/msgs.xml" to the end of the Google Group URL. Add the new URL to a newsgroup reader and receive updates each time a new post is added to the newsgroup.

RSS More than Just News Headlines


Questioning Online Credibility

Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world.

Human nature invariably prompts a level of trust;if it is written, it must be true. We live in a generation where we expect authors, editors and publishers that are qualified to write on various topics. What qualifications are required to post a blog, write an online article, or edit a wiki? Some web surfers may find the answer startling: None. Expertise is no longer a prerequisite. Wikipedia is a popular online reference, that frequently obtains top ranking in search engines as a reference source. How many Wikipedia readers realize that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at anytime, regardless of their qualifications.

Questioning Online Credibility


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting For Businesses


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting For Businesses


RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization

RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly managed, web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic. RSS feeds should contain compelling themed content with episodic titles that are united in common broad theme. Use RSS feeds as an online marketing and search engine optimization tool. Just as optimizing an HTML web page will increase exposure, so too will an RSS feed that is properly optimized and promoted. Use these simple tips to improve your web feed exposure.

RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Search Engine Optimization for RSS

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!

In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Simple steps to optimize an RSS feed for search engines:

Search Engine Optimization for RSS


RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization

RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly managed, web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic. RSS feeds should contain compelling themed content with episodic titles that are united in common broad theme. Use RSS feeds as an online marketing and search engine optimization tool. Just as optimizing an HTML web page will increase exposure, so too will an RSS feed that is properly optimized and promoted. Use these simple tips to improve your web feed exposure.

RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization


Podcasting for Business

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting For Businesses


Search Engine Optimization for RSS

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!

In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Search Engine Optimization for RSS


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting For Businesses


Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds

Search Engine Optimization for RSS

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!
In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.
Simple steps to optimize an RSS feed for search engines:

Search Engine Optimiation for RSS Feeds


RSS More Than Just News Headlines

The core use for RSS is generally considered news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are learning to use RSS in different ways. Consider RSS as a communication channel that can provide current, targeted information as it appears within a very targeted audience.

RSS More Than Just News Headlines


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

1. Audio Books

Books that are read aloud are no longer embraced only by the visually impaired. For example, commuters who want to make the most of their travel time have long embraced books-on-tape. The podcast medium is far more compact and portable, so audio books and similar content are now being made available as podcasts.

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

What is podcasting?

Podcasting For Businesses


Questioning Online Credibility

Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world.

Human nature invariably prompts a level of trust;if it is written, it must be true.

Questioning Online Credibility


Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!

In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


RSS More Than Just News Headlines

The core use for RSS is generally considered news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are learning to use RSS in different ways. Consider RSS as a communication channel that can provide current, targeted information as it appears within a very targeted audience.

RSS More Than Just News Headlines


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting For Businesses


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting For Businesses


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting For Businesses


Questioning Online Credibility

Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world.

Questioning Online Credibility


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization

RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly managed, web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic. RSS feeds should contain compelling themed content with episodic titles that are united in common broad theme. Use RSS feeds as an online marketing and search engine optimization tool. Just as optimizing an HTML web page will increase exposure, so too will an RSS feed that is properly optimized and promoted. Use these simple tips to improve your web feed exposure.

RSS Feed Tips to Help Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization for RSS

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!

In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Search Engine Optimization for RSS


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.

Podcasting for Business


RSS More Than Just News Headlines

The core use for RSS is generally considered news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are learning to use RSS in different ways. Consider RSS as a communication channel that can provide current, targeted information as it appears within a very targeted audience.

RSS More Than Just News Headlines


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Search Engine Optimization for RSS

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!
In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Search Engine Optimization for RSS


Questioning Online Credibility

Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world.

Questioning Online Credibility


Podcasting For Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether your company is public, private, a government agency, or a non-profit... there is little doubt that you should consider podcasting. Podcasting is a 21st century medium, and has proven that it is far more than just a passing fad.
What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new communication medium. Podcasting's increasing popularity and low cost of entry makes it a great communication and promotional channel for companies to experiment with.

Podcasting is online audio content, and sometimes video content, that is delivered via an RSS feed.

Podcasting For Businesses


Creative Podcasting for Businesses

Podcasting content comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Businesses are finding many different and creative ways of incorporating podcasts into their business strategies and marketing plans.

Here are just some of the various types of content that businesses are turning into podcasts...
1. Audio Books

Books that are "read" aloud are no longer embraced only by the visually impaired. For example, commuters who want to make the most of their travel time have long embraced books-on-tape. The podcast medium is far more compact and portable, so audio books and similar content are now being made available as podcasts.
2. Audio Tours

Interested in a guided tour of a historic site, or a detailed explanation of a museum display? Audio tour podcasts with detailed explanations are becoming quite common.
3. Sermons

The word of God, Allah, or a bible study discussion are now all popular content for podcast material. It does not really matter the what the religious material might be -- what is important is that by turning those conversations and dialogs into podcasts, their reach is being extended and new audiences are being touched.

Creative Podcasting for Businesses


Questioning Online Credibility

Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue. Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth. Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in the online world.

Human nature invariably prompts a level of trust;if it is written, it must be true. We live in a generation where we expect authors, editors and publishers that are qualified to write on various topics.

Questioning Online Credibility