
Canada: Sustain inclusive growth by reducing housing market risks and overcoming specific skills shortages, says OECD

Canada has experienced solid economic growth since the global crisis, allowing it to reverse recession-induced job losses and put federal public finances on a sound footing, says the OECD. Growth is expected to accelerate from 2.5% this year to 2.7% in 2015.


OECD Ministers reinforce importance of investment for strong, green and inclusive growth

The OECD’s Annual Meeting at Ministerial Level reinforced member governments’ support across a broad range of key OECD work.


Are we getting it right? The importance of assessing and anticipating skill needs

This blog post looks at the importance of assessing and anticipating skill needs as recent empirical literature warns about the negative impact that skills mismatch can have on individuals and economies as a whole.


The growing importance of social skills in the labour market

The fact remains that robots have persistently failed to imitate the most human of skills, such empathy, teamwork, relationship building, etc. While technology may be reducing the demand for some routine skills, it is simultaneously increasing the demand for more difficult-to-automate social skills.


The importance of acquiring and disseminating skills needs information

Agreeing on skill needs is fundamental to develop a coherent response to skills imbalances. This can only be achieved if information is disseminated to all stakeholders in a pro-active way. For this, in turn, there is the need for the developers of skills anticipation exercises to engage their audience more effectively


The importance of high-skill jobs for European regions

High-skilled jobs as an important driver of overall employment growth in the EU and the impact of high-skill job creation goes beyond the highly educated workforce. If European regions are very unequal in terms of high-skill intensity, they are converging slowly.


New data show importance of quality as well as quantity of jobs and how both evolved during crisis

Good pay, labour market security and a decent working environment can go hand in hand with high employment, according to new OECD findings on the quality of jobs in 45 countries.


Measuring skills shortages in real time

Discussion on how technology helps measuring skills shortages in real time


'Saat Uchakkey': Pretentious Yet Entertaining

A cop and robbers story, "Saat Uchakkey" is a pretentiously creative film that offers lessons of life regarding hope, desire and fate.


OECD Ministers reinforce importance of investment for strong, green and inclusive growth

The OECD’s Annual Meeting at Ministerial Level reinforced member governments’ support across a broad range of key OECD work.


OECD study signals the importance of collective efforts by international organisations to improve global standard setting

The role of international organisations (IOs) is critical in the development of rules and standards that can help advance the well-being of citizens in an increasingly globalised world.


Despite certain progress, the OECD remains concerned with Russia’s compliance with key provisions of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

Russia has yet to address key provisions of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, which entered into force in Russia in April 2012. It has not yet fully implemented recommendations for strengthening its framework for combating foreign bribery and should be more proactive in detecting, investigating and prosecuting foreign bribery cases.


Colombia debe abordar importantes lagunas legales para que sus empresas rindan cuentas por los cohechos en el extranjero

Colombia necesita mejorar su capacidad para investigar el cohecho internacional estableciendo un régimen eficaz de responsabilidad corporativa, mejorando la coordinación entre sus numerosas agencias y formando con más rigor a los órganos responsables de la aplicación de la ley.


UK has made strong progress fighting foreign bribery, but uncertainty over Serious Fraud Office role remains

Foreign bribery enforcement in the UK has increased significantly since 2012 notably thanks to the pragmatic and effective approach taken by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) to investigate and resolve foreign bribery cases.


Women leaders can break the mould, interview with Indira Samarasekera, PresidentUniversity of Alberta, Canada

Indira Samarasekera, President of the University of Alberta in Canada, was one of the keynote speakers at this year’s Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) Conference, held at OECD headquarters in Paris this past September. Marilyn Achiron, Editor at the OECD’s Education Directorate, spoke with her about a variety of subjects


International Summit on the Teaching Profession (29-30 March 2015 Banff, Alberta, Canada)

ISTP 2015 will be held in Banff, Alberta, on March 29–30, 2015, and will bring together education ministers and leaders of teachers’ unions and associations from a number of high-performing and rapidly improving education systems.


OECD Ministers reinforce importance of investment for strong, green and inclusive growth

The OECD’s Annual Meeting at Ministerial Level reinforced member governments’ support across a broad range of key OECD work.


Vitamin D deficiency increases COVID-19 mortality, research shows

The finding could explain several mysteries, including why children are unlikely to die from COVID-19.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs’ Aquatic Life Benchmarks now available on eChemPortal

The aquatic life benchmarks (for freshwater species) are based on toxicity values reviewed by EPA and used in the Agency's most recent risk assessments developed as part of the decision-making process for pesticide registration. Each Aquatic Life Benchmark is based on the most sensitive, scientifically acceptable toxicity endpoint available for a given taxon of all scientifically acceptable toxicity data available to EPA.


Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides (EPA HHBP) now searchable on eChemPortal

US Environmental Protection Agency derived the Human health benchmarks for pesticides by applying the health effects data from pesticide registrations to the typical methods used for developing drinking water health advisories. It was developed to enable states, water systems and the public to better determine whether the detection of a pesticide in drinking water or source waters for drinking water may indicate a potential health risk.


The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) database of completed chemical reviews is now searchable in eChemPortal

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) database of completed chemical reviews including (in some cases) detailed risk assessment reports addressing human health and the environment. A review, initiated from new concerns, may lead to the reconsideration of the registration of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in the marketplace if potential risks to safety and performance have been identified.


Co-Operation on Risk Assessment: Prioritisation of Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials - Final Report

This document follows on from a report entitled Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials [ENV/JM/MONO(2012)8]. This report identified a range of issues which the WPMN considered important in risk assessment and which should be addressed in the future. It summarised results of a survey which was circulated to delegations of the WPMN, methodologies used to analyze the survey, and the identified priorities.


The Gefahrstoffdatenbank der Länder is now linked to eChemPortal

The Gefahrstoffdatenbank der Länder, a german database, is now linked to eChemPortal. 102545 substance records can be searched through the substance search. This includes German hazardous substances legislation as well as other sources reflecting the state of technology and occupational health and safety relating to activities involving hazardous substances. In addition, it contains links to various other German data bases.


Help us to help you. A new survey is on-line to collect eChemPortal user feedback

eChemPortal uses are encouraged to respond to the on-line survey. Your use of the portal, your expectations, information, substance search, property search, structure search, design and layout. Your answers will help us improve eChemPortal - the Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances, worldwide source of information about chemicals from authorities and international organisations, to meet your needs.


The joint Substance Data Pool of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States (GSBL) is the 30th database linked to eChemPortal

The Joint Substance Data Pool of the German Federal Government and Federal States (GSBL) is now linked to eChemPortal. Records contain information on physical and chemical properties, on ecotoxicological and toxicological parameters and on environmental fate. They provide descriptions of environmental hazards, health dangers, fire and other technical hazards and give information on relevant chemicals-related legislation.


eChemPortal: Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances

The OECD releases a video tutorial on how to find GHS information in eChemPortal through the substance search and how to search by GHS classification. Currently 11 databases provide GHS information, independent of whether the classifications have undergone a review by a regulatory body or intergovernmental organisation or are based on self-classifications by the producers or importers.


All-important caveat would be lost


Foreign killers could avoid deportation if healthcare in home countries is worse than the NHS

The landmark judgment - which risks throwing the Government's deportation policy into chaos - has already delayed the case of gang rapist Yaqub Ahmed, who was supposed to be deported.


The Veronicas' Lisa and Jessica Origliasso say sick mother more important than clash with Qantas

The Veronicas' Lisa and Jessica Origliasso have spoken out about their mother's health battle.


Qantas reveals the most watched movies and songs on inflight entertainment this year

Australia's most popular airline Qantas has released the names of the most watched movies, box sets and comedies on its inflight entertainment system ahead of the new year.


Multi Reach Media Pvt Ltd vs Zee Entertainment Enterprise Ltd on 24 January, 2020

2. The subscriber reports furnished by the petitioner since the introduction. of new regime from 01.02.2019 as per new Regulations and Tariff Order of 2017 were not in accordance with the legal requirement. In the notice, the respondent had alleged under-reporting of subscribers in respect of its channels and later also alleged that petitioner was redistributing Zee Bangla channel in unencrypted mode. As the earlier orders would disclose, technical audit held under the orders of this Tribunal was not a smooth affair. The audit report of KPMG is on record. The parties have filed their response to the audit report. Some of the initial difficulties in the audit and reasons for delay of several months will appear from orders passed on 23.07.2019 and also some of the subsequent orders. The initial shortcomings in the petitioner's system are clear not only from the facts available on record and in the order sheets but also from reports of technical audit of petitioner's system prepared 'at the instance of some other broadcasters. As an interim measure, provisional bills were directed to be raised by the respondent on the basis of subscriber reports of the petitioner but it has been made clear that this arrangement shall not prejudice the claim of the respondent for a higher amount, if justified.


Indusind Media & Communications ... vs Lemon Entertainment Ltd on 20 March, 2020

2. Yhe petitioner company carries on the business of receiving signals from Pt gh ei ae broadcasters of various television channels and of redistributing the same thr franchisee cable network. The respondent company carries on business as a broadeaster/content provider. Both the purlies are service providers and as such amenable to the jurisdiction of this Tebunal,

3. Through this petition, the petitioner is seek dng recovery of Re.4d0 98 000/.

aid to be the oufstand) me dues inelusive of interest as on 1s 03 2016 along with os interest @ 18% till the date of realization from the re Spondent. The dues are a towards carriage fee for the services availed by the respondent trom the petitioner for carnage of its television channels.


Electric cars: Five important questions answered by Which?

Consumer group Which? has given us its exclusive expert answers to five of the key questions buyers are asking about electric vehicles right now.


Jessica Ennis-Hill became a track giant and is comfortably among all-time five greatest British female athletes

DALEY THOMPSON: Ennis-Hill would be among the five greatest British female athletes of all time and, had she not suffered a few injuries over the years, she could have been one of our best athletes in history.


Foreign killers could avoid deportation if healthcare in home countries is worse than the NHS

The landmark judgment - which risks throwing the Government's deportation policy into chaos - has already delayed the case of gang rapist Yaqub Ahmed, who was supposed to be deported.


Transfer news: Nemanja Matic 'offered to AC Milan and Inter' with Man United future uncertain

Manchester United are willing to let Nemanja Matic leave the club after offering him to AC Milan and Inter Milan, according to Calciomercato. 


Khloe Kardashian elaborately toilet papers sister Kourtney's mansion amid worldwide shortage

Amid the worldwide toilet paper shortage, Khloé Kardashian plastered her older sister Kourtney's home with the highly sought-after paper good. 


Marcus Rashford says he would NOT ban racist online accounts but it's important to stand up to them

The Manchester United striker, 22, was subject to a barrage of abuse after missing a penalty in a 2-1 defeat to Crystal Palace last year.


Mizoram records 10 per cent drop in Infant Mortality Rate

Mizoram has registered a 10 per cent drop in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in 2019-20 fiscal, making it to the second spot in the country after Nagaland. State health minister R Lalthangliana said the IMR has dropped from 15 per cent to 5 per cent (per 1000 live births), citing the latest Sample Registration System (SRS) bulletin. With 10-point drop in IMR in 2019-20, Mizoram is the best-performing state in the country, he said. Over the past three years, the state has achieved 27- point drop in IMR. The minister attributed the achievement to efforts of healthcare workers and support of people. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan had on Saturday congratulated Mizoram and Lalthangliana on the achievement. The state had recorded 21 per cent IMR in 2016-2017, with 405 infants dying before attaining the age of one. During 2017-18, it fell to 20 per cent, and the following year to 15 per cent. According to Sample Registration System (SRS) bulletin released recently, Nagaland tops ..


A certain ruthlessness

The day the Uttar Pradesh election results came in, I was having lunch with a friend in Mumbai. "Mayavati appears to be the Jayalalithaa of the North," he said; the more I thought about it, the more the comparison made sense. Ramachandra Guha lists the similarities between the power women of the North and South.


3 AAA Rated Deposits That You Can Invest Even In Uncertain Times

We are living in unprecedented times. Businesses are getting impacted rapidly, interest rates are falling and a bank like Yes Bank, had to be bailed out. Even as interest rates are low, it is time to look at deposits from non


4 Places To Invest In Times Of Uncertainty

The last few months have seen share prices fall like nine pins, interest rates on fixed deposits collapse and even moratorium being placed on withdrawals of a particular bank. At such times, it is very important to look for safety and


Increasing Importance Of Construction Workers' Hygiene And Cleanliness

The Indian realty sector and its current condition is going to have a profound impact on the country's economy. This is because of a large number of individuals and businesses depend on the sector as it alone contributes 7-8% to the


Kerala CM Extends Mother's Day Wishes, Says State Has Brought Down Infant Mortality Rate

Vijayan said while the national average for IMR was 32 per 1,000 births, the state has only seven.


Mother's Day 2020: Important Nutrients Breastfeeding Mothers Should Not Miss

Mother's Day: Mother should get their daily dose of essential nutrients. Breastfeeding moms should stay hydrated. Avoid smoking and alcohol and don't skip your meals.


Will pay for transportation of 9.5k migrants says Congress

New Delhi, May 10: The Delhi Congress has forwarded two lists of nearly 9,500 migrant workers to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal saying that they want to return back to their native states and the party is ready to pay for their


Chitrangda Singh: Important To Take Care Of Women's Mental Health During Lockdown

Actor Chitrangda Singh believes it is important to focus on the mental health of women during the lockdown and the whole family needs to come together to help her. The actor also urged women to not push themselves too hard to


YUKTI Portal Launched By MHRD To Combat Coronavirus

Human Resource Development Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank has launched a web-portal YUKTI (Young India Combating COVID with Knowledge, Technology and Innovation). This unique portal will deal with the efforts and initiatives of MHRD during these difficult times caused by Novel Coronavirus


Vijay Deverakonda Likely To Take Legal Action Against Portals Who Posted Fake News About Him

A few days ago, Vijay Deverakonda expressed his anger against websites publishing fake news about him. For those who are unversed, in a recent video, angry Vijay revealed that some websites spread fake news against his charitable trust, which gained all